

A Film Review of<>

Have watched the film called <> , l am deeply moved by the story happened between Juli and Bryce, two small children pure and know little about what is love .

To be honest, l fall in love with young Juli when first saw her, just as the excellent article showed on class by teacher says, Juli has extremely bright eyes, which can catch your heart . You have to admit that Juli is a girl who is brave and caring. Met Bryce at the first time, she loses her heart and expect to g et Bryce’s kiss. In order to finish this purpose ,she did many things .However Bryce is a shy boy who is different from Juli ,avoiding to met Juli though they are in the same class. As far as l am concerned, as a boy should be outgoing, just like Juli ,dare to love and hate, have ideas on what to do and not to .

More or less, a family plays a great role in children’s personality. Juli is lucky to have a good family to give her right va lue .Juli’s father is a dreamer, who does not care about material life and shows his full love to his family including to his retarded brother. Faced wi th the rich neighbor’s laughing, her father does not have any sense of inferiority, but holds his belief firmly and gives his daughter an eternal parasol tree after the world took away J uli’s big tree.As to Bryce’s father, rich but losing, elegant but impolite. Effected by his father, Bryce starts to looking down upon Juli and her family, thinking her family is poor and her yard is dirty, which leads to his refusing to the eggs Juli offers. Even more, his father show little respect to his sister and grandfather, which makes me disgust. Overall, though two families have their shortcoming, we should do what is beneficial to children’s growth rather than make them cultivate a bad personality which will make others keep distance to then.

When first saw Juli climb up the tree, Bryce think it’s stupid, refusing to Juli’s invitation to climb up the tree with her. I do not understand why Juli so insistent to offer her invitation at the beginning, seeing light suddenly after Juli climbs to the top of the tree, where she can see the most beautiful scenery in the whole world and the fascinating sunrise and sunset. Perhaps she want to share cherish thing with whom she loved, so she is unwilling to come down when people plan to cut the tree which attribute to her appearing in newspaper. It’s her father ‘s painting about that tree that makes her find her happiness and ends up those day’s absent-mindedness and sadness.

When growing, we all need somebody’s guide. Bryce is lucky enough to have a so great grandfather to tell him who he is and he should be a kind and honest person. Just as what Bryce’s grandfather ‘s said when they were walking together, “some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who’s iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.” ,which gives me a big shock. The growth of love, we often use the way to say” stop ”, in fact, we need a wise man’s leading, learn to how to love. That’s where our missing in education. l really love the old man who helping Bryce discover the brightness of Juli, helping Juli repair the yard and build the fences without explaining or saying voluntarily, stepping forward when Bryce’s father laughed at her retarded uncle.

When you like me, l don’t like you; when you fall in love with me , l like you; when you leave me, l fall in love with you; is that you go to fast, or l can’t follow your footsteps. When Juli loved him, he was influenced by his father, even lay to her ;when the girl didn’t love him, he had a subtle feeling, opened his heart with his father’s help, began to understand her. In the end, he found his girl, he will not turn a blind eye, not to pass, not turn around immediately, instead of grasping firmly. If there was a girl loves me, l will not determine by other’s ideas and comments, l will follow my heart. Love is your own business, so you should make your own choice when you are in trouble.

Being selected as a basketboy, Bryce was school beauty scramble for, and had been biding by the girl the most closely watched at school. He did not have a sense of happiness he was looking forward to during the launch time, what he expected is to be biding by Juli, the girl is having launch with a boy nobody care happily. But could he know Juli’s suffering and contradictory heart? Could he know that they never have a better understanding of each other? Even more, Bryce came to her and wanted to give her a kiss, which is what she wanted when she was seven years old. However, sane Juli run away sadly, not because the kiss is to latter, it’s because she had been disgusted with the boy once flipped.

Until Juli saw Bryce planting trees in her yard. Saw Bryce’s love and sincerity, she walked to Bryce, planting the tree together in the sun, with their hand in hand, smiling to each other. This ‘s the first time they really had known each other after many years.

I don’t know how much they understand the love because they were to young. But l hold the belief firmly, that the emotion of adolescence is beautiful, also be bitter. Bryce had met a girl just

likes rainbow, giving him a better understanding of love. Juli ,the girl who is in adolescence, experienced a process seeking herself, which made her grow not only beautiful and full of charm.















电影怦然心动观后感(精选多篇) 第一篇:电影怦然心动观后感 电影怦然心动观后感 电影《怦然心动》一直没看,昨天与学生一起看了,没看完,如鱼鲠在喉难受。今天把它看完了。 故事情节简单,却一如影片题目看后令人怦然心动。影片叙述视角独角,分别以男女主人公的视角叙述故事,讲述少男少女布莱思与朱莉成长的故事,一个初恋的故事,一个如何学会爱的故事,无论谁看了都会有启发。 如何勇敢对待自己的真爱。女孩子的成熟永远比男孩子超前,所以当还是孩童时,朱莉就喜欢上布莱思闪亮而迷人的眼睛,她在那一刻便已怦然心动,成长的路上,她一直执着坚定地追求着自己的真爱,哪怕是遭到布莱思的讨厌,她是勇敢的,影片把一个少女欲罢不能的初恋情怀描摹得细腻动人。布莱思对待自己的真爱也是勇敢的,仅管认识真爱的过程如此曲折,仅管经过了妒忌才确认。面对父亲对朱莉一家的反感,面对好友对朱莉的否定,布莱思勇敢地走向朱莉。 如何去爱,是那种“低到尘埃里“的爱吗?朱莉从年少时一起追逐着她的爱,但换来是布莱思的不屑,甚至厌恶。当她在那棵树上感受到微风吹拂时,她开始用另一种眼光审视世界,她开始活得独立自尊,不再纠缠她的爱时,这时一直逃避的布莱思才静下心来,回望

她。爱是平等的,一直纠缠却得不到的爱不是真爱。追逐的过程中要学会停下来,只有停下来,才能认真思考,理智地思考问题,只有停下来了,逃的那一方才能明白自己为什么要逃。朱莉用自尊赢得了她的爱。 成长的路上需要引领。很欣赏布莱思的外公与布莱思一起散步时跟布莱思说的那句话:”我们中有的人暗淡无光,有的色泽艳丽,有的则光彩照人,但是偶尔你也会遇到色彩斑斓的人。当你真遇到时,其他一切都不重要了。“爱的成长路上,我们常常采用堵的方式,其实我们更需要智者引领,学会去爱。这正是我们现下教育缺失的地方。 相爱的路上一起种植爱的精神之树。影片最后,布莱思与朱莉一起种植那棵梧桐树时,当布莱思的手抚摸朱莉的手时,我相信他们终于明白了爱的真谛,他们会幸福地相爱。苏霍姆林斯基在《给女儿的信》中告诉女儿爱情是“你看看我,我看看你”的相看两不厌,爱情是白发苍苍儿孙满堂时依然能“你看看我,我看看你”的叫诚,爱情是当一方离开后的心灵追念。犹如布莱思的外公,常常坐在窗前思念老伴。人生是短暂而漫长的,一路走来,一起种一棵爱情常青树,一起浇灌,执子之手,与子偕老。 影片只是淡淡地叙述着,就连朱莉想得到的初吻都未曾有。但是就这样静静地看着,当朱莉捧着那一筐被布莱思抛弃的鸡蛋,心会随


怦然心动观后感 《怦然心动》>观后感 存放在FTP上的电影《怦然心动》一直没看,昨天与学生一起看了,没看完,如鱼鲠在喉难受。今天把它看完了。 《怦然心动》>故事情节简单,却一如影片题目看后令人怦然心动。影片叙述视角独角,分别以男女主人公的视角叙述故事,讲述少男少女布莱思与朱莉成长的故事,一个初恋的故事,一个如何学会爱的故事,无论谁看了都会有启发。 如何勇敢对待自己的真爱。女孩子的成熟永远比男孩子超前,所以当还是孩童时,朱莉就喜欢上布莱思闪亮而迷人的眼睛,她在那一刻便已怦然心动,成长的路上,她一直执着坚定地追求着自己的真爱,哪怕是遭到布莱思的讨厌,她是勇敢的,影片把一个少女欲罢不能的初恋情怀描摹得细腻动人。布莱思对待自己的真爱也是勇敢的,仅管认识真爱的过程如此曲折,仅管经过了妒忌才确认。面对父亲对朱莉一家的反感,面对好友对朱莉的否定,布莱思勇敢地走向朱莉。 如何去爱,是那种“低到尘埃里”的爱吗?朱莉从年少时一起追逐着她的爱,但换来是布莱思的不屑,甚至厌恶。当她在那棵树上感受到微风吹拂时,她开始用另一种眼光审视世界,她开始活得独立自尊,不再纠缠她的爱时,这时一直逃避的布莱思才静下心来,回望她。爱是平等的,一直纠缠却得不到的爱不是真爱。追逐的过程中要学会停下来,只有停下来,才能认真思考,理智地思考问题,只有停下来了,逃的那一方才能明白自己为什么要逃。朱莉用自尊赢得了她的爱。 成长的路上需要引领。很欣赏布莱思的外公与布莱思一起散步时跟布莱思说的那句话:“我们中有的人暗淡无光,有的色泽艳丽,有的则光彩照人,但是偶尔你也会遇到色彩斑斓的人。当你真遇到时,其他一切都不重要了。”爱的成长路上,我们常常采用堵的方式,其实我们更需要智者引领,学会去爱。这正是我们现下教育缺失的地方。 相爱的路上一起种植爱的精神之树。影片最后,布莱思与朱莉一起种植那棵梧桐树时,当布莱思的手抚摸朱莉的手时,我相信他们终于明白了爱的真谛,他们会>幸福地相爱。苏霍姆林斯基在《给女儿的信》中告诉女儿爱情是“你看看我,我看看你”的相看两不厌,爱情是白发苍苍儿孙满堂时依然能“你看看我,我看看你”的叫诚,爱情是当一方离开后的心灵追念。犹如布莱思的外公,常常坐在窗前思念老伴。人生是短暂而漫长的,一路走来,一起种一棵爱情常青树,一起浇灌,执子之手,与子偕老。 影片《怦然心动》只是淡淡地叙述着,就连朱莉想得到的初吻都未曾有。但是就这样静静地看着,当朱莉捧着那一筐被布莱思抛弃的鸡蛋,心会随之隐隐痛;当朱莉一次次失望后决定放手时,布莱思才意识到那个叫朱莉的女孩已深入内心,才明白自己喜欢,看着布莱思在镜前挑衣的那刻,怦然心动;那“午餐男孩”的拍卖会上,布莱思的期待,朱莉的纠结,令人怦然心动;午餐会上布莱思毅然离席走向朱莉,想亲吻朱莉的那一刻,怦然心动;当他们一起种植那棵爱的精神之树时,怦然心动。


看美国影片怦然心动观后感范文5篇 爱情和生命的深入交流,方才开始。下面是学习啦的小编为你们整理的文章,希 望你们能够喜欢 电影怦然心动观后感 《怦然心动》(FLIPPED)看了五六遍,尤喜其中的两段话。其一是上文所引朱莉 父亲的“整体大于部分之和”的概念,其二是布莱斯的外公对于人的评价,“我们有的人 暗淡无光(flat),有的色泽艳丽(satin),有的则光彩照人(gloss)。但是偶尔,你也会遇 到色彩斑斓(iridescent)的人。当你真遇到时,其他的一切都不重要了。”韩寒译为: “有人住高楼,有人在深沟,有人光万丈,有人一身锈,世人万千种,浮云莫去求,斯 人若彩虹,遇上方知有。” 人生在世,必深谢有几个能点悟你的人。比如朱莉的父亲,又比如布莱斯的外公。由此说来,《怦然心动》的小清新里增添了几丝大智慧的魅力,贯穿影片始终,也渗 透到朱莉和布莱斯的成长轨迹上。虽讲述早恋题材,但又不仅仅止于此。哪怕如我这 般过了早恋年纪的人来看,仍旧受益匪浅。 除了朱莉和布莱斯,其他的每个人似乎都散发出各自的气息,宛如一部活字典, 通过片言只语,一不小心就透露了生活的很多秘密。家庭的矛盾,生活的艰辛,内心 的失衡,性情的懦弱等等,都隐于豆蔻年华情窦初开之际,从容不迫娓娓道来,还原 真实的生活,整饬个人的心扉,使人更加坚定和清醒。有一个镜头让人很感动,当朱 莉在晚餐时讨论修饰院子的计划时,父母亲为了家庭花销不禁大吵一架,过后父亲和 母亲各自到朱莉的卧室与她谈话。家庭成员之间的挚爱深情,很温暖,羡煞旁人也。 电影讲故事的方式有些意思,抛开平铺直叙,采用了叙述人称变换的手法,从布 莱斯的独白切换到朱莉的讲述,如此交叉进行,共分为7段。这使得影片保持在平稳 和舒缓的节奏上,如潺潺流水,波澜不惊,自然生动。 同时,这部电影也很赏心悦目。朱莉披着一头柔顺的棕发,略带着东方女性刚柔 相济的气息,很讨人喜欢(让人想起90年代香港的某位女影星);还有晨曦或落日中的梧桐树,本身就是一处蕴涵象征性的美丽风景;还有异国乡镇的淳朴风情等等。 电影怦然心动观后感


A Special Girl Deserves A Beautiful Love After watching Flipped, i was totally moved by its romantic plot. The heroine, Juli Baker, who is regarded as a strange student in the school, did leave a strong impression in my heart. What i want to say after watching it is that a special girl deserves a beautiful love. Juli is the one i admire so much. Juli Baker met Bryce Loski in her second grade, and she was flipped from then on because of his watermelon-scented hair and a pair of dazzling eyes. Though Bryce shew no interest in her and did everything he could to keep away from her, she never gave up and spent the whole year wondering if she could ever get his kiss. When they were in seventh grade, Juli fell in love with a large, old sycamore tree, which no one understood. Right after seeing the tree being cut down but Bryce didn’t help, and seeing him throwing the eggs she gave him, Juli began to think about whether Bryce was the right person. Fortunately, Bryce finally found that Juli was so precious a girl, and the ending was happiness. There are two impressive scenes that i eagerly want to share. First of all is the scene that Juli sits on the large, old sycamore tree which let her see the world in a much more enlightened way. She can stay on the tree quietly for a whole day, looking at the marvelous world with curiosity. She loves nature, and is willing to protect it at the risk of her “reputation” among the schoolmates. From my perspective, she is an invaluable gift compared to her schoolmates. She never follows fashion blindly, instead, she exactly knows what she wants. Ask ourselves, when the whole world call you “nerd”or “freak”, are you dare to turn a blind eye to these rumors? Do you still have courage to follow your heart? Moreover, it was the sweet smile Juli gave to her uncle that made me moved again. She never blames her mentally challenged uncle, on the contrary, she chose to celebrate the birthday for him. When her uncle lost control in the public, she didn’t feel ashamed. Mature as she is, she shoulders the responsibility of her family. What’s more, she clearly knows the importance of tolerance and love. No wonder that Chet, Bryce’s grandfather, says that Juli is a rare kind of girl who's hard to come across. And it is no wonder that this special girl can finally find her soul mate and harvest her sweetest first love. 精选


《Flipped》——film review Here is a lovely movie about a girl who has adored a boy ever since he moved into the neighborhood in the second grade. She even likes his smell, and it is true we cannot love someone who isn't aromatic to our hearts. All through grade school and into high school, she pursues him. The girl ,Juli Baker,who was determined to get Bryce Loski (the boy) to like her when they were kids, but in eighth grade has turned her attention to more urgent matters, like sparing the life of the beautiful sycamore tree in her front yard. It is threatened with being chopped down by the forces of evil, and she climbs it and won't come down. That shows some character, muses Bryce's grandfather. If he were Bryce, he'd notice a girl like that. Bryce begins to catch on.There are difficulties and the possibility of heartbreak.There always are in high school. You wear your sleeve on your heart. There are parents. Juli is a very independence girl. They're elementary schoolers when they meet , the day the Loski family moves into the neighborhood, and she decides instantly that she loves him: she “flipped” at the site of him.But the film's title comes to have additional and more ironic meanings. Bryce can't stand her until suddenly, one day in junior high, he finds her wildly intriguing. Juli and Bryce learn about that kind of flipping, too, as they discover that growing up . There are moments in adolescence when your feelings about romance turn on a dime. Maybe it's hormonal. The girl you thought was a pest becomes the object of your dreams. The boy you've had a crush on for years begins to seem like a jerk. The timing is off. Sometimes you can look back half a lifetime and see how things might have happened differently if you hadn't been so stupid. Sometimes means changing your ideas about those around you, including about your parents, you often turn out to be not quite the people you thought they were. ————20101651 Yu Kun


*实用文库汇编之英文小说flipped(怦然心动)原文1* All I've ever wanted is for Juli Baker to leave me alone. For her to back off — you know, just give me some space. It all started the summer before second grade when our movi ng van pulled into her neighborhood. And since we're now ab out done with the eighth grade, that, my friend, makes more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social disco mfort. She didn't just barge into my life. She barged and shoved and wedged her way into my life. Did we invite her to get into our moving van and start cl imbing all over boxes? No! But that's exactly what she did, taking over and showing off like only Juli Baker can. My dad tried to stop her. “Hey!”he says as she's catapu lting herself on board. “What are you doing? You're getting mud everywhere!”So true, too. Her shoes were, like, cake d with the stuff. She didn't hop out, though. Instead, she planted her rear e nd on the floor and started pushing a big box with her fe et. “Don't you want some help?”She glanced my way. “It s ure looks like you need it.” I didn't like the implication. And even though my dad had been tossing me the same sort of look all week, I could t ell — he didn't like this girl either. “Hey! Don't do that,”he warned her. “There are some really valuable things in t hat box.” “Oh. Well, how about this one?”She scoots over to a box labeled LENOX and looks my way again. “We should push it together!” “No, no, no!”my dad says, then pulls her up by the arm . “Why don't you run along home? Your mother's probably wo ndering where you are.” This was the beginning of my soon-to-become-


怦然心动英文观后感 《怦然心动》讲述了少男少女布莱思与朱莉成长的故事。下面是精心为您整理的怦然心动英文观后感,希望您喜欢! 怦然心动英文观后感一 After watching Flipped, i was totally moved by its romantic plot. The heroine, Juli Baker, who is regarded as a strange student in the school, did leave a strong impression in my heart. What i want to say after watching it is that a special girl deserves a beautiful love. Juli is the one i admire so much. Juli Baker met Bryce Loski in her second grade, and she was flipped from then on because of his watermelon-scented hair and a pair of dazzling eyes. Though Bryce shew no interest in her and did everything he could to keep away from her, she never gave up and spent the whole year wondering if she could ever get his kiss. When they were in seventh grade, Juli fell in love with a large, old sycamore tree, which no one understood. Right after seeing the tree being cut down but Bryce didn’t help, and seeing him throwing the eggs she gave him, Juli began to think about whether Bryce was the right person. Fortunately, Bryce finally


《flipped(怦然心动)》英文影评/观后感 提供者:戴雪君Because of a friend’s strong recommendation,《flipped》is a movie I wanted to watch a long time ago.Then till the vacation,I finally had the chance to enjoy it. It’s a story showed from the perspective of two people watching the same issue.A little girl and a little boy met at their second grade.The girl fell in love with her newly moved neighbour because of his dazzling eyes.But the boy was always mad at the girl because of her bored broadcast about every morning’s school bus,her family’s yard was always in a mess and her ugly sycamore tree. Then the girl realized that the boy wasn’t the kind of person who is more than the sum of his parts.However,the boy gradually began to find the merits of the girl,such as kindness,self-awareness,pureness. Little Julie has many virtues which impress me.First,she adhered to herself.She loved the sycamore tree in their block.Because she could sit at the braches for hours and amazed by the view.When someone wanted to cut the sycamore tree down,she sat there bravely to protect it.She didn’t care about others’incomprehension and ridicule.Second,she showed sympathy for the weak.She loved her uncle,although he had a severe handicap.And she bid for the Basketboy number 8 at Mayfield Boosters Club Action because no one bid for the https://www.360docs.net/doc/5d3575380.html,st but not least,she had a

flipped 怦然心动 书评读后感读书小报


Background This is a story about the love at first sight which happened between a girl and a boy in 1960’s America. The main characters are July Baker and Bryce Losik. 《Flipped》is a story of youth. In our youth, love is everywhere. Our parents love us, we also love them. And friendship has love as well. This story tells about the love of youth. Abstract It’s a story showed from the perspective of two people watching the same issue. A little girl Juli and a little boy Bryce met at their second grade. Juli fell in love with her newly moved neighbor because of his dazzling eyes. But Bryce was always mad at Julie because of her bored broadcast about every morning’s school bus, her family’s yard was always


The feelings of Flipped During the National Holiday, I watched the film, Flipped, which tells the story of a little boy and little girl after their meeting.The girl, Juli Baker ,has fallen in love with the little boy who named Bryce Loski when they first meet and begins a series of pursuits for the little boy.Fortunately for her,both of them were classmates which gives her the convenience of chasing him while Bryce avoids it strongly. She collects the eggs from her backyard and gives it to the Bryces aiming to acquire his love day in and day out. Frankly, Bryce consideres these eggs given by Juli Baker are a little weird because of her dirty backyard.He even throughts out them.Knowing her own sincere intentions are treated as well,Juli feels that she has been decieved and then she is not longer Bryce.But at that time,the story is reversed: Bryce seems to be attracted to Juli. He begins to pay attention to her, mind her every move, mind what she cares, do strange things to attract her and so on. At last, the consequence is like the word in the film : And I realized Garrett was right about one thing: I had flipped.This film is acted by Janet Hirshenson and Jane Jenkins, both of them are very talented directors.In fact, the film also has many words I apprepriate very much: 1.Some of us get dipped in flat,some in satin,some in gloss.... But every once in a while you find someone whos iridescent,and when you do,nothing will ever compare. 2..A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass,flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic. 3.The higher I got,the more amazed I was by the view. 4.Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one of those sunsets that my father’s idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart. The feeling of excitement is a one-way street, there is a one-way street, but no application. Love is like a war or is it you who came to


Up there in the sycamore tree, is love and growth Movie Remark on FLIPPED Flipped is not only a young love story. With ample meanings in it, Flipped tells a story of love and growth, which can softly arouse our warm memory and love for our life. There’s a sycamore tree in the film, which appeals to me a lot. It witnesses the growth of Juli the girl, who is kindhearted, warm and iridescent, and it also stands for the changing of Bryce the boy who is shy and weak under his handsome appearance. When Juli first climbed up to the tree, she is still in her sweat dream waiting for her first kiss from Bryce who actually considers her a sort of trouble. She “flipped” at the first sight of Bryce years ago when she was still a little girl. She loves Bryce’s “dazzling eyes” and she has kept trying to let Bryce notice her for years, until they are both in their junior grades. Juli gets the idea of “the whole being greater than the sum of its parts” from her father and truly understands its meaning when she spends her time on the sycamore, wondering and feeling the beauty of nature. “I could sit there for hours, just looking out at the world.”The time she enjoys in the sycamore gives her a chance to explore the truth of life as well as her inherent. With the wind breezing, and the sunlight making the sky more like a sweat soft dream, Juli develops deep love for the sycamore tree. So it’s hard to imagine her sadness when she knows the tree has to be cut down. To protect her beloved tree, Juli bravely sits on the trunk, refusing to come down. Yet time comes when she has to leave the sycamore anyway. She weeps, but at the same time she realizes that the sycamore has always been right in her soul, and Juli gradually gets her sunny smiles back, bringing more happiness and warmness to the people around her. Now she has grown to be a tougher girl who loves and understands her family deeper and who understands the world better. Juli also starts to judge a person through the whole, not only through some small parts such as his appearance and status. So when she judges Bryce, she finds him actually not that charming deep inside his handsome appearance. It’s wrong for her to love those “dazzling eyes” more than the boy himself. She finds this out, and walks away from the boy she’s always wanted to be in love with. Now the changes begin to take place on Bryce. For years he has been weak and coward. He is like his father, showing the same dislike and disdain towards Juli’s family, yet hiding the weakness and dissatisfaction of themselves. It’s his grandpa who guides him through, letting him know that one should not judge a person only by prejudice. And Bryce starts to feel the true beauty inside of Juli—her passionate, her sincerity, and her attitude towards life—and that attracts Bryce for the first time. He finds himself fall in love with Juli. He breaks through, learning to pursue what he truly loves, learning to be a true himself, and throwing away the burdens of being stuck in what the other people say. At the end of the film, Bryce grows a sycamore tree in Juli’s garden, showing his change and apology. Once again, a sycamore. Now it witnesses the love between the girl and the boy. Actually, the sycamore is not only a tree in reality. It has companioned Juli through the happy time, and it has become part of Juli that can encourage her as she’s growing up and facing difficulties, and finally it signifies the change of Bryce, so the sycamore is more like the spirits of love and growth deep inside the youngsters’ hearts.


A Film Review of<> Have watched the film called <> , l am deeply moved by the story happened between Juli and Bryce, two small children pure and know little about what is love . To be honest, l fall in love with young Juli when first saw her, just as the excellent article showed on class by teacher says, Juli has extremely bright eyes, which can catch your heart . You have to admit that Juli is a girl who is brave and caring. Met Bryce at the first time, she loses her heart and expect to g et Bryce’s kiss. In order to finish this purpose ,she did many things .However Bryce is a shy boy who is different from Juli ,avoiding to met Juli though they are in the same class. As far as l am concerned, as a boy should be outgoing, just like Juli ,dare to love and hate, have ideas on what to do and not to . More or less, a family plays a great role in children’s personality. Juli is lucky to have a good family to give her right va lue .Juli’s father is a dreamer, who does not care about material life and shows his full love to his family including to his retarded brother. Faced wi th the rich neighbor’s laughing, her father does not have any sense of inferiority, but holds his belief firmly and gives his daughter an eternal parasol tree after the world took away J uli’s big tree.As to Bryce’s father, rich but losing, elegant but impolite. Effected by his father, Bryce starts to looking down upon Juli and her family, thinking her family is poor and her yard is dirty, which leads to his refusing to the eggs Juli offers. Even more, his father show little respect to his sister and grandfather, which makes me disgust. Overall, though two families have their shortcoming, we should do what is beneficial to children’s growth rather than make them cultivate a bad personality which will make others keep distance to then. When first saw Juli climb up the tree, Bryce think it’s stupid, refusing to Juli’s invitation to climb up the tree with her. I do not understand why Juli so insistent to offer her invitation at the beginning, seeing light suddenly after Juli climbs to the top of the tree, where she can see the most beautiful scenery in the whole world and the fascinating sunrise and sunset. Perhaps she want to share cherish thing with whom she loved, so she is unwilling to come down when people plan to cut the tree which attribute to her appearing in newspaper. It’s her father ‘s painting about that tree that makes her find her happiness and ends up those day’s absent-mindedness and sadness.
