topic sentence

topic sentence
topic sentence

Topic Sentence

Ⅰ. Choose the best topic sentence from the group below.

1. A. Picasso was thought to be dead at birth in Malaga on. Oct. 25, 1881.

B. By the age of 25, Picasso was an able and gifted artist.

C. Picasso’s father was a painter named Jose Ruiz Blasco.

D. The full sweep of Picasso’s effect on modern art is difficult to document.

Answer: ___________

2. A. In later adulthood,we begin to come to terms with our own mortality.

B. There are various stages of human development.

C. Adolescence is typically a time of identity crisis.

D. Psychologists report that we pass through various stages of development throughout our



Ⅱ. Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph.

1.Topic Sentence:

“Music,”the teacher would tell his pupils,“is a state of being. It is not so much knowledge and know-how .If you want to be good at playing an instrument,let music get hold of you first and this will in turn get hold your muscles and make them produce the music that is now inside you. How can music come out of an instrument if it is not first put into it?And who is to put it there?The composer,the maker of the instrument,the printed score or the player?”

A. If you want to be good at playing an instrument,let music get hold of you first.

B. It is about stages of learning to play an instrument.

C. Only when the player puts the music into the instrument,can music come out of it.

D. Only when the maker of the instrument puts the music into the instrument,can music come out of it.

2. Topic sentence ___________

At one time, transistor radios were not practical, because they were too expensive, Now all of that has changed. With the reduced price of transistors and the cheaper costs of mass production, the transistor radio is cheaper than the old-style tube model. In addition, transistor radios do not heat up like the old tube radios, so they will not wear out as quickly. Also, transistor radios can be made much smaller because transistors are smaller than tubes. Furthermore, transistor radios are more reliable. They have fewer parts, so less can go wrong.

A. Transistor radios are practical and inexpensive.

B. Transistor radios have undergone much improvement.

C. Transistor radios are cheaper than tube radios because of mass production.

D. Transistor radios are better than the old-style tube radios.

Ⅲ. Read the following passages and identify the topic sentence in each by underlining it. 1. The biggest problem in ancient DNA research is getting the DNA in the first place. The favorite material to work with is bone, and a small chunk of it is best. Cells can lie inside the hard

bone structure waiting to be liberated after the calcium has been dissolved away. That’s the easy bit. Getting the DNA out, what little of it that remains is horrendously difficult and many teams have succumbed to pitfalls in the past. The rule is that it has to be done in a clean room better than used to assemble spacecraft to go into deep space, and it has to be done away from any other source of potentially contaminating DNA.

2. Names usually have origins, especially for Indians. Indians with distinctive physical characteristics might be given names such as Big Foot or Crooked Leg. If there had been a big storm on the day of a baby’s birth, the baby might have been named Thundercloud. Grey Eagle, Red-Dog, Big Bear, and Spotted Wolf are examples of Indian names after animals.

3. Many TV commercials imply that a woman’s self-esteem depends on her cleaning ability. In one commercial, we see a woman terribly upset because her guests find spots on her glassware. Countless other commercials blur out the message that a woman will pass muster as a person if her kitchen floor gleams and her toilet bowl is blue. This idiocy must work, because the images of women scrubbing, moping, waxing and smiling keep on coming over the air.

4. As human beings, we are constantly in the stage of change. Our bodies change everyday. Our attitudes are constantly evolving. Something we swore by five years ago is now almost impossible for us to imagine ourselves believing The clothes we wore a few years ago now look strange to us in old photographs. Everything is changing. This is a prediction I can make with absolute certainty.

5. Electric products are closely associated with our lives. Electric alarm clocks and music pouring from our radio awaken us; we operate our roaster, brush our teeth with an electric toothbrush, and shave with an electric razor. We read today’s headlines from newspapers printed on huge electric presses, and we write a letter on our electric typewriter before leaving for work to operate a computer and word processor.

6. There is a popular belief that some particular scientific discoveries or theories, such as the Darwinian theory of evolution, have led to the downfall of religion. It would be foolish to deny that these discoveries have had a great effect in undermining religious dogma. But this account does not at all go to the root of the matter. Religion can probably outlive any scientific discoveries which could be made. It can accommodate itself to them. The root cause of the decay of faith has not been any particular discovery of science, but rather the general spirit of science and certain basic assumptions upon which modern science, from the 17th century onwards, has proceeded.

7. What has happened to the American male?For a long time,he seemed utterly confident in his manhood,sure of his masculine (男性的)role in society,easy and definite in his sense of sexual identity. The frontiersmen(边远地区居民)of James Fenimore Cooper,for example,never had any concern about masculinity;they were men,and it did not occur to them to think twice about it. Even well into the twentieth century,the heroes of Dreiser,of Fitzgerald,of Hemingway remain men. But one begins to detect a new theme emerging in some of these authors,especially in Hemingway:the theme of the male hero increasingly preoccupied with proving his virility(男子气概)to himself. And by mid-century,the male role had plainly lost its rugged clarity of outline. Today men are more and more conscious of maleness not as a fact but as a problem. The ways by which American men affirm their masculinity are uncertain and obscure. There are multiplying signs,indeed,that something has gone badly wrong with the American male’s conception of himself.


考研英语语法基础讲义 屠皓民 一、考研语法考什么? 二、定语从句 1. 关系词的产生 2. 介词+which/whom 的由来 3. When/where/why 的演变 4. 限定性与非限定性从句区别与翻译 5. 定语从句省略 实战演练: 将下面的句子翻译成英文 1. All those____________ (想去长城的) will get together at the bus—stop at six tomorrow morning . 2. The building ________________________ (座落于我们学校附近的) is a hospital. 3. Tom is really the bravest boy _________________________ (我所认识的)。 4. Have you received the letter ___________________________ (我上星期六写的)? 5. Can you help me find the person ________________________(救我女儿命的) 6. This is the one hundredth letter_________________________ (我上个月收到的)。 7. Tennis______________ (夏季最好的运动之一) can be played by two or four players . 8. I shall use the machine in such a way____________________________ (他使用过的). 强化练习 Fill in the blanks with “prep + whom/which”. 1. The teacher ____ _______ I learnt most was Mrs. Zhu. 2. Mathematics is the subject ______ _______ I am most interested. 3. This is the house __________ _________ I was born. 课程内容 一、 考研语法考什么? 二、 考研语法巅峰考点——定语从句 三、 考研语法重点考点——状语从句 四、 考研语法特殊考点——倒装结构 五、 长难句四步拆分 —— 选自《考研工具书之语法长难句》(屠皓民编) 《考研英语基础核心教程》


上个世纪的飞雪和溪流迟子建去年深冬,在回故乡的慢行列车上,我遇见了两个老者。他们一胖一瘦,愉快地交谈。其中的一个说,四十多年前的一个夜晚,他驾着手推车,从山上拉烧柴回家。走到半程时,天飘起了雪花。雪越下越大,到了一个三岔路口时,他习惯地上了一条路。然而走了一会儿,他发现那路越走越生,于是掉转车头,又回到岔路口。雪花纷纷扬扬的,天又黑,他分辨不出南北东西了,于是凭着直觉,又踏上了一条路。可是他越走越心虚,因为那条路似乎也是陌生的,他害怕了,又一次回到岔路口。深夜时,家人寻来了。他这才知道,他第一次踏上的路,是正确的。只不过因为雪太大,改变了路的风貌。那人说:“谁能相信,我让雪花给迷了路呢!要是搁现在,可能吗?”他指着车窗外的森林说:“看看,这雪一年比一年小,风一年比一年大,这还叫大兴安岭吗?”透过车窗,我看见稀疏的林地上,覆盖着浅浅的积雪,枯黄的蒿草在风中舞动。而在雪大的年份,那些蒿草会被雪深深地埋住,你是看不到的。天虽然仍是蓝的,可因为雪少得可怜,那幅闪烁的冬景给人残破不堪的感觉。而这样的景象,在大兴安岭,自新世纪以来,是越来越司空见惯了。我想起童年在小山村的时候,每逢冬天来临,老天就会分派下一项活儿,等着我们小孩子来接收,那就是扫雪。那个年代的雪,真是恋人间啊!常常是三天一小场,十天一大场,很少碰到一个月没有雪的时候。雪会大到什么程度呢?有的时候,它闷着头下了一夜,清晨起来,你无法出去抱柴了,因为大雪封门了。这个时候,就得慢慢地推门,让它渐渐透出缝隙,直到能伸出笤帚,一点点地掘开雪,门才会咧开嘴,将满院子的白雪推进你的视野,有如献给你一个明朗的笑。那个年代,不光是雪多,溪流也是多的。夏天,我们常到山上玩,渴了,随时捧山间的溪水来喝。溪水清冽甘甜,带着草木的清香,我喝的这世上最好的水,就是大兴安岭的溪水。那时植被好,雨水丰沛,因而溪流纵横。女孩们夏天洗衣服,爱到溪水旁。省了挑水,可以洗个透彻。洗衣服的时候,蝴蝶和蜻蜓在你眼前飞来飞去的,它们的翅膀有时会温柔地触着你的脸;而溪水中呢,不仅浸泡着衣服,还浸泡着树和云的影子,好像它们嫌自己不干净,要你帮着洗一洗似的。大兴安岭的河流,到了冬天都封冻了。柔软的水遇到零下三四十度的严寒,哪有不僵的呢?可母亲告诉我,我们家在设计队住的时候,后山上有一道泉水,冬天是不冻的。母亲说,我们后来搬家了,所以那道泉水在那座山上,究竟活了多少个冬天,她是不知道的。大兴安岭的开发,使林木资源日渐匮乏,小时候常见的参天大树,好像都被老天召走,做了另一个世界晚祷的蜡烛,难觅踪影了。而那如丰富的神经一样遍布大地的溪流,也悄然消逝了。我已故的爱人,他曾天真地对我说:“大兴安岭全境人口不过五十多万,我看不如把所有的人口都迁出去,异地安置,做到真正的封山。几十年后,树茂盛了,溪水也充沛了,中国会留下最好的一片原始森林。”可我知道,这样的想法,无论是在他生前还是死后,都是“天上的想法”。我怀念上个世纪故乡的飞雪和溪流。我幻想着,有一天,它们还会在新世纪的曙光中,带着重回人间的喜悦,妖娆地起舞和歌唱。(有删改)文中写到了上个世纪大兴安岭的飞雪和溪流,请结合全文用简洁的语言分别概括其特点。(4分) 飞雪:雪大,雪多。溪流:多(溪流纵横,遍布大地),清冽甘甜,有些经冬不冻。文章第一段写两个老者的对话,这样写有何用意?请简要分析。(6分)⑴内容上,回忆了曾经的大兴安岭雪大的特点,表现了作者对上个世纪大兴安岭飞雪的怀念之情;⑵结构和手法上,与后文现在残破不堪的冬景形成鲜明对比,为回忆上个世纪大兴安岭飞雪和溪流做铺垫;⑶效果上,起到吸引读者的作用。本文是围绕“大兴安岭的飞雪和溪流”展开的,请梳理全文的行文思路。(6分)⑴开篇借老者之口讲述雪夜迷路的故事,突出了上个世纪大兴安岭雪大的特点,与现在残破不堪的冬景形成鲜明对比。⑵回忆起上个世纪雪和溪流的景象。⑶回到现实,说明人们对大兴安岭的开发、对林木资源的破坏是这一改变的根源。⑷作者怀念上个世纪大兴安岭飞雪和溪流,憧憬它们重回人间。请结合全文分条归纳,作者主要流露出了哪些情感。(6分)⑴怀念、惋惜之情;⑵憧憬、期盼之情;⑶对人们破坏林木资源的批判,对封山


苏雪林《溪水》阅读答案 导读:溪水 苏雪林 ⑴我们携着手走进林子,溪水漾着笑窝,似乎欢迎我们的双影。这道溪流,本来温柔得像少女般可爱,但不知何时流入深林,她的身体便被囚禁在重叠的浓翠中间。 ⑵早晨时她不能更向玫瑰色的朝阳微笑,深夜时不能和娟娟的月儿谈心,她的chè莹晶的眼波,渐渐变成忧郁的深蓝色,时时凄咽着忧伤的调子,她是如何的沉闷呵!在夏夜的时候。 ⑶几番秋雨之后,溪水涨了几篙;早diāo的梧楸,飞尽了翠叶;黄金色的晓霞,从杈桠树隙里,深入溪中;泼靛的波面,便泛出彩虹似的光。 ⑷现在,水恢复从前活泼和快乐了,一面疾忙的向前走着,一面还要和沿途遇见的落叶、枯枝……淘气。 ⑸一张小小的红叶儿,听了狡狯的西风劝告,私下离开母校出来顽玩,走到半路上,风偷偷儿的溜走了,他便一交跌在溪水里。 ⑹水是怎样的开心呵,她将那可怜的失路的小红叶儿,推推挤挤的推到一个xuán涡里,使他滴滴溜溜的打圆转儿;那叶向前不得,向后不能,急得几乎哭出来;水笑嘻嘻的将手一松,他才一溜烟的逃走了。 ⑺水是这样欢喜捉弄人的,但流到坝塘边,她自己的磨难也来

了。你记得么?坝下边不是有许多大石头,阻住水的去路。 ⑻水初流到水边时,还是不经意的涎着脸撒嗔痴的要求石头放行,但石头却像没有耳朵似的,板着冷静的面孔,一点儿不理。于是水开始娇嗔起来了,拼命向石头冲突过去;冲突激烈时,浅碧的衣裳袒开了,漏出雪白的胸臂,肺叶收放,呼吸极其急促,发出怒吼的声音来,缕缕银丝头发,四散飞起。 ⑼辟辟拍拍,温柔的巴掌,尽打在石头皱纹深陷的颊边,---- 她真的发怒了,不是儿嬉。 ⑽谁说石头是始终顽固的呢,巴掌来得狠了,也不得不低头躲避。于是谁得安然度过难关了。 ⑾她虽然得胜了,然而弄得异常疲倦,曳了浅碧的衣裳去时, 我们还听见她继续的chuǎn息声。 ⑿我们到这树林中来,总要到这坝塘边参观水石的争执,一坐总要一两个钟头。 1.文章着重刻画了溪水流经途中的哪两件事?表现出溪水怎样的 性格特点?请根据文意简要回答。 2.下列句子生动形象,富有表现力,请加以赏析。 1).一张小小的红叶儿,听了狡狯的西风劝告,私下离开母校出来顽玩,走到半路上,风偷偷儿的溜走了,他便一交跌在溪水里。 2).于是水开始娇嗔起来了,拼命向石头冲突过去;冲突激烈时,浅碧的衣裳袒开了,漏出雪白的胸臂,肺叶收放,呼吸极其急促,发


《英语写作基础教程》讲义 Chapter 1 Using Proper Words Choice of words build up a large vocabulary the recognition vocabulary the active vocabulary 2. Approaches to the building up a vocabulary Learning words from a word-list or from a dictionary. (2) Learning words from speech and writing (context) E.g. Kill He killed the man. He killed the dog. They killed the proposal. Please kill the engine. She is dressed to kill. You are killing me. She killed her child with kindness. He took a snack to kill his hungry. He killed every day at the park. He killed himself with overwork He killed the spirit of the group. The news killed their hope. These flowers kill easily. He killed three bottle of Whisky in a week. Kill one ’s appetite Kill peace Kill the mood Kill marriage II. Using words correctly 1.overcome Chinglish 2. Beware of archaisms, obsolete words, anachronisms and newly-coined words Words or meaning of words which are no longer in common used but occur in special text (e.g. Religious works) and poetry are called archaic. Words or meaning which have gone out of use altogether are called obsolete. Words that are inappropriate for the time about which one is writing are called anachronisms 3.Avoid slang Chapter 2 Make Correct and Effective Sentences 1. Basic elements of a sentence 2. what is a sentence? 3. Typical English sentence pattern: Subject +predicate


溪流的阅读答案 集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-

①我愈来愈爱着生我养我的土地了。 ②就像山地里纵纵横横的沟岔一样,就像山地里有着形形色色的花木一样,我一写山同,似乎思路就开了,文笔也活了。 ③甚至觉得,我的生命,我的笔命,就是那山溪哩。虽然在莽莽的山的世界里,它只是那么柔得可怜,细得伤感的一股儿水流。 ④我常常这么想:天上的雨落在地上,或许会成洪波,但它来自云里;溪是有根的,它凉凉地扎在山峰之下。人都说山是庄严的,几乎是死寂的,其实这是错了。它最有着内涵,最有着活力;那山下一定是有着很大很大的海的,永远在蕴涵的感情,永远是不安宁,表现着的,恐怕便是这小溪了。 ⑤或许,是从小草的根下一个泡儿一个泡儿冒出来的。但是,太阳晒不干、黄风刮不跑的。天性是那么晶莹,气息是那么清新;它一出来,便宣告了它的生命,寻着自己的道路要流动了。 ⑥正因为寻着自己的道路,它的步伐是艰辛的。然而,它从石板上滑下,便有了自己的铜的韵味的声音;它从石崖上跌落,便有了自己白练般的颜色,它回旋在穴潭之中,便有了自己叵不可测的深沉。

⑦它终于慢慢地大起来了,要走更远的道儿;它流过了石川,流过了草地,流过了竹林,它要拜访所有的山岭,叩问每一次石头,有时会突然潜入河床的沙石之下去了呢。(A于是,轻风给了它的柔情,鲜花给了它的芬芳,竹林给了它的凉绿,那多情的游鱼,那斑斓的卵石,也给它增添了美的色彩。) ⑧它在流着,流着。它要流到啊里去呢?我想,山既然给了它的生命,它该是充实的,富有的;(B或许,它是做一颗露珠儿去滋润花瓣,深入到枝叶里了,使草木的绿素传送);或许,它竟能掀翻一坯污泥,拔脱了一从腐根呢。那么,让它流去吧,山地这么大,这么复杂,只要它流,它探索,它就有了自己的路子。 ⑨我是这么想的,我提醒着我,我鼓励着我,我便将它写成了淡淡的文字,聊作这本小书的小序了。 1.作者笔下的溪流有什么特点?(一排空) 2.简要归纳文中小溪的成长过程。(一排空) 3.细读6、7段,说说这两段有什么思想含义。(一排空) 4.作者为自己的书作序,写的却是溪流,这有什么用意?(一排空) 5.这篇文章有什么特色?(两排空) ⒈以时间为序,从小溪的过去写起,写小溪的现在,再想象它的未来。

英文写作指导——练写段落主题句topic sentences practice

Topic S entences: P ractice Read t he p aragraphs b elow. T hey a re m issing a t opic s entence. W rite a t opic s entence t hat introduces t he m ain i dea o f e ach p aragraph. *Note: Y ou d o n ot h ave t o u se a s imile o r m etaphor, b ut s ometimes t hese a re g ood w ays t o write i nteresting t opic s entences. ____________________________________________________________________. Who takes care of you? Who supports you? Who sees you grow up? Family is very important. My family has six people: my grandma, my parents, myself, and my two brothers. My grandma loves me very much. When the weather is cold, she always tells me to wear more clothes. Although I often argue with my brothers, they will give me support when I need it. My parents have taken care of me since I was born. My definition of family is an organization which is full of love. ____________________________________________________________________. When you travel to Europe, you can visit many different countries, such as England, Spain, Germany, and Greece. Many different languages are spoken in Europe, and the cultures of the countries are all unique. Also, the weather in Europe varies a lot. Countries in the north are very cold, and you can go skiing. In the south, there are beautiful beaches, and these are popular places for vacations. As you can see, Europe is a very interesting place with different kinds of people and many possibilities. ____________________________________________________________________. Her name is Mrs. Graham, and she not only teaches music in my school, but she is also a friend to all of her students. In class, she teaches us to love music, and she introduces us to different songs and styles of music. She taught me to play the piano and violin, and I am sure that I will enjoy playing these instruments for the rest of my life. Mrs. Graham often tells interesting stories in class, and she always helps us or gives us advice when we have problems. Mrs. Graham is more than just a music teacher, she is like a star in the sky.


Lecture 28 Existential Sentence Teaching objectives: 1.Getting to know the structural properties of existential sentences; 2.Getting to know the grammatical relationship in existential sentences; Lecturing: 1.Structural properties of existential sentences: There + be + NP + locative/ temporal adverbial What we should pay attention to is the “notion al” or “real subject” that determines the number in verbs. 2.Notional subject is usually a noun phrase with indefinite specific reference. 3.Predicator in existential sentence includes forms of the verb “be”, finite or non-finite, simple or perfective. Modals and semi-auxiliary can also be used in the predication. There are also semantically-related verbs that can act as predicator in an existential sentence, including “exist, live, stand, lie, come, go, walk, emerge, develop, happen, occur” , etc. 4.Non-finite existential clauses: There to be and there being. There to be, used as prepositional complementation, especially after the word “for”; it can also be used after a certain verbs as object including “expect, mean, intend, want, like, prefer, hate”, etc. There being, used as subject and adverbial. Lecture 29 It-Patterns Teaching objectives: 1.Getting to know types of It-patterns; 2.Getting to know the grammatical relationships in It-patterns. Lecturing: 1. Empty “it” Empty “it”does not refer to anything. It is meaningless and is chiefly used as formal subject in sentences denoting time, place, distance, and atmospheric conditions. And it is also used in sentences denoting a general situation. Besides, it can also be used in some idioms and idiomatic expressions. 2. Anticipatory “it” Anticipatory “it” is used in sentences with a nominal clause as subject or object. To make the sentence balanced, the subject is usually shifted to the end of the sentence, and using formal subject to take its place. This kind of extraposition is more frequent than its natural position. 3.“It” as introductory word of cleft sentences The general pattern of a cleft sentence is: It + be + focal element + that-/ who- clause


苏雪林《溪水》阅读题的答案 我们携着手走进林子,溪水漾着笑涡,似乎欢迎我们的双影。这道溪流,本来温柔得像少女般可爱,但不知何时流入深林,她的身体便被囚禁在重叠的浓翠中间。 早晨时她不能更向玫瑰色的朝阳微笑,夜深时不能和娟娟的月儿谈心,她的明澈莹晶的眼波,渐渐变成忧郁的深蓝色,时时凄咽着忧伤的调子,她是如何的沉闷呵!在夏天的时候。几番秋雨之后,溪水涨了几篙;早凋的梧楸,飞尽了翠叶;黄金色的晓霞,从杈枒树隙里,深入溪中;泼靛的波面,便泛出彩虹似的光。 现在,水恢复从前活泼和快乐了,一面疾忙的向前走着,一面还要和沿途遇见的落叶、枯枝??淘气。 一张小小的红叶儿,听了狡狯的西风劝告,私下离开母校出来游玩,走到半路上,风偷偷儿溜走了,他便一交跌在溪水里。 水是怎样的开心呵,她将那可怜的失路的小红叶儿,推推挤挤的推到一个漩涡里,使他滴滴溜溜的打圆转儿;那叶向前不得,向后不能,急得几乎哭出来;水笑嘻嘻的将手一松,他才一溜烟的逃走了。

水是这样欢喜捉弄人的,但流到坝塘边,她自己的魔难也来了。你记得么?坝下边不是有许多大石头,阻住水的去路?水初流到石边时,还是不经意的涎着脸撒娇撒痴的要求石头放行,但石头却像没有耳朵似的,板着冷静的面孔,一点儿不理。于是水开始娇嗔起来了,拼命向石头冲突过去;冲突激烈时,浅碧的衣裳袒开了,露出雪白的胸臂,肺叶收放,呼吸极其急促,发出怒吼的声音来,缕缕银丝头发,四散飞起。 噼噼啪啪,温柔的巴掌,尽打在石头皱纹深陷的颊边,──她真的怒了,不是儿戏。谁说石头是始终顽固的呢?巴掌来得狠了,也不得不低头躲避。于是水安然渡过难关了。她虽然得胜了,然而弄得异常疲倦,曳了浅碧的衣裳去时,我们还听见她断续的喘息声。我们到树林中来,总要到这坝塘边参观水石的争执,一坐总是一两个钟头。 1.这是一首优美的散文,作者赋予溪水以少女般的性格。请你说说文章先写溪水______________; 再写溪水______________;最后写溪水_________________。(3分) 2.结合文章内容,说说作者笔下的溪水具有怎样的个性特征?(4分)


①我愈来愈爱着生我养我的土地了。 ②就像山地里纵纵横横的沟岔一样,就像山地里有着形形色色的花木一样,我一写山同,似乎思路就开了,文笔也活了。 ③甚至觉得,我的生命,我的笔命,就是那山溪哩。虽然在莽莽的山的世界里,它只是那么柔得可怜,细得伤感的一股儿水流。 ④我常常这么想:天上的雨落在地上,或许会成洪波,但它来自云里;溪是有根的,它凉凉地扎在山峰之下。人都说山是庄严的,几乎是死寂的,其实这是错了。它最有着内涵,最有着活力;那山下一定是有着很大很大的海的,永远在蕴涵的感情,永远是不安宁,表现着的,恐怕便是这小溪了。 ⑤或许,是从小草的根下一个泡儿一个泡儿冒出来的。但是,太阳晒不干、黄风刮不跑的。天性是那么晶莹,气息是那么清新;它一出来,便宣告了它的生命,寻着自己的道路要流动了。 ⑥正因为寻着自己的道路,它的步伐是艰辛的。然而,它从石板上滑下,便有了自己的铜的韵味的声音;它从石崖上跌落,便有了自己白练般的颜色,它回旋在穴潭之中,便有了自己叵不可测的深沉。 ⑦它终于慢慢地大起来了,要走更远的道儿;它流过了石川,流过了草地,流过了竹林,它要拜访所有的山岭,叩问每一次石头,有时会突然潜入河床的沙石之下去了呢。(A于是,轻风给了它的柔情,鲜花给了它的芬芳,竹林给了它的凉绿,那多情的游鱼,那斑斓的卵石,也给它增添了美的色彩。) ⑧它在流着,流着。它要流到啊里去呢?我想,山既然给了它的生命,它该是充实的,富有的;(B或许,它是做一颗露珠儿去滋润花瓣,深入到枝叶里了,使草木的绿素传送);或许,它竟能掀翻一坯污泥,拔脱了一从腐根呢。那么,让它流去吧,山地这么大,这么复杂,只要它流,它探索,它就有了自己的路子。 ⑨我是这么想的,我提醒着我,我鼓励着我,我便将它写成了淡淡的文字,聊作这本小书的小序了。 1.作者笔下的溪流有什么特点?(一排空) 2.简要归纳文中小溪的成长过程。(一排空) 3.细读6、7段,说说这两段有什么思想含义。(一排空)

topic sentence and controlling idea

Topic sentences and controlling idea 1.The Colorado mountains are the most beautiful in America." topic sentence.:Colorado mountains controlling idea:in America 2.The life cycle of a frog has two stages. topic sentence:The life cycle of the frog controlling idea.:has two stages topic sentences(in red) and controlling ideas (in green). 1. People can avoid burglaries by taking certain precautions. (The precautions for? 2. There are several advantages to growing up in a small town. (The advantages of? 3. Most US universities require a 550 point TOEFL score for a number of reasons. (The reasons for? 4. Air pollution in Mexico City is the worst in the world for a number of reasons. (The causes of? or (The effects of? 5. Fixing a flat tire on a bicycle is easy if you follow these steps. (The steps for? 6. There are several enjoyable ways to travel between the US and Queretaro. (The ways to? or (The methods of? 7. Animals in danger of becoming extinct come from a wide range of countries. (The different countries?[parts, kinds, types]) 8. Effective leadership requires specific qualities that anyone can develop. (The qualities (or characteristics or traits) of? 9. Industrial waste poured into Lake Michigan has led to dramatic changes in its ability to support marine life. (The effects of?



1/ What is linguistics? 什么是语言学? Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It studies not any particular language, but languages in general. 2/ The scope of linguistics phonology:音韵学, 语言学一门研究各种语言内部语音模式的学科。历时音系学(历史音系学)考查和分析语音声音体系在一段时间内的变化,如英语sea(海)和see(看见)这两个词中的元音曾一度发音不同,而演变至今则发同样的音。共时音系学(描写音系学)研究一种语言在其发展的某一个别阶段的语音,揭示它可能存在的语音模式(如英语里nt和rk这两组音只能出现在词的中间和词尾,而不能出现在词首)。phonetics:语音学, 发音学研究言语的声音学科。语音学研究它们的发音(发音语音学)、声学性质(声学语音学),以及如何组合起来构成音节、词语和句子(语言语音学)。最早的语音学家为印度学者(约公元前300),他们试图保存梵文

经文的发音。古代的希腊人被证明是首次以语音字母作为书写系统的人。现代语音学的创立者为A.M.贝尔(1819~1905),其《语音图解法》(1867)研发一套书写语音的精确符号体系。20世纪时,语言学家专注于开发一种分类系统,可以用来比较所有的人类语音。现代语音学关注的另一个方面是语音感知的心理过程。 morphology(形态学)是对单词的结构的分析,一般认为是syntax的最小单位。morphology is the identification, analysis and description of structure of words , and words are generally accepted as being (with clitics) the smallest units of syntax. syntax(句法学)指的是对构造句子时应该遵循的原则。(狭义上就是语法)syntax is the study of the principles and rules for constructing sentences in natural languages。 语义学又称作词义学(Semantics,来自于希腊语 semantikos),对中文等方块文字而言,则称为字义学。研究对象是词语,是词汇学的一个分支。主要研究词义。 词和词之间的各种关系是语义学研究的一个主


阅读下面的文字,完成小题。 小溪巴赫 肖复兴 我一直想写一写巴赫。许多次拿起笔,又放下了。科学家爱因斯坦曾经说过:“对于巴赫,只有聆听,演奏,热爱,尊敬,并且不说一句话。”像我当然要三缄其口了。 巴赫确实太伟大了,太浩瀚了。他的音乐影响三百年来人们的艺术世界,也影响了人们的精神世界,无以言说,难以描述。我确实不知道该怎么来写巴赫。但我又实在想写巴赫。鼓励我写下去的原因,是我偶然间看到一个资料,巴赫(Bach)德文的意思是指小小溪水,涓涓细流却永不停止。似乎这个德文的原意一下子解读开巴赫的一切,我豁然开朗。我听到的巴赫的第一支乐曲是《勃兰登堡协奏曲》,还只是其中的片断。因为这里面有经威廉汉姆改变而异常动听的《G弦上的咏叹调》。但当时勃兰登堡对它根本不屑一顾,将这支乐曲曲谱的手稿混同在其他曲谱中一起卖掉,一共才卖了36先令。可以说,如果没有1829年门德尔松重新挖掘并亲自演出巴赫的《马太受难曲》,恐怕巴赫的音乐到现在为止还只值36个先令。 但这样说并不准确,如果没有福尔克、门德尔松,还会有别人将巴赫音乐的真实价值挖掘出来告诉世人的。真正有价值的音乐,即使看来弱小得像潺潺的溪流,也是埋没不了的,也不会因时间久远而苍老,相反却能常青常绿。这确实是音乐独具的魅力,它同出土文物不一样,出土文物只能观看,追寻,钩稽,对比,它却能站立起来,用自己的声音塑造起形象来,抖落岁月覆盖在身上的一切仆仆风尘,让人们刮目相看。时间只会为它增值,就像陈年老酒一样,时间和醇厚的味道融为一身,互成正比。 这就是小溪的意义吧?小溪,涓涓细流,就那样流着,流着,流淌了三百年,还在流着,这条小溪的生命力该有多么旺盛。 大河可能会有一时的澎湃,浪涛卷起千堆雪。但大河也会有一时的冰封,断流,乃至干涸。小溪不会,小溪永远只是清清的,浅浅地流着,永远不会因为季节和外界的原因而冰封,断流,干涸。我们看不见它,并不是它不存在,而是因为我们眼睛的问题:近视,远视,弱视,色盲,白内障,瞎子,或只是俯视浪涛汹涌的大河,或只是愿意眺望飞流三千


Unit 1 General Description of Literature Reading and Translation 1. Definition of Literature Literature is a general term for professional writings in the form of books, papers, and other documentations. 2. Classification of Literature 1 Textbooks(教科书:In general, a textbook is a kind of professional writing specially designed for the students in a given branch of learning. 2 Monographs(专著:A monograph is an artide or short book on one particular subject or branch of a subject that the writer has studied deeply. 3 Papers(论文:A complete paper is usually composed of the following elements: title, author, affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, theoretical analysis and/or experimental description, results and discussion or conclusion, acknowledgments, references, etc. 4 Encyclopedias(百科全书:An encyclopedia is a book or set of books dealing with every branch of knowledge, or with one particular branch, in alphabetical order. 5 Periodicals(期刊:A periodical is a series of publications that appear at regular intervals. 6 Special Documentation(特别文件:Special documentation refers to all the printed materials that are non-books or non-periodicals. 3. Linguistic Features of Scientific Literature 1 Stylistically(在文体上, literature is a kind of formal writing.


课外阅读训练(部编版五年级上册) (一)——————————————————————————————— 清晨,小溪多美啊。溪水映照着灿烂的朝霞,像浮动的彩色绸带。我喜欢在溪边读书,清新湿润的空气滋润着我的喉咙,淙淙流水伴随着我的琅琅读书声。 中午,我也要到溪边站上一会儿。微风吹来,水面上泛起层层鱼鳞波纹。倒映在溪中的景物,一会儿聚拢,一会儿散开,又聚拢,又散开……等到水波平静时,树儿、草儿的倒影更绿更新了。 晚上,月影静静地躺在水底,星星也在水底眨着眼睛,云彩也高兴地跑到水里来了,给溪水增添了银色。小溪好像把我带进了一个神话世界里。 1.给短文取一个合适的题目,填在文前横线上。 2.据短文内容把下列词语补充完整。 ()的朝霞()的空气 ()地躺()地跑 3.从文中找出下拉词语的反义词。 讨厌——()干燥——()散开——()减少——()4根据短文内容填空。 清晨“我”喜欢在小溪边(做什么),中午“我”也要。5这篇短文是按什么顺序来写的,找出有关词语用“▲”标出。 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————6月影静静地躺在水底,星星也在水底眨着眼睛,云彩也高兴地跑到水里来了,给溪水增添了银色。(仿写句子) ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 〖参考答案〗 1.【解题思路】仔细阅读短文,可以找出关键词小溪。 〖参考答案〗可爱的小溪美丽的小溪 2. 【解题思路】仔细阅读短文,可以找出相应的词语。 〖参考答案〗灿烂清新湿润静静地高兴地 3【解题思路】仔细阅读短文,可以找出相应的反义词。 〖参考答案〗喜欢湿润聚拢增添 4【解题思路】通过阅读短文的前两段,可以知道清晨我在溪边读书,中午也要到溪边站一会儿。〖参考答案〗读书到溪边站一会儿 5【解题思路】从短文的每一段的第一个词,可以知道是按照时间顺序写的。 〖参考答案〗时间顺序清晨中午晚上 6【解题思路】分析句子可以看出运用了拟人的修辞手法。


1 关于语法的一般知识要点 1 语法=词法+句法 语法是语言结构的组织规则体系,包括词法和句法两部分。 词法是对词的分类、构成、及各类词的形态变化规则和句法功能的描述。 句法则是对管约句子生成的规则系统的描述。 2 语法在外语教学中的地位 2.1 语法在母语习得几乎没有什么作用 母语习得是在自然的语言环境中通过使用语言无意识地学会使用某一语言并掌握关于该语言的知识的过程。 母语习得中存在着语法的习得顺序:B C F D A E;当儿童的语言体系还未发展到可以吸收某个语言点(语法项)的阶段,提前教此语言点并不能使 他受益。当儿童的语言体系发展到能够吸收该语言点的时候,先前在该点上所出 现的错误会自动消失。 2.2 外语学习的本质决定了语法教学具有重要作用 外语学习是在非自然的环境(如学校)中有意识地学习一种语言的规则和形式的过程。 外语学习中也存在着语法的习得顺序问题:H J L K N I 正确对待学生所犯的语法错误问题: 错误是必然的;要分析区别对待:系统性错误和偶然性错误 学生所犯的系统性语法错误不应被看作是应该批评的东西,它们向教师显示学生的目的语的发展进程。 2.3 交际法在理论上并不排斥语法教学,我们的中学英语教学大纲也并未抛开语法教学 英语教学实践中在运用交际法之际排斥语法教学,是人们片面理解交际教学法、忽视外语学习的本质所产生的病态结果;外语教师完全有理由堂而皇之、自信从 容地进行语法教学!但有一点要明确:语法教学的目的不是为了掌握语法知识本 身,而是为了促进学会使用目的语。 3 语法的性质

3.1 规定性语法(prescriptive grammar): 规定性语法主要建立在书面语言基础之上,旨在规定一系列的语法规则,并且把这些语法规则强加给语言使用者。一切符合规定规则的被认为是“正确的”,否则 就被冠为“错误的”。(Who is it? It?s me 和It?s I 的争论。)传统的英语语法就是规 定性的。 3.2 描写性语法(descriptive grammar) 描述性语法是现代语言学发展的产物,是对人们的语用实际进行客观的描述与分析的结果。描写性语法重在描述,诚如其是地向人们展示语言事实并从中抽象归 纳出规律,而不像规定性语法那样对语言的使用做出强制性的规定。 3.3 教学语法应该是上述两者的结合 2 英语的语法单位 语言(language)是人类用来交际的有声符号体系。每一个符号都是一个音义结合体,声音是语言的传播媒介,是语义的物质载体。说语言是一个体系是因为语言成分的组合不是随意的,也不是杂乱无章的,而是有规则管约的。这管约着语言成分的组合的一整套规则(rules)就是语法(grammar);是语法赋予了语言以系统性。作为一个整体,语言是一个“音—形(结构组合)—义”结合的统一体;在研究语言时,语言的复杂性使得语言学家不可能从整体上一下子全面完成对它的描述,为了研究的方便,也为了使自己的描述具有科学性,人们一般从“音、形、义”这三个方面来分别把握语言,尽管语言的这三个方面并不能彼此独立分割出来。 语言在结构组织上,也就是在语法上,具有层次性。从最底层向上依次是:词素(morpheme)、词(word)、短语(phrase)、分句(clause)、句子(sentence)。词素可以组合构成词,词可以组合构成短语,短语可以组合构成分句,分句可以组合构成句子。这每一层次上的结构都是一个语法单位(grammatical unit)。我们由此可以说,词素是最小的语法单位,句子是最大的语法单位。语言的语法单位的层次性可以用以下列表来表示:
