





() 1. Who is the woman behind?

A. His mother.

B. His aunt.

C. His grandma.

() 2. Why was Peter late for class?

A. He got up late.

B. He was ill.

C. He missed the early bus.

() 3. What did Mike use to do after class?

A. Play basketball.

B. Play table tennis.

C. Play football.

() 4. What kind of drink do they choose at last?

A. Cola.

B. Milk.

C. Fruit juice.

() 5. When was the new invention invented?

A. In 1949.

B. In 1958.

C. In 1985.


() 6. When did Jenny join the club?

A. In February.

B. In March.

C. In May.

()7. What do the members of the club do on weekend?

A. Study together.

B. Have a party.

C. Go outdoors.

()8. What should the boy do first if he wants to join the club ?

A. Talk with Bob.

B. Write a letter to Bob.

C. Answer Jenny’s questions.


()9. Where will the woman want to go?

A. The supermarket.

B. The bank.

C. The bookstore.

()10. How far is it?

A. 14 minutes’ walk.

B. 40 minutes’ ride.

C. 40 minutes’ walk.

()11. How will the woman go there?

A. By bus.

B. On foot.

C. By car.


()12.Who did Betty's father go with?

A. No one.

B. Betty.

C. His wife.

()13.Where is Betty’s father now?

A. Russia.

B. London.

C. Paris.

()14.Why didn’t Betty go there together?

A. Because her mother was ill.

B. Because she did want.

C. Because she had to study. 听第四段材料,回答第15—17小题。

()15. What’s the boy’s favorite color?

A. Blue.

B. Green.

C. White.

()16.What kind of T-shirt does the boy want?

A. Silk.

B. Cotton.

C. Leather(皮革).

() 17. Who will Cindy buy a gift for?

A. Her brother.

B. Her sister.

C. Her friend.


()18.When did the library open to the pubic?

A. August 23rd.

B. September 15th.

C. October 13th.

()19.What kind of books does Paul like?

A. Books on history.

B. Books on science.

C. Books on physics.

()20.How many people will go there together?

A.2 B.3 C.4


()21.What’s Linda’s favorite season?

A. Spring.

B. Summer.

C. Winter.

()22.Who taught Linda how to make a snowman?

A. Linda’s mother.

B. Linda’s father. C Helen.

()23.How old did Linda learn to make a snowman?

A. 7 years old.

B.6 years old.

C. 5 years old.

()24.What do Linda and Helen use to dressed up the snowman?

A. A beautiful hat.

B. A beautiful hair band.

C. A beautiful coat.

()25.Which of the following is right?

A. Linda feels uncomfortable when it snows.

B. Linda and Helen made a snowman last Sunday.

C. Linda and Helen had fun making a snowman last Saturday.


26. — I think it’s very useful to keep a __________.

— I agree, and it can help us remember what happened before.

A. secret

B. diary

C. health

D. promise

27. — How do you feel about your host family?

— They’re really nice. They tried to cook _______ for me during my aboard studying.

A.different something

B. delicious something

C. something special

D. something terrible

28. — Is this your school bag?

— No, it’s not ______. My best friend Tony is looking for his, maybe it belongs to ______,

A. mine ; him

B. my; his

C. mine; his

D. my; him

29 . — How did you get this coat, from a shop or a gift from someone?

— _______. I bought it online, and it’s common nowadays.

A. None

B. All

C. Both

D. Neither

30. — How beautiful photos! Would you please show me some others?

— Sure. Look, they ___________ when we were traveling in Australia.

A. took

B. have been taking

C. were taken

D. had taken

31. — Do you like watching movies on the mobile phone?

— No .I _______ do that, because it hurts my eyes.

A. seldom

B. often

C. usually

D. sometimes

32. —This kind of suit will be sold for $ 1000, which is far more than I can _______.

— I’m afraid so.

A. take

B. cost

C. afford

D. offer

33. —What do you think of your English studying?

—____I practice reading English, ____I study. You can’t imagine how quickly I’ve improved.

A. The fewer; the better

B. The more; the better

C. The more; the worse

D. The less; the better

34. — My parents _______ getting up early to prepare breakfast for me on weekdays.

— Well, they’re really good parents.

A. are used to

B. are used

C. have used to

D. used to

35. — Please __________ the water when you brush your teeth.

—Sorry. I’ll not forget it.

A. turn on

B. look up

C. put down

D. shut off

36. — How was your birthday yesterday?

—My parents held a big party and prepared many delicious food that made me very_______.

A. sad

B. happy

C. crazy

D. mad

37. —Can you tell me _____it is from home to school?

—Sure. It’s about ten minutes’ ride.

A. how long

B. how far

C. how much

D. how soon

38. — What do you think of the film?

— Wonderful. But by the time I arrived, the film___for 20 minutes, so I missed the beginning.

A. began

B. had been on

C. has been on

D. had begun

39. — Did Mr. Li have a friendly talk with all the classmates last week?

—Sure. He is _______ friendly _______ we all love him.

A. both; and

B. such; that

C. too; that

D. so; that

40. —I’m sorry to trouble you, but I want to know ______.

—Yes, there are some on Center Street.

A. where can I buy some stamps

B. when you will take your vacation

C. when was the telephone invented

D. if there are any good restaurants around here.



I watched as my little brother was caught in the act. He was sitting in the corner of the living

room, a __41__ in one han d and my father’s hymnbook(赞美诗集)in the other.

As my father walked into the room, my brother was rather afraid. He felt that he had done something __42__. I could see that he had opened my father’s new hymnal and scribbled(乱涂)in it. Now he was waiting for his punishment.

For my father, books were knowledge. They were important to him. And yet he loved his children. What he did next was __43__. Instead of punishing my brother, he sat down, took the pen from my brother’s hand, and then wrote in the book himsel f, which was said:“__44__ work, 2002, age 2.” How many times have I looked into your beautiful face and into your warm eyes looking up at me and __45__God for the one who has now scribbled in my new hymnal. You have made the book sacred(神圣的), as have your brother and sister.

“Wow,” I thought. “This is __46__?”

The years and the books came and went. Our family experienced what all families go through and perhaps a little bit more. But we always knew our parents __47__ us and that one of the proofs(证明)of their love was the hymnal by the piano.

Dad taught us about__48__ really matters in life: people, not objects; tolerance(宽容), not judgment; love, not anger. Now I, too, am a father. But unlike my father, I do not wait for daughters __49__ to take books from my bookshelf and scribble in them. From time to time I take one down, and give it to one of my children to scribble in. And as I look at their artwork, I think about my father and the __50__ he taught me.

( )41. A. book B. pen C. paper D. ruler

( )42. A. wrong B. special C. dangerous D. different

( )43. A. unnecessary B. unbelievable C. interesting D. important

( )44. A. My B. Our C. John’s D. Father’s

( )45. A. asked B. trusted C. respected D. thanked

( )46. A. decision B. joke C. punishment D. excitement

( )47. A. loved B. encouraged C. pleased D. missed

( )48. A. why B. which C. who D. what

( )49. A. quickly B. secretly C. carefully D. suddenly

( )50. A. skills B. rules C. lessons D. subjects




If your mother wants to tell you something, she uses words. Birds cannot talk as we do. But some birds can make sounds to warn their young of danger. They have their own way to make the young birds do certain things.

The jackdaw is a kind of blackbirds that lives in Europe. Jackdaws live together in flocks(群). Young jackdaws do not know their enemies. When an older jackdaw sees a dog, it makes a loud rattling(格格响的) sound. The younger birds know this sound means an enemy is nearby. The sound warms them to know their enemies.

If a young jackdaw is in a dangerous place, a jackdaw parent flies over him from behind. The parent bird flies low over the young bird’s back. The parent’s tail feathers(羽毛) move quickly from side to side. It is trying to say,“Follow me.”At the same time, the parent calls out,“Key-aw, key-aw.”the parent means “Fly home with me.”The young bird then follows the older one home.

Young jackdaws do not have to learn what certain sounds mean. They know the meanings of these sounds from the time they hatch.

( )51. The jackdaw lives in ________.

A. Europe

B. Australia

C. America

D. Africa

( )52. When an old jackdaw sees a dog, it ________.

A. calls out,“Follow me”

B. makes a loud sound

C. flies away

D. fights the dog

( )53. When a young jackdaw is in danger, ______________.

A.it can save himself

B. its friends will help him

C. it will stay there and wait for die

D. its parent will fly to protect him

( )54. Which of the following does this story lead you to believe?

A. All animal parents can talk to their young.

B. Dogs are the most dangerous enemies for jackdaws.

C. Young jackdaws know the meaning of their parents’ sound when they grow older.

D. Some birds can give information to one another.

( )55. Which of the following is NOT TRUE ?

A. Not all birds can make sounds to warn their young of danger.

B. Young jackdaws know the meaning of what certain sounds mean.

C. The sound“Key-aw, key-aw”means“Danger”.

D. Young jackdaws do not know their enemies while they are in danger.


Long time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. The family was in a poor situation and he became very angry when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. However, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy.”

The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but when he found out the box was empty, he became angry again. He shouted at her, saying, “Don't you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside? ”The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, “Oh! Daddy, it's not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They're all for you, Daddy.”

The father was deeply moved. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness. Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and, whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.

In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings, has been given a gold box filled with

unconditional love and kisses... from our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other possession could be more precious than this.

( )56. What is the right order of the things that happened in the article?

a. The box was empty.

b. The father shouted at her daughter.

c. The daughter decorated the box.

d. The father was embarrassed when he knew the box was a gift for him.

A. abcd

B. cabd

C. cdab

D. adcb

( )57. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “overreaction”?




D.过度反应( )58. Which is RIGHT according to the passage ?

A. The father was angry because his daughter wasted a lot of money.

B. The father received the box as a gift from his daughter in the evening.

C. The father was encouraged by the love of his daughter.

D. Unluckily ,the girl died of a serious illness.

( )59. What can we learn from the article ?

A.Don’t punish your child.

B. People sometimes make mistakes.

C. Love is precious and important for us.

D. We each have been given a gold box. ( )60. What’s the best title of this article?

A. Father and daughter.

B. Father’s sadness.

C. A box full of kisses.

D. An empty box.


When I was a kid,watermelon was expensive. One of my father’s friends, Bernie, was a rich businessman, who owned a large store in St. Paul.

Every summer, when the first watermelons arrived. Dad and I would go to Bernie’s place. We’d sit on the edge of the dock(码头)and got ready for a big meal.

Bernie would take his knife, cut our first watermelon, hand us both a big piece and sit down next to us. Then we’d bury our faces in watermelon, eating only the heart—the reddest, juiciest, sweetest, most seed-free part—and throw away the rest.

Bernie was my father’s idea of a rich man. I always thought it was because he was such a successful businessman. Years later, I realized that it was not Bernie’s wealth itself but his way of dealing with it that my father liked. Bernie knew how to stop working, get together with friends and eat only the heart of the watermelon.

What I learned from Bernie is that being rich is a state of mind. Some of us, no matter how much money we have, will never be free enough to eat only the heart of the watermelon. If you don’t take the time to dangle your feet over the dock and enjoy life’s small pleasure, your work is probably hurting your life.

For many years, I forgot that lesson I’d learned as a kid ? On the loading dock. I was too busy making all the money I could.

Well, I’ve relearned it. I hope I have time left to enjoy the success of others and to take pleasure in the day. That’s the heart of the watermelon. I have learned again to throw the rest away.

( )61. We learned from the second paragraph that the writer and his father were feeling _____.

A. relaxed

B. worried

C. hungry

D. proud

( )62. How did the writer and his father eat the watermelon?

A. They ate it in a polite way.

B. They only ate its best part.

C. They ate every part of it.

D. They shared only one piece.

( )63. In the eyes of the writer’s father, Bernie ______.

A. was just a rich businessman

B. worked hard all the time

C. lived a rich but healthy life

D. knew how to make money

( )64. The underlined part “the heart of the watermelon”in the last paragraph refers to _____.

A. the best part of the watermelon

B. the writer’s busy life

C. the writer’s decision of making money

D. the writer’s hope of enjoying life ( )65. It can be learned from the passage that ______.

A. one has to work hard to reach his goal

B. a friend in need is a friend in deed

C. watermelon is the healthiest fruit

D. one should keep work-life balance




Work is very important to Americans, and most take pride in their work. _____66______, prepared to work long, hard hours. Americans tend to evaluate(评估) each other by the jobs they do, so it is common to hear people ask each other what they “do” for a living when they are first introduced.

Today, Americans love to work and expect great rewards both material and emotional(精神的)from their jobs. _____67_____, rewarding, challenging and even entertaining.

______68_______. The average American works about forty hours a week, but many professionals work much longer hours; many work more than sixty hours per week. Some people feel many Americans are now too work-conscious(职业敏感的) and hardly care about their families. Competitive organizations give much pressure on their workers, as they are strict and rarely give them more than two or three weeks of paid vacation. ______69_______——and often at home—— as they try to balance the many placed on them.

______70_______. And while many professions and jobs are fun and rewarding, many are not. To compensate (补偿) for boring, unsatisfying jobs many Americans spend time on hobbies, forming friendships, and social, sports and political activities.

A. Americans work long hours

B. All the Americans are interested in their work

C. Most Americans want their jobs to be interesting

D. Americans are expected to be dedicated(有奉献精神的) workers

E. While many workers do enjoy their work, some do not

F. Most Americans are considered “stressed” at work

66._________ 67._________ 68._________ 69.__________ 70.__________



71. --- A lot of small towns in the area . (值得看一看)

--- Well, let’s go. (worth) 72.---Please don’t be afraid of mistakes. In fact, everyone can

(几乎无法避免犯错误) in doing something.

--- I think it’s really a normal thing. (avoid) 73. --- Do you know the boy who is the pride of our school?

--- Yes, he works hard at all the lessons and doesn’t . (不想让父母失望) (feel) 74. --- Could you please give me some advice on how to study English well?

--- Sure. I think you can

(努力每天学点新东西) (effort) 75. --- What did your brother do when he was tired last week?

--- He (更喜爱看听那些能使他高兴起来的歌曲) (prefer) 七、短文综合填空(本大题满分10分,每小题1分)

Nowadays, more and more flyovers(天桥)can be seen in many parts of big cities, especially in the places where traffic is very 76h and crossing the road is not safe. These 77b can make people cross roads safely.

Flyovers are used in very much the same 78w as zebra crossings(斑马线). They are more efficient, though less convenient because it takes people more time to climb up a lot of 79s to cross the road. This is inconvenient especially to the old. When people walk on a flyover, they don’t 80h up traffic. But when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, traffic is broken. That is why so many flyovers are built to help people and keep traffic 81m at the same time.

The city government have spent lots of money building these flyovers. For their own 82s , people prefer to use them rather than 83r across the road. Old people may 84d climb up and down, but it is still much safer than walking across the road with all the traffic.

Flyovers are very useful. People, both old and young, should always use them. This will 85 k accidents from happening. It’s good for both the pedestrians(行人) and drivers.


越来越多汽车进入我们的家庭生活,改善了我们的生活,但同时也带来了很多问题,如塞车、车祸、环境污染等等,给家庭和社会带来极大的危害。作为中学生,我们应该怎样做呢? 请写一篇有关交通安全的短文。

参考词汇:sidewalk 人行道zebra-crossing 斑马线



让快乐和主动伴随学生的英语成长 ——浅谈英语学科的综合实践活动设计于实施综合实践活动课程强调学生是活动的主体,强调要通过学生的自主学习和实践活动获得直接经验,而英语课程标准明确指出:“此次英语课程改革的重点就是要改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授、忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养的倾向,强调课程从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。”从中我们不难发现,英语学科和综合实践活动在学生自主性,和培养学生多维度能力这一方面有惊人的吻合性,如果能把英语和综合实践活动通过正确的指导思想、完整而有创造性的活动设计整合起来的话,对英语学科来说是一个不小的机遇和挑战。 作为一名基层的英语教师,我一直期盼着英语课程的变革。同时自己也在任教的过程中不断的摸索着一种新的,高效的英语教学模式。并以王集寄宿小学的成立为契机,以它为我教学思想的试验基地,进行了为期三年的关于综合实践活动在英语学科中的应用的教学试验,在发现了很多问题的同时,也使自己的教学模式进一步成熟。 一、指导思想 密切学生学习与生活的联系,推进学生对英语综合实践的认识和体验,发展学生在生活中运用英语思维能力和联系英语和生活进行创新的能力和实践能力。 二、实施内容于方法 根据王集地区英语——起步晚,底子薄,各小学英语发展不均衡,期中庞居小学英语实力略强,其他小学英语能力明显不足——的实际情况,我制定了以下条方案 (一)确定英语兴趣小组。 作为实践活动的第一部分,英语小组的确定十分重要,英语小组的确定要遵循以下几个方面: ①小组人数不可太多,也不可太少,一般为6、7人为宜。我们班是6人一组,一共11组。 ②小组成员要注意男生女生混合搭配,这样的搭配能极大的调动学生参加活动的积极性与主动性。 ③小组成员的英语能力也要合理搭配,分组前对学生各项基本能力的准确测定也十分重要。比如,口语交际能力,写作能力等。分组时要注意多维度的平衡搭配,这一要求看起来容易,实施起来还是有难度的,我一般要花两个星期的时间来最终确定小组成员。 ④小组成员的性格也要相互补偿,开朗与内向的要适当搭配。 以上是关键的一步,不可马虎。 (二)角色扮演


Unit 1 C 1.The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture. 2.In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3.An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice. 4.By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language more vivid and more attractive to your audience. 5.The proper examples you cite might help reinforce the impression on your listeners and make your viewpoints more convincing. 6.When you are speaking, you should choose common and easy words and at the same time avoid clutter in your speech.


PART I Choose the correct definition for the following italicized words. (2 points for each answer) (50%) 1.Then the rope was pulled again and Buck had to let go. A. give up B. leave C. move along D. go away 2.Again the club hit him and he crashed to the ground. A. feel violently and noisily B. rushed suddenly and speedily C. cried loudly and wildly D. was pushed 3.“ Well, Buck, my boy”, he said in a friendly voice, we’ve argued a little, and I think the best thing to do now is to stop. A. worked B. know each other C. quarreled D. misunderstood 4.Buck was beaten (he knew that ) but he was not broken. A .dead B.seriously injured C. losing courage D. crushed physically and mentally 5.Buck understood that a man with a club must be obeyed, although he did not have to be a friend. A. ruled B. listened to C. accepted D. recognized 6.One day was very like another, but Buck noticed that the weather was getting colder. A. could say B. felt C. thought D. saw 7.Two minutes later the last of the dogs was chased away. A. driven off B. checked up C. pressed through D. caught 8.Growling, he threw himself at the snow, and a moment later, he had jumped upwards into the daylight. A. gave oneself up to B. rush violently at C. blamed oneself for D. played with 9.He walked around the tents trying to find the other dogs. But, to his surprise, they had disappeared. A. gone out of sight B. gathered together C. given up hope D. stayed away 10. Buck growled, and was surprised when the rope was pulled hard around his neck. A became frightened B feel pain C was puzzled D made a low, threatening sound 11. I cheated on a unit test in math class this morning during second period with Mr. Burke. A. fainted B. deceived C. withdrew D. succeeded 12. Mostly I wished I was dead. It wasn’t even an accident that I cheated. A. something that was planned beforehand B. something that happened by chance C. something that was terrible D. something that was unfortunate 13. But I did plan to study just to prove to him that I’m plenty smart-which I am mostly-except in math, which I’d be okay in if I’d memorize my times tables. A. learn by heart B. copy on the paper C. recite accurately D. bring with me 14. My mother’s one of those people who tells you everyting you’v e done wrong for thirsty years like you do it every day. It drives me crazy. A. angry B. uncomfortable C. hard D. mad 15. I guessed he knew I was lying and was so disappointed he couldn’t talk about it. A. interested B. satisfied C. displeased D. angered 16. My parents don’t bother making up a lot of rules. But we do have to tell the truth-even if it’s bad, which it usually is. A. like very much B. oppose C. trouble themselves with D. find satisfaction in 17. But at night, thinking about Mr. B.-who could scare just about anybody I know, even my father-it seemed perfectly sensible to cheat. A. understandable B. senseless C. possible D. reasonable 18. I’d go into class jolly as usual, acting like things were going just great, and no one, not even Mr. B., would suspect the truth. A. agree with B. acknowledge C. guess D. doubt 19. And that’s exactly what I did this morning. It was a cinch. A. something done easily B. something done strangely C. something disgraceful D. something most desired 20. “She thinks something happened today and you’re upset.” A. wrong B. calm C. annoyed D. uneasy 21. I call Mr. Burke, probably waking him up, and I tell him exactly what happened, even that I decided to cheat the night before the test. A. immediately B. effectively C. suddenly D.most likely 22. I thank him a whole lot for being understanding and all. He’s not friendly but he’s not absolutely mean either. A. completely B. possibly C. unpleasantly D. comparatively


小学英语综合实践活动方案 一、指导思想 以素质教育理论为指导,全面贯彻上级教育部门对教育的指导精神,积极落实《高中英语新课程标准》中的有关目标,根据学校对科组教育工作要求,加大综合实践活动课程理念的学习力度,结合本级学生的英语学习的实际情况,积极构建活动的评价体系。以综合为特征,以实践为核心,以活动为载体,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,力争让综合实践活动更好地培养学生的英语应用能力。 二、时间安排 由于综合实践活动极具开放性,它需要打破传统的学校教学时间管理策略,因此本学期在综合实践活动课时的安排上,我们采用弹性课时制,课时集中使用与分散使用相结合,将每周3课时的综合实践活动时间根据需要灵活安排,当需要走出校门开展实地活动时,可以将综合实践活动时间与某学科打通使用,或者将几周的时间集中在一天使用。 三、实施策略 1、与学科教学相结合 每一门学科都不是孤立的,它们之间都互相渗透。在学科教学中,学生会由本学科生成许多具有研究价值的问题,这时,教师要具有敏锐的捕捉信息的能力,帮助学生提炼加

工使之成为综合实践活动的研究课题,每一个教师在教学中充分利用手中的教科书,并在教学中培养自己挖掘综合实践活动素材的意识,使学科教学深入、彻底,更使综合实践活动课题的选择具有广泛性。如结合英语阅读的教学可开展阅读英语报刊实践的教学活动;结合口语教学可开展英语角,英语辩论赛等活动,结合写作教学开展英语小说读后感,外贸信函写作等活动。各种研究采用室内与室外相结合、个体与群体相结合、小组与班级相结合等多种形式开展带有学科特色的综合实践活动。 2、与学生的生活实际相结合 生活,是学生学习的大舞台。学生在生活中运用英语,将会增强学生的英语语感,培养学生运用英语思维的能力,从而促进学生英语听,说,读写能力的全面发展,更好地提高教学质量,提高学生综合素质。 3、与社会相结合 现在的学生不再是只会读书的机器了,他们关心国家大事,关注社会的焦点问题。对一些公众现象,他们有自己独特的见解。我们主要通过开展英语报刊阅读课,指导他们采用具有个性化的方式展开深度探究,从而获得自己独创性的理解。这是综合实践活动的主旨所在。 4、与学校工作相结合 综合实践活动是一门课程,虽然没有固定的教材,但并


活动一:“生日快乐” 活动目的: 1.让学生学会如何描绘自己的生日。 2.学生能够互祝“生日快乐”。 3.相互之间增进友谊。 活动设计: 一、介绍词汇 教师在介绍和讲解重要词汇时,手指着每个月。 1、让学生翻开课本。 2、教师放录音,学生听并指着每个月。 3、教师再放一遍录音,学生听并重复。 二、对话 1、教师放录音,学生听并指着每个人。 ----When’s your birthday ? ----In March. 2、再放一遍录音,学生听并重复。 3、问学生的生日是几月,让学生回答。 4、让学生互问他们的生日。 三、活动 1、用“全部动作反应法”介绍指令。 2、教师放录音,学生听并指着每张生日的图。 1)Sing a song. 2) Blow out the candles. 3) Open your present . Shake it . Guess . Open it . 4) Eat birthday cake . 3、再放一遍录音,学生听并重复。 四、任务 月份与季节宾果游戏。

学生给每个图上色,并裁下卡片。学生把卡片打乱,排成一个4*4的格子。变化:学生可从有他们出生月份的正面朝下的卡片开始玩游戏。 五、让我们来唱歌 1、教师放录音,学生听。 Happy birthday ,Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you . What month is it ?July . How old are you ?Nine . Whose birthday is it ?Mine . All right . 2、教师放录音,学生跟着唱。 3、学生唱,把名字、生日、年龄都换成他们自己的。 生的名字… 六、课后作业 调查班内5名同学的生日,并填好下列表格:


Task 2 A contrary to implicit assertion look up adapted Sustain unbiased In the course of metaphor clutter B bolster credible impromptu sparingly anecdote Credentials testimony hypothetical paraphrase juxtaposition Task 3 Translation B.发言提纲是有效发言的基础。通过写发言提纲,你可以确保你的思想是相关联的,你的思路从一点谈到另一点,你的讲话结构是连贯的。通常,准备讲演你可以采用两种提纲方式:详细准备提纲和简单发言提纲。 在准备发言提纲中,应该写出你的特定目的及中心思想,并以连贯的方式确定主要观点和次要观点,发言提纲应该由简要的提要组成,这些提要在你讲话时能够给予你一些帮助。发言提纲还应该包括帮助你记忆的重点词或重点短语。在写发言提纲时,可采用准备提纲的模式,尽可能使你的发言提纲简要,同时,要确保提纲清晰,易于辨认。 C. 1. The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture. 2. In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3. An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice. 4. By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language more vivid and more attractive to your audience. 5. The proper examples you cite might help reinforce the impression on your listeners and make your viewpoints more convincing. 6. When you are speaking, you should choose common and easy words and at the same time avoid clutter in you speech. 7. When you write a paper, citing the views from some experts is a good way to make your ideas more credible. 8. A good method of delivering a speech will improve its quality and will help convey the speakers’ ideas clearly and interestingly. 9. You should mot blindly use a word that you are not sure about, and if you are not sure, look up the word in a dictionary. 10. Your language should adapt to the particular occasion and audience. If your language is appropriate in all respects, your speech is successful. D. Before you deliver an academic speech, you should, first of all, get well prepared for it. Then, you should make your major points clear in your speech, and your speech should be well organized. When speaking, you should not speak too fast, and your language should be exp licit. Don’t always read the notes you prepared beforehand. From time to time, you should look at your audience. On one hand, you can show your respect to your audience, and on the other hand, you will be able to go on with your speech more smoothly.


北京语言大学网络教育学院 《综合英语(Ⅲ)》模拟试题一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零分计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 I. Multiple Choice. (1 points for each, altogether 30 points) Directions: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 1. He made a to build a successful business on his own in this district. 2. I had to visit my grandmother last week, but unfortunately I had a bad cold and therefore couldn't go. 3. Bryce's Department Store its furniture department about a year ago. 4. Prof. Wayne came up with an idea in his lecture yesterday. 5. The medicine the doctor gave him his headache. 6. "Death control" to the efforts of scientists and doctors to save people's lives. 7. A small terrorist group has responsibility for the bombing in London. 8. Because I am her adviser, I think I tell her the news. 9. Our water supply was because of the pipe burst. 10. It will you _____ if she never speak to you again. 11. I tried to the note to him in the exam while the teacher wasn't looking. 12. You've my drink! 13. He tends to get when watching wrestling on TV. 14. a bit, or you'll make yourself ill. [A] disposal [B] hint [C] perspective [D] resolve [A] refused [B] saved [C] intended [D] managed [A] enlarged [B] was enlarged [C] has enlarged [D]has been enlarged [A] abetted [B] daunted [C] apportioned [D] proposed [A] freed [B] refreshed [C] released [D] relieved [A] means [B] refers [C] indicates [D] suggests [A] claimed [B] acclaimed [C] exclaimed [D] reclaimed [A] ought to [B] will to [C] should ought to [D] had ought to [A] cut down [B] cut off [C] cut away [D] cut up [A] serve…in [B] serve…right [C] serve…away [D] serve…great [A] take [B] slip [C] give [D] bring [A] knocked down [B] knocked together [C] knocked over [D] knocked up [A] carried back [B] carried through [C] carried off [D] carried away [A] Slow [B] Slow up [C] Slowly [D] Slovenly


英语综合实践活动案例(一) ——分组合作的英语实践活动 英语教学的最终目标是要发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。开展英语综合实践活动,促使学生运用所学英语知识去发现问题、处理问题和解决问题,使学生能通过多种渠道获取知识,增加他们的语言知识量,在用中学,在学中用。通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,让学生体验成功, 从而进一步激发学与的积极性,培养创新精神和实践能力。 1.背景介绍: 在学习an international food festival一课时,看到课文中的小主人公们为了帮aps(国际动物协会)筹钱而举办国际食品节,就是同学们自己学习制作各国食品,并在学校以食品节的形式卖出。在这一单元中,学生们在进行了整个festival过程的模拟表演后,纷纷提出也要搞一个类似的festival,所得的收入正好用来捐给贫困山区的同龄人。 二.活动方案 1.活动内容: (1)准备整理好出售商品及英语表达。(如:看过书报杂志、玩具手工艺品、学习用品等) (2)设计广告宣传。 (3)学习巩固所有商品名称、购物用语,以便在跳蚤市场的售货活动中熟练运用。2.活动目标: (1)了解所出售商品名称、特性的英语表达。 (2)熟练掌握运用有关购物的用语。 (3)感受与他人协作交流的乐趣。 (4)进一步明确学习英语的目的,增强英语运用能力,提高学习兴趣。 3.活动方式: (1)以5人小组为单位,组建自己的特色商店。 (2)用英语进行shopping活动,在规定时间内把自己的商品售出,以获得金额最大的小组为优胜。 4.预期成果:


综合英语一试题及答案 Ⅰ.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(30x1=30) 1. Children who are over-protected(过分保护的)by their parents may become___D__. a. hurt b.tamed c.destroyed d.spoiled:有宠坏,溺爱的意思 翻译:解析:句意为:“过分受父母保护的孩子可能会被惯坏”。hurt“指对身体或感情上的伤害”。destr oy“毁坏,消灭”。tame“驯服”。spoil“宠坏,惯确良坏”。spoiled 的过去分词形式也可看做是形容词“宠坏了的”。 解释: 1. hurt[英][h?:t][美][h?:rt] vt.损害; 使受伤; 使伤心; 使受皮肉之苦; vi.疼痛; 感到疼痛; 受痛苦; 有坏处,有害; n.伤害; 痛苦; adj.受伤的; 痛苦的; (受)损坏的; 2. tame[英][te?m][美][tem] adj.驯服的; 平淡的; 无精打采的; v.驯服; 抑制; 第三人称单数:tames过去分词:tamed最高级:tamest现在进行时:taming比较级:tamer过去式:tamed 易混淆单词:TameTAMeTAME 3.destroy[英][d??str??][美][d??str??] vt.杀死; 破坏,摧毁; 消灭,歼灭(敌人); 使失败; 第三人称单数:destroys过去分词:destroyed现在进行时:destroying过去式:destroyed 4.spoiled[英][sp??ld][美][sp??ld] adj.被宠坏的; 宠坏,溺爱 v.破坏; 损坏; 变质( spoil的过去式和过去分词); 毁掉; 2. I've been telling you__C___not to do that,but you neve listened to me.That's why you got into trouble. a.at times (有时) b.time before time (时间以前) c.time and again (无数次,屡次,一再; 迭次; 屡次三番; 几次三番;) d.for the time being(暂且; 权; 权时; )



小学英语综合实践活动 Lesson 1 We Love Animals 一、教学内容分析 本教案是《陕西旅游版小学英语》Book 1 Unit 4 We love animals 的词汇教学设计。根据教学的灵活性原则,为了学生操练句型时便于替换,我把此课时提前至第一课时来教。《PEP小学英语》体现了较强的交际教学思想,注重学生综合语言运用能力的培养。如果词汇教学的形式只停留在教师教读,学生跟读的形式上,学生就不能真正理解和记忆单词,所以本节教学设计的重点是把词汇放在能听、能看、能触摸的情景中去,将静态的文字变得生动起来,使学习内容“鲜活”起来,力争将教学内容内化到学生的认知结构中并通过表演等综合语言活动将其转化为一定的语言表达能力,从而体现把话题——功能——结构——任务结合起来的总思路。鉴于以上的分析,结合教学内容和学生实际,确定本课时的教学目标。 二、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1)能听说认读“四会”单词“cat, dog, duck, monkey, rabbit, cat, panda”。(2)能听懂指令,并根据指令做相应的动作。 2. 能力目标 (1)能在实际生活中运用英语表达熟悉和喜爱的动物。 (2)培养学生根据情景正确运用语言的能力。 3. 情感态度目标 (1)在活动中培养学生的协作精神。 (2)培养学生认真、积极、大胆的学习态度。 (3)培养学生爱护和保护动物的情感。 4、教学重点: A、能听说、认读一些常见的动物单词:monkey , dog, cat , duck , panda , rabbit. B、能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按指令模仿动物做出相应的动作。 5、教学难点: A、让学生正确掌握6个动物名称单词的正确发音。 B、能基本说出四个国家的国名及这些国家的代表性动物,了解我国的国宝----熊猫。 6.教学活动: 办一张主题为I Love Animals 的手抄报 A.认识动物。 B.查找灭绝的动物,倡议学生保护动物。 四、课前准备 有关教学课件,动物图片,小粘贴,磁带以及录音机 五、教学步骤 Step 1: Warm-up a. Sing a song: "Teddy Bear" 设计意图:课前唱英文歌曲,教师和学生一起演唱并配上相应的动作,用表情、动作、眼神和学生交流,使学生情绪兴奋,快速进入“角色”,全身心地准备学习的开始。 b. Free talk or do the actions.


积极开展英语课外活动营造校园英语文化氛围 白桑九年一贯制学校王清梅 【摘要】英语教学的特点之一是要使学生尽可能地从不同渠道、以不同形式接触和学习英语,亲身感受和直接体验语言及语言运用。因此,在英语教学中,除了合理有效地使用教科书以外,还应该积极利用其他课程资源,特别是开发课外活动资源,尽量为学生创设语言环境。同时,根据学生的年龄特点和兴趣爱好,积极开展各种课外活动有助于学生增长知识、开阔视野、发展智力和个性、展现才能。如果学校有组织、有步骤、有计划地开展生动活泼的课外活动,努力营造校园英语文化氛围,就能更有效地促进学生的英语学习。 【关键词】英语课外活动校园英语文化氛围发展 积极开发和合理利用课程资源是英语课程实施的重要组成部分。英语课程资源包括英语教材以及有利于发展学生综合语言运用能力的其他所有学习材料和辅助设施。英语教学的特点之一是要使学生尽可能多地从不同渠道、以不同形式接触和学习英语,亲身感受和直接体验语言及语言运用。因此,在英语教学中,除了合理有效地使用教科书以外,还应该积极利用其他课程资源,特别是开发课外活动资源,尽量为学生创设语言环境。因为学生学习语言,只靠老师在课堂上讲,是很难学好的,只有我们老师创造更多的机会让学生学习英语,有很多的语言输入,学生才可以习得语言,给学生提供了语境,学生才可以激发他们说英语的愿望。同时,根据学生的年龄特点和兴趣爱好,积极开展各种课外活动有助于学生增长知识、开阔视野、发展智力和个性、展现才能。如果学校有组织、有步骤、有计划地开展生动活泼的课外活动,努力营造校园英语文化氛围,就能更有效地促进学生的英语学习。 一、什么是校园英语文化氛围? 校园文化是社会的一种文化,是学校在自身的发展过程中有意无意形成的独特的文化形态。校园文化可分为:物质文化,如校园环境、教育场所、设备设施等。组织制度文化:组织的层次与形态、规章制度与角色规范等。课程活动文化。精神文化:有认知、情感、价值和理想成份。而英语文化氛围则是在形成具有本校英语特色的充满英语气氛的校园文化。 二、积极完善校内大环境,为英语活动的开展提供良好平台 学校在建设方面坚持着“以有限的空间创造无限的英语学习环境”的设计理念,于04学年,不断完善学校英语城、英语活动室和校内标语和班牌的建设。在每个细微地方,都尽显英语文化氛围。整个英语城的设计理念是一艘轮船,每一个舱都有它的主题,其中包括了展示学生的作品和介绍英语知识的3个橱窗;船的两边有很多救生圈,每个救生圈都描述了一个卡通人物。平时,学生看完救生圈中的人物后,想了解更多的这些人物的背景,可以通过


阅卷须知:阅卷用红色墨水笔书写,得分用阿拉伯数字写在每小题题号前,用正分表示,不得分则在题号前写0;大题得分登录在对应的题号前;统一命题的课程应集体阅卷,流水作业;阅卷后要进行复核,发现漏评、漏记或总分统计错误应及时更正;对评定分数或统分记录进行修改时,修改人必须签名。 Part Ι Vocabulary and structure (20%) Directions: Choose the one that best complete each of the following sentences. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. He looks rough, but he is __________very gentle and kind. A. in heart B. on heart C. at heart D. for heart 2. There are still many things to _________ before we can build this factory. First, there is the problem of money. Second, we must set up a team to run the factory. A. straighten out B. straight out C. straightened up D. straight up 3. "May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five o'clock tonight?" "I'm sorry. Mr. Williams ____ to a conference long before then." A. will have gone B. had gone C. would have gone D. has gone 4. I was so __________ the story that I forgot what time it was. 《 综合英语 》


英语综合实践课活动案例 策略一、自主动手制作英语画报,让英语长廊“动”起来。 为了布置美化各个班级教室的墙壁,我们定期组织学生更新英语长廊的内容,有时是全班的集体作品,有时是个人的心得体会;可以是文字,也可以是图片;可以是得意的英语习作,也可以是学到的一个新词;可以是剪辑他人的资料,也可以是自己总结出来的东西,更重要的是,我们鼓励孩子们在长廊里“说”心里话。动起来的英语长廊不仅给孩子们提供了随时随地学习的机会,更为他们提供了展示自己的机会。在这个活动中学生拥有充分的自主权,这让他们有了更大的积极性。 策略二、各种竞赛活动竟相登场,让英语周“活”起来,。 每学期我们学校都会开展英语实践周活动,举办各种竞赛活动,让学生张显自我。学生在初一时,老师就开始规范书写,为了培养初一学生良好的书写习惯,我们组织了学生进行《英文书法比赛》,利用活动课时间,以班级为单位组织学生集体参赛,缺一不可。收卷后由四个大组长组成的大赛委员会,按A、B、C三档分类,A类作品直接送给任课老师,由任课老师认真筛选,挑出更优秀的作品参加级部评选。最终把送上参赛的作品按A、B、C三档分类,A档作品计为10分,B档作品计为6分,C档作品计为3分,以总分成绩计算班级成绩,并且列入班级年底考核成绩。入选的A档作品还作为模范书写挂入学校宣传栏,以供其他学生学习参观。 通过组织学生参加学校的百词大赛和单词接龙比赛,与学生一起寻找各种记忆单词的方法,同时也扩大了他们的词汇量。为了迎战朗读和即兴演讲比赛,我们每次都是先在班级进行整体范围的筛选,让每个学生都参与进来,让他们每个人平时就有意识的进行口语练习,这在很大程度上提高了学生的口语水平。 这些活动有的是以个人为单位参加的,要求学生自主选题,自我挑战,以此来提升自我;有的是以班级为单位的,如英语辩论赛,不但需要学生个体拥有丰富的知识储蓄,快速的反应能力;更要求小组成员发挥团结合作意识,默契配合,在协作中共同完成任务。 策略三、筹建校园英语广播站,让英语学习氛围“浓”起来 首先,在初三年级各班选一名自身素质较高的英语爱好者,从中挑选出广播站的主持人和文字编辑。在电教室夏老师的帮助下,利用活动课时间完成校园广播的录音工作。周一至周五中午午休时间,利用校园广播,给学生播放英文歌曲、经典电影的原声对白,


专业英语试题一、词语翻译 1.Electromagnetic induction 电磁感应 2.Broadcasting 广播 3.发射机Transmitter 4.Encoder 编码器 5.光电阴极Photocathode 6.像素Pixel 7.Harmonic structure 谐波结构 8.多路器Mutiplexer 9.电离层Ionosphere 10.Deterministic 确定的 11.功率谱密度power clensity spectrum 12.信噪比signal-to-noise ratio 13.Demodulation 解调,检波14.Nonlinear 非线性的 15.V acuum-tube 真空(电子)管 16.Modulation coefficient 调制系数 17.Upper side frequency 上边频 18.调制信号modulation signal 19.直流电源DC power suply 20.Quadrature 正交 21.振荡器resonator 22.Inversion 倒置 23.差分difference 24.Cascade 串联,级联 25.Deemphasis 去加重 1.field-effect 场效应管 2.oscilloscope 示波器 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6716477255.html,rmation 信息,消息,情报 4.optical fiber 光纤 5. signal-to-noise 信噪比 6.bandwidth 基带 7.vocal tract 声带 8.bipolar 双极(线)的 9.decoder 解(译)码器 10.Fourier series 傅里叶级数 11.decibel 分贝 12.modulation 调制,调节 13.amplifier 放大器,扩音机 14. transformer 变压器 15.resonator 振荡器 16.prescribe 指示,规定17.difference差分,差别 18.frequency modulation调频 19.frequency divider分频器 20.viewpoint 观点 21.impurity杂质,混合物 22.nanometers纳米 23.packaging封装 24.very large integration 超大规模集成电路 25.digital signal processing数字信号处理 26. baseband 基带 27.binary二进制编码 28.mainframe 主机,大型机 29.electronic mail电子邮件 30.mobile telephone service移动电话业务 二、英译汉 1.A serial link is often used to attach a computer to a modem. 答案:串口通常用来将计算机和调制解调器连接起来。 2.In the data communications world, data generally are defined as information that is stored in digital form. 答案:在数据通信领域,数据通常定义成以数字形式存储的信息。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6716477255.html,rmation that has been processed, organized, and stored is called data. 答案:经过处理、组织和存储的信息成为数据。 4.Modern communication systems use digital modulation techniques. 答案:现代通信系统采用的是数字调制技术。
