
































例如句子1:老师说:“你明天不用来上课了。”吸引学生将学生带入课堂,句子 2 :小红对班长说:“明天我有事,你帮







“我们”要改为第三人称“ 他”、“她”或“他们“、” 她们“。









(3)引述句改为转述句,第三人称“他”或“她” 和为第一人称“ 我”互改,说话内容涉及第一人称应改为


女口:老班长说:“ 我没有完成任务,没把你们照顾好。” 改:老班长说,他没有完成任务,没把我们照顾好。










1. 肯定句改反问句





2. 否定句改反问句将否定句中的否定词(不是、不能、不会等)改为肯定词(是、能、会等)。




3. 双重否定句改反问句


















专 项 练 习姓名:

句型转换专项练习 一“把”字句与“被”字句互换。 1.父亲把我带到小房间里。(改为“被”字句) 2.正是这些发现和发明,使人类的生活大大改观。 改为“把”字句: 改为“被”字句: 3.女娲被一阵轰隆隆的巨大响声震醒了。(改为“把”字句) 3.我们把风筝叫作“幸福鸟”。(改为“被”字句) 二给句子换个说法,保持意思不变。(改为陈述句) 1.猎狗愣住了,它怎么能料到老麻雀会有这么大的勇气呢? 2.鹅有什么可怕的?

3.为人类造福,有什么错? 4.这么深的感情怎么能忘记呢? 三、选一选,下列句子用了中哪些修辞方法。(填序号) A.比喻 B.拟人 C.排比 D.设问 E.夸张 F.反问 1.当四周很安静的时候,蟋蟀就在这平台上弹琴。( ) 2.靠什么呼风唤雨呢?靠的是现代科学技术。( ) 3.照亮了高高的点苍山,照亮了村头的大青树,照亮了村间的大道和小路。( ) 4.突然,一只老麻雀从一棵树上飞下来,像一块石头似的落在猎狗面前。() 5.围观的中国人都紧握着拳头,但这是在外国人的地盘里,谁又敢怎么样呢?( ) 5.在漆黑的夜里,飞机是怎么做到安全飞行的呢?原来是人们从蝙蝠身上得到

了启示。( ) 7.桂子花开,十里飘香。( ) 四、把句子写具体。(扩句) 1.风摇撼着白桦树。 风摇撼着白桦树。 2.大家劝慰这个女人。 大家劝慰这个女人。 3.青草丛中隐藏着一条隧道。 青草丛中隐藏着一条」的隧道。 4.盘古这个巨人就像一根柱子,撑在天和地之间,不让它们重新合拢。

5.我们喊叫着,在田野里奔跑。 我们地喊叫着,在田野里地奔跑。 二、把句子写具体。 1.风摇撼着白桦树。 风( )摇撼着( )白桦树。 2.大家劝慰这个女人。 大家( )劝慰这个( )女人。 3.青草丛中隐藏着一条隧道。 青草丛中隐藏着一条( )的隧道。


2015年中考英语复习二轮专项练习—句型转换练习题及答案 句型转换(5分) 1.The movie is very exciting.(改为感叹句) _________ ________ exciting movie ! 2. There is some milk in the bottle.(改为一般疑问句) _________ there ________ milk in the bottle? 3.We had a good time last night. (保持句意基本不变)We ________ ________ last night. 4.The girl eats little to make herself slim.(对划线部分提问) _________ _________ the girl eat little ? 5.Tonny has ten story books. Jimmy has five story books. (保持句意基本不变) Tonny has ________ books _______ Jimmy. 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。 6.He did his homework last night. (改为否定句) He __________ __________ his homework last night. 7.The kid is playing the piano at the school music club. (对划线部分提问) __________ is the kid __________ the piano? 8.Visitors love this city because it has historical sights and delicious food. (改为同义句) Visitors love this city ________ ________its historical sights and delicious food. 9.他两个月没有收到他儿子的信了。(完成译句) He hasn’t ________ ________ his son for two months. 句型转换:(共5小题,共计5分,每空0.5分) 10.He can play the guitar.(改为一般疑问句) he __________the guitar ? 11.It’s ten forty now. (对画线部分提问) __________ is it now? 12.She usually takes the bus to school. (改为同义句) She usually goes to school________ _________. 13.You can’t run in the hallways. (改为祈使句)________ _________ in the hallways! 14.She wants to join the English club. ( 对画线部分提问 )________ club_______ she want to join? 句型转换(每空1分,共10分) 15.I can sing English songs.(变一般疑问句) __________ _________ sing English songs? 16.She usually gets up at six. (就划线部分提问) ____________ __________ does she usually get up? 17.Jack goes to school by bike. (就划线部分提问) ___________ __________ Jack go to school? 18.Can Lily and Lucy swim? (作否定回答) ___________ , they ___________. 19.school / your / from / it / is / how far / home / to / ?(连词成句)______________________________________________________________________________ 句型转换(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 20.I eat dinner in the evening. (就画线部分提问) you eat dinner? 21.They get home at 7:30 pm.(改为同义句)。They get home at 7:30 the . 22.David can play the guitar. (改成一般疑问句) ____ ___ David ___ ___ the guitar? 23.I can sing and dance. (改成否定句) I ______ sing ________dance. 24.want, join, art, they, club, to, the (连词成句) _________________________________________________ . 句型转换。根据要求完成下列句子,一空一词。(每空1分,共10分) 25.Your key is on the floor. (对划线部分提问) ___________ ___________ your key?


一同义词互相转换 1 alone=by oneself We finished the work alone./by ourselves. 2 actually=in fact Actually, this question is very easy./ In fact, this question is very easy. 3 also=too=as well He’s also a member of us./He’s a member of us, too./He’s a member of us as well. 4 another=one more I’m afraid you have to wait for another ten minutes./I’m afraid you have to wait ten more minutes. 5 arrive in(at)/=get to=reach When she arrived in/got to/reached America, she suddenly felt lonely. 6 iat once=right now Run home at once=Run home right now. 7 continue/go on Let’s continue/go on reading the passage. 8 cost=spend=take=pay (1)I spent ten yuan of/(in) buying this book../This book cost me ten yuan./I paid ten yuan for this book. (2)It took us three days to fulfill this task./We spent three days on this task/in fulfilling this task. 9 cross=go across Before crossing/going across the road, please look both sides. 10 sometimes/=t times He is a good man, but he can be really bad-tempered sometimes./at times. 11 die/=ose one’s life Those people died/lost their lives during the earthquake. 12 now/at the moment She is talking about the problem with her classmates now./at the moment 13 else=other What else/other things can you see in the picture? 14 then=t that moment/at that time She was shopping then/at that moment/at that time, so she knew nothing about it. 15 like/love/enjoy/be fond of/be interested in/care for She likes/enjoys/loves/is fond of/is interested in/cares for collecting stamps very much. 16 will/be going to/be about to The teachers will/are going to/are about to have a meeting tomorrow afternoon. 17 want/would like Do you want to go abroad to study further?/Would you like to go abroad to study further/ 18 can/be able to/have the ability to do Can you tell me the way to the library?/Are you able to tell me the way to the library?/Do you have the ability to tell me the way to the library? 19 visit/call on Lin Tao visited/called on his grandparents last week. 20 favorite/like best What’s your favorite sport?/What sport do you like best? 21 happen/take place What happened?/What took place?


2017年初三英语二模句型转换汇编 2017年宝山区二模 V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子。(62-67题)每空格限填一词):(共14分) 62. They will have to pay tax on the medals they win. (改为否定句)。 They _______ _________to pay tax on the medals they win. 63. Tom has been a Youth League for two years.(对划线部分提问) ________ ___________has Tom been a Youth League? 64. The building was owned by a local businessman.(保持句意基本不变) The building ________ __________a local businessman. 65. If we turn the story into a film , it will be very popular. (改为被动语态) If the story _____________into a film , it will be very popular. 66. The church was too small to hold the wounded , sick soldiers. (保持句意基本不变) The church wasn’t _______ ________to hold the wounded , sick soliders. 67. “ Where were you at the time of the robbery ? “ asked the policeman. The policeman asked ______ _________at the time of the robbery . 68. take charge of , suggest , Peter , the volunteer project , I should (连词成句) ___________________________________________________ 2017年杨浦区二模 V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子。(62-67题)每空格限填一词):(共14分) 62. They will have to pay tax on the medals they win. (改为否定句)。 They _______ _________to pay tax on the medals they win. 63. Tom has been a Youth League for two years.(对划线部分提问) ________ ___________has Tom been a Youth League? 64. The building was owned by a local businessman.(保持句意基本不变) The building ________ __________a local businessman. 65. If we turn the story into a film , it will be very popular. (改为被动语态) If the story _____________into a film , it will be very popular. 66. The church was too small to hold the wounded , sick soldiers. (保持句意基本不变) The church wasn’t _______ ________to hold the wounded , sick soliders. 67. “ Where were you at the time of the robbery ? “ asked the policeman. The policeman asked ______ _________at the time of the robbery . 68. take charge of , suggest , Peter , the volunteer project , I should (连词成句) ___________________________________________________ 2017年崇明区二模 V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每空格限填一词。68题注意句首大写)(共14分) 62. Fred sent his friend some flowers to wish her a happy birthday .(改为否定句) Fred ________send his friend ________flowers to wish her a happy birthday . 63. The patient is supposed to take the medicine three times a day .( 对划线部分提问)。 ___________ _____________is the patient supposed to take the medicine? 64. Chris doesn’t like playing computer games . Grace doesn’t like it , either .(合并为一句) _________ Chris _________Grace likes playing computer games .


初中英语句型转换专项练习 一、用同义词(组)或近义词(组)改写。 1. The children are wearing beautiful clothes. The children are _____beautiful clothes. 2. Every day, Yao Ming receives E-mails from thousands of basketball fans. Every day,Yao Ming _____thousands of basketball fans. 3. Mr. Smith is working. Mr. Smith is__________ __________. 简析:英语中有不少同义、近义词(组),在平时学习中要注意总结归纳。如:enjoy oneself/have a good time, look after/take care of, difficult/hard, can/be able to, over/more than, receive(get)a letter from/hear from等等。 二、用反义词(组)改写。 4. Chinese is more popular than Japanese. Japanese is ___popular ______Chinese. 5. The runner couldn't catch up with the others in the race. The runner __ __the others in the race. 6. A computer is more useful than a VCD. A VCD is not ____useful __a computer. 简析:此类转换应注意有时主语位置 会改变,并要特别总结归纳反义词(组)。如:new-old, big-small, long-short, more than-less than等。 三、用同义句型改写。 7. Ann spent two weeks getting ready for the exams. It ___Ann two weeks to ____ready for the exams. 8.She spent 30 dollars on the English-Chinese dictionary. The English-Chinese dictionary __ __30 dollars. 简析:此类转换必须弄清每个句型的 构成特点,而且还要注意句中每个句 型的固定搭配。如:give sb. sth.与give sth. to sb.的转换,spend some time(in)doing sth./on sth.与It takes sb.some time to do sth.的转换等等。 四、二句并一句转换为简单句。 9. Jim doesn't like noodles,and Jack doesn't, either. ____Jim ____Jack likes noodles. 10. Mrs. Smith is my teacher. She is also my good friend. Mrs. Smith is_____ ____my teacher____ ____my good friend. 简析:英语中常用not only... but also,either... or,neither... nor,both... and等连词把两个意义相关的简单句合并成一 个简单句。解题过程中要注意连词的


《数据结构》 课程设计报告书 题目:数制转换 系别:计算机科学与应用系学号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 完成日期:2013—6—1

数制转换 1.需求分析 任意给定一个M进制的数x ,实现如下要求 1)求出此数x的10进制值(用MD表示) 2)实现对x向任意的一个非M进制的数的转换。 3)至少用两种或两种以上的方法实现上述要求(用栈解决,用数组解决,其它方法解决)。 2.概要设计 程序流程可以用以下流程图来刻画: A用数组实现 B用栈实现 3.详细设计 A.用数组实现该问题 D2M()函数和M2D()函数是实现该问题的主要函数。D2M()函数是实现十进制转换为其他进制的函数,它是将输入的十进制数x首先对需要转换的进制M取余,然后在对其取整,接着通过递归调用D2M()函数一次将得到的整数部分一次先取余后取整,并将所得的余数依次存入下一数组,然后逆向去除数组中的元素,即得到转换后的结果。而M2D()函数是实现其他进制M转换为十进制,并将其转换为非M进制。M进制转十进制则是从该M 进制数的

最后一位开始运算,依次列为第0、1、2、……..N位并分别乘以M的0、1、2、…..N次方,将得到的次方相加便得到对应的十进制数,再调用D2M()函数将其转换为非M进制的数。 B.用栈实现 栈具有后进先出的性质,具体实现方法和数组的方法有很大联系,不再过多解释。 4.调试分析 (1)构造栈的方法通过查阅书籍知道了。 (2)数组的递归调用查阅相关书籍了解了。 (3)为了让界面表达更清晰,多次调试完善了界面。 5.测试结果 下面是我的测试函数及运行结果: A.数组测试结果


句型转换的方法 一.肯定句变否定句 1.句子中有be或者can,在be或者can后加not。 1) I am a student. → I am not a student. 2) They are blue . → They aren’t blue. 3) He is Tom. → He isn’t Tom 2.无be动词或can,谓语是动词原形,在动词前加don’t。 ) I have a book . → I don’t have a book. 2) They like Chine se . → They don’t like Chinese. 3) We come from China. → We don’t come from China. 3.无be动词或者can,并且谓语动词是第三人称单数,在动词前加doesn’t,动词用原形。 1)She has a basketball. →She doesn’t have a basketball 2)Maria likes China. → Maria doesn’t like China. 3)Jane comes from the U.S.A. →Jane doesn’t come from the U.S.A. 变否定句some要变成any 练习:将下列句子变成否定句。 1. I am a teacher. → I ______ a teacher. 2. We are students. → We ________ students. 3. Jane is a girl. → Jane ____ a girl. 4. They like English. → They _____ like Chinese 5. I come from China. → I _______ come from China. 6. He likes Chinese. → He_______ like Chinese. 7. Maria comes from Cuba. →Maria______ come from Cuba. 8. We know Maria. → We ________ know Maria 二.肯定句变一般疑问句 1.句子中有be或者can,把be或者can提到句首,第一人称I,we改为第二人称 you 1) I am a student. →Are you a student? 2) They are blue. →Are they blue? 3) He is Tom. →Is he Tom? 2.无be动词或can,并且谓语是动词原形,在句首加do。 1).I have a book . →Do you have a book? 2) They like Chinese . →Do they like Chinese? 3) We come from China. →Do you come from C hina? 3.无be动词或者can,谓语动词是第三人称单数,在句首加Does,动词用原形。 1) She has a basketball . →Does she have a basketball? 2) Maria likes China. → Does Maria like China? 3) Jane comes from the U.S.A. →Does Jane come from the U.S.A? 4) She knows Maria. → Does she know Maria? 变疑问句some要变成any


2018年全国中考英语真题地区汇编(句型转换) 一、句型转换(共8题;共16分) 1.The newly-opened supermarket had something on sale last Sunday. (改为一般疑问句)________ the newly-opened supermarket ________ anything on sale last Sunday? 2.We will travel to the Great Wall after the exam. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ you travel after the exam. 3.Why don't you watch a talk show? (改为同义句) ________ ________ watch a talk show? 4.They will study abroad after they finish high school. (改为同义句)They won't study abroad ________ they ________ high school. 5.The boys can play chess in the afternoon. (改为否定句) They boys ________ ________ chess in the afternoon. 6.I go to the movies once a week. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ do you go to the movies? 7.Jeff played tennis with his classmates yesterday. (改为否定句) Jeff ________ ________ tennis with his classmates yesterday. 8.My sister will take care of my cat when I am on holiday. (改为同义句) My sister will ________ ________ my cat when I am on holiday. 二、连词成句(共1题;共5分) 9.A)连词成句,将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。 (1)it, outside, hot, is ________? (2)on time, to, remember, arrive ________. (3)for lunch, we, what, do, have ________? (4)a cup of, Lucy, me, tea, brought ________. (5)your, beautiful, are, how, kites ________! 第1页共1页

初一英语句型转换练习 (2)

初一英语句型转换练习 一、按要求完成句子(要求:A:改为一般疑问句B:改为否定句) 1. I am a student.→A: B: 2. They are English cars. →A: B: 3. This is a pencil-box. →A: B: 4. Its name is Polly. →A: B: 5. These are my English books. →A: B: 6. I know his name. →A: B: 7. Please look after your cat. →A: B: 8. There is some money in the purse. →A: B: 9. There are many apples on the tree. →A: B: 10. You can go to have a look. →A: B: 11. Come here, please. →: 二、回答句子(A:肯定回答B:否定回答) 1. Are you a teacher? →A: B: 2. Is this your ruler? →A: B: 3. Are those banana trees? →A: B: 4. Is there a picture on the wall? →A: B: 5. Are there any trees on the hill? →A: B: 6. Can you see a bird in the sky? →A: B: 7. Do you know Mr Wang? →A: B: 三、单复数句变换(把单数的句子变成复数,复数的变成单数): 1.Is this your box? →: 2.There is a boy in the picture. → 3.That is his new book. → 4.It is a Chinese car. → 5.She is a woman worker. → 6.We have many old pictures. → 7.Are those English books? → 8.They are Japanese students. → 9.Who are those men over there? → 10.They are some policemen. → 四、将下列句子改为选择疑问句: 1.Tom is in Class Three.(用Class Two)→_________ Tom in Class Three __________ Class Two? 2.Sam is eleven. (用twelve)→___________ Sam eleven ___________ twelve? 3.Is she in Team Two? Is she in Team Three? (合并)→ 4.The girl is Lucy.(用Lily)→___________ the girl Lucy ___________ Lily? 5.Your English teacher is a man.(用a woman)→___your English teacher a man ___ a woman? 6.The tree is big.(用small)→________ the tree big _________ small?


数制及数制转换案例分析 1.几种常用的计数体制 日常生活中最常使用的是十进制数(如563),但在数字系统中特别是计算机中,多采用二进制、十六进制,有时也采用八进制的计数方式。无论何种记数体制任何一个数都是由整数和小数两部分组成的。 1) 十进制数(Decimal) (1) 当所表示的数据是十进制时,可以无须加标注意,即十进制数576可以表示为: (576)10=576 (2) 特点如下。 ①由10个不同的数码0、1、2、…、9和一个小数点组成。 ②采用“逢十进一”的运算规则。 例如(213.71)10=2×102+1×101+3×100+7×10-1+1×10-2 102、101、100、10-1、10-2 称为权或位权,10为其计数基数。 在实际的数字电路中采用十进制十分不便,因为十进制有十个数码,要想严格的区分开必须有十个不同的电路状态与之相对应,这在技术上实现起来比较困难。因此在实际的数字电路中一般是不直接采用十进制的。 2) 二进制数(Binary) (1) 表示:(101.01)2 (2) 特点如下。 ①由两个不同的数码0、1 和一个小数点组成。 ②采用“逢二进一、借一当二”的运算规则。 3) 八进制(Octal) (1) 表示:(106.4)8 (2) 特点如下。 ①由8 个不同的数码0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7和一个小数点组成。 ②采用“逢八进一、借一当八”的运算规则。 4) 十六进制(Hexadecimal) (1) 表示:(2A5)6 (2) 特点如下。 ①由16 个不同的数码0、1、2、…、9、A、B、C、D、E、F 和一个小数点组成,其中A~F 分别代表十进制数10~15。 ②采用“逢十六进一、借一当十六”的运算规则。 2.数制转换 十进制数符合人们的计数习惯且表示数字的位数也较少;二进制适合计算机和数字系统


一、 陈述句改否定句的方法——一步法 1. 有 be 动词(is are am were was)/情态动词(can,could, will, would, shall, should,must,may)的。在 be 动 词/情态动词后加 not。 2. 无 be 动词/情态动词,一般现在时在实意动词前加 don’t 第三人称单数前 doesn't/一般过去式 didn’t。 3 加 doesn't/ did n’t 的句子注意,句子动词要变成原型。 二、 陈述句改一般疑问句的方法——三步法 1. 有 be 动词/情态动词:be 动词/情态动词提到句首,其余照抄,(some 改成 any,第一人称变为第二人称 my 改成 your , I 改成 you, we 改成 you, our 改成 your )句末用问号。 2. 无 be 动词/情态动词,只有实意动词的,在句首加 Do/Does/Did,其余照抄,(some 改成 any,第一人称变 为第二人称 my 改成 your , I 改成 you, we 改成 you, our 改成 your )句末用问号。 3. 加 Does、did 的句子注意,句子动词要变成原型。 例如 陈述句: 否定句 一般疑问句: They are in the park. They are not in the park. Are they in the park? He can play the guitar. He can not play the guitar. Can he play the guitar? He likes the dogs. He doesn't like the dogs Does he like the dogs?
把下列句子变成一般疑问句和 否定句 1. I am listening to music. 2 Tom likes listening to music 3. Sarah can clean the classroom. 4. I put a book on my head. 5. There were some flowers in the vase. 6. We play basketball on Sundays. 7 I go to see my parents once a month. 8. She needs some masks. 9. They like making the puppet. _______________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ______________________
10.SuHai and Su Yang lived in a new house. ________________________ ____________________
意思 who whom what 谁 谁 什么 用法 问人的身份,姓 名等 问人的身份,姓 名等(问宾语) 例句 He is LiLie He is my brother. Who is he ? Who is he ?
I can ask him the question. Whom can you ask the question? What is he? What does he have ?
问职业或事物、 He is a worker. 内容是什么 He has a book.


【2016上海市杨浦区三模】Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每空格限填一词。 68题注意句首大写): (共14分) 62. On Sundays, he seldom stays in the house. (改为反义疑问句) On Sundays, he se ldom stays in the house, __________ __________? 63. This jacket is mine. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ this jacket? 64. If you have a question, please raise your hand. (保持句意基本不变) If you have a question, please __________ __________ your hand. 65. He spread all his books and papers all over the table. (改为被动语态) All his books and papers _________ _________ all over the table. 66. People used to eat more bread than they do nowadays. (保持句意基本不变) People don't eat __________ __________ bread as they used to. 67. “Who teaches you physics?” my friend asked. (改为宾语从句) My friend asked ________ ________ me physics. 68. will search, the police, anyone missing, the building, for (连词成句) _______________________________________________. V. 62.doe s he 63. Whose is 64.put up 65.were spread 66.as/so much 67.who taught


一、句型专项练习(后附答案) 1.I know the answer.(一般疑问句) know the answer? 2.We can see some birds.(一般疑问句) see birds? 3.There is a computer in my house.(一般疑问句) a computer in house? 4.There are some flowers on the teachers'desk.(一般疑问句) flowers on the teachers'desk? 5.There are some apples on the tree.(否定式) There apples on the tree. 6.I think he is very old.(否定句) I think he very old. 7.Please colour it green.(否定句) colour it green. 8.We can speak good English.(变否定句) We speak good English. 9.Thank you for helping me.(同义句) Thank you for . 10.There aren't any pears in thebox.(同义句) There are pears in the box. 11.Whose are these clothes?(同义句) are these? 12.Let me look at your book.(同义句) Let me your book. 13.Her sweater is red.(对划线部分提问) is her sweater? 14.My pencils are in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问) your pencils? 15.I get up at six every day.(对划线部分提问) do you get up every day? 16.There are fifty students in my class.(对划线部分提问) students are there in your class? 17.These are cars.(用buses 改写成选择疑问句) Are these cars ? 18.The book is in my schoolbag.(变否定疑问句) the book in your school-bag? 19.Two boys are in our house.(改为 there be 句型) two boys in our house. 20.Can't you find the map?(作肯定回答) ,I .
