
The Comparison of
Heroism Between Chinese
andAmericans from
Assembly and Die Hard

Hero is refers to characters who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position
of weakness, display courage and the will for self-sacrifice. Heroism is the qualities or
attributes of a hero or heroine. Movie is a visual art, there are many movies to show
heroism directly. Which are representative such as Braveheart, Die Hard, Ip Man,
Assembly. Compare the differences between Chinese and Americans movie, we know
that there are many different between two country. How can we learn the from each
other and show the best thing to others, it is a good question to consider.
This paper is divided into four parts. The first part introduce the definition of heroism
and movies Assembly and Die hard. Second part compare the differences of heroism
between Chinese and Americans from four different angles. The third part analysis the
reasons of heroism differences between Chinese and Americans. Analysis from movie
ideology, values and family education. At last conclude the differences, we know that
differences are not only in the movies, but also in our daily life.
Key words: heroism; movie; Assembly; Die Hard
from Assembly and Die Hard
The Comparison of Heroism Between Chinese andAmericans from
Assembly and Die Hard
1. Introduction................................................................................................................1
1.1 Definition of heroism........................................................................................1
1.2 Assembly and Die Hard.....................................................................................1
2. Differences of Heroism B

etween Chinese andAmericans........................................ 3
2.1 Collectivism v.s. individualism.........................................................................4
2.2 Happy Ending v.s. sad Ending.......................................................................... 6
2.3 Nation orientation v.s. family orientation..........................................................7
2.4 Perfect Hero v.s. Imperfect Hero.......................................................................8
3. Reasons of heroism differences between Assembly and Die hard........................... 11
3.1 Chinese and Americans movie ideology.........................................................11
3.2 Values..............................................................................................................12
3.3 Family Education............................................................................................15
4. Conclusion................................................................................................................19
1. Introduction
1.1 Definition of heroism
In Cihai
, it’s explained as people who had initiative completed a great
significant mission that show bravery, tenacious and self-sacrifice. According to
wikipedia, “A hero (masculine) or heroine (feminine) refers to characters who, in the
face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and the
will for self-sacrifice—that is, heroism—for some greater good of all humanity. This
definition originally referred to martial courage or excellence but extended to more
general moral excellence.” Heroism is demonstrated by specific case or character, but
its core value has special charm to cross the history and spatiotemporal. Heroism not
only has general social significance, but also should pay attention at its personality
formation. In Peri Hupsous
, it’s said this personality likened to the echoes of the
great soul. In case people lose it, numbness, indifferent, petty will ensued, life become
dark and inferiority, and missed freedom. Therefore, we can say real heroism was not
just a history, not individual behavior of a few heroes. It is close to our cultivation of
life and personality improvement.
1.2 Assembly and Die Hard
Assembly is a movie whose background is the Chinese civil war, the Korean
war and the early days of Chinese. It was adapted from Yang Ziyuan’s novel Guansi
The main plot is about China’s War of Liberation, Commander Gu Zidi
(we called Gu
at the following) lead 47 soldiers of Number Nine Company to cover the forces
pullout, and they must stick to heat assembly. At last all company fall in battle

Command Gu. The war change Gu’s life, because serial number changed, 47 martyr
have be identified as disappeared. In order to figure out the truth of assembly and get
the justice for teammates, Gu began to search these information difficult. The movie
from Assembly and Die Hard
told us heroism is not individualism, is an attitude about responsibility and respect to
life. It let us known that life should be respected, life is hopeful. Maybe we paid we
did not gain, but it must be remembered by someone else, that is what Gu is doing in
the movie. Even though the passing can not resurrection, but the value of life should
not erase it easily, each tiny animal should be respected. For brotherhood, for human
conscience, Gu tried his best to get the “honor” back which his teammate should
Die Hard is a movie about a feelings of a frustrate man, with a stiff appearance,
rude, and love crisis always trouble him. He is an unlucky man, always got in trouble
at Christmas eve. Get into the devil’s lair alone unwillingly, fight with the terrorists.
His name is John McClane
. An unlucky New York Police with humor and
intelligence and strong physique to flaunt American individual heroism. He just like a
mustang at battlefield, no matter how evil they are he never flinch. Impossible
missions one by one created this classic Hollywood movie----Die Hard. Die Hard
series is one of the most famous gangster movie since in the late 1980s. Die hard was
shot in 1988, although it was thrills and makes audience on tenterhooks, but the main
purpose was saving his wife and his marriage. In addition, story’s background is
Christmas, pay attention to family was in fashion at 1980s. It was increasing humanity
and truth for the leading man in an action movie. The whole action scenes confined in
a closed high-rise buildings occurred, without any backup lead a new wave of
American action movie. Hollywood movie including intension, stimulation, shootout,
love, racing, both stressAmerican individual heroism.
2. Differences of Heroism Between Chinese andAmericans
Whether it is Chinese or American heroism movie, there must have a great
character. What heroes have in common is a great charisma and wonderful qualities
such as faith, determination, kindness, etc. They all have indomitable spirit, even in
the face of setbacks and failure, they will not give up easily, everyone has faith in
their heart. The hero, their purpose is often a very common thing. Such as Gu in
Assembly, all he did is to get justice for he dead teammates. And John in Die Hard,he
just wanted to save his wife. But in order to achieve their purpose, they always refuse
to be cowed or submit. Love in their hearts have high component, both brothers love
or affection. Heroes dared to resist personality, living a life of adventure, and also
shows the characteristics of idealism. The spirit of resistance is an important thing to
the hero, and the spiri

t of adventure can not be ignored. Heroes’ adventures
manifestations in a variety of social situations, include not only “academic adventure”
to seek better educational opportunities and self-development opportunities, but also
“revolutionary adventure” in order to achieve some sort of ambition or ideal. In fact,
in a sense, the risk in the heroic achievements often play a pivotal role. In the final
analysis, the hero in the movie has a firm belief and general good heart. That is they
have kind-hearted and willing to help others, even if they are in danger. People can be
obtained a sense of security from hero. Hero has a unique personality and charm, not
afraid of dangerous situation, face danger fearlessly. Rely on their own character
saved the day, adding to the charm of a hero.
Heroes are experiencing frustration before successfully and failure “fight
ability” is regarded as the basic ability to be seen as a hero. Heroes tend to go through
all kinds of hardships and even families or friends sacrifice to accomplish the great
deeds finally. This is the same in the movie. They are in the face of enormous
difficulties or in order to rescue the dearest and finally completed an unexpected event
in their own. They are doing ordinary things, just in order to solve the current
difficulties. Gu and John McClane represented in civilian heroes, despite a variety of
from Assembly and Die Hard
human weakness, but without exception from the inside and outside exhibit
advocating the traditional culture of “integrity.” The publicity is awe-inspiring
righteousness and abide is the right way of life, thus arrived at the section of an ideal
moral realm. It also demonstrated the heroes have a kind of spirit stick. Only by
adhering to overcome al the difficulties. Hero love beauty is the common culture of
heroism. Either China and America, reflects the hero to success is to embrace the
beauty return. Chinese and American movie heroes are mostly men, and women
appear at this time, it is a good perspective to reflect pleasure comes through toil. It is
a kind of offbeat expression to show up the hero success and also show a tender side.
To make people feel that a hero is also ordinary people of flesh and blood. The
emotion description makes the flesh more appealing and makes the character in
complex, multi-faceted, seem mundane, real and credible. It makes people lives in
reality and the characters in movie get closer. Though Chinese and Americans
heroism have many similarities, but they have more differences.
2.1 Collectivism v.s. individualism
Collective heroism process of evolution of human civilization. It slowly
become a spiritual value with collective consciousness. It is one value judgments of
ideology. Who has majestic, solemn and stirring, unyielding or aggressive character in
group become a model. This is designed to promote the most perfect, the most noble,
the most representative of the overall inte

rests of ambitious goals that the social group
can pursue during the particular time. And use it as encouraging and motivating
people of whole social imitate the characters, in order to achieve or complete the
ultimate goal of this cause. Appear of collective heroism is reason that China affected
by Confucian culture deeply. The doctrine of the mean
is the most important part of
Confucian culture. There are three rules of it. Firstly, self study and self monitoring.
Secondly, understanding and care. Thirdly, honest and goodness.
Hero created in
particular culture environment was accepted by people who live in the same
environment. Furthermore, let us perspective from geographical environment.
Oriental culture originated in Chinese yellow river basin. That is a fertile land, the
terrain is flat and rain in hot season is suitable for agricultural development.
Agricultural production is complicated, it need division and cooperation. It evolved
into collective heroism to emphasize collective intelligence at last.
The dictionary of Contemporary American English said, “heroism is a spirit in
order to achieve a great national cause, a human personality that a person made great
efforts to overcome the contradictions and obstacles happened positive.” It is a
bravery and sacrifice spirit what they show in their personal activities and reflected in
personal behavior. Heroism is these behaviors with great significance. Individualism
is an important part of American culture. They believed in the existence and
development of individual and free space. Actually heroism is originated from the
anxiety of our own survival environment and humanistic concept----reaction to the
unknown world and survival crisis deep inside which we expect those who have
extraordinary ability can always give us the best support and protection at the most
dangerous moment.
In history, because the United States was established by a group of “puritans”
who fled to America suffered from religious, political and class persecution in United
Kingdom. The hierarchical social system and aristocratic privilege of oppression
made the American pioneers purposive pursue equality and personal freedom. In this
“utopia”, they believe that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
rights,that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
People pursue
a kind of perfect, true freedom. The values of liberalism, it is America individual
heroism seed soil. Culturally, ancient Greek cultures has a profound impact on the
formation of the core culture of the United States. American pioneers who believe
they are the chosen one by god, they have the ability and the responsibility to redeem
the world. When the situation needs a hero, a hero will come into being. Economically,
from Assembly and Die Hard
as the number one power in th

e world economy, America has always considered
himself as maintain absolute force for world peace and democracy. Due to the
economic advantages, political advantages follows. Therefore, in many international
affairs, America can have control over many things. This is also reinforce the values
of individual heroism on the other hand. At the same time, many countries imitators
America under all its different aspects to further make America become the “world
hero”. In this case, America make its effort to implement its values of individual
heroism in all its aspects.
2.2 Happy Ending v.s. sad Ending
Every story, every movie has its own ending, maybe it can be expected, maybe
not. But that is nothing more than a happy ending or a sad ending. Judging from the
ending of a hero, Chinese heroism often end in tragedy. Like Assembly, although
found out the corpse, but they already died and not identify for such a long time.
Hero with a tragic sacrifice in exchange for a majority of people in happiness and
peace. That is the saying we often said “a sacrifice for millions of people’s happiness”.
Meanwhile, played a encouraging morale role in another level, and thus sow the
seeds under a tragic hero in the public mind. Compared with Chinese heroism,
American movie shaping the image of the hero is a little more taste like a mortal.
These heroes have their great glory, but there are some personal qualities as well as its
shortcomings. In short, even a small potatoes, as long as have a noble quality also can
let it become a hero. Like John McClane in Die Hard. He just want to reunite with his
wife at Christmas, but always something happened. He have to do something to safe
his wife. Looking at the heroism of American movies can be summed up as the
following. First, hero has a very strong willpower and spirit of struggle. Second, the
hero has a high degree of responsibility of friends, family and even the whole human
being. Third is the hero has courage to face danger fearlessly and act decisively.
Fourth is a hero with a sense of humor and optimistic attitude when in danger, and
this is a unique “American elements” that the hero in American films has. Fifth, not
all heroes end in tragedy, the hero to save the world and enjoy their life after, the list
goes on. The heroic image shaped by Chinese movies usually flawless, near to god, it
seems a little bit “skinny”. In American movies, there are more mortal qualities, the
image is more “plump”. Besides, heroes in Chinese movies, in order to sacrifice
themselves for national interests, often end in tragedy. The American movie heroes
are not so.
2.3 Nation orientation v.s. family orientation
Americans believe that freedom and equality for all, and never promise those
who lack a sense of responsibility to family and friends. This reflects the desire for a
harmonious family of Americans. In movies when hero complete the mission, the first
thing is to call h

is wife. We can feel it in Die Hard. The relationship between he and
his wife throughout the whole movie, what he was done is so after he saved New York.
Western universal values consider that family is a man’s last and most important
territory. This can be seen from the English word woman. Affix wo- means “coming
from...”, so woman means the woman is coming from the man. It also confirms the
Bible in the records of God made man. Thus, the hero is often initially just an
ordinary man, but after the family suffer a devastating blow, angry makes him
fighting for the family, and complete the realization of their social values and human
victory at the same time. The heroic mode have been very good interpretation in
Hollywood heroism movies. The design of Die Hard plot is worth pondering. A man
make every effort to rescue his family, which is perfectly justified and natural thing in
Western values. So the behavior that John saves his wife can be seen to achieve his
personal value. But the gangsters not only threaten his wife’s safety, but also threat
the all the people in the building. It is said “public enemy”, so John killed the
gangsters and achieved the national interest as a citizen or a policeman. At this point,
American individual heroism has been reflected extremely. In America mainstream
from Assembly and Die Hard
values, a man who achieve success, the final regress is still family and fields.
Chinese heroes in films form is different. Chinese hero is more at the expense
of the family for national interest, giving people a sacrifice feeling. Chinese heroism
movie has a spirit of collectivism, compliance with Chinese traditional values. The
spirit is noble, selfless, usually focus on the role of will. Chinese heroism movies, the
emergence of family responsibility is to reflect and contrast the collective interests
above personal interests in Chinese mainstream values. Chinese heroism is often
associated with patriotism and nationalism, stories mostly happened on the occasion
of the war or the survival of the nation. So lay down one’s life for justice become
necessary quality of Chinese hero. And this sacrifice justice is a spirit of altruism and
the spirit of collectivism. These spirit reflected in traditional Chinese culture, occupy
a very important position. Inspired by the spirit, people regard serving the public as a
virtue. So personal interests give way to social, national interests has become a
positive value tendency. This is basic on the concept of self-cultivation, family-
regulating, state-ordering, then governed the world
in traditional Chinese culture.
Self-cultivation and family-regulating are just an individual cultivation, but these are
lay the foundation for the ultimate goal, state-ordering and governed the world. If
only for the purpose of individual cultivation does not have the breadth feeling and
pointless. Therefore, individuals and families can be sacrificed when n

especially in the “country” and “the world” against the background. That is why
Chinese hero always end up with a strong spirit of sacrifice and tragic.
2.4 Perfect Hero v.s. Imperfect Hero
From the perspective of expression form, Chinese type of heroism is pink of
perfection. They seem to have no mortal flaw, untouchable and brilliant, commonly
known as high type of hero. This sort of “perfect” image, on one hand to strengthen
people’s sense of hero worship, on the other hand made hero “refined” and
“deification”. It pull away the distance between hero and reality. China has
experienced a long feudal society, worship to heroes must be “to be looking to see”,
that the hero will be far beyond mortal and flawless. American culture promote
equality, longitudinal hero is mortal, flesh and blood like ordinary people, but has its
own shortcomings and deficiencies. People worship is heroism and heroic spirit, we
as individuals are still equal. Chinese culture stands for “heaven”, American culture is
not. Heaven concept has a long history in China since ancient time. People have gone
to great pains in the relationship between man and heaven that heroes or great men are
the incarnation of god assigned to the earth. Therefore, the hero also a little more
mysterious and deified rather than from the objective evaluation of the real. Develop
this idea to the present era of peace, reflect the public expect too much to the social
celebrities. If celebrities have the skill in a particular line should be “everything”,
once shortcomings exposed in front of the public will be scolded again and again. The
phenomena of irrationally may be found in heroism of Chinese culture. In contrast,
American culture is more emphasis on rational judgment and logical speculation. So
people will not impose excessive pressure to the hero, people worship hero will not
lead to severe extreme and more tolerant of the shortcomings. Although the heroes
take charge as chief of charm, but a hero is mortal after all. Actually this is more real,
vivid and fresh. The American culture does not put the pursuit of self-realization and
consider personal interests taken as a shameful or selfish behavior. Heroes also have
the same mortal world, the same feelings, the same emotions and physical needs as a
ordinary people. In the psychological dynamics, structure model of psychoanalyst
Sigmund Freud
proposed, spirit divided into three parts are id, ego and super-ego.
The id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends; the super-ego plays the critical
and moralizing role; and the ego is the organized, realistic part that mediates between
the desires of the id and the super-ego. From a psychological point of view, as an
individual the first consideration is the requirements of id and ego. Because super-ego
tend to stand the opposition of the original desire in id and the aggressive to ego, it
seldom can rise to t

he level of super-ego. Chinese heroism like stresses the super-ego
part which is different to the ordinary character. Paying more attention to the
from Assembly and Die Hard
description of the hero in the super-ego level of righteous cause action. But the
American heroism tend to describe the hero in the id and self-transcending process, it
is more line with human nature.
3. Reasons of heroism differences between Assembly and Die hard
3.1 Chinese andAmericans movie ideology
Movie is a visual art, since its birth was loved by the people. With the
development of technology, the movie has now become an indispensable part of life.
Because of its popularity and breadth in the crowd, movie is not just as a
entertainment tool to bring people audiovisual enjoyment, but also find itself a good
propaganda media. The film is not only the product of science and technology, but
also sharps of the various political groups to spread the mainstream ideology. It is the
main carrier of culture strength competition. As the globalization era is increasingly
significant, both films bear the responsibility of each country’s core cultural
competitiveness, while bear the responsibility to accelerate the integration of various
ethnic cultures. Advances in film technology, defend of the mainstream ideology,
flexible control of film market has always been three aces of the countries
participating in the international film competition. The goal is to establish the great
power status in movie. But Chinese movies and American movies still have big
First, the number and size of the revolutionary historical themes, especially
major revolution in movie history are developing rapidly. Glorious history become a
reality ideological discourse here. With its authoritative confirmation of realistic order
necessary and reasonable, trust and confidence in once created a miracle in the history
of political group and faith. History and political textbook unmatched ideology
function. Second, these works are carried forward Chinese traditional culture,
propaganda Chinese history, express the spirit of patriotism as the basic perspective.
With the patriotic history of fiction to strengthen national consciousness of reality.
The writing of history is converted to the construction of political ideology and the
support of inheritance. Third, there has been a large number of political events and
from Assembly and Die Hard
heroes for the creation of film. They will figure being in a difficult predicament,
describe the kind of hard working, dedicated political beliefs, moral character and
values. Trying to shape them as political and moral example of contemporary society,
in order to persuade and guide the audience recognized the reality of the social order
and self-location. At the same time, many known as the main theme of the film
shaping the politics of the ethics. To inject the ethical feelings for ideology theme.
Heroic image

not only as a spokesperson for the state ideology to proof the regime is
close with the mainstream thinking, and successful call to moviegoers’ethical
emotion, constitute a kind of ideology guiding force. Thereby opening up a main
theme movie channels of communication that have been hoping for the general
America film industry is a powerful tool for the spread of ideology. People
summarized Hollywood movies into “this is propaganda weapon of American
lifestyle, which is an important carrier of the First World discourse. Every Hollywood
movie is imbued with American values and world outlook and their
capitalist/imperialist stance. Why Hollywood movie can be the audience all over the
world (including the past and the present Chinese audience) generally accepted? This
is because the American film production to film as a commodity. Commodity concept
makes American film production implement a strategy without a trace of ideology -
put it all down to the individual. Everything happened in the film, all depends on
appearance of the characters, any abstract factors are obscure. This aspect has
individualist stance and ideological basis of empirical attitudes of American society
advocates. The other is the use of movie recording characteristics.
3.2 Values
Hero culture is romantic and exaggerated, but it is the same as realistic shadow.
Heroes both have great charisma and wonderful qualities such as faith, determination,
kindness, etc. Heroism has an unseen force inspired people to contribute to the
country and its people. No matter how the history develop, heroism will become an
important part of different cultures. Understand the relationship between social
development and heroism have more significant meaning. Especially today, publicity
heroism and patriotism education is particularly urgent because both are necessary to
build a strong and promising countries.
Values is a social consciousness, it is a particular culture to determine right and
wrong, beauty and ugliness, good and bad, love and hate standard. It is shown by
philosophy of morality, is a set of make choices and resolve the conflict norms.
Different countries, different nations have different values. Learn about different
countries and nations’values for the promotion of cultural exchange and mutual
understanding is very necessary. Western cultural values have a strong impact on the
Chinese cultural values. There is huge contrast between the values.
Chinese and Americans have different core values. America as a representative
of Western culture, the core values is individualism, which is a philosophy based in
individual. Its main content are believed their personal values and attaches great
importance to personal freedom, emphasizing the individual’s self-govern,
self-control, self-development. American scholar Larry A Samovar further explained
that individualism values of American culture including self-motivation, self-choice,

lf-reliance, respect for others, individual freedom, respect for privacy and other
aspects. Western scholars have pointed out, individualism and egoism are two
different concepts. Tocqueville thought, egoism is a kind of extreme own love, he
makes people only care about themselves and love themselves more than anything in
the world. Egoism is a selfish emotion but peace of mind, it makes every citizen
isolation with their fellow, alienation with relatives and friends. Individualism is
different. We give several representative individualism values points to slightly
interpretation. First, westerners emphasize respect for individual privacy, that is how a
person lives without causing harm to others, no interference under the condition of
from Assembly and Die Hard
others, who have no control. Such as personal letters can not just be vetted, not at
liberty to inquire about a private matter, and not at liberty to spread. Second,
self-reliance, which is responsible for their own personal life, do not rely on their
parents and others. Children aged eighteen or above, most begin self-life, even if the
family is very wealthy, but also to find a job to support themselves. Another example
of the formation is in sharp contrast with China, whether eating, shopping, or even
buy a ticket, are also each payment. American do not think it is human indifference,
and considered the role and value of respect for the individual and not sit back and
enjoy the performance. They were trained to nurture the spirit of independence. Such
as the famous American Dream, this ideal think anyone regardless of family
background, social status, are likely to become extraordinary by virtue of their ability.
This is reflecting of Westerners independence, self-made, personal struggle spirit.
Third, individual performance, Americans love adventure, love new features.
Guinness world record holder mostly Americans is reason of this and also contrary to
traditional Chinese culture. As American students in the classroom like sitting in front,
scrambling to raise their hands to answer questions; Chinese students prefer to sit
rearward, questions often arise cold field in classroom. In the opposite of American
individualism is traditional Chinese collectivism, emphasizing social obligations and
responsibilities. Personal honor and success is closely linked with the collective. Of
course, China tradition also believes that individuals should have personality, personal
beliefs, and the pursuit of personal interests, but do not put it above the society. An
important factor in personal values and social responsibility in a uniform, which is
strong cohesion of the Chinese nation.
Chinese and Americans have different moral values. The moral value is the
generalization of various relates to the interests of others behavior value. Anyone who
is at their own moral values to judge their own and others’ behavior right and wrong.
The content of moral value is

affected by different cultural background. Chinese
moral value mainly includes eight contents, the collective, sincere, self-discipline,
responsibility, to repay, altruism, equality. These are actually reflect the collective
value above.
Chinese and Americans have different money values. In the attitude toward
money, there is a clear difference between China and America values. In America,
material wealth has become the standard measure of social status. American Dream
from a certain point of view also reflects the strong desire of Americans to pursue
material wealth. Rags to riches, which has become the slogan of the American Dream.
Thousands of immigrants from various countries among here, is the hope for a more
comfortable life. In western ethics history for the “benefit” and “righteousness”
choice, heavy “benefit” has been accounted for absolute advantage. So they never shy
about the pursuit and the desire of money. They will always dare say their job is to
earn more money. In a sense, the amount of material wealth also reflect the level of
individual ability. In contrast, the Chinese people valuing loyalty. Its ideological
origins is the dominant Confucius and Mencius of Confucianism in ancient China.
“Riches and honors acquired by unrighteousness, are as floating cloud to me”
in the
Analects of Confucius is a manifestation of this idea. Cause Confucianism has been
despised merchants is this. Righteousness of profit is always dividing a gentleman and
villain in the traditional culture. Therefore, even if a person working to earn many
money, but rarely manifested.
Comparison of several aspects from the above, it is not difficult to see embody of
differences cultures’values.
3.3 Family Education
Family education is the parents education impact on children’s growth and
development process of interaction in the family. It is the most important part of every
education parts. Since the two countries there is a lot different from the cultural
tradition, the concept of awareness, lifestyle and social customs, etc., resulting in
family education in both countries there are also many differences. Family education
from Assembly and Die Hard
is not replaceable significance to human education, because the family is where a
person first contact after he was born, also the first unit of socialization. The family
learning for people throughout the life cycle. Individual personality, values formation,
the social role of learning, are all affected by family education.
Chinese family education hope children will have a bright future, parents put all
their hopes in their children and the child’s future as their goal in life. But parents did
not tailored for children, they expect “talent” is often not necessarily society really
needs. At present Chinese employment pressure, social demand increasingly high
levels of human. After the child enters the society, in order to have a decent job

and a
higher social status, and even to get ahead, they must from hard studying, admitted to
good university and further studies when grow up. In the background of the current
examination oriented education, senior high school entrance examination and college
entrance examination has become a measure of whether the child get initial success.
Now parents are very practical, family education purposes is also very straightforward,
with very strong profit tendency. This “profit” is to cultivate the child can be
admitted to prestigious universities, can find an ideal job after graduate. So now the
parents are in accordance with the needs of the examination, employment needs and
their own values to raise children. What school exam, what children learn; what is the
most popular major, parents choose to let children learn what. They do not consider
the child’s own expertise, the ability to accept, interests and hobbies.
American family education is “free to grow” education, with strong randomness.
Parents tailored according to the child’s interests, strengths, abilities to designed for
the child. In recent years, affected by the global economic crisis, America
employment pressure is quite large, but the employment way is a multi-channel.
American universities are also values SAT
scores, but not the sole criterion for
admission of students. So American family education without any necessarily linked
to university entrance examinations and employment. It is more focused on how to
train their children into real-life success or the winner, not a fantasy genius. Otherwise,
American parents do not put their children’s future and destiny tied together. Their
philosophy is regard as the child is a person born with the right to have a variety of
emotions and desires. They think that children want to desire freedom is absolute and
unrestricted. Children all the emotions and fantasy, ideas and aspirations, dreams and
desires should be acknowledged and respected, and to adopt appropriate and specific
mode of expression.
In the terms of cultivating creativity, Chinese parents more despise the child’s
autonomous behavior contempt. Parents tend to ignore the child’s curiosity, if children
do something unconventional things, parents frequently learned or harsh treatment.
Therefore, the child’s personality and curiosity was inhibited, did not dare to try
something challenging. Children’s creativity was stifled in the bud. Chinese family
education attaches great importance to basic disciplines and theoretical education,
especially one that has a standard answer to resolve disciplinary exercises focused
answer style education. It depressed child’s spirit of exploration. American family
education attention to the child’s autonomous behavior. Parents can always create the
conditions for children to provide a safe, relatively free environment for children to
practice and explore. Parents paid great attent

ion to listen to the child’s views and
voices, always trying to meet a child’s curiosity. They respect the child’s personality
development, encourage children to solve the problem themselves and break the
routine to “create.”
Chinese parents unavoidably, taking on everything, mostly are in accordance
with their design and ideas to transform children. No matter personal ambition or food
and clothing, both of them are parents ideas. The only that children do, is to obey.
Children in Chinese families from birth to four or five years old, some even before
primary school has been sleeping with their parents. When a meal is the parents feed,
basically is to live on the labor of others. To the junior high school, some even high
school still can not manage their own, independence is poor. Many young people even
get married, parents also need to help clean the house or do the housework everyday.
from Assembly and Die Hard
American parents respect the child’s sense of independence, not according to their
own ideas transform children. They starting from the actual situation of the child,
provide children with a good, relaxed environment for the growth, so that children
grow up in their own choices. Children from birth to sleep separately from their
parents. Sometimes the parents pay someone to attendant their children, the couple
eating out or watching movies. Children when they were very young on their own to
eat and get dressed, although not done well, the parents also stand by and let the
children to manage their own. Even though some children have the right to dispose of
their labor income, learn financial management. In this way children develop a very
confident and very independent.大学外国语学院 2012 级英语本科毕业/学位论文
4. Conclusion
Comparison of heroes in Chinese movie and American movie, actually is a
comparison of “perfect hero” and “mortal hero”. Its prototype is traceable by different
indigenous peoples of Eastern and Western culture, which led to the difference.
Indeed, China and America have different historical and cultural background, but
heroism has become an invisible force encouraging people to contribute to the
country and its people. No matter how historical development, heroism will become
an important part of different cultures. Understand the relationship between social
development and heroism has significant meaning. The differences between Chinese
and Western culture is not a vague concept. It penetrates in every aspect of daily life.
Hero have different typical performance. Hero culture is romantic and exaggerated,
but the same is the shadow of reality. They have such a difference in the shadow of
China and Western, it is a vivid manifestation of history, social and human differences
between them. Anyway, the image of the hero in people’ s minds is never forgotten.
So in America, in China is also. Heroes is an eternal topic. Throughout the ag

es, even
though things change, but the hero is the mainstay of the different cultures in the long
history. Heroism culture as an important part of a national culture, inheritance the
most precious cultural and the most brilliant thing, is closely related to culture which
it belongs. In modern society is largely emphasize individual liberation and freedom,
the tragedy is not the only way we beat in mind the hero, and the hero does not always
need to perfect. Chinese and America cultural integration of heroism, also give people
more options to think about the future life of human and society, to promote a new era
of heroism. In any case, the times call for a hero, how to let the heroism and heroic
spirit promote social and cultural progress, it is necessary that people think seriously
about the issue. Of course, whether it is movies or cultural field, China and America
all have their own characteristics advantages and disadvantages. At the same time in
the search for identity, we have to maintain its own characteristics so that our country
can get excellent inherit once and carry forward the traditional culture. It’s hoped that
from Assembly and Die Hard
the exploration can enable the two cultures can be better reflected in the medium of
movie, so that the movie can be an effective tool to increase public cross-cultural
communicative competence.
Roman scientist Longinus only surviving works.
Novel written by Yang Ziyuan.
Character in Assembly, play by Zhang Hanyu.
Character in Die Hard, play by Bruce Wilis.
Preamble of United States Declaration of Independence
修身,齐家,治国,平天下 --《大学》
ScholasticAssessment TestZhu Haoxuan The Comparison of Heroism Between Chinese and Americans
from Assembly and Die Hard
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