


1.Which state is separated by Canada form the main land?

Alaska is separated from the main land by Canada.


2.What is the other name of Eskimos?

Eskimos are also called Inuit.


3. What is the largest active volcano in the world?

Mauna Loa is the world’s largest active volcano, which is located on Hawaii.

什么是世界上最大的活跃的火山?莫纳罗亚山是世界上最大的活跃的火山,它位于夏威夷。4.How is the West divided?

The West can be divided into three parts: the Great Plains, the Rocky Mountains and the Intermountain Basin and Plateau.


5. Where is the birthplace of America?

New England is sometimes called the birthplace of America.


6. What states are in New England?

New England is made up of six states of the Northeast, including Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut .


7. Where is the Hoover Dam located?

The Hoover Dam is built on the border between Nevada and Arizona and it is one of the biggest dams in the U.S.


8. What are the names of the capital of Hawaii and Alaska respectively?

Honolulu is the capital of Hawaii and Juneau is the capital of Alaska.


9. What is the Rockies also called?

The Rockies, the backbone of the North American Continent, is also known as the Continental Divide.


10. How does the United States rank among the countries of the world in population and area?

The United States of America is the third—largest country in the world in population and the fourth—largest country in area.


11. What is the other major mountain range in the U.S. besides the Rocky Mountain range?

It is the Appalachian Highlands.


12.What is the Midwest famous for?

The Midwest is well known for its large stretches of fertile soil.


13. Which state is the smallest one in the Unites States in area?

Rhode Island is the smallest state in the country.


14. Where does the Mississippi rise?

The Mississippi River rises in the lake region in North Minnesota.

密西西比河源头在哪里? 密西西比河发源于明尼苏达州北部的湖区。

15.Which two states are Geographically separated from the other 48 states?

They are Alaska and Hawaii.


16.Which state in America is the largest in size and which is the smallest?

In America Alaska is the largest state in size and Rhode Island the smallest.


17. Which mountain is the highest peak in America? Where is it?

The highest mountain in America is Mount Mekinley (6,187 meters).It is the middle of the Alaska Range. 哪座山是美国最高峰吗?它在哪里?美国最高的山是Mekinley山(6187米)。它在阿拉斯加山脉的中间。

18. What are the two tributaries of Mississippi?

The two largest tributaries of Mississippi are the River Missouri and River Ohio.


19. How many geographical regions are the continental states divided into?

The continental states of the United States are often divided into seven geographical regions.


20. Why is New England called the birthplace of America?

New England is called the birthplace of America because it was the chief centre of the American War of Independence of 1776 and was also the national’s first industrial area.


21. Which city is the largest and busiest port on the Great Lakes?

Chicago is the largest and busiest port on the Great Lakes.


22. What is the leading commercial crop of the South?

The leading commercial crop of the South is cotton.


23. Which city has been called the steel city of the West?

Colorado has been called the steel city of the West.


24. Why has Florida become one of the fastest growing states in population for the last 20 years? Because of its attractiveness both as a place to retire and as a convenient place for business with and travel to Central and South America.


25.When did the largest immigration movement begin?

The largest immigration began form 1815


26. How many great population movement are there in the history of the U.S.?

There are four great population movements.


27.What are the three groups of Hispanics?

They are the Mexican-Americans (Chicanos) , the Puerto Ricans and the Cuban-Americans.


28. What are the major racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S.?

They are black Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans and American Indians.


29. When did the “Baby Boom” occur?

It occurred between 1946 and 1966.


30. Which are the five biggest cities in the U.S. in terms of population?

They are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and Philadelphia.


31. What is the population of the United States in 1997?

The population of the United States is about 267 million in 1997.


32. Who were indentured servants?

Indentured servants refer to the poor immigrants who had to work for fixed term for their masters to repay the cross-Atlantic fare and debts.


33. Why are the people moving so often in the United States?

The people are moving so often in the United States because they want to look for better job opportunity or for better climate or for other goals.

为什么美国人经常搬家?因为他们想要寻找更好的工作机会或更好的气候或其他目标。34. What are the two novels giving a vivid description about the miserable life of the black slaves? “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and “Roots” are two novels giving a vivid description about the miserable life of the black slaves.


35.Why were 1.5 million Irishmen driven to the United States in the decade of 1845-1854?

They were driven to the United States by English oppression and the Potato Famine.

为什么150万爱尔兰人在1845 - 1854的10年间被驱逐?

36.Where did a large number of people move to in the last great population movement?

In the last great population movement, a large number of people moved to the sunbelt areas.


37. What are the fist tow largest groups of the Asian-Americans?

The first two largest groups of the Asian-Americans are the Chinese American and the Japanese-Americans.


38. What does WASP stand for?

WASP stands for white Anglo-Saxon Protestants.


39. Why do many Puerto Ricans go to the United States?

Many Puerto Ricans go to the United States for better job opportunities.


40. Give an example to show the awakening of the American Indians.

Many American Indians are taking legal steps to demand compensation for land and resources grabbed from them illegally.


41. When was the Thirteenth Amendment added to the Constitution?

The Thirteen Amendment, which banned slavery ,was added to the Constitution in December 1865.


42. How did Mexico join the U.S.?

In the Gadsden Purchase, 30,000 square miles of Mexican land were added to the territory of the U.S. in 1853.


43. When and how did the U.S become independent?

In 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed, Britain recognized the independence of the United States.

美国是什么时候,怎样成为独立国家的?1783年,《巴黎条约》签署,英国承认美国的独立性44. How did the Plymouth settlers manage to survive?

The neighboring Indians came to teach them how to grow corn and they succeeded in having a good harvest.


45. When did the War of Independence start?

It started when clashes took place at Concord and Lexington.


46. What was the Compromise of 1850?

The Compromise of 1850 was an agreement, which kept a balance between free and slave states in the Senate.


47. When did the first American general election hold?

The first American general election was held towards the end of 1788.


48. When was the American Constitution first ratified?

The American Constitution was first ratified by the State of Delaware in December 1787.

美国宪法是什么时候第一次批准?第一个批准美国宪法是由特拉华州在1787年12月。49. What was the turning point of the Civil War?

The Gettysburg Victory was the turning point of the Civil War.


50. Why did President Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?

He issued the Emancipation Proclamation for the purpose of winning support for the Union at home and

abroad by making the war a just war against slavery.


51. How many people were died in the Civil war?

The Civil War cost American 618,000 lives.

有多少人死于内战? 618000条生命。

52. What was the strong trend in the American economy at the end of the 19th century?

The trend was the monopoly by big business.


53. When did Christopher Columbus discover the North America?

Christopher Columbus discovered the North America in the year 1492.


54.What were the differences between the Puritans and the Pilgrims?

The Puritans were wealthy, well educated gentlemen, but Pilgrim were mostly poor, laboring people.


55. When and where was the First Continental Congress held?

In September 1774, the Fist Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia.


56. What was the chief weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

The chief weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that it failed to set up a government that could function,


57. Who became known as the Anti-federalists?

Those people who opposed the Constitution of 1787 became known as the Anti-federalists.


58. What did the United States win as a result of the U.S. Mexican War?

As a result of the U.S. Mexican War the United States won California and New Mexico.

美国墨西哥战争美国赢得了什么?由于美国墨西哥战争美国赢得了加利福尼亚和新墨西哥59. What did “Manifest Destiny” introduced by John L. O’Sullivan mean?

“Manifest Destiny”, introduced by John L. O’Sullivan in the 1840’s, meant that outward movement was inevitable, that the United States was driven on by a divine force that should not be denied.


60. What was the direct cause of the outbreak of the Civil War?

The direct cause of outbreak of Civil War was that the southern states left the Union and formed a new nation but President Lincoln was determined to maintain the Union.


61. Who contributed to the government regulation of economic development pushed by the Progressive Movement? Pushed by the Progressive Movement, President Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson contributed to the government regulation of economic development.


62. When did the U.S. government declare war on Germany? The U.S. government declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917.


63. What was the result of the Paris Conference? The result of the Paris Conference was the emergence of the Versailles Treaty System in Europe and later the Washington System in Asia supplemented it.


64. Which day was the Black Thursday? The Black Thursday referred to October 24, 1929.


65. What was the aim of the New Deal? The aim of the New Deal, as President Roosevelt put it, was to save American democracy.


66. What was the American foreign policy in the early 1930s? In the early 1930s, the American foreign policy was isolationist.


67. What was the beginning of a long economic depression in the U.S.? The stock market crash was the beginning of the long economic depression.


68. What was the meaning of overlord? Overlord was a code name for the allied landing at Normandy, France, in May 1944.


69. What was Red Scare? Red Scare referred to the large-scale arrests of suspected Communists and radicals between Nov.1919 and Jan.1920 by the justice Department.


70. What were the immediate causes that led the United States into the war? The immediate causes were Germany’s unlimited submarine warfare and Germany’s attempt to get Mexico into the war against the United States.


71. What were the two guiding principles underlying American diplomatic activities in W W II? The first was to win the war; the second was to bring the Soviet Union into a postwar world order under American leadership.


72. What is Tariff Protection? Tariff Protection means to get higher import taxes to protect domestic production.


73. Which policy did the U.S. pursue during the WWI? During the WWI the U.S. pursued a policy of pro-Ally partiality.


74. Who controlled more than a third of the country’s railroads by 1900? By 1900, J. P. Morgan controlled more than a third of the country’s railroads.


75. How much of the country’s steel production did the United States Steel Corporation control in 1901? In 1901 the United States Steel Cor poration controlled three fifths of the country’s steel production.


76. What was the basic demand of the Progressive Movement? The basic demand of the Progressive Movement was government regulation of the economy and social conditions.


77. What were the main causes of the First World War? The causes of WWI were the fierce struggle between two imperialist power groups for colonies, markets and sphere of influence, and an intense arms race.


78. What was the essence of the Paris Peace Conference? The essence of the Paris Peace Conference was to carve up the colonies of the defeated countries and get war compensation for the victors.


79. Name the main cause of WWII. The main cause of WWII was big powers struggles for control of the world.


80. What were the Axis powers in WWII made up by? The Axis powers in WWII were made up by Germany, Italy and Japan.


81. What was isolationism in America history? Isolationism was the American foreign policy in the early 1930s. It tried to keep the United States out of the fighting that was going on in Europe and Asia.


83. What characteristics did President Franklin D. Roosevelt possess? He had a sure sense of what was practical or possible, a strong sense of timing and he was great communicator.


84. What was the postwar strategy of the United States? The strategy was American leadership of the world and open market for American goods and capital.


85. What was the immediate cause of the Berlin crisis in 1948? The cause was that the Soviet Union cut

off western routes to West Berlin.


86. What effect did the Berlin blockade have on the people in West Berlin and western occupied zones? It pushed the people in West Berlin and western occupied zones further to the side of the United States because they grateful for American airlifts.


87. What is the significance of the Shanghai Communiqué? The Shanghai Communiqué was the key thing in American commitment to One-China policy.


88. What is the importance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? The Act outlawed racial discrimination in housing and employment.


89. What caused the conflicts between the U.S. and the Soviet Union? The conflicts between them arose basically from their separate concepts of postwar world order.


90. What was the theory that the Soviet Union put forward after the WWII ended in September 1945? The theory was that there could be no long-term peaceful coexistence between socialism and capitalism and Soviet Union should rapidly built up its strength for the final struggle against capitalism, represented by the U.S. and UK.


91. What was the American policy towards the Soviet Union? In 1989 “a long-term, patient but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies” became the U.S. policy towards the Soviet Union.什么是美国针对苏联的政策?在1989年“一个长期、坚定和警觉病人,而是围堵俄罗斯的广阔的倾向”因为美国政策针对苏联。

92. What and when ended segregation in public transportation in Alabama? In Dec. 1956, the Supreme Court declared Alabama’s segregation laws unconstitutional.


93. What was the beginning of American involvement in Vietnam? The beginning was that Truman sent military aid to Vietnam support the French in their fight with the Vietminh.


94. What were the cornerstones of the economic boom of the U.S. since 1945? These cornerstones were the automobiles, housing and defense industries.


95. When did the normal U.S.- China diplomatic relation established? The normal U.S.-China diplomatic relation was not established until November 1978.


96. Who made the open declaration of the containment policy in 1949? President Harry Truman made the open declaration of containment policy in 1949.


97. What did the ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty by the United States mark? The ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty by the United States marked the beginning of U.S. efforts in setting up a military alliance around the Soviet Union.


98. What measures did the United States take in the Cuban Missile Crisis? The United States adopted a naval blockade around Cuba and demanded the dismantlement and withdrawal of the missiles from Cuba. 美国在古巴导弹危机采取什么措施?美国采取了海上封锁,并要求古巴各地拆迁和从古巴撤走这些导弹。99. Which period marked the baby-boom generation the largest in the American history? The period between 1946 and 1970 marked the baby-boom generation the largest in American history, more than 63.5 million babies were born in the U.S.


100. What was the War Powers Act about? The War Powers Act in 1973 was that the president had to inform Congress whenever he committed American troops overseas. After 60 days , the use of military power had to win specific congressional approval.


101. What did the Chinese and American sides work out the Shanghai Communiqué? In February 1972, the Chinese and American sides worked out the Shanghai Communiqué.


102. What was President Johnson noted for? President Johnson was noted for his escalation of the Vietnam War and War on Poverty at home.


103. What is the significance of the Civil Rights of 1964? The Civil Rights of 1964 outlawed racial discrimination in housing and employment.


104. What is the meaning of monopoly? It means that many of nation’s basic industries are represented by only a few major corporations.


105. What are conglomerates? Conglomerates are big companies that own several smaller business whose products and services are usually very different.


106. What kind of economic system does the United States have? The United States has a system of fee-market economy with a dominant private sector.


107. What are the major natural resources of the United States? Fertile soil, forest, water and various minerals are major natural resources of the U.S.


108. Where are the major industries regions of the United States? They are in the Midwest round the Great Lakes, the Middle Atlantic States, the South and the Pacific Coast.


109. What are the three giants in American’s automobile industry? They are General Motors, Ford and Chrysler.


110. Where does the Cotton Belt lie? The Cotton Belt mainly lies in the South following the Coastal Plain from Southern Virginia to Texas and parts of the southern Piedmont.


111. Where does the Wheat Belt lie? The Wheat Belt is located near the Corn Belt in the Midwest.


112. Where does the Dairy Belt lie? Dairy farming can be found in New England, the Midwest and the Pacific Northwest.


113. Where is the Corn Belt? The Corn Belt is in the Midwest, stretching from Ohio to eastern South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas.


114. Which state is the leading corn-producing state? Iowa is the leading corn-producing state.


115. Which state is the leading dairy state? Wisconsin is the leading dairy state.


116. Which state ranks first among the states in the value of its manufactured goods? California ranks first among the states in the value of manufactured goods.


117. What are the problems the U.S. economy has faced from time to time? They are recessions, depressions and inflation.


118. What are the two kinds of business conditions in the United States? Monopoly and competition are two kinds of business conditions.


119. How much cultivated land is there in the United States? How many people are engaged in farming? The cultivated land makes up 21% of the total land, people who are engaged in farming make up only 2.7% of the total population.


120. What is the leading commercial crop in the South? Cotton is a leading commercial crop in the South. 120年。什么是领先的商业作物在南方的吗?棉花是一个领先的商业作物在南方。

121. Where are many kinds of fruits and vegetables grown? Many kinds of fruits and vegetables are grown in the great central Valley of California, and in the valleys of Washington and Oregon in the Northwest.


122. Which state is second only to Wisconsin in the production of milk? New York State is second only to Wisconsin in the production of milk.

122年。这是仅次于威斯康辛州生产的牛奶吗?纽约州是仅次于在威斯康辛州生产的牛奶。123. Which city is the home of the space centre? Houston is the home of the space centre, the famous Lyndon B. Johnson Space Centre, which trains astronauts and directs the nation’s space flights.


124. What is Los Angeles noted for? Los Angeles is the Pacific Coast’s largest and busiest commercial city and the second largest city in population in the United States.


125. What is pardon? Pardon means the granting of a release from the punishment or local consequences of a crime and the president can grant a pardon before or after a conviction.


126. What does the federal system consist of? The federal system consists of two layers of rule. They are central or federal government and state and local government.


127. What role has the constitution played? The Constitution has been the basis for the evolution of government institutions and for political stability, economic growth and social progresses in the United States.


128. What are the three branches of the government? They are the legislative, the executive and the judicial.


129. What judicial power does the President have according to the Constitution? He has the power to give reprieves and pardons in federal criminal cases.


130. What are the two special powers of the Senate? One is to confirm presidential appointments and the other is to ratify treaties by a two-thirds vote.


131. What is the difference between the compositions of two chambers of Congress? The Senate is composed of two members from each state, with a total number of 100 while membership in the House of Representatives is based on population.


132. What is the term used for the first ten amendments to the Constitution? The Bill of Right is the term used for the first ten amendments to the Constitution.


133. What is the highest duty of the President? His highest duty is the execution or carrying out of the law.


134. Which kind of bills must first come from the House of Representatives? Revenue bills must first come from the House of Representatives.


135. How long is the senatorial term? The senatorial term is six years.


136. How many delegates took part in the Second Continental Congress? There were 55 delegates of the Second Continental Congress were from all the states, except Rhode Island.


137. What important thing did the Articles of Confederation do? The Articles of Confederation did one important thing: they formed a new nation – the United States.


138. What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? The weaknesses were the following: Congress had no power to tax, could not control trade between the states and no way of enforcing its law. The was no national executive to enforce the laws and there was no national court system.


139. Who is the President of the Senate? The president of the Senate is Vice President.


140. Who is the presiding officer of the House of the Representatives? The Speaker is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives.


141. What is the present structure of the U.S. judicial system? The present structure of the U.S. judicial system is the Supreme Court,11 courts of appeals, 91district courts, and three courts of special jurisdiction.


142. What are the two major parties in the United States? They are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.


143. Whom does the Constitution allow to give reprieves and pardons? The Constitution allows the President to give reprieves and pardons.


144. Which state has only one operation local public school district? Hawaii has only one operating public school district.

144年。哪个州只有一个操作当地的公立学校区?夏威夷只有一个操作的公立学校区。145. Why is education very important to Americans? Because it contributes to developing the national strength and personal success.


146. What were the two focuses of the American educational reforms in the mid-1980s? They were the rising of the standards of teaching and learning and the restructuring of the schools.


147. What does formal education in the U.S. consist of? Formal education consists of elementary, secondary and higher education.


148. Where does the financial support for private schools come from? The support mainly comes from private sources and student tuition fees.


149. How are the high schools in U.S. made up? High schools are made up of academic schools, comprehensive schools and vocational and technical schools.


150. How many public elementary and secondary schools are there in the U.S.? There are about 79,000 public and secondary schools in the U.S.


151. What are the three principal functions of the system of higher education in the U.S.? They are teaching, research, public service.

151年。什么是三个主要功能的高等教育系统在美国吗?他们是教学、研究、公共服务。152. What is the guiding principle of community college? The principle is higher education for everyone and the philosophy that equality must mean equal opportunity for self-realization and for recognition of individual differences.


153. What kinds of degree can be offered by community college? Community college offers bachelor and associate degree.


154. What is education regarded as in the United States? In the United States, education is regarded as both an individual benefit and a social necessity.


155. Why is education a function of the state, not the federal government? Because according to the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution, education is a function of a state, not the federal government. 155年。为什么教育的功能状态,而不是联邦政府?因为根据第十修正案的宪法,教育是一个函数的一个州,而不是联邦政府。

156. What is the difference between an academic high school and a technical high school? An academic high school only aims at preparing students for college while a technical school provides students for a variety of occupations and vocations.


157. What is the chief executive officer at the local board education? The superintendent of school is the chief executive officer.


158. What colleges do junior colleges include? Do they offer BA degrees? Junior colleges including community, junior and technical colleges. They offer certificate or degree program but, with few exceptions, offer no BA degrees.


159. Which colleges and institutions offer degrees in religion? Bible colleges and institutions offer degrees in religion.


160. Who governs the most state colleges and universities in America? A board of trustees (or regents) composed primarily of laymen governs the most state colleges and universities.


161. What are the fields favored by postgraduates? The fields are those that would not only make students easily employed but would provide them with rewarding jobs.


162. What were the two focuses of the reform in the 1980s? The first was the raising of the standards of teaching and learning; the second was the restructuring of the schools.


163. Who was the first to explore fully the possibilities of free verse? Walt Whitman was the first to explore full the possibilities of free verse.


164. Which novel was Dreiser’s first novel? The first novel was Sister Carrie.


165. What is the meaning of the “Lost Generation” ? The “Lost Generation” refers to those who are both physically and spiritually important.


166. Why is popular music different from classical music and folk music? Because popular music written as a commercial product for mass distribution.


167. What are the books of Emerson mentioned in the textbook? They are Nature, Self-reliance, Representative, English Traits and Poems.

167年。什么是书中提到的艾默生的课本吗?它们是自然、自力更生,代表,英语特征和诗歌。168. What is Emerson’s view of man and nature in his book Nature? He stated that man’s relationship with nature transcends the idea of usefulness.


169. What are the themes of Emily Dickson’s work? The great themes Emily Dickson’s work are death and search for faith.


170. What were two important guides for Dickson in her search for faith? They were the Bible and Philosophy of Emerson.


171. Who were awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature?T.S. Eliot and Earnest Hemingway were awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

171年。谁是获诺贝尔文学奖? T.S.吗艾略特和认真的海明威被授予诺贝尔文学奖。

172. What was the real name of Mark Twain? His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens.


173. What is considered to be the first real American writing? Franklin’s uncompleted autobiography is the first real American writing.


174. Where is Harlem? Harlem is the northeastern part of New York City where black people are concentrated.


175. What are the main types of popular music in the U.S.? Jazz, Rock and Roll and Western and country music are main types of popular music in the U.S.


176. What music is considered the United States’ unique contribution to music? Jazz is considered the U.S.’s unique contribution to music.

176年。什么是音乐被认为是美国独特的贡献音乐吗?爵士被认为是美国的音乐独特的贡献。177. What does “leaf of grass” stand for? It stands for all ordinary things and common people.


178. What did the writers of the first American writings write about? They wrote about their voyages to the new land, about adapting themselves to unfamiliar climates and crops.


179. Which city was the center of American writings in the early part of the 19th century? In the early part of 19th century, New York City was the center of American writings.


180. What kind of person is Rip Van Winkle? Rip Van Winkle is a simple, good-natured man, very henpecked.

180年。是什么类型的人Rip Van Winkle吗?瑞普?凡?温克尔》是一个简单的、温厚的人,很怕老婆的。

181. Which speech given by Emerson in 1837 was considered the intellectual Declaration of Independence? The speech of “The American Scholar” given by Emerson in 1837 was considered the intellectual Declaration of Independence.


182. What are the two novels, “A Farewell to Arms”and “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, by Ernest Hemingway about? “A Farewell to Arms” and “For Whom the Bell Tolls” are two novels about wars.


183. Which building in Chicago is the tallest building in the world? Sears Tower in Chicago is the tallest building in the world.


184. What are the symbols of egg and bunny considered to represent? They are considered to represent new life and fertility.


185. What do Easter and Christmas celebrate respectively? Easter celebrates the rising Jesus Christ from his tomb while Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.


186. Who influenced Dr. King’s non-violence resistance? Thoreau and Gandhi influenced his

non-violence resistance.


187. When did the speech “I have a dream” deliver? It delivered by Dr. King before the Lincoln Memorial in 1963.

187年。当做的演讲“我有一个梦想”交付?它所交付金博士在1963年之前,林肯纪念堂。188. What does the “dream” refer to? The “dream” refers to a dream of fraternal love and equality for black and white.

188年。什么是“梦”指什么呢?“梦想”指的是一个梦想的友爱和人人平等的黑色和白色。189. When and why was Martin Luther King rewarded the Nobel Prize for Peace? Because his contribution to the civil right’s movement. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1964.


190. Why did Congress vote to set a day in honor of Martin Luther King? Because he was respected and loved by the Americans, no matter black or white, for his leadership of the Civil Rights Movement.


191. Why were American children awarded the 1965 Nobel Prize of Peace? They were awarded the prize for their collection of money for UNICEF to help children in developing countries.


192. What are the typical foods for Thanksgiving dinner? The typical food are roast turkey, pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce.

192年。什么是感恩节晚餐的典型食物吗?典型的食物是烤火鸡、南瓜馅饼和蔓越橘酱。193. What are the symbols that are associated with Valentine’s Day? They are cars decorated with hearts, flowers tied with red ribbons, pictures with a Heart and Cupid armed with bow and arrow as well as romantic dinners by candle light.


194. What do people say to each other to express their hope for the happiness in the new year? They say “Happy New Year to you and you family”.


195. Why was Abraham Lincoln considered to be a man who lived out the American Dream? Because he came from a poor family and had very little formal education, through honesty and hard work, he became the 16th president in 1860.


196. What do universities usually do to celebrate the Valentine’s Day? Universities usually hold a Sweetheart’s Ball for the young students to celebrate the Valentine’s Day.


197. Which two symbols for Easter are considered to represent fertility and new life? They are the eggs and the hare (rabbit or bunny).

197年。这两个符号在复活节被认为代表丰产和新生活?他们是鸡蛋和野兔(兔子或兔子)。198. Why was Memorial Day originally called “Decoration Day”? Because on May 30, 1868, a group of Southern women decorated the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers.


199. Where and when was the American Labor Day first celebrated? The American Labor Day was first celebrated in New York City in 1882.


200. When does Mother’s Day fall on? What do children do on Mother’s Day? Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday in May. This is a day on which children honor their mothers, give them gifts, or perhaps take them to a restaurant for dinner.


201. Which day is Father’s Day? Father’s Day falls on the third Sunday in June.


202. Where did Thanksgiving Day originate? Thanksgiving Day originated in America. It is a typical American holiday.



Unit 1 UK 著名景点 Big Ben 大本钟2、Tower Bridge(crosses the River Thames; close to the Tower of London; symbol of London ) 3、Westminster Abbey ( Gothic church in the City of Westminster,London; Coronation and burial site for British monarchs.) 4、Red Double Decker Bus (mass transit) 英国基本知识 1、constituent parts ? England/ Scotland/ Northern Ireland/ Wales(国旗) 2、the national anthem(国歌)? God save the queen 3、The national Emblem? 4、National flower? Rose (Wars of the Roses - civil wars (1455-1485) between the royal house of Lancaster ( red rose) and the royal house of York (white rose).) 5、地理位置 6、Full name?The "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".(The British Isles不列颠岛; Great Britain; UK ; Commonwealth) 7、Three political divisions(行政区域): England, Scotland, and Wales. 8、Commonwealth? A free association of sovereign states comprising Great Britain and a number of its former dependencies ; united as ?free and equal members‘. 9、Capital England(London); Scotland(Edinburgh); Wales(Cardiff); Northern Ireland(Belfast) 10、Backbone of England? Pennine 11、Ben Nevis? the highest mountain in UK. 1343m 12、North Ireland? National flower: Irish clover (三叶草);Lough Neagh (the largest lake in UK) ; industrious; agricultural 13、Rivers and lakes?1. The Severn River(longest river; from the mountain of Wales to the Bristol Channel) 2. The Thames River (Main source of London‘s water supply;Second longest river in Britain; Costwold Hills--North Sea)3. The Clyde River (The most important river in Scotland)4. Lake District 5. Lough Neagh(The largest lake in Britain (396 square kilometers), Northern Ireland.) 14、The climate in Britain?pea souper 超级浓雾 Unit2 UK 1、the first settler? The Iberian(伊比利亚人) 2、Stonehenge(巨石阵)?was a place of healing center;The most important monument left by Iberian;There are about 80 stones, and each is five meters tall. 3、The Celtic language? the basis of both Welsh and Gaelic(盖尔语) (Irish,Scotish). 4、Hadrian ‘s Wall 5、7th century Heptarchy(七国联盟)?(Wessex; Sussex; Kent; Essex; East Anglia; Mercia; Northumbria) 6、Viking pirates(维京海盗) ? Vikings from Denmark;established some small kingdoms;Northern and eastern England 7、The Norman Conquest(1066)? The Normans that invaded England in 1066 came from Normandy in Northern France.


英语国家概况考试题型如下: 1.选择题(30 X 1’) 2.填空题(20 X 1’) 3.简答(10 X 2’)--必须回答完整的句子 4.分析题(6 X 5’)-- 必须回答完整的句子 总分100 分 主要内容包括: 一.U.S. Geography 1.Full name of U.S.. 2.Number of States: 50 states. 3.After President Jefferson brought the Louisiana territory from France there was a desire for territorial expansion among many frontier men. 4.The U.S. has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometers. The fourth largest countries. 5.Taxas is the largest mainland state of the U.S.. Alaska is the largest state of the U.S.. 6.Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. 7.America’s movies are mostly made in Hollywood near the city of Los Angeles in south California. 二.U.S. People 1.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US is the Blacks (Afriican-Americans). 2.The “first Americans” were the Indians. 3.The Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States. 4.The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today’s V erginia in the year of 1607. 5.The “Three Faiths” in the U.S. refer to: ?Protestan ?Catholic ?Jewish 6.The majority of the Catholics in the U.S. are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. 7.American society is a stratified one in which power, wealth and pestige are unequally distributed among the population. 8.WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.


I. Choose the correct answer from the options given: (20 points, 1 point each) 1. Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of London ? A. The cultural centre. B. The business centre. C. The financial centre. D. The sports centre. 2. Which of the following is NOT true about the characteristics of Britain ? A. Economic differences between north and south. B. Differences of social systems between Scotland and Wales. C. Class differences between a white-collar worker and a blue-collar worker. D. Cultural differences between immigrants and the British. 3. In 1969, the first British soldiers were seen on Northern Ireland Street They came first _______. A. to maintain traffic order in Northern Ireland B. to protect the Catholic people C. to protect the Protestant people D. to replace the Royal Ulster Constabulary since they were unable to keep social Order 4. In the early 1970s, the IRA _________. A. killed many Protestants and Catholics B. burned down the houses of Catholics’ C. murdered individuals at random D. carried out a series of bombing and shooting and attacked the security forces as their main target 5. Why did the British government decide to replace the Power-Sharing policy with “direct-rule” from London ? A. The Power-Sharing policy was not accepted by the majority of Protestants. B. The Northern Irish Parliament could not govern the province effectively. C. The Power-Sharing policy couldn’t be carried out. D. All the above.


《英语国家概况》课程习题集西南科技大学成人、网络教育学院版权所有 习题 【说明】:本课程《英语国家概况》(编号为12010)共有单选题,名词解释题,简答题,填空题2等多种试题类型,其中,本习题集中有[简答题]等试题类型未进入。 一、单选题 1. Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from________ A. France B. Denmark C. Ireland D. Germany 2. Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC? A. Emperor Claudius B. Julius Caesar C. King Alfred D. King Ethelred 3. Who is the author of Murder in the Cathedral? A. Christopher Marlowe B. T. S. Eliot C. Ben Johnson D. Thomas Becket 4.When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son, ______, the regime began immediately to collapse. A. Henry B. Hamilton C. Richard D. Charles 5. The 18th century saw selective breeding of cattle, sheep and houses by _________. A. Jethro Tull B. Thomas Coke C. George III D. Robert Bakewell 6. Which of the following is not one of the members of the Lords Temporal? A. all hereditary peers and peeresses of the England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom (but not peers of Ireland) B. lire peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties C. senior bishops of the Church of England D. all other life peers 7. Two years after the ending of the Hundred Years’ War with France, England was thrown into another series of civil wars, ________. A. the War of the Celts


英语国家概况(阅读) 1、Which of the following statements is NOT true? C.The Social Democratic and Labour Party is a very important political party in Britain 2、Which of the following statements is NOT correct? D.Parliament has no power to change the terms of the Constitution. 3、To get a bachelor’s degree, an American undergraduate student is required to do the following except ____. C.taking certain subjects such as history, language and philosophy 4、Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes? B.The legislative. 5、Which one of the following is NOT particularly British Christmas tradition? C.Eating chocolate eggs on Easter Day. 6、Which of the following statements is NOT true about blacks after the 1960s? A.Blacks felt that they could be fully integrated into the mainstream of American life. 7、The New Deal was started by ___. A.Franklin Roosevelt. 8、Which of the following is NOT based on the fact? A.Members of Parliament elect the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. 9、Three of the following are characteristics of London, Which of the four is the EXCEPTION? C.London is not only the largest city in Britain, but also the largest in the world 10、In order to go to university, secondary school students in the US must meet the following requirements except that ___. D.They pass the college entrance examinations 11、Which of the following statements is NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, ___. D.the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined. 12、Which of the following about the tabloids is not true? A.They are big format newspapers. 13、In the 17th century,the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland, because ____. A.they wanted to increase its control over Ireland 14、The largest religion in the US is ___. B.Christianity 15、Which of the following is NOT a feature of the House of Lords? C.The lords are expected to represent the interests of the public.


内蒙古广播电视大学2010-2011学年度 第二学期《英语国家概况1》期末试题 ⅠThere are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points) 1.The following were the founding fathers of the AmericanRepublic except _____. A Thomas Jefferson B George Washington C William Penn D Benjamin Franklin 2.Which of the following statement was NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, _____. A each new state had its own government B each new state made its own laws and handled all of its internal affairs C the national government was called the Congress with little power D the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined 3.Service industry does not include ____. A banking B management consultation C airline D steelmaking 4.Three of the following authors were Nobel Prize winner except _____. A Ernest Hemingway B Eugene O’Neill C William Faulkner D F. Scott Fitzgerald 5. ____ invented the telephone. A Samuel R.B. Morse B Alexander Graham Bell C Thomas Alva Edison D Reginald Fessenden 6.The main mountain range in the west of US stretching from the Canadian border to New Mexico is ____. A The Appalachian Mountains B The Rocky Mountains C The Green Mountains D TheBlue Ridge Mountains 7.Both public and private universities in the U.S. depend on the following sources of income except____. A investment B student tuition C endowments D government funding 8.____ was NOT written by Hemingway? A Light in August B The Sun Also Rises C A farewell to Arms D For Whom the Bell Tolls 9.In the United States school system, which of the following divisions is true? A Elementary school, grammar school B Elementary school, junior high school C Elementary school, secondary school D junior high school, senior high school 10.Which of the following does NOT belong to the white-collar crime? A bribery B tax evasion C false advertising D robbery 11.Which of the following was written by Thoreau? A Nature B Walden C The Scarlet Letter D The Fall of the House Usher 密 封 线 内 不 要 写 参 考 内 容 《英语国家概况1》第1页 共6页 《英语国家概况1》第2页 共6页


《英语国家概况》模拟试卷(二) (考试时间150分钟) (英语专业) I. Direction: Read the following unfinished statements of questions carefully. For each unfinished statement of question four suggested answers A; B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your answer sheet (25%) 1. There are ______ political divisions on the island of Great Britain. A. one B. two C. three D. four 2. Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses of which the most important matters could be seen in three of the following except _______. A. no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council; B. no serf should be arrested, imprisoned or deprived of his property except by the law of the land C. London and other towns should retain their ancient rights and privileges D. There should be the same weights and measures through - out the country. 3. The first steam engine was devised by Thomas Newcomer at the end of the 17th century, and the Scottish inventor ________ modified and improved the design in 1765. A. Abraham Darby B. James Watt C. John Kay D. Richard Arkwright 4. In some areas factory farming methods are used, particularly for ________. A. growing crop B. producing milk C. catching fish D. rearing poultry 5. By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed ______ by the Sovereign in the United Kingdom. A. Prime Minister B. Member of Parliament C. Lord of Appeal D. Speaker of the House 6. Under the Anglo - Irish Treaty, Britain established _______ with dominion status in Ireland in 1921. A. the Anglican Church of Ireland B. the Irish Free State C. the Irish Republican Army


2011英语国家概况期末考 1 of 100 Whose speech is closest to BBC English? A Cockney Southerners in England northerners in England A Welsh 2 of 100 The two newest states which joined the United States are _____. Alaska and Hawaii California and New Mexico Alaska and Florida Hawaii and Oregon 3 of 100

Which of the following is NOT one of the general standards for admission into an institution of higher learning in the U. S. A.? ACTP GPA MBA SAT 4 of 100 Britain's longest rivers are _____. the Severn and the Thames the Thames and the Clyde the Clyde and the Humber the Severn and the Clyde 5 of 100 New Englanders were originally known as _______. Yankees German farmers

Fishermen from Scandinavia English Puritans 6 of 100 The Constitution of the United States provides that _____ shall be President of the Senate. the Chief Justice the Secretary of State the Vice President the President 7 of 100 Which of the following is NOT one of the clauses in Magna Carta? There should be the same weights and measures throughout the country. The principle of parliamentary supremacy should be confirmed and free speech in Parliament should be guaranteed.


u n i t7 1 (1)What are the purposes of the British education system (2)Please comment on these purposes. (3)What are the main purposes of the Chinese education system (4)Are there any differences or similarities in the education of the two nations 答:(1)The purpose of the British education system is to teach children practical skills and socialize them. (2)Children learn practical skills, and the rules and values they need to become good citizens, to participate in the community, and to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy. (3)The purpose of the Chinese education is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society. (4) In china, people think school is just about teaching children what are often called” the three R’s---“reading, writing and ‘arithmetic”(reading, writing and arithmetic). 2. How does the British education reflect social class British education reflect the deeper divisions in British society in which social class is still very important: class inequality can be erased or continued according to education policy. What’s more, the enduring feature of British education is the continuing debate over how “equal” educational opportunity should be. In British, the accent you speak with, the clothes you wear, and the schools you attend are all markers that identify your social class. The school (or college)tie is a clear marker of social class. Even on informal occasions you will sometimes see men wearing their school ties as belts to hold up their trousers –proudly displaying their attendance at a certain school. In Britain, where you are educated is very important to you future. 3 what are the major changes that have taken place since World war 2 Is British education moving towards more progress or more equality Pick up some examples from the text to illustrate your points. Other major changes to the British education system were caused by world war Ⅱ。This time, the new system would emphasize equality. The result was the 1944 Education Act which made entry to secondary schools and universities”meritocratic”. Children would be abilities they displayed. All children were given the right to a free secondary education and the main concern was to make sure more children had access to a good education. In the 1960s,comprehensive schools were introduced all over the country, which ended the division between grammar schools----where the most academically capable pupils were sent to be prepared for university----and vocational school where less successful pupils were sent to learn allowed to let children "compete" for places. 4. Why does the author say that universities in Britain have been rather elitist 答:Most students were from the middle classes, attended good schools, performed well in their A-levels and received a fully-funded place in a university. In recent years, great efforts have been made to increase the numbers of and kinds of people that pursue higher education. Access for mature students and students without traditional A-level qualifications is widening. 5. (1) what is the Open University in Britain (2)What do you think of this system (1)The Open University offers a non-traditional route for people to take university level courses and receive a university degree. People can follow university courses through textbooks, TV and radio broadcasts, correspondence, videos, residential schools and a network of study centre. (2)It was the Open University which provided the inspiration for the founding of China’s TV and Radio University. Unit 8 British Foreign Relations 1.What and how did the British empire end How did the British react to this reality How did the end of British imperialism influence the psychology of the British and the making of Britain's foreign policy (1) The end of the great British empire was surprisingly rapid. In 1946, Jordan, in the Middle East, was granted independence. The following year, India and Pakistan followed suit. In 1948, Burma and Ceylon


英语国家概况复习要点 Part One UK The Country 1.Different Names for Britain and its Parts Name:England Britain Great Britain (GB/G.B.) British Isles British Empire The Commonwealth The United Kingdom(The UK) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Parts:England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland 2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Geographically, the British Isles includes Great Britain, the whole of Ireland, and all the offshore islands Politically, the British Isles is made up of U.K. and Republic of Ireland. 3. the highest mountain in Britain:Ben Nevis(本尼维斯山) the largest mountain range in Britain:the Grampians(格兰扁山脉) 4.the longest river:The Severn River (塞文河) The most important river in Britain and the second longest river: Thames(泰晤士河) 5. the largest lake in Britain:Lough Neagh(内伊湖)( Northern Ireland) 6. Backbone of England:the Pennies(奔宁山脉) The people 7.The first known settlers of Britain were the Iberians. 人们所知的英国最早居民是伊比利来人。 8.Basis of Modern English race? The earlist people known in Britain were nomads(游牧者)from mainland Europe in the Old Stone Age(旧石器时代),followed by Neolithic(新石器时代)Iberians (伊比利亚人) and the Beaker Folk(比克人)in the Bronze Age(青铜器时代) 9.the contributions made by Anglo-Saxons to the English state? ①.established 'Old English' ②.laid the foundations of the English state ③. divided the country into shires ④. created the 'Witan' to advise the King(the basis of the Cabinet) 10.different invaders? First invasion—In 55 BC, Julius Caesar Second—Caesar's second raid in 54 BC Third and final—In 43 AD, Emperor Claudius, final and successful Roman invasion of Britain (recorded) Left—In 410, Germanic barbarian attack Rome, forcing Roman troops to leave Britain, and thus ending its occupation of the island History 9.Who is known as “ the father of the British navy” ? Sir Francis Drake 10. The Norman Conquest and its consequences The Norman Conquest (1066-1071) Fuse: Edward ruled for 24 years and died in January, 1066. Harold was chosen to be king. William, Duke of Normandy, heard the news of Harold’s coronation, he got very angry and claimed that he had the sole right to be king of England because
