

Have you eaten?

You must be curious about what I’m talking about. I should normally say “Hello, Hi” or something else to greet you. And “Have you eaten” is a very traditional way to greet used by Chinese. Okay, this is the topic I’m going to talk about—The Greeting Ways Between China and Western Countries. I’m Liu XiaoJie. I come from ICS.

There are so many differences among countries. Of course, ways of greeting between China and western countries are totally different.

As I said, in China, if we meet a friend in the street, we are used to say: “Hi, have you eaten?”, or something like “Where have you been?”, “What are you going to do?”to show our consideration.

Let’s watch a video.

I think Chinese people say “have you eaten” is because that in the past, Chinese are really poor, people are always hungry, so the most important thing when people meet is asking whether he or she is full or not.

However, in the western countries, the questions above are just questions, not greeting at all. They may think you’re inviting them to dinner if you ask about their meals. Usually, they’ll just give each other a smile or greet with a “hi/hello”﹑”Good morning/afternoon/evening”, “what a fine day today” ,”how is everything going” to show their considerations. In most occasion, American nod head or wave hands to greet.

In social situations, the Western people have a few different ways to greet.

The most common is shaking hands. This is the most mainstream way. In

England and American, people usually shake hands for ceremony when they first meet. Not like the English people, Eastern Europeans always give a hug to each other when they first meet.

If met a woman, a man would kiss the back of the woman’s hand. This is a ceremonious greeting.

Most western people would give each other a big hug if he meets with a close friend

There are some tips you should know.

First, when you are shaking hands, hold your hands softly and don't take the invitation to the one who had high social status.

It’s very rude to hit somebody’s shoulders. Don't do this unless he is your close friend.

And the following tips may be very important for the gentlemen. If you want to kiss a girl’s hand you must know.

Your mouth can’t touch her hand. Don't kiss the hands which are in gloves. Don't kiss a girl’s hand in public.

Chinese usually scrape a bow to greet people in the old time. People should stand firmly first. Then encircle the hands in the front and shake the hands upper and lower.

There are much more interesting things about greeting, if you want to know more about greeting, you can come to me.

So, it’s the end of my speech. Thank you.


Today i want to introduce you a film named___WALL-E. The story happened in a distant, but not so unrealistic future, where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash from products sold by the powerful multi-national Buy N Large corporation. WALL-E, a garbage collecting robot has been left to clean up the mess. Mesmerized with trinkets of earth's history and show tunes, (2 WALL-E is alone on Earth except for a sprightly pet cockroach. One day, Eve, a sleek (and dangerous re-connaissance robot, is sent to earth to find proof that life is once again sustainable. WALL-E falls in love with Eve. WALL-E rescues Eve from a dust storm and shows her a living plant he found amongst the rubble. Consistent with her "directive" Eve takes the plant and automatically enters a deactivated state except for a blinking green beacon. WALL-E, doesn't understand what has happened to his new friend, but true to his love, he protects her from wind, rain, and lightening, even as she is unresponsive. One day a massive ship comes to reclaim Eve, but WALL-E, out of love or loneliness hitches a ride on the outside of the ship to rescue Eve. The ship arrives back at a large space cruise ship, which is carrying all of the humans who evacuated earth 700 years earlier. The people of earth ride around this space resort on hovering chairs which give them a constant feed of TV and video chatting. They drink all of their meals through a straw out of laziness and/or bone loss, and are all so fat that they can barely move. When the auto-pilot computer , acting on hastily given instructions sent many centuries before, tries to prevent the people of earth from returning, by stealing the plant, WALL-E, Eve, the portly captain, and a band of broken robots stage a mutiny.


成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语 应对问题 -I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end? -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then. -Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. -Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. -Please stop me if you have any questions. -If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later? -I will be coming to that point in a minute. -That's a tricky question. -We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one... -Yes, that's a very good point. -Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation -I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then. -I think we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式) - Welcome to our company - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式) - I'm glad you could all get here... - I'm glad to see so many people here. - It's great to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II. 受邀请在会议上致词 - I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... - I am grateful for the opportunity to present... - I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to... - Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman - It's my pleasant duty today to... - I've been asked to...

英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句[教学]

英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句[教学] 开场白祝贺语: “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.“ “On behalf of our company I’d like to welcome you here to ...” “Thank you all for coming here.” 介绍开场白: “Let me introduce myself. I’m Ulrike Huber, Manager’s Assistant ...” “I am a consultant to ...” 引出主题: “The subject of today’s presentation is ...” “I’ll give you an overview of ...” “Today I want to update you on ...” 内容概述: “Let me first give you a brief overview.” “I’ll start off by explaining ..., then focus on ...” “I’ll be talking about ... first, then move on to ...” 英文邀请信范本 (Salutation), I would like to invite you to visit ____ for a period of ___ (days, weeks or months), beginning on or about ___ (date). This visit will provide an opportunity for you to contribute your expertise to the ___


英语备课组长发言稿 前言:以下是相关的内容范文,更多的范文请关注聘才网! 各位专家老师,下午好: 我是陈娴颖,现任教于新建二中高三年级,很荣幸能代表我校英语备课组应大会组织者安排来此进行英语备课组建设交流活动。我们希望通过对我校英语备课组建设及运行的介绍和所遇问题的提出,能引起在座专家老师对中学英语备课组建设的关注,并帮助我们进一步优化备课组建设,以先进的教育教学理念指导我们英语教学的开展。 新建二中,是一所建立于1980年的省级重点中学,现有学生6000多人,其中约80%来自于农村。学生语言交流能力不足,现代信息匮乏,过分偏重理科学科的学习而忽视英语学科的重要性,这是我们英语教学工作面临的最大问题。在我校,负责学科教学组织开展的备课组仅以年级划分,即,就英语教学而言分别由高一至高三三个英语备课组负责。备课组又统一由英语教研组长指导管理。各组均由一位有着多年教学经验,曾进行多项教学研究的骨干老师担任组长,整体指导所处年级的英语教学工作。组内成员中,经验丰富的老老师和活力进取的年轻老师的比例一般为2:3,旨在促进组内互助成长。我们备课组的工作,主要体现在四个方面:集体备课,团队合作;编写资料,牢抓实际;悉心专研,乐于

交流;丰富活动,培养兴趣。在此,我们想着重介绍下我们前两个方面的做法及所遭遇的问题与困惑。 一,集体备课,团体合作 ”备好课是上好课的前提”,集体备课能够集思广益、取长补短、共享资源、提高效益。在每周二下午的备课组活动中,集体备课是最主要的常规工作之一。我校的集体备课遵循一般操作程序,即:初步研究教材,形成有自己思想的第一教案-----个案;在交流碰撞中形成有群体思想的集体教案----共案;根据集体教案分析确定自己的个案----特色教案;在教学实践中反思共案的效果修订共案-----最后教案。新课标要求我们”确立全新教学理念,优化课堂教学方式;利用现代教育技术,拓宽英语学习渠道”。而这些要求只有在集体参与讨论研究的前提下,才能获得最大效益。自两年前我校开始这一备课模式以来,教师的综合素质得到了很大提高,学生学习效果也有不错的提升。 当然,集体备课并不仅仅局限于完成某天某单元的课程要求。新课标指出教师应注重”从教学目标的单一性向教学目标的综合性转变,不断学习新知识,发展新的教学策略。”因此集体讨论研究综合性的教学目标,并将其体现融合在每一堂课中也是我们集体备课的重要任务。在具体构思设计课堂教案之前,我们会在教研组长及备课组长的统一领导下,尽量充分考虑多方因素制定详尽的阶段目标计划,以在保证


To Be a Real Daughter We all know that yesterday was Mother’s Day. And I want to ask how many of us give a phone call to mother at least to give them a simple blessing? If you do, put up your hand, please. Well, that’s good. Okay, today I want to talk something about daughter and mother. At the afternoon of the day before yesterday, I had a talk with my mother though the phone. Before she called me, I was thinking to call her, but I was also worried about disturbing her middy rest. So about four o’clock, she gave a call to me. She said she was just in the bed to wait for my elder sister to go home, there was nothing to do, and she was just felt boring. At first, I sent my good wishes to her and then we had a chit-chat. I told her to live a happy life and wait for me to support her after I graduate from school. She seemed unhappy on hearing this. She told me that I would change when I have my own life. That sounded a little ear-piercing but it is somewhat of the reality. That indeed aroused my thinking. How many children become unfilial when they grow up, especially when they get married? If you do the research, you will find the number is amazing. We often watch TV over meal, and usually witness somebody who again mistreat their parents is exposed by the media. We may say, oh, shit! How can they be like that! How rotten! Why did parents raise them painstakingly? When saying this, whether we do any self-examination? Whether we respect our parents as what we should? Whether we care about parents a lot just as a real child should do? Let’s come back to the question above, why did my mother say like that when I promise to look after her after my graduation?She told me the reason. That was a thing happened last week. After the May Day, my mother and I went back to my elder sister’s. It was raining that day, and mum took something to my sister. The carton was a little heavy. When we were waiting for the bus, she went to a neighbor who ran a restaurant in the street and tried to borrow a thicker rope for I was hurt by the thin rope, but she was in vein, as a result, she was too hurry to leave her umbrella in the neighbor’s in order to get the bus, so she asked me to call my cousin to took back the umbrella from the neighbor.


The Outline for Group Presentation (15 minutes) Part I The College Experience 1. Summary: 2. Important words and phrases Information explosion, drastically, Enroll, big-time sports, heavy drinking, information economy... 3. Good Sentences: A.In 1990 fewer than 2 percent of Americans of traditional college age attended college. Today new.....some education beyond high school. (contrast) B.Depending on who you are, your life circumstances and why you decided to enroll, college can mean different things. C.For staters, college is an established process designed by our society to further formal education, so that students who attend and graduate will be prepared for roles in what has become known as "the information economy." D.D. The most important skill you’ll need to learn in college is how to keep learning throughout your life. 4. Your creative ideas: What’s your definition of “college”? What is the most important skill for you to learn in college? (Work with your group members to finish the presentation. The above items are the basic information that your presentation has to include, and you can add something more to help others have a better understanding of this part. I hope you can do a good job!)


英语Presentation演讲稿模板 internet environment. And these examples are far form enough, to create a good environment, there is a long way to go. 篇三:Presentation演讲稿 Good morning,everyone. It’s my pleasure to introduce my hometown,especially as the first to eat crab [kr?b]. Have you ever heard of the tower [?tau?]? Yes, it’s Yellow Crane [krein] Tower . (Chinese: 黄鹤楼). It is a famous and historic [his?t?rik] tower, and built in the year 223 AD. The tower is the landmark in Hubei province [?pr?vins]. Yes, I come from Hubei. At first, I will give an overview [???v??vju:] of Hubei. Hubei province, with a population of 60 million, is located [l???ke?t?d] in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river, and to the north of dongting lake, with Wuhan as the provincial [pr??v?n??l] capital[ ?k?pitl], and Qichun as my birthplace. Hubei covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers with over 12 prefecture [?pri:fekt?u?] -level city, and 102 counties. It is well known as “a thoroughfare [?θ?:r???fe?] of 9


英语风采大赛演讲稿小学组 篇一:希望之星英语风采大赛小学 B 组演讲稿 This is me Hello, everyone! My name is Gaoyuan. I am thirteen years old. I was born in Yixing and I live with my parents in Yixing now. My hometown -----Yixing is a beautiful are a lot of famous[’feims] sceneries, such as the Shan Juan cave [keiv], the Mu Li Cave and so on .The scenery [’si:nri]is superb [.sju:’ p:b] in mountains. The most famous thing in Yixing is traditional teapots. They are very beautiful. And a teapot is a very good present to send to your good friends, I am sure your friend will like it very much. But that is a little expensive. I am lively [’laivli].I work hard at all my lessons, so I am a top student in my class. I like reading very much. I have a lot of good books, such as , and so on. I like the writer of -----Margaret Mitchell best, the novel [’n Dvl] is very interesting, and I think the

大学英语口语(四) Presentation文稿

1-2 XUANXUAN Hello everyone, today I want to show you a part of how the earth was made, and mainly talk about Yellowstone. As continents shift and clash, volcanoes erupt, and glaciers grow and recede, the Earth’s crust is carved in countless fascinating ways, leaving a trail of geological mysteries behind. And one of the greatest is Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. This is one of the world’s most geologically active places, shaken by up to 5000 earthquakes every year, and with more geysers and hot springs than in the rest of the world combined. Scientists studying Yellowstone are uncovering a violent past. Carved water, crushed by ancient glaciers and blasted by the biggest volcanic eruptions ever known on the planet. And even today, Yellowstone is one of the most dangerous places on Earth.


英语演讲稿 Presentation 中的衔接句 Opening Statements 开场白 First of all, I 'd like to thank you all for coming here today. My name is X and I am the (your position) at (your company). Points to Remember 你需要记住的是 Try to make eye contact with everyone you are speaking to if possible. You can also smile at individual memberso f the audience to put them at their ease. 要注意跟在场的每位听众保持眼神交流,你也可以保持微笑,这样观众才不会感到局促不安。 I 'd briefly like to take you through today ' s presentation. First, we 're going to ... After that, we ' ll be taking a look at ... Once we' ve identified our challenges we will be able

Finally, I ll outline what ... Make sure to indicate each point on your presentation as you introduce each topic. This can be done with a slide (Power Point) presentation, or by pointing to each point on the display device you are using. 确保你所介绍的每个观点都与主题相关。你可以通过幻灯片来完成,也可以使用其他展示设备来完成。 Asking for Questions 提出问题 Please feel free to interrupt me with any questions you may have during the presentation. I ' d like to ask you to keep any questions you may have for the end of the presentation. Points to Remember 你需要记住的是 You can also request the participants to leave questions to the end of the presentation. However, it is important to let participants know that you are willing to answer any questions they


英语活动发言稿 篇一:多做运动的英语演讲稿 《生命在于运动》 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是《生命在于运动》。 “生命在于运动”是法国著名思想家伏尔泰的名言,这句话已经得到千千万万人的共识。运动有脑力运动和体力运动之分。我们学生的运动主要是脑力运动,我们的学习时间较长,又处于长身体的阶段,如果只有脑力运动而没有体力运动,就会影响我们的健康成长。人们常说:文武之道,一张一弛。最好的办法,就是每天挤出一小时或者更多的时间,去跑步、去打球、去爬山、去游泳、去健身,或者选择其他的体育运动方式。这样动静结合,脑力运动和体力运动互相调节,对健康大大有利,对提高学习效率也大大有利。

作为学生,我们首先应该上好体育课,做好课间操,其次,要利用课外活动的时间,根据自己的实际情况,合理安排时间,经常参加体育锻炼,并且要持之以恒。我所讲的合理运动是指科学的体育锻炼,观察我们的校园,你会发现,有些同学一下课就满操场乱跑。特别是有些男同学,每当一下课就抓紧分分秒秒战斗在乒乓台前。这些都不是科学的锻炼方法。这样反而会影响我们的学习,影响身体的健康成长。我们提倡适当的、适量的、有节制的、有时间控制的体育锻炼。 我们要参加体育锻炼,我们的老师更需要参加体育锻炼,因为你们工作忙,压力大,家庭琐事多,就更需要挤出时间,走向户外走进自然,去参加各种各样的体育锻炼。 生命在于运动。运动,带给我们活力;运动,带给我们快乐;运动赋予我们勇气;运动,赋予我们力量!运动让生命之树长青!老师们、同学们,露出

你们的笑脸,做个运动的自己,做个快乐的自己,做个健康的自己!谢谢大家!篇二:关于体育锻炼与运动的演讲稿老师们,同学们:大家好! 今天我讲话的内容是:加强体育锻炼,让运动成为习惯! 法国著名思想家伏尔泰有这样一句名言:“生命在于运动”,没有运动也就没有了生命,缺少运动生命也是短暂的。健康的身体需要运动来保证,而人生最大的财富正是健康。所以,要想拥有这笔财富,最佳的方法就是:加强体育锻炼,让运动成为习惯。 如今,美丽的校园正给我们提供了这样的条件,给我们一个充分展现自我的空间。每天上午,放下手中的功课,跑上两圈,跳上几下,挥洒一些汗水,倦意便顿时消失,不仅达到了劳逸结合的效果,也丰富了我们的课余生活。若长期坚持下去,必将使我们的体魄有所增强,从而有利于我们以更好的状态投入学习活动中去,迎接未来的体测。


英语课堂小组展示用语及课堂用语表达 1.Beginning(开头语): ①观点分析类:Hello, everyone.We’re group1/2/3/4…It’s our turn to share our ideas with you now.(大家好,我们是第X组。现在轮到我们来跟大家分享我们的观点了。) ②讨论展示类:Hello, everyone.We’re group1/2/3/4…It’s our show time. I’m XXX. (大家好,我们是第X组。现在是我们的展示时间。我扮演的是XXX…) 4.展示完毕 That’s all. Thank you for listening. 表达观点与回答问题: 1.In my opinion, …..在我看来 2.I think…我认为 3.Why? Because…为什么?因为… 4.First,….Second第一….第二…. 5.So所以···· 用语: 1.Who wants to have a try?谁想来试一下? 2.Let’ s read it one by one.让我们一个接着一个读下去。 3.It’s your turn.现在轮到你。 4.Listen carefully.认真听。

5. Listen to the tape/video carefully and think of the questions. Then answer my questions.认真听录音,思考这些问题。然后回答我的问题。 5.Be quiet.请安静。 6.Make a dialogue in pairs.小组内进行对话。 7.Talk with your partner.与你的搭档对话。 8.Before the new lesson Let’s revise the new words and phrases in Lesson 1/2/3. 学习新课前,我们复习一下第1/2/3课的生词和短语。 9. Take out your exercise books. Let’s have a dictation.拿出练习本,我们一起来听写。 10.Please hand them in. 请交上来。 11.Act out the dialogue in Lesson 7.表演第七课的对话。 12.!Hands up if you can. 会的举手。 13.正确Right./ Yes. 14.错误Wrong. / No. 15. You’d better say it in English. 你最好用英语说. 16.For example例如 17.Big hands.鼓掌。 18.Hands up. 请举手。 19.Hands down. 请放下手。 20.Attention,please.请注意! 22.Read after me.请跟我读。 23.You two.你们俩一组。 24.Practice in pairs.两个人一起练习。 25.Practice in groups.小组内练习。 26.Louder,please.请大声点。 27.Lower,please.请小声点。 28.Once again.再来一次。 29.Pardon?再说一遍。 30.Sorry, I don’t know.对不起,我不知道。 31.Get one point.得1分。 32.Look at the blackboard.看黑板。 33.Show me your finger and write after me.举起小手指然后跟着我一起写。


good afternoon,everyone. he is my favorite singer---vae.do you know the chinese meaning of ‘vae’?he does not look handsome at all.sometime,just like your neighborhood,but he is very talented. his was born on 14th march,in 1986.he graduated from anhui medical university.attention,he is a doctor.isn’t it amazing that xusong turns to be a famous musian finally? roses funeral,the burial of your memorise.(玫瑰花的葬礼,埋葬关于你的回忆。) star light,and water thrawn up by the fold.(星光点亮了,海水泛起褶皱) sad lyrics,sad melody,vae’s interpretation (艺术表现)of the plain with a little bit sad. vae is a man who can tell us what is independence.he is my idol.his perserverance,his effort,his great idea,always inspire me.篇二:英语presentation 演讲稿 before i start my presentation, let’s see some pictures;. yes, thesepictures lead us into my topic today: to be good netizens. nowadays we have stepped in a totally new age, in which we mainly receive the information from the internet. and we can see,the netizen population is growing fast the last decade. by 2000 it was just several millions of netizens in china but now, ten years later, we have more than 50 million. this number increased so fast that we have no time for preparing, so this lead to the situation that i show you before. and why that situation is so bad, let’s look at this picture. we can see, besides the large number, we have another problem: most of the netizens are young people; in other words, the next generation. such a bad internet environment can really influence their future, which means: influence our nation’s future. and although there is many benefits, we should first know whether our movement helps (even if just help a tiny little.) these are four big events which we netizens make many contributions: the event of south china tiger, the 2008 olympic, the train event, and the event of extracting bile from live bears. with our effort, a lot more people know these four events and that really helped to force the government to deal with it more properly. so we now know a good harmonious environment is important and we do can take actions to help create it. so why do we move right now. and these examples are far form enough, to create a good environment, there is a long way to go.篇三:presentation演讲稿 at first, i will give an overview [???v??vju:] of hubei. hubei province, with a population of 60 million, is located [l???ke?t?d] in the middle reaches of the yangtze river, and to the north of dongting lake, with wuhan as the provincial [pr??v?n??l] capital[ ?k?pitl], and qichun as my birthplace. hubei covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers with over 12 prefecture [?pri:fekt?u?] -level city, and 102 counties. it is well known as “a thoroughfare [?θ?:r???fe?] of 9 provinces(chinese:九省通衢)”for its networks of transportation by air, water, highway and railway. hubei is the birthplace for chu culture. chu culture is a highly developed and
