

申请增加营业执照副本提交材料规范l 、法定代表人签署的申请增加营业执照副本申请(公司/企业加盖公章)


2 、《指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明》(公司/企业加盖公章)及指定代表或委托代理人的身份证复印件(本人签字);


3 、公司/企业营业执照副本复印件。




营业执照 翻译模板(签证申请)

Translation of the Business License of the Enterprise Legal Person Business License of the Enterprise Legal Person (Duplicate Copy) Registration No. 1234567890(1-1) Beijing ABCDE Co.,Ltd (seal) The Enterprise Name: Beijing ABCDE Co.,Ltd Address: No.123 Minzhu Road , Dongcheng District, Beijing City Legal Representative: Tom Green Registered Capital: RMB1,000,000yuan Paid-in capital: RMB1,000,000yuan Type of Enterprise: Company of limited liability(legal person) Scope of Business: Date of Establishment: 10 June 1999 Term of Operation: From 10 Jun 1999 to 9 June 2029 Notice 1.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations. 2.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duplicates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect. 3.The original of Business License of Enterprise Legal Person shall be laid up in an eye-catching place of the domicile. 4.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON shall not be forged, altered, let out, lent and assigned. 5.Any change in the registered items shall be registered with the company registration authority so as to replace the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON. 6.Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from March 1 through June 30. 7.No business activity relating to the liquidation may, after the revocation of the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON, be conducted . 8.To cancel its registration, the company shall have the original copy and duplicates of BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON returned. 9.Should BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON be lost or damaged, the company shall announce it invalid in the newspaper and periodical designated by the company registration authority, and shall apply for a reassurance. Date of annual examination is from March 1 to June 30. Please put in the documents before June 30. Administration of Industry & Commerce of Beijing(seal)15 May 2009


关于申请增加人员编制的请示范文 不少单位人员不足时会申请增加编制人员,那么,关于申请增加人员编制的请示不会写怎么办?那么,下面是我给大家整理的关于申请增加人员编制的请示范文,供大家参考。 关于申请增加人员编制的请示范文1 地区编制委员会: 地区安监局在地委、行署的正确领导下,地区安全生产工作取得了自治区人民政府的充分肯定,已连续6年获得自治区安全生产先进地区。但随着全国安全生产形势的发展,安全监督监管人员严重不足,地区安全生产工作压力日益具增,已无法满足当前安全生产监督监管工作的需要。 一是安全生产压力逐年加大,事故控制指标逐年减少,自治区人民政府下达的死亡控制指标由xxx4年的157人下降到今年的93人,下降41%。全地区车辆饱有量由xxx4年的5万辆上升到去年的.5万辆,上升150%。而随着哈密地区经济跨越式发展,工业企业迅速崛起,煤化工、煤电化基地、正负800超高压输变电等大企业进一步带动哈密经济的快速发展,特别是矿山、化工等资源能源型企业发展迅猛,有逐年增加的态势。加之地区非煤矿山、危险化学品企业点多面广线长,交通不便,特别是矿山企业地处戈壁深处,距市区都在100公里以上,最远的矿山达到350公里,到企业检查一次,往返需要2-3天时间。目前地区区域内有矿山、化工企业280余家,工业企业500余家,其中矿山企业比重大,约占全疆井工矿山的1/3,安全监管监察任务极为繁重,人员短缺的矛盾更加突现。 二是按照自治区安全生产责任书指标要求,要求各地州市新增安全生产协调与行业管理科、职业安全健康监督管理科。而我局三定方案新核定编制中也已增加了这两个科室。安全生产协调与行业管理科的工作基本上属于地区安委办的日常工作,也是我局最为繁重的一项重大工作。目前因人员不到位而不能正常运作。职业安全健康监督管理这项职责在xxx1年机构改革时由地区卫生局划转至我局,而人员没有调剂,迫使我局人员更加紧缺。以上两个科室因人员不到位而一直未能成立。 鉴于以上原因,我局人员编制在地区编委《关于印发哈密地区安全生产监


enterprise business license (template) 正本: ENTERPRISE BUSINESS LICENSE REGISTERED NO.: 110000450####### DATE OF ESTABLISHMENT: 9/03/2010 REGISTRATION AUTHORITY: BEIJING ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUDTRY AND COMMERCE DATE: 09/03/2019 No.1040936 COMPANY NAME:BEIJING ABC CO., LTD ADDRESS:ROOM##, FLOOR #, CHINA LIFE BUILDING, CHAOWAI STREET NO.16, CHAOYANG DISTRICT, BEIJING LEGAL REPRESATIVE: ##### REGISTERED CAPITAL 100,000dollar CAPTITAL PAID-IN: 0 dollar COMPANY TYPE: CORPORATE LIMITED (Taiwan HK MACAO enterprise) BUSINESS SCOPE Item per approval: none General item: Food and beverages consulting, social economic consulting, economic information consulting, economic trading consulting; company management consulting; investment consulting; Corporate Planning consulting; public relationship service. INVESTOR(S): THE RICCI GROUP LIMITED BUSINESS TERM: FROM 03/09/2010 TO 08/03/2040 副本: ENTERPRISE BUSINESS LICENSE (Duplicate) (2-1) REGISTERED NO. 110000450###### COMPANY NAME:ABC CONSULTING(BEIJING) CO.,LTD ADDRESS:ROOM #, FLOOR #, CHINA LIFE BUILDING, CHAOWAI STREET NO.16, CHAOYANG DISTRICT, BEIJING LEGAL REPRESATIVE: ##### REGISTERED CAPITAL 100,000DOLLAR CAPTITAL PAID-IN: 0 DOLLAR COMPANY TYPE: CORPORATE LIMITED (Taiwan HK MACAO enterprise) BUSINESS SCOPE: item per approval: none General item: Food and beverages consulting, social economic consulting, economic information consulting, economic trading consulting; company management consulting; investment


申请增加人员编制的请示 县国土资源局 关于请求增加人员编制的请示 县编委: 我局作为政府的工作部门,承担着全县土地、矿产资源管理地质灾害防治和国土资源执法监察等工作职能。近年来,我局紧紧围绕县委、县政府工作部署,以保增长、保红线为己任,先后为全县重点项目建设征收土地亩,争取农用地转用指标亩,组织招标拍卖挂牌出让国有建设用地宗,成交价款万元,争取土地项目资金万元,实现新增耕地亩,确保了全县耕地占补平衡目标的实现,为全县经济社会发展作出了突出贡献。xx年以来,中央提出实行最严格的土地管理制度和最严格的节约用地制度,近日省委常委会议专题研究国土资源等工作,提出要实行最严格的土地管理、耕地保护和节约用地制度。但汉政办发?xx?140号文件明确我局局机关行政编制11名,工勤编制1名,局属事业单位编制20名,现有人员编制已严重制约了各项工作的正常开展。为更好地履行国土资源部门保护资源、保障发展的双重职能,更好的服务于幸福进程,现就我局人员编制有关情况请示如下: 1、按照依法行政、审办分离的要求,请示将现有地籍地政股分设为地政股和地籍股,地政股编制2名,负责用地审批。地籍股(办证大厅)负责登记发证工作,申请为其增加机关编制5名。

2、汉政办发?xx?140号《关于印发< 县国土资源局主要职责、内设机构和人员编制规定>的通知》明确我局下属国土资源所总编制50名,其中 4 所编制均在5人以下,面对量大面广的国 - 1 - 土资源管理任务和严竣的土地卫片执法问责形势,现有编制既不利于经济发展,也不利于耕地保护。根据市人民政府《关于国土资源管理体制改革的实施意见》“国土资源所作为县区国土资源主管部门的派出机构,编制按辖区人口的万分之二确定”精神,xx年底我县共有人口305687人,总编制应为61人,请求为基层国土资源所增加编制11名。 3、县人民政府土地统征储备中心承担着土地统征、土地储备、拆迁安置和土地利用置换工作,负责本县规划区内国有土地使用权公开招标拍卖挂牌出让的组织实施工作;随着我县三化进程的加快,我县土地统征工作任务越来越重,同时,受5.12地震和7.18暴雨影响,我县地质灾害频繁发生,地质灾害防治任务非常艰巨,近年来我局为保证两项工作的正常开展,专门配备了工作用车2辆,然受编制制约两名司机均由系统干部兼职,目前两名司机均已年界50岁,为确保两项业务正常开展和行车安全,恳请新增工勤编制2名。 4、汉政办发?xx?140号明确我局领导职数5名(局长1名,党委书记1名,副局长2名,纪委书记1名)。而我局现有领导职数6名,申请增加领导职数1名。 以上请示妥否,请批示。 二O一一年十一月二十二日


Translation: Business License of the Enterprise Legal Person (Duplicate Copy) Registration No. XXXX The Enterprise Name: XXXXXXXXCo.,Ltd. Address:XXXX Village, XXXX Town, XXXX District, XXXX City Legal Representative: XXXXXXXX Registered Capital: RMB 600,000yuan Paid-in capital: RMB 600,000yuan Type of Enterprise: Company of limited liability(Natural investment or holding by Natural person) Scope of Business: XXXX XXXXXXXXCo.,Ltd.(Sealed) Date of Establishment: 30 April, 2002 Term of Operation: From 30 April, 2002 to 29 April, 2022 Notice 1.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations. 2.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duplicates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect. 3.The original of Business License of Enterprise Legal Person shall be laid up in an eye-catching place of the domicile. 4.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON shall not be forged, altered, let out, lent and assigned. 5.Any change in the registered items shall be registered with the company registration authority so as to replace the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON. 6.Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from March 1 through June 30. 7.No business activity relating to the liquidation may, after the revocation of the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON, be conducted . 8.To cancel its registration, the company shall have the original copy and duplicates of BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON returned. 9.Should BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON be lost or damaged, the company shall announce it invalid in the newspaper and periodical designated by the company registration authority, and shall apply for a reassurance. Annual Examination Administration of Industry & Commerce of Shanghai 2011 Annual examination (seal) 6 June 2012 Date of annual examination is from March 1 to June 30. Please put in the documents before June 30. XXXX Branch Administration of Industry & Commerce of XXXX (seal) 10 November, 20XX


企业法人营业执照翻译模板 2011-04-06 09:02 企业法人营业执照 BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON

须知Notice 1.《企业法人营业执照》是企业法人资格和合法经营的凭证。 1. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations. 2.《企业法人营业执照》分为正本和副本,正本和副本具有同等法律效力。 2. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duplicates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect. 3.《企业法人营业执照》正本应当至于住所的醒目位置。 3. The original of Business License of Enterprise Legal Person shall be laid up in an eye-catching place of the domicile. 4.《企业法人营业执照》不得伪造,涂改,出租,出借,转让。 4. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON shall not be forged, altered, let out, lent and assigned. 5. 登记事项发生变化,应当向公司登记机关变更登记,换领《企业法人营业执照》。 5. Any change in the registered items shall be registered with the company registration authority so as to replace the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON. 6. 每年三月一日至六月三十日,应当参加年度检验。 6. Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from March 1 through June 30. 7.《企业法人营业执照》被吊销后,不得开展与清算无关的经营活动。 7. No business activity relating to the liquidation may, after the revocation of the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON, be conducted .


BUSINESS LICENSE OF THE ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON ( DUPLICATE ) (1-1) Register Number: XXX Date of Set-up: Issued By: The Bureau of XXXXXX Industrial and Commercial Administration XXXXXX Branch (seal) Date: The Enterprise Name: Address: Legal Representative: Capital Amount: Economic Type: Scope of Business: Main Business: Operation Type: Operation Period:

ANNUAL EXAMINATION OF ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON According to "The People's Republic of China Enterprise Legal Person Registration Regulations," the relevant provisions of the enterprise legal person shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. A registered company registered in the competent authority for approval to collect a "Business License" means to obtain legal personality. Enterprise Legal Person With a "Business License" can be engraved seals, open a bank account, signed a contract to carry out business activities. 2. Enterprise legal person shall be registered within the approved business scope engaging in business activities. 3 Enterprise legal person to change the name, residence, business premises, legal representative, of an economic nature, scope, mode of operation, registered capital, operating period, and the addition or revocation of branches, the competent authority shall apply for registration of change of registration. 4 Enterprise legal separation, consolidation, migration, the competent authority shall apply for registration of change of registration, open registration or cancellation of registration. 5 Out of business enterprise legal person has been revoked, declared bankrupt or for other reasons the termination of business, the competent authority shall apply for registration of cancellation of registration. 6 Enterprise legal person receiving "enterprise legal person business license," after the expiry of six months or the cessation of business activities have not yet carried out a full year of operations as if they go out of business, the registration authorities shall be confiscated "enterprise legal person business license" and its copies and official seal. 7 Enterprise legal person registration of each of the competent authority should be required to submit annual report, balance sheet or the balance sheet, handling an annual inspection. 8 Registration issued by the competent authority "enterprise legal person business license" is the enterprise legal documents, in addition to the registration authorities in accordance with legal procedures may be withheld or revoked, the other of any unit or individual shall not be confiscated, seized and destroyed. "Business License" and its copy shall not counterfeit, alter, lease, lend, transfer, sell, and unauthorized copying.


申请增加人员编制的请示 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:关于申请增加工作人员的报告 关于申请增加工作人员编制的报告索引号:AAO-010-02-00-03-000-2010-0xx 信息名称:关于申请增加工作人员编制的报告文号:发布日期:2006/3/23 时限:内容概述:关于申请增加工作人员编制的报告发布单位:规划局关于申请增加工作人员编制的报告市机构编制委员会:根据x 政办发〔2001〕143 号文“关于印发市规划局职能配置内设机构和人员编制规定的通知”要求,我局于2001 年底正式成立。截止目前,我局内设9 个职能科室,6 个局属事业单位,两个规划分局。局机关现有公务员27 名。通过近五年的工作实践,并参

照其他省会城市规划局人员编制情况,我们认为现有人员与编制已不适应我市的城市规划运行机制:一、机关内无具有本局工作身份的财务、人事、秘书工作人员。现有 2 名财务工作人员,1 名人事工作人员,2 名秘书均属借调工作,其身份与工作岗位不相符合。二、按照x 机编发〔2003〕30 号文“关于在x 和浩特经济技术开发区、x 桥经济技术开发区设置规划分局的批复”意见,我局于2003 年7 月组建了“x 和浩特经济技术开发区规划分局”和“x 和浩特x 桥经济技术开发区规划分局”,并进驻两个开发区履行规划管理和审批职能。由于批复中未核定人员编制,两个分局现借调工作人员12 名,不具备承担行政许可的资格。三、为了规范人事管理、明晰权责,杜绝人岗分离,编制与职责不统一等弊端,提高工作效率,特申请:1、增加财务工作人员编制 2 名,人事教育工作人员编制 1 名,党务秘书、行政秘书编制各 1 名,合计增加工作人员

营业执照副本 中英文对照

Business License For Enterprise as Legal Person (Duplicate) Reg. No.: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Company Name Domicile Name of Legal Representative Reg. Capital Paid-in Capital Corp. Type Business Scope XXXXXXXX RMB 1,000,000 Yuan RMB 1,000,000 Yuan Limited Liability Company(invested or held by natural person) General management project: General management project:Establishment Date: Operating Period: NOTES 1.Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person is the certificate for an enterprise to get the legal business corporation qualification and lawful operation. 2.Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person has ORIGIOANL and DUPLICA TE versions with equal legal effect. 3.The ORIGIONAL should be placed at an outstanding position at the legal person’s domicile. 4.Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person should not be fabricated, altered, leased, borrowed or transferred. 5.Should any item change, the corporation should apply to the original registration au thority for alternation of registration and change Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person. 6.From March 1 to June 30, the corporation should take annual examination on the business corporation. 7.In case Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person is revoked, the corporation should not engage in any operating activities except liquidation 8.The Business License for Enterprise as Legal Person (ORIGINAL AND DUPLICA TE) should be returned back to the original registration authority when being Cancelled of Registration. 9.In case of loss or damaged, the corporation shall declare the invalidation of the lost license in newspaper designated by original registration authority and apply for a new one. XXXXXX File No.: XXXXXXXX


BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON (Duplicate) Registration No.XXXXXXXXXXX Name of enterprise: XXXXXXXXXXXX Address: XXXXXX Legal representative:XXXXXXXX Registered capital: XXXXXXXXXX Paid-up capital: XXXXXXXXXX Type of business:XXXXXXXXXXX Scope of business: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Date of establishment: Duration of operation: Notices 1. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations. 2. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duplicates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect. 3. The original of Business License of Enterprise Legal Person shall be laid up in an eye-catching place of the domicile. 4. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON shall not be forged, altered, let out, lent and assigned. 5. Any change in the registered items shall be registered with the company registration authority so as to replace the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON. 6. Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from Mar. 1 through Jun.30. 7. No business activity relating to the liquidation may, after the revocation of the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON, be conducted . 8. To cancel its registration, the company shall have the original copy and duplicates of BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON returned. 9. Should BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON be lost or damaged, the company shall announce it invalid in the newspaper and periodical designated by the company registration authority, and shall apply for an reassurance. Annual Review of the Enterprise Please submission the enterprise registration materials of annual examination before Jun. 30th,without any further notice. XXXXX Administration for Industry and Commerce (sealed) Oct. 21, 2011


Corporate Entity Business License (Duplicate) (1/1) Serial No.: 320902000200904210279S Registration No: 320902000087498 Name:Yancheng Xiangshan Garden Co., Ltd. Business Residence: No.3 Wubu Road, Bufeng Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng City (15) Legal Representative: Lu Zhujun Registered Capital: CNY 2, 000, 000.00 Paid-in Capital: CNY 2, 000, 000.00 Business Type: Limited Liability Company (natural person) Business Scope: Approved Business Items: None. General Business Items: Landscape engineering design, construction; Earthwork and stonework construction; Trees, lawn and flowers planting and sale. Date of Establishment: April 21, 2009 Business Period: From April 21, 2009 To April 20, 2029 NOTE 1.Juridical Person Business License is a certificate certifying that the enterprise has Juridical Person qualification and may legally run its business. 2.Juridical Person Business License has original and duplicate, which are of the same legal effect. 3.The original license should be placed at a notable place at the residence of the corporation. 4.This license cannot be forged, altered, rented, lent or transferred. 5.Any change of the registered item should be reported and altered to the registration organ. 6.Annual inspection of the enterprise will be done by the registration organ from March 1st to June 30th each year. 7.After withdrawal of the license, no business other than liquidation may be done. 8.When the enterprise cancels its registration, the original or duplicates of business license should be returned. 9.Any loss or damage of the Business license should be declared on the newspaper designated by the company registration institute, and a renewed copy may be applied for. Enterprise Annual Inspection Year 2009 inspection passed Yancheng Administration for Industry and Commerce, Tinghu Branch (seal) April 21, 2009


相关格式: ***领导: (第一段提出理由)我单位(或部门)目前......(主要说明你单位的实际情况,如:工作、生产存在的难度、造成人员紧缺的现状。即提出增加人员的理由和紧迫感.....话语要真实、理由要充分,让领导看后也认为应该增加人员) (第二段说明增加人员的必要性)简单明了......不要啰嗦 最后:提出以上请求当否,请领导批示......然后是年月日......就可以了 (篇一) 县政府: **年国土资源管理体制改革后,核定国土资源局机关编制共13名,其中:行政编制10名,后勤事业编制3名。局机关内设5个股室:办公室、矿产资源管理股、资源补偿费征收股、地籍规划测绘股、耕地保护和利用股。 国土资源执法监察大队为副科级事业单位(依照公务员管理),隶属县国土资源局,核定编制9名,其中:领导职数1名,事业编制7名,工勤编制1名。实有人数11名。 随着我局业务量的不断增加,工作人员紧缺,现请求调入秘书1名,监察专干1名(监察大队),工勤岗位2名(其中局机关司机1名、监察大队司机1名)。 以上请示妥否,请批示。 (篇二) 尊敬的总公司领导: **职业技术培训学校按编制配备了行政编制人员6人(其中主任一人,下属教务一人,办公室一人,招生一人,财务一人,及出纳一名)。在7个分公司中,我公司的人员配备,无论是领导总数还是人员总数都是最少的。随着培训工作的逐步细化和发展,在新形势学生培训出现了许多新情况、新问题,职校的培训工作;学生问题;学生报考处理;考点准备、执行及后续等任务相当繁重。因此,我职校人员少任务重的矛盾十分突出,已经难以适应职校工作发展的需要。为了切实加强职校的工作,进一步发挥职校的桥梁、纽带作用,恳请区编委能考虑职校的实际困难,增加一名工作人员。妥否,请批示。 **职业培训学校 年10月27日 (篇三) 公司领导: 根据《会计法》和《内部控制制度》的要求,结合公司财务管理制度,按照企业对财务岗位的具体要求,财务部门需要基本设置以下岗位人员:财务机构负责人、出纳、材料稽核、往来核算、固定资产核算、成本利润费用等,出纳人员不得兼管稽核、会计档案保管和收入、费用、债权债务账目的登记工作。 另外,按现代公司财务发展的要求需要编制财务决算和预算,各种专项财务预测和分析,也需要有专人负责核算。 公司财务部门目前财务人员仅有**人,为了健全企业财务制度,加强财务管理,特请示公司领导增加财务人员*?名。 妥否,请批示。 **财务部 (篇四) 公司领导: 随着公司项目进度的推进,业务量的增加,现有的人员无法满足公司正常管理的需求,人力资源部对各部门现有的在职人员情况进行了汇总,对现有岗位人员进行分析,为了能够满足
