


问及中国学生写作的困境,不仅仅是学生甚至是某些学者,近乎异口同声:“ 词汇量不足” 云云。其实这种所谓的词汇量问题,虽然不敢断然否定其存在,但是在培养学生写作技能的初级阶段根本不是问题,如果说词汇是个问题,那么至少是写作技能提高阶段的问题。在参加诸如GRE考试和GMA T考试的写作中,都不应该鼓励学生使用复杂的词汇量。 在考生参加国内英语考试写作,比如四级,六级,考研,在职硕士等领域,根本不应该提及。否则对学生应试分数提高,造成误导。为什么这样说呢?



熟悉词汇陌生词汇 1. scientistsentomologists2. expertsaurelian3. parentsinvertebrates4. educatorscetaceans5. generallyfalconry6. contributedenunciate7. Doreprehend8. gooddeleterious9. harmfulnocuous10. hurtfulinsalubrious11. influencepromulgate12. lifeallege13. work14. study15. play16. role17. Not only…but also18. shapeforge19. formFabricate20. buildillume21. coldRuthless and relentless22. butalbeit23. environmentbiota24. plantsflora25. animalsfauna26. values27. hold28. maintain现在我们考虑一道雅思作文题目:

Some people say that it wastes both time and money to protect animals while others say that it is useful to protect animals. What is your opinion?


What are the values of animals? Fish and shrimp give people foods; birds give poets new ideas and ideals; even a simple fly offer scientists new information for research. Clearly, animals are important. Then who can say that it is a waster of money to protect such important things? I believe that human should protect animals.

56 words




Cetaceans are not created to decorate the immense chaotic oceans or to offer poets or littérateurs aspirations or inspirations. Nor does falconry soar towards the empyrean and scud in the firmament to demonstrate His almightiness. Then humans, the wretched descendents of Adams as the scripture tells within the eon, have been meditating such questions as why creatures exist. Were they once created by the omnipotent God or what scientists termed as nature? Recently both philosophers and environmentalists ponder that whether or not human beings should carry out campaigns to salvage wildlife. The question is that such campaigns might constitute considerable deteriorate elements both to the flora and fauna。






作者本人就是在大学期间受这种错误教学理念的误导,背诵了一本新英汉字典,背了四年,背了至少不下千遍,可是写出的文章还是狗屁不通。于是,又去背诵梁实秋编写的《远东英汉大词典》,还是制造不出文章。后来遇到了哈佛大学的朋友,她给了我一本BIBLE, 告诉我每天读,注意句子的构成和句子之间的关系。我开始非常反感,认为这是侮辱我的宗教信仰。当时我甚至觉得这个朋友动机不纯,有拉我下水的恶意。


you are the salt of the earth…

You are the light of the world…

will shine before humanity

这里面的美在于一种单纯和简单。之后,我每日都读圣经,学习英语表达的技术,久而久之,感悟到其中的美,就逐渐开始欣赏英语简单词汇表达的美丽和艺术。后来从学生变成老师,我教授美国文学和语言学,着重分析过ERNEST HEMINGW AY作品词汇的朴素和执着的表现力。在THE SUN ALSO RISE中,读者完全可以品味如何用最简单的词汇表达最高尚的人类思维。

其实,复杂的词汇是学生一时半时无法掌握的,反而是简单的单词如何用好,成为英语写作应试教学初级的主要课题。如果用好简单的词汇,就可以逐步追求表达的准确和精确,使用复杂的词汇。可是一开始就鼓励学生背诵大量的词汇,既不现实,也对于应试于事无补。 比如我再举个例子,还是雅思考试的题目。

Computers are now widely used in education so the teachers are not as important as they were before computers were popular. Do you agree or disagree with this point?


Compared with other human inventions and innovations, computers, the cold machines that are definitely devoid of soul, admittedly, have been playing a significant role in shaping and reflecting human life, study, and work patterns. Thus at one time the average public was flooded by the overwhelming written materials and advertisements advocating, or even exaggeratedly promoting, various computers and their affiliated software, making it hard for the people to distinguish the facts from fictions. Worst of all, some scholars and engineers even imprudently

“forecast” that computers will fina lly replace or supersede teachers in education. On the strength of philosophical and scientific analysis in a far more profound and insightful way, I solemnly and firmly gainsay such a misguiding argument and put forward that never in history have any human made machines had superseded, in its strict sense, human beings, nor will they。








someone said that teachers not no longer useful, nevertheless I don’t agree it。

Now, computers are widely in all kinds of fields. And it is more and more important. But some of special fields computers can’t do any thing. For example, whe the child was young. They come to school. They can’t use any machine before. They need a warm hand from mother techer more than cold computer key. So I don’t agree it。



Compared to the automobile or train, the bicycle nowadays tends to be more common as a transport. Some people are think that the bicycle is the best way to tour. I am of the opinion that riding bicycle has advantage and disadvantages。

To begin with, bicycle is the cheapest transport. In china, people just need spend RMB 400 to buy a high quality bicycle. The car, however, at least is spent RMB 40000. To many Chinese people, they prefer to buy a bicycle because they have no enough money to buy a car. Next, sometimes riding bicycle is more convenient than driving a car. For example, I have to spend 1 hour to drive car cover 10 miles during the rush hour from my home to my office in Beijing. At same distance, I only need 20 minutes by riding bicycle. Finally, I think the bicycle do not make heavy pollution to our environment。


根据这些情况,我在NA TIONAL GEOGRAPHY 杂志上选取了部分含有考生需要的句型,首先进行分析,然后让学生模仿。看看下面选取的一段文字:

The wolves play an integral part in the ecosystem in the archipelago, and their diet can

offer scientists important clues about the dynamics between predator and prey。

Investigating the feces of the elusive wolves, Darimont found that their diets consist to a large extent of black-tailed deer. But he also found that their diets vary greatly depending on location. On the outer islands, for example, wolves are far less likely to have a deer for lunch than on the inner islands。

These findings suggest that wolves can deplete resources in isolated areas, making the link between the predators and their prey more delicate there。

The information is important for understanding not only island ecosystems, but also for conservation efforts. If scientists can understand how species behave on isolated islands, they may be able to figure out how the species will behave in other places that are becoming more fragmented。

选自:Canada”s Rain Forest Wolves a Link to Past

Stefan Lovgren October 1, 2004





play an integral part in

play a key role in

offer somebody something

dynamics between …and…

predators and prey


consist of consist to a large extent of

depend on depend to a large extent on


be likely to do something

not only…but also…


Living in the big cities, people are more likely to forget the key roles that animals play in an ecosystem. But almost all animals can do good, directly or indirectly, to our life. For example, fish and shrimp offer not only foods but also scientific research materials. Birds in various colors and shapes offer scientists new clues to understand the dynamic between human and other animals. From this point of view, animals must be well protected。





托福写作常用的80个高频形容词 在托福写作中,常常会运用到各种各样的形容词。下面环球教育小编收集的托福写作80个高频形容词备考,希望对考生会有所帮助。 1. pleasant and enjoyable多姿多彩的 2. boring, exhausting and stressful无聊的,繁重的, 压力大的 3. isolated, unsociable and depressed孤立的,不善于社交的,和抑郁的 4. addictive 上瘾的 5. aggressive 有上进心的 6. balanced 平衡的 7. compatible 兼容的 8. complicated 复杂的 9. confident 自信的 10. corrupt 腐败的 11. cutting-edge 尖端的 12. delicious 美味可口的 13. demanding 要求高的 14. detrimental 有害的 15. eccentric 古怪的 16. economical 节俭的 17. enlightened 开明的;文明的 18. fashionable 时髦的 19. feasible 可行的 20. flexible 灵活多样的 21. fruitful 有成效的

22. glamorous 富有魅力的 23. gorgeous 辉煌的 24. impressive 令人印象深刻的 25. incompatible 不和适宜的 26. indifferent 冷漠的 27. indispensable 不可或缺的 28. inexhaustible 取之不尽的 29. infectious 传染性的 30. influential 有影响力的 31. inhumane 不人道的 32. innocent 多管闲事的, 无辜的 33. instructive 智力的 34. intellectual 智力的 35. interpersonal 人际间的 36. irreparable 不可弥补的 37. luxurious 奢侈的 38. mature 成熟的 39. misleading 误导的 40. misrepresented 不如实叙述的 41. money-oriented 拜金的 42. nourishing 有营养的 43. old-fashioned/out of date 过时的 44. perilous 危险的 45. permissive 宽容的;许可的 46. pornographic 色情的



数量词 一些a range of ; a variety of ; a series of ; an array of 无数innumerable ; countless 许多plenty of ; many ; much ; a great deal of ; a lot of ; ample 非常多(大)的tremendous 依序列举list in sequence 时间词 过时的outdated ; antiquated ; outmoded ; obsolete ; anachronistic 短暂的ephemeral ; transitory ; transient ; short-lived 不合时宜的anachronism 可持久的durable ; able to stand wear ; last a long time 一再time after time ; again and again 初始的preliminary 前述的aforementioned ; aforesaid ; former 自古到今from ancient times to the present day ; down through the ages 年轻人young people ; youngster ; youth ; young adult 老式的old-fashioned ; out of date ; dated 偶尔from time to time ; now and then ; once in a while ; at times 时常often ; frequently ; repeatedly 永远的eternal ; perpetual ; lasting throughout life 重整办事优先顺序reshape priorities 目前so far ; by far 一次就可完成的事one-time event 正/反意见(opinion) 骂yell at ; reprimand ; chide ; scold ; reprove 支持support ; endorse ; back up ; uphold 谴责condemn ; express strong disapproval of 错的mistaken ; erroneous ; wrong incorrect 错事wrongdoing ; had acts ; misbehavior 做相反的do the reverse of ; do the opposite 归咎blam e…on ; put the blam e on … ;…is to blame 瓦解disintegrate ; break up ; separate into small parts 支持某一方in favor of ; on the side of 不会犯错的infallible 意见不和clashes of opinion 一致的unanimous ; in complete agreement 不恰当inappropriate ; improper ; unsuitable ; inadequate 批判criticize ; blame; find fault with ; make judgments of the merits and faults of…我们想念…we are convinced that…; we are certain that.. 我愿意I incline to; I am inclined to; I am willing to; I tend to 有用的useful ; of use; serviceable; good for; instrumental; productive 有意义的meaningful; fulfilling 他们不愿承认这一点they have always been reluctant to admit thi s… 在大家同意下by common consent of… 否定deny; withhold; negate 承认admit; acknowledge; confess; concede 于事无补of no help; of no avail; no use 使…受益benefit…; do good t o…; is good for…; is of great benefit t o… 成语及俗语及搭配方式 想法frame of mind; mind set; the way one is thinking 想出come up with 找出come up with; find out 利用use; take advantage of


托福写作文章中让步段的写法实例解析 在进入托福备考一段时间后,你会不难发现,近几年的托福写作考题已经开始趋于一种单一固定化的格式也就是Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: XXXXXX. 面对这样的题目,你可以有三种选择,同意,不同意,不置可否。尽管ETS官方并未给出立场的限定,但是在真正考试的时候,选用前两种是比较容易把握的。第三种不置可否的立场并非完全不能写,但是其中的”度”的把握要求较高,容易被判为立场不明,因而不推荐考生选用。那么,想要赢得这样类型的考题我们又该注意到哪些发面的问题呢? 在写一边倒的文章的时候,多数考生喜欢采用经典的五段式写法,即开头段、结尾段、中间三段三个分论点论证。这样的写法当然无可厚非,然而多数学生会碰到两个问题,一是我只能想到两个理由,第三个理由写不出来怎么办?二是我三个理由都写完了,但是字数不够300字怎么办?这样的情况,就需要我们的救命稻草”让步段”出场了。 让步段,顾名思义,就是退了一步的段落。例如,2009年6月27日的题目,For further career success, is relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school? 选择了同意的立场,写完了三个同意的理由之后,可以再写一点让步段论述一下反方的观点,即在学校学习好也很重要。写让步段的好处有很多,一是上文提及的最实际的用途---凑字数,二是从行文逻辑看,写一段让步段也可以展现考生思维的严密性。只要时间允许,此种一举多得的做法为何不尝试呢? 但是,让步段写作也需要遵循一定的原则。考生在写作时,应当按照三部曲进行:1)写出一个反方观点 2)进行一定程度的削弱 3)重申自己的观点。 1) 写出反方观点 这一步大多数同学都做得不错,但是在提出反方观点之前,可再加上一些连接词,例如admittedly, nevertheless等等。还拿之前拿到题目做例子,For further career success, is relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school? 总观点是同意,让步段写学习好也挺重要的。第一步引出反方观点时,应写:Admittedly, acquiring an excellent GPA is one significant proof of your ability, for “study”is one of the major tasks that students are supposed to fulfill in school. 2) 进行一定程度的削弱 这是大多数同学会忽略的一步。很多同学在写让步段的时候,喜欢跳过第二步,直接重申自己的观点,然而这样的写法会显得逻辑上牵强,行文也显得生硬。因此,在提出反方观点时要进行一定的削弱。例如在写完上文那句话之后,应加上:However, the outstanding scores only prove the intelligence of the student, while the EQ, largely reflected by how well you relate with others, plays an utmost significant role in the future career success. 3)重申自己的观点


托福写作高级词汇整理 在托福的写作中,我们使用一些高级词汇去替换掉那些陈谷子烂芝麻的词汇可以帮助我们提高分数,为了帮助大家备考,下面小编给大家带来托福写作高级词汇整理。 托福写作高级词汇 1) Come a long way 有很大的进步 Human being has come a long from drinking and eating raw food to talking through cell phones. 2) It is worthwhile to / it is worth doing It is worthwhile to spend time in learning music and art, because they can benefit me for life time. 3) Give credit for 归功于 The convenience that commuters (通勤者 )has now should give credit for the newly opened subway lines. 4) Give sb. a competitive edge 给某人竞争优势 Learning multiple languages give people a competitive edge in this demanding society. 5) Remove the barrier for 为(发展,交流等)消除障碍 Learning English is a way to remove the barrier for communicating with many foreigners./exchanging with exotic cultures. 6) Be the cornerstone of 是的基石 Believing in the correlation of hardworking and success is the cornerstone of American spirit. 7) Be an essential ingredient of 是的条件 A sound health is an essential ingredient of excellent academic performance. 8) profit from/benefit from 从中获益 People can profit/benefit from the advancement of modern technology, such as computers, the Internet and many digital devices. 9) is an indispensable part of 是中不可或缺的一部分 Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting profound influence on the way we live, work , play and learn. 10) plays a pivotal role in 扮演者至关重要的角色


1. 解决基本语法问题,练习写长难句,把名词短语和句子的区别掌握;掌握三种基本句型结构,并且会加定语和状语 2. 大作文基本构架熟悉,以及怎样选择side 框架不规则(可以整篇写一个故事的都有)可以不写对方的观点(让步段) 3. 确定选材“写什么”:内容要直接简单明了,最重要是考语言和逻辑,不是考内容的新颖度和深度;内容为语言服务,语法准确、内容合理即可 有的时候,想写的内容,即使用中文说, 都会很晦涩,那就更别用英文了;不要 把自己的想法硬套到文章里,会造成中 式英语;写自己会写的,不要写自己想 写的!!!!! 中式思维的理由不要写:放之四海皆准 的才可以

1,检查作业,纠正错误,总结错误基本类型和原因 2,复习上次内容 3. 解决中式英语:构句的时候要抛开中文的影响,切忌先想中文,然后逐字逐句翻译避免直译,要explain而不是translate word by word; 不要去想中文的对等, 而是找英文的相似 有些表达,是必须经过提炼的,因为中 文没有对等的意思 不会造复杂句怎么办? 原始中文——简单中文(核心意思提 炼)——简单英文(句子主干)—— 地道英文(修饰成分,句式多样化)

想表达的内容太难,句子无从下手怎么 办?:先找主干,在写其他部分 怎样摆脱中文限制,来扩展思路呢?(搭 配也知道挺多,但是自己想不起来用: 中文只想一个大概的意思,然后用英文 思考,在已知的英文表达中,搜索最地 道,和自己表达的意思最相近的搭配— —故意用搭配提分的意识 尤其是套模板的时候,句子一定要精简, 要动起来,避免冗长 1,检查作业,纠正错误,总结错误基本类型和原因 2,复习上次内容 3. 在上了一定量的阅读和听力课之后,开小作文 阅读 第一段倒着读,剩下三段正着读 找句号法,快速抓住核心内容 段中不需要逐句读懂,学会找关键词, 两三个即可;时刻看首段的中心思想, 联系着猜 笔记越简单越好,可以用汉语;看懂了 再下笔,需要把多次出现的名词记下来, 猜一下发音 信息整合,逻辑重排 听力 首先听出是A or B类型还是yes or no 类型 根据阅读,边猜边听 以听为主,记为辅,记关键词就可以了, 而不是记整句话 笔记是画出来的,别人看不懂 听力结束后,先不要马上看阅读,先把 听到的内容整理一下,补充笔记 写作 熟悉固定模板:2+3*4+1=14句,150-225 字 不能抄原句,同义替换 不需要写很复杂的句子,清晰明了即可 注意对比


二. 知识与教育 (一)知识与智能 knowledge,n.知识,学问;认识;知道 knowledge acquisition 知识获取 knowledge hierarchy 知识体系 structure of knowledge 知识结构 comprehensive knowledge 全面的知识 scope of knowledge 知识面 value of knowledge 知识价值 knowledge industry 知识产业 knowledge management 知识管理 the aging of knowledge 知识老化 spread scientific knowledge 传播科学知识 thirst for knowledge 求知欲 Knowledge is infinite./There is no limit to knowledge.学无止境(学海无涯)。 knowledgeable n.知识渊博的;有见识的 become knowledgable and professional 知识化、专业化 erudition n.博学,博识;学问;知识 erudite a.博学的,有学问的;n.博学之上,有学问的人 learned a.有学问的,博学的;精通某门学科的 a learned man 学者 learning n.知识;学问 book learning 书本知识 a man of great learning 博学之上,学问高深的人 have little learning 学识浅薄 an emergent branch of learning 一门新兴的学问 episteme n.(哲)知识 epistemic n.(哲)(关于)认识的;(关于)知识的 letters n.[用作单或复]文学;学问;文化修养 a man of letters文人 lore n.学问,知识;(有关某一学科的)全部知识 scholarship n.学术成就;学问,学识;奖学金 scholarly a.学者气质的;学者风度的


教育 学校教育schooling 家庭教育upbringing; parenting 课程大纲curriculum 教学大纲syllabus 必修课required/compulsory courses, 选修课elective/optional courses 课外活动extra-curricular activities 社团活动club activities 志愿者服务volunteer service 社区工作community work 实习internship 学生会student union 男生/女生联谊会fraternity & sorority 校园生活school/campus life 学校是社会的缩影a school is society in miniature 文科liberal arts/ liberal studies 理科sciences 工科engineering 人文学科humanities 社会学科social science 艺术arts 学科subject/discipline 基础科学basic sciences 应用科学applied sciences 小学教育primary-level education; elementary education 中学教育secondary-level education 大学教育tertiary-level education; higher education 职业教育vocational education/training 接受教育enter/get access to schools/ education 学位degree (bachelor, master, doctor/PhD) 文凭diploma, 证书certificate 青少年teenagers/adolescents/the young generation/the youths 学生students (fresh man, sophomore, junior, senior) 上课attend classes 逃课skip class, be absent from class 老师/学生为中心的课堂teacher-centered/ student-centered/ classroom 有能力的/有资格的/有经验的/良好培训的老师 competent/qualified/experienced/well-trained teachers 无能力的/不够格的/欠经验的老师 incompetent/disqualified/inexperienced/poorly-trained teachers well-equipped/ well-appointed/ well-decorated classrooms 设施良好的/装修良好的教室先进的教学设施up-to-date teaching facilities


托福写作常用连词汇总 在托福作文训练中,各位网友应该有意识地使用下列连接词,这对提高作文分数是很有帮助地,大家在练习TOEFL 写作时可以参考使用。同时大家在使用这些词的时候,必须弄清楚哪些连接词是副词,哪些是连词。 1. 增补(Addition) in addition(另外,此外), furthermore (此外,而且), again (此外i ,再次), also (并且,另外), besides 此外,而且), moreover (另外,而且), what's more (此外), similarly (类似的,相同的), next, finally. 2. 比较(Comparison) in the same way (同样的,以相同的方式), likewise (同样的,也), similarly, equally (同样的,相等的), in comparison (相比之下,同。。。相比), just as (正如) 3. 对照(Contrast) Whereas (然而,反之), in contrast (作为比较,相比较而言), on the other hand, instead (替代,反而), however 可是,然而,无论如何,无论怎样), nevertheless (然而,不过,虽然如此), unlike, even though(虽然,尽管), on the contrary (相反,反之), while (当。。。时候,虽然,然而) 4. 因果(Cause and effect) Because (连词,后可跟句子或者名词), because of (副词,只能跟句子), for (因为), since (因为,以后,自此), due to (由于,取决于), owing to (由于), thanks to (由于,幸亏), as a result(of)(因此), accordingly (因此,于是,相应的), hence (因此,今后), so, thus (因而,因此) 5. 强调(Emphasis) Certainly (当然的,的确), above all (首先,首要), indeed (的确,确实), of course, surely (肯定的,确信的), actually, as a matter of fact (事实上), chiefly (主要的,首先), especially (特别,尤其), primarily (首先,主要), in particular(尤其,特别), undoubtedly (确实的,毋庸置疑的), absolutely(绝对的,完全的), most important (最重要的,关键的)


新托福独立写作必背分类话题词汇 一、Education教育 二、Technology科技 三、Media媒体 四、Success 成功 五、Work 工作 六、Government 政府七、Friends 朋友 八、Old vs. Y oung 九、Transportation 交通 十、Environment 环境 十一、Money 金钱 十二、Leisure 休闲 十三、Family 家庭 十四、Animals 动物 十五、Food 食物 十六、Safety安全 十七、Health健康 十八、Food 食物 一、Education教育 作业n. assignment(可数)与homework不同选修课n. elective course 学分n. credit 青少年n. ;青春期的adj. adolescent 适应adapt to sth. / become accustomed to sth. 应用v. apply 团队精神team spirit 独立思考think independently 在理解的基础上学习learn things through understanding 学生的反馈students’ feedback 学生评价老师的教学students appraise/ evaluate their teachers’ performance 通才n. generalist 专才n. specialist 全面发展的adj. well-rounded 多才多艺的adj. versatile 为社会健康发展做贡献contribute to societal well-being (or welfare) 工科n. engineering 学科(通称);纪律n. 管教vt. discipline 互动vt. interact 自制力n. self-discipline 小(中、大)学教育primary-level (or secondary-level/ tertiary-level ) education 职业教育vocational education 学校给学生的教育n. schooling 学校提供的课程总称n. curriculum ( pl. curricula) 心理的adj. psychological 参与n. participation 熟练掌握……be proficient in 榜样role model 同龄人n. peer 对孩子/弱者过度保护adj. overprotective 家长给小孩的教育n. parenting 批判眼光看问题能力critical thinking abilities 有创造力的adj. creative/original 表现出色perform well 为…打好基础lay a solid foundation for 评估n. evaluation 对…非常好的掌握n. mastery 好奇心n. curiosity 精英n. elite 应试教育test-oriented education 富于想象力的imaginative 无知的adj. ignorant 误入歧途go astray 文盲(的)n.&adj. illiterate 给人动力的adj. motivating 未成年人n. minors 溺爱vt. spoil 青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 欺负(n. “喜欢欺负人的孩子”)vt. bully 植物学n. botany 天文学n. astronomy 培养v. cultivate/ foster/ nurture 促进学生身心发展promote the student’s physical/mental (or intellectual) and emotional development 心理健康psychological soundness/ well-being/ welfare 给学生以动力give the students motivation to do sth/ motivate the students to do sth 传授知识impart/ inculcate knowledge 灌输高尚的道德观instill high moral values 给学生以灵感give the students inspiration 学生对老师所教知识的掌握students’grasp (or command) of what has been taught 就业技能employable skills 填鸭式教法教学生force-feed the students 死记硬背learn things by rote 责任感sense of obligation/ duty/ responsibility 记忆方程式、公式、定理、定律memorize equations, formulas, theorems and laws 盲从follow sth. blindly



托福写作评分标准托福写作评分包括机器评分以及人工评分两部分: 机器评分E-rater- 语法是否正确、用词是否得当、以及单词拼写及大小写是否准确等方面, 一篇考生的文章会经过两台机器评分。 人工评分通过ETS阅卷人评分,综合写作和独立写作分别有两位阅卷人给出分数。 托福写作原始分数为0-5分,考生得分分为三个level GOOD,FAIR,LIMITED 最终成绩通过两个科目的分数取平均分,再换算为30分制的分数。 详解托福综合写作的评分细则

综合写作是托福写作板块中的其中一项。托福考试的写作部分分为综合(Integrated writing)和独立(Independent writing)两块,这两块分别独立评分,取平均值后得到最终的分数。也就是说,这两个部分各占一半权重,因此应给予相同程度的重视。关于这两部分的了解,强烈建议同学们自己去看看ETS出版的托福考试官方指南(OG),OG里面对于考试形式和评分标准有非常详尽的介绍,有些同学在准备输出端考试(写作或者口语)的时候,居然连评分细则都不看,仅凭自己的主观臆测和对于老师讲解的依稀记忆去打造自己的文章,考不好真的不奇怪。下面,我们就来分析一下托福考试的评分细则。 综合写作的满分要求是: A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lectu 5分:文章切题,阐说充分,文章有说服力;段落组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,有很强的逻辑性;段落内句与句连接顺畅,句式使用恰当,灵活,娴熟;用词确切,得体。文章中有个别语法拼写错误,但不影响内容表达。 4分:文章切题,阐说基本充分,在某些细节上有缺陷。段落层次组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,逻辑性强;句间连接顺畅,句式使用恰当,灵活;用词基本得体。文章中有少量用词不当和语法拼写错误。 3分:文章切题,阐说尚可,展开不够。段落层次组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,有逻辑性;句间连接基本顺畅;有部分句法错误;用词一般,有时不得体。词性区分和拼写等有若干错误


托福独立写作主体段写法技巧——双观点篇 托福独立写作对于很多托福考生来说是取得高分难以逾越的一道鸿沟, 这不仅需要大量的练习, 还需掌握其中的诀窍。今天, 教育优选为各位考生带来托福独立写作主题段双观点的写法点拨,希望对各位考生有所帮助。 通常对于独立写作我们都会选择五段式的结构,这个结构包括三个主体段, 按照题型我们可以将写作类型分为三个:支持反对类 (单观点、对比比较类 (双观点、自主定义类。今天,闫玲娟老师跟各位考生分析一下有关双观点类题目的写作技巧,下面是一道典型的题目: Topic 2008.11.9 Movies and TV have more positive effects than negative effects on young people’ s behavior. 电影电视对于青少年行为的影响利大于弊。 题目中明显要求就电视的优点以及缺点进行比较,我们暂且用 A 、 B 表示两个不同观点 1.A+A+B 双关的写作的第一种写法是运用两个正向的论点去支撑 A , 再用一个论点去支持 B ,因为 A 的优势更大一些,所以最终得出 A 更合适的结果。 Topic 2008.11.9 Movies and TV have more positive effects than negative effects on young people’ s behavior. 电影电视对于青少年行为的影响利大于弊。 Agree :

The positive influence outweighs their negative effects. Large quantities of motion pictures (movies about encouragement strengthen young generation’ s willpower to chase dreams with determination. Influenced by a number of interesting TV programs, young people begin to learn things that they used to feel boring. Admittedly , we should not ignore that there are some violent plots which tend to result in teenage crimes.However, this kind of movie makes up only a small section of products in film industry and is under the strict control of government. Therefore, its influence is quite limited. 我们可以看到, 在这种写法中, 我们所支持的观点为电影电视是利大于弊的。 前两个理由我们先正向抛出两个论点说明为什么它们对青年人的影响利大于弊, 最后一个分论点我们写让步段, 先承认它们的确有可能对青年人行为产生错误的引导, 但是其后又对这些错误影响做一些弥补, 因为有负面影响的节目只是整个电影市场的一小部分,不能够以偏概全,断章取义。 2.A+A-B 我们介绍的第二种写法是, 先用两个正向的论点支持 A , 再用一个论点去反对B ,最终得出 A 更适合的结果。 Topic :Some people argue that the government should not spend money on public services and facilities, but on arts. 有一部分人认为政府应该花更多的钱在公共服务和基础设施上,而非艺术上。 Public facilities, widely accepted as the main foundation to a city’ s development, should be one of the highest priorities. In addition to social benefits, ther e are a great number of economic merits that …


托福写作——100个替换词汇 important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) common=universal, ubiquitous (if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) abundant=ample(enough and usually extra),plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) stick=adhere, cling (hold on something tightly) neglect=ignore。(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention。) near=adjacent(two things next to each other),adjoin(the same as adjacent) pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned),seek(if you seek sty, you try to obtain it FORMAL) accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details),exact(correct in every detail) vague=obscure (unknown or known by only a few people) top=peak, summit competitor=rival, opponent (especially in sports and politics) blame=condemn (if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable) opinion=perspective, standpoint (means looking at an event or situation in a particular way) fame=prestige(describe those who are admired),reputation build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL),establish insult=humiliate (do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid) complain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way) primary=radical (very important and great in degree),fundamental relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe) force=coerces into (coerce means you make someone do something she does not want to),compel enlarge=magnify (magnify means make something


让步段写法一: 列出对方的合理性,指出其存在的缺陷 例1 Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with that? It should be admitted that telling the truth means to be honest with others which could be regarded as the valuable characteristic of the individuals. Moreover, honesty could be considered to be the basic element to obtain the trust from people and maintain the harmonious relationship between them. However, in no way can people be completely honest with others all the time since there are some special cases in which honesty could be quite harmful for the situation and even hurt the feelings of others. 例2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can take care of their family members better in big cities than in countryside. It is undeniable that the environment in the countryside is more pleasant and attractive, especially the relatively high quality of the air, which would be to a great extent beneficial for the physical health of family members. Therefore, it is more suitable for people to look after their family members through choosing to live in the countryside. However, with the increasing development of the rural area during recent decades, a growing number of factories have been established in the suburbs and the country area, which has brought plenty of pollution problems and destroyed the enjoyable feature of the environment in the countr yside……. 让步段写法二 例1 说明对方的好处,指出己方的好处更多或更重要 If you needs some help on a specific course at which your friend is pretty good, then which do you prefer: to ask your friend for help or to ask for a professional tutor? There is no doubt that when communicating with our friend, we may learn in a more efficient way since we are familiar with each other…. However, I still think the advantages of learning with a professional tutor, outweigh those of asking help from a friend. 例2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can take care of their family members better in big cities than in countryside. It is undeniable that the environment in the countryside is more pleasant and attractive, especially the relatively high quality of the air, which would be to a great extent beneficial for the physical health of family members. Therefore, it is more suitable for
