


一)、Literal translation 直译(异化法foreignization )

Free translation 意译(归化法domestication)


(1)、直译(Literal translation)指不仅忠实于原文内容,而且忠实于原文形式的翻译方法.





cold war 冷战hot line 热线spicy girl 辣妹

black market 黑市paper tiger纸老虎

Blood is thicker than water 血浓于水

The heart is seen in wine. 酒后吐真言

(1.1.2)含义广为流传,读者较为熟悉的短语、习语等, 直译可以丰富译语语言。例如:

A. He walked at the head of the funeral procession, and every now

and then wiped his crocodile tears with a big handkerchief.


B. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today extended the olive

branch to the Clinton Government by pleading for cooperation in

developing foreign policy.



C. In the court action, Alain sprang his trump card by calling a surprise witness.




A. “Merry”, as you may know, has two meanings: happy and drunk.


B. I'll always remember Thanksgivings as the times we ate good food,

sang old-fashioned songs, and shared a lot of love with family and




C. Although I don't visit it often now, it was once the center of my



(2)、意译(Free translation)指只忠实原文内容,不拘泥原文结构形式与修辞手法的翻译方法。信息的传递为第一位。







A. 你不要班门弄斧了

Don’t display your axe at Lu Ban’s door(直译).

Remain modest before an authority.(意译)

B. It rains cats and dogs. 大雨滂沱。

C. Last night I heard him driving his pigs into market.


(2.1.2)英译汉时能找到汉语的对等含义,但是语义有所差异,必须按照汉语的语言习惯表达. 例如:

A. Every dog has his day.


B.It is a long lane that has no turning.


C. One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.



A. Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分

B. Everyman is the architect of his own fate.


C.A virtuous wife is a man’s best prize.




翻译类: 1.On Formal Correspondence of C/E Translation in Terms of Hypotaxis &. Parataxis从形合和意合看汉英翻译中的形式对应 2.How to Decode and Translate the Ambiguous Structures歧义结构的解码与翻译 3.Pragmatics and Advertisement Translation, with Special Emphasis on E/C Cultural Differences英汉文化差异与广告的语用翻译 4.Context and Business Discourse in English and Chinese 5.On the Peculiar ways of Expression in Dicken’s Novels试论狄更斯小说独特的 艺术手法 6.Female Images in the Sun Also Rises 论《太阳又升起了》小说中女性形象 7.Standarization of English: The Necessity and Feasility in an Age of Globaliztion 全球化时代英语标准化的必要性和可能性 8.On English Translation of Public Signs in Chinese 再谈汉英公示语翻译----以 2010年亚运会主办城市广州为例 9.Brief Appreciation on “Venice Merchant” 10.The Mannered Language of English 11.On the Properties of Idiomatic Expressions in English 12.The Differences and Samilarities Between Structural Ambiguity in English and Chinese 13.Time Conception in Different Cultures 14.On American Religion 15.On Title Translation of English Film and Disc 16.The Characteristics and the Rhetorical Roles of English Reduplicatives Neiteratives https://www.360docs.net/doc/7115768203.html,parisons of Multiplicity in Chinese and English and Its Translation 18.A Study of Hmorous Utterances Form the Perspective 19.The Current State and Prospects for English Teaching 20.The usage of “And” 21.A Survey on Culture and Social Life in USA 22.Inheretance and Development of National Language and Culture 23.Implicitness and Explicitness in Translation 24.谈英语谚语的翻译 25.谈英语幽默的翻译 26.地方名胜古迹汉译英 27.翻译中常见错误分析 28.中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响 29.会话含义的推导与翻译 30.词汇的文化内涵与翻译 31.语境在翻译中的作用 32.商标词翻译 33.广告语言的翻译 34.论英汉互译中的语义等值问题 35.英汉文化差异对翻译的影响 36.英汉谚语的理解和翻译


英语翻译论文开题报告 精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

英语翻译论文开题报告 时间:2015-03- 12Bell.?Translation?and?Translating:?Theory?and?Practice.?Beijing:?Forei gn?Language?Teaching?and?Research?Press,?2006. 崔长青,?张碧竹.?翻译的要素[M].?苏州:?苏州大学出版社,?2007. 李琏.?英式显性词性转换与英语写作[J].?新疆教育学学 报,?2003,?19(1):?85-89. 李连生.?英汉互译中的词性转换[J].?武汉交通管理干部学院学 报,?1996,?(1):102-107. 项伙珍.?谈翻译中的转性译法[J].?长江职工大学学报,?2000,?17(3):?46-48. 叶海燕.?翻译中的词性转换及换形[J].?安徽工业大学学报(社会科学 版),?2005,?22(3):60-61. (责任编辑:1025) 三、对英文翻译中词类转换的引入 从语言的角度来分析,对一门语言中的词性以及在语句中的成分进行分析,?从转喻理论的相关知识出发,来探讨英汉语言翻译中词类转换的概念和知识,并就其异同和特性进行对比,不仅是当前国内外学者研究的重点问题,也是大学英语教学中始终关注的热点。?为?此?,从英文翻译的实践中,?通过例证或典型问题的互译,从语言结构及表达习惯上进行探讨英文翻译中的转换方法,以增强语言翻译的可读性和准确性,并从中探讨出词类转换的规律,帮助更多的学生从中获得有益的指


英语翻译方法:直译与意译 这里所讲翻译方法是指通过英、汉两种语言特点对比,分析其异同,阐述表达原文的一般规律。英、汉语结构有相同一面,汉译时可照译,即所谓“直译”——既忠实原文内容,又符合原文结构形式,能传达原文意义,体现原文风格等。但这两种语言之间还有许多差别,如完全照译,势必出现“英化汉语”,这时就需要“意译”,在忠实原文内容前提下,摆脱原文结构束缚,使译文符合汉语规范。特别要注意是:“直译”不等于“死译”,“意译”也不等于“乱译”。试比较: 1、直译与死译 原文结构与汉语结构是一致,照译即可。但如果原文结构与汉语不一致,仍然采取直译方法,就成“死译”了。如: ①、In some automated plants electronic computers control the entire production line. 在某些自动化工厂,电子计算机控制整个生产线。(直译) ②、The earth acts like a big magnet.地球作用着像一块大磁铁。(死译) ③、Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon. 锰有同样影响在强度上像硅。(死译) 例②、例③既不忠实原意,又不符合汉语表达方式。因此,必须运用“词类转换”广成分转换”、“词(语)序调整”等手段使译文通顺。例②、例③应分别译为:“地球作用像一块大磁铁。”…“锰像硅一样会影响钢强度。” 2、意译和乱译 只有在正确理解原文基础上,运用相应翻译方法以调整原文结构,用规范汉语加以表达,这才真正做到“意译”。翻译实践证明,大量英语句子汉译都要采取“意译法”。 如果把“意译”理解为凭主观臆想来理解原文,可以不分析原文结构,只看词面意义,自己编造句子,势必造成“乱译”。如: It is easy to compress a gas,it is just a matter of reducing the space between the molecules. Like a liquid a gas has no shape,but unlike a liquid it will expand and fill any container it is put in.气体是很容易压缩,这正是压缩分子之间距离根据。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,气体膨胀时会充满任何盛放它容器。(乱译) 例句中“乱译”是由主观臆想(不正确选择词义、任意转换成分)造成。在这里,将matter译成“根据”在物理学上是讲不通,因为“压缩气体也就是减少分子之间距离”,两者是一回事。matter应作“事情”、“问题”解。 将will expand任意转换为时间状语,致使不符合原义。will expand and fill应译为“会扩张并充满”。综上所述,原译文可改为“气体很容易压缩,那只不过是缩小分子之间距离而已。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,因为气体会扩张并充满任何盛放它容器。” 就翻译方法而论,总来说,就是“直译法和意译法相结合”,又可细分为“照译”、“词义引伸”、“成分转换”、“句转成分”等译法。 英语翻译训练方法-直译 直译是一种重要的翻译方法,它有不少优点,例如能传达原文意义,体现原文风格等。据估算,大约70%的句子要用直译方法来处理,所以直译广为译者采用,由此可见直译法之重要。但是,直译具有一定的局限性。例如译文有时冗长罗唆,晦涩难懂,有时不能正确传达原文意义,有时甚至事与愿违。所以,如果不顾场合条件,不顾中外两种语言的差异,一味追求直译,就必然闯红灯,进入误区,造成误译。直译之所以有误区,是因为语言的形式与内容,句子的表层结构与深层意义有时不统一;另一方面,中外文化历史背景不同,造成了不同的思维方式和不同的语言表达形式。不少人批评过直译硬译,指出过直译有局限性,但是直译到底有哪些局限性,它都表现在什么地方。英语直译至少有五大误区,明确这些误区,就要在翻译中避免一些错误,就可在直译行不通的地方采用意译。 一、否定句型中的直译误区


英语知识 2.2 直接法的主要特征 直接法着重口头表达和自然交际,语言学习始于日常表达,而非古老的语言文学。课堂行为用目的语以口头形式展开,强调模仿,培养语言习惯。大部分时间用于提问和回答,练习包括替换、听写和叙述等形式,课堂上还会涉及听力理解,听力不是游离于口语之外的技巧。而是其基础,听力知识也会转化为口语知识,一其学习也有利于其他技能的训练。在直接法中,通过已知的外语词汇或其他辅助手段,直接学习新词语和表达法,具体词汇用物体或图画示范,抽象词汇则用意义联系讲授,不采用母语作参照,教师采用外语授课,充分利用手势、动作、表情、实物、图画等直观手段,讲解避免翻译和语法阐释,将新语言直接与外部世界联系起来,通过直接法,目的语在语内习得,意旨在第二语言(外语)内部,将其作为惟一参考的教学方式,不借助翻译是这一方法的一大特点,仅用外语进行传授,不涉及两种语言的翻译转换,单语可以帮助学习者在二语内部建立言辞关联,使学习者能够在没有母语辅助的情况下驾驭二语系统,同样,通过语内策略,口头表达直接与物体、情境以及思想直接相连。这种论点是直接法的基石,基于此,二语的学习更接近于第一语言(母语)似的直觉学习,语法规则的教学采取归纳式,学习者的错误被容忍,课堂上,教师须激励学生直接、自觉地使用外语,再归纳出语法规则,由于学习者需自己总结语言点,难免会犯错,如果交流中犯错,教师不会打断、纠正,以免影响其兴趣,相反,鼓励他们用外语思考,积极使用二语,重在理解和交际。 2.3 直接法的目标 直接法强调口语优先于其他方面,以保证交流,口头表述

作为初期教学目标,有别于前者。口语的重要性体现在教学法和课堂表现上,听说先于写作,小班集中授课,教师与学生之间通过提问——回答逐步训练口头表达技巧。 2.4 直接法的优势和劣势 外语能力的一大特征是能够口头表达,有效地进行交际,直接法倡导的口语,是交际中最受欢迎的外语使用形式。课堂上,教师创造气氛使学习者在会话中运用新语言,熟悉语音、语调以及如何断句,从最常使用的日常习惯表达人手,以增强、维持兴趣和自信,学习者自如流畅地用目标语进行交流。也会促进理解和感悟,学习者完全置身于逼真的外语环境中,使得二语学习似母语般自然。仅使用外语的教学手段使得外语信息集中输入学习者脑中,只要输入的信息无误,学习者可以自动地、不费力地掌握二语,自然会从这一方法中获益,加快学习进度,此外,高级阶段用外语思考,会促使其不断接近二语水准。 但是,直接法过分强调和歪曲了自然的母语学习与课堂外语习得间的相似性,把课堂与外部现实世界等同起来,因其缺乏强有力的语言学理论根据,对许多语言现象缺乏科学、系统阐释,屡遭抨击。直接法要求教师的母语即为目标语,或具有类似语言水平的专业人士。并非所有教师都可以依靠其自身能力和技巧掌控课堂。主要问题在于,直接法是用外语授课,尽量避免使用母语。 3 语法翻译法和直接法的结合 对于英语教学中的语法翻译法和直接法,采用哪一种方法,这与教学目标有关。我们通常把熟练运用作为主要教学目的或目标,将其界定为听、说、读、写四种技巧,或日交际能力。听说与读写同样重要,两种教学法都应该发挥各自的作用,不


毕业设计(论文) 英文文献翻译 电力系统 电力系统介绍 随着电力工业的增长,与用于生成和处理当今大规模电能消费的电力生产、传输、分配系统相关的经济、工程问题也随之增多。这些系统构成了一个完整的电力系统。 应该着重提到的是生成电能的工业,它与众不同之处在于其产品应按顾客要求即需即用。生成电的能源以煤、石油,或水库和湖泊中水的形式储存起来,以备将来所有需。但这并不会降低用户对发电机容量的需求。 显然,对电力系统而言服务的连续性至关重要。没有哪种服务能完全避免可能出现的失误,而系统的成本明显依赖于其稳定性。因此,必须在稳定性与成本之间找到平衡点,而最终的选择应是负载大小、特点、可能出现中断的原因、用户要求等的综合体现。然而,网络可靠性的增加是通过应用一定数量的生成单元和在发电站港湾各分区间以及在国内、国际电网传输线路中使用自动断路器得以实现的。事实上大型系统包括众多的发电站和由高容量传输线路连接的负载。这样,在不中断总体服务的前提下可以停止单个发电单元或一套输电线路的运作。

当今生成和传输电力最普遍的系统是三相系统。相对于其他交流系统而言,它具有简便、节能的优点。尤其是在特定导体间电压、传输功率、传输距离和线耗的情况下,三相系统所需铜或铝仅为单相系统的75%。三相系统另一个重要优点是三相电机比单相电机效率更高。大规模电力生产的能源有: 1.从常规燃料(煤、石油或天然气)、城市废料燃烧或核燃料应用中得到的 蒸汽; 2.水; 3.石油中的柴油动力。 其他可能的能源有太阳能、风能、潮汐能等,但没有一种超越了试点发电站阶段。 在大型蒸汽发电站中,蒸汽中的热能通过涡轮轮转换为功。涡轮必须包括安装在轴承上并封闭于汽缸中的轴或转子。转子由汽缸四周喷嘴喷射出的蒸汽流带动而平衡地转动。蒸汽流撞击轴上的叶片。中央电站采用冷凝涡轮,即蒸汽在离开涡轮后会通过一冷凝器。冷凝器通过其导管中大量冷水的循环来达到冷凝的效果,从而提高蒸汽的膨胀率、后继效率及涡轮的输出功率。而涡轮则直接与大型发电机相连。 涡轮中的蒸汽具有能动性。蒸汽进入涡轮时压力较高、体积较小,而离开时却压力较低、体积较大。 蒸汽是由锅炉中的热水生成的。普通的锅炉有燃烧燃料的炉膛燃烧时产生的热被传导至金属炉壁来生成与炉体内压力相等的蒸汽。在核电站中,蒸汽的生成是在反应堆的帮助下完成的。反应堆中受控制的铀或盥的裂变可提供使水激化所必需的热量,即反应堆代替了常规电站的蒸汽机。 水电站是利用蕴藏在消遣的能来发电的。为了将这种能转换为功,我们使用了水轮机。现代水轮机可分为两类:脉冲式和压力式(又称反应式)。前者用于重要设备,佩尔顿轮是唯一的类型;对于后者而言,弗朗西斯涡轮或其改进型被广泛采用。 在脉冲式涡轮中,整个水头在到达叶轮前都被转化为动能,因为水是通过喷嘴提供给叶轮的;而在压力式或反应式涡轮中,水通过其四周一系列引导叶版先直接导入叶片再提供给叶轮(或转子)。离开引导叶片的水有压力,并且以一部分动能、一部分压力的形式来提供能量。 对于低于10,000千伏安的发电站而言柴油机是出色的原动机。其优点是燃料成本低、预热时间短以及标准损耗低。此外,其所需冷却水量极少。柴油发电通常选择用于满足少量电力需求,如市政当局、宾馆及工厂等;医院通常备有独立的柴油发电机,以备紧急情况时使用。 通过电线来传输电能是电力系统中的一个重大问题。而从下面研修目的目的架设输电线路又是必要的: 1.将电力从水电站输送到可能很远的负载中心; 2.从蒸汽站到相对较近负载中心电力的批量供应; 3.出于内部连接目的将电能在紧急情况下从一系统转换至另一系统。 传输电压主要由经济因素决定。实际上,当距离、功率、功耗固定时,输电线路中导体的重量与传输电压成反比。因此,出于经济方面的考虑,长距离传输时电压一定要高。当然,电压超高绝缘成本也就超高,要找到最佳电压必须通过减小导体横截面积来取得绝缘成本与经济节省之间的平衡。 高压传输通常使用配以悬挂式绝缘设备的高架结构。称为路标铁塔用于负载


English Novel Title Translation: A Skopostheorie Perspective 英语小说标题的翻译:一个Skopostheorie透视图 The Translation of Fuzziness in the Dialogue of Fortress Besieged from the Perspective of Relevance Theory翻译的模糊性的对话《围城》从关联理论的角度 On Domestication Strategy in Advertisement Slogan Translation 在归化策略在广告口号的翻译 Reproduction of “Three Beauties” in the Translation of the Poems in The Journey to the West 繁殖的“三美”翻译的诗歌在西游记 A Comparative Study of Interjection Translation in Teahouse from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence一个比较研究,在茶馆的感叹词翻译功能对等的角度 Public Signs Translation from the Perspective of Functionalist Theory --Taking Shaoyang City as an Example公共标志的翻译的角度,从实用主义的理论——以邵阳城市作为一个例子 The Application of Skopostheory in the Business Advertisement Translation Skopostheory的应用在商业广告翻译 Relevance Theory Applied in the Translation of Neologism 关联理论应用于翻译的新词 Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of Tourist Texts 归化和异化在翻译旅游文本 A Comparative Study of the Two English Versions of Lun Y u by James Legge and Ku Hongming from Translator's Subjectivity一个比较研究的两个英文版本的Lun Yu詹姆斯Legge和Ku Hongming从译者的主体性 On the Translation and Functions of Metaphor in Advertisements 在翻译和函数中隐喻的广告 C-E Translation of Film Titles from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory 汉英翻译的电影片名的角度,从适应理论 Pun Advertisements Translation From the Perspective of Adaptation Theory 广告双关语翻译的角度,从适应理论 Analysis of the Translation Strategies of the Culture-loading Words in the English Version of Journey to the West分析的翻译策略在英语文化加载字版的西游记 On Business Letter Translation under the Guidance of Conversational Implicature Theory 在商务信函翻译的指导下,会话含义理论 On the Translation of Puns in English Advertising 在翻译双关语在英语广告 Advertising Translation in the View of Skopos Theory 广告翻译目的论的观点 A study on Trademark Translation from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics 商标翻译的研究从接受美学的角度

商务英语翻译练习 - 直译与意译

Translation exercises A.Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1.I’ve read your articles and I expected to meet an older man. 2.The ship turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of water beside her. 3.To appease their thirst its readers drank deeper than before, until they were seized with a kind of delirium. 4.For White, to disclose his long-held privacy means to strike the heel of Achilles. 5.In the court action, Alain sprang his trump card by calling a surprise witness. 6.Jefferson believed that the Baghdad Pact had already been reduced to less than a shadow. 7.We in Zambia would like to build a color-blind society where all can have equal opportunities. 8.Every time Robert visits me, one of my books disappears. I’m beginning to smell a rat. 9.We are very sorry to disappoint you, but hope you will understand that stock offers are a touch-and-go kind of things. 10. What sort of force does the sun exert on the planets which causes the planets to move according to the laws which Kepler has discovered. B.Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese In 1776, Adam Smith, a Scottish economist, wrote the wealth of Nations, a book that has had an enormous influence on American economic development. Like many other thinkers, Smith believed that in a capitalist system people are naturally selfish and are moved to engage in manufacturing and trade in order to gain wealth and power. Smith’s originality was to argue that such activity is beneficial because it leads to increased production and sharpens competition. As a result, goods circulate more widely and at lower prices, jobs are created, and wealth is spread. Though people may act from the narrow desire to enrich themselves, Smith argued, “an invisible hand” guides them to enrich and improve all of society. And yet, American industrial development in the 19th century took a toll on working men and women. Factory owners often required them to put in long hours of low wages, provided them with unsafe and unhealthy workplaces, and hired the children of poor families. There was discrimination in hiring: African Americans and members of some immigrant groups were rejected or forced to work under highly unfavorable conditions.


心理辅导缺失数据管理的最佳实践 加布里埃尔·l·Schlomer施瑞鲍曼和诺尔卡 亚利桑那大学 这篇文章敦促咨询心理学研究人员识别和报告丢失的数据 处理,因为消费者的研究不能准确地解释发现不知道数量 缺失的数据和模式或策略被用来处理这些数据。缺失的数据模式 综述了,和一些常见的策略来处理他们。作者 提供一个例子,数据模拟和评估3处理缺失数据的方法: 意味着替代,多个归罪,完整的信息极大似然。结果表明, 意味着替代是一个贫穷的方法处理缺失数据,而多个归责和完整 信息极大似然推荐这种方法。作者建议 ,研究人员充分考虑并报告缺失数据的数量和模式和策略 在心理咨询研究和处理这些数据,编辑建议研究人员 期望。 关键词:缺失数据、最佳实践、咨询心理学、多个归罪,完整的信息 最大似然 缺失的数据出现在大多数研究行为科学 (翘起的,2005;埃里森,2005;Orme &里斯,1991;Pigott,2001; 史蒂文斯,1996;Streiner,1996),APA特遣部队在统计推断(威尔金森&特遣部队在统计推断,

1999)建议研究人员报告失踪的模式 数据和统计技术用来解决问题 这些数据创建。虽然适当的报告和处理 缺失的数据对于理解至关重要的结果,这个元素 从报告的研究数据分析通常省略(彭, 哈维尔,宾利,&伊曼,2006;桑德斯et al .,2006)。与 增加计算内存和处理速度、复杂 现在可以通过对缺失数据的分析研究人员 没有昂贵的专用软件。然而,许多 研究人员不知道报告的重要性和管理缺失的数据,和编辑基本上没有坚持 作者提供这些基本信息。 最佳实践与研究要求两个缺失的数据 项目的基本信息,应该在每一个报道 研究:(一)缺失数据的范围和性质和(b) 程序用于管理缺失的数据,包括使用方法选择的基本原理。 在本文中,我们首先检查 最近完成的《咨询 Psychologyto确定作者在这个杂志上有解决这两个项目。然后我们提出建议改善缺失数据报告的期刊文章。最后,我们 提供一个对几种常见的管理方法

英语 直译与意译-试讲教案

Good morning,class. In the last period we have learned chapter one-General principles of translation. And we have studied two important points: Definition of translation and the competence of a translator. And I will check you in the next class. As what we have mentioned last period, the process of translation consists of two phases: comprehension and expression. (理解和表达) Generally speaking, comprehension is of foremost importance, and express is the natural consequence of thorough comprehension. However, in the practice of translation, we may find that now and then some words in their usual senses are very difficult to deal with because of the disparity between the English and the Chinese language. In this case, we have to resort to some special means of translation. Literal translation and free translation are two alternative approaches to tackle this problem. So, in this class, we are going to learn translation strategies in 1.4.1, literal translation and free translation. To begin with, what’s literal translation and free translation? Please open your books and turn to page 12. Literal translation Vs. Free translation 1. Literal translation may be defined as having the following characteristics: 1). Literal translation takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translating. 直译把句子作为基本单位,同时在翻译的过程中也考虑整个文本。 2). Literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech. 直译是要再现文本的中心内容和原文风格,并且尽可能保留原文的修辞。 2. Free translation may be defined as a supplementary means to mainly convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figures of speech. And it is adopted only when and where really impossible for translators to do literal translation. 意译其实是直译的一种补充的翻译手段。意译就是尽可能传达原文的意思和精髓,

英汉翻译 之 合译法

英汉翻译之合译法 合译法多用于英语简单句的翻译,特别是两个或两个以上的英文句子共用相同的主语的时候,汉语一般不喜欢重复某一名词,或重复使用某一代词作主语,这这种情况下,往往将原文数句合译为一句。 This novel is of no great literary merit. It is merely a pot-boiler. 这部小说纯属胡编乱造,没有多大文学价值。 I wasn’t an enemy, in fact or in feeling, I was an ally. 无论在事实上,还是在情感上,我都不是他们的敌人,而是他们的盟友。 Confucius was a believer in moral action and in what we today call human development. He advocated the establishment of harmony within the social order. 孔子信仰道德的行为,信仰我们今天所说的人的发展,提倡在社会秩序内建立和谐。 Young people don’t hesitate to attempt one thing after another. Eager to experiment, they welcome new ideas. They are restless and alive and never satisfied. They seek perfection. 年轻人总是不停地探索,急于实验,乐于接受新的思想。他们充满活力,永不满足,追求尽善尽美。 有时候是为了行文紧凑、简练的原则而将两句或数句合并为一句来翻译; I was slow to understand the deep grievance of women. This was because, as a boy, I had envied them. 我迟迟未能理解女人的深切苦楚,因为我小时候曾羡慕过她们。 A man in a newish suburb feels that he has one foot in the city and one in the country. As this is the kind of compromise he likes, he is happy. 住在新郊区的人,觉得一只脚在城里,一只脚在乡下,非常开心,因为这种城乡妥协之地是他喜欢的。 Towards evening, the attack of the French slackened in its fury. They had other foes besides the British to engage, or were preparing for a final onset. 将近傍晚,法军的攻势逐渐松懈,或许因为它们除了英国人之外还有别的交战敌人,或许正在准备发动最后的一次总攻击。 Although the size of the task waiting to be carried out is daunting and there are many hurdles to be overcome, it would be wrong to end my address on a note of pessimism. Many countries have already made considerable progress in this regard. 尽管等待我们去完成的任务规模之大令人畏惧,尽管有许多障碍有待克服,但是以悲观的调子来结束我的发言是错误的,因为许多国家在此方面已经取得了长足的进步。 合译时,可充分发挥汉语标点符号的作用; Nine of the 13 children have never held a meaningful job, nor do they care to. Only one of


A RESEARCH ON DATA PROCESSING MODEL OF GPS DAM DEFORMATION MONITORING NETWORK Abstract: Considering the particularity of the GPS dam deformation monitoring network, a data processing model based on the station orthogonal coordinate system for three-dimension GPS dam deformation monitoring network, was put forward. Also, a mathematical model of using the clustering analysis method in fuzzy mathematics to test the relative stability of quasi-stable points(or datum marks) was successfully brought forward. The adjustment method during the course of data processing was quasi-stable adjustment. At last, a software system of three-dimension GPS dam deformation monitoring network was designed and opened up with the help of Visual Basic Language. With three periods o'bservation data from the GPS deformation monitoring network of a dam, an adjustment calculation was done by the software.The calculation result shows that the mathematical models can be more suitable for the data processing in GPS dam deformation monitoring network. Key words: GPS, Dam deformation monitoring, Quasi-stable adjustment, Clustering analysis 1.Introduction WGS-84 coordinate system is generally used in GPS. But local or independent coordinate systems are usually chosen in dam deformation monitoring networks for their small areas. During the course of past data processing, the adjustment under WGS-84 coordinate system for


英语专业毕业论文翻译 类论文 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

毕业论文(设计)Title:The Application of the Iconicity to the Translation of Chinese Poetry 题目:象似性在中国诗歌翻译中的应用 学生姓名孔令霞 学号 BC09150201 指导教师祁晓菲助教 年级 2009级英语本科(翻译方向)二班 专业英语 系别外国语言文学系

黑龙江外国语学院本科生毕业论文(设计)任务书 摘要

索绪尔提出的语言符号任意性,近些年不断受到质疑,来自语言象似性的研究是最大的挑战。语言象似性理论是针对语言任意性理论提出来的,并在不断发展。象似性是当今认知语言学研究中的一个重要课题,是指语言符号的能指与所指之间的自然联系。本文以中国诗歌英译为例,探讨象似性在中国诗歌翻译中的应用,从以下几个部分阐述:(1)象似性的发展;(2)象似性的定义及分类;(3)中国诗歌翻译的标准;(4)象似性在中国诗歌翻译中的应用,主要从以下几个方面论述:声音象似、顺序象似、数量象似、对称象似方面。通过以上几个方面的探究,探讨了中国诗歌翻译中象似性原则的重大作用,在诗歌翻译过程中有助于得到“形神皆似”和“意美、音美、形美”的理想翻译效果。 关键词:象似性;诗歌;翻译

Abstract The arbitrariness theory of language signs proposed by Saussure is severely challenged by the study of language iconicity in recent years. The theory of iconicity is put forward in contrast to that of arbitrariness and has been developing gradually. Iconicity, which is an important subject in the research of cognitive linguistics, refers to a natural resemblance or analogy between the form of a sign and the object or concept. This thesis mainly discusses the application of the iconicity to the translation of Chinese poetry. The paper is better described from the following parts: (1) The development of the iconicity; (2) The definition and classification of the iconicity; (3) The standards of the translation to Chinese poetry; (4) The application of the iconicity to the translation of Chinese poetry, mainly discussed from the following aspects: sound iconicity, order iconicity, quantity iconicity, and symmetrical iconicity. Through in-depth discussion of the above aspects, this paper could come to the conclusion that the iconicity is very important in the translation of poetry. It is conductive to reach the ideal effect of “the similarity of form and spirit” and “the three beauties”. Key words: the iconicity; poetry; translation
