


来源:天星更新日期:2011-08-17 点击:497




(1) 用来连接两个并列概念的连接词有and , not only…but also…, neither…nor…等,and 所连接的前后分句往往表示先后关系、递进关系。前后分句的时态往往保持一致关系,若第一个分句是祈使句,那么第二个分句用将来时。

(2) 表示在两者之间选择一个, 常用的连接词有or,otherwise,or else,either…or…等,前后分句的时态往往保持一致关系,若第一个分句是祈使句,那么第二个分句用将来时。

(3) 表明两个概念彼此有矛盾、相反或者转折, 常用的连接词有but,yet,still ,however等,前后分句时态一致。

(4) 说明原因, 用连接词for ,前后分句时态一致。

(5) 表示结果,用连接词so, 前后分句时态一致。



主从复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。主句为句子的主体,从句只用作句子的一个次要成分,不能独立成为一个句子。从句通常由关联词引导,并由关联词将从句和主句联系在一起。如:While the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them.(爷爷奶奶们很爱孩子,同时对他们也严格要求。) / It seemed as if the meeting would never end.(看起来会议没完没了。) / Hurry up, or (else) you'll be late.(快点, 要不然就来不及了。) / However I cook eggs, the child still refuses to eat them.(不管我用什么方法煮鸡蛋,小孩还是不肯吃。)




(1) 表语从句:在句子中作连系动词的表语的从句,它位于主句中的系动词之后。

例如:That is why he did not come to school yesterday. / It is because you are so clever.

(2) 宾语从句:在句子中作及物动词或介词的宾语。




若从句来源于一个一般疑问句,连词则用if 或whether;


例如:They believe that the computer will finally take the place of human beings.(他们相信

计算机终将代替人类。) (从句本来就是陈述句)/ I wonder whether I should say something for him to the headmaster. (我不知道是不是该为他在校长跟前说点什么。) (从句来源于一般问句Shall I say something for him to the headmaster?) / He asked me where he could get such medicine. (他问我在哪儿能搞到那样的药。) (从句来源于特殊问句Where can he get such medicine? )


如主句是过去时,从句则相应地使用过去某一时态,遇到客观真理时仍然用现在时。如:I think I will do better in English this term. (我想本学期我的英语会学得好点。) / The teacher asked the boy if the earth is round. (老师问那个男孩地球是不是圆的。)


be sorry / afraid / sure / glad +that从句,如:I’m sorry I’m late. (对不起,我迟到了。) / I’m afraid he isn’t in at the moment. (恐怕他此刻不在家。)

(3) 状语从句:在复合句中作状语,其位置可以在主句前或主句后。状语从句可以分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、比较、让步、条件等几种。状语从句由从属连接词引导。

时间状语从句通常由when ,as ,while, after, before, since, as soon as ,since, till (until), while, whenever 等引导。时间状语从句一般放在句首或句尾,特别注意,时间状语从句不允许使用将

来时,而应该用现在时替代。如:When you finish the work, you may go out to play with Sam. (你完成工作就可以出去和Jim一起玩了。) / I won’t leave until Mum comes back. (妈妈回来了我才会走。)

地点状语从句通常由where, wherever等引导。如:Go back where you came from! (哪里来还滚到哪里去!) / I will never forget to catch the thief who stole my necklace wherever he may be. (我永远也不会忘记去抓住那个偷我项链的贼,无论他会在哪里。)

原因状语从句通常由because, since, as等引导,一般放在句首或句尾。如:He went abroad because his father had found a good university for him. (他出国了,因为他父亲给他找了一所好大学。)

目的状语从句通常由so that..., so...hat..., in order that... 等引导,往往放在句尾,从句中通常含有can / could / may / might等情态动词。如:He got up earlier so that he could catch the first train. (他起身更早为的是赶上第一班车。)

结果状语从句通常由so that..., so...that... 等引导,放在句尾。结果状语从句一般表示已经发生的事情,故多为过去时态。如:He lost so many bikes that he decided never to buy a new one. (他丢了那么多辆自行车,他决定再也不买新车了。)

比较状语从句通常由as, than, as (so)...as等引导,一般省略从句的谓语部分,只剩下名词或代词(用主格或宾格均可)。如:Jane is much taller than I/me. (Jane比我高多了。) / I don’t have as many books as you (do). (我书没有你多)

让步状语从句通常由though (although), as, even if( even though), however, whatever等引导。如:Even if you pay the debt(债务) for me, I will not thank you because it has nothing to do with me. (即使你替我还了债我也不会感谢你,因为它与我毫无关系。) / He wears a T-shirt though it is very cold. (他穿了一件T恤衫,尽管天很冷。)

条件状语从句通常由if, unless, as long as等引导,条件状语从句一般放在句首或句尾,特别注意,时间状语从句不允许使用将来时,而应该用现在时替代。You will certainly fail in the coming final exams unless you work much harder. (即将来到的期末考试你肯定考不及格,除非你更用功。) / If it doesn’ t rain tomorrow, we shall go hiking. (如果明天不下雨我们就要去徒步旅行。)

[注意] 1、because与so;(al)though与but;if与so不可以同在一个句子中成对出现。


(4) 定语从句:在复合句中作定语用修饰句子中某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。

①定语从句的位置:放在名词或代词的后面。如:The man who has an umbrella in his hand is my uncle. (手上抓了一把雨伞的人是我的叔叔。)



关系代词who、whom 和whose指人,分别在从句中作主语、宾语和定语。which指物that 多指物, 有时也指人,它们在从句中可以作主语或宾语。定语从句中关系代词作从句宾语时可以省略。This is the thief (that/who/whom) we have been looking for these days. (这个就是我们近日一直在找的小偷。) / Please find a room which is big enough for all of us to live in. (请找一间足够大能住下我们全体的房间。)

关系副词when或where引导定语从句时,它们在从句中分别作时间状语和地点状语。如:This is the room where they had a quarrel a week ago. (这是一个星期前他们吵架的房间。) / I can never forget the day when I first saw you. (我永远不会忘记第一次见到你的日子。)

④限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句在句中不能省略,否则主句意思就不完整。非限制性定语从句和主句之间往往用逗号分开,这种从句是一种附加说明,如果从句子中省去,也不致于影响主句的意思。如:She spent the whole evening talking about her latest book, which none of us had heard of. (她一个晚上都在谈论她最近的书,我们一个人都没有听说过那本书。)



当先行词是指事物的不定代词(all, anything等),或先行词部分含有最高级,或含有序数词时,不能用其他的关系代词,只能用that. 如:All that Lily told me seems untrue. (Lily告诉我的话似乎不真实。) / Can you give me anything that has no sugar inside? (能不能给我点里面没有糖的东西?) / This is the first two-story bus that runs in our city. (这是第一辆运行于我市的双


2、关系代词在从句中作主语时一般用who(指人)、that(指物),而不用that指人或用which 指物。

如:Do you know the woman who is weeping in the corner? (你认识那个在角落里哭泣的女人吗?) / Do not tell me any words that have nothing to do with me. (跟我无关的话,请一个字也不要说。)


如:Tom’s father was the first parent whom our teacher talked to. (Tom的父亲是我们老师第一个谈话的人。)


如:This is the room in which Miss Li once lived. (= This is the room Miss Li once lived in.) (这是李小姐曾经居住过的房间。)

(5) 主语从句:在句子中充当句子主语的从句叫主语从句。位于谓语动词之前。通常由that,whether以及疑问连词引导。一般情况下,常用it替代主语从句,而将主语从句移到句尾。如:When we should start is still a question. (我们该在什么时候开始还是个问题呢。)








如:He says,"I am not from the USA.”→He says that he is not from the USA.

Mr Smith said to his girl friend,“ I haven’ t seen you for a long time.”

→Mr Smith said to his girl friend that he had not seen her for a long time.

2、直接引语如果是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,需用从属连接词whether或if引导,词序要改变。如:Lin Tao said to Miss Green, "Is it made in China?” →Lin Tao asked Miss Green if i t was made in China.


如:Lucy said to me, “How can I help?” →Lucy asked me how she could help.

4、直接引语如是祈使句,变间接引语时,须将祈使句变为动词不定式,并在动词不定式前用tell, ask, order. 如:He said to the little boy,“ Come here, young man! ”

→He asked the little boy to go there.



1、THERE BE句型以及以here、there开头的句子。如:There are a lot of children in the showroom. (在展览室里有许多的小孩。)/ Here comes the bus. (公交车来了。) / There goes the bell. (铃响了。) / The door opened and in came Mr Lee. (门开了,李先生走了进来。)

2、用“So / Nor / Neither + 助动词+ 主语”倒装结构表示第二个人物的情况与上文的人物情况相同。如:Tom went to the beach last week, and, so did I. (Tom上个星期去了海滩,我也是。) / Li Mei’s bought nothing from the shop. Neither has Jim. (李梅没有在店里买什么,Jim也没有买。)

3、在疑问句中,通常使用在主语之前安放助动词的倒装方法,对主语提问除外。如:How did he find the lost book? (他是怎么样找到丢失的书的?) / Where are they going to spend the summer vacation? (他们打算到哪儿过暑假?)

4、感叹句中通常将被感叹的部分前移,而将句子的主谓语整体后置。如:What a beautiful flower (it is)! (那是多漂亮的花!)

5、有引号引用某人的原话时,引号外面的主谓一般采用倒装形式放在句尾,但是,若主语是代词则不倒装。如:“What on earth are you doing up there?” said the father. (父亲说:“你在上边到底干什么?”) / “What on earth are you doing up there?”he said. (他说:“你在上边到底干什么?”)


die、dead、death的用法:die是动词,可以独立做谓语,有各种时态变化,也可以变成非谓语形式作句子的其他成分;dead是形容词,作句子的定语、表语或宾语补足语;death是名词,作句子的主语、宾语等。如:I’m going to die! (我要死了!) / The man has been dead for about three months. (那个人死了三个月左右。) / He is worried to death. (他急得要死。)


根据句子的结构,英语的句子可分为简单句、并列句和复合句。 1简单句 只包含一个主谓结构,He is a doctor. 2并列句 用并列连词and,but,or把两个的简单句连接而成。 He is a doctor ,and

she is a teacher. I liked the story , but he didn’t like it. Hurry up,or you will be late. 3 复合句 句型:主句+连词+从句 连词+从句+主句(包含一个主句、一个从句的句子叫复合句。)

1).定语从句 2).状语从句 3).名词性从句 I don’t like the wa y (that, in which) he talked to me. Please pass me the book whose cover is green. (of which t

he cover/the cover of which)

二、状语从句 1 地点状语从句 地点状语从句通常 由where, wherever 引导。 Where I live there are plenty of trees. Wherever I am I wil l be thinking of yo u.

2 方式状语从句 方式状语从句通常由as, (just) as…s o…, as if, as thou gh引导。 1)as, (just) as…s o…引导的方式状语从句通常位于主句后,但在(just) as…so…结构中位于句首,这时a s从句带有比喻的含


主从复合句 一宾语从句 用作宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。宾语从句在句中起宾语作用,它可以用作动词的宾语,也可以做动词的宾语,也可以做介词、不定式、分词、动名词以及某些形容词(如:sure, glad, pleased, certain, afraid, surprised, satisfied 等)的宾语,宾语从句可以由连词that, whether, if;代词who, whose, what, which和副词when, where, how, why等引导。 他想他过几天就会好了。 I think (that) he’ll be all right in a few days. 你知道他们在等谁吗 Do you know who (whom) they are waiting for 他问那是谁的字典。 He asked whose dictionary it was. 注意老师说的话。 Pay attention to what the teacher said. 1.宾语从句在句中的位置 (1)作宾语的从句。如: I heard that he joined the army. 我听说他参军了。 She did not know what had happened. 她不知道发生了什么事。 (2)作介词的宾语。如: Our success depends upon/on how well we can cooperate with one another.我们的成功在于我们彼此能够很好的合作。 She is worried about whether her mother can come on time. 她在担心妈妈是否能按时来。 (3)作形容词的宾语。 I’m afraid (that) I’ve made a mistake.我恐怕我犯错误了。 类似的形容词还有:anxious, aware, certain, confident, glad, proud, surprised, worried, sorry, thankful, ashamed, disappointed, pleased, hurt, satisfied等。 (4)it作形式宾语,而真正的宾语that从句则放在句尾,特别是在带复合宾语的句子中,如: 他很明确地说他宁愿学习英语。 He made it quite clear that he preferred to study English. 注意:有些动词后不能跟that从句作宾语,这类动词有allow, refuse, let, like, cause, force, admire, celebrate, dislike, love, help, take, forgive 等。 2.宾语从句的引导词 (1)当宾语从句是由陈述句转化而来时,由that 引导,这时that在宾语从句中无意义,不充当任何成分,常省略。如: I know (that) you have met him. 我知道你曾经见过他。 He told me that he was wrong.他告诉我他错了。 I don’t believe he has finished his work.我相信他还没有完成他的工作。


二、简单句、并列句和复合句 (一)句子种类两种分类法 1、按句子的用途可分四种: 1)陈述句(肯定、否定):He is six years old; She didn't hear of you before. 2)疑问句(一般、特殊、选择、反意):Do they like skat in g? How old is he? Is he six or seven years old? Mary can swim, can't she? 3)祈使句:Be careful, boys; Don't talk in class 4)感叹句:How clever the boy is! 2、按句子的结构可分三种: 1)简单句:只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)。 e.g. He often reads English in the morning. Tom and Mike are American boys. She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall newspapers. 2)并列句:由并列连词(and, but, or 等)或分号(;)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起构成。 e.g. You help him and he helps you. The future is bright; the road is tortuous. 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。 3)复合句:含有一个或一个以上从句的句子。复合句包含:名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句)、定语从句和状语从句等。 e.g. The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great Wall. (二)简单句的五种基本句型 1 主语+系动词+表语:e.g. He is a stude nt. 2、主语+不及物动词:e.g. We work. 3、主语+ 及物动词+ 宾语:e.g. He nry bought a dictio nary. 4、主语+及物动词+双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语):e.g. My father bought me a car. 5、主语+及物动词+复合宾语(宾语+宾补):e.g. Tom made the baby laugh. 注:其他各种句子都可由这一种基本句型扩展、变化或省略而构成。 (三)并列句的分类 1表示连接两个同等概念,常用and, not only …but also …,neither …门o等连接hee.g. The teacher's name is Smith, and the student's name is John. 2、表示选择,常用的连词有or, either …or …,othei等see.g. Hurry up, or you'll miss the train. 3、表示转折, 常用的连词有but, still, however, yet, while, when 等。e.g. He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. 4、表示因果关系,常用的连词有so, for, therefore 等。e.g. August is the time of the year for rive


简单句、并列句、复合句 一.简单句:仅有一个主谓结构的句子叫简单句。 1.主语、谓语在人称与数上的一致性。 and连接两个并列主语时为复数,谓语动词也相应地使用复数形式,但: (1)如果and连接的两个名词是不可数名词且前面都没有冠词,若两个词表示一个事物或一个概念,谓语动词要用单数;如果两个词表示的是两个事物或两个概念,谓语动词则要用复数。 (2)如果and连接的是两个可数单数名词,前一个有冠词,后一个没有冠词,意味着一个人或事物,谓语动词要用单数。 (3)当and连接的两个名词前都有each,every,many a,no等单数概念的限定词修饰时(第二个名词前的修饰词有时可以省略),谓语动词要用单数。 2.陈述句与疑问句的转换。 3.选择疑问句。 4.反意疑问句。 (1)陈述句+省略问句 (2)祈使句+附加疑问句 反意疑问句的回答 二.并列句 由并列连词把两个或两个以上的互相关连而又互相独立的独句(即简单句)连在一起而构成的句子叫并列句。其结构是:简单句+并列连词+简单句 常用的连词有and,but,or not only...but also,neither...nor,either...or 联合并列句常由并列词and, not only…but also…..等连接 如: Use your hand, and you’ll find a way. 转折并列句常由并列连词but, while, yet, whereas, nevertheless等连接 如:I would love to have gone to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. 选择疑问句常由并列连词or, otherwise, either…or…,等连接 如:Either you leave this house or I’ll call the police 因果并列句由并列连词so, for, therefore 等连接. 如: it was late, so we went home. 在”祈使句+and/or+陈述句”结构中,当前后两部分间为承接关系时,用and;前后意思为相反关系时,用or.可将前面的祈使句转换成由if引导的条件状语从句,但必须将and 或or 去掉. 如: Hurry up, and we’ll be there in time.= If we hurry up, we’ll be there in time. because和so; although, though和but 不能连用 三.复合句:有一个主句和若干个从句组成 1. What I want to explain is this. 2.We should never pretend to know what we don’t know. 3.That’s exactly what I am planning to do. 4.We expressed the hope that they would come and visit china again. 5.He asked me to stay where I was. 6. The comrade whom you spoke to is a model worker.


二、简单句、并列句和复合句 (一)句子种类两种分类法 1、按句子的用途可分四种: 1)陈述句(肯定、否定):He is six years old; She didn't hear of you before. 2)疑问句(一般、特殊、选择、反意):Do they like skating? How old is he? Is he six or seven years old? Mary can swim, can't she? 3)祈使句:Be careful, boys; Don't talk in class 4)感叹句:How clever the boy is! 2、按句子的结构可分三种: 1)简单句:只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)。 e.g. He often reads English in the morning. Tom and Mike are American boys. She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall newspapers. 2) 并列句:由并列连词(and, but, or等)或分号(;)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起构成。 e.g. You help him and he helps you.

The future is bright; the road is tortuous. 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。 3)复合句:含有一个或一个以上从句的句子。复合句包含:名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句)、定语从句和状语从句等。 e.g. The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great Wall. (二)简单句的五种基本句型 1、主语+系动词+表语:e.g. He is a student. 2、主语+不及物动词:e.g. We work. 3、主语+及物动词+宾语:e.g. Henry bought a dictionary. 4、主语+及物动词+双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语):e.g. My father bought me a car. 5、主语+及物动词+复合宾语(宾语+宾补):e.g. Tom made the baby laugh. 注:其他各种句子都可由这一种基本句型扩展、变化或省略而构成。 (三)并列句的分类 1、表示连接两个同等概念,常用and, not only…but also…, neither…nor…, then等连接。e.g. The teacher's name is Smith, and the student's name is John. 2、表示选择,常用的连词有or, either…or…, otherwise等。e.g. Hurry up, or you'll miss the train.


Combination(合译法) 所谓合译法,是指把原文中两个或两个以上的词合译成一个词,将两个或两个以上的简单句合译为一个句子,或将一个复合句在译文中用一个单句来表达。英汉两种语言在句法结构上存在很大差异。英语重“形合”,连接词较为发达,句子结构层层包孕,句子在空间上呈大树型结构,长句较多。汉语重“意合”,句子与句子之间缺乏必要的连接词,积词成句,积句成章,流水句较多,呈线性排列,一句接一句,短句较多,句子结构呈竹竿型分布。另外,英语的后置修饰语有时很长,而汉语的修饰语一般前置,不宜过长。因此,为了符合汉语表达习惯, 也为了更清楚地表达原文意思,在翻译时需要对原来的句子结构进行调整,即适当改变原文结构。与分译法把原文的某个成分从原来的结构中分离出来,译成一个独立分句相反,合译法是将不同的句子成分组合在一起,用一个单句来表达,使其更符合汉语的表达方法。由于英语句子一般比汉语句子长,英译汉时切分用得较多,但是较口语化的英语句子也比较短,英译汉时有时也得用合并,故合译法多用于英语简单句的翻译,特别是两个或两个以上的英文句子共用相同的主语的时候,汉语一般不喜欢重复某一名词,或重复使用某一代词作主语,在这种情况下,往往将原文数句合译为一句。 Combination in E-C Translation (合译法在英译汉中的应用) A.Words (词的合译) This technique is used to integrate two words of close meaning into one expression. 词的合译是指把两个或两个以上的同义词合译成一个词,使译文清楚整齐。Examples: 1. You will supply financial power, and we’ll supply man power. Isn’t that fair and square? 译文:你们出钱,我们出人,这难道还不公平吗? 2. His father is a man who forgives and forgets. 译文:他的父亲非常宽容。 3. Her son was wise and clever, but her daughter was silly and foolish. 译文:她的儿子非常聪明,可女儿却很笨。 4. He suffered aches and pains. 译文:他遭受百般疼痛。 5. He is a man of culture and learning. 译文:他是个很有学问的人。 Try to translate: 1. He was kindly, generous and obliging. 2. He was jealous and envious of his brother. He resented that his younger brother was so successful. 参考译文: 1. 他乐善好施。 2. 他嫉妒他弟弟,痛恨弟弟取得了这么大的成功。 B.Phrases (固定词组的合译) 英语和汉语各自有一套独特的语言表达系统。在英语中,词的粘合力和搭配力较强,一个动词往往可以同多个名词或多个介词搭配,一个介词也往往与多个名词搭配,构成不


高考英语简单句、并列句和复合句总结 考点一简单句 1.简单句只包含一个主谓结构. 2.五种简单句: 1)主+谓. He comes at last. 2)主+系+表. She is a teacher. The soup tastes nice. 3)主+谓+宾. They reached the village. 4)主+谓+间宾+直宾. He gave me a pen. 5)主+谓+宾+宾补. I find that book very useful. 考点二并列句 并列句:两个或两个以上的简单句,用连词连接起来。 常用的连接词有: 1.表示顺承关系的:and, not only…but also(不仅….而且….)等。 She ______ gave us a lot of advice, _______ helped us to overcome difficulties. Linda tried to become an excellent teacher, _____ at last she succeeded. 2.表示选择关系和否定条件的有or(还是,否则) Do you want to leave now ____ would you rather set off later? Wear your coat, ____ you’ll catch a cold. 3.表示转折关系的有but, yet等。 He is young, but he works hard.虽然他年轻,但工作努力。 4.表示因果关系的有for, so 等。 My leg hurts so I go to see a doctor. 我的腿疼,因此我去看医生。 考点三主从复合句:宾语从句 1.宾语从句的引导词 (1)引导陈述句用that(在口语和非正式文体中常常省略) He tells me (that ) he is going shopping this Sunday. (2) 引导一般疑问句用if或whether. She asked me if\ whether she could join us. (whether…or not) (3) 引导特殊疑问句,要用原来的特殊疑问词。 She asked them what they were doing. 2.宾语从句的语序:要用陈述句语序。 I want to know when the train left. 3. 宾语从句的时态 (1)主句是一般现在时,一般将来时或祈使句,宾语从句可根据实际需要选用各种时态。 He tells us that he has been able to look after himself. (2)主句是过去时态,宾语从句应使用过去时的相应时态。 They said that they had already finished the work. (3)如果宾语从句叙述的是客观事实、真理、自然现象等,不管主句用什么时态,从句 都用一般现在时。 He said that light travels faster than sound. 3. 练习 1)She asked me, “Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?” (改为含宾语从句的复合句)


简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句 文章来源:互联网 在前面各讲中所说的肯定句、否定句、各种疑问句、感叹句等,是根据句子的作用来划分的。今天,我们再学习一种新的分类方法:即根据句子的内部结构,特别是句子与句子之间的关系来划分的方法。根据句子结构,可以分为三种主要类型:简单句、并列句、复合句,另外还有一种叫并列-复合句子。 要搞懂英语句子结构分类,有一点首先必须明白:即什么是“句子”?句子的概念有两层含义:一是它能表达一个清晰、完整的意思。反过来讲,只要能表达一个清晰、完整的意思的语言单位,不论是长是短,哪怕是一个单词,也算作是一个句子。这是从意义方面来说的。二是句子的结构完整。所谓“完整”,最核心的是一个句子应该有“主语、谓语”。也就是说,有主语、有谓语的语言单位就是一个句子。这就是从句子结构方面来分的,也是从句子语法成份方面来划分的。我们所讲的简单句、并列句、复合句都是从主语、谓语来判定句子类型的。 如果按照句子的结构分类,英文句子可分为三种类型:简单句(Simple Sentence),并列句(Compound Sentence)和复合句(Complex Sentence)。 一、简单句 简单句的定义是:或者只有一个主语,或者只有一个谓语。为什么说“或者”呢?因为简单句可以只有一个主语,但有几个谓语;或者可以有几个主语,但只有一个谓语。这样一分,简单句就有三种形式了。 1、只有一个主语、一个谓语,再加上其它成份。例如: Light travels faster than sound. 光比声传播速度快。 The film is not interesting. 这部电影没有意思。 Can you finish the work on time? 你能按时完成工作吗? 2、只有一个主语,但有几个谓语,再加上其它成份。例如: The boy were running, shouting and laughing. 男孩们一边跑,一边笑,一边喊叫着。 You cannot listen to music and memorize at the same time. 你不能既听音乐,同时又背诵东西。 Computers mean a lot to human beings and are paidmore and more attention by people.


【专题】主从复合句(状从、名从和定从) 【考点分析】 状语从句 1.when, while, as引导时间状语从句的区别; 2.名词词组the minute, the moment, the first time, each time, any time等用作连词,引导的时间状语从句; 3.before,和since引导时间状语从句的用法以及常见的几个句型; 4.till和until的用法; 5.although, though, as以及even if, even though引导让步状语从句的用法; 6.结果状语从句中“so…that”与“such…that”的区别; 7.条件状语从句unless, providing/provided, suppose/supposing等引导词的用法; 8.“疑问词+ever”和“no matter+疑问词”引导从句的用法; 9. in case引导的状语从句; 10.where引导的状语从句; 11.once引导的状语从句。 12.与祈使句、定语从句、名词从句、倒装句以及与强调句型的混合考查。 名词从句 1. that和what引导名词性从句的区别; 2.名词从句的语序和时态; 3. it作形式主语、形式宾语的几种情况; 4.宾语从句的否定转移; 5.whether和if的用法区别; 6.what在名词性从句中的使用; 7.doubt后的名词性从句的使用; 8.Who / whoever, what / whatever等的用法区别; 9.连接词that的省略; 定语从句 1.that与which引导的定语从句的区别; 2.who、whom与whose引导的定语从句的区别; 3.关系副词where、when与why引导的定语从句的区别; 4.对“as”引导定语从句的考查; 5. such…as与such…that的区别;the same…as与the same…that的区别; 6.对“介词+关系代词”的考查; 7.the way 作先行词时,定语从句的引导词作状语用in which ,that 或者省略; 8.含有插入语的定语从句; 9.与并列句、状语从句、同位语从句以及与强调句型的混合考查。 【知识点归纳】 I.句子的种类 复习主从复合句时,我们首先要对句子的种类有所了解,才能更深入地掌握主从复合句的知识。 按用途分


高中英语语法难点——并列句和主从复合句并列句基本概念: 并列复合句是由两个或两个以上并列而又独立的简单句构成。两个简单句常由并列连接词连在一起;但有时不用连接词,只在两个简单句之间用一逗号或分号。2、常见的并列句: (1) 用来连接两个并列概念的连接词有and , not only…but also…, neither…nor…等,and 所连接的前后分句往往表示先后关系、递进关系。前后分句的时态往往保持一致关系,若第一个分句是祈使句,那么第二个分句用将来时。(2) 表示在两者之间选择一个, 常用的连接词有or,otherwise,or else,either…or…等,前后分句的时态往往保持一致关系,若第一个分句是祈使句,那么第二个分句用将来时。(3) 表明两个概念彼此有矛盾、相反或者转折, 常用的连接词有but,yet,still ,however等,前后分句时态一致。(4) 说明原因, 用连接词for ,前后分句时态一致。(5) 表示结果,用连接词so, 前后分句时态一致。 主从复合句 1、概念: 主从复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。主句为句子的主体,从句只用作句子的一个次要成分,不能独立成为一个句子。从句通常由关联词引导,并由关联词将从句和主句联系在一起。如:While the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them.(爷爷奶奶们很爱孩子,同时对他们也严格要求。) / It seemed as if the meeting would never end.(看起来会议没完没了。) / Hurry up, or (else) you’ll be late.(快点, 要不然就来不及了。) / However I cook eggs, the child still refuses to eat them.(不管我用什么方法煮鸡蛋,小孩还是不肯吃。) 2、分类: 从句按其在复合句中的作用,分为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句等。(参见以下各条) 3、各从句在句子中的位置以及用法: (1) 表语从句:在句子中作连系动词的表语的从句,它位于主句中的系动词之后。例如:That is why he did not come to school yesterday. / It is because you are so clever. (2) 宾语从句:在句子中作及物动词或介词的宾语。①基本形式:(主句+)连词+从句主语+从句谓语+... ②关于宾语从句连词的选择:若从句来源于一个陈述句,那么,连词用that,在口语中that可以省略; 若从句来源于一个一般疑问句,连词则用if 或whether; 若从句来源于一个特殊疑问句,则连词就是疑问词(如what,who,where,when等) 例如:They believe that the computer will finally take the place of human beings.(他们相信计算机终将代替人类。) (从句本来就是陈述句)/ I wonder whether I should say something for him to the headmaster. (我不知道是不是该为他在校长跟前说点什么。) (从句来源于一般问句Shall I say something for him to the headmaster?) / He asked me where he could get such medicine. (他问我在哪儿能搞到那样的药。) (从句来源于特殊问句Where can he get such medicine? ) ③宾语从句的时态问题:如果主句是现在时,从句则用现在某一时态,甚至可以用过去时;如主句是过去时,从句则相应地使用过去某一时态,遇到客观真理时仍然用现在时。如:I think I will do better in English this term. (我想本学期我的英语会学得好点。) / The teacher asked the boy if the earth is round. (老师问那个男孩地球是不是圆的。) ④下列结构后面的从句一般也作为宾语从句看待:be sorry / afraid / sure / glad +that从句,如:I’m sorry I’m late. (对不起,我迟到了。) / I’m afraid he isn’t in at the moment. (恐怕他此刻不在家。) (3) 状语从句:在复合句中作状语,其位置可以在主句前或主句后。状语从句可以分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、比较、让步、条件等几种。状语从句由从属连接词引导。时间状语从句通常由when ,as ,while, after, before, since, as soon as ,since, till (until), while, whenever 等


简单句、并列句和复合句 考点一简单句 简单句只包含一个主谓结构. 五种简单句: 主+谓. He comes at last. 主+系+表. She is a teacher. The soup tastes nice. 主+谓+宾. They reached the village. 主+谓+间宾+直宾. He gave me a pen. 主+谓+宾+宾补. I find that book very useful. 考点二并列句 并列句:两个或两个以上的简单句,用连词连接起来。 常用的连接词有: 表示顺承关系的:and, not only…but also(不仅….而且….)等。 She ______ gave us a lot of advice, _______ helped us to overcome difficulties. Linda tried to become an excellent teacher, _____ at last she succeeded. 表示选择关系和否定条件的有or(还是,否则) Do you want to leave now ____ would you rather set off later? Wear your coat, ____ you’ll catch a cold. 表示转折关系的有but, yet等。 He is young, but he works hard.虽然他年轻,但工作努力。 表示因果关系的有for, so 等。 My leg hurts so I go to see a doctor. 我的腿疼,因此我去看医生。 考点三主从复合句:宾语从句 宾语从句的引导词 (1)引导陈述句用 that(在口语和非正式文体中常常省略) He tells me (that ) he is going shopping this Sunday. (2) 引导一般疑问句用if或whether. She asked me if\ whether she could join us. (whether…or not) (3) 引导特殊疑问句,要用原来的特殊疑问词。 She asked them what they were doing. 宾语从句的语序:要用陈述句语序。 I want to know when the train left. 3. 宾语从句的时态


: 七年级上册: Unit 1—Unit 9:侧重于陈述句和疑问句。 七年级下册: Unit 4:祈使句 Don't eat in the classroom. Unit 8:倒装句 There is a zoo in my neighborhood. Unit 2,Unit 3,Unit 5,Unit 9,Unit 11,Unit 12:特殊疑问句。 | 八年级上册: Unit 7:There will be more people. There will be more pollution. Unit 8:First,peel the bananas. Next, put the bananas in the blender. Then, pour the milk into the blender. Finally, turn on the blender. 八年级下册: Unit 3:For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. 九年级: Unit 2 :What fun the Water Festival is! How fantastic the dragon boat teams were! " 一、陈述句和疑问句 1.陈述句 用来陈述一个事实或表达说话者看法的句子叫“陈述句”,句末用句号表示句子的陈述结束。陈述句分为肯定句和否定句。 (1)肯定句的基本结构:“主语+谓语+宾语”。例如:I play basketball after school. (2)否定句又分为完全否定和部分否定。


主从复合句 主句是主体,从句只是句子的一个成分,换言之,将句子(除谓语外)的各个成分扩展开来就成了从句。关联词分五类: 疑问代词:who(whom/whose), which, what, 关系代词:who(whom/whose), which, that, 疑问副词:when, where, why, how 关系副词:when, where, why 从属连词:that (无词义), whether, if, although, after because, before, when, since, as soon as, as long as 只有从属连词没有句子功用,即不担任句子成分。 从句分为五类: 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 句中作用如同名词。一般都不用逗号,所用关联词相同:1,连词that/whether/if 2, 疑问代词who/what/which 3, 疑问副词when /where /how /why(引导间接疑问句) 定语从句 状语从句 一.主语从句subject clause,也可分为三种:that引导的主从 / 由连接代副词引导的主从 / what 和whoever等引导的主从。 1由that引导的主从,用得最多。(that 后面是主语) “That she became an artist may have been due to her father’s influence.”她成为画家可能是受其父亲的影响。 上面句子看着别扭陌生,换成it引导的句子就熟悉了,因为一般除强调外都后置而由it代替,有五种形式:

(1)+ that 、、、 It is natural that they should have different views. (2)、、、 It’s a wonder that you are still alive. (3)宾语) or adverbial(副词)) + that、、、 It seems that you’re right. It struck me that we ought to make a new plan. 我忽然想起我们应该制订一个新计划。 It never occurred to me that perhaps she was lying. 我从未想到或许她是在说谎 (4)、、、 It was rumored (It is said) that you was suffering from a stone in the kidney. 谣传说/据说你得了肾结石。 (5)、、、 No, no, it couldn’t be that they were interested in him. 不,不,他们不可能对他有兴趣。口语中that可以省略: It was clear(that) his words pleased her. 显然他的话使她高兴。 When he’ll be back depends much on the weather. Who is to be sent there ha sn’t been decided. It’s clear enough what he meant. 两种结构都能用,但是it结构更多,有四种形式。 It was not clear to me why he behaved like tha t. 我不太清楚他为什么会这样做。 It’s a puzzle how life began. 生命如何开始是一个谜


简单句、并列句、复合句(习题) 一、单项选择 ( )1.—______ will the supper be ready? I’m very hungry. —In a minute. A. How soon B. How long C. How much D. How often ( )2.—Few well-known singers came to the concert, did they? —______, such as Andy Lau, Jay Chou and Kristy Zhang. A. No, they didn’t B. Yes, they did C. No, they did D. Yes, they didn’t ( )3.______ kind and helpful to the people around us, and we will make the world a nicer place to live in. A. Be B. Being C. To be D. Been ( )4.—Tom, come out and join us! —______ till I finish what I ______, OK? A. Wait; do B. Waiting; do C. Waiting; am doing D. Wait; am doing ( )5.Guan Dong saved an old lady out of the Yangtze River. _______ great courage he showed! A. What a B. What C. How a D. How ( )6.—The passenger ship Eastern Star capsized (倾覆) in the Yangtze River on the evening of June 1st. —_____ bad news! Can we do something to help with the rescue (救援)? A. What a B. What C. How a D. How ( )7.Look at the man over there. _____he is! A. How tall B. How a tall C. What a tall D. What tall ( )8.—Finish your homework ______ you can’t play computer games, Jim. —All right, Mum. A. but B. till C. and D. or ( )9.—Hello, Lily, you are busy. Can I give you a hand? —Thanks very much, ______ I can manage. A. and B. or C. so D. but ( )10.—Would you please give this newly-published novel to Jack? —Certainly. _____ he comes back. A. Before B. As soon as C. Until D. Unless


简单句、并列句与复合句之间的转换 审稿:白雪雁责编:张敏 句型转换是句子类别的转换,其目的在于检测学生运用各种句型的表达能力,才能在考试的评分中得到较高档次的分数。这就要求学生对所学的句子结构和词形的变化做到概念清楚,懂得各种句型如何转换,运用准确,这有利于提高英语口语和书面表达能力。 简单句与复合句之间的互变 很多复合句和简单句可以互变,意思上不发生太大的变化。在很多情况下,是将复合句里的从句变为一个短语。不论是主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、定语从句还是状语从句,在一定的情况下都可以这样转换。 主语从句有时可以和短语互换,它既可以是不定式短语也可以是动名词短语。 (1) When and where we should hold the meeting is still to be discussed. →When and where to hold the meeting is still to be discussed. (2) It worried her a great deal that her son would stay up so late. →Her son’s staying up so late worried her a great deal. (3) What we had to do was to stand there,trying to catch the offender. →We had to stand there to catch the offender. 表语从句有时可以和短语互换,与它互换的可以是不定式短语和动名词短语。 My idea is that we should do it right now. →My idea is to do it fight now. 在某些动词的后面宾语从句可以和一个动名词短语或不定式短语互换. (1) I regret that I had told you the secret. →I regret telling you the secret. (3) They don’t know whether they shall carry out the old plan or not. →They don’t know whether to carry out the old plan or not. 个别的同位语从句也可以和一个短语互换。 The news that we are invited to the conference is very encouraging. →The news of our being invited to the conference is very encouraging 有些定语从句可以和一个不定式短语,分词短语或介词短语互换。 (1) Can those who are seated at the back of the classroom hear me? →Can those seated at the back of the classroom hear me? (2) What are the most important measures we should take? →What are the important measures to be taken? (3) The young man who was in the possession of the firm was at a desk. →The young man in the possession of the firm was at a desk. 状语从句和短语互换的情形很多,常用分词短语来替代状语从句,表示时间、原因、条件。用不定式短语来替代状语从句,表示目的、结果、原因;另外介词短语可以和表示时间、原因、条件、让步等状语从句互换。
