



Part I Writing

Criteria for Judging Good Students Are Changing For many years, it has been a Chinese tradition to equal good students with high scores. One’s performance at academic work seemed to override all other factors in judging a student’s ability. Therefore students studied only for exams, ignoring virtually all extracurriculum activities, with the approval and even demand of their parents and teachers.

But the criteria to judge who is a good student are changing now as the Chinese society embraces the world in the process of globalization. Influenced by western educational ethics, and more importantly, seeing the harm done by exam-oriented education, more and more Chinese schools and parents are rewriting the standards of a good student. Academic excellence is still important. However, increasing significance is attached to achievement in other areas. For instance, team spirit, communication skills, leadership in community activities, and versatility in arts are gaining greater importance in the evaluation of students. Entrepreneurship is also valued as more and more students are becoming campus businessmen and starting their own businesses.

Generally speaking, these changes are inevitable and, in a long run, for the better. As the Chinese society develops, the job market demands personnel with a variety of skills. As a result, the students today are, in a sense, better prepared for challenge and competition upon graduation even if academic excellence has to suffer a little.

Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)














1. 第一段:an organism analogous to a large person国家被比喻成一个有机体,如同一个巨人。

2. 第四段:which was championed by拥护、主张;immutable principle of reason


3. 第七段:which is that we mutually divest ourselves剥夺,相当于deprive

4. 第八段:mutual transferring of these rights互相让渡这些权利


1.Y 第一段第五句,注意题干中的”without considering the social condition”即对

应的原句中“in the absence of social condition”

2.Y 第一段最后一句

3.N 第二段第一句,注意原文是industry勤劳,不可数名词,跟通常讲的“工


4.NG 第三段

5.Hugo Grotius第四段第一句

6.preserving a person’s life第六段第一句

7.mutually divest ourselves of certain rights第七段第一句

8.that which he would allow other people against himself 第七段最后一句

9.The mutual transferring of these rights第八段第一句

10.made in the state of nature最后一段第二句

Part III Listening Comprehension

Section A

letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

11. B 原文:

M: What do you think? Is everything fine?

W: Well, there’s some inflammation, it seems to me. I want to have a thorough check-up and run some tests before you’re discharged.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?


12.A 原文:

M: It’s hot. I wish it would rain and cool off.

W: This is unusual for November. I don’t remember it ever being so hot in November before.

Q: What is the weather usually like in November?

13. B 原文:

M: Many people prefer taking public buses or the subway, or even taxies because parking getting to be a real headache.

W: That doesn’t surprise me.

Q: What can we infer from the dialogue?


14. A 原文:

M: Hello, I’m calling to check on the status of my computer.

W: Well, the new parts have just come in. so it should be ready by Friday.

Q: What are they talking about?

15. A 原文:

W: My goodness! The service in this restaurant is really terrible, a lot worse than before.

M: Right. It’s high time they got rid of half the staff here if you ask me.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

16. B 原文:

M: Operator, I booked a long distance collect call to my sister in Switzerland twenty-five minutes ago, but I haven’t got a reply yet.

W: Sorry, I will ring it for you now.

Q: Who will pay for the call?

解题:collect call对方付费电话

17. B 原文:

W: How does Mr. Stone’s project turn out? I heard he had trouble with the financing, and he then couldn’t get the land he wanted.

M: It’s true. He did have some difficulties at first. But all in all, the project couldn’t have turned out better.

Q: What is true about the project?

解题:A)pan out成功

18. B 原文:

M: Gosh! Did I miss the train to Green Hill?

W: I’m afraid so. The first train just left at 6:24. But t here’s a train every hour on the hour and every twenty-four minutes past the hour.

Q: When does the next train leave?

解题:注意时间的计算,每个小时两班车:整点和24分钟之后Conversation One


M:Well, Ann, thanks for letting me have your draft in such good time.

W:Oh, that’s alright. I was just very anxious to hear what you think of it. I almost decided to give up this one and shift to Barings Factory.

M:Oh, I think the hospital was a much better choice though there’s still lots of work to be done.

W:Oh, yes… of course.

M: But I have to say there’re plenty of brilliant ideas. It opens well and the first chapter is fine but the middle section really stood out for me… most interesting. W:Really? Well, that’s actually the hardest part for me.

M: How long did you work on the whole thing?

W:Well, I spent about two or three weeks reading and doing general research and then I dashed the writing off very quickly… so about four weeks in all.

M: Well, that’s about par for the course. Y ou’ve got a while yet to make the changes.

W:No problem.

M: Let me see. First of all you need to re-do the headings according to my suggestions in the margins. And then this information on local housing is not really relevant to the approach you’ve taken.

W: I think I see what you mean.

M: Then I guess you need to think about ways of representing interview data. Have

a look at Sight and Sound by Kate Oakwell.

W: All right. I’ll try to submit the second draft ASAP.


Stood out突出、杰出、引人注目,注意形容词outstanding杰出的、显著的that’s about par for the course大概是这门课需要的平均(时间)par平均的、标准的


relevant to the approach you’ve taken和你采取的方法并不相关

ASAP尽快= as soon as possible口语中常用

19. D


20. C

解题:原文提到她一共花了四周,大概是这门课的论文所需的平均时间。21. D

解题:原文最后一句女生自己说会尽快交二稿,老师并没有要求何时交。22. C

解题:答案B editor and writer 是干扰项。只要注意男人说的that’s about par for the course应该能判断出来他是老师。

Conversation Two


M:Hey, Pete! Do you know that Katherine has just had her baby?

W:Oh, really? That’s great! Why don’t we pay her a visit at the hospital and bring her something lovely?

M:Y es, let’s do it. I always think flowers are good to take to someone in hospital, don’t you?

W:Well, not really. Everyone brings flowers and they don’t last. I think it’s much better to take a pot plant, so she can take it home with her.

M: Y es, but then has to remember to water it. What about a big box of cholocates? W:OK, chocolates sound fine. We should get something for the baby too. What do you suggest?

M: Mm, I’m thinking that baby shampoo or talcum powder might do.

W:Well, how about a little hat?

M: We don’t know the size, or the right color, do we?

W:Right. Or maybe we should get something they wouldn’t normally buy. Like a soft toy and the like?

M: Lovely. I could get a teddy bear early tomorrow at the market and I could probably get the chocolates too.

W: Good. Oh, please do remember how much you paid for the gifts, so I can pay you back for half. If they’re going to be from both of us, I would like to go shares.

M: All right. So you’ll pick me up at two o’clock at my place and I’ll make sure to get the presents.


Pot plant盆栽,与bouquet花束相对

Talcum powder爽身粉

Go shares均分,类似的说法还有split the bill, go Dutch.

23. C


24. A


25. C

解题:原文go shares的意思就是两人平分。

Section B

Passage One


Although it is impossible to eliminate all risks from such a complex and experimental project as the American space program, every precaution is taken to reduce the possibility of injury. Nevertheless, accidents do happen. The first major casualties occurred when, despite every precaution, fire broke out on the Apollo 5 capsule on January 27, 1967. In spite of every effort to save them, three men died in this terrible accident.

The program continued without pause, however, and there were no more serious injuries until 1981. Then, the engines having been successfully tested on an earlier occasion, a rehearsal for the actual launching was held. Not knowing that an engine-chamber was full of nitrogen gas, used to clean the motor, six technicians entered for routine work after the final rehearsal had been declared successful. They collapsed as soon as the gas entered their lungs. One man died and the others were very ill.

Though everyone involved was shocked and grieved by this apparently unnecessary accident, preparations continued for the actual launching later that year. However hard we try, accidents are bound to happen whenever a new and challenging project is undertaken. It seems to be the price of progress.


eliminate 消除




26. C

27. B


Passage Two


Another tip on an effective presentation is to be interactive. Don’t do all the talking. Pass the ball around whenever you can. Let everyone participate. Remember when you attended a demo meeting and hoped no one will notice you dozing off. Well, you did that because you were bored. It is not (always) your fault. I say the presenter made it boring. He or she did not invoke your thoughts and make it interesting enough for you. So, when you are the presenter, please don’t make the same mistake. Let everyone participate.

Ice-breakers, too, are very important. The most effective presentation s or meetings that I’ve attended were those that were informative and enjoyable at the same time. These are meetings where the presenter or an attendee sneaks in some witty remarks --- the ice-breakers.

How many, how often and what kind of jokes you introduce will matter here and if you push it too far over the limit, it can kill your presentation and most likely you would never present again. So, I must warn you that this technique is not for everyone. Its success is very dependent on your wits, the timing, the audience and most importantly your presentation style, which will differ from person to person. But if you can work it, you have a powerful presentation tool.


Pass the ball around把话题传开去,让大家都参与讨论;类似的说法在英文里还有start/keep the ball rolling 开始/继续一个话题


Sneak in some witty remarks趁人不备插两句机智的话

29. B

30. D 见注释2

31. A

Passage 3


Sending a child to school in England is a step which many parents do not find easy to take. In theory, at least, the problem is that there are very many choices to make. Let us try to list some of the alternatives between which parents are forced to

decide. To begin with, they may ask themselves whether they would lik e their child to go to a single-sex school or a co-educational school. They may also consider whether he should go to a school which is connected to a particular church or religious group, or whether the school should have no such connections. Another decision is whether the school should be one of the vast majority financed by the State or one of the very small but influential minority of private schools, though this choice is, of course, only available to the small number of those who can pay. Also connected with the question of money is whether the child should go to a boarding school or live at home. Then there is the question of what the child should do at school. Should it be a school whose curriculum lays emphasis, for instance, on necessary skills, such as reading, writing and mathematics, or one which pays more attention to developing the child’s personality, morally, emotionally and socially. Finally with dissatisfaction with conventional education as great as it is in some circles in England and certainly in the USA, the question might even arise in the parents’minds as to whether the child should be compelled to go to school at all. But of course in practice, some parents may not think twice about any of these choices and simply send their child to the only school available in the immediate neighborhood.


Co-educational school男女同校的

in the immediate neighborhood 就在最近的社区


32. A 该题较难需要耐心听一长段信息,选项B、C、D都是干扰项,表面和原


33. D 即使不认识这个单词,可以由第五句前半部分指出有些学校只有一种性


34. D 此题答案处在文章开头,对考生有一定难度,因为间隔时间长,可能遗


35. A 答案在文章结尾Finally with dissatisfaction with conventional education as

great as it is in some circles in England and certainly in the USA这句句式较复杂,但是只要抓住开头“对传统教育不满”就行了。

Section C Dictation

36. exhibition

37. medal

38. dominated

39. side

40. 1988

41. rivaling

42. universally

43. awareness

44. was certainly the greatest basketball team ever assembled

45. is now allowed for both men and women in basketball at the Olympics

46. the gap between the USA and the rest of the world seems to be ever decreasing

Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

Section A

Passage One




1. 第一段:tune into a 15-second spot收看一段15秒的广告

2. 第六段:People in the industry say they know the personalized nature of cellphones is a double-edged sword: it is at once what makes it appealing to advertisers and a medium that many people consider too personal to be invaded by outside interests.手机的私人性是一把双刃剑:一方面因为它可以直接针对用户所以受到广告商青睐,另一方面也使得很多用户排斥广告,因为他们认为手机代表非常私密的领域不应受到来自商户的侵略。Interests在这里指代利益机关或公司。


47. because there were not enough of the right phones and fast networks to support

good advertising 第三段末句

48. offset sagging growth in voice services第四段末句

49. voice subscriptions第五段第二句.

50. a double-edged sword第六段首句

51. opting in最后一段末句

Section B

Passage Two:


本文讨论的是21世纪的数字化差距--- 信息丰富和信息匮乏---及发展中








1. 第一段:this looming danger 隐患

2. 第五段:prejudices with respect to foreign investment针对

3. 第六段:Brazil or anywhere else for that matter 就这个问题而言


52. C 第一段指出digital是个隐患,但是已经有新的力量在暗中抵制这个危险,


53. A 第二段提到因特网是最有利的对抗贫困的武器。

54. D 第五段以美国的发展为例证明外资对国家建设的好处,发展中国家应当学


55. A 第六段。

56. C 第一段指出作者20年前就反对数字化差距,只不过现在他的看法更加乐


Passage 3




1.第一段:certainly enchain the heart by irresistible interest, or more widely diffuse

instruction to every diversity of condition.凭无法抗拒的吸引力攫取人心,或是更为广泛的教诲各色人等

2.第三段:appearing in every medium from biopics to blogs, the academy still won't

deign to touch it尽管传记出现在从传记片到伯克的各种媒体中,高等学府依然不肯屈尊接纳它。

3.第四段:"keepers of the flame"出自影片Keeper of the Flame, 片中一位政治家


4.第六段:abolished libel protection for public figures in 1964, biography was

virtually licensed to kill废除了对公共人物的名誉保护法案,传记的杀伤力不再受到约束。


57. B 注意人物的关系:Boswell是Johnson 的传记作家,和后者同一时代,因


58. D 第二段

59. B. 第四段

60. C 第三段,参见注释2

61. C 第六段最后一句:名人在自传里大曝隐私,如诗人Plath的自传证明了他


Part V Error Correction


62.speed 和which之间加上at

63.mysterious换成mystery,这里指的是故事的题材,mystery story怪诞小说、


64.therefore换成however/nevertheless; 根据上文这里需要转折。


66.For换成As;as a rule一般、通常,固定短语。

67.take 换成have

68.ratio换成rate; ratio指比率

69.giving换成given; 表示特定的



Part VI Translation

72. but the final decision rests with the President.

73. If I may venture an opinion

74. Helen can speak Portuguese after a fashion

75. Adjusting his tie in the mirror

76. China is the last country in the world to threaten any weaker nation with force.


期末冲刺模拟试卷(一) (时间:90分钟总分:100分) 一.积累运用。(50分) 1.选择题。(15分) (1) 下列对“闹”字解释正确的是( ) ①这里闹.得很,我无法看书。 ②孙悟空大闹.天空。 ③你不要再闹.情绪了。 ④前些日子,这里闹.水灾。 ⑤一定要把题意闹.清楚。 ⑥她又哭又闹.,弄得我们很不安。 A.吵弄发生发泄扰乱喧哗 B.喧哗吵发泄发生弄扰乱 C.喧哗扰乱发泄发生弄吵 D.吵喧哗弄发生发泄扰乱 (2) 下列加点字读音全不相同的一项是( ) (3分) A.沿着.着.急着.陆一着.棋 B.参.观人参.参.拜参.差不齐 C.音乐.快乐.欢乐.乐.呵呵 D.落.枕落.下着落.落.炕 (3) “我这种生来就讨厌上学的人也开始感觉到上学的乐趣了。"这个句子 缩成最简句应该是( ) (3分) A.我讨厌上学。B.我感到上学乐趣。 C.人感觉到乐趣。D.我感觉到乐趣。 (4) 下列句子的方框里依次填的字正确的一项是( ) (3分) ①他好 十分高兴。 ②学习必 刻苦钻研。 露。 ④他反 A.像需毕应B.像须毕映 C.象需必应D.象须必映 (5) 下列句子语宇调整后语意变化最大的一项是( ) (3分) A. 你快点走——你走快点 B.我吃了饭再去——我去了再吃饭 C.做完作业去打球——作业做完去打球 D.虚度了光阴——光阴虚度了 2.填空题。(25分) (1) 先把成语补充完整,再按要求归类。(6分) 视死如( ) 张( )李戴惊慌失( ) 斩钉( )铁T( )忘食横行( )道 ①表示赞扬、喜爱的:__________ __________ __________ ②表示批评、厌恶的:__________ __________ __________ (2) 写出下列句中运用的修辞手法。(6分) ①石油工人一声吼,地球也要抖三抖。() ②小蜜蜂嗡嗡地唱着歌儿勤地劳动着。() ③那青的山,绿的水,还有山上盛开的野花,水上迎风的白帆,真是一 幅绚丽的画卷。() (3) 被誉为“岁寒三友”的三种植物是________、________、_________。(3分) (4)“兜”字用音序查字法,应先查字母__________,再查音节__________;按 部首查字法,应先查__________部,再查__________画;写出“兜”字前 四笔的笔顺__________;用“兜”字组词__________。(3分) (5) 《卖火柴的小女孩》是十九世纪__________著名作家__________所作, 他被称为____________________。他的作品有____________________ ______________________________等。(3分) (6) 某中学为帮助贫困学生读书,在全校组织了一次献爱心捐款活动。请 你为这次活动拟一条校园公益广告。(20字以内)(4分) 3.按要求写句子。(10分)


[外语类试卷]大学英语六级改革适用(阅读)模拟试卷22 Section B 0 Graying Population Stays in the Pink A)Elderly people are growing healthier, happier and more independent, say American scientists. The results of a 14-year study to be announced later this month reveal that the diseases associated with old age are afflicting fewer and fewer people and when they do strike, it is much later in life. B)In the last 14 years, the National Long-term Health Care Survey has gathered data on the health and lifestyles of more than 20,000 men and women over 65. Researchers, now analysing the results of data gathered in 1994, say arthritis, high blood pressure and circulation problems—the major medical complaints in this age group are troubling a smaller proportion every year. And the data confirms that the rate at which these diseases are declining continues to accelerate. Other diseases of old age— dementia, stroke, arteriosclerosis and emphysema—are also troubling fewer and fewer people. C)"It really raises the question of what should he considered normal ageing", says Kenneth Manton, a demographer from Duke University in North Carolina. He says the problems doctors accepted as normal in a 65-year-old in 1982 are often not appearing until people are 70 or 75. D)Clearly, certain diseases are beating a retreat in the face of medical advances. But there may be other contributing factors. Improvements in childhood nutrition in the first quarter of the twentieth century, for example, gave today's elderly people a better start in life than their predecessors. E)On the downside, the data also reveals failures in public health that have caused surges in some illnesses. An increase in some cancers and bronchitis may reflect changing smoking habits and poorer air quality, say the researchers. "These may be subtle influences", says Manton, "but our subjects have been exposed to worse and worse pollution for over 60 years. It' s not surprising we see some effect". F)One interesting correlation Manton uncovered is that better-educated people are likely to live longer. For example, 65-year-old women with fewer than eight years of schooling are expected, on average, to live to 82. Those who continued their education live an extra seven years. Although some of this can be attributed to a higher income, Manton believes it is mainly because educated people seek more medical attention. G)The survey also assessed how independent people over 65 were, and again found a striking trend. Almost 80% of those in the 1994 survey could complete everyday activities ranging from eating and dressing unaided to complex tasks such as cooking and managing their finances.


常德市临澧县中考语文冲刺模拟试卷三 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、语文积累与运用(35分) (共3题;共35分) 1. (10.0分)古诗文默写。 (1) ________,君子好逑。(《关睢》) (2) ________,教然后知困。(《虽有佳肴》) (3)《小石潭记》中景物的幽静凄清激起了作者“________,________”的感受,反衬出作者无法摆脱的压抑心情。 (4)“月”常见于古代文人墨客笔下,但表达的思想情感却各有不同。李白的“________,________”(《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》)表达的是对朋友的关切,杜牧的“________,________”(《泊秦淮》)创设的是淡雅的意境。 2. (12分) (2016七上·萧山期中) 文学常识和名著阅读。 (1)阅读下面的文字,在横线上填写恰当的内容。 如果说印度诗人________诗歌《金色花》是一首对家庭之爱和人类天性美好的颂歌,那么________的《济南的冬天》是一幅对祖国河山的细细描绘的工笔画,而节选自南朝刘义庆《________》的《咏雪》《陈太丘与友期》中展现的则是中国古代士大夫家庭崇尚人文修养、注重个人修身的社会风尚图。 (2)根据提示回答相关问题。 其实人禽之辨,本不必这样严。在动物界,虽然并不如古人所幻想的那样舒适自由,可是噜苏做作的事总比人间少。它们适性任情,对就对,错就错,不说一句分辩话。虫蛆也许是不干净的,但它们并没有自命清高;鸷禽猛兽以较弱的动物为饵,不妨说是凶残的罢,但它们从来就没有竖过“公理”“正义”的旗子,使牺牲者直到被吃的时候为止,还是一味佩服赞叹它们。人呢,能直立了,自然是一大进步;能说话了,自然又是一大进步;能写字作文了,自然又是一大进步。然而也就堕落,因为那时也开始了说空话。说空话尚无不可,甚至于连自己也不知道说着违心之论,则对于只能嗥叫的动物,实在免不得“颜厚有忸怩”。假使真有一位一视同仁的造物主,高高在上,那么,对于人类的这些小聪明,也许倒以为多事,正如我们在万生园里,看见猴子翻筋斗,母象请安,虽然往往破颜一笑,但同时也觉得不舒服,甚至于感到悲哀,以为这些多余的聪明,倒不如没有的好罢。然而,既经为人,便也只好“党同伐异”,学着人们的说话,随俗来谈一谈,——辩一辩了。 上述片段选自鲁迅的散文集《________》中的《________》,作者在文中写“虫蛆、鸷禽猛兽”的目的是什么?________。 3. (13.0分)五月,南京的初中生又迎来了一年一度的语文盛会——“汉语周”。初三学生小可和轩轩结伴来到“汉语之星”大会的现场,参与答题活动。


2020年全国高考英语冲刺模拟试卷 (满分:150分考试用时:120分钟) 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题) 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18. 答案是 B 。 1. What does the woman suggest the man do? A.Wake up now. B. Stay up longer. C. Go to bed early. 2. Who does the raincoat belong to? A. The man. B. The woman’s brother. C. The man’s brother. 3. What are the speakers doing? A. Walking to somewhere. B. Asking for directions. C. Waiting for the bus. 4. Who might the man be? A. A store owner. B. A farmer. C. An animal doctor. 5. What’s the man’s problem? A. He is annoyed by his reading. B. He is disturbed by the noise. C. He has no time for shopping. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。


英语六级阅读理解模拟练习及答案详解 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《英语六级阅读理解模拟练习及答案详解》的内容,具体内容:在英语学习过程中,阅读理解能力是学习者发展语言能力的基础和手段。国内的各类英语考试中几乎都有阅读理解题型,大学英语六级考试也不例外。大学英语六级阅读试题是试卷中分值最重的题型,为了提高大... 在英语学习过程中,阅读理解能力是学习者发展语言能力的基础和手段。国内的各类英语考试中几乎都有阅读理解题型,大学英语六级考试也不例外。大学英语六级阅读试题是试卷中分值最重的题型,为了提高大家的阅读水平,下面是我为大家带来英语六级阅读理解模拟练习,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 英语六级阅读理解模拟练习:能源问题 It is often claimed that nuclear energy is something we cannot do without. We live in a consumer society where there is an enormous demand for commercial products of all kinds. Moreover. an increase in industrial production is considered to be one solution to the problem of mass unemployment. Such an increase presumes an abundant and cheap energy supply. Many people believe that nuclear energy provides an inexhaustible and economical source of power and chat it is therefore essential for an industrially developing society. There are a number of other advantages in the use of nuclear energy.


年12月大学英语六级模拟题 Part I Writing (30 minutes ) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Learn to Be Grateful by commenting on the saying, “God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Being grateful to others is a way to show your love.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Learn to Be Grateful ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014


福建省福州市中考语文冲刺模拟试卷3 一、积累与运用(20分) 1补写出下列句子中的空缺部分。(12分) (1)知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。(《论语·雍也》) (2)羹饭一时熟,不知贻阿谁。(《乐府诗集·十五从军征》) (3)念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。(陈子昂《登幽州台歌》) (4)白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。(杜甫《春望》) (5)辛苦遭逢起一经,干戈寥落四周星。(文天祥《过零丁洋》) (6)东风不与周郎便,铜雀春深锁二乔。(杜牧《赤壁》) (7)伤心秦汉经行处,宫阙万间都做了土。(张养浩《山坡羊·潼关怀古》) (8)俗子胸襟谁识我?英雄末路当磨折。(秋瑾《满江红·小住京华》) (9)初为霖雨之操,更造崩山之音。(《列子·伯牙善鼓琴》) (10)大雪三日,湖中人鸟声俱绝。(张岱《湖心亭看雪》) (11)《三峡》为渲染凄凉气氛而引用的渔人歌谣是:“巴东三峡巫峡长,猿鸣三声泪沾裳。” 2.下列文学常识说法正确的一项是( B )(2分) A.《送东阳马生序》是宋濂给马生所写的赠别诗前的序言。 B.古代把水的南面叫作“阴”,如“河阴”便是黄河南。 C.《风筝》和《故乡》都是我国现代作家鲁迅的小说作品 D.《钦差大臣》是俄国著名作家契诃夫的讽刺性戏剧作品。 3.阅读下面的文字,按要求作答。(6分) 近几年,实体书店突围经营困境的尝试屡见不鲜,而真正奏效并引人眼球的尝试却甲 (A.寥寥无几 B.屈指可数)。近期,合肥的一家新华书店开启了号称“全球首家”的“共享书店”。公众关注度高,图书借阅量也十分可观。而围绕这一模式产生的zhì① (A.置B.质)疑声却不绝于耳,如新书被借阅后不能作为商品出售、消费者成借书人会带来图书销售额缩水、书店缺少市场真金白银的滋养会失去生存的土壤。有评论认为,实体书店的这种尝试不太乙 (A理智B.理性),从长远来看,“共享书店”对于实体书店本身以及整个出版行业来说,都无异于饮鸩②止渴(A. zhèn B jiù)。 (1)根据①处拼音选择正确的汉字,为文中②处加点字选择正确读音。只填字母。(2分) ①处:B②处: A (2)从文中甲乙处选择符合语境的词语填入横线,只填字母。(2分) 甲处: A乙处:B


2016年12月英语六级听力模拟试题及答 案第二套 SectionA 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 11.A)Take her to another hike. B)Go hiking again next week. C)Plananother rally for next week. D)Go to the rally when it takes place again. 12.A) He is looking for a better employment in New York.B1 He’slooking forward to working in New York. C)Hehopes to work in the same place. D1 Heexpects his company to move to New York.13.A)Seeing a doctor. B)Having the dinner. C)Givinga lecture. D)Studying in some place. 14.A)The man will be punished for his lateness.

B)ProfessorLee is always punctual. C)Thewoman thinks that the man is playing a joke on her. D)Thewoman suggests the man give a watch to Professor Lee. 15.A)Have a sound sleep right away. B)Try something less sweet. C)Visitthe College Board. D)See the campus.doctor. 16.A)They are a bargain worth buying. B)They are of poor quality. C)Theyare available everywhere. D)They are over priced. 17.A)He decided not to sell the piano. B)He found a place to store the piano. C)No onehas bought the piano. D)He'll post notices at local stores. 18.A)It is going to be sunny with breeze. B)It is going to be cloudy with heavy wind. C)It isgoing to be hot,humid and gloomy. D)It is going to be very cold. Conversation One 19.A)The one with the lowest price.


2018年部编本语文三年级上册期中测试卷 (时间:90分钟 总分:100分) 姓名: 得分:______________ 一、基础达标。(39分) 1.给加点字选择正确的读音(填序号)。(4分) ① jià ② jiǎ (1)假.( )如儿童节不放假. ( ),我们就不能去姥姥家了。 ① j ǐ ② j ī (2)这几.( )天妈妈几.( )乎晚上十点后才到家,真辛苦。 2.形近字组词。(8分) ???准( )谁( ) ???经( )径( ) ???料( )科( ) ???淡( )谈( ) 3.正确书写词语。(10分) y ǐn ɡ zi chai huo k ǎn du àn gu ī z é cū zhuàng l ù j ìn ɡ pái liè pīn mìng liú lèi yán liào 4.按要求写词语。(11分) (1)写反义词: 热闹 — ( ) 严寒 — ( ) (2)眼疾手快(写三个带人体部位名称的词语) ________________________________________________________ (3)金桂飘香(写三个描写秋天的词语) ________________________________________________________

(4)争先恐后(写三个带反义词的词语) ________________________________________________________ 5.句子训练。(6分) (1)他喜欢和小伙伴玩游戏。(扩句,至少两处) _______________________________________________________ (2)你用心去听。你能听见秋天的声音。(用上关联词,把两句话合并成一句) ________________________________________________________ (3)大青树下的学校是一所美丽可爱的学校。(改成反问句) ________________________________________________________ (4)我们遇到困难,怎样能退缩呢?(改为陈述句) _______________________________________________________ (5)树上结了许许多多数不清的的果子。(用修改符号修改病句) (6)我们要连续努力,争取更大的进步。(用修改符号修改病句) 二、教材回顾。(17分) 1.积累。(10分) (1)人们常用“________________,顶个诸葛亮”来比喻人多力量大。类似的句子还有:________________,泰山移;________________,其利断金。 (2)我认识了许多童话人物,有__________________的鸟儿,有______ __________________的胡萝卜先生,还有_______________________ _____的红头蟋蟀。 (3)________________,理不辩不明;有理走遍天下,______________ __。 (4)停车坐爱枫林晚,__________________________。 (5)__________________________,最是橙黄橘绿时。


2019 英语六级阅读模拟试题及答案( 3 )Passage One Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage. Caught in a squeeze between the health needs of aging populations on one hand and the financial crisis on the other, governments everywhere are looking for ways to slow the growth in health-care spending. Increasingly, they are looking to the generic-drugs ( 普通药物 ) industry as a savior. In November Japan's finance ministry issued a report complaining that the country's use of generics was less than a third of that in America or Britain. In the same month Canada's competition watchdog criticized the country's pharmacies for failing to pass on the savings made possible by the use of generic drugs. That greed, it reckoned, costs taxpayers nearly C$1 billion a year. Then on November 28th the European Commission issued the preliminary results of its year-long probe into drug giants in the European Union. The report reached a damning~, though provisional, conclusion:the drugs firms use a variety of unfair strategies to protect their expensive drugs by delaying the entry of cheaper generic opponents. Though this initial report does not carry the force of law (a final report is due early next year), it has caused much controversy. Neelie Kroes, the EU's competition commissioner, says she is ready to take legal action if the evidence allows. One strategy the investigators criticize is the use of the "patent duster( 专利群 )". A firm keen to defend its drug due to go off-patent may file dozens or hundreds of new


江苏省常州市2018年中考冲刺语文模拟试卷3 (满分:120分考试时间:150分钟) 一、积累与运用(共20分) 1.把文中加点字的注音和拼音所表示的汉字依次填在指定方格内。(2分) 雨敲在鳞鳞千瓣的瓦上,由远而近,轻轻重重轻轻,夹着一股股的细流沿瓦槽与屋yán潺潺泻下,各种敲击音与滑音密织成网,谁的千指百指在按mó.耳轮?“下雨了,”温柔的灰美人来了,她冰冰的纤.手在屋顶指弄着无数的黑键和灰键,把晌.午一下子奏成了黄昏。 2.下列有关名著的表述,正确的两项是(3分)()() A.《西游记》是一部章回体魔幻小说,也是一部具有反抗封建统治意义的神话作品。 B.从智取生辰纲开始,水浒英雄走上了一条联合斗争的道路。 C.晁盖是梁山上的主要领导人,一方面仗义疏财,广交江湖好友,有很强的组织能力和指挥才能,一方面又有着浓厚的忠君思想。 D、祥子到曹家拉包月。一天夜里,祥子拉曹先生回家,不小心撞到石头上,他和曹先生都摔伤了,祥子很难受,因为曹先生责备了他。. E.刘四爷把人和车厂卖了,虎妞依靠父亲的希望落空了,无奈之下只好拿钱买车给祥子拉。 3.观察下面的漫画,用简要的语言概括其主题。(2分) 主题: 4.仔细阅读这首唐朝诗人聂夷中的诗,为诗题概括一个表达作者情感的字填在标题横线上,简述你选择这个词的理由。(3分) 聂夷中) 二月卖新丝,五月粜新谷。医得眼前疮,剜却心头肉。

我愿君王心,化作光明烛。不照绮罗筵,只照逃亡屋。 5.请就下列一则新闻中的主要事实发表你的观点并陈述理由。(4分) 2018年5月4日,第69个五四青年节。北京大学举行建校120周年纪念大会,校长林建华发表题为“大学是通向未来的桥”的演讲。演讲中,林建华将“要励志,立鸿鹄志,做奋斗者”一句中的“鸿鹄”错读成“鸿鹄(hào)”。5月5日16点40分,林建华在北大未名论坛上发贴《致同学们》,就错读“鸿鹄”一事致歉并作解释。《致同学们》中的重点:1.我不熟悉这个词的发音,我文字功底不好;2.文字功底不好是因为赶上了文革,基础教育差;3.我刚出了一本书,书里的内容能佐证我基础教育阶段条件差;4.我写信不是为自己辩护,我不完美;5.我所有的重要讲话和《校长观念》一书都是自己写的;6.我会努力进步,但进步恐怕不会太大。 6.默写。(6分) (1),坐断东南战未休。(辛弃疾《南乡子登京口北固亭有怀》) (2)伤心秦汉经行处,。(张养浩《山坡羊潼关怀古》) (3),切问而近思,仁在其中矣。(《论语十二章》) (4) ,奉命于危难之间。(诸葛亮《出师表》) (5)写出初中阶段学过的两句连续的含蓄表达送别之意的古诗。 ,。 二、阅读理解(共40分) (一)阅读两个文言选段,完成7-10题。(共13分) 甲 余幼时即嗜学。家贫,无从致书以观,每假借于藏书之家,手自笔录,计日以还。天大寒,砚冰坚,手指不可屈伸,弗之怠。录毕,走送之,不敢稍逾约。以是人多以书假余,余因得遍观群书。既加冠,益慕圣贤之道,又患无硕师名人与游,尝趋百里外,从乡之先达执经叩问。先达德隆望尊,门人弟子填其室,未尝稍降辞色。余立侍左右,援疑质理,俯身倾耳以请;或遇其叱咄,色愈恭,礼愈至,不敢出一言以复;俟其欣悦,则又请焉。故余虽愚,卒获有所闻。 (节选自《送东阳马生序》) 乙


冲刺模拟试卷(一) 时间:90分钟满分:100分 一、填空。(每小题2分,共20分) 1.一个整数,“四舍五入”后是6万,这个数最大是(),最小是()。 2.一件衣服进价为80元,按标价的六折出售还赚52元,那么标价为()。 3.商场门口挂一排彩色灯泡,按照“二红四蓝三黄”的顺序排列,第50只灯泡是()颜色。 4.观察下列各式: 1 1+1 2 ?1=1 2 ,1 3 +1 4 ?1 2 =1 12 ,1 5 +1 6 ?1 3 =1 30 ,1 7 +1 8 ?1 4 =1 56 ,……按照这个规律,则第100 个式子为()。 5.某校三个班的部分学生参加一次公益活动,经统计:参加活动的人种,一班与二班的人数之比为5:4,二班与三班的人数比为3:2,且一班人数比二、三班人数之和少20人,则这三个班参加活动的学生共有()人。 6.把长为16厘米,宽为10厘米的长方形厚纸的四个角上各剪去一个边长为整厘米数的小正方形,然后再折成一个无盖的长方体盒子,若要使这个盒子的容积最大,则剪掉小正方形的边长为()厘米。 7.如图,AE,AF将长方形ABCD分成面积相等的三部分,若BE=10,则EC的长为()。 8.一列快车从甲地驶往乙地,一列慢车从乙地驶往甲地,两车同时出发,两车之间的距离与慢车行驶时间的关系如图所示,根据图像可得快车比慢车每小时多走()km。 9.若买7斤桃的钱可以买1斤苹果和2斤梨;买7斤苹果的钱可以买10斤梨和1斤桃,则买12斤苹果的钱可以买梨()斤。

10.若2÷□×4=1,则“□”表示的数为( )。 二、选择。(10分) 1.下面的时间最接近你的年龄是( )。 A.6000分 B.6000小时 C.600周 D.600月 2.对于下列说法,最恰当的一项是( )。 A.六年级的小明走一步的长度为2.1米 B.我家住在28层,离地面高42米 C.我们正在考试的教室面积有200平方米 D.妈妈从超市买了3斤鸡蛋共23个。 3.笑笑用七个棱长为1的小正方形在桌面上搭成如图所示的几何体,然后把所有露在外面的部分都染成红色,则被她染成红色部分的面积为( )。 A.14 B.18 C.24 D.30 4.如果a=4,b=5,则2a 2-b=( )。 A.3 B.11 C.27 D.46 5.一个圆柱底面直径和高都是2分米,这个圆柱的表面积是( )平方分米。 A.6π B.5π C.4π D.34π 三、计算。(共27分) 1.直接写出得数。(9分) 1 4?15= 3.6÷145= (1.25?114)÷11 13= (0.125+1 8)×4= 53 8×(1 4+75%) 4?2 3= 45 ×58 = 56×78 = 2008 20082009 ÷2008= 2.计算下列各题。(能简算的要简算)(12分) (1)7 12÷[(1 3?1 4)×4 5] (2)12.5%×21 4+2.25×87 8?9 4


英语六级阅读理解训练 18. Australia1 An island country, a whole continent, Australia has a remarkably cohesive personality and onewhich, much to our surprise, is markedly foreign. It is no longer the infant colony, peopled byBritish convicts2 and pioneers, but a maturing, perhaps still somewhat adolescent individual,ruggedly steering a vital new course in life. Australia is a sprawl of rock and desert, fringed with lush valleys, snow fields, coralspectaculars, storm-stabbed cliffs and rolling beaches, a land rich in minerals, colors, curiousflora 3, 230 species of mammals4 , 700 of birds, 400 of reptiles, 70 of amphibia, 2, 200 of fishand 50 , 000 species of insects — and seemingly infinite space . Australia is becoming therichest country in the world, materially. Total area of the continent is about half as big as Europe, or 25 times the size of Britain andIreland. Population is bunched mainly in coastal cities, the biggest of which are capitals of thecountry’s states and the federal capital Canberra5 . Canberra is a model of a planned gardencity and is the seat of a major university. It is smallish in size , but big in importance. Sydney isthe largest city, and commercial capital of the country. Throughout the country, the basic accommodation unit is the motel, a flat prefabricated6sprawl of bedrooms. But prices are reasonable and, most important, the rooms are excellentand equipped usually with air-conditioning, a refrigerator and tea and coffee making facilities.Bath tubs are rare, as Australians prefer the convenience and hygiene of a shower. Porterageand other services are rare , as Australians don’t like doing a job which smacks of7 servility.After all, this is the land of equality and opportunity. 阅读自测 Ⅰ. Are the sesta tements True or False according to the article? 1. Australia is as big as Europe , or 25 times the size of Britain and Ireland. 2. Canberra is notonly the capital but also the biggest city of
