




I have seen the novel's name --the Kite Runner many times from the Internet,when it comes to "the novels moved you most".With curiosity,I downloaded reading the novel,from the beginning to the end,I felt a heavy stone of sorrow on my heart.

It is a story about friendship,about fault and atonement,about the good and evil of human natual.

The narrator of the story,Amir ,is born in a rich is his servant as well as close both lose mother from birth and grow up like brothers.

From Hassan ,I see the most kind and beautiful never means to hurt protects Amir bravely and has a broad mind to endure what Amir do to the promise to run the kite,he hands the last cut kite to Amir though he has insulted by the bully,Assef. for lifetime,he cherishes the friendship,even he dies of protecting

Amir's house."For you,a thousand times over"he does as he says…

If Hassan can be described as an angel, then Amir is just a he is a boy,he is badly want father's love and will be jealous,he will fear and be he sees Hassan insulted by Assef,he is so scared that he only hides and sees what happened but keeps it as a order to escape the guilt,he makes another fault, making Hassan leave by framing Hassan .Years past, he is still haunted by betraying his childhood friend.

I was shocked when the big secret reveals: Hassan is Amir's half brother,the son of his father and a sevant's wife! Amir's father lives a torturing life,he is torn into two can't give Hassan the love in the name of a father,which is unfair to explains why he seems care little about Amir …

Knowing the truth,Amir has a painful struggle at the first,and finally chooses the right way,a way of rescues Hassan's orphan ,Sorhab,from Assef's that time,he faces up to Assef's fists,being a man not gone though a lot of difficulties,he finally brings Sorhab to Sorhab is emotional damaged by make efforts to

revive the little the end of the story,Sorhab shows a lopside smile,which delights Amir run kite for Hassan's son,and says what Hassan once said,"for you, a thousand times over".The snow will be melt,and the spring is coming…The ending is not clearly told,but full of hope.

I like the author' written 's paragraghs of internal monologues,warm memorys , sad plots,horrible war scenes…the words,sentences always catch me tightly,make me think,make me cry…Now if someone ask me what novels impressed me most,The Kite Runner will be an answer.

It is the first time I have seen a novel in is hard for me to insist on reading as there are so many words I have to look it really benefit me in some way.


Several years ago,from joyo,I bought the book "the kite runner" which ranked first on best sellers reading the book,I was totally moved and even cried for the sad year,I knew it has been adapted into a seeing the movie,I read again this book and gained some new


The novel begins a story about two is born in a rich is his servant as well as close both lose mother from birth and grow up like is very loyal to Amiar,but Amiar sells years later,Amir has settled down in America for years and established a family,but Hassan died for protecting Amir's luxury house in Afghanistan and leave an ,Amir gets to know a big secret and decides to atone for his crime that hound around him from childhood.

Reading it again,most of my original views has changed.

At the first place,I have a feeling of being cheated by the novel first attracted me before because it set its plot in a special environment---Afghanistan which even I often got news about from TV and newspaper,I knew the country utterly ignorant except wars and I wanted to understand more about the calamitous ,I am disappointed by the novel which just use a special background environment to tell a so-called travel of human nature .The theme of the novel should be atonement if it was taken off flowery gay like Amir and and good

gay like Hassan,adding some the present best sellers' polular elements like bastard,forming the main contents. In fact,the kite runner impressed me deeply and it just depends on sensational ,what makes me most dislike is that the writer,an Afghan-American,contorted some political elements for American history background only make the affair of Russia invading and Taliban dictators go into particulars,but not mention America's ignominious role in this Taliban dictators are so unruly?Why Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1979?Why Afghan people still live in poor condition nowadays?America,a main actor is disposed of in this novel.

At the second place,the characters all serve to a tacky theme-atonement and birth the birth secrects are exposed,the atonement travel the atonement finishes,the story finishes.

I even feel I am wrapped around the American media's little celebrities and book concerns writed good comments,which helped it ranke first on sales volume for several times and made readers think it must get widely praised and then bought it without doubt finally.

Though I think the disadvantages are more than advatages,compared with the back atonement part,I like the front part that describes the pure friendship and innocent childhood between two description about the culture of kite in Afghanistan is excellent.

As a first book of the writer,it is resonable that the novel has some hope his next and next works can more and more perfect.


It's a moving story and a mixture of love,fear,guilty,atonement and so a lont time,it makes the books we read lost their color.

The first time I read a book written by an Afghan atuhor named Khaled Hosseini ,it told a story between two rich boy Amir at the age of 12 and his servant Hasan were brotherly ,afer a kite game,something miserable feel grievous and guilty for his cowardice and he cannot confront Hansan,using something contempitable to let Hansan and his father leave his long,Afghanistan broke ou a war,Amir and his father had to fled to his grown- up,he cannot forgave what he had done to Hansan to atone for himself,he returned his hometown,which was

destoryed badly by the war……

Maybe all of us more or less had done something as Amir did before,we are too young to understand others feelings when we broke their heart into may feel guilty and miserable for waht we have there is no use to cry over spilt we really should do is to face the reality and like Amir,to atone for ourselves.


追风筝的人学习笔记摘抄 导读:好词: 诬陷忠心耿耿看护千千万万 蹒跚屈指可数牢靠浓墨重彩 荒芜放声大笑祥和熠熠生辉 吹拂柳暗花明危在旦夕风尘仆仆 好句: 1、他会提醒我们,喝过同样的乳汁长大的人就是兄弟,这种亲情连时间也无法拆散。 2、我听说莎娜芭步履款款,双臀摇摆,那诱人的身姿令众多男人跟他们的爱人同床异梦。 3、战争不会使高尚的情操消失,人们甚至比和平时期更需要它! 4、那时我才明白,在美国,你不能透露电影的结局,要不然你会被谴责,还得为糟蹋了结局的罪行致上万分歉意。在阿富汗,结局才是最重要的。每逢哈桑和我在索拉博电影院看完印度片回家,阿里、拉辛汗、爸爸或者爸爸那些三教九流的朋友——各种远房亲戚在那所房子进进出出——想知道的只有这些:电影里面那个姑娘找到幸福了吗?电影里面那个家伙胜利的实现了他的梦想吗?还是失败了,郁郁而终? 5、当罪恶导致善行,那就是最大的救赎。 6、也无法掩饰他的哀愁。我强迫自己看看哈桑,但他低着头,

肩膀松垮,手指缠绕 7、没有良心、没有美德的人不会痛苦。 8、世界上只有一种罪行,那就是盗窃,当你说谎时,你盗窃了别人知道真相的权利。 9、毕竟,生活并非印度电影。阿富汗人总喜欢说:生活总会继续。他们不关心开始或结束、成功或失败、危在旦夕或柳暗花明,只顾像游牧部落那样风尘仆仆的缓慢前进。 10、当你说谎,你偷走别人知道真相的权利。当你诈骗,你偷走公平的权利。我不记得那是何年何月的事情了。我只知道记忆与我同在,将美好的往事完美的浓缩起来,如同一笔浓墨重彩,涂抹在我们那已经变得灰白单调的生活画布上。 11、我走在他后面,嘴里念念有词,学着他走路的样子。我看见他提起那条嶙峋的右腿,摇晃着划出一道弧形;看见他那条腿每次踏下,身体不由自主地往右边倾低。他这样蹒跚前进而又能不摔倒,不能不说是个小小的奇迹。 12、时间很贪婪,有时候,他会独自吞噬所有的细节。 13、但对于我而言,这是惟一的机会,让我可以成为一个被注目而不仅仅被看到,被聆听而不仅仅被听到的人。 14、最终历史不会改变,宗教也是。他是什叶派,我是逊尼派,他是哈扎拉人,我是普什图人。 15、他们填满烟管——爸爸总说是“喂饱烟管”,高谈阔论,总

读后续写好句子 环境心理描写等

续写的一些素材积累 一、环境描写的素材 环境描写分为客观和主观两种角度:客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描写。通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主观描写比重稍大。 客观环境描写: Part 1 环境描写的adj要求:有声,有色,有质感,有味道 the blue sky(蓝天)the songs of birds(鸟鸣)the thundering clouds(电光闪雷鸣) the fragile flowers (娇嫩的花);(the dark,raining evening 雨夜交加的夜晚)the green grass(青草) the fragrant roses(艳丽的玫瑰); the setting/rising sun(落日/冉冉升起的太阳)… Part 2 环境描写的verb (vi&vt)要求 一).Wind (blow/click/howl/wail/roar) a cry of sorrow and grief 1.A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain,…一阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。 2.The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.风,轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下的灌木丛。 3.A cool breeze blew through the quiet park.凉爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。 4.A cold breeze wafted through my hair. (冷风吹拂过我的头发) The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift. (今日正是放风筝的好天气,强劲的风力带动了风筝的上升。) 二).Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter) 声音:1.At one point, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley. 在某处,潺潺的的水声在山谷中奏响。 颜色2.The water was deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear surface.水是深蓝色的,阳光在透明的玻璃表面闪闪发光。 3.A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green bank. 离此不远,有一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔腾闪耀。 4. It murmured in a soft voice like a little innocent girl whispered to her loving mother. 似乎它在温柔低语,就一位天真少女对着她那慈爱的母亲细细私语。(action, sound, colour) 三).Sky (stand/ appear/turn) 1.The sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds. 天空是浓浓的灰色,伴着拥挤的朵朵云 2.Blue skies stood tall and far 蓝蓝的天空高高耸立 主观环境描写: 1.Sb found sth adj/doing/done某人发现某物(状态/动作/被)... 2.Sb saw/heard/felt/smelt sth doing/done 某人看到/听到/感到/闻到某物(状态/动作/被) 3.It was so adj that we find/feel 它是如此....以至于


追风筝的人简介 12岁的阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔和仆人哈桑的关系非常要好。他俩的童年大部分时光快乐美好:爬树、掘虫子、摘石榴、讲故事、放风筝……他们最喜欢放风筝。几百只风筝在天上互相追逐,割线开始后,谁的风筝最后一个落下来就是胜利者,同时,胜利者必须捡到倒数第二只落下来的风筝,才算真正的胜利。 在阿米尔看来,哈桑在运动方面是一等一的高手。哈桑总能第一时间辨别风向,第一时间捡到风筝,第一时间用弹弓击中目标。 生活中,哈桑将仆人的工作做得非常细致,为阿米尔少爷端茶送水、洗衣做饭,无可挑剔。哈桑对阿米尔极其忠诚。阿米尔的“坏事”和恶作剧,哈桑一一顶替,甘愿受罚。 可是,阿米尔也有困惑和不开心的时候。他很困惑父亲对自己的冷淡,对哈桑过分关心。哈桑生下来兔唇,面部畸形。可父亲不惜花重金从国外请来外科医生给哈桑整容。每次外出游玩,父亲总要带上哈桑。阿米尔想不明白自己为何不得父亲宠爱,也许是母亲生下他就死了,让父亲觉得他是家人的克星?阿米尔每每因这些事不开心时,基本会找哈桑打闹,甚至奚落对方丑陋的外貌。哈桑却并不介意,认为只要让少爷开心,他做什么都愿意。

又是一年风筝节。阿米尔为了赢得父亲的重视,他在风筝节前做足了准备。他一定要夺得第一。不出所料,他的风筝最后一个落下。 哈桑飞奔去捡倒数第二只蓝风筝。蓝风筝是当地最霸道的小孩阿塞夫放的。活动结束了,阿米尔看到父亲对他的赞赏和鼓励,十分开心。 可哈桑还没把蓝风筝捡回来。阿米尔左等右等还是没等来哈桑,于是亲自去寻找。 阿米尔在一个巷子里看见阿塞夫截住哈桑,并嘲笑打骂哈桑。懦弱的阿米尔没有勇气冲上去解救哈桑。接下来,他还看到很不堪的一幕:阿塞夫命令手下脱光哈桑的裤子,对哈桑实施了残忍的性侵和强暴。 自此以后,阿米尔心里背负着自责和痛苦。他不再和哈桑一起玩耍,甚至用错误的方式(生日宴会后,将客人送的手表和钱放在哈桑的席子下,向父亲诬告哈桑偷东西)逼走了哈桑一家。小小年纪的阿米尔以为不再面对哈桑,错误地以为逃避就能减轻自己的愧怍。 俄国对阿富汗的战争,逼迫阿米尔父亲舍弃故土,带着阿米尔一


明白这是错的,因为往事会自行爬爬上来。我知道电话线连着的, 并不只是拉辛汗,还有我过去那些未曾赎还的罪行。为你,我千千 万万遍。那儿有再次成为好人的路。 9、上帝总是要拿去你什么东西的时候,先给你足够的快 乐。 10、朋友啊…孩子们不是画册,你不能随意用自己喜欢的颜色 去填涂他们,他不像你,永远都不会像你。但等着瞧吧,他会出色的。 11、我觉得自己好像坠入万丈深渊,拼命想抓住树枝和荆棘的 藤蔓,却什么也没拉到。 12、我不记得那是何年何月的事情了。我只知道记忆与我同在,将美好的往事完美的浓缩起来,如同一笔浓墨重彩,涂抹在我们那 已经变得灰白单调的生活画布上。 13、至于什么是黑,什么是白,全然由他说了算。他就是这么 一个人,你若爱他,也必定会怕他,甚至对他有些恨意。 14、我们总喜欢给自己找很多理由去解释自己的懦弱,总是自 欺欺人的去相信那些美丽的谎言,总是去掩饰自己内心的恐惧,总 是去逃避自己犯下的罪行。但事实总是,有一天,我们不得不坦然 面对那些罪恶,给自己心灵予救赎。 15、当罪恶导致善行,那就是最大的救赎。 16、我听说莎娜芭步履款款,双臀摇摆,那诱人的身姿令众多 男人跟他们的爱人同床异梦。 17、罪行只有一种,那就是盗窃。当你杀害一个人,你偷走一 条性命,你偷走他妻子身为人妇的权利,夺走他子女的父亲。当你 说谎,你偷走别人知道真相的权利。当你诈骗,你偷走公平的权

利。 18、要做怎样的工作,是自己去选择的。重要的一点是,如果 你希望能够找到心仪的工作,那么你应该做好准备面临挑战,你要 强迫自己走出安逸的生活。 19、大漠荒草生息不绝,反教春花盛放凋零。 20、被真相伤害总比被谎言欺骗的好,得到了再失去,总是比 从来就没有得到更伤人。 21、成为被注目而不仅仅被看到,被聆听而不仅仅被听到。 22、爸爸常说,甚至连伤害坏人也是不对的,因为他们不知道 什么是好的,还因为坏人有时也会变好。 23、安拉保佑“我辉映,虽然这句“安拉保佑“从我嘴里说出 来有些口不由心。哈桑就是这样,他真纯洁的该死,跟他在一起, 你永远觉得自己是个骗子。 24、世界上只有一种罪行,那就是盗窃,当你说谎时,你盗窃 了别人知道真相的权利。 25、时间很贪婪,有时候,他会独自吞噬所有的细节。 26、如果你要求,我会的。他终于说,眼睛直看着我。我垂下 眼光,时至今日,我发现自己很难直视像哈桑这样的人,这种说出 的每个字都当真的人。 27、我走出索拉博的房间,心下寻思,是否宽恕就这样萌生? 它并非随着神灵显身的玄妙而来,而是痛苦在经过一番收拾之后, 终于打点完毕,在深夜悄然退去,催生了它。 28、就像比如说,**不能有了性欲才去接客。 29、我追。一个成年人在一群尖叫的孩子中奔跑,但我不在乎。我追。风拂过我的脸庞,我唇上挂着一个像潘杰希尔峡谷那样大大


Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-American writer. Though he has few works, every of his works can move people and gain praise. Because of his experience during childhood, he always uses the war of Afghanistan as the background of his novels. And he is good at giving a symbolic meaning to an objective thing to express profound meanings. If we want to understand his novels deeply, it is essential for us to make a thorough research on the symbols and images in his works. The Kite Runner is Hosseini’s first novel which makes known for us. It also is the first English novel written by an Afghan writer. In this novel, Hosseini use many images to express indictment of the war and revelation of racial and religious issues. More importantly, this novel reflects the human nature and the salvation of humanity, especially the handling of the image of the kite. After reading this novel, the author of the paper develops a deep interest in The Kite Runner. What strikes the author most is the symbolism in this novel. Therefore, the author is going to make a thorough research on the symbolism in The Kite Runner.


意林读书笔记好词好句及赏析读书的时候记录读书笔记对于写作可是大有裨益的,下面请看小编带来的意林读书笔记好词好句及赏析! 意林读书笔记好词好句及赏析水可干而不可夺湿,火可灭而不可夺热,金可柔而不可夺重,石可破而不可夺坚。 唐马总《意林》引《任子》。干:干枯。夺:夺去,改变。柔:使之柔软变形。这几句大意是:水可以千枯却不能夺去潮湿的本性。火可以熄灭却不能改变发热的性能,金可以软化却不能夺走它的重量,石可以破碎却不能变易它的坚硬。以物可变形而不可移性的道理,形容人的坚贞气节、高尚情操不可移易。作者采用捧比的句式,贯珠般的博喻。加强了说理性和可信度。 闻一善言,见一善事,行之惟恐不及;闻一恶言,见一恶事,远之惟恐不速。 唐马总《意林》引《物理论》。闻:听到。善言:有益的话。不及:不及时。远之:远远地避开它。这几句大意是:听到一句有益的话,看见一件好事,照着做还只怕不及时;听到一句坏话,看见一件坏事,远远地避开它还只怕行动不快。每个人,特别是青少年,看见好人好事,自然应该学习效法,“行之惟恐不及”。而看到坏人坏事,则应该自觉地抵制或勇敢地站出来与之斗争,决不能明哲保身,听之任之或避开了事,这才符合今天的道德标准。对坏人坏事切不可支

持、怂恿,更不能助纣为虐、为虎作伥。这几句可供劝勉青少年趋善戒恶时借鉴。 病从口入,患自口出。 唐马总《意林》引《物理论》。这两句大意是:疾病多是因饮食不当而引起的,祸患多是由言谈不慎而造成的。吃饭时不讲卫生,自然会引起肠胃疾病,这是人所共知。而言语失当,也会招致飞来的横祸。此二句言简意赅,富有寓意,既可劝人慎言,也可用以讽喻缺乏言论自由的社会现象。 舟循川则游速,人顺路则不迷。 唐马总《意林唐子》。循:顺着。川:河流。这两句大意是:船顺流行驶就快,人顺路而行就不会迷失方向。船顺流而驶,不横渡逆行,当然就行得快;人沿着大路走,不入歧途,不度荒野,也就不会迷失方向。在生活中,遵循事物的规律办事,就比较顺利;随着时代的潮流走,就能到达目的地。这两句多用于比喻办事要遵循事物的客观规律,要随着时代的潮流前进。 一人之智,不如众人之愚;一目之察,不如众目之明。 唐马总《意林》引《任子》。察:看,体察。这几句大意是:一个人的智慧,不如众人的见解;一人的眼睛虽然看得仔细,但不如众人的眼睛看得清楚。一个人的能力是有限度的,再聪明的人,其智慧也不如众人的计议。因为群众的智慧是无限的。中国俗语所谓“三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮”


《追风筝的人》主要内容简介2000字 《追风筝的人》主要内容简介2000字: 文:花辰。12岁的阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔和仆人哈桑的关 系非常要好。他俩的童年大部分时光快乐美好:爬树、掘虫子、摘石榴、讲故事、放风筝……他们最喜欢放风筝。几百只风筝在天上互相追逐,割线开始后,谁的风筝最后一个落下来就是胜利者,同时,胜利者必须捡到倒数第二只落下来的风筝,才算真正的胜利。 在阿米尔看来,哈桑在运动方面是一等一的高手。哈桑总能第一时间辨别风向,第一时间捡到风筝,第一时间用弹弓击中目标。 生活中,哈桑将仆人的工作做得非常细致,为阿米尔少爷端茶送水、洗衣做饭,无可挑剔。哈桑对阿米尔极其忠诚。阿米尔的“坏事”和恶作剧,哈桑一一顶替,甘愿受罚。 可是,阿米尔也有困惑和不开心的时候。他很困惑父亲对自己的冷淡,对哈桑过分关心。哈桑生下来兔唇,面部畸形。可父亲不惜花重金从国外请来外科医生给哈桑整容。每次外出游玩,父亲总要带上哈桑。阿米尔想不明白自己为何不得父亲宠爱,也许是母亲生下他就死了,让父亲觉得他是家人的克星?阿米尔每每因这些事不开心时,基本会找哈桑打闹,甚至奚落对方丑陋的外貌。哈桑却并不介意,认为只要让少爷开心,他做什么都愿意。

又是一年风筝节。阿米尔为了赢得父亲的重视,他在风筝节前做足了准备。他一定要夺得第一。不出所料,他的风筝最后一个落下。 哈桑飞奔去捡倒数第二只蓝风筝。蓝风筝是当地最霸道的小孩阿塞夫放的。活动结束了,阿米尔看到父亲对他的赞赏和鼓励,十分开心。 可哈桑还没把蓝风筝捡回来。阿米尔左等右等还是没等来哈桑,于是亲自去寻找。 阿米尔在一个巷子里看见阿塞夫截住哈桑,并嘲笑打骂哈桑。懦弱的阿米尔没有勇气冲上去解救哈桑。接下来,他还看到很不堪的一幕:阿塞夫命令手下脱光哈桑的裤子,对哈桑实施了残忍的性侵和强暴。 自此以后,阿米尔心里背负着自责和痛苦。他不再和哈桑一起玩耍,甚至用错误的方式(生日宴会后,将客人送的手表和钱放在哈桑的席子下,向父亲诬告哈桑偷东西)逼走了哈桑一家。小小年纪的阿米尔以为不再面对哈桑,错误地以为逃避就能减轻自己的愧怍。 俄国对阿富汗的战争,逼迫阿米尔父亲舍弃故土,带着阿米尔一路偷渡逃往美国。 阿米尔在美国学习、生活近二十年,已成为一名热门作家。忽然有一天接到父亲挚友拉辛汗的来电,让他务必回国一趟。阿米尔能成为作家,这和拉辛汗叔叔给他的鼓励分不开。小时候,

高考作文语言素材积累: 好句、名言、警句精粹

高考作文语言素材积累:好句、名言、警句精粹 32本经典名著,32段名句,触动人心! 1、为你,千千万万遍。 ——卡勒德·胡赛尼《追风筝的人》 2、在路上,永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶。 ——杰克·凯鲁亚克《达摩流浪者》 3、我这辈子最遗憾的事,就是推我入地狱的人,也曾带我上天堂。 ——张爱玲《色戒》 4、胆小鬼连幸福都害怕,碰到棉花都会受伤。 ——太宰治《人间失格》 5、青年的动人之处,就在于勇气,和他们的远大前程。 ——王小波《一直特立独行的猪》 6、我来不及认真地年轻,待明白过来时,只能选择认真地老去。 ——三毛《三毛全集》 7、人类的全部智慧都包含的两个词中——等待和希望。 ——大仲马《基督山伯爵》 8、明天又是新的一天。 ——米切尔《飘》 9、努力想得到什么东西,其实只要沉着镇静、实事求是,就可以轻易地、神不知鬼不觉地达到目的。 ——卡夫卡《城堡》 10、她那时候还太年轻,不知道所有拿去赠送的礼物,早已在暗中标好了价格。 ——斯蒂芬·茨威格《断头皇后》 11、记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 ——塞林格《麦田守望者》 12、我越是孤独,越是没有朋友,越是没有支持,我就得越尊重我自己。 ——夏洛蒂·勃朗特《简爱》

13、一个人如果遭到大家嫌弃,多半是自己不好。 ——萨克雷《名利场》 14、生活不可能像你想象的那么好,但也不会像你想象的那么糟。人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象。 ——莫泊桑《羊脂球》 15、任何一样东西,你渴望拥有它,它就盛开。一旦你拥有它,它就凋谢。 ——普鲁斯特《追忆似水年华》 16、生活中即使有更多的恶,也要相信有更多的善。 ——查尔斯·狄更斯《雾都孤儿》 17、天亮之前有一个时间是非常暗的,星也没有,月亮也没有。 ——茅盾《子夜》 18、满地都是六便士,他却抬头看见了月亮。 ——毛姆《月亮与六便士》 19、我们都是受困于时代的“囚鸟”——既渴望逃离,又踟蹰不前。 ——库尔特·冯内古特《囚鸟》 20、我想成为温柔的人,因为曾被温柔以待,深深了解那种温柔的感觉。 ——村井贞之《夏目友人帐》 21、所有的大人都曾经是小孩,虽然,只有少数的人记得。 ——《小王子》 22、如果我真的存在,也是因为你需要我。 ——克莱儿·麦克福尔《摆渡人》 23、不乱于心,不困于情,不畏将来,不念过去。如此,安好。 ——丰子恺《无宠不惊过一生》 24、一个人要像一支队伍,对着自己的头脑和心灵招兵买马,不气馁,有召唤,爱自由。 ——毕淑敏《一个人要像一支队伍》 25、认识自己的无知是认识世界的最可靠的方法。 ——《随笔集》

追风筝的人 论文 英文

For You a Thousand Times over ——The Kite Runner ABSTRACT: The Kite Runner is a moving story and a mixture of love, fear, guilty, atonement and so on. For a long time, it makes the books we read lost their color. Maybe all of us more or less had done something as Amir did before, we are too young to understand others feelings when we broke their heart into pieces. We may feel guilty and miserable for what we have done. But there is no use to cry over spilt milk. What we really should do is to face the reality and like Amir, to atone for ourselves. Key words: love, fear, guilty, atonement This is a wonderful, beautiful epic of a novel. I am convinced that few books are as good as this one. To be honest, I hadn’t maintained that this book would appeal me before I read it. However, I was absorbed in the book from the first chapter to the last one. Why this book has appealed to me that much? I asked myself. This book is not my type of reading for only romantic books could draw my attention successfully. Then I came into a conclusion that it is the friendship and family value fascinated me. Set in Afghanistan and the United States between the 1970s to the present day, it is a heartbreaking tale of a young boy, Amir, and his best friend who are torn apart. This is a classic word-of-mouth novel and is sure to become as universally loved. Twelve year old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father Baba, one of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul. He has failed to do so through academia or brawn, but the one area where they connect is the annual kite fighting tournament. Amir is determined not just to win the competition but to run the last kite and bring it home triumphantly, to prove to his father that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan is the best kite runner that Amir has ever seen, and he promises to help him - for Hassan always helps Amir out of trouble. But this is 1970s Afghanistan. Hassan is taunted and jeered at by Amir's school friends; he is merely a servant living in a shack at the back of Amir's house. So why does Amir feel such envy towards his friend? Then, what happens to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament is to shatter all their lives, and define their futures. To the world you are one person, but to the person who loves you, you are the world. Amir was Hassan’s world. Amir’s name had been the first word Hassan spoke. Hassan threatened brutal Assef for the sake of Amir. Hassan never failed to run the kite to please Amir. Hassan sacrificed himself for A mir’s house. These are more than a friend would do. Only those who love you so much could challenge themselves to do what Hassan did to Amir. To Hassan, Amir was not only a mere friend but a brother. He loved Amir more than anything else. Even after Amir betrayed him, he still told his son proudly “Amir is my best friend”.Maybe for Hassan “for you, a thousand times over” has another meaning, which is not just kite running for Amir but he will do anything for Amir. If Hassan could be described as an angel, then Amir was just a person. I did hate Amir for he watched Hassan be raped and did nothing, for he made Hassan leave his born-place, for he aimed Hassan with fruit (even though he actually tried to make himself get punished). Amir did not deserve what Hassan did to him. I thought his meanness caused Hassan’s tragedy. But after I finished the book, I realized it is not Hassan’s tragedy, it is Amir’s. For what he had done to Hassan, he had led a live with regret and suffered endless sleepless nights. His going back to


追风筝的人的好词好句 以下是给大家收集的追风筝的人的好词好句,希望对大家有帮助。 好词: 1. 诬陷 2. 忠心耿耿 3. 看护 4. 千千万万 5. 蹒跚 6. 屈指可数 7. 牢靠 8. 浓墨重彩 9. 荒芜 10. 放声大笑 11. 祥和 12. 熠熠生辉 13. 吹拂 14. 柳暗花明 15. 危在旦夕 16. 风尘仆仆 好句: 1、时间很贪婪,有时候,他会独自吞噬所有的细节。

2、要做怎样的工作,是自己去选择的。重要的一点是,如果你希望能够找到心仪的工作,那么你应该做好准备面临挑战,你要强迫自己走出安逸的生活。 3、它只是一个微笑,没有别的的了。它没有让所有事情恢复正常。它没有让任何事情恢复正常。只是一个微笑,一件小小的事情,像是树林中的一片叶子,在惊鸟的飞起中晃动着。 4、但我会迎接它,张开双臂。因为每逢春天到来,它总是每次融化一片雪花。而也许我刚刚看到的,正是第一片雪花的融化。 5、被真相伤害总比被谎言欺骗的好得到了再失去,总是比从来就没有得到更伤人。 6、当罪恶导致善行,那就是最大的救赎。 7、但对于我而言,这是惟一的机会,让我可以成为一个被注目而不仅仅被看到,被聆听而不仅仅被听到的人。 8、得到了再失去,总是比从来就没有得到更伤人。 9、如果我让你吃泥巴,你会吃吗我说。我知道自己这样很残忍,好像以前,我总是拿那些他不懂的字眼来戏弄他,但取笑哈桑有点好玩--虽然是病态的好玩,跟我们折磨昆虫的游戏有点相似。不过现在,他是蚂蚁,而拿着放大镜的人是我。 10、多年过去,我曾见到无数家伙参与追风筝,但哈桑是我见过的人中最精此道的高手。十分奇怪的是,在风筝跌落之前,他总是等在那个它将要跌落的地方,似乎他体内有某种指南针。 11、美丽的故事都是悲伤的。


The Kite Runner I read this book in the winter holiday,and now I am going to read it again ,for the good book deserve several reading.Well,The Kite Runner move me so much,and it make me think a lot.In this esssay,I just talk about two of them. “For you,a thousand times over.”There is no double that friendship will be the first and the most important point. We are easily moved by Hassan’s loyalty to Amir,that’s because we are difficult to meet someone who is willing to devote to us for a thousand times over without any complain. The friendship in our real world is companyde with benefit ,which is very differenr from the friendship described in the novel. Althought I don’t think highly of the such unilaterally devotion ,I still appreciate Hassan’s dev otion and magnanimity to his good friend.The real friendship is what Hassan give to Amir:when you are happy,I may be here to share your happiness; when you need me,I must be in your side to help you; and when you hurt me ,I am easily to forgive you; and even though you leave me, I still keep you in my mind. It make me sad to see Amir’s unbravery and irresponsibility when his friend need him.Actually I tend to believe that Amir didn’t regar d Hassan as his friend but just a pleasant and loyal servant when I read the first half of the novel.But Amir can’t forget his hurt to Hassan,and try his hard to make up in the latter part of the book, which change his afterlife,and the fate of Hassan’s poor son.So I begin to understand Amir’s friendship to Hassan.If he think Hassan is unimportant,he will not take the embarrassed memory to heart,and will not come back to


追风筝的人好词好句及赏析 生活中有许多无奈,关键是看自己的心态上。下面是的范文,欢迎查阅! 1、然后他会提醒我们,喝过同样的乳汁长大的人就是兄弟,这种亲情连时间也无法拆散。 2、然后哈桑捡起一个石榴。他朝我走来,将它掰开,在额头上磨碎。"那么,"他哽咽着,红色的石榴汁如同鲜血一样从他脸上滴下来。"你满意了吧?你觉得好受了吗?" 3、书的后半段写得是主人公心灵的救赎。他费尽周折找到了哈桑的儿子索拉博,追到了心中漂移已久的风筝,重新成为一个堂堂正正的男子汉,生活的大门终于又向他敞开了。阿米尔的结局,是幸福的。他终于明白了彼此的意义--以生命为代价。 4、它坐落于喀布尔北部繁华的新兴地区,入口通道甚为宽广,两旁种蔷薇;房子开间不少,铺着大理石地板,还有很大的窗户。爸爸亲手在伊斯法罕选购了精美的马赛克瓷砖,铺满四个浴室的地面,还从加尔各答买来的金丝织成的挂毯,用于装饰墙壁,拱形的天花板上挂着水晶吊灯。 5、作家胡赛尼以温暖细腻的笔法勾勒人性的本质与救赎,读来令人荡气回肠。胡赛尼的笔犹如一把尖利的刻刀,将人性的真实刻画得近乎残酷,却又毫不哗众取宠 6、我梦想真主能指引我们过上好日子,梦想自己的儿子能成为一个好人,一个自由的人,一个有所作为的人,我梦想鲜花再次开满

喀布尔的街道,音乐再次飘出茶馆,风筝再次飞上蓝天,我还梦想有朝一日,您能回到喀布尔,回到咱们小时候一起玩的那个地方,如果您能回来,您会发现有位忠实的老朋友一直在等您。哈桑。 7、雪花无声地洒落在白色的枝头上,现在我闻到了芜青拌饭的香味,还有桑椹干、酸橙子、锯屑和胡桃的气味。一阵雪花飞舞的寂静盖住了所有声音。然后,远远地,有个声音穿透这片死寂,呼喊我们回家,是那个拖着右腿的男人的声音。 8、"晌午的骄阳照在波光粼粼的水面上,数十艘轻舟在和风的吹拂中漂行。我抬起头,望见两只红色的风筝,带着长长的蓝色尾巴,在天空中冉冉升起。它们舞动着,飞越公园西边的树林,飞越风车,并排飘浮着,如同一双眼睛俯视着旧金山,"突然间,哈桑的声音在我脑中响起:为你,千千万万遍。哈桑,那个兔唇的哈桑,那个追风筝的人。 9、阿富汗人经常说;生活总会继续,他们不在乎成功或是失败,开始或是结束,柳暗花明或是危机当头,就像是游牧部落风尘仆仆的缓慢向前。 10、安静是祥和,是平静,是降下生命音量的按钮。沉默是把那个按钮关掉,把它旋下,全部旋掉。 11、"没有比盗窃更十恶不赦的事情了,阿米尔。"爸爸说," 要是有人拿走不属于他的东西,一条性命也好,一块馕饼也好,我都会唾弃他。要是我在街上碰到他,真主也救不了。你明白吗?"


The kite runner After I finished this book, I can’t speak out one word . My heart was heavily depressed as same as when Amir heard that Hassan was his brother . I think it’s a sad story, but from some angles , it’s a turn. Hassan was too loyal ,which shocked me many times at the when they were in Afghanistan. ’I won’t’ ,no matter how his master hit him, he won’t fight. ‘yes, I did.’ I was really annoyed when I read that Hassan admitted to stealing Amir’s watch, how can there be such a foolish man in the world ! I said to myself. ‘For you, a thousand times over.’ Three times in the whole novel, brief but meaningful, kind and loyal. Every time I read the sentence, stayed at the page for a moment with a silent thinking, chewing the sentence over and over again. Hassan, he was willing to sacrifice for Amir no matter what has happened between them. He can lie to his respectful host in order to help Amir to plant himself, but we all know that he hasn't lied even once. He even can eat mud if he wants him to. He hadn't any complaints despite he knew Amir didn't come out when Amir has witnessed it all. What a pity that he and his wife was killed by gun of the local greedy officers, leading Sohrab to be an orphan. As for Amir, The former part , in one hand, I felt shame about his cowardly and selfish, his unmoral behave made me feel awful. But on the other hand, I Sympathized for his guilt and weak to tell out the truth or face Hassan . The later part gave us a brave and responsible Amir, who came back to Afghanistan where was covered with ruins and shell without any hesitation. He began his redemption road. His house witnessed the big chance around the town, damaged house, dead wood and hungry people, which made him firmly believe that they have gone a wrong way and also


追风筝的人故事梗概 追风筝的人故事梗概(一) 近来读了《追风筝的人》,只是觉得触动挺大的,想写一些东西… 阿米尔是阿富汗富商的儿子,独生子。在他的笔下,童年是的阿富汗充满着温馨,夕阳西下金色的阳光洒在这片小小的城市上空,阿米尔就和他家中仆人的儿子哈桑爬在树上,两个人吃着桑葚,阿米尔给哈桑读着故事。有时调皮的他会嘲笑哈桑的无知,哈桑,注定就像他的父亲一样是个半文盲… 哈桑是不幸的,他的母亲在生下他几天后就跟着江湖艺人跑掉了,身为哈扎拉人,面对着种族歧视,哈桑忍受着好多,天生的兔唇,以及哈桑的父亲阿里,常被人叫成吃人的巴巴鲁,对于一切,他都逆来顺受。每天早上,他会为阿米尔准备早餐,一杯加了三块方糖的红茶,烤好的馕饼,涂着甜果酱,然后趁着少爷在用早餐时,一边熨衣服,一边和少爷交谈两句。哈桑的弹弓打得很好,总是可以解救阿米尔。

阿米尔在出生时夺去了他母亲的生命,他是个懦弱的孩子,没有爸爸期望中的,能在足球场上驰骋的气魄,面对困难,他总是逃避,也是哈桑一次又一次的把他解救出来,他爱看书,妈妈身前是名教师,留下了好多书,他只爱看书,这种性格多少有些不着他父亲的喜欢。有一次,两个孩子出去玩,遇到了阿塞夫,一个身材高到面相彪悍的孩子,他仇视哈扎拉人,认为他们弄脏了阿富汗的血统,他要动手收拾阿米尔,因为阿米尔和哈桑做朋友,因为是阿米尔纵容了这些人还在他们家。哈桑举起弹弓,威胁阿塞夫放他们走,不然把它变成独眼龙。阿塞夫放弃了,他们逃掉,可是真的逃掉了吗? 在阿米尔12岁的时候,他在风筝大赛中获得第一的好成绩,哈桑为他去追那个第二的蓝风筝。哈桑可是这方面的好手,可是不巧,哈桑遇到了阿塞夫,阿塞夫要求把蓝风筝给他,但是哈桑不同意,处于强势的阿塞夫就在那条小巷里强暴了哈桑。其实这一切随后赶到的阿米尔全都看到了,只是他们有勇气去救哈桑。看到哈桑流着的血,裤子上的泥污,阿米尔总是深深的自责,他内疚,他没有救哈桑。
