


话题三:校园生活 be good for 有益于 develop one’s friendship 发展友谊 impress sb a lot 给某人留下深刻印象 it’s always shining inside my heart. 它总是在我的内心里闪耀 benefit a lot from 在---中受益匪浅 sth will last in my heart forever 某事将永存我心 unforgettable experience 难忘的经历 lifelong memory 一生的记忆 in one’s mind 在某人的脑海中 keep sth in one’s heart 将---用存心中 I will treasure it forever 我将永远珍惜 provide opportunities for sb 为---提供机会 cooperate with others 与人协助 gain knowledge through reading 通过阅读获得知识 open up one’s mind 拓展某人的思维 result from--- 源于--- scientific studying methods 科学的学习方法 spoken English 英语口语 on one’s own 独自,靠某人自己 turn out to be 结果证明是--- through this transformation 通过这次的转变 practice makes perfect 孰能生巧 keep on doing sth 坚持做某事 no matter how difficult it is 无论多么困难--- try my best to get over--- 尽力去克服--- No pains, no gains 一份耕耘,一份收获 make efforts to overcome--- 努力战胜--- the best way to do sth is 做某事最好的方法是--- set practical goals 设定切实可行的目标 strengthen ourselves both physically and mentally. 在身体上和精神上增强自己be good at sth 擅长某事 believe in yourself 相信自己 try your best to catch up 尽力赶上 make rapid progress 快速取得进步 as long as 只要 willing to make an effort 愿意付出努力 positive attitude 积极的态度 sth is the power that drives you to success 某事是驱使你成功的力量maintain a positive attitude 保持一个积极的态度 keep us feeling optimistic 让我们感到更加的乐观 话题八:个人观点、建议


科技英语写作注意事项 一、文体特点 清晰、准确、精练、严密 1、避免主观渲染,少用带感情色彩的词汇和修辞手段,做到说理叙事清楚明白,用词造句简洁准确,并尽量使用行话,使文章读起来有科技文章的韵味。 2、文章中结论性的表述,必须经过可靠实验性的验证,否则少用肯定性的语言。 二、语言结构特色 1、大量的名词化结构 因为科技问题要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大;强调存在的事实,而非某一行为。 例:Archimedes first discovered the principle that water is displaced by solid bodies. Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. 第二句中of displacement of water by solid bodies系名词化结构,一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方面强调displacement这一事实。 由于科技英语所表达的是客观规律,因之尽量避免使用第一、二人称;此外,为使主要信息置于句首。 例:If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss can be considerably reduced. The heat loss can be considerably reduced by the use of firebricks round the walls of the boiler. 2、广泛使用被动语句 英国利兹大学John Swales统计,科技英语中的谓语至少1/3是被动态。(同上) 3、非限定动词 科技文章要求行文简练、结构紧凑,因此往往使用分词短语代替定语从句或状语从句;使用分词独立结构代替状语从句或并列从句;使用不定式短语代替各种从句;介词+动名词短语代替定语从句或状语从句。这样,即可缩短句子,又比较醒目。 例:Materials which are used for structural purposes are chosen so that they behave elastically in the environmental conditions. Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental conditions.


毕业论文整体上包括:Title page (标题页)/ an English cover page Acknowledgement Abstract (摘要)150-200words, 第三人称,一般现在时 Outline (提纲) The Body (正文) Works Cited (参考书目) / Bibliography Title: 1:Choose a topic: i. Your interest ii. Subject area iii. Subject importance iv. Availability of Resources 2. Narrow Down Your Topic 3: Ways to find out resource materials : encyclopedia; periodicals; Internet Abstract: This paper mainly focuses on ...First of all, the paper analyses....Secondly, it explores....Moreover, it concentrates on... By the contrast between ...and... ,The paper reveals.... I. Abstract Content a. a clear statement of the problem b. the purpose of the paper c. the methods applied in research d. where and how you obtain your information e. how you use the data to make your points f. an outline of your system of analysis g. statement of your result or finding h. enlightment of your research Outline : 1)Before you write an outline, make a list of the main questions you plan to answer and the important facts you have discovered as you have gone through your sources. 2)Then, give a serious thought on how you plan to organize your paper. There are some basic ways to go about it.Cause and effect ;Order of importance ;Categorical order 3)Pattern Body: I. Beginnings (Introduction) The function of an introduction of a research paper is to:(目的) ⑴ Create reader ’s interest by introducing in more details some general background information on the topic under investigation; ⑵ Focus on an issue, a problem, or a question relevant to the study; ⑶ Review previous research; ⑷ Discuss deficiencies in previous research on the topic; ⑸ Propose a different/new way of investigating the same topic or some aspect of it. Elements that make readers satisfactory: (1) A clear statement of purpose. (2) A little background information. (3) A few questions. (4) A positive view of the end point and the topic of the paper. II. Review of Literature The purpose of literature review To show what has been previously studied in the field. To summarize other people ’s writings. To define or review definitions or concepts. III. Discussion and analysis In this part we bring everything together by discussing the significance of our findings and its relationship to previous research in the area and also the hypotheses we set out with. analysis ---provides the evidence Discussion---gives the explanation, description, elaboration, comparison, contrast 要素Topic Specification (TS) Background Information (BI) Purpose Statement (PS) Methodology and Data (MD) Results/Findings (RF) Implications/Conclusions (IC) The elements of literature review 1.Description of the source 2. Analysis of the work. 3. Crediting the source.


Part One Manuscript Form You should do everything - writing the title, leaving margins, indenting, capitalizing. Ⅰ. Arrangement排版 Write the title in the middle of the first line. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and all other words(including words following hyphens in compound words) except articles, coordinating conjunctions(and, or, but, nor, for), prepositions, and the to in infinitives. Indent the first line of every paragraph, leaving a space of about four or five letters. Ⅱ. Word Division移行 The general principle is to divide a word according to its syllables. Pay attention to the following: One-syllable words like through, march, brain and pushed cannot be divided. Do not write one letter of a word at the end or at the beginning of a line, even if that one letter makes up a syllable, such as a. lone, trick. y. Do not put a two-letter syllable at the beginning of a line, like hat. ed, cab. in. Avoid separating proper names of people or places, like Chi. na, Aus. ten.


科技英语写作语言规范(二) 4.用静态结构表示动作。 1)连系动词+表语 (1)表语为形容词的情况。 1.这些因素促使落在大地上的一半以上的水分直接返回到 了大气层。 These factors are responsible for the direct return to the atmosphere of more than half the water that falls on the land. 2.这个概念可应用于金属导体。 This concept is applicable to metallic conductors. 3.二极管可用作为整流器。 A diode is useful as a rectifier. 4.这个数可用8来除。 The number is divisible (=can be divided) by 8. 5.相继闪光之间的间隔是可以随意控制的。 The interval between successive flashes is controllable at will. 6.这个术语是描述频率调制的。 This term is descriptive of (=describes) FM. 7.双曲线表明反比的关系。 A hyperbola is indicative of (=indicates) an inverse proportion. 8.这些肌肉的异常收缩表明患有特定疾病。

These abnormal muscle contractions are symptomatic of (=suggest/indicate) specific diseases. 9.外力保持不变。 The applied force stays/remains (=is kept/ held/maintained/left) unchanged. (2)表语为名词的情况。 10.这个参数表明了温度对该设备的影响。 This parameter is an indication of (=indicates) the influence of temperature on the device. 11.这个网络实现了该算法。 This network is the implementation of (=implements) the algorithm. 12.力学并不解释物体为什么会运动。 Mechanics is not an explanation of(=does not explain) why bodies move. 13.这又一次证明了水银是金属。 This is another proof (=proves again) that mercury is a metal. 14.这个例子说明了“串式编程”。 This example is an illustration of(=illustrates) in-line programming. 15.图6-6画出了一个石英谐振器。 Fig.6-6 is a representation of (=represents) a quartz resonator.

科技英语论文实用写作学习心得 (5000字)



常用文体的写作知识 1.描写文(description):描写文就是用生动、形象的语言把人物的状态和动作、景物的性质和特征具体地描绘出来,描写人时 则刻画人物的肖像、语言、行为、心理活动及生活细节。描写景物时则用时间与空间顺序的安排方式展开文章段落。描写文中每一段只能表达一种思想或主题的一部分。请读这段文章。(由于篇幅有限,每种类型的文章只取一个段落为例。) It was noon. The hot sun above was bright. It made the temperature rise. On the road all was quite. There were few cars to be seen. There were even fewer people about. The shops alongside the road were wide open. Their bamboo shades were rolled down to keep out the blazing sun. There was no wind at all. The pavement way, though shady, was stuffy. Even the shopkeepers seemed affected by this mid –day heat and stuffiness. They looked bored and unwilling to serve the few occasional customers. 这是一段描写文。在读文章之前要求读者带着问题阅读:①段落的中心思想是什么?②段落是采用什么方法描写的?不难发现,段落的中心思想是描写某一天中午的高温、闷热的情景。作者采用由上到下、由远到近的空间顺序的方法描写。文章中用火热的太阳、道路安静、车辆稀少、为挡住阳光,商店的竹窗帘落下来、店主不愿接待顾客等情景的描写生动地衬托了段落的中心思想。 2.记叙文(narration):记叙文叙述过去发生的事情,着重写事或人。其要素是五“何”原则,即在写作中必须交待清楚五个方面的内容:何时、何地、何人、何事以及何如。记叙文主要是按时间顺序陈述事件,中心思想是通过陈述、举例、解释及细节来说明。文章段落的中心思想可能是段落的任何一个句子或暗示。请读下面题为“My 35 Years In China”记述文章的开头段落,并注意体会文章的开头方式和展开手法: There is a saying in China that “Time flies like an arrow.” When I came to China the People’s Republic of China had just been born. Today, the new China has proudly celebrated her 35 th anniversary and now stands in full splendor and looks to the world with confidence. Meanwhile time has turned me from a strong 40-year-old into a gray-haired old man. This year marks 75 th birthday as well as 35 th year that I have been living and working in China. In that time I have lived in this fascinating land and shared joys and suffering with Chinese people, so that in my old age I can proudly say “the longer I live in China, the younger my heart become.” 这段文章的目的是通过时间顺序、举例对比的写作手法–––从中华人民共和国成立到如今中国面对全世界,骄傲地庆祝35周年纪念日;从一位四十岁的中年人变成了两鬓灰白的老人,感觉光阴似箭的心情。文章的中心思想是围绕着中国生活的35年时光过得很快而写成的。


“Results and Discussion”的写作技巧:案例分析 例Clusters and Inverse Emulsions from Nanoparticle Surfactants in Organic Solvents[Langmuir 2015, 31, 1344?1352] 这篇文献主要介绍一种在非极性溶剂中自组装合成纳米粒子的方法。该方法在乙醇或含羧基基团溶剂中通过控制聚苯乙烯的长程排斥力和硫醇分子的短程吸引力。这一案例中Results和Discussion分开写的。 1 Results部分: 结果部分作者结合图形客观、生动的展现了实验结果。图示下方用简要的文字进行了图示说明。图中不同曲线用不同的颜色进行了标注,直观、明了。 1.1紫外吸收光谱: 介绍实验结果引用文献结论 1.2 0.31PS 20 kDa-loaded 粒子聚集后吸收峰随时间变化:

对于反应不了的结论也应指出,同时提出实验结果与下文表征结果相符。 1.3 800nm处吸光度值的比较; 1.4随时间增加,粒子尺寸的增加; 1.5胶束粒径的分布; 1.6裸粒子和不同胶束的流体动力学; 1.7三种不同粒子的TEM表征图; (作者均结合图像对表征图像内所反应内容客观的叙述。) 1.8不同粒子状态下的SAXS:

对于不常用的表征方法要解释使用的理由,并结合参考文献的内容来佐证。 2 Discussions部分: 讨论部分解释结果中的现象,合理分析原因。并将各图像之间所反映 的事实联系在一起。

相类似的实验现象已有文献报道,对结果结合参考文献进行进一步解释 指出研究结果在实际中可能的应用; 讨论中对于研究中的不足或不明确指出也要明确指出。


练习1 II冠词 1.Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 2001.(Emmet博士2001年毕业 于哈弗大学) 2.Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the Xi’an University of Technology in 1988.(李教授1998年在西安理工大学获得机械工 程博士学位) 3.Now we shall turn to the discussion of local area networks.(现在我们转向(turn to)讨论一下局域网) 4.The Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as important an instrument as the optical spectrometer.(质谱仪是与光谱仪一样重要的仪器) 5.How long a time [或How much time] is required to this experiment?(做这个实验 需要多长时间?) 6.An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume.(压力的增加总会引 起体积的减少) 7.Fig. (2-5) shows what is expressed by Eq. (2-2).(图(2-5)画出了式(2-2)所表 示的情况) 8.The unit of inductance is the henry.(电感的单位是亨利) III、改错 1.The UASMA protocol employs a unique frame structure.(UASMA协议采用了 独特的帧结构) 2.Finally, a broad stepped impedance transformer is designed by this method.(最 后,用这种方法设计了宽带阶梯阻抗变换器) 3.Dynamic analysis and evaluation of the security of a proactive secret sharing system(先应秘密共享系统安全性的动态分析和评估) 4.The approach can be applied to the one-dimensional potential barrier with an arbitrary profile.(该方法适用于任意形状的一维势垒) 5.We propose a numerical method based on Newton’s iterative method.(我们提出 了一种基于牛顿地带发的数值方法) 练习2 1. This circuit consists of a battery, an inductor and a capacitor.(该电路是由一个电池、一个电感器和一个电容器组成) 2. Compute the electric fields at points a, b, and c.(试计算在a、b、c三点处的电场。) 3. This satellite is used for communications between the United States and Great Britain, France and Italy.(这颗卫星用于美国与英国、法国、意大利之间的通讯) 4. We assume that the antenna is vertical and that its loss is zero.(我们假设该天线是垂直的,并且其损耗为0)


https://www.360docs.net/doc/65457934.html, 2008年06月02日 16:47 自考https://www.360docs.net/doc/65457934.html, 近几年的英语写作基础试卷在考查内容和试题类型上改动不大,保持了命题的连贯性。考查内容包括三大部分:句子的组成、段落的写作、应用文写作。题型有重写句子、改写病句、识别主题句、重新组合段落、识别与段落内容无关的句子、写信六种。本文将按题型顺序对2000年试题的考核知识点与解题思路进行分析和探讨,同时,也将对考生答题中的典型错误作一剖析,希望能有益于准备参加今年考试的同学。 第一大题重写句子(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the requirement. 一,考核知识点:考查loose sentence 与periodic sentence之间的转换。 ●试题: 2. I felt like taking a walk after watching the sunset. ( periodic sentence) 3. While they were waiting in line for the concert tickets, the rain stopped. ( loose sentence) ●答案: 2. After watching the sunset, I felt like taking a walk. 3. The rain stopped while they were waiting in line for the concert tickets. ●解题关键: (1) 明确两种句型的特点:就语义结构而论,periodic sentence(掉尾句)中主要信息在后,次要信息在前,使句子的重心置于句尾,旨在造成悬念,引人入胜;而loose sentence(松散句)则正相反,将句义重心放在句首,使主要信息一目了然。就语法结构而言,periodic sentence(掉尾句)将句子成分中的修饰部分放在主要成分(一般为主谓结构)前;而loose sentence(松散句)则反之。 (2) 第二题原句主要信息为 I felt like taking a walk,放在次要信息After watching the sunset 之前,原句是loose sentence(松散句),变换句型只要将主次信息换位即可。第三题原句的主要信息为the rain stopped,次要信息为while they were waiting in line for the concert tickets,原句是periodic sentence(掉尾句),变换成loose sentence(松散句),需主次信息换位。 二,考核知识点:考查将两个独立短句合并成一个simple sentence的能力。 ●试题: 5. The letter is from my foreign friend. The letter arrived today. (simple sentence) 9. My roommate was waiting for me at the door. He had a book in his hand. (simple sentence)


科技英语论文写作学习心得 作为一名刚刚步入科研工作的学生,深切的感触到,科研的进步在于科研工作之间交流,讨论,阅读。而面对全球众多的科研工作者来说,本领域学者之间的交流,最多的形式不过于是以文字形式进行传播的科研文章,各个国家学者的文章是大家相互学习的最有效的途径。那么面对不同种族,不同语言,文字的科研工作者来说,要想让更多的相关领域的人们读到自己的文章,对自己的研究成果进行审阅。他们就需要用一种大家都可以看的懂的文字来将自己的文章展现在相关的科研平台上以供大家的查看和检索。英语作为世界各国人们交流的一种流通语言,同样可以用来作为科研领域学术文章流通的工具。那么如何写好一篇英文的科技论文,如何让那些非英语为母语和以英语为母语国家的科研人员可以读懂你的文章,不会对你所达的内容产生歧义,以达到科研学术结论供大家参考的目的,这其中的方式与技巧,必然与我们平常的英语写作形式,写作以及口语表达习惯有着很大的区别。每一个科研学者都需要自己去阅读和学习,英文科技论文当中大家定性的相关规定与方法,从而了解到其他的科研学者是通过什么样的写作模式将自己的科研成果通过英文的方式让更多的人看到,了解并去传播的。 通过对研究生阶段的这门科技英语论文写作课程的学习,让我认识到虽然自己已经经历过从中学到大学的十多年的英文学习,对英文这门语言来说也算是有课一定的掌握,但面对科技论文的写作时发现其有着自己的一套详细而又独特的写作方法,面对这种新颖的写作特点,既觉得新奇有感觉到了有点难受,特别是当面对最后的大作业中文文献翻译成英文时候,深深的感受到其翻译中给我带来的艰难。在课堂上,老师生动,幽默而又不失严厉的教学模式,对学生高标准,严要求,本着对学生负责的态度通过与学生互动对每一个知识点进行讲解,之后又通过在课堂上及时的实战练习,将学过的知识点直接进行应用练习,让学生很快就可以掌握其翻译要领,这样有条有理的教学方法,必然是一个有着多年教学经验的老教师才可以展现出来的风采。教学内容上老师较多将在学术文章中可能遇到的情况进行了举例讲解,如面对实验方法,实验设备,实验数据的分析和结果等语法表达,以及对一篇文章所要具有的结构,主题,除此之外,文章开头的背景,研究课题的意义,目的,价值,研究方法的描写,其中在英语论文的书写中多使用到的语法,时态等都通过不同例句进行分析和学生一起学习。其中的每一个知识点对以后遇到的可能的写作都有着很实用的价值。 教学中的每一个环节老师都主动和大家交流互动,引导大家的思维开放,用自己积累的方式与单词将一句话表达清楚,整个过成让人心情愉悦,轻松。其次,课堂上还着重讲解了在引用文章,引用他人的结论时可能出现的问题及技巧,如何通过时态的不同和使用将不同的内容引用的合理,其中的有些规定在科技文章的写作中如果要想表达的准确,明了还是很有必要的,而这个在自己私下的阅读和练习中是很难以注意到的。在用词造句上,口语与书面语的差别,和使用方法也同样通过例句的分析比较传授给学生,让我深刻的感受到书面语言的正式,严谨。在句型上通过对一段长句的划分析,每一个单词的词性和多意的理解,进行揣摩构造,表达出自己想要讲述的内容,并在课堂上老师多次带领学生一起对一整篇已经在科学杂志期刊上发表过的文章进行现场导读讲解,使学生可以完全跟进老师自己的阅读习惯和模式,以达到将自己的英文方面的技能的到传授的目的。在课堂的结束阶段,老师又对以往大家在英文科技论文写作中经常遇到的各种问


V、练习参考答案 练习1 I、 1、the(各项均为负。) 2、the; a (功率额定值是电阻器不会引起温度太大的上升而能安全地耗散的最大功率。) 3、an(这是均方根值伏特计。) 4、The; a(该设备的成功设计需要详细地了解性能指标。) 5、the; a; a(在氢原子的布尔模型中,一个电子绕一个质子以半径为R的圆周运转。) 6、the(电阻的单位是欧姆。) 7、an (这是一个h参数。) 8、/; /(图5-1画出了Oersted的实验。) 9、A; a; a(机器是能够传递力来完成某一确定目的的一种设备。) 10、/(水压机将在第14章加以考虑。) 11、the; the [/](我们容易确定参数μ的值。) 12、/; the(根据式(2-1),我们得到以下的关系式。) 13、the; /(作者工作在位于阿林顿的得克萨斯大学。) 14、an(甚至当积分区间并不是无穷时,能够恰当地显示一个时函数的傅氏变换的仪器是多么重要啊!) II、 1.Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 2001. 2.Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the Xi’an University of Technology in 1988. 3.Now we shall turn to the discussion of local area networks. 4.The Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as important an instrument as the optical spectrometer. 5.How long a time [或How much time] is required to this experiment? 6.An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume. 7.Fig. (2-5) shows what is expressed by Eq. (2-2). 8.The unit of inductance is the henry. III、 1.The UASMA protocol employs a unique frame structure. 2.Finally, a broad stepped impedance transformer is designed by this method. 3.Dynamic analysis and evaluation of the security of a proactive secret sharing system 4.The approach can be applied to the one-dimensional potential barrier with an arbitrary profile.


英语写作知识要点 1 写作教与学入手的四个方面 ●Mechanics of writing(标点符号、大小写、页面格式及基本的语法问题(如主 谓一致问题等:课本的第1、10部分); ●From words to sentences (遣词造句:分别为课本的第2、3部分); ●From paragraphs to whole compositions(段落及全文谋篇布局:分别为 课本的第4、5部分); ●Academic and practical writing(学术论文写作和应用文写作:分别为课 本的第8、9部分) 根据英语写作课程组的统一协调:大二写作教学内容涵盖课本的1、2、3、4部分和第10部分(学生自学);大三写作教学涵盖第5部分和第6、7部分;大四写作涵盖第8、9部分(需要大量的相关补充内容)。 2 英语段落的三个基本特质:(课本P81 Three basic qualities of effective paragraphs) (很好的英文论述见课本81页一二三段) 全段围绕一个中心思想展开(Unity 一致/统一性); 句与句之间的联系与过渡要紧密、自然、合乎逻辑(Coherence 连贯性); 发展充分(Well-developedness 论证要完整、充分)。 也就是说,一个好的段落只有一个主题,所有句子在意义上始终保持统一,紧紧围绕这一主题展开;段落结构组织合理,句与句之间的衔接过渡紧密自然、合乎逻辑;整个段落能够充分地表达这一主题思想,内容上没有任何残缺。 3 段落的结构与发展 3.1 段落的结构 段落是由若干个彼此关联的句子构成的,通常用以表达一个中心思想或者从一个角度对文章的主题进行阐述。因此,段落不能是一组句子的任意堆砌,而是遵循一定段落发展方法的。当然, 这并不是说,所有的段落都遵循着相同的、固定的模式。在读、写实践中,我们会遇到一些段落,只有一两句话,在文中起承前启后的过渡作用或扮演导言或结束语的角色。但,我们遇到的大多数句子并不是这样,它们在内容上比较丰富,结构较为复杂。以下所讲,就是一般的英语段落的结构。
