


I. Put the following Chinese into English(汉译英,20分)

1.cash discount


3.unit price

4.repeat order

5.immediate shipment / prompt shipment

II、Put the following English into Chinese(英译汉,20分)






III、Reading Comprehension.(共60分)

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. A 10. B


1:— I wonder whether I could accept this discount or not. 答案:Why not consult with your manager? 2:— It’s nice to meet you in my office. 答案: I am here today to discuss the trademark transfer with you. 3:— We are planning to register the trademark of Red Dragon for your new product. 答案:I suggest that you should give it up. 4:— We think $55,000 would be reasonable for transferring our trademark. 答案:Oh, my goodness. 5:— What’s the purpose of your visit today? 答案:I’m intending to ask for your advice on brand design. 6:The question 答案:whether we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team. 7:Do you think you could cut it 答案:by 30%? 8:Few people realized the value of a brand, 答案:did they ? 9:For Europeans, red can 答案:stand for danger. 10:I’ve learned 答案:something new 11:It is a fact 答案:that today. his wife, Josephine Dickson, always had some minor accidents. 12:Many companies spend a lot of money and time 答案:registering their trademarks. 13:We’ll let your know when we 答案:make a decision. 14:You are planning to export this product to Europe, ______? 答案:aren’t you 15:You won’t choose this brand name, 答案:will you ? 二、翻译:从以下 A、B、C 三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。 1. I am very sorry for coming late, but something urgent came up at the last minute.{A; B; C} 答案:子问题1:B; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:C 二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 1. Why did John pay a visit to Miller?{A; B; C} 答案:子问题1:C; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:C; 子问题5:A 二、完形填空:阅读下面短文,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入空白处的恰当选项。 When you go shopping and want to buy some clothes,you should think about which kind of 答案:子问题1:A; 子问题2:B; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:C; 子问题5:A 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Earle Dickson worked for a company manufacturing gauze and tape called Johnson & 子问题1:B; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:A 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为 T,错误为 F。 Brand refers to names, logos and slogans. For example, Nike is known for its slogan _Just do it_ 答案:子问题1:F; 子问题2:T; 子问题3:F; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:F


高级商务英语 (BEC)考试历年真题 BEC商务英语高级考试历年真题 (1) The Negotiating Table You can negotiate virtually anything. Projects, resources, expectations and deadlines are all outcomes of negotiation. Some people negotiate deals for a living. Dr Herb Cohen is one of these professional talkers, called in by companies to negotiate on their??behalf . He approaches the art of negotiation as a game because, as he is usually negotiating for somebody else, he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation. He is working in a competitive field and needs to avoid being too adversarial. Whether he succeeds or not, it is important to him to make a good impression so that people will recommend him. The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly what you want from each other. More often than not, one party will be trying to persuade the other round to their point of view. Negotiation requires two people at the end saying ‘yes”. This can be a problem because one of them usually begins by saying “no”. However, although this can make talks more difficult, this is often just a starting point in the negotiation game. Top management may well reject the idea initially because it is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not interested. It is a misconception that skilled negotiators are smooth operators in smart suits. Dr Cohen says that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the other side can relate to you. Pitch your look to suit your customer. You do not need to makethem feel better than you but, For example, dressing in a style that is not overtly expensive or successful will make you more approachable. People will generally feel more comfortable with somebody who appears to be like them rather than superior to them. They may not like you but they will feel they can trust you. Dr Cohensuggests that the best way to sell your proposal is by getting into the world of the other side. Ask questions rather than give answers and take an interest in what the other person is saying, even if you think what they are saying is silly. You do not need to becometheir best friends but being too clever will alienate them. A lot of deals are made on impressions. Do not rush what you are saying---put a few hesitations in , do not try to blind them with your verbal dexterity. Also, you should repeat back to them what they have said to show you take them seriously.


国家开放大学《商务英语3》形考任务(单元测试1)参考 答案 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 1、—Why did you choose our company? —__________________________ A. Please speak up a little bit. B. I'm afraid I can't understand you. C. Sorry, I didn't catch that. Would you say it again? 2、—Can you show me the schedule? —__________________________. A. You won't miss the plane B. Sure, a tight schedule as usual C. Don't worry. I can help you with that 3、I was __________ devising sales strategies and targets for the West Region. A. responsible with B. responsible for C. responsible in 4、The following hints may help you stay energized, or at least ___________ until you can make the time for rest. A. get you going

B. get you go C. get you gone 5、I led and _________a sales team of 20 people. A. suggested B. motivated C. moved 6、Good manners may be varied ________cultural backgrounds. A. since B. because C. due to 7、Is ________ possible to take a 10-minute break during the meeting tomorrow morning? A. now B. that C. it 8、—You need to pay a visit to our important customers from Chamberlain Automation Systems Company in Washington. —_____________________________ A. Sorry, can you repeat the name of the company? B. Can't you repeat the name of the company? C. What's the name of the company? 9、—Morning, Maggie. Could you talk briefly about your career

商务英语1 单元自测4 答案

一、选择填空:阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 题目1 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目 题干 — Good morning. Far East Logistics Company. This is Lin Hanxue. May I help you? —. 选择一项: A. Good morning, Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speaking. B. Good morning, Ms. Lin. Nice to meet you. C. No, thank you. 反馈 你的回答正确 题目2 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目

题干 — Mr. Taylor, nice to see you again. Welcome to our company. — 选择一项: A. Hello, my name is John Taylor, but just call me John. B. This is John Taylor. C. Thank you, Ms. Lin. I’ve come to see your packing for our woolen gloves. 反馈 你的回答正确 题目3 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目 题干 — When can you effect shipment? I’m worried about late shipment. — 选择一项: A. About in June. B. The shipment won’t be late.


高级商务英语知识点总结(总复习) retire 在上午英语中也有付清(本息)、赎回(票据)的意思。 eg: retire a bill 赎回票据retire documents 赎单 retires stock 已收回注销的股票 retirement 在商务英语中有退股,(固定资产)报废的意思 eg: retirement of a partner 退伙retirement od assets 资产报废retirement of stock 股票回收retirement price 报废价格 join v. 加入,成为...的一员join the company apply for 申请,求职于apply to 向...申请 pay sb. 100 dollars a day/week be /get paid weekly(wage--blue collar)/monthly(salary--white collar) pay after tax 税后支付 PAYE(pay-as-you-earn) 所得税预扣法 pay-as-you-go 账单到期即付pay envelope(pocket)工资袋 pay off 结清解雇pay off period 资本回收期lay off 解雇(基于经济形势) stop employing sb. because there is no work for them to do dismiss 解雇(基于员工表现) to remove sb. from their job lay off rate 解雇率--separation rate leave a job/company 离职 change在商务英语中海油兑换的意思 change in tax rates 税率变更 changes in gold and foreign exchange reserves黄金及外汇储备的增减 change fund 兑换备用金 recruit from 从...招募员工employ sb.as ... employ sb. to do sth. extremely /highly/fairly flexible flexible budget 弹性预算fixed budget 固定预算 flexible exchange rate system 浮动汇率制flexible currency 弹性通货flexible rate 可变利率temporary account 临时账户 temporary budget 临时预算temporary payment 暂付款项 have /take a day off 请一天假


最新国家开放大学电大《商务英语基础(1)》教学考一体化网考形考作业试题及答案 100%通过 2016年秋期电大把《商务英语基础(1)》纳入到“教学考一体化”平台进行网考,针对这个平台,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的题库,内容包含了单选题、判断题,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。 一单选题 1. Can I ____a message or would you like to ring him on his mobile phone? (5.00分) A. make B. leave C. have D. take 2. The engineer recommended________ (5.00分) A. when we look at this question. B. that values his new ideas. C. that the process can be made simpler. D. which is the Mark 2 project. 3. Shall we get straight ________to business? (5.00分) A. in B. down C. over D. for 4. We’ll do our _____to make your visit worthwhile.(5.00分) A. best B. much C. most D. worst 5.We very much appreciate your efforts________(5.00分) A. our production costs must be no more than 15 percent. B. has done damage to our reputation C. to negotiate with you D. to make this product possible 6.Because we can’t find a compromise________(5.00分)A. we’ve ever given before. B. but I got nothing out of it. C. and there are two hundred and sixteen thousand employees worldwide. D. I am afraid we can go no further. 7. I have the authority________(5.00分) A. to negotiate with you B. has done damage to our reputation C. to make this product possible D. what seemed an impossible problem 8.Could you come______ to the development workshop for a second?(5.00分) A. up B. on C. down D. over 9. Could you _________the times of flights to Atlanta and reserve me a seat? (5.00分) A. find through B. find C. find over D. find out 10.The company really needs the fax machine by tomorrow________(5.00分) A. we’ve ever given before. B. but I got nothing out of it. C. or it will have to look elsewhere. D. I am afraid we can go no further. 11. I have a small token of our gratitude________ (5.00分) A. that the process can be made simpler. B. when we look at this question. C. which is the Mark 2 project. D. which I would like you to have. 12.I wonder __________you could check Mr. Sakai’s European itinerary.(5.00分)


Unit l:The Empire Strikes back 1. "When you want to create a climate and culture of hyper-growth, you really need to live and breathe emerging markets.” When you want to create a climate or culture of a super fast growing organization, you really need to come to emerging markets and feel in person what it is like living and working there. 2. which brings together all of Big Blue's operations outside North America and western Europe, which brings all of IBM's operations (units) outside North America and western Europe under its leadership. 3. Latin America now reports to Shanghai. now under the leadership of Shanghai. 4. based on the right cost, the right skills and the right business environment if the cost is relatively low, the skills are up to standard, and the business environment is favorable 5. horizontally and globally It can pool all human resources of IBM and allocate them in an optimal way among business units across the world? 6. Why IBM relatively painless sell PC department? When Lenovo, a Chinese PC company, acquired the business division of IBM, a global giant of the USA, there was no loss of face or national disgrace involved in this because it was considered nothing but an exchange of commodities? 7. hot labour markets in emerging markets are causing extremely high turnover rates. the booming labour markets in emerging markets are causing fast flow of talents from one firm to another. 8.IBM reckons that its global reach gives it an edge in recruitment and retention over local rivals. its global expansion helps it maintain a competitive advantage over local competitors in terms of the talents it hires and the longer time it keeps the talents 9?thanks to an infrastructure boom that promises to span everything due to fast growth in the infrastructure construction business, which is estimated to cover every possible project from..? lO.There is still a striking lack of executives from emerging markets at the top of developed-country multinationals There are still very few local executives who can climb to the top management of developed-co un try multi nationals. 11 ?the breadth and depth of management talent breath=varied and divers讦ied management talents depth=experieneed and seasoned management talents


1:— Hello, Sally. What’s the matter with you? You look worried. 答案:What shall I do if a customer doesn’t pay up on the due date? 2:— Sally, could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working. 答案:Sure, why do you need it? 3:— The senior managers need the results from last month straight away, so I can’t stop 答案:Ok, see you later. 4:— What if he still doesn't pay up? 答案:If it's a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we… 5:— You need to work with other colleagues to look after that. 答案:Thanks.I’m grateful for your suggestions. 6: 答案:It 7: is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those your check is received within a week we shall have no alternative. 答案:Unless 8:A week ago, I sent him a statement 答案:showing the amount overdue. 9:After that, we have to post 答案:a series of letters. 10:Don’t worry so much -- 答案:worrying is my job! 11:For larger sums we take legal steps to 答案:recover the money. 12:He didn’t seem to 答案:take any actions. 13:I have to 答案:work out the profit from last month. 14:Those numbers come to mean the world to you 答案:because they give you the record of how 15:We are usually very prompt 答案:in settling your accounts. 二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容进行判断,正确为 T,错误为 F。 1. Lily’s calculator is not working.{T; F} 答案:子问题1:F; 子问题2:T; 子问题3:F; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:T 二、完形填空:阅读下面短文,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入空白处的恰当选项。 PURPOSE OF ACCOUNTING 答案:子问题1:B; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:C; 子问题5:A 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 ACCOUNTING IS MORE THAN NUMBERS 答案:子问题1:A; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:C 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。 Dear Sirs,_ 答案:子问题1:C; 子问题2:E; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:D; 子问题5:B

高级商务英语1,UNIT 4 翻译

When Steve Jobs walked on to the stage at San Francisco?s Yerba Buena Center in January, it capped the most remarkable comeback in modern business history. 今年1月,史蒂夫?乔布斯(Steve Jobs)走上旧金山芳草地艺术中心(Yerba Buena Center)的舞台发布iPad,完成了现代商业史上最引人注目的一次复出。 It wasn?t simply a matter of the illness that had sidelined him for half the year before, leaving him severely emaciated and eventually requiring a liver transplant. Little more than a decade earlier, both Mr Jobs? career and Apple, the company he had co-founded, were widely considered washed up, their relevance to the future of technology written off both in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street. 这不仅仅关乎半年前迫使他退居幕后的疾病。病魔一度令乔布斯严重消瘦,最终不得不进行肝脏移植手术。而就在十多年前,几乎所有人认为乔布斯的事业及其共同创立的苹果公司(Apple)已经走上绝路。硅谷和华尔街都断定,它们已经与科技的未来无缘。 By the start of this year, however, the rebound was complete. The level of anticipation whipped up in advance of the January event was unusual even by Mr Jobs? own, impressive standards. 然而,到了今年初,苹果已然重生。在1月份的发布会之前,即使是按照乔布斯自己的苛刻标准衡量,外界对苹果的期望程度也是异乎寻常的。 Critics often talk disparagingly of the “reality distortion field” generated by the Apple boss: his ability to convince onlookers that technologies that would seem unformed in other hands have reached a peak of perfection at Apple. Generating this suspension of disbelief is essential to stirring up demand for gadgets most consumers had no idea they needed, and is an art form of which Mr Jobs has long been the acknowledged master. 批评者总是用贬抑的口吻谈论乔布斯创造的“现实扭曲场”:他能让观众信服,那些在其他厂商手中似乎尚未成形的技术已经被苹果完美地应用。为了激起消费者购买他们自己也不知道是否真正需要的电子产品的欲望,打消他们的疑虑极其关键,而乔布斯则早就被公认为这种艺术形式的大师。 Speculation had been building in the tech world for months about what was rumoured to be Apple?s latest ground-breaking product. A touch-screen computer without a keyboard, it might even rival the impact of the iPod, introduced in 2001, and the iPhone, in 2007. In the event, the iPad that Mr Jobs carried on to the stage with him that day did not disappoint. 在iPad发布之前的数月内,科技界对苹果这款最新的突破性产品猜测纷纷。据传它是没有键盘的触摸屏电脑,甚至可以媲美2001年的iPod和2007年的iPhone带来的影响。在1月份的发布会上,乔布斯带上台的iPad 没有让人们失望。 A rebuttal of F. Scott Fitzgerald?s much-quoted aphorism that there are no 对于F?斯科特?菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)广为流传的名言(美国人的生命


Unit5 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分)1、— May I suggest the sales start on or about October 1? — .A. What do you mean? B. Isn't it a very new idea here in this city? C. Great. We can start to prepare for the big event. 答案:C 解析:本题考核“提出建议”和“表达赞同”的交际用语。提出建议的时候,可以使用may I suggest, you had better, why don't you等;表达赞同可以说I agree with you, great,you said it,it's a good idea,great…等,所以答案是C。2、— What kind of music are you going to have in the background? — Light ones. . A. I have a totally different idea. B. It makes the audience feel comfortable. C. I think we can run billboard advertising. 答案:B解析:本题考核“what 提问的细节提问”的交际用语,需要直截了当有针对性地给予回应。题干中,给出了 Light ones, 表示“轻音乐”。三个选项只有选项B(它给人以舒适的感觉)符合语境,所以答案是B。 3、They have signed the _______ to export textiles. A. content B. contract C. contact 答案:B 解析:名词content意为“内容”;contract意为“合同”,contact 意为“接触”。句子的谓语动词是sign“签订”,宾语应为“合同”,所以答案是B。 4、We will _____ an order with your company for digital cameras. A. reserve B. book C. place 答案:C 解析:本题考查动词place与order的搭配。reserve意为“预定(桌子)”,如reserve a table 订桌子;book 意为“预定”(票),如book a ticket 订票;place an order 是个固定搭配,意为“订购,下单”;故选择C。 5、We usually keep a large supply _______ stock. A. at B. on C. in 答案:A 解析:介词短语in stock是个固定搭配,意为“有现货”;选项B和C是错误搭配,所以答案是A。 二、阅读理解(每题10分) 阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容判断文章后的句子是正确(T)还是错误(F)。 There are eight traditional functions of marketing:


1:— 答案:Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in other banks? 2:— — It arrives by mail, I suppose. 答案:How does your remittance come? — Besides Bank of China, you can get the money exchanged in Industrial and 3:— Can I exchange foreign currency in Bank of China? 答案:Yes, you can. Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank. 4:— How long does the remittance take from New York? 答案:I ’m not sure. It depends on the mode your partner chose. 5:— — Today ’s rate is listed on the board here. 答案:What ’s the exchange rate today? 6:18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins 答案:since 7:I ’ll the remittance for you in our records. 答案:check up 8:I ’ll get your RMB for you while you ’re 答案:filling out these forms. 9:If you want to pay 答案:for 10:The question 答案:whether 11:This is a real bank 答案:which something in another currency, you have to change your money we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team. is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old. 12:This story is about some American students 答案:who 13:We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can 答案:convert learnt business skills by operating their 17 kinds of currencies into 14:We ’re sorry to tell you that your remittance 答案:hasn ’t arrived yet. 15:Wherever you go, exchanging money 答案:puts you in touch with international finance. 二、翻译:从以下 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。 1. Precious metals such as gold and silver have been used as money.{A; B; C} 答案:子问题 1:B; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:B 二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容填入相应的句子或短语。 1. Remittance is the common way of {A; B; C; D; E}. 答案:子问题 1:D; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:E; 子问题 5:B 二、完形填空:阅读下面短文,从 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出能填入空白处的恰当选项。 All children want to have pocket money. Why do their parents just give them a certain 答案:子问题 1:B; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:C; 子问题 5:B 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 American students learn business skills in school. Here is a story about some American 答案:子问题 1:C; 子问题 2:B; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:C; 子问题 5:B 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为 T ,错误为 F 。 Beads, stones, seashells, paper, precious metals such as gold and silver, base metals such as 答案:子问题 1:F; 子问题 2:F; 子问题 3:T; 子问题 4:F; 子问题 5:T
