

How Financial Firms Decide on Technology,介绍国际





How Financial Firms Decide on Technology


The financial services industry is the major investor in information technology(IT) in the U.S. economy; the typical bank spends as much as 15% of non-intereste expenses on IT. A persistent finding of research into the performance of financial institutions is that performance and efficiency vary widely across institutions. Nowhere is this variability more visible than in the outcomes of the IT investment decisions in these institutions. This paper presents the results of an empirical investigation of IT investment decision processes in the banking industry. The purpose of this investigation is to uncover what, if anything, can be learned from the IT investment practices of banks that would help in understanding the cause of this variability in performance along with pointing toward management practices that lead to better investment decisions. Using PC banking and the development of corporate Internet sites as the case studies for this investigation, the paper reports on detailed field-based surveys of investment practices in several

leading institutions

How Financial Firms Decide on Technology

(Part One)






1.0 Introduction

Information technology(IT) is increasingly critical to the operations of financial services firms. Today banks spend as much as 15% of non-interest expense on information technology. It is estimated that the industry will spend at least $21.1 billion on IT in 1998, and financial institutions collectively account for the majority of IT investment in the U.S. economy. In additon to being a large component of the cost structure, information technology has a strong influence on financial firms operatons and strategy. Few financial products and services exist that do not utilize computers at some point in the delivery process, and a firms'information systems place strong constraints on the type of products offered, the degree of customization possible and the speed at which firms can respond to competitive opportunities or threats.

A persistent finding of research into the performance of financial institutions is that performance and efficiency varies widely across institutions, even after controlling for factors such as size(scale), product breadth(scope), branching behavior and organizational form(e.g. stock versus mutual for insurers; banks versus saving & loans). Given the central role that technology plays in these institutions, at least some of this variation is likely to be due to variations in the use and effectiveness of IT investments. While some authors have argued that the value of IT investment has been insignificant, particularly in services, recent empirical work has suggested that IT investment, on average, is a productive investment. Perhaps more importantly, there appears to be substantial variation across firms; some firms have very high investments but are poor performers, while otheres invest less but appear to be much more successful. Brynjolfsson and Hitt found that as much as half the returns to IT investment are due to firm specific factors.

One potentially important driver of differences in IT value, and of firm performance more broadly, is likely to be the decision and management peocessed for IT investments. Horror stories of bad IT investment decisions abound. Consider the example of the new strategic banking system(SBS) at Banc One(American Banker 1997). Banc One Corp. and Electronic Data Systems Corp. agreed last year to end their joint development of this retail banking system after spending an estimated $175 million on it. As stated in the American Banker article, SBS"was just so overwhelming and so complete that by the time they were getting to market, it was going to take too long to install the whole thing," said Alan Riegler, principal in Ernst & Young's financial services management consulting division. However, not all the

stories are negative. New IT systems are playing a vital role in reshaping the delivery of financial services. For example, new computer-telephony integration(CTI) technologies are transforming call center operations in financial institutions. By investing in technology, more and more institutions are moving operations from high-cost branch operations to the telephone channel,where the cost per transaction is one-tenth the cost of a teller interaction. This IT investment not only reduces the cost of serving existing customers, but also extends the reach of the institution beyond its traditional geographic boundaries.

In this paper, we utilize detailed case studies of six retail banks to investigate several interrelated questions:

1.What processes do banks utilize to evaluate and manage IT investments?

2.How well do actual practices align with theoretical arguments about how IT investments


be managed?

3.What impact does that management of IT investments have on performance?

How Financial Firms Decide on Technology

(Part Two)

For the first question, we develop a structured framework for cataloging IT investment practices and then populate this framework using a combination of surveys and semi-structured interviews. We then compare the results of this exercise with a synthesis of the literature on IT decision making to understanding how practices vary across firms and the extent to which this is consistent with "best practices" as described in previous literature. Finally, we will compare these processes to internal and external performance metrics to better understand which sets of practices appear to be most effective.

To make these comparisons concrete, we examine both the general decision process as well as the specific processes used for two recent IT investment decisions :the adoption of

computer-based home banking (PC banking), and the development of the corporate web site. These decisions were chosen because they were recent and are related but provide some contrast; in particular, PC banking is a fairly well defined product innovation, while the corporate web

presence is more of an infrastructure investment which is less well-defined in terms of objectives and business ownership.

Overall, we find that while some aspects of the decision process are fairly similar across institutions and often conform to "best practice" as defined by previous literature, there are several areas where there is large variation in practice among the banks and between actual and theoretical best practice. Most banks have a strong and standardized project management for ongoing systems projects, and formal structures for insuring that line-managers and systems people are in contact at the initiation of technology projects. At the same time, many banks have relatively weak processes(both formal and informal) for identifying new IT investment opportunities, allocating resources across organizational lines, and funding exploratory or infrastructure projects with long term or uncertain payoffs.

The reminder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the previous literature on performance of financial institutions and the effects of IT on performance. Section 3 describes the methods and data. Section 4 describes the current academic thinking on various components of the decision process and compares that to actual practices at the banks we visited. Section 5 describes the results of our in-depth study of PC banking projects and the summary, Section 6 contains a similar analysis for the Corporate Web Site and discussion and conclusion appear in Section 7.

How Financial Firms Decide on Technology

(Part Three)

2.0Previous Literature

2.1Performance of Financial Institutions

There have been a number of studies that have examined the efficiency of the banking industry and the role of various factors such as corporate control structure (type of board, directors, insider stock holdings, etc.), economies of scale (size), economies of scope (product breadth), and branching strategy; see Berger, Kashyup and Scalise (1995) and Harker and Zenios (forthcoming) for a review of the banking efficiency literature. While there is substantial debate as to the role of these various factors, there is one unambiguous result: that most of the (in) efficiency of banks is not explained by the factors that have been considered in prior work. For example,

Berger and Mester (1997) estimate that as much as 65-90% of the x-inefficiency remains unexplained after controlling for known drivers of performance. A similar story also appears in insurance where "x-efficiency" varies substantially across firms when size, scope, product mix, distribution strategy and other strategic variables are considered. It has been argued that one must get "inside the black box" of the bank ot consider the role of organizational, strategic and technological factors that may be missed in studies that rely heavily on public financial data.

2.2Information Technology and Business Value

Early studies of the relationship between IT and productivity or other measures of performance were generally unable to determine the value of IT conclusively. Loveman (1994) and Strassmann (1990) ,using different data and analytical methods both found that the performance effects of computers were not statistically significant. Barus, Kriebel and Mukadopadhyay (1995), using the same data as Loveman, found evidence that IT improved some internal performance metrics such as inventory trunover, but could not tie these benefits to improvements in bottom line productivity. Although these studies had a number of disadvantages (small samples, noisy data ) which yielded imprecise measures of IT effects, this lack of evidence combined with equally equivocal macroeconomic ananlyses by Steven Roach (1987) implicitly formed the basis for the "productivity paradox". As Robert Solow (1987) once remarked, "you can see teh computer age everywhere except in the productivity statistics."

More recent work has found that IT investment is a substantial contributor to firm productivity, productivity growth and stock market valuation in a sample that contains a wide range of industries. Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1994,1996) and Lichtenberg (1995) found that IT investment had a positive and statistically significant contribution to firm output . Brynjolfsson and Yang (1997) found that the market valuation of IT capital was several times that of ordinary capital. Brynjolfsson and Hitt also found a strong relationship between IT and productivity growth and taht this relationship grows stronger as longer time periods are considered. Collectively ,these studies suggest that there is no productivity paradox, at least when the analysis is performed across industries using firm-level data. The differences between these results and earlier studies is probably due to the use of data taht was recent , more comprehensice ,and more disaggregated (firm level rather than industry or economy level).

Most previous sutdies have considered the effects of technology across firms in multiple industries, although a few studies have considered the role of technology in specifically in the banking industry. Steiner and Teixiera surveyed the banking industry and argued that while large investments in technology clearly had value,little of this value was being captured by the banks

themselves; most of the benefits were being passed on to customers as a result of intense competition. Alpar and Kim examined the cost efficiency of banks overall and found that IT investment was associatied with greater cost efficiency although the effects were less evident when financial ratios were used as the outcome measure. Prasad and Harkere examined the relationship between technology investment and performance for 47 retail banks and found positive benefits of investments in IT staff.

While these studies show a strong positive contribution of IT investment on average, they do not consider how this contribution (or level of investment )varies across firms. Brynjolfsson and Hitt found that "firm effects" can account for as much as half the contribution of IT found in these earlier studies. Recent results suggest that at least part of these differences can be explained by differences in organizational and strategic factors. Brynjolfsson and Hitt found that firms that use greater overall IT benefits. Bresnehan, Brynjolfsson and Hitt found a similar result for firms that have greater levels of skills and those that make greater investments in training and

pre-employment screening for human capital . In addition, strategic factors also appear to affect the value of IT. Firms that invest in IT to create customer value (e.g. improve service, timeliness, convenience, variety) have greater performance than firms that invest in IT to reduce costs.

While these studies are begining to explore how the performance of IT investment varies across firm, particularly due to organizational and strategic factors, little attention has been paid to the technology decision making process.

How Financial Firms Decide on Technology

(Part Four)

2.3IT Investment Decisions

While there is no concise definition of "best practice" in IT investment decisions, there are a number of consistent arguments advanced in the IT management literature that can be synthesized into an understanding of the conventional wisdom.

For the pruposes of discussion it is useful to subdivide the process of IT management into seven discrete, but interrelated processes. The first six processes are oriented around the proposal, development and management of IT projects, while the last process is about maintaining the capabilities of the IT function and its interrelationships with the rest of the business:

1.Identification of IT opportunities

2.Evaluating opportunities

3.Approving IT projects

4.The make-buy decision

5.Managing IT projects

6.Evaluating IT projects

7.Manage and Develop the IT Function

This subdivision loosely corresponds to many of the major issues in IT management such as outsourcing, line management-IT alignment, software project management, and evaluating IT investments.

In addition, this list loosely corresponds to frameworks for the management of IT. The primary difference is that this list views the IT management process as managing a stream of projects rather than focusing on the function of the IT department overall or the role of the CIO, the typical perspective in the previous literature. For example, a common framework used to align IT to business starategy, the critical success factors(CSF) method, include three workshops: the first to identify and focus objectives, the second to decide and prioritize on systems investment, and the third to develop, deploy and reevaluate prototype systems. Boynton, Jacobs and

Zmud(1992) identify five critical IT management processes: setting strategic direction, establishing infrastructure systems, scanning technology, transferring technology and developing systems. Rockart, Earl and Ross(1996) propose eight imperatives for the IT organization which can be grouped into managing the IT-business relationship, building and managing systems and infrastructure, managing vendors, and creating a high performance IT organization. Thus, while previous work has subdivided the process in different ways, collectively the studies cover all the seven processes we examine.

We will discuss each of the individual points in detail below.

2.3.1Identificant of Opportunities

Historically, the IT function was primarily reactive, responding to requests by business units.

A business unit. A business unit manager would identify a need for a new system or a

repair/enhancement to an existing system and communicate this need to the IT function. The IT personnel would then evaluate the idea for technical feasibility and develop a project proposal include an initial determination of resource needs, cost, and delivery time. While this makes effective use of IT personnel in evaluating particular ideas, it provides only a limited role for IT personnel to aid in the identification of technology-based business opportunities.

For that reason, some authors have suggested that the IT function should play a larger role in

the identification of technological opportunities. For example, Davenport and Short (1990) emphasize that IT capabilities should inform business needs as well as the business units placing demandson the IT function. Fockart, Earl and Ross and Boynton, Jacobs and Zmud identify the role of "technology scanning" and "technology education" as an important component of a centralized IT department; they argue that information systems specialists should be reponsible for evalusting new technologies for business applicability since business units will generally lack the resources or the technological capability to perform these evaluations themselves. Moreover, central IT is best positioned to educate the end uses to make them good "custmers" of the central IT group.

In the banking industry, IT may be able to play an additional role in coordinating technology. Because banks and other financial firms are often managed with largely autonomous business units (for example, banks are often divided into product lines ---cash management,

investment----or along customer segments---wholesale, commercial, retail) only the central IT function will have a perspective over the porfolio of systems projects and capabilities. One critical role in this respect is the provision and development of the shared IT infrastructure (e.g. central processors, networks, software standards, etc.). Often these projects naturally span business units such that the only ral owner is the IT function; also they generally tend to be highly technical and thus the natural responsibility would also fall on the IT department.

How Financial Firms Decide on Technology

(Part Five)

2.3.2Evaluating Oppoutunities

Once a project is at least initially defined, there is a process by which the initial idea is converted into a proposal that can be evaluated by management for approval or rejection of funding.

In the last ten years, it has become more or less standard practices to develop a business case or business plan for any substantial IT investment (some small maintenance projects are simply done on request), although the content, sophistication and formality of this process varied substantially. The most typical of these project proposals (assuming a mid-size to large project) take the form of a business plan which includes a qualitiative description of the objectives, competitive environment, a description of the opportunity and, in some cases, an implementation

plan. While the form of these plans varies widely, there are some general points of comparison.

For the qualitative portion, the major issue is whether the plan explicitly addresses changes in the business environment, or is primarily inward focused. For minor systems enhancement projects with no strategic objective (or even major investments that are not strategic such as year 2000 repairs), it makes sense for the plan to focus entirely on internal issues. However, to the extent that the investment is made for competitive reasons or is likely to spur a reaction from competitors, it is important to qualitatively evaluate whether the business environment will remain static and , if not, examine possible scenarios that are likely to occur. The assumption of a static business environment is a common decision bias that can particularly plague strategic IT investments; Clemens (1991) terms this the "trap of the vanishing status quo".

For the quantative financial evaluation, most IT evaluation methods have their roots in traditional capital budgeting procedures such as discounted cash flow analysis(DCF). However, while these techniques can work well for projects where costs and benefits ar well defined (e.g. purchasing off-the -shelf software in pursuit of operational cost savings), it is increasingly recognized that simple application of DCF approaches is not sufficient for IT investments. This is because much of the value of modern IT investments is likely to be difficult to quantify --such as revenue enhancements or cost savings through improved customer service, product variety, or timeliness. One commonly used stategy is to value non-quantifiable benefits at zero, although this strategy will systematically bias project evaluations to unnecessarily reject projects.

Recognizing the limitation of the DCF approach, several alternative approaches have been proposed. One method is to base tghe case entirely on qualitative analysis; unfortunately, this approach often leads to hightly subjective judgements and is likely to err on the side of accepting bad projects. Kaplan, recognizing this problem in the context of evaluating computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), proposed using a variant of DCF; a firm calculates the present value of the investment using all the components that can be quantified and then compares this prliminary value to the qualitative list of other benefits and costs. In other cases, where the evaluation is make difficult because of future uncertainties (e.g. market growth and acceptance; response of competitors ) decision trees or other types of probability based assessment tools may simplify investment decisios. Finally, for some types of investments or decisions (for example, the decision whether to invest immediately or defer), advanced techniques such as real options can be applied.

Although this discussion has focused primarily on evaluating the benefit part of the quantitative evaluation, there are other difficulties in estimating the cost of IT projects, particualarly those involving software development. Existing models such as COCOMO of function points estimation are known to improve the ability to predict project length, staffing

requirements and total costs, although they are k own to be systmeatically off by as much as 400%. However, the accuracy of these estimates can also be improved later in the project when specifications are well defined or by customizing the models to the experience of a particular organization. However, despite the fact that these tools and approaches are readily available many firms still utilize "seat of the pants" estimants or lock in schedules and cost estimants before the projects are fully defined.

How Financial Firms Decide on Technology

(Part Six)

2.3.3Approving IT Projects

Once a project has been evaluated and a formal project proposal exists, there are a variety of mechanisms that are used to determine which projects should be funded. Most institutions have some form of committee structure, similar to capital budgeting committees, which is responsible for evaluating, modifying and approving projects.

Most of the previous literature on the management of IT has focused on the so-called "IT steering committee" which is an executive level group, often comprised of the heads of business units or their direct reports. The objective of this committee is to ensure that IT strategy is aligned with business unit strategy, projects are coordinated across business units where there are possible synergies and to educate the business unit managers on the both the actual activities of the IT group and the potential IT opportunities.

2.3.4Make-Buy Decisions(Outsourcing)

At the inception of any project, a firm has the choice of whether to utilize their internal resources in the IT department (insource) or utilize an outside vendor for any or all of a

project(outsourcing). While the market for outsourced services has existed since sale of the first corporate computers, the size of the outsourcing market has grown dramatically in recent years and is expected to grow substantially. In 1997 the market for information technology outsourcing has been estimated at $26.5 billion in the U.S. and at $90 billion worldwide. Growth estimates of this market range from 15% to 25%.

In general , an outside firm may be advantaged in providing a service previously produced

internally, because of economies of scale, scope or specialization. By aggregating demands for multiple clients, vendors can smooth variations in demand increasing capacity utilization and reducing risk, make investments that trade larger fixed costs for lower variable costs, and have stronger incentives to invest in cost-reducing technology. By narrowly focusing on technology, they may be better able to attract, hire , manage and retain high quality personnel due to better ability to tailor management practices, career paths and incentive structures to a specific activity. The value of these benefis is tempered by explicit and implicit costs of using the market or some intermediate form of governance rather than vertical integration. These problems manifest themselves in three types of risk: shirking(under-performance in hard-to-measure tasks), poaching (misappropriaiton of shared resources ) and opportunistic re-negotiation (exploitation of bargaining disadvantages in ongoing relationships) . Some authors have argued that in IT these risks are so severe that outsourcing has, overall, a poor value proposition. However , there are a number of very successful agreements and the growth in the market over the long term suggests that some economic benefits of outsourcing are present.

In pratice, outsourcing can take many forms and the complexity of these arrangements is increasing. The simplest arrangement is the use of contract workers; the worker is not employed by the firm, but is managed more or less as if they were an employee. This pratice is so common in IT that the presence of contract employees is assumed to be a standard feature of IT departments. At the next level is selective outsourcing in which a firm outsources particular projects or parts of projects to an outside vendor. This is also quite common in software development and technical support activities, although any well-defined task could presumably be outsourced in this way. Finally, the firm may choose to outsource the entire IT function, a practice that began in the late 1980s and has continued today.

Hitt, Lorin M., Frei, Frances X. and Patrick T. Harker. (1999) "How

Financial Firms Decide on Technology," in Brookings/Wharton Papers

on Financial Services:1999, Litan, Robert E. and Anthony M. Santomero,

Eds. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.



“个人与团队管理”课程考核 期末复习材料 第一部分:单项选择题 第一单元:自我规划 一、考核知识点:GSK26 头脑风暴法的步骤 (一)教材索引 参见《个人与团队管理(上册)》(第二版)(以下简称:“个人上”)第10页。 (二)练习题 1.关于头脑风暴法的第二个阶段,做法不正确的是()。 A. 对那些提出荒谬想法的人进行批评教育 B. 挑出需要保留的想法,并剔除那些无用的想法 C. 仔细考虑剩下的想法并根据价值或有效性进行编号 D. 继续工作,合理处理剩下的想法 2.刘总是团队的领导者,近期举行了一次会议,他是会议主持人。针对最近出现的问题,让大家提出各种解决问题的想法,不管想法多么离奇。刘总规定在其他团队成员发表自己的想法时,任何人不准提出异议,也不准做出任何批评

建议,但是刘总可以做一些启发性的发言和引导。可以看出刘总在这次会议中运用了()。 A. 德尔菲法 B. 电子会议 C. 头脑风暴法 D. 名义群体法 3.头脑风暴法是一种发挥人们创造力的方法,在使用头脑风暴法的过程中,人们应遵循的原则是()。 A. 人员都应该是专家 B. 能够进行批评 C. 人员越少越好 D. 提出较多数量的想法 4.头脑风暴法一般分为两个阶段,关于这两个阶段,说法不正确的是()。 A. 第一个阶段是提出想法 B. 第二个阶段是批评、评估并对各种想法进一步筛选 C. 两个阶段是相互关联的 D. 两个阶段可以同时进行 5.为解决突发问题,公司领导建议大家提出各种各样的想法,想法越多越好。这个建议体现了头脑风暴法的()的特点。 A. 鼓励“自由想象” B. 排除评论性批判 C. 要求提出一定数量的观念 D. 改进观念 (三)练习题分析 练习题答案:1. A;2. C;3. D;4. D;5.


小学语文教案《巨人的花园》 学习目标: 1.认识“溢、允”等8个生字。会写“溢、允、墙”等12个生字。正确读写“洋溢,允许、训斥”等19个词语。 2.有感情地朗读课文。 3.能根据课文描写想象画面,体会“快乐应当和大家分享”的道理。 4.抄写喜欢的句子。 教学重、难点: 根据课文描写想象画面,体会“快乐应当和大家分享”的道理。 课前准备: 1.让学生回顾自己读过的童话故事,再次阅读自己感兴趣的童话故事。 2.课文教学录音带或与课文相协调的音乐。 3.生词卡片。 第一课时 一、谈话激趣,导入新课 1.先问学生读过哪些童话故事,知道哪些童话中的角色。然后引导学生简要说明自己最喜欢的童话故事或故事中的角色。 2.教师小结:是啊,童话世界真吸引入。现在让我们再一次走进童话世界。(播放本课录音至第;自然段。)激趣:这是英国著名童话作家王尔德作品《巨人的花园》,有人称是童话中的“完美之作”。这是花园里是不是一直洋溢着笑声呢,那里后来又发生了什么事情呢?我们一起来看课文,好吗? 二、放手阅读,整体感知 1.自读课文,自学生字词。 (1)自由朗读课文,读准字音,读通句子。 (2)出示生字和词语卡片互读,注意读准字音。 (3)找出生词所在的句子,反复朗读,注意体会生词的意思。 (4)指名读课文,读后相互评价,看是否读得正确、流利。 2.再读课文,想想这个故事主要讲的是什么,并交流各自的看法。 3.质疑问难:读了课文,你有哪些不理解的问题?(这时学生可能会提出许多问题,教师要注意梳理,最后把问题归纳一下,点出“巨人拆除围墙前后,巨人的表现和花园里的情境有什么不同”这一问题。布置学生课后思考。) 第二课时 一、复述故事,研究问题 1.请同学讲一下这个故事。


北大MBA会计学案例库 成本与市价孰低法 某公司采用成本与市价孰低发对短期投资进行计价。该公司1992年12月31日短期投资余额未400,000元,证券跌价准备余额未20,000元。1991年12月31日短期投资种类及相关资料如下: 成本市价证券跌价准备 A公司股票200,000.00190,000.0010,000.00 B公司股票100,000.0090,000.0010,000.00 C公司股票200,000.00204,000.000.00 合计500,000.0020,000.00 1992年B公司股票以91,000元售出,售家和按市价调整后的账面数之差被计入"证券出售利得"。1992年12月31日的市价情况如下: 市价 A公司 199,000.00 C公司 205,000.00 问题: (1)该公司运用成本与市价孰低法对短期投资计价,是以单个证券为基础还是以总价为基础? (2)运用成本与市价孰低法的主要理论基础是什么?该公司运用这一规则合理吗? (3)该公司对出售C公司股票的会计处理正确吗? (4)该公司于1992年12月31日还需要做什么分录,以反映有价证券市价的变化? 阳澄湖公司 以下是阳澄湖公司1996年发生的部分经济业务: (1)因为火灾物品贱卖(fire sale ),价值140,000元的设备以110,000元的价格购

入。所作分录为: 借:机器设备140,000 贷:现金110,000 收入30,000 (2)预计销售价格减去估计的销售成本(销售费用)后,成本为380,000元的商品存货在资产负债表中确认的金额为460,000元。记录商品存货增值的会计分录是:借:商品存货80,000 贷:收入80,000 (3)公司总裁使用他自己的钱购买小帆船自用,所作会计分录如下: 借:杂项费用80,000 贷:收入80,000 (4)1996年度房屋折旧为23,000元,因为房屋市价上涨过大,所以年底所作的计提折旧分录为: 借:留存收益23,000 贷:累计折旧--房屋23,000 (5)以股票换入设备,股票总面值为70,000元,公平市价为300,000元,设备的公平市价不详,交换时所作的会计分录是: 借:机器设备:70,000 贷:股本70,000 (6)收到顾客的购货定单,购买本公司商品16,000元。所购商品于1997年1月10日运出,但1996年已作会计分录如下: 借:应收账款16,000 贷:销货16,000 (7)某顾客诉阳澄湖公司,要求赔偿损失90,000元,理由是由于公司商品质量问题而使其个人受到了伤害。公司所聘请的律师非常肯定地说,公司100%地能赢得这场官司。然而,公司所作的会计分录为: 借:诉讼损失90,000 贷:诉讼负债90,000 (8)阳澄湖公司总裁担心,万一公司发生清算,则其无形资产将要转变为现金。因此,决定将本年因购买交易产生已入账的商誉600,0000元作如下注销: 借:折旧费用8,000 贷:累计折旧8,000 要求:试说明上述会计分录有无违背公认的会计原则,若有,指出违背了哪条原则,并做出正确的会计分录。


2015 年《个人与团队管理》课程机考题 一、单项选择题(1?50题,每题1分,共50分。请从四个备选答案中选择一个最恰当的答案,将正确答案前的字母填到题目中的括号内,多选、不选或错选均不得分)1 、( A )是一种利用集体智慧思考和解决问题的团队创新性思维方法。 (A)团队头脑风暴法(B) SWOT法 (C)六顶帽子法(D)思维导图法 解析:个人上教材第9 页,头脑风暴法分为个人头脑风暴法与团队头脑风暴法。团队头脑风暴法是一种利用集体智慧思考和解决问题的团队创新性思维方法。对应“个人与团队管理课程辅导暨模拟题解析索引” 中序号 GS3 知识点(以下简称“对应序号 GS3 知识点”)。 2 、小何想提高自己的自我认知能力,以下方法中对他提高自我认知能力最没有 帮助的是( C) (A)通过观察反思自己的行为(B)通过阅读反思自己的行为 (C)只进行大量细致的观察(D)通过讨论反思自己的行为解析:观察、阅读、讨论以及实践活动都可以增强自我认知能力,但是如果不进行反思,这些活动也不能充分发挥作用。对应序号 GS6 知识点。 3、一般来讲,中期职业目标的时间段是( B)。 ( A) 1-3 年( B) 3-5 年 (C) 5-10 年(D) 10-20 年 解析:个人上教材第 40 页,典型的中期目标一般是三年到五年。对应序号 GS14 知识点。 4、SMART 原则在我们制定目标时有很大的帮助,以下不属于SMART 原则的是(C)。 (A)目标是可衡量的,有量化的标准(B)目标是有时间限制的,要设置达到

目标的时间 (C)不要一次设定三个以上的发展目标(D)目标是明确的,要精确描述想得到的结果 解析:个人上教材第 41 页, SMART 原则为,目标是明确的、可衡量的、可达到的、可实现的、有时间规定的。对应序号 GS16 知识点。 5、小张和小王在同一个部门工作,但两人对工作计划的看法很不相同:小张认为“计 划是没有用的,因为计划赶不上变化” ;小王则认为“任何工作都需要详细的计划”。下面关于两人的观点的说法正确的是( B )。 (A)小张的观点是对的 (B)两人的看法都是片面的,都有一定的问题 (C)两人的看法都是正确的 (D)小王的观点是对的 解析:小张的看法是片面的,即使是针对每天都有变化的工作,大多数人也能从计划中获益,计划能够安排好时间,可以使员工适应日常工作。小王的看法也是片面的,计划既可以详尽,也可以松散,只要奏效就行。对应序号 GS24 知识点。 6、小刘最近经常与一些有经验的同事或专家在一起 ,通过观察他们的工作方法、 向他们请教等方式进行学习。这是学习方法中的(D)。 (A )委托培训(B)岗位轮换 (C)远程学习(D )工作伙伴 解析:个人上第 32 页,非正式学习机会中“工作伙伴”的描述。对应序号GS13 知识点。 7、根据三环领导力模型,领导工作的主要方面不包括( B)。 (A )完成任务(B )提高业绩


《个人与团队管理》各章知识点 第一单元自我规划 第1章:思考你的目标 1、什么是创造性思维方法,你的工作当中的哪些方面适合应用创造性思维方法? 创造性思维是指不依常规、寻求变异、想出新方法、建立新理论、从多方面寻求答案的开放式思维方式。头脑风暴法的规则遵循两个独立的阶段,这两个阶段不能同时进行。在我们的工作中,经常会遇到比如:制定目标、解决问题的情况,我们经常采用头脑风暴法。 例:培养创造型思维是培养创造能力的一个方面。(对) 2、什么是头脑风暴法?个人和集体使用头脑风暴进行创造性思维有什么区别和联系? 头脑风暴法(Brainstorming)是为了克服阻碍产生创造性方案的遵从压力的一种相对简单的方法,它利用一种思想产生过程,鼓励提出任何种类的方案设计思想,同时禁止对各种方案的任何批评。个人头脑风暴不会受到别人的干扰,但是思路狭窄;团队头脑风暴法能够集中很多人的意见,但是人们往往会有所顾虑。3、假如你现在面对职业或工作的选择,你会采用什么手段来面对这些选择? 具体情况具体对待。面对不同的情况,应该有不同的方法。一般来讲包括: 改变境遇 积极进取——使自己更加适应; 面对其他挑战,如参加训练和培训; 改善工作环境; 授权给其他人,让他们承担一些日常事务。 改变自己 检查自己的真实想法——嘴上说的和心中想的是否一致; 改变行为; 发展在其他领域的技能和能力 改变个人与工作之间的关系 适应工作; 将工作看作达到目标的方法; 通过降低问题的重要性来改变看法——更注重工作之余的生活。 离开 4、请思考你是如何制定自己的目标和计划的。 制定目标时首先应该分析自己的现状,考虑自己的选择,这种情况可以用个人头脑风暴法来进行,但是一定要遵循头脑风暴法的规则。 制定计划:可以按照计划的时间长短进行,长期计划一般是提纲挈领的;而短期的计划则是详细具体的,事情的时间、地点、人物等都应该具体详细。当然其他的方法也可以。 第2章:自我认知 1、什么是自我认知?在日常生活中你是怎样了解自己和他人的? 自我认知是情感智能框架中的一个方面,也就是了解自己的情感,主要包括:情感自我认知、正确的自我评估、自信等。一般通过测试,视个人情况而定,只要合理即可。 一般来说:与他人沟通,理解他人,换角度思考,反思自己的行为,接受各种反馈意见等都能帮助你去理解自己和他人。 例:情感智能框架中的认知包括( D )。



北大MBA会计学案例库 成本与市价孰低法 某公司采用成本与市价孰低发对短期投资进行计价。该公司1992年12月31日短期投资余额未400,000元,证券跌价准备余额未20,000元。1991年12月31日短期投资种类及相关资料如下: 成本市价证券跌价准备 A公司股票200,000.00190,000.0010,000.00 B公司股票100,000.0090,000.0010,000.00 C公司股票200,000.00204,000.000.00 合计500,000.0020,000.00 1992年B公司股票以91,000元售出,售家和按市价调整后的账面数之差被计入"证券出售利得"。1992年12月31日的市价情况如下: 市价 A公司 199,000.00 C公司 205,000.00 问题: (1)该公司运用成本与市价孰低法对短期投资计价,是以单个证券为基础还是以总价为基础? (2)运用成本与市价孰低法的主要理论基础是什么?该公司运用这一规则合理吗? (3)该公司对出售C公司股票的会计处理正确吗? (4)该公司于1992年12月31日还需要做什么分录,以反映有价证券市价的变化? 阳澄湖公司

以下是阳澄湖公司1996年发生的部分经济业务: (1)因为火灾物品贱卖(fire sale ),价值140,000元的设备以110,000元的价格购入。所作分录为: 借:机器设备140,000 贷:现金110,000 收入30,000 (2)预计销售价格减去估计的销售成本(销售费用)后,成本为380,000元的商品存货在资产负债表中确认的金额为460,000元。记录商品存货增值的会计分录是: 借:商品存货80,000 贷:收入80,000 (3)公司总裁使用他自己的钱购买小帆船自用,所作会计分录如下: 借:杂项费用80,000 贷:收入80,000


最新电大专科《个人与团队管理》题库及答案 本人针对该科目汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的题库,并且每年都在更新(包含单项选择题、案例分析题)。该题库对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考 题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。 一、单项选择题 1.电子头脑风暴法具有很多优点,但也存在不少缺点,下列几项中不属于它的缺点的是 ( ) A.效率受规模约束 B.社会互动减少 C.权威损失和缺乏赞许 D.人员参与变少 2.小明毕业后分配到打字室,可他对打字不是很在行。他给自己制定了一个目标,每天午休抽出半小时练习打字,争取每月把速度提高15字,在18个月后达到每分钟2000字的速度,从而提高自己的计算机办公能力。他的这个目 标不符合SMART原则中的( )原则。 A.可衡量的 B.明确的 C.有时间规定的 D.可达到的和可实现的 3.小赵决定提高自我认知能力,有下面几种方法可供选择。这些方法中对他提高自我认知能力最没有帮助的是 ( )。 A.通过观察反思自己的行为 B.通过阅读反思自己的行为 C.只进行局部的观察 D.通过讨论反思自己的行为 4.下面关于反馈的说法不正确的是( )。 A.反馈是发展个人技能和能力的有效途径 B.我们可以通过预见反馈、主动寻求反馈、采取积极的态度来正确对待不同的反馈 C.反馈是发展自我认知的一个有效途径 D.尖锐的反馈是对个人的一种人身攻击 5.学习的方法很多,小刘最近经常与一些有经验的同 事或专家在一起,通过观察他们的工作方法、向他们请教 等方式进行学习。这是( )。 A.委托培训 B.岗位轮换 C.远程学习 D.工作伙伴 6.小崔想制定一个合理的目标。下面的( )可以帮他达到这个目的。 A.头脑风暴法 B.SWOT法 C.水平思考法D.SMART原则 7.每个员工都需要有一定程度的压力,但压力过大会让人出现问题,下面因素不太可能导致过度压力的是 ( )。 A.对时间和精力不切实际的要求 B.短时间内要做太多的事 C.误解D.缺乏热情 8.李经理在工作时总是把精力放在完成所分配的任务上,对其他事都不太关心,结果导致下属员工对他很不满。李经理的问题在于他没有注意好( )之间的平衡。 A.工作和维持工作能力B.任务、团队和个人 C.思考和行动 D.工作效果和工作效率 9.小赵每天被一些杂事缠身,工作时常常找不到头绪,他不知道哪些工作该优先,哪些工作该推后。根据时间管 理矩阵,下面的活动不属于优先级D的是( )。 A.闲聊的电话 B.帮助团队成员解决问题 C.干扰 D.鸡毛蒜皮的小事 10.小秦在工作中不能听取他人的意见,经常责备他 人,没有耐心,结果和同事的关系搞得很僵。据此可以认 为,他属于( )。 A.好斗的人 B.自信果断的人 C.消极的人 D.自卑的人 11.人们在沟通中首先要考虑的是沟通的目的是什么, 下面关于沟通目的的说法不正确的是( )。 A.人们在进行沟通交流时经常希望达到多种目的 B.沟通的方式方法和沟通的目的没有什么关系 C.沟通必须有明确目的,这是使沟通有效的基础 D.当沟通目的不止一个时需要确定最主要的目的是什


个人与团队管理 第1次平时作业 一、名词解释(每题4分,共20分) 1.团队: 一个组织在特定的可操作范围内,为实现特定目标而建立的相互合作,一致努力的由若干成员组成的共同体。 2.共同愿景: 是一种描绘组织目的、使命和核心价值理念的,浓缩的未来发展“蓝图”,是一个组织最希望实现的美好前景。 3.团队精神: 是指团队整体的价值观、信念和奋斗意识,是团队成员为了团队的利益和目标而相互协作、共同奋斗的思想意识。 4.团队凝聚力: 也称内聚办,是指一个团队之中的成员围绕在团队,尽心于团队的全部力量。 5.团队士气: 就是团队的成员对自身所在的团队感到满意,愿意成为该团队的一员,并协助达成团队目标的一种态度。 二、单项选择:(每题2分,共20分) 1、下面说法中不属于团队特点的是( B )。 A 职责明确 B 成员有时不具有决策权 C 信息沟通充分 D “机构”具有不确定性 2、团队成员角色中的(D )具有很高的分析技能。 得分 教师签名 得分 批改人 得分 批改人

A 倡导者 B 组织者 C 建议者 D 开发者 3、团队成员角色中的(B)倾向于了解所有成员的看法。 A 倡导者 B 联络者 C 建议者 D 开发者 4、 ( A )在员工参与决策方面功能不足。 A 自我管理型团队 B 多功能型团队 C 虚拟型团队 D 问题解决型团队 5、在信任的五个维度中,罗宾斯认为最重要的是( A ) A 正直 B 能力 C 忠实 D 一贯 E 开放 6、希望自己在某个组织中有一定的位置,以获得物质上和精神上的满足。这是团队成员的( D )。 A 责任意识 B 自豪意识 C 亲和意识 D 归属意识 7、当团队的主要任务是作出高质量的复杂决策时,团队规模最好为( C )。 A 3-5人 B 5-7人 C 7-12人 D 12-15人 8、建设团队文化最有利的阶段是( C )。 A 成立阶段 B震荡阶段 C 规范化阶段 D 高产阶段 D 调整阶段 9、以下表现中不属于团队在高产阶段的表现的是( A )。 A 个别成员会挑战领导者 B团队成员具有一定的决策权 C 团队成员分享信息 D 团队成员有完成任务的使命感 10、不属于团队规则内容的是( D )。 A 团队的战略 B团队的约束 C 团队成员的角色 D 团队成员的沟通方式


巨人的花园 【教材分析】 本篇课文是选自王尔德童话集的一篇意蕴深刻的童话。自古以来,童话是人们喜闻乐见的文章体裁,尤其受孩子们的青睐。这篇童话主要讲述了这样一个故事:一个巨人拥有一个美丽的花园,但当他看见孩子们在里面玩时很生气,把孩子们都赶了出去,他的自私换来了花园的寒冬,后来经一个男孩的提醒,巨人明白了自己的自私和冷酷,他把花园送给了孩子们。这篇童话要让学生明白是巨人的冷酷剥夺了孩子的快乐,气跑了美好的春光和快乐的花草树鸟,教学生懂得待人要宽容,要学会给予、奉献。 【学情分析】 作为四年级的学生,他们已接触了不少童话,童话本身以其生动有趣深深吸引了这些爱幻想的孩子。孩子对童话的浓厚兴趣使本篇教材具有莫大的磁性,但磁性到底能吸引住多少孩子,得*教师的精心引导,因为孩子们毕竟没真正掌握阅读童话的技巧。当然,教师在设计中必须不破坏童话的原汁原味,还要巧妙加料把味调得更浓,这就是得凭借教材让学生展开想象的翅膀尽情畅想。这样,孩子们不仅学会了读童话,而且也为成为一个小童话家而汲取养料。 【设计理念】 语文教学中要引导学生自读、自悟、自学探究为基础,大力提倡自主、探究的合作方式,充分和调动学生的情感体验,关注学生的内心感受,注意培养学生对事物有正确的情感态度。我使朗读成为学生学习的探究的重要手段,让学生在自主、民主的氛围中学习,自主地读、说,在自读自悟、主动探究中读懂这篇意蕴深刻的童话,让每一位学生的心灵都为之一颤,为他们点燃心中的一盏明灯,让他们学有所获。 【学习目标】 1、抓住巨人的言行细细品味,引导学生想象,体会巨人性格的变化。 2、让学生在深入理解课文内容的基础上懂得美好的东西应与别人同享。 教学过程: 一、谈话导入,激发学生学习兴趣 1师:(先板书“童话”)孩子们,我们今天学习的课文呀就是一篇--童话。故事的名字是--《巨人的花园》(生说) 2、看老师写课题,师写课题,生看。 3、这是英国作家王尔德的作品,来读读课题(生读课题) 4、这个课题有意思,一看就知道是篇童话故事,从哪儿知道的呀? 生说:从巨人这个词知道的。 师:说说理由 生:在现实生活中没有巨人。 师:想象过吗,巨人什么样? 生说:巨人很高大,比我们一般人要高。 出示课件,师:这就是巨人,和她身边的孩子比一比? 生说:孩子太小了,巨人很高大。。。。 师:太超长了,童话故事中的人物就是这样奇妙。(板书奇妙) 二、读课文,感知课文内容 1《巨人的花园》讲了一个怎样的故事呢?走进花园去瞧瞧。来,自由地读读课文,注意读准字音,读通句子,边读边想:故事的主人公是谁?他给你留下了怎样的印象?自由读吧!(师巡视) 2、都读完了吗?来,(出示课件词语)看大屏幕,这些都是本课要会读的词语。 A、自己试着读读这些词语,特别注意红色字体的字。再想想这三组词语分别描写了什 么?(生自由读)读完后 师:你们都像约好了似的。看看第一组词语,这组词语出现的生字最多,谁来?(指生,生读) 师:这组词语在课文描写的是谁呀?(巨人)大家认为呢?(生认同) 都和巨人有关,咱们一起来读!(生齐读)


How Financial Firms Decide on Technology,介绍国际大银行在决定对信息技术投资时的考虑要点 和他们具体的实施过程。 How Financial Firms Decide on Technology (Abstract) The financial services industry is the major investor in information technology(IT) in the U.S. economy; the typical bank spends as much as 15% of non-intereste expenses on IT. A persistent finding of research into the performance of financial institutions is that performance and efficiency vary widely across institutions. Nowhere is this variability more visible than in the outes of the IT investment decisions in these institutions. This paper presents the results of an empirical investigation of IT investment decision processes in the banking industry. The purpose of this investigation is to uncover what, if anything, can be learned from the IT investment practices of banks that would help in understanding the cause ofthis variability in performance along with pointing toward management practices that lead to better investment decisions. Using PC banking and thedevelopment of corporate Internet sites as the case studies for this investigation, the paper reports on detailed field-based surveys of investment practices in several leading institutions How Financial Firms Decide on Technology (Part One) 信息技术对金融服务业的影响正在增加,不仅仅表现在银行的15%无息开支上,而且对金融服务业的运做和战略也有很强的影响。一个对金融机构的长期研究表明,不同的机构的效率和表现也不同。其决定的因素有以下一些其中的一个因素就是对投资的决定和管理。SBS是一个失败的例子,但是成功的公司也不少。本文注重解答以下的问题:1.银行对IT投资的评估和管理过程?2.在对IT的管理过程中,理论和实际操作的结合如何?3.IT投资的管理和银行性能的关系如何? 1.0 Introduction Information technology(IT) is increasingly critical to the operations of financial services firms. Today banks spend as much as 15% of non-interest expense on information technology. It is estimated that the industry will spend at least $21.1 billion on IT in 1998, and financial institutions collectively account for the majority of IT investment in the U.S. economy. In additon to being a large ponent of the cost


《个人与团队管理》模拟试题及答案(二) 一、单项选择题(1~50题,每题1分,共50分。请从四个备选答案中选择一个最恰当的答案,将正确答案前的字母填到题目中的括号内,多选、不选或错选均不得分) 1、()是一种利用集体智慧思考和解决问题的团队创新性思维方法。 (A)团队头脑风暴法(B)SWOT法 (C)六顶帽子法(D)思维导图法 2、小何想提高自己的自我认知能力,以下方法中对他提高自我认知能力最没有帮助的是() (A)通过观察反思自己的行为(B)通过阅读反思自己的行为 (C)只进行大量细致的观察(D)通过讨论反思自己的行为 3、一般来讲,中期职业目标的时间段是()。 (A)1-3年(B)3-5年 (C)5-10年(D)10-20年 4、SMART原则在我们制定目标时有很大的帮助,以下不属于SMART原则的是()。 (A)目标是可衡量的,有量化的标准(B)目标是有时间限制的,要设置达到目标的时间 (C)不要一次设定三个以上的发展目标(D)目标是明确的,要精确描述想得到的结果 5、小张和小王在同一个部门工作,但两人对工作计划的看法很不相同:小张认为“计划是没有用的,因为 计划赶不上变化”;小王则认为“任何工作都需要详细的计划”。下面关于两人的观点的说法正确的是( B )。 (A)小张的观点是对的 (B)两人的看法都是片面的,都有一定的问题 (C)两人的看法都是正确的 (D)小王的观点是对的 6、小刘最近经常与一些有经验的同事或专家在一起,通过观察他们的工作方法、向他们请教等方式进行学 习。这是学习方法中的( )。 (A)委托培训(B)岗位轮换 (C)远程学习(D)工作伙伴 7、根据三环领导力模型,领导工作的主要方面不包括()。 (A)完成任务(B)提高业绩 (C)建设团队(D)发展个人 8、小居发现自己每天被一些杂事缠身,工作时常常找不到头绪,不知道哪些工作该优先,哪些工作该推 后。根据时间管理矩阵,下面的活动不属于优先级D的是()。 (A)闲聊的电话(B)帮助团队成员解决问题 (C)干扰(D)鸡毛蒜皮的小事 9、自信对取得成功有很大帮助,下面关于自信的说法错误的是( )。


《个人与团队管理》课程模拟题一 一、单项选择题(1~80题,每题1分,共80分。请从四个备选答案中选择一个最恰当的答案, 将正确答案前的字母填到题目中的括号内,多选、不选或错选均不得分) 1:“在一旁观察别人的工作情况”属于非正式学习中的()。 (A)工作观摩 (B)岗位轮换(C)训练与指导 (D)工作伙伴 2:关于制订工作计划,说法不正确的是()。 (A)计划可以帮助人们控制工作进度 (B)计划对所有管理工作都奏效 (C)计划限制了行动的自由度 (D)计划可以是详尽的,也可以是松散的,只要奏效就行 3:在工作场所应用QQ、MSN、Skype等软件进行沟通,属于现代信息技术沟通方式中的()。 (A)电子邮件 (B)即时信息沟通(C)数字传真 (D)视频会议 4:华阳建筑公司的建筑工地分散在很多地方,各工地领导需要就建筑材料调拨和人员安排进行交流,不适合他们的书面沟通方式是()。 (A)传真 (B)建议书(C)布告栏 (D)报告书 5:关于身体语言沟通,说法不正确的是()。 (A)身体语言也称为体语 (B)身体语言指非词语性的身体符号 (C)相对于口头语言沟通来说,身体语言沟通的有效性要差很多 (D)身体语言沟通可以分为肢体语言、面部表情、姿态语言等多种 6:小张向项目经理递交了一份建议书,提出了自己对项目进展的一些看法,这种工作报告的形式属于()。 (A)中间形式 (B)从上到下形式 (C)平级形式 (D)从下到上形式 7:组织部门中,“负责主体业务的研发”是()部门的基本职责。 (A)行政 (B)业务(C)财务 (D)市场 8:关于组织目标和价值观,说法正确的是()。 (A)价值观不能帮助组织界定员工的行为规范 (B)组织的价值观不能规划出组织的愿景 (C)组织的价值观和组织目标没有区别 (D)组织的目标决定了组织的核心价值观 9:关于增强自我认知能力的两种方式,说法不正确的是()。 (A)反思帮助自我总结经验或教训 (B)反思仅仅是简单地思考问题 (C)反馈是一种经验学习 (D)对于消极的反馈,也要采取积极的态度 10:关于学习中存在的障碍及其解决方法,对应不正确的是()。 (A)缺乏时间——改善自我组织能力,找出实际的解决方案 (B)缺乏自信——根据自己的实际情况决定自己的学习方式 (C)不良的学习经历——分析和思考产生不良学习经历的原因 (D)工作无稳定感——辞职,寻找新的工作 11:利用活动跟踪表可以清楚地了解自己的工作习惯,填写活动跟踪表的最后一步是()。 (A)把一天的工作活动详细地记录下来 (B)分析工作活动是否有效,并区分工作种类 (C)按照优先级别对一天的活动进行分析 (D)把每个活动的起止时间记录下来 12:人们的行为通常反映出他们的性格,属于消极/自卑类型的人的典型行为表现是()。 (A)清楚表明自己的需求 (B)不惜一切代价想赢 (C)威胁、攻击别人 (D)无条件地自我牺牲 13:“在做出决策以前及时提供信息以供参考”,这是考虑到优质信息特点中的()。 (A)正确的内容 (B)正确的人员(C)适度的费用 (D)恰当的时间 14:演讲台上,小薛的音调富有变化,抑扬顿挫,给他人以自信、坚定的感觉,传达此信息的沟通方式属于()。 (A)道具沟通 (B)副语言沟通(C)身体语言沟通 (D)一对一沟通 15:关于使用形体语言抓住听众心理,做法不正确的是()。


《个人与团队管理》课程模拟题一 1.“在一旁观察别人的工作情况”属于非正式学习中的()。(A)工作观摩 2.关于制订工作计划,说法不正确的是()。(C)计划限制了行动的自由度 3.在工作场所应用QQ、MSN、Skype等软件进行沟通,属于现代信息技术沟通方式中的()。(B)即时信息沟通 4.华阳建筑公司的建筑工地分散在很多地方,各工地领导需要就建筑材料调拨和人员安排进行交流,不适合他们的书面沟通方式是()。 (C)布告栏 5.关于身体语言沟通,说法不正确的是()。(C)相对于口头语言沟通来说,身体语言沟通的有效性要差很多 6.小张向项目经理递交了一份建议书,提出了自己对项目进展的一些看法,这种工作报告的形式属于()。(D)从下到上形式 7.组织部门中,“负责主体业务的研发”是()部门的基本职责。(B)业务 8.关于组织目标和价值观,说法正确的是()。 (D)组织的目标决定了组织的核心价值观 9.关于增强自我认知能力的两种方式,说法不正确的是()。(B)反思仅仅是简单地思考问题 10.关于学习中存在的障碍及其解决方法,对应不正确的是()。(D)工作无稳定感——辞职,寻找新的工作 11.利用活动跟踪表可以清楚地了解自己的工作习惯,填写活动跟踪表的最后一步是()。(C)按照优先级别对一天的活动进行分析 12.人们的行为通常反映出他们的性格,属于消极/自卑类型的人的典型行为表现是()。(D)无条件地自我牺牲 13.“在做出决策以前及时提供信息以供参考”,这是考虑到优质信息特点中的()。 (D)恰当的时间 14.演讲台上,小薛的音调富有变化,抑扬顿挫,给他人以自信、坚定的感觉,传达此信息的沟通方式属于()。(B)副语言沟通 15.关于使用形体语言抓住听众心理,做法不正确的是()。(D)把双臂抱在胸前 16.在工作谈判中,出现的谈判冲突和其处理方法对应不正确的是()。(C)大声斥责——不问原因就道歉 17.根据PEST分析法,劳动和社会保障属于组织的()环境。(A)政治法律 18.从组织内营销类部门有影响力的员工所掌握的信息,来获取客户需求信息的缺点是()。(C)员工为保证自身利益,不轻易将这些信息进行分享 19.查尔斯·汉迪在《认识组织》中提出的组织文化类型不包括()。(C)强势文化 20.关于头脑风暴法的第一个阶段,做法不正确的是()。(D)谨慎思考,避免出现荒谬想法 21.电子头脑风暴法是一种简便的创新思维方法,属于它的优点的是()。(C)更多人员参与 22.从整体上看,SWOT分析可以分为两部分,第二部分OT可以用来分析()。(B)外部条件或因素 23.小李在利用SWOT分析法进行自我评估时,发现自己做事缺乏恒心,这属于他的()。 (B)劣势 24.根据KOLB学习周期,“总结从经验中获得的知识,并对这些知识进行研究,然后将所有的信息汇总,从中得出结论,接下来决定应该怎样应用自己的知识进行实践”是从()阶段开始学习。(B)反思 25.进行反思的方法有很多,不正确的是()。(C)不需要遵循逻辑 26.SMART目标中的S代表()。(A)明确的 27.有些人可能需要压力来激励自己前进,但压力过大不利于健康,防止压力过度的方法不正确的是()。(C)拒绝别人的帮助 28.关于计划在提高工作效率中的应用,说法不正确的是()。(B)每天工作不同,所以不用事先做计划 29.表达需求有很多种方法,说出需求的方法不正确的是()。(A)对你的需求做到心中有数,不但要积极还要好斗 30.沟通的要素包括()和时间安排五个方面。(A)目的意图,沟通对象,信息内容,方式方法 31.商务文件除了需要准确无误、条理清晰外,还应具有()的特点。(B)开门见山 32.与环境的陈设属于同一种沟通方式的是()。(C)环境的颜色搭配 33.办公室的内部设计是一种道具沟通方式。除传统式办公室设计外,常见的办公室设计还有()。(A)开放式设计 34.在会议协调阶段中,关于各个阶段的协调,描述和做法相对应的是()。(B)“协商问题和希望获得的结果”阶段:重新陈述议程中的内容 35.会议中有时会出现争论的情况,面对这种情况,做法不正确的是()。(B)不予理睬 36.小李经常在公司做工作报告,每次她都要花很长时间准备。准备材料的步骤不正确的是()。(A)将搜集到的所有信息写到材料中 37.谈判是一个双向的过程,除了作出合理反应的能力外,个人的()决定了谈判能否成功。(A)洞察局面的能力 38.迈克尔·波特的“五力模型”是用来分析行业的()。 D)竞争状态 39.运用SWOT分析法对组织进行分析的步骤,说法正确的是()。(A)通过判断组织优缺点来分析组织内部情况


小学四年级《巨人的花园》课文 巨人的花园 作者:[英] 王尔德 从前,一个小村子里有座漂亮的花园。那里,春天鲜花盛开,夏天绿树成阴,秋天鲜果飘香,冬天白雪一片。村里的孩子都喜欢到那里玩。 花园的主人是个巨人,他外出旅行已有好久了。花园里常年洋溢着孩子们欢乐的笑声。 有一年秋天,巨人突然回来了。他见到孩子们在花园里玩耍,很生气:“谁允许你们到这儿来玩的!都滚出去!” 孩子们吓坏了,四处逃散。 赶走孩子以后,巨人在花园周围砌起围墙,而且竖起一块“禁止入内”的告示牌。 不久,北风呼啸,隆冬来临,刺骨的寒风吹起雪花。巨人孤独地度过了漫长的严冬。春天终于来了,村子里又开出美丽的鲜花,不时传来小鸟的欢叫。但不知为什么,巨人的花园里仍然是冬天,天天狂风大作,雪花飞舞。巨人裹着毯子,还瑟瑟发抖。他想:“今年的春天为什么这么冷,这么荒凉呀……” 一天早晨,巨人被喧闹声吵醒了。他抬头望去,一缕阳光

从窗外射进来。好几个月没见过这么明媚的阳光了。巨人激动地跑到花园里,他看到花园里草翠花开,有许多孩子在页1 第 欢快地游戏,他们大概是从围墙的破损处钻进来的。孩子们的欢笑使花园增添了春意。可是巨人又发脾气了:“好容易才盼来春天,你们又来胡闹。滚出去!”孩子们听到可怕的训斥,纷纷逃窜。与此同时,鲜花凋谢,树叶飘落,花园又被冰雪覆盖了。巨人不解地看看四周,突然发现桃树底下站着个小男孩。 “喂!你赶快滚出去!”巨人大声叱责。小男孩没有拔腿逃跑,却用他那会说话的眼睛凝视着巨人。不知怎么,巨人看着他的眼神,心里感到火辣辣的。这个小男孩在树下一伸手,桃树马上绽出绿芽,开出许多美丽的花朵。 “噢!是这么回事呀!”巨人终于明白,没有孩子的地方就没有春天。他不禁抱住了那个孩子:“唤来寒冬的,是我那颗任性、冷酷的心啊!要不是你提醒,春天将永远被我赶走了。谢谢你!” 小男孩在巨人宽大的脸颊上亲了一下。巨人第一次感到了温暖和愉快。于是,他立刻拆除围墙,把花园给了孩子们。从那以后,巨人的花园又成了孩子们的乐园。孩子们站在巨人的脚下,爬上巨人的肩膀,尽情地玩耍。巨人生活在漂亮的花园和孩子们中间,感到无比的幸福。


个人与团队管理-0023 一、单选题(共60题,共60分) 1. 由于业务需要,公司计划把小贺从销售部调到行政部,为了尽快进入新的角色和适应新的工作任务,他采用(C)的学习方式最合适。 A 委托培训 B 研讨会 C 工作观摩或工作伙伴 D 远程学习 2. 关于制订工作计划,说法不正确的是(C)。 A 计划可以帮助你控制工作进度 B 计划对所有管理工作都奏效 C 计划限制了行动的自由度 D 计划可以是详尽的,也可以是松散的,只要奏效就行 3. 在工作场所应用QQ、MSN、Skype等软件进行沟通,属于现代信息技术沟通方式中的(B)。 A 电子邮件 B 即时信息沟通 C 数字传真 D 视频会议 4. 书面语言沟通过程中,递送书面材料时应当考虑的内容不包括(D)。 A 递送给哪些人 B 他们会提出何种反驳论点及论据 C 他们对这个议题是否事先有所了解 D 如何处理他们提出的意见 5. 关于身体语言沟通,说法正确的是(B)。 A 音调和语速的变化是一种身体语言沟通方式 B 身体语言沟通是非语言沟通的重要形式之一 C 相对于其他语言沟通方式来说,身体语言沟通的有效性要差很多 D 着装和化妆的不同不能体现身体语言沟通 6. 关于工作报告,说法正确的是(B)。 A 任何组织都有定期的工作报告活动 B 工作报告包括从上到下、从下到上和平级三种形式或其综合 C 工作报告主要是为了方便各个领导之间的交流 D 工作报告主要是为了方便各个普通员工之间的交流 7. 组织部门中,“全面主持工作,制订总体发展目标和计划”是(A)的基本职责。 A 总经理 B 行政部门 C 财务部门 D 业务部门 8. 组织核心价值观和组织目标的关系是(B)。 A 组织目标有助于界定员工的行为规范 B 组织目标决定了组织的核心价值观 C 组织核心价值和组织目标是完全相同的 D 组织核心价值和组织目标没有任何关系 9. 小恒在一次测试中发现自己的自我认知能力不足,他希望能增强自我认知能力,但是(B)做法对他增强自我


个人与团队管理考试必 读 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

《个人与团队管理》考试必读 襄樊电大傅雨青 考核大纲说明 本课程是开放教育经济专科工商管理专业的限选课(课程性质为统设)和其他专业的选修课(课程性质为省开),也适于作为其它专业专、本科的选修课程(课程性质为省开)。 本课程由劳动和社会保障部职业技能鉴定中心委托北京天向互动教育中心提供技术支持。学习者学习有关课程,参加相应的考试并合格,可获得相应学历教育的学分,同时可获得由劳动和社会保障部颁发的“通用管理能力水平等级证书(基础级)”。本课程课内计划学时54,共3个学分。 本课程体系融合西方最先进的管理理念,经众多着名跨国公司的管理实践得以改进与补充,为国外大量一流公司和企业大学所采用,是打造应用型职业经理人和增强职场竞争力的最有效工具。在保留原课程体系的基础上,国内数十位管理学专家、学者与一线管理人员进行了精心的本土化改造,它充分考虑中国的管理实情与需求,是中国管理界迄今为止最为系统、最具指导意义的系统型管理培训教材。同时,它采用了国际上先进的互动式、情景式、案例式和训练式的教学方法,真正实现了理念先进性和操作实用性的完美结合。在此基础上,劳动和社会保障部职业技能鉴定中心出台了国内第一个以管理能力水平为导向的从业者管理技能标准,正式将通用管理能力纳入国家培训认证体系。这套认证体系的推出,为广大从业者和准就业人群提供了一个全面学习基础管理知识和技能、提高职业素质和就业能力的机会,使他们能够成为国家行业发展中所急需的具有通用管理能力的人才,有助于提升中国企事业单位管理层的管理能力与管理素质,培养并发展中国的高素质职业管理团队。 一、考核大纲制定依据 通用管理能力认证体系是由劳动和社会保障部职业技能鉴定中心引进国外先进理论和资源组织制定的包含一系列通用型管理课程的教学考核系统,它是建立在对就业者应具备能力的长期研究和开发的基础之上。整套体系将就业者在工作过程中所涉及到的具有共性和普适性的管理技能、方法和工具以模块化的方式组织起来,为就业者提供全面的管理技能和素质训练,它适用于每一位就业者、管理人或潜在的管理人。 个人与团队管理是通用管理能力(基础级)中的一个证书。《个人与团队管理》的教材包括上、下二册,上册包括《自我规划》《时间管理》、《工作沟通》、《团队简报》《工作谈判》、《走出困境》6个单元,下册包括《个人与团队》《个人与企业》《团队腾飞》《团队学习》、《实现目标》和《团队激励》6个单元。
