

Appreciation of the Different Translations of Chinese

Literary Classics




Appreciation of the Different Translations of Chinese

Literary Classics

【Abstrac t】

The focus of the paper is to appreciate some good translation of Chinese literary classics, including 《椒聊》from The Book of Songs, Li Qingzhao?s Ci---- 《声声慢》, Liu Zongyuan?s poem----《江雪》and Zhang Ji?s poem----《枫桥夜泊》. The translators who translate these works all are famous scholars, including Chinese translators, Xu Yuanchong, Wang Rongpei and Yang Xianyi couple and so on, and famous foreign Sinologists, James Legge, Waley, Ezra Pound and so on. These translators open a door for us to the world of translation and let foreigners read more good Chinese literary works.

Key words: appreciation, translations, Chinese literary classics


The purpose of the paper is to let those people who like translating appreciate more good works of translation. The focus is to appreciate some good works of the classical literature. Although these works are not modern works, they are eternal cultural heritage that our ancestors leave to us.

Ⅰ. Appreciation of the translations of 《椒聊》from The Book of Songs In Scholarship of The Book of Songs, the view of the interpretation of poetry has a big important influence on the translation of The Book of Songs. To get “the meaning of poet” is almost the mainstream of the translation of The Book of Songs, so the theme of the translation presents diversification. James Legge supported some principles in his first version of translation----“不以言害辞,不以辞害志,以意逆志,是为得之”, which was the first time to put forward the view to getting “the meaning of poet”. Alien, C. F. R. improved this principle, using transcultural anthropology to understand the poetry. Other scholars put forward different principles of the translation of The Book of Songs. The following is to appreciate different translations of 《椒聊》.


The original work as follows:







The following is some translations of the poem from different translators.

①The clusters of the pepper plant,

Large and luxuriant, would fill a pint.

That hero there

Is large and peerless.

O the pepper plant!

How its shoots extend!

The clusters of the pepper plant,

Large and luxuriant, would fill both your hands.

That hero there

Is large and generous.

O the pepper plant!

How its shoots extend!

(James Legge) ②Mark ye the fruit of the pepper-plant-tree,

So fine, so full,-and a pint to the brim.-

Mark ye the Chief with the stalwart form;

Ne?er will you meet with the like of him.

Then hail to the pepper-tree,

And its shoots that spread so free!

Mark ye the fruit of the pepper-tree,

So fine, so full, the two hands? twould fill.—

Mark ye the Chief with the stalwart form;

I?faith, and a man of great goodwill.

Then hail to the pepper-tree,

And its shoots that spread so free!


③He shall be like the tree that growth

Fast by the river side,

Which bringth forth most pleasant fruit,

In her due time and tide;

Whose leaf shall never fade nor fall,

But flourish and stand.

Even so all things shall prosper well

That this man takes in hand.

(Alien, C.F.R.)

④Oh, the pods keep a sprouting?

upon the pepper tree,

the sprouts keep a risin?

and the big pods hangin? down,

the pods keep a growin?

for a strong man on his own.

The big pods keep a hangin?,

the sprouts keep a risin?

and the big pods hangin? down,

the new sprouts keep a growin?

for a strong man on his own.

(Ezra Pound)

⑤The seeds of the pepper-plant

Overflowed my pint-measure.

That man of mine,

None so broad and tall!

Oh, the pepper-plant,

How wide its branches spread!

The seeds of the pepper-plant

Overflowed my hands as well.

That man of mine

Big, tall an strong!

Oh, the pepper-plant,

How wide its branches spread!

(Arthur Davi Waley) ⑥The fruit of pepper plant

Is so luxuriant.

The woman there

Is large beyond compare.

O pepper plant, extend

Your shoots without end!

The pepper plant there stands;

Its fruit will fill our hands.

The woman here

Is large without a peer.

O pepper plan, extend

Your shots without end!

(Xu Yuanchong)

⑦The pepper-plant bears lots of seeds,

A heavy load of pepper seeds!

The lady bears a lot of heirs,

All stalwart, robust heirs!

What a fertile pepper-plant!

How fragrant! How exuberant!

The pepper-plant bears lots of seeds,

A weighty load of pepper seeds!

The lady bears a lot of heirs,

All stalwart, honest heirs!

What a fertile pepper-plant!

How fragrant! How exuberant!

(Wang Peirong) In version ①, the word of “hero” is very important to illuminate the theme. “Hero” refers to “桓叔” and “pepper plant”, “shoots”, “extend”, “luxuriant” all refer to the great power of “桓叔”. In his annotation, James Legge make the subaudition of the poem clear----“Allusive and metaphorical. Supposed to celebrate the power and prosperity of Huan-Shuh, and to predict the growth of his family.” In version ②, Jennings uses the same metaphor as Legge and his version is full of the tone of praise. In his annotation, Jennings writes “Supposed to refer to Hwan-shuh, and his house”. In version ③, literal meaning is very different from the original text. Alien, C. F. R. turns metaphors into similes and adds subaudition into the version. His annotation is “Huan Shu, of the last piece, is said to be the hero of this.” In version ④, Pound don?t use the tone of praise, which is different from other versions. In version ⑤, Waley considers the poem as a poem of courtship. His annotation is “The fine stature of the lover is compared to the luxuriance of the pepper-plant, which at the same time symbolizes the heat of his passion”, which presents Waley?s understanding to the poem. Comparing to the foreign sinologists, the Chinese translators focus the theme on the different theme, which is not to praise “桓叔”. And in Xu?s version, he eulogizes, blesses and prays the protagonist, but in version ⑦, Wang only eulogizes the protagonist.

Ⅱ. Appreciation of the translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-----《声声慢》In English world, the first translation study of Li Qingzha began in 1949, collecting in The White Peony. Bing Xin was the first Chinese translator to introduce Li Qingzhao to the western world in 1926 when she studied the woman poet in her master thesis. At home, translation and studies of Li Qingzhao increased in the late 1980s.

The following is to appreciate the poem----《声声慢》.


The original work as follows:

寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。/乍暖还寒时候,最难将息。/三杯两盏淡酒,怎敌他,晚来风急?/雁过也,正伤心,却是旧时相识。/ 满地黄花堆积,憔悴损,如今有谁堪摘?/守着窗儿,独自怎生得黑!/梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏,点点滴滴。/这次第,怎一个愁字了得!

The following is the different translations of two translators.

Version①---- Slow Slow Song by Xu Yuanchong

I look for what I miss; / I know not what it is. / I feel so sad, so drear, / So lonely, without cheer. / How hard is it / To keep me fit / In the lingering cold! / By cup on cup / Of wind so dry / Oh! How can I / Endure at dusk the drift / Of wind so swift? / It breaks my heart, alas, / To see the wild geese pass, / For they are my acquaintances of old. / The ground is covered with yellow flowers, / Faded and fallen in showers. / Who will pick them up now? / Sitting alone at the window, how / Could I but quicken / The pace of darkness which won?t thicken?/ On plane?s broad leaves a fine rain

drizzles / As twilight grizzles. / Oh! What can I do with a grief Beyond belief!

Version ②----Forlorn by Li Yutang

So dim, so dark, / So dense, so dull, / So damp, so dank, / So dead! / The weather, now warm, now cold, / Makes it harder. / Than ever to forget! / How can a few cups of thin wine / Bring warmth against / The chilly winds of sunset? / I recognize the geese flying overhead: / My old friends, / Bring not the old memories back! / Let fallen flowers lie where they fall. / To what purpose. / And for whom should 1 decorate? / By the window shut, / Guarding it alone, / To see the sky has turned so black! / And the drizzle on the kola nut / Keeps on droning: Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat! / Is this the kind of mood and moment / To be expressed By one word "sad"?

In version ①, the title is excellent by using alliteration. Xu Yuanchong uses “miss” and “without cheer” not only to express the meaning of the original work but also to match the sound effect with the similar pronunciation of “觅”and “戚”. “I look for what I miss; / I know not what it is” is the same sentence pattern and “I feel so sad, so drear, / So lonely, without cheer” is rhymed and repetition. These sentences make the version more clearly express the meaning of the whole work. “It” and “fit”form rhyme and the sentence uses the exclamation mark to end to present the degree of the most. The translator translates “守着窗儿,独自怎生得黑” into "How/ Could I but quicken/ The pace of darkness that won?t thicken”in the form of interrogative sentence, which vividly presents the anxious mood of Li Qingzhao. The whole version uses many exclamation marks and interjections to emphasize the sad, despondent and hopeless mood of the writer. In the meantime, the translator uses many metaphors and end-rhymes to present the beauty in sound, form and meaning, which makes the version own the style of English poem.

In version ②, “so dim, so dark, / So dense, so dull, / So damp, so dank, / So dead”is 14 syllables, nearly same as the form of the original work, and uses the alliteration. “Weather”, “warm”, “wine”, “warmth” and “winds” uses alliteration and “harder”, “ever”, “forget” and “sunset” uses end-rhyme. There are two faults in the sentence----“守着窗儿,独自怎生得黑”. One is to translate “守” into “guard(守卫,保卫,看守)”. The other is to add “shut”. They are ridiculous faults. Although when Lin Yutang translates, he pays attention to the beauty in sound, form and meaning, he creates a lot and even makes some mistranslation.

Ⅲ. Appreciation of the translation of the poem of Liu Zongyuan----《江雪》《江雪》is the most popular poem of Liu Zongyuan?s. There are only four sentences in the whole poem, but they exactly express the profound connotation of the writer and present the elaboration of the poem. 《江雪》is not only to express the beautiful scenery but also present the thought, feeling and mood of the writer.


The original work as follows;

千山鸟飞绝,/万径人踪灭。/ 孤舟蓑笠翁,/ 独钓寒江雪。

Version ①---- River Snow by Witter Bynner

A hundred mountains and no bird, / A thousand paths without a footprint, / A little boat, a bamboo cloak , / An old man fishing in the cold river snow.

Version ②---- The River Covered with Snow by Wu Jingxiong

Myriad mountains - not a bird flying, / Endless roads - not a trace of men. / Only an old fisherman in a lonely boat, / Angling silently in the river covered with snow.

Version ③---- Fishing in Snow by Xu Yuanchong

From hill to hill no bird in flight, / From path to path no man in sight. / A straw - cloak'd man in a boat, lo! / Fishing on river clad in snow.

Version ④---- Stream and Snow by Zhao Zhentao

O'er any hills no birds are seen; / In any paths no footprints show. / On a boat old man in cloak and hat, / Angles alone in stream and snow.

In version ①, Bynner translates “千” and “万” into “a hundred” and “ a thousand”, which remains the characteristics of Chinese culture----huge number. The translator omits the equivalent of “独” in the original work, which seems to give the readers the imaginary space from the image of the former part of the version. In version ②, the translator directly translates “千山”and “万径”into “myriad”and “endless”, but lack of the imaginary space. “Only”, “old”, “lonely”and “silently”express the writer?s frustration in politics, depression in mood and pride in characteristics. In version ③, the word choice is ingenious, for example, using “ from hill to hill” and “from path to path” to present “千山” and “万径”, which is neat antithesis and musical harmony. Although Xu doesn?t use the numeral and predicate, the kind of translation endows the version with artistic beauty. The version reminds the readers of the poem of Hamlin Garland----April Days----“And the wood pecker?s martial voices sweep / Like bugle notes from hill to hill / Through the pulseless haze”. Likewise, Xu omits the equivalent of “独” and uses the rhyme way of aabb. In version ④,Zhao uses the rhyme way of abcb to endow the version with rhyme and uses many fricatives to give the readers the direct feeling of snowflake falling and piercingly cold wind.

Ⅳ. Appreciation of the translation of the poem of Zhang Ji----《枫桥夜泊》There are only about 40 existing poems of Zhang Ji?s. Most of these poems are fluent and natural. The poem uses flashback. In the first, Zhang Ji wrote the scenery in the daybreak. And then, he wrote the scenery last night and the ring in the midnight. The whole poem is a fusion of feelings with the natural setting. Constantly, the poem is praised by people.


The work as follows:

月落乌啼霜满天,/ 江枫渔火对愁眠./ 姑苏城外寒山寺,/ 夜半钟声到客船。

Version ①----Maple Bridge Night Mooring by Wang Peirong

When the moon slants, ravens croak and thick frosts grow. / Bank maple groves and fishing glows invoke my woe. / From the Hanshan Temple outside Suzhou moat, / The midnight tolls resound and reach my mooring boat.

Version ②---- Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night by Xu Yuanchong

At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky; / Dimly lit fishing boats …neath sadly lie. / Beyond the city walls, from Temple of Cold Hill, / Bells break the ship-borne roamer?s dream and midnight still.

In version ①, Wang pays more attention to the exactness of the word

choice and expression of the poet meaning, for example, “slant”, “croak”, “thick-frosts grow”, “fishing glows” etc. The rhythm way of the version is aabb. It is a good translation from any aspect. It exactly expresses the literal and profound meaning, which gives the readers deep impression. In version ③, “mooring” seems to say that the boat is slowly sailing to the bank. “Cry” means the cry of crow and the cry of the people. “Roamer”exactly expresses the lonely mood of the wanderer and the gloomy mood of the traveler. Xu uses artistic words to translate artistic words, which conveys the rich connotation. In the meantime, he uses alliteration etc figures of speech.


The paper mainly studies the appreciation of the translation of the Chinese literary and the main purpose of it is to let more people read more different good versions. Although the whole paper selects many versions, maybe not every reader supports those views about the versions, but only as reference. The paper chooses the poems from The Book of Songs and Liu Zongyuan and Zhang Ji, and Ci from Li Qingzhao. These works all are Chinese literary works and have important positions in Chinese cultural history.


1.《诗经》英译研究/ 李玉良著。——济南:齐鲁书社2007.11

2.《中国典籍英译》=English Translation of Chinese Classics / 汪榕培,王宏主



《翻译理论与实践》教学大纲 课程中文名称:翻译理论与实践 课程英文名称:The Theory and Practice of Translation 学分:2 总学时:36 课程性质:学位专业课 适用研究生专业:英语语言文学 一、本课程的性质和任务 本课程是我校英语语言文学硕士学位研究生专业课,适用该学科的3个主要研究方向:语言学与应用语言学、英美文学、翻译。是研究译学理论及实践技能的一门专业基础学科。 本课程的任务是:使研究生通过本课程的学习,获得翻译方面的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能。了解语言学理论和文学理论等在翻译学研究和翻译实践中的应用,着力培养学生具有翻译学科意识及翻译理论研究的创新意识,对翻译研究和学习产生浓厚兴趣,并正确应用翻译理论指导翻译实践,掌握较高的英汉互译能力。 二、本课程的教学内容和基本要求 一、翻译理论与实践概述 1.熟悉翻译的定义,判断翻译是科学和/或艺术。 2.认识翻译的目的、弄清翻译的任务。 3.了解翻译的标准、熟知翻译的过程。 4.分析译者的素养。 5.了解原文作者、译者与译文读者的关系。 二、翻译理论的基本概念 1.了解中国翻译理论中的基本概念,理解三不易、五不翻、五失本、案本、信达雅、信达切、信与顺、化境、形似与神似、三美、猫论、以及忠实与通顺等的内涵。 2.了解西方翻译理论中的基本概念,理解翻译三原则、等值翻译、功能对等、动态对等、形式对等、文化翻译观、民族主义翻译观、女性主义翻译观等的内涵。 3.了解翻译理论中的不同学派,如:文艺学派、文学-文化学派、语言学派、莱比锡学派、解构学派、交际学派、社会符号学派、释义学派、摆布学派、辨证逻辑学派、翻译研究学派等。 4.了解翻译学的不同分类,熟悉并尽可能掌握比较翻译学、描写翻译学、普通翻译学、特殊翻译学、应用翻译学、玄翻译学的基本特征。 5.了解异化与归化,学会如何在翻译过程中应用异化或归化。 6.学习了解翻译界对翻译单位的定义,掌握翻译单位(音位、词素、词、词组、句、语段、语篇)在翻译中的可行性。 三、英汉语言差异与译文可接受性 1.了解英汉两种语言的主要差异。 2.了解英汉两种语言表现在形合与意合上的差异。 3.比较英汉语言的词类、词性的异同。 4.比较英汉语言在表达上的视点差异。 5.比较英汉句型结构的异同。 6.了解并掌握翻译过程中的词性转换。 7.了解并掌握翻译过程中的主被动关系转换。


中国文学欣赏 绪论(讲6个问题) 一、什么是名着 二、为什么要读名着 三、欣赏名着必须树立正确的人生观 四、培养和提高鉴赏能力 五、中国文学的特点 六、课程的内容 一、什么是名着 (选定名着的标准(6条)名着与通俗读物的区别 1.名着是经久不衰的畅销书; 2.名着通俗易懂, 面向大众; 3.名着永远不会落后于时代的, 不会因政治风云的改变而失去其价值; 4.名着丰富耐读 , 一页之内容往往会多于许多书籍的整个内容; 5.名着最有影响力 , 最有启发效益 , 含有独特的见解 , 是言前人所未言,道人所未道; 6.名着探讨的是人生长期未解决的问题 , 在某个领域有突破性的进展。 名着与通俗艺术的区别 从美学的角度讲, 名着是真正的艺术, 它与通俗的艺术是有区别的。从艺术生产的角度看, 名着作用于人们的审美的艺术感觉;而通俗艺术作用于人的多是生理感觉。从艺术

消费的角度看, 名着具有“永久的魅力”,可以满足人们多次消费;而通俗艺术是一次性消费, 用过就扔。 二、为什么要读名着 名着可以培育鉴赏能力。歌德说过,“鉴赏力不是靠观赏中等作品,而是靠观赏最好的作品才能培育完成的。”这是深刻的经验之谈。19 世纪法国古典主义画家安格尔也讲过类似的话:“每个人判断力无论如何薄弱,他们对与艺术的理解和对美的事物的感觉始终有必要反复地同荷马进行交流, 因为他所取得的最纯洁的乐趣要归功于荷马”。所谓“取法于上,仅得其中;取法于中, 不免为下”就是这个意思。 三、欣赏名着必须树立的正确的审美观 正确的审美观能指导审美活动沿着正确的方向进行, 取得具有积极意义的成效。错误的审美观、庸俗的艺术情趣, 会导致美丑不分, 甚至以丑为美 , 使欣赏活动走入歧途。 1.欣赏者和欣赏对象之间必须有某些相通之处,才会在潜移默化中受到作品的感染。 2.正确的审美观能接受作品的进步思想, 抵制一些消极或错误的东西。 四、如何培养和提高自己的鉴赏能力 1.需不断地进行欣赏实践。 2.积累丰富的生活经验。 3.掌握科学的文学理论。 4.掌握与文学名着有关的背景。 五、课程的内容 巧记中国文学名着28字 东西三水桃花红,官场儒林爱金瓶。


翻译理论与实践 电子教案 专业名称:商务英语专业 课程名称:《翻译理论与实践》 主导教材:冯庆华《实用翻译教程》(英汉互译) 所属教研室:英语专业教研室 任课教师: 适用年级:商务英语专业本科三年级

Teaching Plan for Translation (1) #Title of Lesson: A Brief Introduction to Translation Week 1 #Time Needed:Two periods(40 minutes per period) #Teaching Objectives: 1.Help the students achieve a basic understanding of translation: its nature, classification, evaluation criteria, the role of translator, etc. 2.Briefly introduce to the students the development of translation in China. #Key Teaching Points: 1.The nature and evaluation criteria of translation. 2.The difficulties involved in translating process. #Teaching Contents: I.Discussion: ●What is translation? ●What is a successful translation? ●What difficulties might occur in translating process? A.What is translation? 1.Key words: source language(SL) / receptor language / target language(TL); reproduce; message / information; equivalence / correspondence 2.Nature of translation (Eugene A. Nida): Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. 3.Classification of translation: a.Oral interpretation / written translation b.Human translation / machine translation c.Literary / scientific / political / commercial translation d.Domestication (naturalization) / foreignization (estrangement, alienation) e.Literal translation / free translation B.What is a successful translation? 1.严复:信、达、雅(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance) 2.傅雷:以效果而论,翻译应当象临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神 似 3.钱钟书:诱、讹、化 4.Eugene A. Nida: natural / close; dynamic/functional equivalence C.What difficulties might occur in translating process? https://www.360docs.net/doc/5e3861377.html,nguage / Cultural Barriers Translatability is lower when (1) the work to be translated is quite distant both in time and space; (2) its form is very much unique; (3) the content is not shared in the two cultures.


第30卷第3期 唐山师范学院学报 2008年5月 Vol.30 No.3 Journal of Tangshan Teachers College May 2008 ────────── 收稿日期:2008-01-22 作者简介:罗丹(1982-),女,湖南绥宁人,南开大学外国语学院,博士研究生。 - 28 - 《翻译与文学批评——翻译作为分析手段》评介 罗 丹 (南开大学 外国语学院,天津 300071) 摘 要:文学批评是翻译研究者的工具,它为文学翻译批评提供框架性的指导;翻译也可以作为文学批评的分析手段,为文学、尤其是比较文学研究者贡献新的视角。《翻译与文学批评——翻译作为分析手段》是这个尝试下的力作。 关键词:文学批评;文学翻译批评;翻译;分析手段 中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9115(2008)03-0028-03 Review on Translation & Literary Criticism-Translation as a Mean of Analysis LUO Dan (School of Foreign Language, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China) Abstract: Literary criticism is the tool for translation scholars and provides guidance for literary translation criticism; Translation can also be the analytical measure of literary criticism and provides new visual angle for literature scholars especially for comparative literature scholars. This essay is a tour de force under this attempt. Key words: literary criticism, literary translation criticism, translation, analytical measure 随着译学的发展,翻译批评(尤其是文学翻译批评)成为一个备受关注的领域。贝尔曼在《翻译批评论:约翰·多恩》中提出翻译批评是文学批评的一种新形式,批评行为与翻译行为之间具有某种亲缘关系[1]。《文学翻译批评论稿》也说:“文学批评作为文学翻译批评的近邻和基础,可以给我们提供一系列的思路和借鉴。”[2]文学批评为文学翻译批评服务,甚至为草创中的文学翻译批评学科提供框架性的指导,这是我们翻译研究者的一个“拿来主义”的态度。有意思的是文学研究者,尤其是比较文学的研究者们也试图从翻译中寻求新的视角。马瑞林·加蒂斯·罗斯(Marilyn Gaddis Rose )的著作《翻译与文学批评——翻译作为分析手段》(Translation and Literary Criticism—Translation as Analysis )就是这样一个思路下的产物。 一、内容简述 《翻译与文学批评》(1997)最初由英国圣·哲罗姆出版有限公司出版,2007年我国的外语教学与研究出版社得 到授权影印出版,属于外研社翻译研究文库中的一本。作者罗斯是纽约州立大学—宾汉姆顿分校的有突出成就的比较文学教授、翻译研究与教学项目主任。 本书主要阐发了翻译和文学批评的关系,从以比较文学为本位的角度指出翻译和文学批评的结合可以丰富阅读活动、教学活动。通过大量个案的细致分析,作者集中有力地论证了翻译(译文)对文学作品的阅读、批评和教学起着积极作用。全书共101页,分成前言、正文、后语、附录、术语表和参考文献几个部分。 前言以作者翻译法国象征主义文学代表人物维利耶·德·利尔·阿达姆的小说《未来的夏娃》中的一句献词开始,开章明义地指出翻译和文学批评的结合可以丰富整个人文社会科学的文学作品和修辞学著作的阅读活动,并宣扬一种“stereoscopic ”(三维的)阅读方式,也就是阅读时一边看原文一边看一种或几种译文。


文学欣赏 思考与练习 1.什么是文学?狭义的文学主要有哪些体裁? 2.文学欣赏的基本特征是什么? 一、文学的定义 1、文学的广义定义;一切口头或书面语言行为和作品的统称。即凡是用语言文字写成的作品以及书写作品的活动均包括在内。广义的文学是人类用语言写成的一切作品,此处的文学等同于文化。 2、文学的狭义定义;包含了情感、虚构和想象等综合因素的语言艺术行为及其作品的统称。特指诗歌、散文、小说、报告文学等。既是语言的又是艺术的。它同音乐、戏剧、绘画等并称“美的艺术”。 3、文学的折中义定义:介乎前两者之间而又难以归类的口头或书面语言作品的统称,如诸子散文,史传文学、现代杂文等等。具有侠义文学的某些特点但又超出了侠义文学的范畴,同时还具有广义文学的一些特点,如《史记》等。三种文学含义分别通向三种文学观念:即文化、审美、惯例。 总结:文学是指以语言文字为工具形象化地反映客观现实、表现作家心灵世界的艺术,包括诗歌、散文、小说、剧本、寓言、童话等,是文化的重要表现形式,以不同的形式(称作体裁)表现内心情感和再现一定时期和一定地域的社会生活。 二、文学的特点 决定因素:文学是以口头语言或书面语言为物质媒介的一种艺术形式。 1、形象的间接性(原因、特点、影响):是指作为语言的艺术,文学作品中的形象不具有直接的现实性,它只能通过接受者的想象和联想才有可能间接地被感知。换言之,读者只有了解了某种语言文字的意义,在自己生活经验的基础上,通过艺术的想象和思索,才能再现作品中的艺术形象,理解形象蕴涵的思想意义。(文学语言→读者想象→文学形象) 歌德说:“造型艺术对眼睛提出形象,诗对想象力提出形象。”


《翻译理论与实践》课程教学大纲 课程类型:专业课课程代码:06401405 课程学时:56 学分: 3 适用专业:英语专业(师范、商务方向) 开课时间:三、四年级(2)、(1)学期开课单位:外国语学院 大纲执笔人:金惠康大纲审定人: 翻译理论与实践(Theory and Practice for Translation)课程是英语专业的必修课之一。它包括翻译理论与实践,有英语翻译成汉语与汉语翻译成汉语,现代翻译理论与技巧,翻译的跨文化交际与障碍。 一、教学目的与要求(从知识、能力、素质三个侧面及其相互的联系和在综合技能培养中的作用,说明本课程的教学目的和要求;说明本课程在对学生知识、能力、技能和素质等方面的教育培养的具体要求。) 1.教学目的:翻译理论是翻译实践的指南。开设这门课的目的是系统地传授翻译基本理论,结合翻译实践训练、翻译方法和技巧,从而大大提高研究生的翻译能力。 2.教学要求:学生通过72学时的学习,能够了解国内外翻译研究动态,掌握翻译学的理论系统,并能熟练地运用各种翻译方法和技巧,为他们走向成功打下坚实的基础。 二、教学重点与难点 1. 教学重点:翻译理论;英译与汉译语基本实践 2. 教学难点:翻译的基本技能技巧;翻译实践能力的培养 三、教学方法与手段 以讲授为主,课堂讨论,读辅导材料,写学习心得,参与翻译实践,注重理论联系实际。 四、教学内容、目标与学时分配(教学内容/教学目标/课时分配) 本课程两学期,36课时/36课时,专题讨论1-3次,计9课时,考试2课时。 第一学期: 第一章汉字英词(Chinese Characters & English Words) 第二章汉英表达的不同(Different Ways of Expressing Ideas) 第三章汉文明礼貌语言(Chinese Language of Respect & Humanity) 第四章中国文化(Chinese Culture) 第五章有中国文化特色的社会架构(Chinese Social System with Chinese Cultural Characteristics)第六章现代说法反映现代社会(Modern Sayings Reflect Modern Life) 第七章语言,文化与社会(Language,Culture & Society) 第八章跨文化交际(Cross-Cultural Communication) 第九章语言与翻译(Language & Translation) 第十章翻译技巧杂谈(一)(On Skills of Translation)(1) 第十一章翻译技巧杂谈(二)(On Skills of Translation)(2) 专题讨论一:翻译理论与翻译实践的关系 专题讨论二:岭南文化翻译讨论 第二学期: 第一章跨文化传播与交际(Intercultural Communications) 第二章跨文化差异与融合(Intercultural Difference and Integration) 第三章跨文化理解与翻译(Intercultural Understanding and Translation)


文学批评理解的复杂性研究 文学批评的理解与不理解现象 “谁解其中味?”是曹雪芹发出的非常感慨。这千古之问,上接人类原初,后启无限深远。其中,既有创作者呼唤知音的殷殷渴求,更包含思想者难被理解的万般无奈。懂与不懂,理解与不理解,不仅在中国是问题。俄罗斯小说家、剧作家果戈理,在他创作的《钦差大臣》最初上演时,因为讽刺剧被剧团、观众当作闹剧来处理,产生了被人误解的痛苦,以致绝望地喊道:没有人,没有人,没有一个人理解!!![6]209俄罗斯诗人莱蒙托夫在诗歌《不,我不是拜伦,是另一个》中,悲怆地苦吟:“海洋啊,阴郁沉闷的海洋,有谁能洞悉你的种种奥密?谁能向人们道尽我的思绪?是我,是上帝,还是谁都无能为力!”[7]32显然,“我”(莱蒙托夫)因为自己被看作是另一个诗人拜伦,感到没有被恰当理解,引起内心深深的苦。这也涉及谁能够懂得作家的问题。令人吃惊的是,连“上帝”都无能为力!可以说把理解的难度提到了顶点。理解问题实在是非常有必要提出来。在现实(还有许多历史上的当时),常常有读者(包括批评家这些特殊读者)对于文学作品提出“不懂”的评价,也有作家认为读者对于自己(或者自己的作品)的评价是“不懂”。“懂”与“不懂”,常常影响作品与读者、作家与读者、读者与读者之间的沟通。“不懂”,可能限制了作品的传播,也鼓舞了一些有兴趣者不知疲倦、不惧艰辛的苦苦探索。不懂,对于自己,可能是一句轻松的无奈;对于他人,也经常成为没有经过分析、论证的某些“文学批评”的杀手锏,不经过宣判的致命的利器。以至于常常以一句“不懂”,就轻易地成为评判他人对于作品没有“正确理解”的最终判词,或者是判定是他人作品很“差”(难懂)的一种标准。 当今,作家对于批评家的普遍不满,抱怨说批评家越来越不懂文学了。使得不少作家正在逐渐失去对于批评家的敬意[8]。值得注意的是,这里不是一个两个,而是不少作家的共同感受。事实上,文学欣赏与批评的“懂”与“不懂”问题,在许多方面都存在。比如说,20世纪80年代关于“朦胧诗”的激烈论争,就是由一些读者、批评家的“不懂”一种新的诗歌作品的文学潮流所引发的。可以说,“不懂”的问题有时仅仅限于读者的难以理解,有时还可能爆发为文学史上的“事件”。就文学论争来说,关注的是“懂”与“不懂”引起的文学观念、文学内容、文学批评方法之论,而对于文学批评理论,则注意文学批评的理解现象与理论原则。批评史上留下的空白,只能由发展的现实不断提出问题由文学批评理论予以解决。一般认为,中国现代文学史上废名的诗歌是不好懂、难懂的。不仅是他的诗歌作品,还包括卞之琳、李金发等人的部分诗歌。这不仅是普通读者的印象,还是有很大影响和成就的诗人艾青的意见[9]225。可见,“不懂”可以出在千千万万普通读者身上,也可以是出自名家、专门家的真切感受。“不懂”的提出,常常有三个角度。第一,出于作家,他认为读者(本文中广义的读者通常包括批评家)表达的评论自己作品的意见,并没有真正理解自己的作品。第二,出于读者,他对于所阅读的作品不理解,不知道作家表达的是什么。第三,读者认为,其他读者表达的文学评论意见与自己的理解不一致,没有真正的理解。可能判断为他人的理解错误。 这就构成三种关系:读者-→作品:读者认为作品不能懂得,难解其意(这是单向的)。作家←→读者:作家认为读者的理解不符合自己创作的目的、效果,作品不能被读者真正懂得;或者读者以为作品难懂,而不能理解(这是双向的)。读者←→读者:这些读者认为那些读者的理解不合于自己的理解,没有能懂得作品,即不符合作品本意(这也是双向的)。这三种关系基本的核心是作家、读者对于文学作品的解读与思考。如果产生矛盾和冲突,是因为


翻译批评与赏析-习题: 牛仔裤的意义 Directions: Please translate the following passage, and pay special attention to the parts underlined. (补充-知识背景:莱克星顿(Lexington,又被翻译为列克星顿),美国马萨诸塞州一小镇,因美国独立战争在此打响而著名。据2000年统计,人口30355人,面积42.8平方公里。莱克星顿建立于1642年。) 牛仔裤的历史表明,美国人对工作的态度比表面上复杂得多。 1.在职业生涯接近尾声的一次采访中,时装设计师伊夫·圣-洛朗坦诚了一个遗 憾:他没有发明蓝色牛仔裤。“它们有表达力、性感、简洁,”这位长着一张猫头鹰脸的法国人叹息道。“都是我希望在我的服装中所具备的。”美国的牛仔裤爱好者可能会加上其他一些属性。上溯至上世纪30年代,也就是大受欢迎的西部片帮助牛仔裤工装成为好莱坞明星服饰的年代,牛仔裤就被理解成了代表着大于美国精神的东西:不服输的个人主义,无拘无束和一种部分阶层的对于勤奋工作的尊敬。 2.“深藏在每一位美国人的内心深处……的是一种对于边疆的渴望。”1925年, 《时尚》杂志在指导读者如何穿出真正的“西部品味”(它当时的建议是牛仔裤外加斯泰森毡帽和一种大无畏的冒险精神)时兴奋地谈论道。在1873年发明了当代蓝色牛仔裤的旧金山企业李维·施特劳斯公司,曾在设计出手提马鞍和亲吻女牛仔的牛仔裤牛仔的海报后,见证了销量的大涨。 3.回到上世纪50、60年代,美国消费者从全国性的杂志和电视广告大战中了 知道了牛仔裤的英雄历史。他们被告知,这种结实的蓝色粗布,在装备驯服西部的先驱之前,是作为“尼姆斜纹布”在与之同名的法国城镇开始其声明的,并曾被哥伦布用作船帆。在一个如此经常地被文化战争所撕裂的国家中,牛仔裤打通了意识形态、阶层、性别和种族的界限。从吉米·卡特开始的每一位美国总统都会在钓鱼、修剪灌木或是参加体育活动时穿上牛仔裤,以显示他们的普通人身份——尽管奥巴马曾因为穿着他后来承认“有点邋遢”的肥大牛仔裤而遭到嘲讽。 4.自美国大兵和水手将其带到旧世界和亚洲的第二次世界大战以来,蓝色牛仔 裤已将美国的自由思想传遍了全世界,经常使得各国政府为了跟上潮流而手忙脚乱。纽约时尚技术学院(FIT)博物馆馆长爱玛·麦克伦登(Emma McClendon)在《牛仔裤:时尚的先驱者》(Denim: Fashion's Frontier)这本制作精美的新书中指出,当柏林墙在1989年倒塌时,记者们吃惊地发现,东柏林的年轻人穿得与西方同龄人一模一样的——都是身着水洗牛仔裤。麦克伦登的书是与FIT在第七大道举办的一次小型但杰出的牛仔裤展览一同


翻译批评与赏析 学期论文 学院:高级翻译学院 专业: 2014 级英语笔译 姓名:王红伟 学号: Y140254

前言 学习感悟 本学期有幸选了陈老师开设的选修课—翻译批评与赏析,陈老师授课方式新颖独到,以德国功能翻译理论学派重要代表人物凯瑟琳娜·赖斯的《翻译批评:潜力与制约》一书为主线,以学生讲解老师总结答疑为主要方法,并穿插有课堂讨论,让学生各抒己见,畅所欲言,一学期的学习让我收获颇丰。 在未上陈老师的课之前,自己的翻译批评往往多是感性的翻译评论,没有系统的批评理念与批评模式,面对一个译本,只会从表层进行主观评判,既缺乏系统性又不具有客观性,难以服众。经过一学期的学习我认识到翻译批评绝不是为了批评而批评,更不能带有学术偏见而起意气之争,相互攻讦,翻译批评应该是建设性的,必须公正、客观、全面,有理有据。 作为翻译专业研究生,更应该对翻译批评认真加以学习,用全面的眼光看待翻译,树立科学的翻译批评观,并将其用于指导、审视自己的翻译活动。

翻译批评的文本功能视角 —兼评赖斯的文本类型理论 摘要:凯瑟琳娜·赖斯是德国功能派翻译理论的主要奠基者,在其扛鼎之作《翻译批评:潜力与制约》中赖斯借鉴德国心理学家布勒的语言功能划分模式将文本划归为三种基本类型:信息型文本、表情型文本和操作型文本,并建议根据文本功能采取相应的翻译方法。本文从赖斯的文本类型理论着手,结合不同文本译例,并对之加以述评。 关键词:赖斯;翻译批评;文本类型;文本功能;《翻译批评:潜力与制约》 1. 引言 凯瑟琳娜·赖斯(Katharina Reiss)是德国功能派翻译理论研究的先驱,1971年赖斯出版了其扛鼎之作《翻译批评:潜力与制约》“是德国从语言功能角度切入翻译研究的开端作品”,(陈吉荣,2007:3)赖斯在该书中以文本类型理论为基本框架,试图建构一个客观、可行、全面的翻译批评模式。赖斯的文本类型理论基本沿用了德国心理学家布勒的语言功能三分法影响,根据布勒的语言功能工具模式,赖斯把文本划分为三种主要类型,即信息型文本、表情型文本和操作型文本(亦称感染型)。(张美芳,2009:53) 2. 文本类型理论 赖斯的文本类型理论是其翻译批评模式的核心架构,支撑起了其整个翻译批评理论的基本框架。赖斯的文本类型理论观点较多地受到了德国心理学家布勒关于语言功能分类的影响,布勒将语言功能划分


一、什么是翻译批评? 翻译批评是指在一定的社会条件下、遵循一定的翻译原则、并运用一定的方法,对某一译作所作的评价。这种评价必须避免随意性和盲目性、杜绝胡批乱评和感想式的点评,应该在一定的理论指导下,历史地、客观地、全面地、系统地去观察和分析翻译过程和翻译结果,必须尽可能做到客观、科学和公正。应当同时是一"译者、译文阅读者、译文分析家、翻译理论家与翻译史家"(Berman,1995)(许钧,袁筱一:"试论翻译批评",《翻译学报》1997年第1期)。 :1)为欣赏而作的翻译批评;2)为纠正错误而作的翻译批评。前者重在分析出自优秀翻译家笔下的模范之译作,评价其艺术价值、所遵循的翻译原则及采用的相关技巧,意在立为范文,为翻译界同行或初学者视为楷模而学之;后者则重在剖析粗制滥造之译作,分析并纠正其中的错译和误译,意在警示他人以此为鉴。 翻译批评就其思想方法而论可分为3类:1)功能性批评(functional approach), 2)分析性批评(analytical approach)和3)对比性批评(comparative approach)。功能性批评在分析和评论译文时较为笼统,其重点在整个译作的思想内容而不顾及语言细节。在某种程度上来说,它是一个主观的批评方法,类似老师凭印象给学生打分。分析性批评则是较为细致客观的剖

析,译文中的每一个词语、每一句话、每一语段和段落都会对照原文加以对比和分析,错误的译文被分门别类地挑出来加以评论,并提出改进意见;好的译文挑出来加以褒扬。对比性批评是选择同一原作的若干种译文,同时采用译文与原文对比、译文与译文对比的方法找出各自的优劣之处。好的加以褒奖,劣的予以批评。 翻译批评有助于克服翻译界存在的滥译、乱译等问题,因而对繁荣我国翻译事业有着不可低估的现实意义和深远的历史意义;翻译批评有助于纠正译作中出现的错误、改进不足,因而对提高译文的质量有着积极的作用;翻译批评还是联系翻译理论和翻译实践的重要桥梁,因为任何翻译理论的建立均有待于翻译实践的检验;反之,任何翻译实践都会自觉或不自觉地遵循一定的翻译理论。翻译批评还是翻译课的一个重要组成部分,因为它有助于增强学习翻译人员的翻译能力,提高其翻译水平,扩大其知识范围,加深对所译作品或材料的了解,学习新知识,提高译出语和译入语的水平。比较语言学、比较文学和外国文学的学习和研究也离不开翻译批评。因此,做好翻译批评与做好翻译应是同等重要的,是相辅相成的,切不可等闲视之。 翻译批评--翻译批评原则(2) 二、翻译批评的原则


高中英语文学欣赏课的探索与实践 北京西城区师大二附中外语组康明 【内容提要】如何开展高中英语文学欣赏课的教学是中学英语教师值得探讨的课题之一。本论文从《高中英语课程标准》对英语课程性质阐述的演变入手,阐明了世界上许多国家对文学教育的重视以及在我国中学开设英 语文学欣赏课的现实意义,并结合课堂教学实例,理论联系实际,对如何开展英语文学欣赏课进行了初 步的探讨。 【主题词】文学欣赏独立思考 一.问题的提出。 日趋开放的时代和社会对英语教学提出了越来越高的要求,英语教学在教育观、课程、教材、教学方式、教学评价等方面都在进行改革探索,学生的主体性越来越受到重视。近年来,英语教学大纲进行了多次修订,英语由最初的“基础工具”发展到“交际工具”。新颁布的《高中英语课程标准》就明确指出:“语言的工具性与人文性的统一,是英语课程的基本特点。”从对英语课程性质阐述的演变轨迹可以看出,随着时代的变化、社会的发展和人类文明程度的提高,英语学科的性质在不断地注入新的内容,这既标志着英语教学在时时被赋予新的涵义,同时也表明英语承载着多种任务。近十年的一线教学经验,使我切身体会到英语教学不仅要教授学生语法,阅读,词汇等等,更要教会学生去思考——进行深入的和富有想象力的思考。在美国的所有文学课程的教学目标中,教会学生“批评性思维”(critical thinking)是人们讲授文学课程时的共识。文学教学不是要去寻找各种各样权威的或是正确的解释,而是要为学生提供一个阅读和思考的场所,教师应该鼓励学生学会个性化的阅读和培养一种独立思考的能力。在这个过程中,文学教学应该对学生的智慧产生影响。 我们都知道,文学作品所涉及到的话题都是深入的和带有思想性的,而这些话题或是问题又值得我们永远地探讨下去。开设文学欣赏课可以使我们以完全不同的方式去阅读经典作品,从而学会独立地进行批评性思考。今天,一个受过高等教育的人,应该成为会阅读的人,更应该成为一个会独立思考的人。作为英语教师,应该使学生们能够有创造性地思维。 二.英、美、德等国的文学教育。 英、美、德等国都十分重视母语教育中的文学教育,法、日等国虽然不单列文学教育的课程和内容,但是也重视培养学生对文学作品的鉴赏能力和审美情感。 英国,在1985年颁布的《普通中等教育证书国家标准·英语》中指出:“英语可视为一门学科,也可以看作英语和英国文学两门课程。”在英语学科中,除了有语言教育,包括听说、阅读、写作、拼写、书写等,有文学教育,指导学生阅读英国文学、美国文学和翻译的外国文学作品,学生能够从作品主题、人物、语言、表现手法等方面鉴赏文学作品,并且交流阅读文学作品的感受和个人反应。 美国,没有全国统一的教学计划和课程。一般地说,英语课程包括语法、阅读、写作和作文;语言艺术课程包括美国文学、英国文学、世界文学和比较文学。指导学生逐步熟悉古今文学代表作,能够欣赏语言艺术,评论文学作品,并且养成阅读文学作品的习惯。 德国,一个州的德语教学大纲规定:“德语的任务是对年轻人进行语言上的和文学上的教育,这是它的独特的使命。”还规定,要培养学生的文学兴趣,要学生了解文学体裁和结构,了解德国的经典文学作品。 世界上许多国家,都重视在中学对学生进行文学教育,为什么呢? 美国学者认为:阅读和研究文学作品使学生开阔眼界,使他们能身临其境地阅历一些地方,人物和事件,增加他们对日常生活的情趣和探索意识,从而给学生的生活增加一个特别的天地;从文学作品中了解人类自身的动机,冲突和价值。 德国学者认为:应当了解文学作为自我表现的产物,作为满足美感的手段,作为反映现实生活的镜子的奇妙作用;通过学习和分析古典和现代的文学作品,扩充自己的语言能力,“在社会基储美学表现形式和哲学理论设计方面开拓我们文化的语言空间”。 原苏联学者认为:“文艺能给学生以最深刻的美的欣赏,培养学生的艺术兴趣和创作的能力。”(凯洛夫语) 这些学者都认识到文学教育的价值,即认识,审美,教育的价值。文学教育,可以使学生认识社会生活,占有一片新的天地;可以吸收文化价值观念,学习民族精英和民族精神;可以对自然、生活、艺术进行审美,培养审美能力


荆楚理工学院 《翻译理论与实践》教学大纲 一、课程名称:翻译理论与实践 二、课程代码: 三、课程管理:外国语学院(部)英语本科教研室 四、教学对象:09级英语(本科)专业 五、教学时数:总时数72节,其中课堂讲授36节,教学实践36节。 六、课程性质:专业、必修、基础课 七、教学目的与要求: (一)教学目的 《翻译理论与实践》课的教学目的是让学生初步了解有关翻译的基础理论知识,系统讲解基本的翻译方法和技巧,指导翻译实践,把学生掌握的语言知识和技能技巧转化为翻译表达能力。通过反复实践加强翻译基本功,深化对英汉文化的领悟,提高学生的百科知识、文化再现能力、译文对比分析和鉴赏能力。 (二)教学要求 1.课堂教学要求:在理论知识讲授的同时,辅以充分、典型的译例分析,通过活跃的课堂师生互动,把枯燥的理论课变得成生动活泼、妙趣横生而受学生喜欢。分不同文体选择适量单、长句练习和语篇练习,口头翻译课课做,书面实践周周做,练习反馈时时做。实行课后作业全批、全改、全讲解,有针对性检查指导学生实际翻译实践活动。 2.学生能力培养的要求:掌握基本的翻译理论知识,能较熟练地运用各种翻译技巧,利用文体分析法分析和识别汉英两种语言在遣词造句、文体文化等方面的差异,初步进行忠实通顺的英汉互译实践。从而能在毕业以后能较快适应在政治、经济、文化等领域的工作,在各行各业的英汉翻译中发挥积极的作用,以更好满足社会主义市场经济对翻译人才的要求。 八、相关课程衔接: 《语法》、《英汉文化对比》等 九、考核方式:笔试 十、教学纲目: 第一章绪论 一、教学目标:通过本章的学习,让学生了解中西翻译理论简史,明确翻译的定义和翻译的目的,熟悉翻译标准和译者的素质与条件。 二、教学重点及难点: 教学重点:纠正学生认为翻译就是一一对应的英汉转换和翻译课就是死板枯燥的理论教授的错误观念,使其认识到翻译是一种文化交流。 教学难点:介绍翻译的标准和译者的素质与条件,使学生改变翻译课枯燥难学的观念,同时感受到翻译的乐趣。 三、教学时数:4学时。


Appreciation of the Different Translations of Chinese Literary Classics 姓名:温嘉茵 班级:英语09-02 学号:540908010220

Appreciation of the Different Translations of Chinese Literary Classics 【Abstrac t】 The focus of the paper is to appreciate some good translation of Chinese literary classics, including 《椒聊》from The Book of Songs, Li Qingzhao?s Ci---- 《声声慢》, Liu Zongyuan?s poem----《江雪》and Zhang Ji?s poem----《枫桥夜泊》. The translators who translate these works all are famous scholars, including Chinese translators, Xu Yuanchong, Wang Rongpei and Yang Xianyi couple and so on, and famous foreign Sinologists, James Legge, Waley, Ezra Pound and so on. These translators open a door for us to the world of translation and let foreigners read more good Chinese literary works. Key words: appreciation, translations, Chinese literary classics 【Introduction】 The purpose of the paper is to let those people who like translating appreciate more good works of translation. The focus is to appreciate some good works of the classical literature. Although these works are not modern works, they are eternal cultural heritage that our ancestors leave to us. Ⅰ. Appreciation of the translations of 《椒聊》from The Book of Songs In Scholarship of The Book of Songs, the view of the interpretation of poetry has a big important influence on the translation of The Book of Songs. To get “the meaning of poet” is almost the mainstream of the translation of The Book of Songs, so the theme of the translation presents diversification. James Legge supported some principles in his first version of translation----“不以言害辞,不以辞害志,以意逆志,是为得之”, which was the first time to put forward the view to getting “the meaning of poet”. Alien, C. F. R. improved this principle, using transcultural anthropology to understand the poetry. Other scholars put forward different principles of the translation of The Book of Songs. The following is to appreciate different translations of 《椒聊》. 《椒聊》 The original work as follows: 椒聊之实,蕃衍盈升。 彼其之子,硕大无朋。 椒聊且,远条且。 椒聊之实,蕃衍盈匊。 彼其之子,硕大且笃。 椒聊且,远条且。 The following is some translations of the poem from different translators.


一.选择题练习: The Renaissance refers to between 14th-mid—17th century, which was under the reign of Queen ___and absolute monarchy in England reached its summit, and in which the “real mainstream” was ____. A. Victoria/ poetry B. Elizabeth/ drama C. Mary/ novel D. James/ drama The two major novelists of the English Romantic Period are _____and Walter Scott. A. Washington Irving B. Jane Austen C. Herman Melville D. Charles Dickens Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies are the following works except____. A. Hamlet B. King Lear C. Romeo and Juliet D. Othello In which of the following works can you find the proper names “Lilliput”, “Brobdingnag”, “Houyhnhnm” and “Yahoo”? A. The Pilgrim’s Progress B. The Faerie Queene C. Gulliver’s Travels D. The School of Scandal The period before the American Civil War is commonly referred to as _______. A. the Romantic Period B. the Realistic Period C. the Naturalist Period D. the Modern Period Moby Dick is regarded as the first American_________. A. Prose epic B. Comic epic C. Dramatic fiction D. Poetic fiction In the Romantic period of British literature, ____is the most prosperous literary form. A. prose B. poetry C. fiction D. play The Essence of Renaissance, the most significant intellectual movement, was_____. A. Geographical exploration B. Religious reformation C. Publishing and translation D. Humanism. Emily Dickinson wrote many short poems on various aspects of life. Which of the following is not a usual subject of her poetic expression? A. Religion B. Life and death. C. Love and marriage D. War and peace. “The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.” This “iceberg” analogy is put forward by ______. A.Mark Twain B.Ezra Pound C.William Faulkner D.Ernest Hemingway “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good for-tune, must be in want of a wife.” The quoted part is taken from ______. A.Jane Eyre B.Wutheri ng Heights C.Pride and Prejudice D.Sense and Sensibility You may have meet the term "Yahoo" on internet, but you may also have met it in English literature .It is found in _____ A. John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress B. Samuel Johnson's The Vanity of Human Wishes C. Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels D. Henry Fielding's tom Jones Stream-of-consciousness novels emphasize the depiction of: A. man’s inner world of thought B. the narration of events C. the utterance of speeches D. dramatic monologues Which of the following works concerns most concentrated the Calvinistic view of original sin? A. The Wasteland. B. The Scarlet Letter. C. Leaves of Grass. D. As I Lay Dying _____ as a trend became dominant in America literature in the late 1860s and early 1870s. A. Local colorism B. Romanticism C. Stream of Consciousness D. Naturalism The Essence of Renaissance, the most significant intellectual movement, was_____. A. Geographical exploration B. Religious reformation C. Publishing and translation D. Humanism. The Renaissance refers to between 14th-mid—17th century, which was under the reign of Queen ___and absolute monarchy in England
