

Chapter 5 – Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics

True/False Questions

5. The classical view of organizational social responsibility is that management’s only social responsibility is

to maximize profits.

True (moderate)

7. In the socioeconomic view of organizational social responsibility, maximizing profits is a company's

second priority.

True (moderate)

9. Socially responsible businesses tend to have less secure long-run profits.

False (difficult)

12. The difference between an organization's social obligation and social responsiveness is the legal aspect.

False (moderate)

14. Values-based management is an approach to managing in which managers establish, promote, and practice

an organization's shared values.

True (easy)

15. Though the outcomes are not perfectly measured, the majority of research studies show a positive

relationship between corporate social involvement and economic performance.

True (easy)

20. The market approach to going green is when organizations respond to multiple demands of stakeholders.

False (moderate)

21. The activist approach to going green is when an organization looks for ways to respect and preserve the

earth and its natural resources.

True (moderate)

25. Ethics refers to the rules and principles that define right and wrong conduct.

True (moderate)

26. In the rights view of ethics, decision-makers seek to impose and enforce rules fairly and impartially.

False (moderate)

27. The integrative social contracts theory proposes that decisions should be made on the basis of empirical and

normative factors.

True (difficult)

28. Studies have shown that most business people continue to hold utilitarian attitudes toward ethical behavior.

True (moderate)

29. In the preconventional stage of moral development, individuals make a clear effort to define moral

principles apart from the authority of the groups to which they belong or society in general.

False (moderate)

Multiple Choice

35. Which of the following is associated with the classical view of social responsibility?

a. economist Robert Reich

b. concern for social welfare

c. stockholder financial return (moderate)

d. voluntary activities

e. ethical behaviors

37. The socioeconomic view of corporate responsibility suggests that ______________.

a. stockholders are the only responsibility.

b. corporations are independent entities.

c. maximizing profits is the first priority while social responsibility is the second priority.

d. corporations are responsible to the state and its citizens. (moderate)

e. organizations have an ethical but no legal responsibility to anyone except stockholders.

39. ______________ is defined as a business firm’s obligation, beyond that required by law and economics, to

pursue long-term goals that are good for society.

a.Social obligation

b.Social responsibility (moderate)

c.Social screening

d.Value-based management

e.Social autonomy

54. Which of the following terms refers to when a firm meets its economic and legal responsibilities?

a. social responsibility

b. social obligation (moderate)

c. social responsiveness

d. social duty

e. social standard

57. When a firm advertises that it only uses recycled paper products, it is ______________.

a. meeting its social obligation.

b. meeting social responsibilities.

c. being socially responsive. (difficult)

d. paying attention to the bottom lin


e. attempting to defraud consumers.

59. One should be cautious in the interpretation, but a summary of more than a dozen studies analyzing the

relationship between organizational social responsibility and economic performance provides what conclusion?

a.Being socially responsible causes good economic performance.

b.Good economic performance allows firms to be socially responsible.

c.There is a positive relationship between corporate social involvement and economic performance.


d.Corporate social involvement tends to devalue stock price in the long run.

e.Corporate social involvement tends to result in increased net income but lower stock prices.

a.Social autonomy

65. Which of the following is true regarding shared corporate values?

a.Individuals adapt easily to shared corporate values.

b.Top management dictates shared corporate values.

c.It is not easy to establish shared corporate values. (moderate)

d.Most corporations will be unable to successfully establish shared corporate values.

e.Shared corporate values negatively impact team spirit.

72. The ______________ approach to environmental issues is when an organization obeys rules and

regulations but exhibits little environmental sensitivity.

a. legal (moderate)

b. market

c. stakeholder

d. responsibility

e. activist

74. The ______________ approach to environmental issues is when organizations respond to environmental

preferences of their customers.

a. legal

b. market (moderate)

c. stakeholder

d. responsibility

e. activist

75. Which of the following approaches toward environmental issues exhibits the highest degree of

environmental sensitivity and is a good illustration of social responsibility?

a.legal approach

b.market approach

c.stakeholder approach

d.activist approach (moderate)

81. Which of the following is a basic definition of ethics?

a. moral guidelines for behavior

b. rules for acknowledging the spirit of the law

c. rules or principles that define right and wrong conduct (moderate)

d. principles for legal and moral development

e. There is no way to define ethics.

84. Which of the following encourages efficiency and productivity and is consistent with the goal of profit


a.utilitarian view (moderate)

b.principled view

c.rights view

d.theory of justice view

e.integrative social contracts theory

85. The rights view of ethics is based on which of the following?

a. decisions based on their outcomes or consequences

b. the imposition and enforcement of fair and impartial rules

c. respect and protection of individual liberties and freedoms (moderate)

d. the process used to determine the distribution of resources

e. the existing ethical norms in industries and corporations

86. The theory of justice view of ethics is based on which of the following?

a. the process used to determine the distribution of resources

b. the existing ethical norms in industries and corporations

c. decisions based on their outcomes or consequences

d. the imposition and enforcement of fair and impartial rules (difficult)

e. respect and protection of individual liberties and freedoms

87. The integrative social contracts theory of ethics is based on which of the following?

a. the process used to determine the distribution of resources

b. decisions based on their outcomes or consequences

c. the imposition and enforcement of fair and impartial rules

d. the existing ethical norms in industries and corporations (difficult)

e. respect and protection of individual liberties and freedoms

92. A personality measure of a person's convictions is ______________.

a.moral development.

b.ego strength. (moderate)

c.locus of control.

d.social desirability.


93. ______________ is a personality attribute that measures the degree to which people believe they control

their own fate.

a.Ego strength

b.Locus of control (easy)

c.Social responsibility

d.Social obligation

e.Social autonomy

97. Which of the following is true concerning the impact of organizational culture on ethical behavior?

a.Low conflict tolerance leads to ethical behavior.

b. A strong culture will support high ethical standards. (moderate)

c.Conflict tolerance is related to unethical behavior.

d. A culture that is high in control tends to encourage unethical behavior.

e.None of the above is true.

104. A survey of various codes of ethics found that their content tended to fall into all of the following categories EXCEPT:

a.be a dependable and organizational citizen.

b.do not do anything unlawful or improper that will harm the organization.

c.consider profit maximization to be the primary focus of the company. (moderate)

d.be good to customers.

Essay Questions


122. In short essay, discuss social responsibility and compare and contrast social obligation and social responsiveness.


a.Social responsibility adds an ethical imperative to do those things that make society better and not to do

those that could make it worse. A social responsible organization goes beyond what it must do by law or chooses to do only because it makes economic sense to do what it can to help improve society because that’s the right, or ethical, thing to do. Social responsibility requires business to determine what is right or wrong and to make ethical decisions and engage in ethical business activities. A social responsible organization does what is right because it feels it has a responsibility to act that way.

b.Social obligation is the obligation of a business to meet its economic and legal responsibilities. The

organization does the minimum required by law. Following an approach of social obligation, a firm pursues social goals only to the extent that they contribute to its economic goals. This approach is based on the classical view of social responsibility; that is, the business feels its only social duty is to its stockholders. In contrast to social obligation, however, both social responsibility and social responsiveness go beyond merely meeting basic economic and legal standards.

c.Social responsiveness refers to the capacity of a firm to adapt to changing societal conditions. The idea

of social responsiveness stresses that managers make practical decisions about the societal actions in which they engage. A socially responsive organization acts the way it does because of its desire to satisfy some popular social need. Social responsiveness is guided by social norms. The value of social norms is that they can provide managers with a meaningful guide for decision making. (moderate)

125. In a short essay, explain the four approaches that organizations can take with respect to environmental issues.


The first approach simply is doing what is required legally: the legal approach. Under this approach, organizations exhibit little environmental sensitivity. They obey laws, rules, and regulations willingly and without legal challenge, and they may even try to use the law to their own advantage, but that’s the extent of their being green. This approach is a good illustration of social obligation: These organizations simply are following their legal obligations of pollution prevention and environmental protection. As an organization becomes more aware of and sensitive to environmental issues, it may adopt the market approach. In this approach, organizations respond to the environmental preferences of their customers.

Whatever customers demand in terms of environmentally friendly products will be what the organization provides. Under the next approach, the stakeholder approach, the organization chooses to respond to multiple demands made by stakeholders. Under the stakeholder approach, the green organization will work to meet the environmental demands of groups such as employees, suppliers, or the community. Both the market approach and the stakeholder approach are good illustrations of social responsiveness. Finally, if an organization pursues an activist approach, it looks for ways to respect and preserve the earth and its natural resources. The activist approach exhibits the highest degree of environmental sensitivity and is a good illustration of social responsibility.


126. In a short essay, describe the four-stage model of an organization’s expanding social responsibility.


A Stage 1 manager will promote stockholders’ interests by seeking to minimize costs and maximize profits.

Although all laws and regulations will be followed, Stage managers do not feel obligated to satisfy other societal needs. This is consistent with Friedman’s classical view of social responsibility. At Stage 2, managers will accept their responsibility to employees and focus on human resource concerns. Because they’ll want to recruit, keep, and motivate good employees, Stage 2 managers will improve working conditions, expand employee rights, increase job security, and the like. At Stage 3, managers expand their responsibilities to other stakeholders in the specific environment—that is, customers and suppliers. Social responsibility goals of Stage 3 managers include fair prices, high-quality products and services, safe products, good supplier relations, and similar actions. Their philosophy is that they can meet their responsibilities to stockholders only by meeting the needs of their other constituents. Finally, Stage 4 characterizes the extreme socioeconomic definition of social responsibility. At this stage, managers feel a responsibility to society as a whole. Their business is seen as a public entity, and they feel a responsibility for advancing the public good. The acceptance of such responsibility means that managers actively promote social justice, preserve the environment, and support social and cultural activities. They take these stances even if such actions negatively affect profits.


127. In a short essay, discuss the four views of ethics. Include a discussion of the benefits and drawbacks related to each of the four views.


a.The utilitarian view of ethics says that ethical decisions are made solely on the basic of their outcomes

or consequences. Utilitarian theory uses a quantitative method for making ethical decisions by looking at how to provide the greatest good for the greatest number. Utilitarianism encourages efficiency and productivity and is consistent with the goal of profit maximization. However, it can result in biased allocations of resources, especially when some of those affected by the decision lack representation or a voice in the decision. Utilitarianism can also result in the rights of some stakeholders being ignored.

b.The rights view of ethics is concerned with respecting and protecting individual liberties and privileges

such as the rights to privacy, freedom of conscience, free speech, life and safety, and due process. This would include, for example, protecting the free speech rights of employees who report legal violations by their employers. Th e positive side of the rights perspective is that it protects individuals’ basic rights, but it has a negative side for organizations. It can present obstacles to high productivity and

efficiency by creating a work climate that is more concerned with prot ecting individuals’ rights than with getting the job done.

c.The next view is the theory of justice view of ethics. Under this approach, managers are to impose and

enforce rules fairly and impartially and do so by following all legal rules and regulations. A manager would be using the theory of justice perspective by deciding to provide the same rate of pay to individuals who are similar in their levels of skills, performance, or responsibility and not basing that decision on arbitrary differences such as gender, personality, race, or personal favorites. Using standards of justice also has pluses and minuses. It protects the interests of those stakeholders who may be underrepresented or lack power, but it can encourage a sense of entitlement that might make employees reduce risk taking, innovation, and productivity.

d.The final ethics perspective, the integrative social contracts theory, proposes that ethical decisions

should be based on empirical and normative factors. This view of ethics is based on the integration of two “contracts”: the general social contract that allows businesses to operate and defines the acceptable ground rules, and a more specific contract among members of a community that addresses acceptable ways of behaving. This view of business differs from the other three in that it suggests that managers need to look at existing ethical norms in industries and companies in order to determine what constitutes right and wrong decisions and actions.



罗宾斯《管理学》内容概要 第一篇导论 1章管理者和管理 1、组织 组织(organization)的定义:对完成特定使命的人们的系统性安排 组织的层次:操作者(operatives)和管理者(基层、中层、高层) 2、管理者和管理 管理者(managers)的定义:指挥别人活动的人 管理(management)的定义:同别人一起或者通过别人使活动完成得更有效的过程。 管理追求效率(efficiency)和效果(effectiveness) 管理职能(management functions):计划(planning)、组织(organizing)、领导(leading)、控制(controlling) 管理者角色(management roles):人际关系角色(interpersonal roles)、信息角色(information roles)、决策角色(decision roles) 成功的管理者和有效的管理者并不等同,在活动时间上,有效的管理者花费了大量的时间用于沟通,而网络联系(社交等)占据了成功的管理者很大部分时间。 管理者在不同的组织中进行着不同的工作。组织的国别、组织的类型、组织的规模以及管理者在组织中的不同层次决定了管理者的角色扮演、工作内容以及职能和作用。 2章管理的演进 1、20世纪以前的管理: 亚当·斯密的劳动分工理论(division of labor)

产业革命(industrial revolution) 2、多样化时期(20世纪): 科学管理(scientific management):弗雷德里克·泰勒 一般行政管理理论(general administrative theory):亨利·法约尔(principles of management)、马克斯·韦伯(bureaucracy) 人力资源方法(human resources approach):权威的接受观点(acceptance view of authority),霍桑研究,人际关系运动(卡内基、马斯洛),行为科学理论家(behavioral science theorists) 定量方法(quantitative approach) 3、近年来的趋势(20世纪后期):趋向一体化 过程方法(process approach) 系统方法(systems approach):封闭系统和开放系统(closed systems) 权变方法(contingency approach):一般性的权变变量包括组织规模、任务技术的例常性、环境的不确定性、个人差异 4、当前的趋势和问题(21世纪):变化中的管理实践 全球化(globalization) 工作人员多样化(work force diversity) 道德(morality) 激励创新(innovations)和变革(changes) 全面质量管理(total quality management, TQM):由顾客需要和期望驱动的管理哲学授权(delegation) 工作人员的两极化(bi-modal work force)


Chapter 7 – Foundations of Planning True/False Questions 4. Research indicates that managers who plan always outperform managers who do not plan. False (moderate) 9. Plans that specify the details of achievement of the overall objectives are called operational plans. True (difficult) 10. Directional plans have clearly defined objectives. False (moderate) 12. Standing plans are created in response to programmed decisions that managers make and include policies, rules, and procedures. True (moderate) 13. The greater the environmental certainty, the more plans need to be directional and emphasis placed on the short term. False (moderate) 22. An organization's real goals are what they actually plan on accomplishing, rather than what they hope to accomplish. False (moderate) 24. Real goals are official statements of what an organization says its goals are. False (easy) Multiple Choice 36. One purpose of planning is that it minimizes ______________ and ______________. a. cost; time b. time; personnel needs c. waste; redundancy (difficult) d. time; waste e. mistakes; cost


管理者工作地变革 .管理者工作中顾客地重要性 .管理者工作中创新地重要性 当前地趋势和问题 .全球化 .劳动力多元化 .创业精神 .电子企业领域中进行管理 .知识管理和学习型组织 .质量管理 当今组织面临地文化问题 .创建道德地文化 .创建创新地文化 .创建回应顾客地文化 .精神境界和组织文化 进行全球环境中地管理 .法律政治环境 .经济环境 .文化环境 .霍夫斯泰德评估文化地框架 .评价文化地框架 .当今世界全球经营地挑战 当今环境下地战略管理 .战略灵活性 .组织战略新方向:①电子商务战略②顾客服务战略③创新战略 当今组织设计地挑战 .维持员工之间地联系 .创建学习型组织 .全球结构问题地管理 当今组织中地沟通问题 .管理网络世界中地沟通 .管理组织地知识资源 .沟通在顾客服务中地作用 .“政治上准确”地沟通 .信息技术对管理沟通和组织地影响 人力资源管理当前面临地问题 .精简机构地管理 ()精简机构 ()精简机构会使工作场所和员工地个人生活陷入混乱,会产生压力、失望、焦虑、愤怒等不良情绪. ()管理精简机构地方法: ①开诚布公地交流 尽快通知要解雇地员工; 留任者应了解公司新地目标和预期,清楚工作地变化和未来地发展.

②帮助下岗员工 在一定时期内提供一定形式地解聘金和福利; 遵守相关法律,帮助员工寻找工作 ③管理留任者 留任者会有担心自己也被解雇地压力,或发现工作职责加重了; 管理者可以:安排员工咨询;组织群体讨论;向员工表明他们对公司很重要 .劳动力多元化地管理 ()招聘 为促进劳动力多元化,管理者需要拓宽招聘渠道. ①员工推荐可以增加劳动力地多元化; ②转向非传统地人员招聘来源,如妇女就业网、超岁年龄者俱乐部、残疾人培训中心、同性恋者合法权力机构等资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 ()甄选 ①确保甄选过程不存在歧视 ②要使应聘者对组织文化感到舒心,表明管理当局有满足他们地要求地意愿. ()上岗培训 ①实现从外部人向内部人地转换,对于少数劳动力群体来说更为困难,需对其进行上岗培训. ②方式:专题研讨会;奖励“多元化带头人”. .管理性骚扰问题 ()性骚扰是一种不期望地带有性色彩地行为,可能发生在异性之间,可能发生在同性之间. ()性骚扰会使人感到工作环境不舒心,由此影响员工绩效. ()管理者应该了解怎样地环境使员工感到敌对和冒犯. ()管理者应认识到受害者不仅是受到骚扰地人,还有其他任何受到冒犯行为影响地人. ()管理方法 ①识别这种行为; ②制止这种行为.包括:对员工进行性骚扰问题地教育、建立监控员工行为地机制、保证诉讼者不会遭到报复. ()管理办公室恋情地方法 ①制定有关同事间约会地政策,尤其要对员工进行潜在地性骚扰问题地教育; ②涉及上下关系地办公室恋情更可能产生性骚扰问题.组织应劝阻这种关系,或向人力资源部报告. .工作与生活地平衡 ()组织开始认识到,员工会有生病地孩子或年迈地父母等家庭问题,需要组织做出特殊安排. ()研究表明,获得家庭友好式工作场所支持地个人对工作更加满意;工作和家庭间地平衡关系对组织股价有正面影响.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 ()益于家庭地福利:协调员工地需要以使工作和生活相平衡地福利. ()人们对工作家庭地时间安排有不同地偏好 ①希望工作与个人生活划分清楚地员工,弹性时间制、工作分担、兼职; ②希望工作与个人生活整个在一起地员工:工作现场幼儿园、体育设施、公司举办地家庭野炊活动. .控制人力资源成本 ()组织控制医疗保健费用地方法:


罗宾斯《管理学》第11版知识点总结 第一章管理与组织导论 管理者之所以重要,是因为:时代的不确定性需要管理者的管理技能和能力;管理者对工作的顺利完成至关重要;管理者对组织举足轻重。 管理者通过协调和监管其他人的活动以达到组织目标。 基层-中层-高层管理者 组织是对人员的一种精心安排,以实现某个特定目标。 管理是协调和监管其他人的工作活动,从而使他们有效率,有效果地完成工作。 效率是指以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多的产出。(正确地做事)效果是指完成工作活动以实现组织的目标。(做正确的事)三种描述管理者做什么的方法:职能、角色、技能。 管理职能: 亨利?法约尔一一计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制 当今本教材一一计划、组织、领导、控制 明茨伯格的管理角色: 人际关系角色(挂名首脑、领导者、联络者)、信息传递角色(监听者、传播者、发言人)、决策制定角色(企业家、混乱驾驭者、资源分配者、谈判者) 卡茨关于管理技能的理论: 技术技能、人际技能、概念技能 管理者面临的变化:数字化、对组织和管理伦理的更多强调、更激烈的竞争、不断变化的安全威胁;顾客重要性的提升、创新重要性的提升、可持续性重要性的提升。 为什么学管理?管理的普遍性;工作的现实;管理者的回报。 附加模块——管理史 亚当?斯密在1776年出版的《国富论》中提出了劳动分工/工作专业化。 管理方法的四个时期:古典方法(科学管理,一般管理)一一定量方法一一行为方法(早 期倡导者,霍桑研究,组织行为)一一当代方法(系统方法,权变方法) 科学管理弗雷德里克?泰勒以及弗兰克.吉尔布雷斯和莉莲.吉尔布雷斯 科学管理一一使用科学的方法来确定一种完成工作的最佳方法”。 泰勒一一生铁块搬运实验,砌砖实验 吉尔布雷斯夫妇测微计时表的发明 一般管理理论一一更多地关注管理者做什么以及什么构成了良好的管理行为。 法约尔一一管理职能,14条管理原则 马克思.韦伯一一德国社会学家,认为理想的组织类型是官僚行政组织一一一种以劳动分工、定义清晰的等级制、详细的规章制度以及非个人的关系为特征的组织形式。 组织行为学一一对工作中的人的行为进行研究的研究领域。 早期倡导者(人是企业最重要的资产):罗伯特.欧文、雨果.芒斯特博格、玛丽.福莱特、 切斯特.巴纳德。 霍桑实验一一社会规范或群体标准是个体工作行为的主要决定因素。提出了人在组织中的作用。 定量管理采用定量技术来改进决策。(管理科学) 定量方法一一统计学、优化模型、信息模型和计算机模拟运用于管理活动。全面质量管理一一专注于持续改进以及对顾客的希望和需求作出回应。 系统一一封闭系统和开放系统。当管理者协调自己组织中各个部分的工作活动时,他们需要确保所有这些部分都在共同努力,以使组织的目标得以实现。系统方法意味着组织的某个部分的决策和行为将会影响组织的其他部分。系统方法认识到组织并不是自给自足的。 系统方法认为,一个组织从环境中获取输入,将这些资源转化或加工为输出,而这些输出又被分配到


●群体 群体:为了实现某个(些)具体目标而组合到一起的两个或更多相互依赖、彼此互动的个体 ·正式群体:由所在组织的结构所确定的、具有明确分工和任务的工作群体 ·非正式群体:为了满足成员们社会需求而自主组成的群体 ●群体发展的阶段 形成阶段:群体发展的第一个阶段,人们因为某种工作安排而加入群体,并定义该群体的目标、结构和领导 震荡阶段:群体发展的第二个阶段,其特征为群体内部的冲突 规范阶段:群体发展的第三个阶段,其特征为成员们的密切关系和凝聚力 执行阶段:群体发展的第四个阶段,是群体充分行使职能和完成工作任务的阶段解体阶段:对于临时群体来说,这是群体发展的最后一个阶段,成员们主要关注于善后事宜而不是工作任务 ●群体的结构 角色:人们对在一个社会单元中占据某个特定位置的个体所期望的行为模式 规范:群体的成员们共同接受和认可的标准或期望 群体思维:群体对个体成员施加巨大的压力,以使其与其他成员的观点保持一致地位:一个群体内的威望等级、位置或职衔 社会惰化:个体在群体中工作不如单独工作时那么努力的倾向 群体凝聚力:群体成员被该群体吸引及共享群体目标的程度

冲突管理 冲突:由某种干扰或对立状况所导致的不协调或差异 传统冲突观:认为所有冲突都是负面的、必须避免的 人际关系冲突观:认为冲突时所有群体中的一种自然而然、不可避免的结果相互作用冲突观:认为有些冲突对群体有效开展工作是绝对必要的 良性冲突:能够支持群体工作目标和改进群体绩效的冲突 恶性冲突:妨碍群体实现其目标的冲突 任务冲突:关于工作内容和目标的冲突 关系冲突:关于人际关系的冲突 程序冲突:关于如何完成工作的冲突


Chapter 10 – Organizational Structure and Design True/False Questions A MANAGER’S DILEMMA 1.According to the boxed feature, ―A Manager’s Dilemma,‖ Nokia was once involved in industries ranging from paper to chemicals and rubber. True (moderate) 2.A ccording to the boxed feature, ―A Manager’s Dilemma,‖ Nokia has been competing in the telecommunications industry since 1965. False (moderate) DEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE https://www.360docs.net/doc/665712120.html,anizational design is the organization's formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated. False (difficult) 4. The concept of work specialization can be traced back a couple of centuries to Adam Smith's discussion of division of labor. True (moderate) 5. The degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs is division of labor. True (moderate) 6. Historically, many organizations have grouped work actions by function departmentalization. True (moderate) 7. Grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow is termed customer departmentalization. False (moderate) 8.Geographic departmentalization has greatly increased in importance as a result of today’s competitive business environment False (moderate) 9. A group of individuals who are experts in various specialties and who work together is a cross-functional team. True (moderate) 10. Authority is the individual's capacity to influence decisions. False (difficult) 11. Authority is synonymous with responsibility. False (easy) 12. Responsibility is the rights inherent in a managerial position. False (easy) 13. A manager's span of control refers to the number of subordinates who can be effectively and efficiently supervised. True (moderate)


●什么是动机? 动机:一种过程,它体现了个体为实现目标而付出努力的强度、方向和坚持性 ●早期的动机理论 马斯洛的需求层次理论 ·需求层次理论:马斯洛的这个理论认为人的需求——生理需求、安全需求、社会需求、尊重需求和自我实现需求——构成了一种层级结构 1·生理需求:一个人对食物、水、住所、性以及其他生理需求的需求 2·安全需求:生理需求得到保证的前提下,保护自身免受生理和情感伤害的需求3·社会需求:一个人在爱情、归属、接纳以及友谊方面的需求 4·尊重需求:一个人对内部尊重因素(例如自尊、自主和成就感)和外部尊重因素(例如地位、认可和关注)的需求 5·自我实现需求:一个人对自我发展、自我价值实现和自我理想实现的需求 麦格雷戈的X理论和Y理论 ·X理论:该假设认为员工没有雄心大志,不喜欢工作,只要有可能就会逃避责任,为了保证工作效果需对他们严格监管;个体受到马斯洛需求层次中的低层次需求的主导·Y理论:该假设认为员工是有创造力的,喜欢工作,主动承担责任,能够自我激励和自我指导 赫茨伯格的双因素理论 ·双因素理论(激励-保健理论):该理论认为内在因素与工作满意度相关,而外在因素与工作满意度不相关 ·保健因素:能够消除工作不满意但无法产生激励的因素 ·激励因素:能够增强工作满意和工作动机的因素 高级需要

麦克莱兰的三种需求理论 ·三种需求理论:该动机理论认为主要有3种后天的(而非先天的)需求推动人们从事工作,而这3种需求是成就需求、权力需求和归属需求。 ·成就需求:个体想要达到标准、追求卓越、获得成功的愿望 他们喜欢具有适度挑战性的工作;尽量避免他们认为过于容易或者困难的工作任务·权力需求:个体想要使他人按照自己的指示以某种特定方式行事的期望 ·归属需求:个体对友好、亲密的人际关系的渴望 ●当代的动机理论 目标设置理论:该理论认为具体的工作目标会提高工作绩效,困难的目标一旦被员工接受,将会比容易的目标产生更高的工作绩效 自我效能:个体认为自己能够完成某项任务的信念 强化理论:该理论认为行为是其结果的函数;大都通过奖励然后强化某种行为 强化物:紧跟在某种行为之后立即出现、并且能够使该行为未来被重复的可能性提高的某种结果 ●设计具有激励作用的工作 工作设计:用来将各种工作任务组合成完整的工作的方法 工作范围:一份工作所要求从事的任务数量以及这些任务重复的频率 工作扩大化:横向扩展工作范围 工作丰富化:通过增加计划和评估责任而使工作纵向扩展 工作深度:员工对自己工作的控制程度 工作特征模型:管理者在设计具有激励作用的工作时所采用的一种有效框架,它确定了5种核心工作维度、它们的相互关系以及它们对员工生产率、动机和满意度的影响●5种核心工作维度 技能多样性:一项工作需要从事多种活动从而使员工能够利用不同技能和才干的程度 任务完整性:一项工作需要完成一件完整的、可辨识的工作任务的程度 任务重要性:一项工作对他人生活和工作的实际影响程度 工作自主性:一项工作在安排工作内容、确定工作程序方面实际上给员工多大的自由度、独立权和决定权 工作反馈:员工在完成任务的过程中可以获得关于自己工作绩效的直接而明确的信息的程度


斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯《管理学》笔记 第Ⅰ篇绪论 第一章管理者与组织导论 一、谁是管理者 (1)管理者:组织中指挥他人活动的人,他们拥有各种头衔。 (2)操作者:非管理人员,他们直接从事某项工作或任务,不具有监督别人工作的责任。 (3)组织:指一种有人们组成的,具有明确的和系统性结构的实体。 (4)管理者分类:基层管理者中层管理者高层管理者。 二、什么是管理和管理者做什么 1、管理的定义: (1)管理:同别人一起或通过别人使活动完成得更有效的过程。这一过程体现在计划、组织、领导和控制的职能成基本活动中。 (2)效率:指输入与输出关系,涉及使完成活动的职员最小化。(方法) 效果:与活动的完成,即与目标的实现相联系。(结果) 两者关系:管理不仅关系到使活动达到目标,而且要做得尽可能有效率。低水平管理绝大多数是由于无效率和无效果,或者是通过牺牲效率来取得效果。 2、管理的职能: (1)计划:确定目标,制定目标,制定战略,以及开发分计划以协调活动。 (2)组织:决定需要做什么,怎么做,由谁去做。 (3)领导:指导和激励所有参与者以及解决冲突。 (4)控制:对活动进行监控以确保其按计划完成。 3、管理者角色(亨利·明茨伯格): (1)管理者角色:特定的管理行为范畴 ①涉及人际关系:挂名首脑、领导者、联络者 ②涉及信息传递:监听者、传播者、发言人 ③涉及决策制定:企业家、混沌驾御者、谈判者 (2)管理者角色与传统管理职能理论的关系: ①职能方法仍然代表着将管理者的工作概念化的最有效方法。 ②管理者角色实质上与四种职能是一致的。 4、有效的管理者与成功的管理者(弗雷德·卢森斯) ①成功的管理者(提升最快的管理者)强调网络关系活动; 而有效的管理者(绩效最佳的管理者)强调沟通。 ②两者关系的意义:这个结果指出社交和政治技巧对于在组织中晋升是重要的[从传统管理、沟通、人力资源管理、网络联系活动者]随着层次的晋升,从事更多计划、组织、控制、而从事更少领导。 5、管理者工作的普遍性 (1)管理具有某些一般的性质: ①无论在组织的哪一个层次上,所有管理者都履行着四种职能,区别仅在于对每种职能强调的程度随管理者在等级结构的位置而变化。 ②无论在何种类型的组织,在大多数情况下,管理者的工作是相同的。 ③管理者在小型组织和大型组织中从事着基本规模上相同的工作,区别仅在于程度和侧重不同,以及具体做法和花费的时间不同。营利性组织:有明确的一般指标衡量-利润等。非营利性:没有明确的一般指标。小企业:加强与外部联系,管理者是通才、多面手,处理各层次的管理工作。大企业:正规性好于小企业。 三、为什么要学习管理:改进组织的管理方式关系到每个人的切身利益。 (1) 对于渴望成为管理者的人来说,学习管理学可以获得基础知识,有利于他们成为有效的管理者。


当代的组织设计 团队结构:整个组织由工作小组或工作团队构成并完成工作任务的一种组织结构。 矩阵结构:一种组织结构,指的是把来自不同职能领域的专业人员分派去从事各种工作项目。 项目结构:一种组织结构,指的是员工持续不断地从事各种项目,并没有所属的正式部门。 无边界组织:不被各种预先设定的横向、纵向或外部边界所定义或限制的一种组织。 虚拟组织:由作为核心的少量全职员工以及工作项目需要时被临时雇用的外部专业人员构成的组织。 网络组织:利用自己的员工来从事某些工作活动并且利用外部供应商网络来提供其他必需的产品部件或工作流程的组织。 学习型组织:已经培养出持续学习、适应和改变的能力的组织。

●内部协作 跨职能团队:由来自不同职能领域的专业人员组成的工作团队 特别行动组(或者是特别委员会):为解决某个具体的、影响许多部门的短期问题而组建的临时委员会或工作团队 实践社区:共同关注某个事项或一系列问题,或者对某个主题怀有激情,而且通过持续不断的互动和交流来深化自己该该领域的知识和专业技能的一群人员。 ●外部协作 开放式创新:把研究工作向组织之外的其他人员和组织开放,以获得各种新的创意,并且允许创新可以轻而易举地朝其他方向转移。 战略合作伙伴关系:两个或多个组织之间的协作关系,通过把彼此的资源和能力结合起来以实现某个商业目的。 ●灵活的工作安排 远程办公:一种允许员工在家办公并通过电脑与公司办公场所相连的工作安排 压缩工作周:员工在一个工作周中每天工作更长时间但只工作较少的天数 弹性工作时间:一种要求员工每周必须完成固定数量的工时但可以在特定的限制范围内自由改变具体工作时间的工作排班体系 工作分享:由两个或者更多人分担一份全职工作 ●灵活就业的员工队伍 灵活就业工人:其工作岗位取决于雇主需要的临时工、自由职业者或合同工


Chapter 6 – Decision-Making: The Essence of the Manager’s Job True/False Questions 4. The first step in the decision-making process is identifying a problem. True (easy) 6. It is possible at the end of the decision-making process that you may be required to start the decision process over again. True (easy) 10. Decision-making is synonymous with managing. True (easy) 12. One assumption of rationality is that we cannot know all of the alternatives. False (difficult) 13. Accepting solutions that are "good enough" is termed satisfying. False (easy) 15. Managers regularly use their intuition in decision-making. True (easy) 16. Rational analysis and intuitive decision-making are complementary. True (moderate) 18. Programmed decisions tend to be repetitive and routine. True (easy) 21. Most managerial decisions in the real world are fully nonprogrammed. False (easy) 24. Risk is a situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor reasonable probability estimates. False (difficult) 25. An optimistic manager will follow a maximin approach. False (moderate) Multiple Choice THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS 34. A series of eight steps that begins with identifying a problem and decision criteria and allocating weights to those criteria; moves to developing, analyzing, and selecting an alternative that can resolve the problem; implements the alternative; and concludes with evaluating the decision's effectiveness is the ______________. a. decision-making process. (easy) b. managerial process. c. maximin style. d. bounded rationality approach. e. legalistic opportunism process.


第一章管理与组织导论 一、谁是管理者 管理者是组织中这样的成员,他告诉别人该做什么以及怎么样去做。管理者(manager)是这样的人,他们通过协调和监督其他人的活动达到组织目的。 管理者通常分为基层管理者、中层管理者和高层管理者。 二、什么是管理 管理(management)通过协调和监督他人的活动,有效果和有效率地完成工作。 效率(efficiency)是指以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多的产出。效果通常指的是“正确地做事”,即不浪费资源。 效果(effectiveness)通常指“做正确的事”,即所从事的工作和活动有助于组织达到其目标。 在成功的组织中高效率和高效果是相辅相成的。 三、管理者做什么 1、管理职能(亨利.法尔约)。

2、管理角色(亨利.明茨伯格)。 3、管理技能(罗伯特.卡茨)。 技术技能:熟练完成特定工作所需要的特定领域的知识和技术。 人际技能:包括与单独的个人或群体中的其他成员和睦相处的能力。 概念技能:管理者对抽象、复杂情况进行思考和概念化的技能。 四、什么是组织 组织(organization)是对人员的一种精心安排,以实现某些特定的目的。 组织的三个特征:明确的目的、人员、精细的结构。 现在的组织更倾向于依靠灵活的工作安排、雇员工作团队、开放的沟通系统和供应商联盟。


两个重大事件:1776年,亚当.斯密发表《国富论》主张组织和社会将从劳动分工或工作专业化中获得经济利益。 工业革命,机械力代替了人力。 二、科学管理(1911年泰罗发表《科学管理原理》) 三、一般行政管理理论(亨利.法尔约)


第一章 1.答:组织是对完成特定使命的人们的系统性安排。管理者是指挥别人活动的人,对一个组织来说,管理者起着十分重要的作用。他 们处于操作者之上,分为基层管理者、中层管理者和高层管理者。缺少任何一个层次的管理者,组织都不能有效的运作,也就不能成功。 2.答:效果是指组织目标的达成度,效率则是指组织投入与产出的关系,有效率的组织一定会使组织成本最小化。效率涉及活动的方 式,效果涉及活动的结果,他们相互联系。高效率与高效果相关联,低水平的管理通常是无效率和无效果或通过牺牲效率达到效果的。 一般来说,有效果的组织不一定是有效率的。某些组织可以不顾效率而直接达到效果。因此,管理不仅要注重效果,而且要尽可能的注重效率。 3.答:(1)计划包括规定组织的目标,制定整体战略以实现这些目标。以及将目标逐层展开以便协调和将各种活动一体化。(2)组织 包括决定组织要完成的任务是什么,谁去完成这些任务。这些任务怎样分类,谁向谁报告,以及各种决策应在哪一级上制定(3)领导包括激励下层,指导他们的活动,选择最有效的沟通渠道,解决组织成员间的冲突等。(4)控制包括监视组织的行动以确保按计划进行,纠正各种偏差使组织回到正确的轨道上来。 4.答:明茨伯格的10种角色实质上与四种管理职能是一致的,他提出的许多角色基本上可以归入一个或几个职能中,如资源分配角色 是计划的一部分,企业家角色也是属于计划职能。所有人际关系角色是属于领导职能。监听者角色属于控制职能,传播者属于组织职能,发言人领导职能,混乱驾驭者属于控制职能,谈判者则属于领导职能。 5.答:4种活动分别为:(1)传统管理:决策、计划和控制(2)沟通:交流例行信息和处理文书工作(3)人力资源管理:激励、惩戒、调节 冲突、人员配备和培训(4)网络联系:社交活动、政治活动和外界交往。平均的管理者强调的是传统管理,成功的管理者强调的是网络联系而有效的管理者强调的是沟通。 6.答:随着管理者在组织中的晋升,他们从事管理职能的程度在不断改变,他们将从事更多的计划工作和更少的直接监督职能。基层 管理者从事管理活动的比例从大到小分别为领导、组织、计划和控制。而中层管理者为领导、组织、计划和控制。高层领导者则为组织、计划、领导和控制。 7.答:大城市市长和公司总裁的工作具有共同性,都要作决策、设立目标、建立有效的组织结构,雇佣和激励员工,从法律上保障组织 的生存,以及获得内部的政治支持以实现计划。他们都要履行计划、组织、领导和控制职能。都要研究如何扮演决策制订者的角色。 当然也有区别,大城市市长衡量绩效的指标不是利润,它没有特别明确的指标,而公司总裁衡量绩效的指标是利润。 8.答:见2002年简答题4答案。 9.答:是根据高级经理所受的教育和经验,组织经营的业务类型,组织所在地区报酬的相对水平,以及作为一个管理者的有效程度。 第二章 1.答:(1)提高每个工人的劳动技巧和熟练程度。(2)节约用于变换工作浪费的时间。(3)有利于机器的发明和应用。(4)最终有利 于提高劳动生产率 2.答:产业革命使机械力迅速取代人力,并且使在工厂中制造商品更加经济。但在这种工厂中需要管理技能,管理者需要预测需求,指 挥生产活动,协调各种活动,为产品寻找市场,于是计划、组织、领导、控制就成为必不可少的了,也就增加了对规范的管理理论的需求。 3.答:科学管理是指应用科学方法确定从事某项工作的最佳方法,而不是工人过去的经验,它所需要做的一切都是为了提高劳动生产 率。当今的管理实践中提高组织的劳动生产率是一种必不可少的使命,因此也可以说科学管理为当今的管理实践指明了方向。 4.答:泰勒关心的是车间层的管理,采用的是科学方法;而法约尔关注的所有管理者的活动,并且是把他的个人经验上升为理论。泰勒是 一个科学家,而法约尔是一个管理者,是一个实践者。当然,法约尔与泰勒的管理原理也有相通之处,都强调工作分工,都强调个人利益服从整体利益、秩序、公平、首创精神和团结精神。 5.答:霍桑研究认为,行为与情绪是密切相关的;群体对个人行为有巨大影响;群体工作标准规定了单个工人的产量;在决定产量方 面,金钱因素比群体标准、群体情绪和安全感的作用要小。它对管理实践的贡献是导致在组织上如何发挥功能和获取目标方面对人的因素的重视,同时导致家长式管理的增多,改变了那种认为人与机器没有差别的观点。 6.答:过程方法包含和综合了当今的各种管理理论。它是指管理履行计划组织领导控制职能的过程。这些职能被看作是一个连续的循 环过程。因此过程方法更具综合性。 7.答:权变方法是指识别和响应情境变量变化的方法。它认为组织的管理应根据其所处的内外部环境的变化而变化。在实践中,管理者 应用权变方法就可以根据内外部环境而从事计划、组织、领导和控制职能;使组织的管理能跟上变化了的环境,而不至于使管理落伍。


第一套 《管理学》期末考试试卷(第一套试卷A卷) 一、选择题(每题 1 分,共10 分) 1. 西方权变理论学派的代表人物是()。 A 孔茨 B 西蒙 C 梅奥 D 伍德沃德 2 .管理跨度原则可以理解为()。 A 职位的职权和职责对等一致 B 领导者所管理的人员数目应当适当 C 管理人员要求与分工、协作相一致 D 应当授予管理人员一定的职权 3 .美国学者梅奥曾经带领一批研究人员进行了有名的霍桑试验,开创了()的早期研究。 A 行为科学学派 B 管理科学学派 C 社会系统学派 D 经验主义学派 4. 确定合理的管理幅度是进行组织设计的一项重要内容。关于什么是合理的管理幅度,对于下列四种说法,你最赞同哪一种?( )。 A管理幅度越窄,越易控制,管理人员的费用也越低。 B管理幅度越宽,组织层次越少,但管理人员的费用会大幅度上升。 C管理幅度应视管理者能力、下属素质、工作性质等因素的不同而定。 D管理幅度的确定并不是对任何组织都普遍重要的问题,无须过多考虑。 5 .在计划类型中,按照计划制定者的层次可将计划分为()。 A 战略计划、管理计划、作业计划 B 指令性计划、指导性计划 C 综合计划、项目计划 D 销售计划、生产计划、劳动人事计划、技术改造计划 6 .在管理控制活动中,有一种控制是用过去的情况来指导现在和将来 , 这种控制是()。 A 前馈控制 B 反馈控制 C过程控制 D 间接控制 7.根据领导生命周期理论,当下属的成熟度处于成熟阶段应采取的领导方式是:( )。 A 高关系低工作 B 命令式 C 参与式 D 低工作低关系 8 当人们认为自己的报酬与劳动之比,与他人的报酬与劳动之比是相等的,这时就会有较大的激励作用,这种理论称为:( )。 A、双因素理论 B、效用理论 C、公平理论 D、强化理论 8在管理方格图中,团队式管理的方格是处于( )。 A 9.1 B 9.9 C 1.9 D 1.1 10 .心理学家马斯洛将人的多种需求概括为五个层次的需要,依次是:()。 A 社交的需要、尊重需要、安全需要、生理需要、自我实现需要 B 生理需要、安全需要、尊重需要、社交的需要、自我实现需要 C 生理需要、安全需要、社交的需要、尊重需要、自我实现需要 D 生理需要、社交的需要、安全需要、尊重需要、自我实现需要 二、多项选择题(每题2分,共12分) 1. 领导者在建立和健全科学决策支持系统时,主要应注意建立()。 A 信息系统 B 咨询系统 C决策系统 D 组织系统 E 执行系统 F 反馈系统 2. 现代管理的主要职能包括()。

罗宾斯《管理学》第九版题库 16

Chapter 16 – Motivating Employees True/False A MANAGER’S DILEMMA 1. According to the company profile in ―A Manager’s Dilemma,‖ the majority of employees at Grupo M consist of highly educated professionals who work from their homes? False (easy) 2. Ba sed on the company profile in ―A Manager’s Dilemma,‖ Grupo M has been profiled as a sweatshop where employees work long hours in dirty, dimly lit factories. False (easy) WHAT IS MOTIVATION? 3. Motivation is an internal state that makes certain outcomes appear attractive. True (easy) 4. The three key elements in the definition of motivation are effort, organizational goals, and needs. True (difficult) EARLY THEORIES OF MOTIVATION 5. Based on McClelland's three-needs theory, high achievers perform best when the odds are against them. False (moderate) CONTEMPORARY THEORIES OF MOTIVATION 6. The best managers are high in the need for power and high in the need for affiliation. False (difficult) 7. People with a high need for affiliation prefer cooperative situations over competitive ones. True (moderate) 8. People will do better when they get feedback on how well they're progressing toward their goals. True (easy) 9. Reinforcement theory is related to an individual's belief that she is capable of performing a task. False (moderate) 10. The key to reinforcement theory is that it ignores factors such as goals, expectations, and needs, and focuses solely on what happens to a person when he takes some action. True (difficult) 11. The lower a person's self-efficacy, the more confidence he has in his ability to succeed in a task. False (moderate) 12. Reinforcement theorists believe that behavior is a function of its consequences. True (easy) MANAGING YOUR CAREER 13. According to a recent survey, the primary reason employees stay with their jobs is because of flexible work hours. False (moderate)
