




2、方程012cos 2=+x 的解集是______

3、ABC ?中,4,1,60==?=c b A ,则a =______


? ??-??? ??+?--?+-25cos 2sin )3cos()2tan()tan()sin(πααπαππααπαπ=______ 5、函数)arcsin(2

x x y -=的单调递增区间是________ 6、已知20π

θ<<,将)sin(cos ),cos(sin ,cos θθθ从小到大排列___________

7、若)0(4sin 4sin )(≠??? ?

?-+??? ??

+=ab x b x a x f ππ是偶函数,则有序实数对),(b a 可以是_________(写出你认为正确的一组数即可)

8、若函数])2,0[(|sin |cos )(π∈+=x x x x f 的图像与直线k y =有且仅有四个不同的交点,则k 的取值范围是______


? ??

+=432s i n πx y 图像上所有点向右平移6π个单位,再把所得的图像上各点横坐标扩大到原来的3倍(纵坐标不变),这样得到的图像对应的函数解析式为________

10、在锐角ABC ?中,A B BC 2,1==,则AC 的取值范围是_______


x x y +-+=11arctan

arctan 的值域是_______

12、设函数)s i n ()s i n ()s i n ()(2211n n x a x a x a x f ααα+?+++?++?= ,其中)2,,,,2,1(≥∈=*n N n n i a i i α、为已知实常数,R x ∈,下列关于函数)(x f 的性质判断正确的有________(填写序号) ①若02)0(=??

? ??=πf f ,则)(x f 对任意实数x 恒成立 ②若0)0(=f ,则函数)(x f 为奇函数 ③若02=??

? ??πf ,则函数)(x f 为偶函数 ④当02)0(22≠??

? ??+πf f 时,若0)()(21==x f x f ,则)(21Z k k x x ∈=-π 二、选择题

13、化简2tan 2cot cos 42α



-=( )

A 、α2sin

B 、αsin

C 、αsin 2

D 、α2tan

14、与函数x y =表示同一个函数的是( )

A 、)arcsin(sin x y =

B 、)cos(arccos x y =

C 、)tan(arctan x y =

D 、)tan (sec 2

2x x x y -= 15、已知函数)sin()(?ω+=x A x f (其中0>A ,2||π?<


(x f 的解析式为( ) A 、??? ??

-=32sin )(πx x f B 、??

? ??

+=62sin )(πx x f C 、??? ??

+=32sin )(πx x f D 、??? ?

?+=64sin )(πx x f

16、函数x x x x x x f cos sin 4sin |cos sin |22)(-??? ??-??=π是( )

A 、周期为2π

的偶函数 B 、周期为π的偶函数

C 、周期为2π

的非奇非偶函数 D 、周期为π的非奇非偶函数


17、在ABC ?中,角C B A 、、所对的边分别为c b a 、、,已

知)0(s i n s i n s i n >?=+p B p C A ,且241

b a

c =


==b p 时,求c a 、的值

(2)若B 为锐角,求实数p 的取值范围

18、已知函数x x x g x x f cos sin 321

)(,cos )(2+==

(1)若直线a x =是函数)(x f y =的图像的一条对称轴,求)2(a g 的值


≤≤x ,求)()()(x g x f x h +=的值域

19、如图,摩天轮上一点P 在t 时刻距离地面高度满足b x A y ++=)sin(?ω,],[ππ?-∈,

已知某摩天轮的半径为50米,点O 距地面的高度为60

米,摩天轮做匀速转动,每3分钟转一圈,点P 的起始


(1)根据条件写出y (米)关于t (分钟)的解析式

(2)在摩天轮转动的一圈内,有多长时间点P 距离地面



图中8个三角形都是全等的三角形,设α=∠11H AA

(1)试用α表示11H AA ?的面积


21、已知)(x f 是定义域为D 上的函数,若对任意的实数D x x ∈21,,都有:??

? ??+≤+2)]()([212121x x f x f x f 成立,当且仅当21x x =时取等号,则称函数)(x f 是D 上的凸函数,凸函数具有以下性质:对任意的实数D x i ∈,都有:)()]()()([12121*∈??

? ??+++≤++N n n x x x f x f x f x f n n n 成立,当且仅当n x x x === 21时取等号,设),0(,sin )(π∈=x x x f

(1)求证:x x f sin )(=是),0(π上的凸函数

(2)设??? ??-+=x f x f x g 2)()(π,??

? ??∈2,0πx ,利用凸函数的定义求)(x g 的最大值 (3)设C B A 、、是ABC ?三个内角,利用凸函数性质证明233sin sin sin ≤

++C B A

全国百强校教师原创上海交大附中学高一上学期数学精品教学案 : 命题的形式及等价关系一

一、概念课 【教案样例】 教学目标: 1.知道命题、真命题、假命题,理解命题的推出关系、等价关系,推出关系的传递性; 2.在探究命题推出关系的过程中,体会举反例判断假命题的要领,初步会用推出关系的传递性证明一个命题是真命题的方法; 3.在认识一些基本的逻辑关系及其运用活动中,体会逻辑语言在数学表达和论证中的作用, 确立真命题必须作出证明的数学意识. 教学重点:理解命题的推出关系. 教学难点:运用逻辑语言表述和判断假命题、论证真命题. 教学过程: 2.概念形成:(教学提示:这一环节可采用教师引领下的学生阅读教材或学生阅读教师呈现的PPT 素材,教师引导学生举反例判断假命题用逻辑语言论证真命题,激发学生积极思考、参与教学的热情) (1)命题的构成:在数学中常见的命题由条件与结论两部分组成. 如命题“如果2x >,那么24x >”,其中2x >是条件,2 4x >则是结论. 2x y +=,但不满足命题结论11x y ≥≥且.

如命题“末两位数是12的正整数能被4整除”是一个真命题.理由:因为末两位数是12的正整数可以写成10012k +的形式(* k N ∈),而100124(253)k k +=+,所以10012k +能被4整除.即命题“末两位数是12的正整数能被4整除”是一个真命题. (4)推出关系: 一般地说,如果命题α成立可以推出命题β成立,那么就说由α可以推出β,并用记号“βα?”,读作“α推出β”. 也就是说,βα?表示以α为条件、β为结论的命题是真命题. 如果α成立不能推出β成立,记为“βα?/”,读作“α推不出β”.换言之,βα?/表示以α为条件、β为结论的命题是假命题. (5)等价关系: 如果αβ?,并且βα?,那么记作αβ?,叫做α与β等价. 数学交流: (1) 阅读教材16P 第1行至第11行,说一说利用推出关系的传递性证明一个命题是真命题的基本方法.(教学提示:教师概括) (2)推出关系“?”是一种关系符号,具有传递性,试举出具有传递性的其他关系符号…… 3.概念应用(教学提示:采用师生共同完成,或让学生独立完成,再选代表交流,提问是否有不同答案,进一步明晰概念,达成正确理解概念的目的) 【属性】高一(上),集合与命题,命题与推出关系,解答题,中,分析问题解决问题 【题目】 下列语句哪些不是命题,哪些是命题?如果是命题,那么他们是真命题或是假命题?为什么?

上海市交通大学附属中学2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试数学试题 (word版含答案)

交大附中高一期末数学试卷 一. 填空题 1. 无限循环小数0.036 化成最简分数为 2. 函数y =的定义域是 3. 若{}n a 是等比数列,18a =,41a =,则2468a a a a +++= 4. 函数()tan cot f x x x =+的最小正周期为 5. 已知,a b R ∈且2lim()31 n an bn n n →∞+-=+,则22a b += 6. 用数学归纳法证明“11112321 n n +++???+<-*(,1)n N n ∈>”时,由n k =(1)k >不 等式成立,推证1n k =+时,左边应增加的项数共 项 7. 在△ABC 中,三个内角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c , 若a =2c =,120A ?=, 则ABC S ?= 8. 函数()arcsin(cos )f x x =,5[ ,]46x ππ∈的值域为 9. 数列{}n a 满足12225222 n n a a a n ++???+=+,*n N ∈,则n a = 10. 设[]x 表示不超过x 的最大整数,则[sin1][sin 2][sin3][sin10]+++???+= 11. 已知225sin sin 240αα+-=,α为第二象限角,则cos 2α = 12. 分形几何学是美籍法国数学家伯努瓦.B.曼德尔布罗特在20世纪70年代创立的一门新学 科,它的创立,为解决传统科学众多领域的难题提供了全新的思路,下图是按照一定的分形 规律生长成一个数形图,则第13行的实心圆点的个数是 13. 数列{}n a 满足:,21(0.5),2n n n q n k a n k ?=-?=?=??,*k N ∈, {}n a 的前n 项和记为n S ,若lim 1n n S →∞ ≤,则实数q 的 取值范围是 14. 已知数列{}n a 满足:1a m =*()m N ∈,1 0.531n n n a a a +?=?+? n n a a 当为偶数时当为奇数时,若61a =, 写出m 所有可能的取值 二. 选择题 15. 设a 、b 、c 是三个实数,则“2b ac =”是“a 、b 、c 成等比数列”的( )

全国百强校教师原创上海交大附中学高一上学期数学精品教学案 : 命题的形式及等价关系二

【教案样例】 教学目标: 1.知道命题的四种形式及其相互关系,理解否命题、逆否命题; 2.在探究命题的四种形式及其相互关系的过程中,领会分类、判断、推理的思想方法; 3.在进一步认识基本的逻辑关系及其运用活动中,体会逻辑语言在数学表达和论证中的重要作用,树立分析问题条理清楚、理由充分、符合逻辑的数学意识. 教学重点:理解否命题、逆否命题. 教学难点:正确写出命题的否命题和逆否命题;运用逻辑语言表述和论证真命题. 教学过程: 2.概念形成:(教学提示:这一环节可采用教师引领下的学生阅读教材或学生阅读教师呈现的PPT素材,教师引导学生自己互写命题的形式建构概念,激发学生积极思考、参与教学的热情) 如命题(A)“如果两个三角形全等,那么这两个三角形的面积相等”的逆命题是命题(B)“如果两个三角形面积相等,那么这两个三角形全等”. 、的否定分别记为αβ、,那么命题“如果α,那么β”的否命题就是:“如果α,那我们通常把αβ 么β”. 如命题(A)的否命题是“如果两个三角形不全等,那么这两个三角形的面积不相等”.

数学思考: 3.概念应用(教学提示:采用师生共同完成,或让学生独立完成,再选代表交流,提问是否有不同答案,进一步明晰概念,达成正确理解概念的目的) 【属性】高一(上),集合与命题,四种命题形式,解答题,中,分析问题解决问题 【题目】 写出下列命题的逆命题、否命题、逆否命题,并判断其真假: 解题反思:熟悉和准确理解一些常见的词或符号的否定形式:“‘<’的否定形式是‘≥’”、“‘ >’的否定形式是‘≤’”、“‘ =’的否定形式是‘≠’”、“‘或’的否定形式是‘且’”、“‘且’的否定形式是‘或’”,是正确写出一个命题的否命题或逆否命题的前提条件. 变式练习:写出命题“如果12a b ==且,那么21a b ab +>>或”的否命题. 【属性】高一(上),集合与命题,四种命题形式,解答题,中,分析问题解决问题 【题目】 写出命题“偶数加偶数是偶数”的否命题和逆否命题. 【解答】我们先把原命题改写为:如果是两个偶数相加,那么他们的和是偶数.


2017-2018年交大附中高一下期中 一. 填空题 1. 已知数学期中考试时长为2小时,则考试期间分针旋转了弧度 2. 方程2cos210x +=的解集是 3. ABC ?中,60A =?,1b =,4c =,则a = 4. 化简计算: sin() sin()tan(2)25tan()cos(3)cos() 2 παπααπππαπαα+--??=+-- 5. 函数2 arcsin()y x x =-的单调递增区间是 6. 已知02 π θ<< ,将cos θ,cos(sin )θ,sin(cos )θ从小到大排列 7. 若()sin()sin()44 f x a x b x π π =+ +-(0ab ≠)是偶函数,则有序实数对(,)a b 可以是 (写出你认为正确的一组数即可) 8. 若函数()cos |sin |f x x x =+([0,2]x π∈)的图像与直线y k =有且仅有四个不同的交点,则 k 的取值范围是 9. 将3sin(2)4y x π=+ 图像上所有点向右平移动6 π 个单位,再把所得的图像上各点横坐标扩大到原来的3倍(纵坐标不变),这样得到的图像对应的函数解析式为 10. 在锐角ABC ?中,1BC =,2B A =,则AC 的取值范围是 11. 函数1arctan arctan 1x y x x -=++的值域是 12. 设函数1122()sin()sin()sin()n n f x a x a x a x ααα=?++?++???+?+,其中i a 、i α(1,2,,i n =???,*n N ∈,2n ≥)为已知实常数,x ∈R ,下列关于函数()f x 的性质判断正确的有 (填写序号) ① 若(0)()02 f f π ==,则()f x 对任意实数x 恒成立; ② 若(0)0f =,则函数()f x 为奇函数; ③ 若()02 f π =,则函数()f x 为偶函数; ④ 当22(0)()02 f f π +≠时,若12()()0f x f x ==,则12x x k π-=(k Z ∈). 二. 选择题


交大附中高一期末数学试卷 2019.06 一. 填空题 1. 已知a 、b 为常数,若24lim 123 n an bn n →∞++=+,则a b += 2. 已知数列4293n a n =-,若对任意正整数n 都有n k a a ≤,则正整数k = 3. 已知4cos()5 πα-=,且α为第三象限角,则tan α的值等于 4. 将无限循环小数0.145化为分数,则所得最简分数为 5. 已知△ABC 中,内角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c ,222a b c bc =+-,4bc =, 则△ABC 的面积为 6. 已知数列{}n a 满足: 3122123n n a a a a n +++???+=(n *∈N ),设{}n a 的前n 项和为n S , 则5S = 7. 三角方程sin2cos x x =在[0,]π内的解集合为 8. 将正整数按下图方式排列,2019出现在第i 行第j 列,则i j += 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ?????? 9. 已知()sin(2)3f x x π=+ ,若对任意x ∈R ,均有()()()f a f x f b ≤≤,则||a b -的最小 值为 10. 已知数列{}n a 满足11(3)(2)0n n n n a a a a ++--?-=,若13a =,则4a 的所有可能值的和为 11. 如图△ABC 中,90ACB ∠=?,30CAB ∠=?,1BC =,M 为 AB 边上的动点,MD AC ⊥,D 为垂足,则MD MC +的最小值为 12. 设01a <<,数列{}n a 满足1a a =,1n a n a a +=,将{}n a 的前100 项从大到小排列的得到数列{}n b ,若k k a b =,则k 的值为 二. 选择题 13. 设无穷数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则“lim 0n n a →∞=”是“lim 0n n S →∞ =”的( )


上海市交大高一下学期期中考试 数学试题 (满分100分,90分钟完成。答案一律写在答题纸上) 一、填空题(每题3分) 1、 若 1 sin cos 2 2 5α α -= ,则sin α=_________。 2、 函数 tan(2) 3=-y x π 的周期为_________。 3、 如果tan csc 0αα?<,那么角α的终边在第____________象限。 4、 若2弧度的圆心角所对的弧长为4cm ,则这个圆心角所在的扇形面积为______ cm 2 5、 方程|sin |1x =的解集是_________________。 6、 222cos cos (120)cos (240)θθθ++?++?的值是________。 7、 若 2sin()3αβ+= ,1sin()5αβ-=,则tan tan αβ=__________。 8、 设0<α<π,且函数f(x)=sin(x+α)+cos(x -α)是偶函数,则α 的值为_________。 9、 等腰三角形一个底角的余弦值为2 3,那么这个三角形顶角的大小为_____________。 (结果用反三角表示)。 10、 设函数f(x)是以2为周期的奇函数,且2 ()7 5f -=,若 sin α,则(4cos2)f α的值为___________________。 11、 设tan α和tan β是方程mx 2+(2m -3)x+m -2=0的两个实根,则tan(α+β)的最小值为 ______________。 12、 下列命题: ①终边在坐标轴上的角的集合是{α∣2= k π α,k ∈Z}; ②若2sin 1cos =+x x ,则 tan 2x 必为12; ③0≠ab ,sin cos ),()+=+a ,则arctan =b a ?; ④函数 1sin()26y x π=-在区间[3π- ,116π ]上的值域为[,2];


上海交通大学附属中学2008-2009学年度第一学期 高一英语期中试卷 Ⅱ. Grammar and V ocabulary 29% Section A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 25. When he moved to Germany in _______, he was already in _______. A. the fifties, his sixty B. fifties, his sixties C. the fifties, his sixties D. fifty, sixty 26. A shopping mall in the Sates is _______ many individual shops. A. made up of B. consisted of C. composed by D. involved in 27. I thought it _______ that the price of the house will keep _______. A. certain, to go up B. certain , going up C. sure, to go up D. sure, going up 28. He is generally _____ the most diligent student in the class. A. remembered B. considered C. regarded D. thought of 29. Tom is not quite _______ as his brother. A. good as a student B. as good a student C. as a good student D. a as good student 30. The speech was wonderful ______ it lasted too long. A. as if B. for C. except that D. except when 31. Saying that he was not able to paint well, he _______ to refuse his job. Which of the following is WRONG? A. did all what he could B. tried his best C. did everything he could D. did what he could 32. I don’t like ______ like that, which is very rude. A. to be talked B. being talked C. to be talked to D. to being talked to 33. The reason _______ he explained to us was quite simple. A. why B. that C. how D. when 34. We have to face the educational system _______ pressure was heavy. A. which B. for which C. where D. that 35. --Alice came back home the day before yesterday. ---Really? Where _______? A. has she been B. had she been C. has she gone D. had she gone


交大附中高一期中数学试卷 一. 填空题 1. 若5 2arcsin 24 3 x π -= (),则x = 2. 在公差d 不为零的等差数列{}n a 中,617a =,且3a 、11a 、43a 成等比数列,则d = 3. 已知等比数列{}n a 中,0n a >,164a a =,则22232425log log log log a a a a +++= 4. 前100个正整数中,除以7余数为2的所有数的和是 5. 在△ABC 中,2220a b mc +-=(m 为常数),且 cos cos cos sin sin sin A B C A B C += ,则m 的值是= 6. 已知等比数列{}n a 的各项都是正数,n S 为其前n 项和,若48S =,824S =,则16S = 7. 已知函数()3sin 4cos f x x x =+,12,[0,]x x π∈,则12()()f x f x -的最大值是 8. 在△ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 所对应边分别为a 、 b 、 c ,ABC ∠平分线交AC 于点D ,且22BD =, 则4a c +的最小值为 9. 已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和2212n S n n =-,数列{||}n a 的前n 项和n T ,则n T n 的最小值是 10. 在等差数列{}n a 中,若10100S =,100910S =,110S = 11. 设函数|sin |0()20x x x f x x


上海交大附中09-10学年高一上学期期终试卷(英语) (满分100分,100分钟完成,答案一律写在答题纸上) 命题:王玮审核:韩立新校对:王慧良 Ⅱ. Grammar and vocabulary (17’) Part A (0.5’ *16 = 8’) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 25.If you , you'd better go outside in the fresh air. A. faint B. have fainted C. are going to faint D. will faint 26.All but one worker here just now. A. is B. was C. has been D. were 27.It is the fourth time she has been sleeping in class, ? A. is she B. isn’t she C. isn’t it D. hasn’t she 28. matters little. A. He will come or not B. If or not he comes C. Whether he comes or not D. He comes or not 29.Hard as , it is quite easy to drill a hole on it with laser. A. is the diamond B. does the diamond C. the diamond is D. the diamond does 30.If that idea was wrong, the project is bound to fail, good all the other ideas might be. A. whatever B. though C. whatsoever D. however 31.The reason he referred to for his success is he is always working hard. A. why; that B. why; because C. that; that D. that; because 32.Many new means of transportation have been developed in our country, perhaps the hovercraft. A. and the strangest of which is B. the strangest of which being C. the strangest of which is D. and the strangest of them being 33.No one can walk the wire without a bit of fear unless ____ very young. A. having been trained B. trained C. to be trained D. being trained 34.Having considered the problem for a while, she thought better her first solution. A. to B. than C. from D. of 35.The bank is reported in the local newspaper in broad daylight yesterday. A. to be robbed B. robbed C. to have been robbed D. having been robbed


上海交通大学附属中学2019-2020学年度第一学期 高一数学期中考试试卷 一、填空题 1. 函数的定义域是 ____________ y =2. 已知,,则____________ {}|12A x x =-<<{}2|30,R x x x x -<∈A B ?=3. 当时,函数的值域为____________ 0x >()1f x x x -=+4. 设或,,则{|52U x x =-≤<-25,}x x Z <≤∈{} 2|2150A x x x =--={}3,3,4B =-U A C B ?=____________ 5. 已知集合,若,则实数值集合为____________ {}{}2,1,|2A B x ax =-==A B A ?=a 6. 满足条件的所有集合A 的个数是____________个{}{}{}1,3,53,5,71,3,5,7,9?=7. 已知不等式解集为A ,且,则实数的取值范围是____________2202x x x a +≤+2,3A A ∈?a 8. 若函数为偶函数且非奇函数,则实数的取值范围为 ____________ ( )f x =a 9. 已知是常数,且,若函数的最大值为10,则的最小值为,a b 0 ab ≠()33f x ax =+()f x ____________ 10. 设正实数,a b 满足,那么的最小值为____________324a ab b ++=1ab 11. 设,若是的最小值,则的取值范围为____________()()2,043,0x a x f x x a x x ?-≤?=?++>?? ()0f ()f x a 12. 若方程在(0,2)内恰有一解,则实数的取值范围为____________ () 22420ax a x --+=a


上海市交大附中2018-2019年高一第二学期英语期中试卷 I Listening(略) II Grammar and vocabulary(28”+10”+10”) Section A Beneath each of the following sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 1.______ has been done to develop the habit of reading aloud in the morning, his pronunciation remains a serious problem. A.In spite of that B. Despite what C. Although he D. Though what 2._____ is the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Ages. A.It’s the sun not the earth B. The sun not the earth C. Being the sun not the earth D. That the sun not the earth 3. It’s far better for one to drink milk, ______one gets health nutrients, than to drink coffee, ______ contains no nutrients at all. A. that...which B. which...which C. which...that D. from which...which 4. It’s important that parents know of any situation______ can be of great significance to their children’s behavior and school performance. A. which B. where it C. what D. that 5. When they went into the shop and asked to look at the engagement rings, the shop assistant brought out a cheap one, _____ she has arranged with James. A. which was that B. what was that C. which was what D. that was that 6. It was with deep sadness that the House of Chanel announced the passing of Karl Lagerfeld _____ talent for all the branding companies related to fashion it benefited since 198 7. A. of which B.whose C. of whom D. from whose 7. Who _____ for the US government shutdown after President Donald Trump and the US Congress failed to pass the bill to extend federal funding? A. you suppose to blame B. do you suppose to blame C. you suppose is to blame D. do you suppose is to blame 8. a modern city has been set up in ______ was wasteland ten years ago. A. what B. which C. that D. where 9. If he had a real talent for painting, a painter he should be. If not, he must take to some other craft, _____ he would have the chance of making himself a decent livelihood. A. where B. which C. what D. when 10. The order came ______ the soldiers_____ the small village the next morning. A. that, had to leave B. that, should leave C. /, must leave D. when, should leave 11. The question came up at the meeting_____ we had enough money for our research. A. that B. which C. whether D. that if 12. The date 5.12 is a special number, _____ I think that will be remembered by the Chinese forever. A. what B. which C. it D. one


2019年交大附中自招数学试卷 1.求值:cos30sin 45tan 60?????=____________ 2.反比例函数1y x = 与二次函数243y x x =-+-的图像的交点个数为____________ 3.已知210x x --=,则3223x x -+=______________ 4.设方程(1)(11)(11)(21)(1)(21)0x x x x x x ++++++++=的两根为1x 、2x ,则()()1211x x ++的值为___________ 5.直线0y x k k =+<()上依次有A 、B 、C 、D 四点,它们分别是直线与x 轴、双曲线k y x = 、y 轴的交点,若AB BC CD ==,则k 的值为_________ 6.交大附中文化体育设施齐全,学生既能在教室专心学习,也能在操场开心运动,德智体美劳全面发展,某次体锻课,英才班部分学生参加篮球小组,其余学生参加排球小组,篮球小组中男生比女生多五分之一,排球小组男女生人数相等,一段时间后,有一名男生从篮球小组转到排球小组,一名女生从排球小组转到篮球小组,这样篮球小组的男女生人数相等,排球小组女生人数比男生人数少四分之一,问英才班有多少人?___________ 7.已知a 、b 、c 、n 是互不相等的正整数,且1111a b c n +++也是整数,则n 的最大值为________ 8.如图,ABCDE 是边长为1的正五边形,则它的内切圆与外接圆所围圆环的面积为__________. 9.若关于x 的方程()()2460x x x m --+=的三个根恰好可以组成某直角三角形的三边长,则m 的值为_____________ 10.设ABC ?的三边a 、b 、c 均为正整数,且40a b c ++=,则当乘积abc 最大时,ABC ?的面积为________ 11.如图,在直角坐标系中,将OAB 绕原点旋转到OCD ?,其中()3,1A -、()4,3B ,点D 在x 轴正半轴


上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018学年度第一学期高一数学期终试卷 2018.1 一、填空题(本大题共有12题,满分54分,1-6题每题4分,7-12题每题5分) 1. 若关于x 的不等式01x a x -3+的解集为()[),14,-?+?U ,则实数a =____________. 2. 设集合{}{}|2|1,A x x B x x m =-<=>,若A B A =I ,则实数m 的取值范围是____________. 3. 一条长度等于半径的弦所对的圆心角等于____________弧度. 4. 若函数2()log (1)f x x a =++的反函数的图像经过点(4,1),则实数a =____________. 5. 若1 23()f x x x -=-,则满足()0f x >的x 的取值范围是____________. 6. 已知(7)41()1x a x a x f x a x ì--???,若(0)f 是()f x 的最小值,则a 的取值范围是____________. 11. 设ab R ?,若函数()a f x x b x =+ +在区间(1,2)上有两个不同的零点,则(1)f 的取值范围为____________. 12. 已知下列四个命题: ①函数()2x f x =满足:对任意121 2,,x x R x x 喂,有[]12121()()22x x f f x f x 骣+÷??÷?÷?桫; ②函数(22()log ,()121x f x x g x =+=+-均为奇函数; ③若函数()f x 的图像关于点(1,0)成中心对称图形,且满足(4)()f x f x -=,那么(2)(2018)f f =; ④设12,x x 是关于x 的方程log (0,1)a x k a a =>?的两根,则121x x = 其中正确命题的序号是____________.

上海名校交大附中 高一英语 名词性从句

交大附中名词性从句练习 1. _______ has recently been done to provide more services and facilities, the residents still complain about the great difficulty in receiving medical health care. A. What B. That C. In spite of what D. Though what 2. The date 5.12 as a special number _______, I think that will be remembered by the Chinese forever. A. what B. which C. it D. one 3. Please contact the secretary for the minutes of the meeting. _______ yesterday is of great importance to the development of our business. A. that we discussed B. What we discussed C. How did we discuss D. What did we discuss 4. _______ humans painted lively creatures such as cows, bulls, horses, and even cats on the walls of the cave remains a mystery. A. What B. Where C. That D. Why 5. Although Jim had expected something special from Della, he was still surprised by _______ he saw. A. what B. which C. that D. how 6. I don’t know much about the new reform except _______ a sound social security net should be established. A. that B. whether C. what D. where 7. The reason why I declined your invitation to the picnic was _______ a job interview that day. A. because I had B. because of having C. due to D. that I had 8. _______ really matters is _______ you do, you must do it well.


2020北京交大附中高一(上)期中 数 学 2020.11 说明:本试卷共4页,共120分。考试时长90分钟。 一、选择题(共10小题,共40分) 1.已知集合 ,,则 A. C. 2.已知命题 ,关于x 的方程 有解,则 A.0c ?>,方程无解 B.0c ?≤,方程有解 C.0c ?>,方程无解 D.0c ?≤,方程有解 3.如果 A. B. D. 4.下列各组函数 与 A. , B., C., D. , 5.下列函数中,在区间 A. B. C. D. 6. 是关于的方程 A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件

7.函数 A. B. C. D. 8.已知函数与函数的图象关于轴对称,若在区间内单调递减,则的取值范围 9.一位手机用户前四次输入四位数字手机密码均不正确,第五次输入密码正确,手机解锁.事后发现前四次输入的密码中,每次都有两个数字正确,但它们各自的位置均不正确.已知前四次输入密码分别为3406,1630,7364,6173,则正确的密码中一定含有数字() A.4,6 B.3,6 C.3,7 D.1,7 10.设集合A 是集合* N 的子集,对于i ∈* N ,定义1, , ()0, .i i A A i A ?∈?=??? 给出下列三个结论: ①存在*N 的两个不同子集A ,B ,使得任意i ∈* N 都满足()0i A B ?=且()1i A B ?=; ②任取*N 的两个不同子集A ,B ,对任意i ∈* N 都有()()()i i i A B A B ???=?; ③任取* N 的两个不同子集A ,B ,对任意i ∈* N 都有()()()i i i A B A B ???=+. 其中所有正确结论的序号是 A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.①②③ 二、填空题(共5小题,共20分) 11.函数的定义域为_________.


II.Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Grammar and Vocabulary 21.The seven-year-old pretty girl is known__________the public as a Chinese Shirley Temple for her excellent performance. A.in B.to C.as D.for 22.Teenagers are warned to be careful when making friends online,because when you can’t see a person,they could be __________. A.somebody B.nobody C.everybody D.anybody 23.On the third floor in his apartment there are two rooms,__________is used as a reception room. https://www.360docs.net/doc/6514956516.html,rger one of them B.the largest of them C.the larger of which D.the largest one of which 24.Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and__________to ruins,the city took on a new look. A.reducing B.reduced C.being reduced D.having reduced 25.__________the prices and functions of different types of laptops before you make up your mind which to buy. https://www.360docs.net/doc/6514956516.html,pare https://www.360docs.net/doc/6514956516.html,paring https://www.360docs.net/doc/6514956516.html,pared D.To compare 26.The billionaire decided to turn over his business to__________he believed had a strong sense of responsibility. A.whom B.whomever C.whoever D.that 27.As making mistakes in front of others may lead to__________,many students are afraid of making a speech in public. https://www.360docs.net/doc/6514956516.html,ughing at B.be laughed at C.being laughed at https://www.360docs.net/doc/6514956516.html,ughed at 28.With such a noisy guy__________beside me in the concert,I could hardly enjoy the performances. A.seated B.to be seated C.seating D.seat 29.Before the operation,the doctor had to talk to the patient in order to remove her fear__________she might die during the operation. A.when B.that C.which D.so that 30.Tiger Woods said that he needed to have his attention__________on being a better husband,father and person. A.focusing B.focus C.focused D.be focused 31.__________twice,the milkman refused to deliver our milk unless we chained our dog. A.Being bitten B.Bitten C.Having bitten D.To be bitten 32.The growth in the world’s population is causing the loss of habits and damage to land__________plants and animal species live,reducing biodiversity and leading to the extinction of many species. A.which B.where C.that D.whose 33.A mysterious illness has been brought under control,the government said on Wednesday,__________no cause of it has been made public. A.though B.when C.that D.because 34.Not__________books you read but the way you read them decides how successfully you gain knowledge. A.a number of B.the number of C.a good deal of D.the amount of 35.The nervous look on his face suggested that he__________when he was asked about the case. A.must lie B.should lie C.lied D.was lying 36.The thought of going back home was__________kept him happy while he was working abroad. A.that B.all that C.all what D.which 37.The driver has just been fined$10for parking his car at a sign that__________“No Parking”. A.reading B.is being read C.is read D.reads 38.When you’ve finished reading that book,don’t forget to put it back on the shelf,__________? A.do you B.don’t you C.will you D.won’t you
