

Cut wheel fracture problems and maintenance costs

Jorg Villmann looks at the problems of wheel fracture and the development of new designs to reduce failure problems and maintenance costs.

In the late 1960s and 1970s axel loads and speeds of railway vehicles increased rapidly. This led to higher thermal an mechanical loads of the wheels. Tiered wheels showed loose types after strong heating during runs on mountainous lines or following to brake irregularities. Maintenance costs for type changing increased more and more.

In order to solve these problems solid wheels were introduced. The most common used wheel type was the so-called ORE wheel developed by the European railways under the roof of the ORE (today European Rail Research Institute ERRI) as the research institute of the UIC (International Union of Railways).

Following the extended use of solid wheels in connection with a block brake, the unforeseen problem of wheel fracture occurred. Investigation of failured wheels showed that two principal forms of wheel fracture occurred - radial fracture from the wheel rim straight through the web down to the hub or beginning in the rim, running straight in to the web and shared in two branches. It was also found that the fracture was initiated from

half-elliptical or fourth-elliptical fatigue cracks, which started on the tread, around the chamfer or due to sharp notches from clamping devices of reprofiling lathes.

Detailed investigation showed that all failured wheels were thermally damaged and had high residual tensile stresses in the rim of about 300 MPa. Though the number of failed wheels was relatively small each failure could lead to devastating consequences. Therefore intensive research work was carriued out to improve this situation.

Research programme

The European Rail Research Institute (ERRI), which is part of the UIC, was selected to lead the project work. The committee responsible for the work was the B 169 specialists committee. Three major problems were considered work programme :

* Monitoring of the wheels in service.

* Improvement of material characteristics.

* Improvement of the residual stress level and the displacement behaviour .

With the first problem it was important to summarise the experience of the different railways and to get more detailed knowledge of the condition of the wheels in service. These investigations confirmed the results concerning the residual stresses. Approximately 10 per cent of the wheels had residual stresses of about 300 MPa. On the other hand, the fracture toughness KIC or KQ of the wheels investigated was between 40 and 70 MPa. From fracture mechanics calculation it could be concluded that approximately 10 per cent of the wheels had a potential risk of failure . The analysis also brought up some cases of fatigue cracks in the wheel web and many cases of unacceptable lateral displacements of the wheel rim leading to high maintenance costs.

Therefore the first step was to set-up rules for monitoring of the wheels in service including acceptance criteria. The B169 specialists committee developed four

characteristics for visual inspection to identify potential wheels thermally overloaded . Criteria for the assessment of the wheels undergoing maintenance were also defined. Wheels with thermal damages must undergo residual stress measuring and, if required, crack detection. The whole procedure is defined in 4. Following to the implementation of the in-service rules and the continuous monitoring an essential reduction of wheel fracture was reached in Europe.

In order to be independent from detailed maintenance rules and in-service monitoring, research then focused on the improvement of the wheel material. The results can be summarized as follows5:

* Normally no KIC values were found, that are KQ values.

* KQ is suitable to describe the material characteristics,.

* KQ between 70 and 85 MPa is achievable for steel grade R7T.

The third step focused on the reduction of the residual tensile stress level in the rim and on the lateral displacement of the rim. In this regard the shape of the wheel web is essential. Therefore different proposals were developed by the wheel producers and were tested under the roof of the ERRI research programme . Generally it can be stated that a more flexible wheel web is suitable to reduce the residual tensile stresses in the rim. On the other hand it is also possible to hold the displacements in a small tolerance band.


As a result of the research work, a number of new requirements for wheel material and wheel design were defined. These requirements led to new or revised international specifications. The material requirements are defined in UIC-leaflet 812-36 and recently in the European standard EN 132627. For R7T steel grade (or ER7T according to EN 13262) a fracture toughness KIC or KQ of 80 MPa (mean value) and 70 MPa (minimum value) is required. For ER6T the corresponding requirements are 100 MPa (mean value) and 80 MPa (minimum value) given in EN 13262.

Regarding the wheel design requirements the UIC published the new UIC leaflet 510-58 which was prepared by the ERRI B 169 specialists committee. This document is also the basis for the development of a new Draft European standard prEN 13979-1 which is in preparation now. The new standards are built up as a specification giving more freedom to the designer. According to these specifications four aspects of a new wheel design have to be considered:

* Geometrical aspect: to allow interchangeability.

* Thermo mechanical aspect: to manage wheel deformation and to ensure that braking do not induce wheel failure.

* Mechanical aspect: to ensure that no fatigue crack in the web will occur.

* Acoustical aspect: to ensure that the solution is better or equal compared with a reference wheel.

Concerning the interchangeability requirements in three ways are necessary depending on the customer1:

* Functional requirements, e.g. wheel diameter, tread profile, asymmetry of the hub with

regard to the rim.

* Fitting requirements, for example, length of the hub, bore diameter.

* Maintenance requirements, e.g. clamping conditions of the wheelset reprofiling lathes.

The designer has full freedom regarding the design of the wheel web.

For railway vehicles with block brakes the brake power has to be considered. Tests with freight trains running on long mountainous lines through the Alps received an average brake power level of 50kW for a wheel with 920mm diameter. For smaller wheels the brake power is on a corresponding lower level. Therefore wheels for freight wagons have to resist these brake loads.

For vehicles with different brake systems, such as disc brakes, an assessment of the thermal behaviour is not necessary. For combined brake systems (block brake and others) modified loads shall be agreed between customer and supplier.

The brake loads are reproduced on a brake test bench. In order to check the thermal behaviour the wheel is loaded with a number of brake cycles. For the assessment unified criteria are defined in UIC 510-5 and prEN 13979-1 respectively. For the level of residual tensile stresses in the rim the following criteria are valid: For a wheel with its nominal diameter a stress level of maximum 200MPa (mean value) and maximum 250MPa (for each cross section) is acceptable. For a wheel with its diameter near the wear limit a stress level of maximum 275 MPa (mean value) and maximum 300 MPa is acceptable. Regarding the lateral displacement the analysis of maintenance rules, of the service experience and of the dimension of crossings and points led to allowable values between -1 mm and +3 mm (during braking) and between -0.5 mm and +1mm (in cold condition).

For the mechanical aspect8 determine a relative conventional procedure. First step is a stress calculation using the finite element method. Three conventional load cases are to be considered representing straight track full curves and points and crossings. Based on these loads the normal stresses for each node of the FE mesh is calculated. Comparing the stresses for the different load cases a stress range or a stress amplitude can be calculated. The stress of the most stressed node shall be compared with the decision criteria, which are ±180 MPa for wheels with fully machined web and ±145 MPa for wheels with unmachined web. In addition to the calculation fatigue tests can be required. This depends on the results of the calculation and on the validity of the conventional loads. Two methods for fatigue tests are possible, either a random fatigue test or a one-stage fatigue test8. For both methods the test loads are derived from measured loads during field tests.

Concerning the acoustical aspect it is, of course, not a target that new developed wheels have higher sound radiation compared with existing designs. Therefore a sound level is described which is comparable with the former ORE standard wheels8. The sound level can be determined by a calculation. The acoustical requirements are informative only.

Product development and verification

The stress ranges for the various designs are calculated as follows:

* Wheel 21.061.00 (BA 004)/21.061.10 (BA 304) ±240.9 MPa (25 t axle load),

* Wheel 21.431.01 (BA 378) ±175.9 MPa,

* Wheel 21.430.01 (BA 375) ±168.9 MPa,

* Wheel 21.463.00 ±185.2 MPa (exceptional lateral forces for the calculation required).

Therefore for the wheel designs 21.061.00 (BA 004)/21.061.10 (BA 304)and

21.463.00 additional fatigue tests are necessary. The results of both fatigue tests and field tests showed sufficient mechanical characteristics.


Due to increased service loads especially increased thermal loads, Radsatzfabrik Isenburg GmbH developed a family of wheel designs for different applications. They meet the requirements of the new or revised specifications. Up to now no failure of these designs occurred. The residual stress level is lower compared with the former designs. Therefore the residual stress measurement during the maintenance can be cancelled. Due to the low lateral displacements no wheelset has to be replaced. The wheels meet the interchangeability requirements ensuring an easy change of wheels. The new designs help the customer to reduce maintenance costs. For the future modifications of Radsatzfabrik's designs are possible depending on specific customer requirements.


Jorg Villmann研究车轮断裂问题,开发新的设计,以降低故障维修费用问题。










针对第一个问题,重要的是要总结各种铁路运用经验并得到更详细的车轮维护状况的信息。这些调查确认的结果就残余应力。大约有百分之十的车轮残余应力约300兆帕。在另一方面, 被调查的车轮断裂韧性KIC或KQ值在40至70兆帕之间。从断裂力学计算可以得出结论认为,大约有百分之十的车轮有潜在失稳的危险。分析报告也提出了一些在轮辐处出现疲劳裂纹的案件和多例受侧位移的轮辋导致高维修费用的案例。








由于此项研究工作,一些新的要求,车轮材料和车轮的设计作了界定。这些要求导致了新的或修订的国际标准。材料的要求,是指在UIC-单张812-36,最近又在欧洲标准EN132627中。为R7T 级钢 (或ER7T据为EN13262)断裂韧性KIC或kq80Mpa (平均数值)为70兆帕 (最低值)是可用的。ER6T 在EN13262中相应的要求是100Mpa(平均值)和80兆帕(最低值)。

至于轮设计要求UIC发表新UIC规程510-58,是ERRI B169专家委员会所准备的。这个文件也是此基础上制定了一项新的决议欧洲标准pren13979-1即现在筹备工作。这套新标准做为规范被建立,这为设计师们提供了更多的自由。根据这些指标新的车轮设计有四个方面也必须考虑: *几何方面:允许互换性;









闸瓦制动的铁路机车车辆,制动功率应予以考虑。货运列车在长大山区线路通过阿尔卑斯山测试时,平均一个直径920mm的车轮.受到的制动功率为50kw 。对于更小直径的车轮这个制动功率是一个相对较低的水平. 所以货车的车轮要承担制动载荷。


制动载荷在制动器试验台上被转载。为了检测热性能,车轮上设置了一些制动周期。为统一评估标准,制定了UIC510-5和PREN13979-1。下面的轮辋中的残余应力标准是合理的:一个车轮的名义直径应力水平最高为200MPa(平均值)和最高250 MPa (每个截面)是可以接受的。一个车轮的直径接近磨损极限应力水平最高275兆帕(均值)最高300兆帕,是可以接受的。关于侧移,分析维修规则的经验和在维和交叉及尖点的尺寸导致的允许值介于-1毫米+3毫米(制动)之间,及-0.5毫米+1毫米(在严寒条件)之间。


关于音质方面的资讯,当然不是目标, 相比现有的设计新开发的车轮设计有更高的声辐射。因此,车轮的音质水平应满足ORE标准。声压级可以由计算得到。音质所需的只是数据而已。









由于增加了服务量,特别增加了热负荷, Radsatzfabrik Isenburg GmbH开发一系列化的针对不同应用车轮设计。他们符合要求的新的或修订的制度. 到现在为止这些设计并没有失稳发生。相比以往的设计残余应力水平较低. 因此维修时残余应力的测量可以取消。由于低侧移没有了更换轮轴。车轮满足互换性要求,确保更换车轮更加方便。新的设计,协助客户降低维修费用。今后根据具体顾客的要求来修改Radsatzfabrik的设计变为可能。


1.自动操舵仪autopilot 2.三项控制器或者说PID(比例积分微分)控制器proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller 3.自动控制系统automatic control system 4.船舶减摇roll stabilization 5.鳍减摇Fin roll stabilization (FRS) 6.舵减摇Rudder roll stabilization (RRS) 7.舵鳍联合减摇Integrated fin rudder roll stabilization (INFRRS) 8.国际自动控制联合会IFAC 9.舵机steering engine 10.电动陀螺经electrically driven gyrocompass 11.磁罗盘magnet compass 12.自动舵automatic steering of ships 13.自动驾驶船舶automatically steering ships 14.闭环反馈控制系统the feedback loop 15.航向误差heading error 16.偏航速度heading error rate 17.航向角heading angle 18.自适应舵adaptive autopilot 19.船舶主动减摇Active roll stabilization 20.双位控制策略on–off control strategy 21.横向漂移roll excursions 22.横摇运动roll motion 23.偏航漂移yaw excursions 24.H∞控制H-Infinity control 25.海浪遭遇角wave encounter angles 26.横浪beam seas 27.尾斜浪quartering seas 28.随浪following seas 29.无人航海载运工具(UMV)unmanned marine vehicle


句子翻译(中——英)30分 1、兹有一批自行车货物500箱由上海装运到孟买,请给我们我们报价包括码头费,驳船费,卸货及其他费用在内的运费率。 We shall have ready for shipment from Shanghai to Bombay’500 cases of bicycle goods.Please quote us your freight rate for them,inclusive of dock dues,lighterage as well as discharging and other costs. 2、我公司“泰山”轮定于10月5日离上海开往里斯本,如果贵公司有货由该轮托运的话,请立即电示我们。 The M.V. “Tai Shan” of my company is due to leave Shanghai for Lisbon on Oct.5. Please promptly cable us if your company have any goods to be carried by this vessel. 3、兹告知本公司可按贵方要求为你的货物保留足够的舱位。请将托运申请书填好寄来,以换取装货单,但运费须先付。 This is to advise you that our company could allot enough space for your shipment as per your request. Please fill up and return the application from attached herewith in exchange for Shipping Order, but freight to be prepaid. 4、关于你本月4日的来信要求舱位增加货载之事,现在告知“ABC”轮舱位不能收容更多的货物,无法照办为歉。 With regard to the accommodation for additional cargo as requested in your letter 4 inst., please be informed that the


At the time of noting a protest the master should reserve the right to extend it at time and place convenient , because at the time protest is noted the full extent of the loss or damage may not be well ascertained .in foreign ports,protest should be noted before the port authority or a notary public ,or before the consular office representing the country in which the ship is registered.when such action is taken ,it is necessary to bring the log book and several crewmembers as witnesses. in many cases they are essential to the establishment of a claim in the future. 在提出声明的时候船长应保留权利以使调查货物灭失和损失的时间和地点比较方便,因为当声明提出时,货物的灭失和损失是不确定的。在外国港口,声明应该向港口当局或者公证人在或者船舶登记国的领事馆提出,当声明提出后需要带着船舶日志及几个船员作为目击证人。在许多情况下,他们是在未来提出索赔的基础。 In shipping and marine insurance terminology ,"average"is a word meaning partial loss or damage sustained by a vessel and/or cargo during the couse of a voyage. the word"average"originated from the Italian word avaria ,meaning loss or damage . there are two kind of average and particular average.these terms indicate the character of the loss or damage ,and who bears that loss or damage .the YorkAntwerp Rules,1974 gives a clear and definite of a general average: 在航运和海上保险术语中,“平均”一词的意义代表部分灭失或损害持续的时间是在船舶航行或货物的运输过程中。“平均”源于意大利语avaria,代表损失或损害。他们有两种,一种是共同海损一种是单独海损.这些术语是货损方表明货物的灭失或损失的性质。在约克安特卫普规则,1974给出了一个清晰明确的共同海损规则: "there is a general average act when,and only when ,any extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure is intentionally and reasonably made or incurred for the common safety for the purpose of preserving from peril the property involved in a common maritime adventure." 当共同海损的情形出现时,只有卓有成效的努力和付出以确保共同的安全,做出任何特殊牺牲或费用,有意而合理地为了航程中的财产脱离危险做出的行为。” although the idea of general average is simple in a real situation the practical application of it can be complicated.General average must be distinguished from particular average 尽管共同海损的想法是简单的在一个真实的情况可以复杂的实际应用。共同海损必须区别于单独海损 the general average declaration is normally made by the shipowner and must be made before the delivery of the cargo. Shipowners usually will release the cargo when the other interested parties to the adventure provide suitable security(General Average Deposit or Bond ),sufficient to cover their contributions. 共同海损声明必须由船东在货物交接之前做出,船东通常会处理货物,当其他感兴趣的各方愿意提供合适的安全保障(共同海损存款或债券),足以弥补他们的损失。全能易得 in shipping business the word "claim" denotes a means of cargo-owners who demand compensation from the carrer or shipowners for the loss of or damage to cargo incurred in transit .In accordance with international practices,if the goods on arrival at the port of destination are found short,damaged or lost,not in conformity with what is stated in the clean bill of lading,the consignee may give in writing a notice of loss or damage to the carrier or his agents there to indicate his intention


关于环保的英语作文带翻译「精选」 环保,无处不在,这要我们用心做,每时每刻,我们都可以为环保尽上一份力。以下是我带来的关于环保的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 关于环保的英语作文(一) Take good care of the environnt is everyone's responsibility, everyone has the duty to care for the environnt. The cries of the earth, is de by hun; The fortion of natural disasters and hun theelves. We can't let such things happen again, because of this our ho will face disappear. With the continuous destruction of forest, ke the air fresh, no longer in life ke people breathing "not soth". So, we should protect trees, protect the nature. Let our the earth ther to restore the original appearance. You every good care environnt of sll action, will be your ries. Bent down to pick up a piece of waste paper, a word to stop people dage the environnt. Will be a thing of the past. We now do dribs and drabs, not just for the sake of our own, also is a iortant foundation for our future generations. Let theno longer face the disaster, let they no longer lose faly. Take good care of the environnt, starts fro! 爱护环境是每个人的职责,每个人有爱护环境的责任。地球的哭泣,是人类所为;自然灾害的形成,也是人类自己造成的。我们不能再让这样的事再发生,因为这样我们的家园即将面临消失。 随着森林的不断毁灭,使生活中的空气不再新鲜,使人们的呼吸"不再顺畅"。所以,我们应该保护树木,保护大自然。让我们的地球妈妈恢复原来的模样。 你每一个爱护环境的小举动,都将成为你美好的回忆。弯下腰捡起一片废纸、一句话阻止人们破坏环境。都将成为历史。


注:红字部分表示翻译可能有问题,有些地方翻译有不足之处,请谢谢大家指出。 第一章船舶设计 第一课介绍 翻译人员: 1.1 定义 ‘基本设计’是专业术语,它决定船舶主要性能,影响船舶造价和功能。因此,基本设计包括选择船型尺寸,船体形状,动力设备(数量和类型),初步布置船体机械设备和主要结构。合适的选择方案能保证达到目标要求,比如良好的耐波性和操纵性,预期航速,续航力,货舱舱容和总载重量。而且,包括校核使之达到货物装卸能力要求,舱室要求,各项宾馆服务标准,分舱要求,干舷和吨位丈量标准,所有这些都是盈利运输船舶,工业或服务系统用船,所必须考虑的 部分因素。 基本设计包括概念设计和初步设计,它决定了船舶主要性能,为价格初步估计做了准备。在整个设计过程中,基本设计完成后,就要进行合同设计和详细设计。正如合同设计这名暗示的那样,它为船厂投标和承接合同订单数准备合适的合同计划和规范。完整的合同计划和规范内容很清晰且足够详细,以避免发生代价高昂的偶发性事件,保护投标方免受模糊不清的描述要求的影响。详细设计是进一步完善合同方案,它是船厂的责任。合同方案需要为实际船舶建造准备施工图。 为了能够进行基本设计,每个人都必须了解整个设计流程。这中的四个步骤用Ecans 的1959 年的设计螺旋循环方式图说明了,设计螺旋循环方式是一种含盖从目标需求到详细设计的迭代过程,如图1.1。下面将进一步详述这些步骤: a.概念设计。概念设计是最开始的工作,是讲目标需求转换成造船工程参数。一般来说,它包含技术可行性研究,来决定目标船舶的基本参数。例如船厂,船宽,船深,吃水,丰满度,动力能源设备,或一些代用特性,所有这些都是为了满足达到设计航速,航区,货舱舱容和总载重量的要求。它包括空船重量的初步估计,一般通过特性曲线,公式,或经验确定。在该阶段,备选设计一般由参数研究法来分析,以确定最经济的设计方案或任何其他必须考虑的决定性因素。所选择的概念设计用作今后获得建造费用的讨论文件,建造费用决定是否进展下一阶段工作:初步设计。 b.初步设计.船舶初步设计进一步完善了影响船舶造价和性能的主要参数。 这一阶段工作结束时,那些已确定的控制要素没有发生预期变化,例如船长,船宽,额定功率,和总载重量。该阶段的完成为目标船舶提供了精确的界定,这将满足目标需求;这为合同计划和规范的进一步展开提供了根据。 c.合同设计.合同设计阶段产生了一套图纸和规范,这是船厂合同文件的一


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(D) damping control 阻尼调整 damping cylinder 减震筒 damping decrement 衰减率 damping device 制动装置 damping device 阻尼装置 damping effect 阻尼效率 damping error 冲击阻尼误差damping error 阻尼差 damping factor 阻尼因数 damping fluid 减震液 damping fluid 阻尼液 damping force 阻尼力 damping intensity 阻尼度 damping machine 调湿器 damping machine 调温器 damping machine 阻尼机 damping magnet 阻尼磁铁 damping material 阻尼材料 damping moment 阻尼力矩 damping oil vessel 阻尼油罐damping oil 阻尼油

damping oil 阻尼油阻尼油 damping period 阻尼周期 damping platform 倾卸台 damping ratio 衰减率 damping ratio 衰减率;阻尼比damping ratio 阻尼比衰减率damping resistance 阻尼阻力阻尼电阻damping resistor 阻尼电阻器damping spring 阻尼弹簧 damping stability 阻尼稳定性damping system 阻尼装置 damping system 阻尼装置减震装置damping time 阻尼时间 damping vibration 阻尼振动damping weight 阻尼重量 damping winding 阻尼绕组damping 润湿阻尼 damping 阻尼 dampness 潮湿 dampness 湿度 dampproof 防潮的 dampproof 防湿的


Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计) Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类) 2.1 Introduction(介绍) The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的 A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮 None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体 self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。 This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。 In order to discuss naval architecture,it is helpful to place ships in certain categories. For purposes of this text, ships are classified according to their means of physical support and their designed purposes.将船舶分成一些特定的种类来讨论造船工程是有好处的。本文的目的就是根据船舶物理支撑方式和设计目的来将它们分类。


保护环境的英语作文带翻译 文明的火把,照亮了大地,大地一片生机盎然;文明的火把,点亮了天空,天空清澈蔚蓝;文明的火把,照亮了人类的前方,保护环境,人类才能不断前行。今天编辑给大家分享一下有关于保护环境的作文,让我们一起来欣赏一下吧! 篇一:保护环境的英语作文带翻译 Environmental problems are being more and more serious all over the easures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will bee better and better. 全世界的环境问题变得越来越严重。例如汽车污染的空气影响了人们的呼吸,工厂释放污染的气体,山上的树木被砍伐,污水不断被排人河里。另外,无论我们走到哪里,到处可见随意丢弃的垃圾。事实上,污染正威胁我们的生存。 地球是我们的家园,我们有责任为我们自己和我们的后代去照顾好它。庆幸的是,愈来愈多的人们已经意识到这些问题。政府已经采取了很多措施去解决这些问题,法律已被通过以制止污染。我希望这些问题在不远的将来能得到解决,我们的家园变得越来越好。 篇二:保护环境的英语作文带翻译

There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people's health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. ore, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities. To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today. In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.


第一章船舶设计 第一课引言 1.1定义 术语“基本设计”是指对影响造价和性能的船舶主要参数的确定。因此,基本设计包括船舶主尺度船体线型动力(数量和种类)的选取,以及船体机械设备和主要结构的布置。恰当的选取可保证达到设计任务书的要求,例如良好的耐波性能,操纵性,预期的速度续航力,舱容和载重量。进一步讲,基本设计还包括校核和修改,以满足货物装卸能力,居位舱,客房设施,分舱和稳性标准,干舷和吨位测量,所有这些都是将船舶当成运输工业化或服务系统的一部分。 基本设计包括概念设计和初步设计,可以确定船舶主要技术参数,为造价初步估计做准备。再整个设计过程中,基本设计之后紧接着就是合同设计和详细设计。 合同设计,顾名思义,需要做出图纸和详细说明书,以便船厂去投标和签约。一套良好的合同图纸和详细说明书应当是非常清晰和详细的,以避免高成本的偶然性项目,并使投标者不出现模糊不清的或不充分的描述。详细设计师船厂进一步完善合同设计的重要任务,以准备施工图用于船舶实际建造。 了解整个设计顺序对任何做基本设计的人都是必要的。设计的4个阶段用设计螺旋线图表示,如图1所示,是从任务书要求到详细设计的循环工作过程,这4个阶段在下面作详细叙述 a 概念设计 概念设计作为整个设计的第一阶段,是将任务书要求转换为船舶建造工程参数。 它基本上包括技术可行性研究,确定船舶的基本参数如船厂船宽船深吃水丰满度动力或可供选择的参数方案,所以这些应满足所要求的航速,航程,货舱舱容和载重量。这包括基于曲线公式经验而进行的空船重量初步估算。在这一阶段,通常经过参数分析而进行多方案设计以寻求最经济的设计方案,或者任何其它控制也纳入考虑之中以确定最优方案。确定下来的概念设计就做为讨论文件以或得近似的建造成本,不论是否启动下一阶段的设计——初步设计。 b 初步设计 船舶的初步设计将进一步优化那些影响造价和性能的船舶主要参数。一些控制参数如船长船宽功率和载重量,在该阶段完成之后不宜在变更。初步设计完成后将为船舶提供一个准确的描述,能够满足任务书要求,并为合同设计图纸和说明书提供基础支撑。 C 合同设计 合同设计阶段提供了一些列图纸和说明书,形成了一套船舶建造合同文件。它包括围绕设计螺旋桨的一个或多个环节,因为对初步设计作进一步优化。这一阶段更加准确地描述船舶特征,如基于一套光划线做成的船体线型,基于模型试验的主机功率匹配,船舶耐波性与操纵性,螺旋桨数量对型线的影响,结构细节,不同类型钢材的使用,肋骨间距和形式等。在合同涉及元素中最重要的是考虑了船舶各个主要分段设备的重量及其位置之后的船舶重量与中心的估算。最终的总布置也是在这一阶段确定下来,这将总体积货物区域机械设备储物设备燃油淡水居住于公用舱室以及几何相互关系固定下来。还包括与其它因素例如货物装卸装备及其设备等的关系也都确定下来。 补充说明书描述了船体和舾装的质量标准,以及各个机器设备的预期性能。这些说明书还叙述了模型试验和实际情况,一表明船舶设计师成功的,船舶是可接受的。


国际航运英语与函电 [课程目标]通过本课程的学习,要让学生了解国际航运英语函电的英语知识和有关经贸业务知识,对学生进行严格的阅读、翻译、写作等基本技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能力和独立工作能力。培养拥有扎实英语和外贸业务知识、具备正确的职业选择和职业道德观、具备一定航运英语应用能力的人才。 [教学内容]本课程教学内容结合航运业务的实用性和英语应用文语言的规范性,以国际海运法规和惯例以及我国《海商法》为基础,按各类业务内容的需要,书写函电,介绍了有关的专业知识。 二、培养目标与职业岗位 1、培养目标 本专业培养具有德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,符合社会主义核心价值观,熟悉航运、港口生产管理以及船舶代理、货运代理、场站、内陆储运等航运辅助业务,具备现代港口、航运及相关辅助业务管理、组织与操作、企业信息化应用、英语交流与阅读应用能力,能从事港航生产调度、组织与操作、单证制作、现场处理、库场管理、市场营销、统计结算、口岸船务服务等工作的高素质技术技能人才。 2、职业岗位 面向航运、港口、场站、船代、货代、无船承运人、储运、报关报检、外轮理货等企业,从事计划、调度、操作、制单、客服、报关报检、库场管理、市场营销、统计结算、口岸船务服务等工作。 三、基本规格要求 (一)职业能力结构 1、具备良好的职业素养和敬业精神; 2、掌握现代企业管理基本理论知识; 3、掌握航运、港口生产业务管理的知识; 4、掌握代理、场站、储运、报关报检等航运辅助业务知识; 5、具有海运操作及组织协调能力; 6、具有应用航运相关法律法规的能力; 7、具有操作计算机、应用软件、收集与处理信息的能力; 8、具有英语交流、阅读、应用的能力。 (二)基本素质要求 1、热爱祖国、拥护中国共产党的领导,具有良好的职业道德; 2、法制观念强,能求实创新、积极进取; 3、能处理好社会公共关系,有一定的社交能力; 4、体魄健康,符合高等院校体育达标要求 (三)知识结构 1、掌握从事本专业相关工作所必需的文化基础知识; 2、掌握商务英语,并熟悉国际航运专业英语; 3、掌握国际贸易实务及相关理论知识;


环保标语英文翻译 导读:本文是关于环保标语英文翻译,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、伸出你的双手,呵护美好校园。 Stretch out your hands, take care of the beautiful campus. 2、踏破青毡可惜,多行数步何妨。 Over the green felt pity, many lines why not step. 3、破坏了环境,人类就等于**。 Destruction of the environment, human beings is tantamount to suicide. 4、判天地之美析万物之理。 Judging the beauty of heaven and earth -- analyzing the theory of everything. 5、欣赏荒野回归自然。 Enjoy the wilderness and return to nature. 6、请用清洁回馈榕树母亲般的荫蔽。 Please use clean back to mother banyan shade. 7、迈步留意地下草,掸指莫折枝头花。 Take note of underground grass, Shan Branch Flower refers to mo. 8、碧水蓝天,笑容自然!

Clear water, blue sky, smile naturally! 9、什么时候垃圾筒也会下岗。 When will the garbage cans be laid off. 10、善待地球就是善待自己。 To treat the earth well is to treat yourself well. 11、提高环保意识建设完美家园。 Raise awareness of environmental protection and build a perfect home. 12、实施科教兴国与可持续发展方法。 Implementing the strategy of invigorating the country through science and education and sustainable development. 13、让地球阳光普照,让未来神圣美妙。 Let the earth shine and let the future divine. 14、用我们的爱心,迎来校园的一片绿。 With our love, ushered in the campus of a green. 15、地球是我家,环保靠大家。 The earth is my home, and it depends on everyone. 16、少抽一支烟,多栽一棵树。 Cut down a cigarette and plant a tree. 17、参与绿色行动,保护美丽家园。 Take part in green action to protect beautiful home. 18、环境保护从我身边做起。


1.基本,简单的词汇: AM 上午 PM下午 Notification of inspection 检查验收通知单 Application 申请,申请单 Inspection 检验,报验 Technical discussion 技术讨论 On board 在船上 In the workshop 在车间 On the slipway 在船台上 At pier(wharf) 在码头 Fair 尚好的 The performance is merely fair 性能尚好 Terrible 极坏的,很糟的 So so 马马虎虎 So far ,so good 到目前,一切顺利 Worse更糟的 worst最差、最糟 Improvement 改进 Leave no room for improvement 完美,无缺点 Accept 接收 Accept subject to 有条件的接收,有待于……做好之后才接收Reject 拒收 Comments 意见 defect lish 消除意见清单 Item 项目 memorandum 备忘录 manual n、手册、说明书;a.手控的,手工的 drawings 图纸 working drawings 施工图 finished drawings 完工图 approved drawings 认可图 drawings for approval 送审认可图 supporting technical doucuments 基础技术文件 sketch 草图 draw a sketch画草图 up to the standard 达到标准 substandard 低于标准的 crane 吊车 building berth 船台 slipway 船台、下水滑道


因为时间仓促,难免错漏,请参考使用。因为迫不及待要发给大家,部分地方不完善的。让我们衷心感谢那些帮忙翻译,输入文档,帮忙的同学们。 1.1港口规划对象 在船舶技术和货物处理上已经发生了很多的变化,而且这种发展有可能是会持续下去的。所以,海口设施规划的主要原则是让发展规划尽可能富有弹性,以便对变化的需求快速反应。 理想状态中,一个港口提供的设施应与会使用到他们的船舶、内陆运输以及线路另一端的港口设施相结合起来设计。也就是作为综合运输系统的有机组成部分。不幸的是,这种设想很难实现,它只有在整个运输链统一管理时才有可能实现,比如说,在专业散装化学品码头与当地化学品工厂联系起来的情况下,管理方控制船舶车辆队和内陆配送系统;或者,在门到门的集装箱业务下,承运人管理整个系统。 在这些情况下,厂方应该全面考虑港口问题,以一个更大的运输系统范围,而在这个系统中港口只是其中一部分、厂方不应该忘记在新港口的定位中,战略性和社会化的考虑起了重要作用。然而,在这些考虑范围内,他应该鼓励并帮助行业规划者寻找整体经济优化方案,比如说把船舶大小、卸货速度、缓冲库存大小和腹地交通设施连接起来。在这一阶段规划者也应该检查下计划中船舶工艺参数,以便解决港口中可能出现的所有技术型问题。 通常当他们涉及到许多不同的利益时,这种囊括一切的规划将会很难制定并实施。始终坚持把综合运输规划当做港口发展的初始阶段,这可能会造成严重的延期。而且,如果有一个处理杂货的公用泊位,很多不同的使用者将会出现,每一个用户都有他们自己的实际配送系统,以至于一体化和运输规划没有多大意义。在那种情况下,港口发展规划可以由以下几点顺利开展: 给港口和港口使用者以国际利益标准以最低综合成本提供港口设施和操作系统。 为这些对象规划要求有关于未来客户和他们可能的货物丰富的知识,这也是港口规划的传统形式。它致力于生产最好的规划,无论运输要求是否是没经过直接尝试去影响该要求的形式而放置在该计划中。自然而然的,任何有助于港口的促进活动和为了吸引运输增加它的货流量所作的努力都是应该被考虑的。 1.2投资规划 通常情况下,发展中国家的港口应该以未来几十年的持续发展为基础来发展。大多数发展中国家的海外贸易的持续膨胀暗示了海洋贸易的持续扩展。为了


有关保护环境英语演讲稿带翻译 环境保护是指人类为解决现实的或潜在的环境问题,用英语怎么演讲保护环境呢?下面小编整理了保护环境英语演讲稿带翻译,供你参考。 保护环境英语演讲稿篇1 It's my great honor to be invited here to give a speech on environment.As we all know the environment is very important to us. Because it has a great effect on us.So we should protect our environment . In fact ,we can do many things to improve environment such as planting trees, collecting waste paper, write to the local newspapers to remind everybody to take care of it.The most important thing is,I think ,to let everybody know its importance and everybody should make a contribution to it . As long as we try, we can make it. We strongly believe that we can do it ! Let’s do it together! 我很荣幸被邀请来做一场环境正如我们所知道的环境对我们来说很重要。因为它有一个很大的影响我们. 所以我们应该保护我们的环境。 事实上,我们可以做许多事来改善环境,例如植树,收集废纸、写信给当地报纸来提醒大家来照顾它最重要的是,我认为,让每个人都知道它的重要性,每个人都应该作出贡献。 只要我们努力,我们一定能成功。我们坚信我们能做到! 让我们一起做它! 保护环境英语演讲稿篇2 On a Saturday morning. I went to have breakfast. I felt there was a terrible smell and went over to have a look carefully. I found that there was a big pile of banana skins giving out the smell.Just then a young fellow holding a dustpan rubbish to walk towards here . He raised his hands, The big pile of rubbish was here. At once I went to him and said “Uncle , you can’t do like this . These things will rot very soon. It’s


1.All doubling plate with rounded corners.加强板要倒圆角。 2.Tank to be NK coded and stamped for 5.6 Kg/cm-name ofmanufacturer & test data to be stamped on item A1. 水泥罐需NK编码和盖章,制造商名称和检验数据应印在A1上。 3.All seams to be double butt welded except as noted. 所有裂缝要双面对接焊缝,除了注意事 项。 4.Radiograph all necessary welds to obtain 100%/85% joint effeciency. 5.Remove slag& all assembly attachments-grind all sharp edges.清除焊溅物和所有装配附件, 磨光所有锐利边缘。 6.All welds to be smooth—remove all weld spatters. 所有焊缝都要光滑,去除所有焊缝溅污。 7.After fabricated, outside of tank shall be blasted to SA2.5. 制造完后,罐的外部应用SA2.5喷砂。 8.All doubling plates are to haveФ6mm telltale holes. 所有加强板要有Ф6mm 的信号孔。 词汇 Access hatch 人孔 Access ladder 通道竖梯 AHU Air handling unit 空气处理机 Air slide construction 空气气动装置 Air inlet 进气孔 Air compessor 空气压缩机 Air lock 气闸 Anchor windlass 起锚机 Angle steel 角钢/角铁 As per 按照,依据 Ball valve 球阀 Bank’s conversion table 银行的换算表 Bare drum pull 150 tonnes 裸体滚筒拉力150吨 Barge deck 驳船甲板 Baseplate 底板 Bend 弯(管)头 Bend test 冷弯测试 Black steel 碳钢/黑钢 Blind flange 法兰堵头/盲法兰/盲板 Bollard pull 系柱拉力 Bostik 波士胶 Bottom head 下封头 Bottom plate 下封头 Bow thrusters 船首推进器 Bracket 托架 Brake holding 200 tonnes 闸控200吨 Breadth moulded 模具宽度 BSP British Standard Pipe 英国标准管螺纹
