
第29卷第6期工程管理学报V ol. 29 No. 6 2015年12月Journal of Engineering Management Dec. 2015 深圳市施工人员建筑废弃物减量化行为趋势研究


(1. 深圳大学土木工程学院,广东深圳518060,E-mail:1187717802@https://www.360docs.net/doc/6617328941.html,;

2. 深圳市英联国际不动产有限公司,广东深圳518060)



中图分类号:X799.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-8859(2015)06-038-05 DOI:10.13991/https://www.360docs.net/doc/6617328941.html,ki.jem.2015.06.008

Survey of the Trends about the Behavior of Construction

Waste Reduction in Shenzhen City

LI Jing-ru1,ZHONG Xi-zeng1,CAI Hong2

(1. College of Civil Engineering,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China,E-mail:1187717802@https://www.360docs.net/doc/6617328941.html,;

2. Shenzhen Inland Real Estate Co. Ltd.,Shenzhen 518060,China)

Abstract:Based on Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior,a questionnaire on the construction waste reduction behavior and awareness of construction personnel was designed. Questionnaire survey were conducted to launch the comparative analysis of changes in behavior about construction waste reduction and to demonstrate the impact of Shenzhen construction waste reduction and use regulations on the construction personnel’s waste reduction behavior in 2009 and 2013. The results showed that: Since the promulgation of the regulation,the occurrence frequency of waste reduction behavior of construction personnel had increased by 16.7%;The change of the waste reduction behavior was mainly caused by the augment of perceived behavioral control;The implementation of the reduction behavior mainly depended on whether they were willing to implement the reduction behavior. According to these results,suggestion are proposed to promote the waste reduction behavior of construction personnel,including developing a detail and mandatory waste reduction regulation,and specifying reduction targets for owners and contractors to enhance the perceived social pressure of the construction personnel.

Keywords:theory of planned behavior;construction waste minimization;behavior intention;perceptual behavior

随着城市建设的快速发展,城市中建筑废弃物的产出量激增。根据国家发展和改革委员会发布的《中国资源年度利用报告(2014)》,2013年我国建筑废弃物产生量约为10亿t,占城市垃圾的30% ~40%,但资源化利用率不足5%。深圳市的建筑废弃物产出量也十分惊人,2006年在收纳场处置的建筑废弃物约1000万m3,至2010年处置量已达2800万m3[1]。庞大的建筑废弃物直接填埋不仅要占用大量土地,而且会污染环境,降低土壤质量[2]。为了缓解深圳市建筑废弃物“围城”的压力,实现建筑




