



Personalities of some Chinese Birth Signs

The Rat (SHU)

People born under the year of the Rat are generous and easygoing to those that they love and care for. They generally have happy and lively personalities and are very outgoing, although they lose their temper sometimes. On the whole they are successful in what they choose to do, full of imagination and have very good memories. The Rat is a lover of money and a hater of waste and idleness.

The Rabbit (TU)

People born under the year of the Rabbit don’t often get into trouble and seldom make enemies. They are considerate, kind and thoughtful towards others. The Rabbit is the symbol of a long life. They are said to draw their life energy from the moon. They like an easy and good time and give good advice, although they shy away from promises.

The Dog (GOU)

People born under the year of the Dog seem to be liked very well as it is one of the most popular animals. Dog people are truthful and clever, with a strong sense of fairness. They never avoid their duties. They always do their fair share of things and will always “listen to reason”. They are helpful, open-minded, never envious, and have great insight into human nature. They are also brave and practical. However, if you try to look into their affairs, they can become secretive and also give a cold shoulder to those who they don’t really like.

Choose the best answer for each question.

( )1. People born under the year of the Rat _______.

A. love money better than anything else

B. are hard-working

C. are good at choosing things

D. think much but do little

( )2. People born under the year of the Rabbit _______.

A. don’t like to tell others what they think

B. enjoy living a busy life

C. often get on well with others

D. don’t believe others’ promises

( )3. People born under the year of the Dog _______.

A. like to do something secretly

B. are unhappy when others have done something better

C. often make excuses for their mistakes

D. are good at seeing straight through others

( )4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Rat people can keep few things in mind.

B. Rabbit people prefer the moon to the sun.

C. Dog people like to look into others’ affairs.

D. Dog people are willing to help others.

( )5. What kind of people will not show their dissatisfaction to others?

A. Rat people.

B. Rabbit people.

C. Dog people.

D. All the above.

Help: personality n. 个性generous adj. 慷慨的

lose one’s temper 发脾气idleness n. 懒惰;闲散

considerate adj. 考虑周到的shy away from 躲避;羞于

listen to reason v. 服理envious adj. 嫉妒的

insight n. 洞察力dissatisfaction n. 不满


If you’re having difficulties in class and it seems that your teacher is unfair to you, take some time to think hard about what’s happening. Try to find out whether your teacher really dislikes you, or whether something else is going on. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1. Are you the only person being treated badly, or is your teacher rough on the whole class? Ask your classmates if they are having trouble with the teacher, too. If they say yes, perhaps your teacher is having problems outside the school, or is new and at a loss.

2. Are you working up to your ability? Maybe you got a C in your last test, and your teacher told you that you could do better. But the kid sitting beside you got a C, too, and the teacher didn’t say anything to him! Isn’t this unfair? Well, it could be that your teacher knows that you could get a better grade if you put more effort into it. Teachers often grade students by different standards. It’s their way of encouraging a student to try a little harder.

3. Are you more sensitive than other students? There’s nothing wrong with being sensitive, but if you react to criticism quite differently from others, this could be a reason why you think your teacher doesn’t like you.

4. Does your teacher seem to act unfairly all the time, or just once in a while? Think about the harsh things your teacher has done or said to you. Are these things happening every day, or just once or twice a month? If your teacher really hates you, you would probably be picked on all the time. If your teacher has acted unfairly only a few times, then there’s probably something else going on.

If y ou take the time to ask yourself these questions, you’ll get a better sense of what’s happening between you and your teacher.

Choose the best answer for each question.

( )6. If you feel your teacher is unfair to you, you should _______.

A. work harder at your lessons

B. care nothing for it

C. ask your classmates for help

D. make it clear if this is true

( )7. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Teachers are often rough on the students who get a C grade.

B. If a teacher hates you, he will criticize you once or twice a month.

C. A new teacher is often rough on the whole class.


初中英语阅读教学现状及对策-英语论文 初中英语阅读教学现状及对策 【摘要】为了促进我国教育事业的发展,为了激发学生的学习热情,也为了提高教师的教学效率,我国的教育部门进行了教学改革。虽然新课改的理念已经逐渐被一些教师所接受,然而,仍然有部分教师深受传统教学理念的影响,不能与时俱进,因此,教学中的问题依然很多,本文对初中英语教学中的问题进行了探讨,并提出了一些切实可行的解决方案。 关键词初中英语;阅读教学;问题;策略 随着我国与世界的接轨,越来越多的人走入中国,也有越来越多的国人走出国门,走向世界。英语成为不同国家的人们进行交流的桥梁,顺应时代的发展,掌握英语成为国人的一项基本技能。而英语阅读不仅渗透了国外的风俗文化,而且也是提高学生的英语应用能力的关键环节。因此,英语阅读的教学质量直接影响学生对英语的掌握程度。初中是学生真正意义上接触英语的起始阶段,也是打好英语基础的关键时期。 1.初中英语教学中存在的问题 1.1教学理念 初中英语教学的目的是激发学生的英语学习热情,培养学生的阅读能力。由此可见,学生才是教学的主体。如何提起学生学习英语阅读的兴趣,让学生能够主动的去学习,才是教学的关键而不是教师讲授了多少知识。若想激发学生的学习兴趣,就必须注重学生的感情因素。感情因素对学生的学习效率有重要影响。这就要求教师不能死板教学,教师的表情,动作,讲课语气等都会对学生的情感造成影响。教师在教学中应该表现出更多的关心,喜爱,信任,尊重,使学生在课堂

上更积极主动的学习,把强迫学生学习变为学生的主动学习。 1.2教学方法 一些教师沉深陷传统教学理念的泥潭不能自拔,他们忽略学生的主体地位,将课堂变成以教师讲解,学生被动接受为主的“填鸭式”教学。他们往往拘泥于教学任务的完成进度,教材的编排顺序,为了达到教学目标的要求,着重对教材阅读的语法,陌生词汇的精耕细讲,认为词汇、语法是阅读的基础,将阅读作为知识的载体,一味认为只有把握好这两者,才能保障好的阅读水平,忽略了阅读过程中对学生理解能力,阅读能力的培养。这种枯燥乏味的教学方法降低了学生学习英语阅读的兴趣。除此之外,一些教师将自己作为课堂的主体,忽视与学生的交流,学生与学生之间的交流。 2.初中英语阅读教学策略 2.1改变教学观念 将教学的重点放在培养学生的阅读能力上。教师要注重讲课时的一举一动,一言一行,一颦一笑。多跟同学们进行课上交流,一方面表达自己对学生的关心,拉近与学生的距离,另一方面以此方式,增进对学生的了解,了解学生对知识的掌握程度,从而把握课堂的进度。 2.2丰富教学内容 首先,教材很重要,教材的安排顺序也有它的科学性,例如教材中一般按照Vobulary learning,read quickly and answer,listen to the tape and read after it,read again and do solone exercise or retell the text的顺序进行安排,在很大程度上,它是符合学生接受知识的一般规律的。然而,如果一味的遵循这种教学顺序,不能根据学生实际情况对讲课顺序进行合适规划,对教材内容


诺贝尔的故事 Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrialist, was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833, but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842, where his father, Immanuel, made a strong position for himself in the engineering industry. Immanuel Nobel invented landmine and made a lot of money from the government during the Crimean War, but went bankrupt soon after. Then, the family returned to Sweden in 1859, where Alfred began his own study of explosives in his father’s lab. He had never been to school or university but had taught himself, and by the time he was twenty, he became a skillful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. He built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. He was always searchi ng for a meaning to life. He spent much time and money working on how to end the wars, and the peace between nations, until his death in Italy in 1896. His famous last will, in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, literature and peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideas. And so, the man is remembered and respected long after his death. 根据短文内容,选择能回答所提问题的正确答案。 1. Where was Alfred Nobel born? He was born in ________. A. Sweden B. Stockholm C. Russia D. Moscow 2. What did Immanuel Nobel invented during the Crimean War? A. The engineering industry. B. A strong position. C. Landmine. D. Study of explosives. 3. Why did Alfred Nobel return to Sweden ? Because his father ________. A. went bankrupt B. was put in prison C. was ill D. died


初中英语拓展阅读(1) A Personalities of some Chinese Birth Signs The Rat (SHU) People born under the year of the Rat are generous and easygoing to those that they love and care for. They generally have happy and lively personalities and are very outgoing, although they lose their temper sometimes. On the whole they are successful in what they choose to do, full of imagination and have very good memories. The Rat is a lover of money and a hater of waste and idleness. The Rabbit (TU) People born under the year of the Rabbit don’t often get into trouble and seldom make enemies. They are considerate, kind and thoughtful towards others. The Rabbit is the symbol of a long life. They are said to draw their life energy from the moon. They like an easy and good time and give good advice, although they shy away from promises. The Dog (GOU) People born under the year of the Dog seem to be liked very well as it is one of the most popular animals. Dog people are truthful and clever, with a strong sense of fairness. They never avoid their duties. They always do their fair share of things and will always “listen to reason”. They are helpful, open-minded, never envious, and have great insight into human nature. They are also brave and practical. However, if you try to look into their affairs, they can become secretive and also give a cold shoulder to those who they don’t really like. Choose the best answer for each question. ( )1. People born under the year of the Rat _______. A. love money better than anything else B. are hard-working C. are good at choosing things D. think much but do little ( )2. People born under the year of the Rabbit _______. A. don’t like to tell others what they think B. enjoy living a busy life C. often get on well with others D. don’t believe others’ promises ( )3. People born under the year of the Dog _______. A. like to do something secretly B. are unhappy when others have done something better C. often make excuses for their mistakes D. are good at seeing straight through others ( )4. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Rat people can keep few things in mind. B. Rabbit people prefer the moon to the sun. C. Dog people like to look into others’ affairs. D. Dog people are willing to help others.

新人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit 1拓展阅读

阅读文章 Hello, boys and girls. My name is Peter Miller. I'm 13 years old. I'm in a middle school now. I like music very much. I can sing and dance. I go to the singing and dancing lessons every Saturday. I think they are relaxing for me. I like them very much. I can sing many songs and I can also play the piano. But I can't play it well. I like sports, too. I often play ping-pong and tennis with my friends after class. I think they are good for my health(健康). Now I want to join the tennis club. Because many of my friends like playing it. My friend, Mike can play tennis well. I want to learn from him. I think he can help me with it. Do you like playing it? Let's join the tennis club together. 试着做一做 任务一:根据短文回答问题 1. What's the writer's name?(Not more than two words) _______________________________________________________. 2. What club does he want to join?(Not more than three words) _______________________________________________________. 任务二:把句子翻译成英语 3. 他还会弹钢琴。(两种形式) ①_________________________________________________________


浅谈初中英语阅读教学的有效策略 大庆市第五十一中学 范云莉

近年来,英语中考中阅读部分的题量增大、分值增多、题材和体裁多样,设题更加全面和细致。而对于初中阶段的学生来说,由于受词汇、句型和语法结构等语言综合运用能力方面的限制,在对阅读理解的学习上存在一定的困难。同时,在日常的英语学习中,学生能自己主动挤时间来阅读课文从而提高自身阅读能力的可谓少之又少。这就要求老师在平时的教学中必须进行教材、教法的改革,才能培养和提高学生的英语阅读能力。因此,如何搞好此阶段的英语阅读教学显得尤为重要。怎样在日常阅读课中使学生阅读理解综合能力达到潜移默化的提高,通过在实践教学中的摸索,在阅读理解的教学上我有了一些自己的感受和认识。 《英语新课程标准》对阅读教学提出了新的指导思想:英语课程的设计与实施要有利于学生改变传统的被动记忆、机械训练的学习方式,采用积极主动的、参与式和合作式的英语学习方式,使他们通过接触与社会、科技和他们的生活密切相关的、比较真实和自然的语言材料,通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力;用英语获取信息、处理信息的能力;用英语进行思维和表达的能力。 结合近年来英语中考中对阅读文段考查的特点的认识和参加龙新合作“种子计划”播种培训,我认为课堂阅读教学可以分为三个阶段:即Pre-reading阅读前阶段,While-reading阅读中阶段和Post-reading 阅读后阶段,每个阶段都有具体要求。 Pre-reading阅读前阶段.。在这个阶段应精心设计导入,提高读前活动的有效性。在学生做好预习的基础上,创设情景,让学生在熟悉的生活情景中再次学习新词组、新句式,真正做到“词不离句,句不离景”,引导学生积极参与兴趣活动。学生感兴趣的具体导入活动有:相关图片影像导入、讲故事、谚语导入、人物介绍、背景知识介绍、时事活动介绍、歌曲、猜词法、学生熟悉的生活经历甚至课文标题导入等形式,充分调动学生的多种感官,全方位调动学生的学习兴趣,唤起他们的好奇心,激起他们探求新知的欲望。 While-reading阅读中阶段。在这一阶段要注重过程,采用循序渐进的原则。应在阅读教学中激发学生的学习兴趣,侧重学生阅读技巧和阅读策略的培养,以提高学生获取信息和处理信息的能力,在设置任务时要由易及难,引导学生进行由略到细的阅读。合理安排步骤,体现读中活动的层次性。阅读教材是在教师的


初中英语阅读理解的解题技巧 上传: 赖芙蓉更新时间:2013-1-18 16:34:02 初中英语阅读理解的解题技巧 阅读能力在英语教学中占有重要地位,阅读能力的培养成为英语教学的重中之重。英语阅读教学的主要目的是教给学生正确的阅读方法、阅读技巧、培养学生的阅读能力。为继续学习英语和运用英语切实打好基础。《英语新课程标准》明确规定:初中英语教学要侧重培养学生的阅读能力。阅读是吸收英语语言材料、增加语言知识、扩大词汇量的重要手段,而且阅读能力的提高能为英语口语交际能力和英语写作能力打下良好的基础,也为学生从英语阅读中认识学习英语的真正意义和价值,体验学习英语的乐趣,为学生树立学好英语的自信心打下坚实的基础。综观历年的考试题型,阅读理解都是重头戏,在各级各类考试中都占有很大的比值。 一、要注意养成良好的阅读心理,阅读时要去掉杂念,心绪要安定,精神要专一,要形成一种惬意的顺向心理。切不可一遇到几个生词难句,就心烦意乱,失去自控能力。心理学家告诉我们,任何恐慌,过分紧张的情绪都会形成一种消极因素妨碍大脑的正常思维功能。因此,遇到困难一定要从容不迫,心无旁骛。这样才能对所读的文章印象清晰,理解深刻。 二、要提高视读的速度,考阅读理解,从另一个方面来说,考的是考试速度。因此做阅读理解时,要注意培养自己快速阅读的习惯。切不可在个别难懂的词句上磨蹭,只要全篇理解了,个别难懂的词句可以根据上下文和构词法去猜测,去推断。

三、对文章的评价分析,一定要坚持“词不离句,句不离篇”,要理解文章作者的原意,而不能按你自己的意愿去想当然。切记:一想当然,就会出错。 1.审视标题,抓住中心 试题中有的文章有标题,有的没有,拟题人是有所考虑的。标题是文章主题的高度凝聚。它能给我们启发和想象,想象文章的内容和走向。这样做有利于对文章的理解,能提高做题的效率。 2.浏览全文,掌握全貌 如果时间紧,至少要快速通读全文,尤其是首两段。再把标题和文章内容结合起来,这样全文的梗概便一目了然了。 3.细读题目,抓住要点 对整篇短文内容有了一定的了解后,要马上看短文后的问题,带着问题去选择或判断答案。要确定所需查找的信息范围,并注意所查找信息的特点。例如:如果问题或选项涉及到人名、地名,就应该找首字母大写的单词;如果问题或选项涉及时间、日期、数字,就应该寻找具体的数据。另外还要注意试题难易,应暂时绕开那些少数较难的题目,先做最有把握、最熟悉的题目,也就是该类题可以直接或间接从文章中找到的。而对于那些要通过对文章归纳判断、逻辑推理的题目,需要再对全文快速阅读,仔细分析思考,反复比较、推敲选出正确答案。若文章短可先读短文,后看文后题目;如果文章太长,你可以先把文章后面的问题看一遍,带着问题去看文章。这样可以帮助你去掉杂念,提高阅读速度和解题的正确性。要善于找关键句,特别

初中英语拓展阅读 (15)

阅读文章 Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every evening my mother looks through (浏览)magazines at home. And every night, I look at the posters (海报) with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. Can we imagine life without paper or printing? About 2, 000 years ago, paper was invented in China. Then people learned to write words on paper to make a book. But in those days, they could only write books by hand. So, books were expensive and rare (珍贵的)at that time. And because there weren't many books, few people learned to read. Then printing was invented in China and it developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century. Then people could print books quickly and cheaply (便宜地). As a result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly. Today with the help of the Internet we can connect and share information quickly. We can also read newspapers and magazines online. But will the computer replace (替代) books one day? No, I don't think the poster of Yao Ming on my bedroom wall will ever be replaced by a computer of two metres



初中英语阅读教学的方法与策略 【摘要】英语阅读作为语言技能的重要组成部分,在英语教学中占有重要地位,是提高英语教学有效性的主要途径。本文针对初中英语教学中如何培养学生的英语阅读能力进行了探讨。 【关键词】兴趣初中英语阅读教学 随着新课改的深入开展,英语阅读题在中考中所占的比例越来越高。学生如果能在阅读中拿到高分,就等于成功了一半。在教学实践中,教师应该教会学生正确的阅读方法。阅读是中学英语教学的重要组成部分,然而目前的中学英语课堂中出现的一些现象导致了课堂效率低下,如教师只注重词汇、语法,不注重对篇章、内容的理解;没有把握好课堂的教学节奏,教学方式枯燥、单一;没有发挥学生的主体性,教学分离等。以上问题不仅严重影响了学生学习英语的积极性,并且影响了学生从整体上把握文章的习惯,更谈不上用英语思考。随着新教材的不断改进,英语教师应用新的教学方法去培养学生的阅读理解能力。那么如何提高学生的阅读能力呢? 一、注重激发学生的学习兴趣 兴趣是学习的最好动力。学生有了兴趣,才会积极主动

指导学生做好预习可以提高课堂效率。教师可以布置适量的思考题,让学生带着问题阅读课文,初步理解课文大意,阅读课文的同时自行标注并查阅课文中的重难点。这样学生积极主动地预习课文,提高了阅读兴趣。牛津初中英语教材中每个单元都有Reading 部分,这是一个单元的核心,Vocabulary,Grammar,Main Task 都是以其为中心编写的。教师可以要求学生每天大声朗读Reading 中的材料,利用课余时间在教室里放录音跟读;也可让学生在理解的基础上用自己的语言复述课本内容。用朗读和背诵的方式复习课文不仅可以加深学生对课文内容、语言表达方式的领会,促进学生在语音、语调方面的进步,并且对于提高口语能力、巩固词汇和提升读写能力更有着重要作用。 三、引导学生掌握阅读技能,培养学生的阅读能力 1.注重大声朗读,背诵精彩的篇章和段落,锻炼学生的英语语感。教师在对学生进行朗读训练的时候,要求学生进行大声朗读,感受其中的语言环境。在背诵的时候,学生要对英语课文中比较优美的语言材料进行反复地朗诵,用语言来还原作品的艺术形象,让学生有种身临其境的感觉,从而获得良好的英语语感。 2.在进行英语课外阅读的时候,做到精读和泛读的有效结合,欣赏和专项培养的融合,课内和课外的有效结合。(1)


人教部编版初中英语阅读理解的做题技巧(附答案) 1. 首段和尾段 一篇文章的主题句、中心思想往往出现在文章的首段或 者尾段。 许多文章开门见山地在第一段就提出了要说明的对象 或者要论证的观点,而文章的最后一段一般也会对全文的说 明和论证进行总结。 策略: 通过一些标志性词汇或者短语,我们可以更快地找到这 些总结性句子,如: all in all, in short, to conclude, in consequence, in summary, in a word, as a result, therefore, accordingly, thus 等。 主题句考查了考生是否能够把握文章大意的能力,因此 是常考且几乎是必考的一个考点。 2. 长难句 长难句是阅读理解的主要难度所在,其中包含了同位 语、插入语、定语、不定式、分词、各种从句等,有的句子 甚至长达好几行。这些复杂的句型也往往成为了出题的重点 所在。 策略:

加强训练自己对付长难句的能力,平时有意识地去分解 这些句子,理解其中的指代关系和句子层次。 3. 列举处 标志性的词汇包括: First, Second, Third…; Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly…Finally; First of all, Then, In addition, Further, Furthermore, Besides, Moreover… 把这些词圈起来,考题中一般会出现四个选项对比,这 样非常好在文章中找。 4. 举例处 例子往往与作者的说明与论述有很大的关联,具有重大 的意义,因此也成为了考题出处的热点。这种题目在文章中 的线索非常明显,一般都带有如下的标志性词汇: for example, for instance, take …as an example, as, such as, like等。 策略: 一般文章举例处的前一句或者前几句就是与该例子相 关的作者论点,所以在做此类题目的时候就需要追本溯源地 往前读,才能保证所选答案的正确率。 5. 因果关系处 表示因果关系的句子是中考英语命题者所青睐的出题 来源,因为因果句阐述了两个事件或者事实之间的内在联


初中英语拓展阅读(2) A Red is used in many American expressions. It can be used to show happiness, as in the expression “a red-letter day”. This is a day when something special happens. The expressi on is probably based on church customs. For almost 600 years, church calendars have been marked with red to show special holy days. Today’s calendars are still marked that way with the dates of holidays and special days printed in red. The expressio n “a red-letter day” is often heard in everyday life. “A red-letter day” is a day that people are especially happy. It may be a day that you have long waited for, a wedding day, for example. Or it may be a day with a happy surprise. You might tell a friend that yesterday was a red-letter day, because you won some money in the lottery. “Rolling out the red carpet” is another commonly heard expression. It describes an especially warm welcome of any kind. A city may “roll out the red carpet” for its baseball t eam, when the team arrives home after winning a championship. A group of supporters go to the airport to greet the team. The red-carpet welcome includes a lot of cheering by thousands of fans, a parade, music and speeches of praise by local politicians. Red is also used in some expressions that are not happy. “Red-handed” is one. To be caught “red-handed” is to be found in an act of wrong doing. The evidence is clear. You are guilty. Today we use the expression to be caught “red-handed” in situation s that are not serious. For example, a mother might say she caught her son red-handed, taking cookies out of the cookie jar. Choose the best answer for each question. ( )1. The expression “a red-letter day” perhaps first came from _______. A. English customs B. church calendars C. weekdays D. a dictionary ( )2. You can say it’s a red-letter day if _______ on that day. A. you find a good job B. you borrow some money C. you are free D. you write a letter to your friend ( )3. We usually roll out the red carpet when _______. A. a friend of ours drops by our house B. someone is going to leave C. we give someone a warm welcome D. we move into a new house ( )4. You are caught “red-handed” when your teacher _______ in class. A. sees you putting up your hand B. finds you talking C. asks you some questions D. says you are clever ( )5. Which is the best title of this passage? A. Red Is a Useful Color B. How to Use Red C. Red in Some Expressions D. What’s a Red-letter Day Help: expression n. 表达holy adj. 神圣的


浅谈初中英语阅读教学策略 【摘要】英语阅读在初中外语教学中的重要性日益突出,为了取得良好的教学效果,在平时的教学实践中应注意改革教学方法、重视课堂阅读教学的有效性以及培养学生的自学能力,只有把这几个问题真正科学地解决好,英语阅读教学才能取得事半功倍的效果。 【关键词】英语;阅读;教学 近年来,随着“素质教育”理念的提出,《英语课程标准》的日益完善,为英语教学提出了更高的要求,要求将传统的知识传授型教学转变成语言交际运用型教学。英语,作为一门语言课,教师如何教、引导学生如何学,已经成为所有英语教育工作者都在关心的问题。而培养学生的阅读能力是英语教学的目的之一,也是培养学生综合语言运用能力的重要手段。阅读能力的提高不仅能使学生能够得心应手的应付考试,而且对于学生的终身学习也起到了非常重要的作用。笔者作为一线教师,想就如何在初中课堂开展阅读教学,浅谈几点自己的体会。 1.高度关注学生的个体差异,改革英语阅读的教学方法,使教学真正做到有的放矢。 现代语言教学理论认为,阅读教学的目的不单纯是要学生学习掌握语言知识,更重要的是通过阅读获取信息、学习文化、发展阅读技能和策略,为继续学习和终身发展打下基础。英语教学活动的主体——学生,是一个个鲜活的生命体,他们之间存在着各种各样的差异,主要表现在认知方式、学习方式、英语水平、性格特点、情感态度、对老师的态度,学习环境等方面。这些因素决定了学生的英语水平及学习能力上的差异。因此,从初一开始,我在选择阅读材料时就特别注意,难易一定要适度。材料过分容易,学习起来没有成就感;过难,学生就会丧失兴趣和阅读信心。我会根据学生的不同水平,为他们选择难易不同的读物。而且阅读材料的内容必须多样化,故事、传记、历史、地理知识等都能培养初中生的阅读兴趣。通过大量的阅读,学生开阔了眼界,了解了异国他乡的风土人情及历史地理等方面的知识,从而极大的增加了他们学习英语的兴趣。 课文教学与阅读教学是有区别的。课文一般是一个主题一个篇章。在教学中,老师常会对课文进行很细的分解,以达到一定的教学目的。而纯粹的阅读,我们可以更多的去培养学生的阅读技能。教材中的那些浅显易懂的课文,我从不花大量时间去精讲,通常会通过一些活动让学生自己去领悟;故事性较强的课文可以让学生排成课本剧进行表演;一些有难度的文章,可以让学生带着任务分组讨论后在全班进行讲解,有时候也会要求学生写英文的读后感。这样一方面可以使听、说、读、写能力得到全面的发展,另一方面也为学生日后的高层次学习打下了基础。 2.抓好课堂教学,重视阅读能力的培养,使学生在课堂上学有所获。 从初一起,教师就应制定出一个切实可行的教学计划,明确初中阶段阅读教学的目标和应采用的措施。教师要结合教材内容,把对学生阅读能力的培养细化到每一个教学模块,避免阅读教学的盲目性和随意性。 在组织课堂教学时,无论是哪种课型,我们都必须首先明确教学目标,其次才是针对这些目标考虑采取哪种教学模式。阅读有多种目标,包括寻找信息(read for information)、提高阅读技能(read for skill)、获得语言知识(read for language)、增加生活乐趣 (read for enjoyment)等。对于中学阶段的英语课程来说,其阅读教学的首要目标应该定位于培养学生read for skill和read for language两种能力,这是英语教师首先必须明确的①。


2020-2021年阅读理解日常生活类专题(含答案)经典 一、英语阅读理解日常生活类(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 One day, Tom's teacher, Miss Mak, held a class meeting. "There will be a flag day next Saturday. Does anyone want to join this meaningful event (活动)?" asked Miss Mak. Tom was interested in raising money for homeless children but he was not brave enough to talk to the strangers, so he kept quiet in his seat. "Tom, you haven't sold flags before," said Miss Mak suddenly. "Would you like to have a try?" Tom was hesitant(犹豫的),but he finally nodded. On the flag day, Tom and Angela sold flags in a busy street. "Ex-cuse me, Could y-o-u pl-ea-se buy ...?" said Angela softly to the first person she met. The man smiled and put five-dollar coin into Angela's collection bag. Then she said thanks and put a flag under his shoulder. "I did it!" said Angela happily. "It's your turn now." Feeling nervous. Tom began to shake. Soon, he saw a young lady walking towards him. The lady was smiling and holding a few coins in her hand. She asked, "Are you selling flags for Fund for the Homeless Childred?" Tom's face became red and said yes. Then the lady made the donation(捐赠) and Tom gave her a flag. "You made it!" laughed Angela. In the next couple of hours, Angela and Tom sold flags quickly and bravely. Al last, their collection bags were so heavy that they had to hold them with both arms. They felt very proud.(1)Why did Tom keep quiet in his seat? A. He had other plans. B. He didn't like Miss Mak. C. He was not interested in the activity. D. He was not brave enough to talk to the strangers.(2)When Miss Mak asked Tom to have a try, he finally . A. laughed B. nodded C. refused D. cried (3)Where did Tom and Angela sell flags? A. In a busy street. B. In their school. C. In a tall building. D. In a small garden.(4)How much did the first man pay Angela for the flag? A. Five dollars. B. Ten dollars. C. Fifteen dollars. D. Twenty dollars.(5)How did Tom and Angela feel after they sold the flags? A. Bored. B. Shy. C. Confident. D. Sad. 【答案】(1)D (2)B (3)A (4)A (5)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:Tom与Angela在学校组织的卖小国旗活动中,战胜了自己,出色地完成了任务。 (1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句Tom was interested in raising money for homeless children but he was not brave enough to talk to the strangers, so he kept quiet in his seat.理解可知,Tom不敢与陌生人说话,所以保持了沉默,故选D。

《初中英语拓展阅读3》Breakaway 3听力部分录音稿

《初中英语拓展阅读3》Breakaway 3 听力部分录音稿 Unit 1 Listening I haven’t been to Iceland but I have visited an active volcano in Italy. It’s called Mount Etna and it is very famous. We walked to the very top of the volcano. It took around four hours. We could see the lava inside the volcano. It was amazing! Unit 2 Listening My name is Jan. The place I would love to visit is the island of Socotra. The plants and trees on Socotra are very unusual. I love plants and trees so it would be very interesting for me to visit the island. I would like to walk all around the island and look at the amazing plant life. I wouldn’t want to stay in a hotel. I’d like to stay with people who live on the island. That would be much more fun! Unit 3 Listening Last summer I visited Lake Baikal in Siberia. I took a boat out to Olkhon Island. I camped on the island for two days. I walked all around the island and I swam in the lake. The water was cold! There were quite a lot of people visiting the island. I was surprised because I thought that it was a quiet, isolated place. Unit 4 Listening Sally and I had a great time at Etosha National Park. We travelled there in a small group of six people. We had a guide called Joe. He was fantastic. He knew exactly where to take us to see the amazing wildlife. We saw lions, zebra, elephants and rhinos. We stayed in the park for three nights. I loved it! Unit 5 Listening When I was a young child, I saw a picture of the moai of Rapa Nui. The picture was in a school book. I thought the moai were amazing. I had never seen anything like them before. I decided that one day I would go to Rapa Nui and see those enormous statues for myself. Well, tomorrow I will arrive on Rapa Nui and I can’t wait. I am so excited! Unit 6 Listening Yesterday I went shopping for a new cell phone. I went into three different stores. I looked at lots and lots of phones. All of the phones were great. I liked all of them. That was the problem. I couldn’t choose a phone! I decided to keep my old cell phone! It’s much easier than choosing a new one. Unit 7 Listening Today is Tree Planting Day and we are going to plant trees in our local park. This is the first time I have planted trees on Tree Planting Day –I’m quite excited! I am going to the park with my class. We are going to plant one tree each. There are thirty children in my class so that means we will be planting thirty trees. That’s quite a lot of trees! Unit 8 Listening In 2005 the government of Kazakhstan built a dam to help save the North Aral Sea. This was not the first dam that was built. It was the third dam. The first and second dams were not built by the government; they were built by the people. People who lived near the North Aral Sea did not want the sea to disappear. They worked together to build a dam. The first dam did not last very long. It quickly washed away. The second dam lasted for over two years. Then the government built the third dam.
