八年级(上)Unit 3测试题

八年级(上)Unit 3测试题
八年级(上)Unit 3测试题

八年级(上)Unit3 知识点总结姓名:_________


1.过去进行时:过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作构成:主语was /were + V.ing

1) 标志词:at that time /at this time / at this moment yesterday / last week / last month / last year

2) Be 动词过去式单数:was / wasn’t 复数:were / weren’t

3) 肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及回答

2. while / when / as 引导的时间状语从句

1)主句(一般过去时)+while (延续性动词过去进行时)

主句(过去进行时)+when (非延续性动词一般过去时)

Eg. While Han Mei was cooking dinner , Lucy called her.

We were drawing pictures when our teacher came in.

2) 区别:when 可表示时间点,接非延续性动词;也可表示时间段,接延续性动词

while 只能表示时间段,必须接延续性动词

as 可与when 换用,但通常表过程,不表状态,表示“一边……一边;随着”eg. When the teacher came in ,I was talking.

Don’t use your cellphone while you are driving a car.

As we walked , we talked.

3)when 用作并列连词时,主句用常用进行时态,从句用一般过去时,表示主句动作发生的过程中,另一个意想不到的动作发生

Eg. I was just leaving when the telephone rang.

While 用于两个动作相伴随而发生

Some students were reading while others were writing.


1. cut up =cut into pieces cut … in two= cut … into halves cut down cut off

https://www.360docs.net/doc/5b9562905.html,nd: n. on land 在陆上mother land 祖国v.着陆land in NewYork

3. experience n.经历(可数);经验(不可数)v.经历、体验

4.around=about 围绕、环绕遍及=all over all over the world= around the world

5.strange stranger strangely

6.amazing amazed surprising surprised

7.ride, rode, ridden ride to sp.= go to sp. by bike/ on one’s bike

8. take off :起飞;脱下land put on put off turn on / off

9. close : v. 关上闭上眼睛adj.近的;亲密的be close to closed:关着的

10. hear , heard, heard hear of / about

hear sb. do / doing hear from sb.= receive/get a letter from sb.

11.drop ,dropped, dropped drop from drop out of

https://www.360docs.net/doc/5b9562905.html,st adj.上一个的;最后的v.持续last for 2 hours

13.well-known=famous 因……而出名;作为……而出名

14.follow (1) 跟随;追随follow sb. to do sth (2)明白;理解

15.kid (1) 欺骗,戏弄(2)小孩

16. scared be scared of doing sth. “担心,害怕做某事”be scared to do sth. “不敢做某事”

17. shout shout at sb. 对某人大声喊叫(多因生气)shout to sb.(因距离远而高声喊)

18 everyday adj.每天的every day 每天

19.get out of 从……中出来get into 进去20. in front of / in the front of

21.happen / take place 不及物动词,无被动

happen 偶然发生,不能预测take place 必然性发生,计划内安排发生

22.not all / not everyone / not everything 表示部分否定

八年级(上)Unit 3 巩固测试题姓名__________


1. --I called you this morning, but nobody answered.—I was _____ the flowers in my garden at that time. A. watered B. was watering C. water

2. I was amazed at what he said.(同义词替换)

A. very surprised at

B. interested in

C. afraid of

3. When I went to say goodbye to Anna ,she __ the piano.

A. is playing

B. plays

C. was playing

D. played

4.The student ___ me is very tall, so I can’t see the blackboard well.

A. in front

B. in front of

C. in the front of

D. in the front

5. When I walked ___ the station , I saw the accident ___.

A. past; to happen

B. passed; happened

C. past; happen

D. passed; to happen

6. I was leaving the library _____ I met Mr. Li, so I said hello to him.

A. while

B. when

C. until

D. after

7. These days the police ____ looking for him everywhere. Do you know where he is?

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. be

8. Look at this photo. Can you __ her name ?

A. think over

B. think of

C. think about

D. think for

9. I can’t find ____ to sit on the crowded bus.

A. some where

B. anywhere

C. nowhere

D. everywhere

10. Mary isn’t at home. Did you see her get ____ her house?

A. in

B. out

C. into

D. out of

11. They are waiting _____.

A. at the door

B. at the doctor’s

C. in the doctor

D. in doctor’s

12. Nobody noticed what the young man ____ at that time.

A. will do

B. was doing

C. has done

D. had done

13.The accident ________ a rainy night last June.

A. happened on

B. happened in

C. took place on

D. took place in

14. While I ____, what were you doing?

A. reading

B. am reading

C. was reading


15.Do you know the celebration that ____ in the hall yesterday?

A. took place

B. was taken place

C. took the place of

D. was taken the place of

16. We were surprised ______ the house empty.

A. find

B. finding

C. to find

D. to finding



My uncle had ______ _________ __________ while he was traveling in France.


My English teacher has ______ ________ in teaching.


He ____________ great __________ in getting to the top of the mountain.

4.那只狗跟着他进了厨房。That dog ________ _____into the kitchen.

We ________ Uncle Li ____ _______ his factory.我们跟着李叔叔参观了他的工厂。

5.Please speak slowly. I can’t _______ _______.请讲慢点,我跟不上你。

6.He ____ _________ ______ ____ the classroom. 正从教室里出来。

7.The plane is ________ _____ at 5:00.飞机将在五点钟起飞。

8.There is a park ___________________________ the house.在这个房子前面有个公园。

9.There is a blackboard _______________________the classroom.教室前面有块黑板。

10.They _______ _______ a meeting when I got there.当我到达那里时,他们正在开会。


_______ the thief was stealing a sourvenir, the girl _______ ______ _______.


I ________ _____ ______ him yesterday. =_____ ________ ______ I met him.

13.Don’t ______ ______. I have something to say to you.不要跑。我有话要跟你说。

14. He was _____ ______ ____ ______ anything.他怕得说不出话来。

15. We can ___ ______ _____ our friends.我们可以离朋友们近些。

16. If you ______ ______ _______, you can’t see anything.若闭上眼睛,那你就什么都看不见了。

17.I have _____ _____ her, but I don’t know her.我听说过她,但我不是认识她。

18. ____ _____ young people like popular music.不是所有的年轻人都喜欢音乐。

19. Something ________ ________ in the school last night.昨天夜里,学校里发生了点奇怪的事。

20.____ you like, you can watch planes ______ _____ and ______ through the glass window.如果你喜欢,可以透过玻璃窗户看飞机起飞和降落。

21.Don’t run _______. The ststion is so ______ _____ you maybe get _____.别乱跑,火车站很拥挤,你可能会走丢。

22.That book is very ____ _ .Iread it two days ago. I felt ______.

23.She _______ ____ him because he was far away.因为他离这儿很远,所以她对她喊。

24.We should practice speaking English _______ _______.我们应该每天练习说英语。

25.并不是每个人都喜欢英语。______ _______ likes English.


1. The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed.(对划线部分提问)


2. We were watching TV at that time last night.(变为一般疑问句)


3. I did my homework last night.(用at eight o’clock 代替last night)


4. The girl was shopping when the alien got out.(用while改写句子)


5. The film is so interesting.(改为感叹句)


6. Call the police, please.(改为否定句)


7. I paid five yuan for the book.(用spend改为同义句)


8.It’s strange to see an alien in front of you.(改为感叹句)

______ ________ it is to see an alien in front of you .

9.He saw the UFO land in the street at around 10:00.(对划线部分提问)

______ and ______ _____ he see the UFO land?

10.He went to Beijing by plane last Sunday.(改为同义句)

He _______ ______ Beijing last Sunday.


Mary and Peter were having a picnic with some friends near a river when Mary shouted, “Look! That’s a spaceship up there and it’s going to land here.”

Frightened by the strange spaceship, all the young people got into their cars and drove away as quickly as possible except Peter and Mary. They were more curious(好奇的) than frightened. They watched the spaceship land and saw a door open, but nobody came out, so they went to look into it. In the center of the floor, there was a lot of food. Peter followed Marry into the spaceship and did not hear the door close behind him. The temperature fell in no time and very soon the two young people didn’t know anything.

When they came to, they were surprised to see that they were back by the river again. The spaceship had gone. Their car was nearby.

“What happened?” asked Mary.

Peter scratched his head, saying slowly, “Don’t ask me. Perhaps we had a dream. Come on. It’s time to go home.”

After driving about five thousand metres, they found a thick wall made of something like glass stood in their way. On the other side of the wall , a few strange aliens were looking through the wall and reading a notice , which translated into (译成) English said, “New comers at the zoo, a pair of earth villagers in their field with their house on wheels.”

1.Which of the following is YRUE?

A.It was Peter who saw the spaceship first.

B.The spaceship landed on the river.

C.All the young people went for the picnic by car.

D.When Peter went into the spaceship, Mary followed him.

2.What can we learn from the end of the story?

A.Peter and Mary became villagers.

B.Peter and Mary were in another planet(星球).

C.Peter and Mary went back home.

D.Peter and Mary visited the zoo.

3.The underlined part “house on wheels” means “______” in this story.

A. car

B. space

C. wall

D. zoo

4. How did Peter and Mary feel when they saw the strange spaceship?

A. frightened

B. surprised

C. amazed

D. curious


人教版八年级数学下学期综合检测卷 一、选择题(本题共10小题,满分共30分) 1.二次根式2 1、12 、30 、x+2 、240x 、22y x +中,最简二次根式有( ) 个。 A 、1 个 B 、2 个 C 、3 个 D 、4个 2.若式子2x -有意义,则x 的取值范围为( ). A 、x ≥2 B 、x ≠3 C 、x ≥2或x ≠3 D 、x ≥2且x ≠3 3.如果下列各组数是三角形的三边,那么不能组成直角三角形的一组数是( ) A .7,24,25 B .1113,4,5222 C .3,4, 5 D . 114,7,8 22 4、在四边形ABCD 中,O 是对角线的交点,能判定这个四边形是正方形的是( ) (A )AC=BD ,AB ∥CD ,AB=CD (B )AD ∥BC ,∠A=∠C (C )AO=BO=CO=DO ,AC ⊥BD (D )AO=CO ,BO=DO ,AB=BC 5、如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,∠B =80°,AE 平分∠BAD 交BC 于点E ,CF ∥AE 交AE 于点 F ,则∠1=( ) 1 F E D C B A A .40° B .50° C .60° D .80° 6、表示一次函数y =mx +n 与正比例函数y =mnx (m 、n 是常数且mn ≠0)图象是( ) 7.如图所示,函数x y =1和3 4 312+=x y 的图象相交于(-1,1),(2,2)两点.当21y y >时,x 的取值范围是( )

A .x <-1 B .—1<x <2 C .x >2 D . x <-1或x >2 8、 在方差公式( )()( )[]2 22212 1 x x x x x x n S n -++-+-= Λ中,下列说法不正确的是( ) A. n 是样本的容量 B. n x 是样本个体 C. x 是样本平均数 D. S 是样本方差 9、班长统计去年1~8月“书香校园”活动中全班同学的课外阅读数量(单位:本),绘制了如图折线统计图,下列说法正确的是( ) (A )极差是47 (B )众数是42 (C )中位数是58 (D )每月阅读数量超过40的有4个月 10、如图,在△ABC 中,AB =3,AC =4,BC =5,P 为边BC 上一动点,PE ⊥AB 于E ,PF ⊥AC 于F , M 为EF 中点,则AM 的最小值为【 】 A .54 B .52 C .53 D .65 二、填空题(本题共10小题,满分共30分) 11.48 -1 3-? ?? +)13(3--30 -23-= 12.边长为6的大正方形中有两个小正方形,若两个小正方形的面积分别为S 1,S 2,则S 1+S 2 的值为( ) M P F E B A


2012—2013学年度第二学期八年级英语单元测试(三) 班级:姓名:总分: 一.单选(60分) ( ) 1 I would like to be _____astronaut when I grow up. A. an B.a C. the D. 不填 ( ) 2 Look, the birds are singing _____ the tree and there are so many apples _____ the tree. A. in , in B. on , on C. in , on D on , in ( ) 3 They ______ a football game from7:00 to 9:30 last night. A. were watching B. watch C. watched D. are watching ( ) 4 He hasn't ______to say. A. anything else B. else anything C. something else D. else something ( ) 5 There are about five ________young trees on the hill. A hundred B hundreds C hundreds of D. hundred of ( )6. The students ______ an English class when the visitors came. A. had B. were having C. will have D. are having ( ) 7 _____ math is not easy , I want to study it well . A Although B with C on D of ( ) 8. The girl was _______ when she saw the tiger and she cried. A. scaring B. happy C. tired D. scared ( ) 9 Do you often follow your parents ____ your gandparents on Sunday . A visiting B to visiting C to visit D visited ( ) 10 ______beautiful girl she is! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a ( ) 11 Your friend is _____ than you, so you should be as ____ as him. A. popular, friendlier B. more popular, friendly C. more popular, friendlier D. popular, friendly ( ) 12He _____ on the phone while his sister was watching TV last might. A. talks B. talked C. is talking D. was talking ( ) 13 The little boy is afraid of staying_____ A .alone; B. alone; C. lonely; D. lonely; ( ) 14 He is ___ good teacher. We all like him. A. a such B. such a C. so a D. so ( ) 15 They will build(建造)a computer room here________. A. from ten months B. before ten months C. in ten months D. after ten months ( ) 16 You can find ______ difficult to learn English. A that B this C it D how ( ) 17 It's very important___ carefully in class. A. listening B. listened C. to listen D. listen ( ) 18 Mother ____ for me when I got home . A waited B waits C was waiting D is waiting ( ) 19 All my classmates went to the park___me because I was ill. A. besides B. except C .beside D. but ( ) 20 The work is________for me to do. A enough easy B. enough easier C. easy enough D. easier enough ( ) 21I have a lot of homework to do. So I won’t go to bed____I finish it. A. after B. until C. as soon D. since ( ) 22There _____ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.


人 教 版 数 学 八 年 级 下 学 期 期 末 测 试 卷 一、选择题 1.下列方程中,一元二次方程的是( ) A. 221x x +=0 B. (2x +1)(x ﹣3)=1 C. ax 2+bx =0 D. 3x 2﹣2xy ﹣5y 2=0 2.如图,在?ABCD 中,AB =6,BC =8,∠BCD 的平分线交AD 于点E ,交BA 的延长线于点F ,则AE +AF 的值等于( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6 3.已知一次函数的图象与直线y=-x +1平行,且过点(8,2),那么此一次函数的解析式为( ) A. 2y x =-- B. 6y x =-- C. 10y x =-+ D. 1y x =-- 4.若关于x 的方程x 2﹣2x +m =0的一个根为﹣1,则另一个根为( ) A. ﹣3 B. ﹣1 C. 1 D. 3 5.下列选项中,不能判定四边形ABCD 是平行四边形的是( ) A. AD//BC ,AB//CD B. AB//CD ,AB CD = C. AD//BC ,AB DC = D. AB DC =,AD BC = 6.已知一次函数y =(k ﹣2)x +k +1的图象不过第三象限,则k 的取值范围是( ) A. k >2 B. k <2 C. ﹣1≤k ≤2 D. ﹣1≤k <2 7.某同学五天内每天完成家庭作业的时间(时)分别为2,3,2,1,2,则对这组数据的下列说法中错误的是( ) A. 平均数 2 B. 众数是2 C. 中位数是2 D. 方差是2

8.甲、乙两队举行了一年一度的赛龙舟比赛,两队在比赛时的路程s (米)与时间t (分钟)之间的函数关系图象如图所示,请你根据图象判断,下列说法正确的是( ) A. 甲队率先到达终点 B. 甲队比乙队多走了200米路程 C. 乙队比甲队少用0.2分钟 D. 比赛中两队从出发到2.2分钟时间段,乙队的速度比甲队的速度快 9.班上数学兴趣小组的同学在元旦时,互赠新年贺卡,每两个同学都相互赠送一张,小明统计出全组共互送了90张贺年卡,那么数学兴趣小组的人数是多少?设数学兴趣小组人数为x 人,则可列方程为( ) A. x(x -1)=90 B. x(x -1)=2×90 C. x(x -1)=90÷2 D. x(x +1)=90 10.抛物线2321y x x =-+-的图象与坐标轴交点的个数是( ) A . 没有交点 B. 只有一个交点 C. 有且只有两个交点 D. 有且只有三个交点 11.在同一坐标系中,一次函数y=ax+2与二次函数y=x 2+a 的图象可能是( ) A. B. C. D. 12.已知二次函数y=ax 2+bx+c(a ≠0)的图象如图所示,对称轴为x= ﹣12 .下列结论中,正确的是( ) A. abc >0 B. a+b=0 C. 2b+c >0 D. 4a+c <2b 二、填空题 13.有10个数据的平均数为12,另有20个数据的平均数为15,那么所有这30个数据的平均数是________. 14.将抛物线2y x =先向左平移2个单位,再向下平移3个单位,所得抛物线的解析式为______.


Unit 3 单元测试题 Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题2分,共30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. The hotel provides a shoe cleaning service ______ guests. A. for B. from C. on D. with ( )22. He doesn’t like doing chores and ______ do I. A. either B. no C. neither D. not ( )23. ______ she went into the room, she knew there was something wrong. A. As long as B. Since C. As soon as D. Although ( )24. I don’t mind ______ if you can’t find anyone else. A. help B. helping C. to help D. to helping ( )25. For kids, I think two hours of playing computer games ______ too long. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )26. I’m looking for a job which can make me ______ my creative talents to the full. A. turn B. develop C. waste D. choose ( )27. If you need a coat, I can ______ you one. I will go home to get it right away. A. lend B. sell C. borrow D. buy ( )28. There’s no need for you ______ late! I can finish the rest of the work by myself. A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. stayed ( )29. Your son is only a 4-year-old child. You shouldn’t give him so much ______ of studies. A. risk B. hope C. stress D. advice ( )30. I know it’s not my job ______ you how to run your life, but I do think you’ve made a mistake. A. tell B. to tell C. ask D. to ask ( )31. I was seriously ______ that day and decided to stay at home and have a good rest. A. relaxed B. lazy C. ill D. lonely ( )32. Could you please ______ the window? It’s cold outside. A. open B. not open C. opening D. not opening ( )33. Don’t worry about me while you’re away. I will ______ myself. A. take care of B. take after C. look for D. look forward to ( )34. Bring as much food as you can — ______. A. the much, the good B. the more, the better C. more, better D. the most, the best ( )35. —Could you look after my pet dog this Saturday, Dale? —______. I will be free this weekend. A. Of course B. Sounds good C. Thank you D. That’s right Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题2分,共20分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 One morning, all the young pixies (小精灵) came to Shalbus Egbert’s house. “Please. Mr. Egbert, please tell us a story,” they said. “Maybe a little 36 ,” replied Shalbus. He was unkind. “I am cleaning the house and I’m tired. I 37 finish it this morning.” One little pixie named Susie had a wonderful 38 . “Will you tell us a story 39 we help you clean the house?” she asked.


八年级数学下册期末试卷(带答案) 每个学期快结束时,学校往往以试卷的形式对各门学科进行该学期知识掌握的检测,这便是期末考试。接下来小编为大家精心准备了八年级数学下册期末试卷,希望大家喜欢! 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每题3分,共30分) 1.下列根式中不是最简二次根式的是( ) A. B. C. D. 2.下列各组数中,能构成直角三角形的三边的长度是( ) A.3,5,7 B. C. 0.3,0.5,0.4 D.5,22,23 3. 正方形具有而矩形没有的性质是( ) A. 对角线互相平分 B. 每条对角线平分一组对角 C. 对角线相等 D. 对边相等 4.一次函数的图象不经过的象限是( ) A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 5.AC,BD是□ABCD的两条对角线,如果添加一个条件,使□ABCD为矩形,那么这个条件可以是( ) A. AB=BC B. AC=BD C. AC⊥BD D. AB⊥BD 6.一次函数,若,则它的图象必经过点( ) A. (1,1) B. (—1,1) C. (1,—1) D. (—1,—1) 7.比较,,的大小,正确的是( ) A. S2 ,则S3 >S1 ③若S3=2S1,则S4=2S2 ④若S1-S2=S3-S4,则P点一定在对角线BD上.

其中正确的结论的序号是_________________(把所有正确结论的序号都填在横线上). 三、解答题(本大题共46分) 19. 化简求值(每小题3分,共6分) (1) - × + (2) 20.(本题5分)已知y与成正比例,且时,. (1)求y与x之间的函数关系式; (2)设点( ,-2)在(1)中函数的图象上,求的值. 21.(本题7分)如图,正方形纸片ABCD的边长为3,点E、F 分别在边BC、CD上,将AB、AD分别沿AE、AF折叠,点B、D恰好都落在点G处,已知BE=1,求EF的长. 22.(本题8分)在一次运输任务中,一辆汽车将一批货物从甲地运往乙地,到达乙地卸货后返回.设汽车从甲地出发x(h)时,汽车与甲地的距离为y(km),y与x的函数关系如图所示.根据图象信息,解答下列问题: (1)这辆汽车往、返的速度是否相同? 请说明理由; (2)求返程中y与x之间的函数表达式; (3)求这辆汽车从甲地出发4h时与甲地的距离. 23.(本题10分)某学校通过初评决定最后从甲、乙、丙三个班中推荐一个班为区级先进班集体,下表是这三个班的五项素质考评得分表:


Unit3测试题 一、单项填空 1. Jane likes to tell jokes. She never stops talking. She is . A. serious B. quiet C. shy D. outgoing 2. Liu Ying is student in the class. So she always gets the best grades. A. a hard-working B. more hard-working C. the most hard-working D. hard-working 3. He likes to do the same things ______ me. A. in B. on C. like D. as 4. Our English teacher is ______ than our math teacher. A. funnier B. fun C. funny D. more funny 5. My best friend Tina is than any other students in our class. A. popular B. more popular C. popularer D. more popularer 6. —How do you feel when you see the national flag of China? —It makes me proud. A. feel B. to feel C. felt D. feeling 7. We are having fun computer games. A. playing B. play C. to play D. plays 8. Li Lei is as ______ as his father. A. funny and outgoing B. more funnier and outgoing C. funnier and more outgoing D. more funny and outgoing 9. Mary and her sister . A. look like B. are look the same C. are look like D. look the same 10. I’m ______ taller than my mother, but shorter than my father. A. more B. a little C. very D. a lot of 二、完形填空 I have a good friend. His name is John Brown. He is a school boy.


八年级数学单元试题(时间 120分钟) 一、选择题 1、方程(x-1)(x+2)=0的根是( ) A 、x 1=1 x 2=-2 B 、x 1=-1 x 2=2 C 、x 1=-1 x 2=-2 D 、x 1=1 x 2=2 2、下列两个三角形中,一定全等的是( ) A 、有一个角是40°,腰相等的两个等腰三角形 B 、两个等边三角形 C 、有一个角是100°,底相等的两个等腰三角形 D 、有一条边相等,有一个内角相等的两个等腰三角形 3、方程x 2-x +2=0根的情况是( ) A. 只有一个实数根 B. 有两个相等的实数根 C. 有两个不相等的实数根 D. 没有实数根 4、方程x 2+6x-5=0的左边配成完全平方后所得方程为( ) A 、(x+3) 2=14 B 、 (x-3) 2=14 C 、(x+6) 2=1 2 D 、 以上答案都不对 5、如图,D 在AB 上,E 在AC 上,且AB =AC ,那么 补充下列一个条件后,仍无法判定△ABE ≌△ACD 的条 件是( ) A 、 AD =AE B 、 ∠AEB =∠AD C C 、 BE =CD D 、 BD=CE 6、如图,△ABC 中,AB=BD=AC ,AD=CD ,则∠BAC 的度数是( ) A 、100° B 、108° C 、120° D 、150° 7、在联欢晚会上,有A 、B 、C 三名同学站在一个三角形的三个顶点位置上,他们在玩抢凳子游戏,要求在他们中间放一个木凳,谁先抢到凳子谁获胜,为使游戏公平,则凳子应放的最适当的位置在△ABC 的( ) A 、三边中线的交点 B 、三条角平分线的交点 C 、三边上高的交点 D 、三边垂直平分线的交点 8、如果关于x 的一元二次方程x 2+px+q=0的两根分别为x 1=3, x 2=1,那么这个一元二 次方程是( ) A 、 x 2+4x+3=0 B 、 x 2-4x+3=0 C 、 x 2+4x-3=0 D 、 x 2-4x-3=0 9、如图所示的图形中,所有的四边形都是正方形, 所有的三角形都是直角三角形,其中最大的正方形 的边长为7cm ,则阴影部分正方形A 、B 、C 、D 的 面积的和是( )2 cm 。 A 、28 B 、49 C 、98 D 、147 10、 关于x 的方程2x 2+mx -1=0的两根互为相反数,则m 的值为( ) A 、 0 B 、 2 C 、 1 D 、 -2 11、角平分线的尺规作图,其根据是构造两个全等三角形,由作图可知:判断所构造的两个三角形全等的依据是( ) A 、 HL B 、ASA C 、 SAS D 、 SSS 12、若关于x 的一元二次方程kx 2-6x+9=0有两个不相等的实数根,则k 的取值范围( ) A 、 k <1 B 、 k ≠0 C 、 k <1且k ≠0 D 、 k >1 二、填空题 13、直角三角形三边是3,4,x ,那么x = 14、关于x 的二次三项式4x 2+mx+1是完全平方式,则m = 15、三角形两边的长分别是8cm 和6cm ,第三边的长是方程x 2-12x +20=0的一个实数根,则三角形的面积是 。 16、方程(m+1)x |m|+(m-3)x-1=0是关于x 的一元二次方程,则m= 17、关于x 的一元二次方程2230kx x -+=有实根,则k 得取值范围是 18、如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠B=90°,∠A=40°, AC 的垂直平分线MN 与AB 相交于D 点,则 B C

人教版八年级下册Unit3 单元测试卷(含答案)

八年级英语下Unit 3检测题(满分120) 听力部分(25分) 第一节:下面你将听到5段短对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从每小题A、B、C 三个 选项中,选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题;每段对话只读1遍。 ( )1.What does the boy usually do at weekends? A.Cleans the room B.Washes the clothes. C. Cooks dinner ( )2.Whom does the man ask to help to clean the room? A. His son B.His daughter. C. His father. ( )3.What does the boy like doing? A.Doing the dishes. B.Making the bed. C.Taking out the rubbish ( )4.When is the sitcom over? A.At 7:40pm B.At 8:20pm C.At 9:20pm. ( )5.What does the girl need help with? A.B uying some snacks B.Buying some drinks C.Buying some drinks and snacks 第二节:下面你将听到6 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听每段对话或独白前,你都有10 秒钟的时间阅读有关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第一段材料,回答第6 至8 小题。 ( )6.What does the boy need? A.Some water . B.Some money. C.Some fruit ( )7.What does the woman ask the boy to do? A.Do his homework. B.Do some chores. C.Do some shopping. ( )8.When will the boy finish the work? A. In thirty minutes . B.In fifty minutes. C.In an hour. 听第二段材料,回答第9 至11 小题。 ( )9.Who does the housework most of the time in Eric’s house? A.Eric’s father B.Eric’s mother . C.Eric’s sister. ( )10.What does Sally think she should do? A.Help with the housework. B.Help with the volunteer work. C.Help with the homework. ( )11.What are they going to do next? A.Have dinner. B.Have a talk C.Have a class. 听第三段材料,回答第12 至14 小题。 ( )12.What is Tina doing? A.Telling a story B.Reading a book C.Taking a trip. ( )13.What can Tina do? A.Clean the table . B.Do the dishes. C.Sweep the floor. ( )14.When should Tina be home? A.By 8 o’clock B.By 9 o’clock C.By 10 o’clock. 听第四段材料,回答第15 至17 小题。 ( ) 15.What will Molly do at 3:00 this afternoon? A.P ractice English B.Make dinner. C.Play chess. ( )16.What does Jack have to do this afternoon? A.Do his homework. B.Do the chores. C.Feed the bird. ( )17.What does Jack think of cooking? A.Very boring B.Very interesting C.Very relaxing 听第五段材料,回答第18 至20 小题。


15题 靖安县八年级(下)数学期末考试试卷 一、选择题(本大题共有10小题,每题3分,共30分),每小题只有一个正确选项,请把正确选项的代号填在题后的括号内。 1.一个纳米粒子的直径是0.000 000 035米,用科学记数法表示为( ) A.8105.3-?米 B.7105.3-?米 C.71035-?米 D.71035.0-?米 2.分式3 1 -x 有意义,则x 的取值范围是( ) A 、x>3 B 、x<3 C 、x ≠3 D 、x ≠-3 3.天气预报报道靖安县今天最高气温34℃,最低气温20℃,则今天靖安县气温的极差是( ) A 、54℃ B 、14℃ C 、-14℃ D 、-62℃ 4.函数()01 >-=x y 的图象大致是( ) 5.数学老师在录入班级50名同学的数学成绩时,有一名同学的成绩录入错了,则该组数据一定会发生改变的是( ) A 、中位数 B 、 众数 C 、平均数 D 、中位数、众数、平均数都一定发生改变 6.在△ABC 中,AB=12cm , BC=16cm , AC=20cm , 则△ABC 的面积是( ) A 、96cm 2 B 、120cm 2 C 、160cm 2 D 、200cm 2 7.用含30o角的两块同样大小的直角三角板拼图形,下列四种图形,①平行四边形②菱形,③矩形,④直角梯形。其中可以被拼成的图形是( ) A 、 ① ② B 、 ① ③ C 、 ③ ④ D 、 ①②③ ④ 8.一个三角形的三边的长分别是3,4,5,则这个三角形最长边上的高是( ) A 、4 B 、103 C 、52 D 、 125 9.对于反比例函数2 y x = ,下列说法不正确...的是 ( ) A 、点(21)--,在它的图象上 B 、它的图象在第一、三象限 C 、当0x >时,y 随x 的增大而增大 D 、当0x <时,y 随x 的增大而减小 10.如图,□ABCD 的周长为16cm ,AC 、BD 相交于点O , OE ⊥AC 交AD 于E,则△DCE 的周长为( ) A. 4cm B. 6cm C. 8cm D. 10cm 二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分) 11.某中学人数相等的甲、乙两班学生参加了同一次数学测验,两班平均分和方差分别为x 甲=82分,x 乙=82分,S 2甲=245,S 2乙=190. 那么成绩较为整齐的是________班(?填“甲”或“乙”) 12. 当=x 时,1)1(2-+x 与1)2(3--x 的值相等。 13.如图,学校有一块长方形花圃,有极少数同学为了避开拐角走“捷径”,在花圃内走出了一条“路”,他们仅仅少走了 米,却踩伤了花草. 14.菱形ABCD 的周长为36,其相邻两内角的度数比为1:5,则此菱形的面积 为____________ 15.如图,A 、B 是双曲线x k y = 的一个分支上的两点,且点B(a ,b)在点A 的右侧,则b 的取值范围是_______________。 16、在□ABCD 中,两对角线交于点O ,点E 、F 、G 、H 分别是AO 、BO 、CO 、 DO 的中点, 那么以图中的点为顶点的平行四边形有 个,请你在图中将它们画出来,它们分别是 (□ABCD 除外) 13题 O 16题 10题


Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Name___________ Grade___________ 第一节单项选择。(本题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. —Could I have the television on? —. A. Yes, you can B. Yes, you could C. No, you couldn’ t D. No, you can ( )2. Can you finish the storybook on time? A. reading B. read C. to read D. in reading ( )3. —I’ m not going swimming tomorrow afternoon. —. I have to clean up my bedroom. A. So am I B. Neither am I C. Neither I am D. So I am ( )4. —Could I your iPad, Alice? —Of course. Here you are. A. lend B. keep C. borrow D. return ( )6.. Daisy is such a good daughter that she most of her spare time with her parents. A. spends B. costs C. takes D. affords ( )6. —Could you please pass me the book? —. A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldn’t C. Sure. Here you are D. No, that’s no problem ( )7. The local people like that restaurant because it both delicious food and good service. A. uses B. wants C. shares D. provides ( )8.—Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? —Well, it all the weather. A. belongs to B. happens to C. depends on D. concentrates on ( )9. —Why are you so excited? —Alan invited me on a trip to Tibet. A. to go B. go C. going D. went


D A B C 八年级下册数学期末测试题一 一、选择题(每题2分,共24分) 1、下列各式中,分式的个数有( ) 31-x 、12+a b 、πy x +2、21--m 、a +21、2 2) ()(y x y x +-、x 12-、115- A 、2个 B 、3个 C 、4个 D 、5个 2、如果把 223y x y -中的x 和y 都扩大5倍,那么分式的值( ) A 、扩大5倍 B 、不变 C 、缩小5倍 D 、扩大4倍 3、已知正比例函数y =k 1x (k 1≠0)与反比例函数y =2 k x (k 2≠0)的图象有一个交点的坐标为(-2,-1),则它的另一个交点的坐标是 A. (2,1) B. (-2,-1) C. (-2,1) D. (2,-1) 4、一棵大树在一次强台风中于离地面5米处折断倒下,倒下部分与地面成30°夹角,这棵大树在折断前的高度为 A .10米 B .15米 C .25米 D .30米 5、一组对边平行,并且对角线互相垂直且相等的四边形是( ) A 、菱形或矩形 B 、正方形或等腰梯形 C 、矩形或等腰梯形 D 、菱形或直角梯形 6、把分式方程12121=----x x x 的两边同时乘以(x -2), 约去分母,得( ) A .1-(1-x)=1 B .1+(1-x)=1 C .1-(1-x)=x -2 D .1+(1-x)=x -2 7、如图,正方形网格中的△ABC ,若小方格边长为1,则△ABC 是( ) A 、直角三角形 B 、锐角三角形 C 、钝角三角形 D 、 以上答案都不对 (第7题) (第8题) (第9题) A B C


最新2018年新人教版八年级数学(下)期末检测试卷 (含答案) 一、选择题(本题共 10小题,满分共30分) 1.二次根式 2 1、12 、30 、x+2 、240x 、22y x +中,最简二次根 式有( )个。 A 、1 个 B 、2 个 C 、3 个 D 、4个 2.若式子2x -有意义,则x 的取值范围为( ). A 、x≥2 B 、x≠3 C 、x≥2或x≠3 D 、x≥2且x≠3 3.如果下列各组数是三角形的三边,那么不能组成直角三角形的一组数是( ) A .7,24,25 B .1113,4,5 222 C .3,4, 5 D . 11 4,7,822 4、在四边形ABCD 中,O 是对角线的交点,能判定这个四边形是正方形的是( ) (A )AC=BD ,AB ∥CD ,AB=CD (B )AD ∥BC ,∠A=∠C (C )AO=BO=CO=DO ,AC ⊥BD (D )AO=CO ,BO=DO ,AB=BC 5、如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,∠B =80°,AE 平分∠BAD 交BC 于点E ,CF ∥AE 交 AE 于点F ,则∠1=( ) 1 F E D C B A A .40° B .50° C .60° D .80° 6、表示一次函数y =mx +n 与正比例函数y =mnx (m 、n 是常数且mn ≠0)图象是( ) 7.如图所示,函数x y =1和3 4 312+=x y 的图象相交于(-1,1),(2,2)两点.当21y y >时,x 的取值范围是( )

A .x <-1 B .—1<x <2 C .x >2 D . x <-1或x >2 8、 在方差公式( )()( )[]2 22212 1 x x x x x x n S n -++-+-=Λ中,下列说法不正确的是 ( ) A. n 是样本的容量 B. n x 是样本个体 C. x 是样本平均数 D. S 是样本方差 9、多多班长统计去年1~8月“书香校园”活动中全班同学的课外阅读数量(单位:本),绘制了如图折线统计图,下列说法正确的是( ) (A )极差是47 (B )众数是42 (C )中位数是58 (D )每月阅读数量超过40的有4个月 10、如图,在△ABC 中,AB =3,AC =4,BC =5,P 为边BC 上一动点,PE ⊥AB 于E ,PF ⊥AC 于F ,M 为EF 中点,则AM 的最小值为【 】 A .54 B .52 C .53 D .65 M P F E C B A

八年级Unit 3 单元测试题

Unit 3 单元测试题 Written test part (共95分) Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. The hotel provides a shoe cleaning service ______ guests. A. for B. from C. on D. with ( )22. He doesn’t like doing chores and ______ do I. A. either B. no C. neither D. not ( )23. ______ she went into the room, she knew there was something wrong. A. As long as B. Since C. As soon as D. Although ( )24. I don’t mind ______ if you can’t find anyone else. A. help B. helping C. to help D. to helping ( )25. For kids, I think two hours of playing computer games ______ too long. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )26. I’m looking for a job which can make me ______ my creative talents to the full. A. turn B. develop C. waste D. choose ( )27. If you need a coat, I can ______ you one. I will go home to get it right away. A. lend B. sell C. borrow D. buy ( )28. There’s no need for you ______ late! I can finish the rest of the work by myself. A. to stay B. stay
