


1. fly walk floor swim

2. animal tiger chick panda

3. orange cake banana peach

4. look see here hear

5. pencil rubber ruler sweet

6. bed sofa room table

V. Read and choose (选择填空,将字母代号填入括号内)6%

1. I have _______ orange. ( A. a B. an )

2. _____ do you see? A monkey. ( A. What B. Where )

3. There ______ three boys in the room. ( A. is B. are )

4. _____ you walk on the grass in the park? ( A. Are B. Can )

5. ______ here. ( A. Go B. Come )

6. The cat can _____. ( A. fly B. jump )

VI. Read and judge( 读句子,判断正误,用"T"表示正确,"F"表示错误) 8%

1.你看到了天空中的一只鸟,说,I hear a bird.

2. 当你看见有人在公园里爬树,就劝他说,Climb the tree in the park.

3. 小猫在你的床下,你说, There is a cat under my bed.

4. 起风了,妈妈看见窗还开着就对你说,Close the window, please.

VII. Read and choose(根据短文,圈出正确的内容)4%

I am in the park. I can see many fish in the river. I hear the bees on the flowers. I can play on the swing. But I can not walk on the grass. Look, this is my umbrella. It is pink. I can sit under my umbrella. I am happy.

1. I am in the _______. A. park B. zoo

2. I can see many______ in the river. A. ducks B. fish

3. My umbrella is ______ A. red B. pink

4. I can play on the ______. A. grass B. swing


Part 1 Listening(听力部分)

I. Listen and choose (听录音,找出听到的字母组或单词,将字母代号写在括号内)

1. PD

2. R P

3. TJ

4. B. m n

5. p q

6. a r

7. bear 8. B 9. skip 10 cow 11. pencil 12. belt

(A A B B A A B B A A B B)

II. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的字母组)

1. OPQ

2. DBR

3. GFE

4. LSN

5. vau

6. lim

7. bqp

8. oas

III. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片)

1. What do you see? I see a pig.

2. Is this a panda? Yes, it is.

3. I have got an umbrella.

4. She can skip the rope.

5. There is a sofa in the room

6. What do you hear? I hear a plane.

IV. Listen and match(听录音连线)

Draw a sheep on the ground. Don't climb the tree.

Close the window. Open the door. Come to the classroom.

V. Listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)

1. This is my room.

2. I see a pig.

3. Look at the umbrella.

4. Sam can swing.

5. I've got a rubber. ( A B A B A)

VI. Listen and choose (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内)

1.What can you do?

2. What do you see?

3. Look, is it a cow?

4. What's in your room?.

5. What do you hear?

6. Where is the sofa? ( A A B B A B )

VII. Listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用"T"表示正确,"F"表示错误)

1. I hear a cow on the farm. It goes "moo, moo".

2. Look at the panda. It is black and white. It is on the ball.

3. I have a friend. He is big and grey. He has two big ears.

4. There is a bed and a sofa in my room. The bed is blue. The sofa is red. ( T F F T )

Word 是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99%的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。


Ctrl + D调出字体栏,配合Tab+Enter全键盘操作吧

Ctrl + L 左对齐, Ctrl + R 右对齐, Ctrl + E 居中

Ctrl + F查找, Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!


Ctrl + Z是撤销,那还原呢?就是Ctrl + Y,撤销上一步撤销!

比如我输入abc, 按一下F4, 就会自动再输入一遍abc


光亚学校小学二年级上期英语期末测试题 一、Listen and circle.听一听,圈出你听到的图片。 ( 20分) 1、 A.brother B.sister 2、 A. boat B.hill 3、 A. flower B.tree 4、 A.bookshop B.hospital 5、 A. thin B.short

二、Listen and choose.听一听,选一选,将听到的图片序号填在括号内。( 20分) ()1、A. B. ()2、A. B. ()3、A. B. ()4、 A. B. ()5、 A. B. 三、Listen and number.听一听,给图片用1、2、3、3、4、5排序。( 10分) ()()()()()

四、Read and choose.为下列句子选择正确的图片,将对应的图片序号填在括号内。( 6分) A. B. C. D. E. F. ( ) 1、There is a lake in the park. ( ) 2、I’m going to the supermarket. ( ) 3、This is my brother. ( ) 4、Andy is going to school. ( ) 5、She is a girl. She is tall. ( ) 6、Merry Christmas! Here is a present for you. 五、Read and choose.选择英文单词对应的中文意思。( 10分) ()1. sister A. 姐;妹 B. 兄;弟 ()2. woman A. 小女孩 B. 女人 ()3. he A. 他 B你 ()4. mother A. 妈妈 B.祖父 ()5. family A. 同学 B. 家庭 ()6.brother A.兄弟 B.父亲 ()7. thin A. 瘦的 B. 矮的 ()8. park A. 书店 B. 公园 ()9. flower A. 花 B. 树 ()10. card A. 贺卡 B. 飞机


二年级英语上册期中测试题 听力部分(45%) 一、听录音,判断所听内容是否相符,对的画“”,错的画“”。 (10分) 1 2 34 5 ()()()()() 二、听录音,圈出你所听到的字母。(6分) 1. A D 2. F K 3. C G 4. E H 5. J B 6. I L 三、听录音,判断所听内容是否相符,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。 (5分) ()()() ()() 班 级 : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 姓 名 : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 座 位 号 : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

四、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(10分) ()1、A. apple B.rice ()2、A. noodles B.orange ()3、A.T-shirt B. trousers ()4、A. ice cream B.lunch ( ) 5、A. onion B.ginger 五、听录音,选择正确的句子。(10分) 1.()A. Do you like bananas? B. He doesn’t like the red T-shirt. 2.()A. I like football. B. Come on, Team A. 3.()A. What do you like? B. You like meat. 4.()A. Do you like ice creams? B. Here you are 5.()A. She likes blue dresses. B. At 8, I go to school. 六、听录音,标序号。(4分)


小学英语人教新起点二年级上册期末达标检测卷一、慧眼识珠。 ( ) l. father A. B. C. ( ) 2. ruler A. B. C. ( ) 3. lake A. B. C. ( ) 4. New Year A. B. C. ( ) 5. bird A. B. C. ( ) 6. car A. B. C.

二、小小翻译家。 1. classmate ________ 2. 高兴的________ 3. girl ________ 4. 新的________ 5. Christmas ________ 6. 谢谢你________ 7. pencil ________ 8. 英俊的________ 9. the supermarket ________ 10. 在动物园________ 三、各就各位。(给下列单词分类,写序号) (1) Christmas (2) supermarket (3) cat (4) hill (5) ruler (6) father (7) school (8) pencil (9) New Year (10) tree (11) dog (12) sister (13) hospital (14) car (15) brother (16) schoolbag (17) monkey (18) lake (19) grass (20) flower 节日: ________________________________________________________________ 家庭成员: ____________________________________________________________ 交通工具: ____________________________________________________________ 景物类: ______________________________________________________________文具类: ______________________________________________________________ 动物类: ______________________________________________________________ 公共设施: ____________________________________________________________ 四、问句答语连线。 (1) Who is he? A. Yes, I do. (2) What does he look like? B. He is my father. (3) Where is my book? C. I’m going to the Beihai Park. (4) Where are you going? D. He is tall. (5) Do you like the plane? E. It is in your schoolbag.


二年级一对一学案 期末复习 —、数学园地。(20分) 1.一个加数是42,另一个加数是29,和是()。 2.妈妈看中不同款式的3件上衣和4条裤子,如果她要买一件上衣和一条裤子,她有()种买法。 3.6×9和9×6在计算时都要用到口诀()。 4.从42里连续减去()个7得0。 5.把下面乘法口诀填完整。 三四()五()四十五二九() ()五十六()四十九()七十二 6.从一张三角形纸上剪下一个角,剩下的部分可能有()个角,也可能有()个角。 7.根据乘法口诀七八五十六可以写出两道乘法算式是()和()。 8.买1只鸡的钱可以买4条鱼,现在用买5只鸡的钱可以买()条鱼。 9.摆6个要用()根小棒。 10.从2,4,6三个数字中任选两个数字可组成()个不同的两位数,其中最大的两位数是(),最小的两位数是()。 二、知识角。(11分) 1.在正确答案下面画“√”。(6分) (1)量下面哪段路要用米作单位? (2)计算下面哪个算式不能用简便算法? 2.我会判断。(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)(5分) (1)一条绳子就是一条线段。()

(2)1米比1厘米长,所以1米>100厘米。() (3)7时25分再过10分是7时35分。() (4)5个3的和比7个3的和多。() (5)—个点和两条线一定能组成一个角。() 三、头脑体操。(28分) 1.龟兔赛跑。(4分) 2.我会填。(6分) (1)7×()+1=36 (2)()×9-9=54 7×()-1=48 8×()-8=40 7×()+1=15 ()×7+7=63 3.在□里填上合适的数。(8分) 4.猜猜里面藏着几,猜对了送给你。(4分) 5.()里最大能填几?(6分) ()×4<30 34>5×()7×()<50 8×()<75 50>()×9 42>8×() 四、心灵手巧。(15分) 1.拿一些小棒摆正方形,像下图(是摆成的两个正方形)那样摆,摆7个正方形用几根小棒?把你摆的图案画出来再算一算。(5分) 2.右图由()条线段围成。请你在这个图形里加几条线段,把这个图形分成四个三角形。(6 分)


小学二年级上册英语第二单元试卷篇一 一、写出下列单词的汉语意思 time ( ) breakfast ( ) hour ( ) lunch ( ) thirty ( ) minute ( ) plus ( ) jump ( ) raincoat ( ) scarf ( ) get up ( ) eat lunch( ) brush teeth( ) watch TV ( ) go home( ) wash face ( ) get up ( ) play football( ) birthday cake( ) Teddy bear( ) 二、请为单词选择正确的意思并将字母填到前面的括号里。( )summer A 、夏季 B、春季 C、季节 ( ) cloudy A 、多云的 B、多雨的 C、雪天 ( ) bounch the ball A、跳 B、拍球 C、打篮球( ) rainy A 、阴天 B、晴天 C、雨天 ( ) throw A 、接 B、扔 C、跑 ( ) attention A、稍息 B、向左转 C、立正 ( ) climb A、爬 B 、跑 C、跳 ( ) sixty A、60 B、40 C、30 ( ) warm A、冷 B、凉爽 C、暖和 ( ) football A、足球 B、乒乓球 C、篮球 三、请将正确的答案将序号写有横线上。 1.When do you get up everyday? I get up 6:30. A: at B: in C: on

2. What’s t he weather like today? . A: It’s sunny. B: It’s spring. C: It’s summer. 3. What season is it? . A: It’s winter. B: It’s cool. C: It’s cold. 4. Tomorrow is your birthday. . A: Let’s go to school. B: We’ll have a party. C: Thank you. 5. It’s 11:40. . A: It’s time for breakfast. B: It’s time for supper. C: It’s time for supper. 6. 如果你想向别人询问几点了,应该说: A: What time is it? B: What’s the weather like? 7. 如果你想吃蛋糕的话,你应该说: A: I want to eat cake. B: I want to eat apples. 8. 如果你该上学了, 你应该说: A: It’s time for school. B: It’s time for supper. 9. “ 整队” 应该怎么说: A: Attention. B: Line up. 10. “ When do you eat lunch?” 应该怎么回答: A: I eat lunch at 10:30. B: I eat lunch 12:00. 小学二年级上册英语第二单元试卷篇二 一、选不同类单词 1. A. chair B. father C. mother


最新人教版二年级上册英语试卷2019 一、找出下列单词中含有的首字母,并将此字母写在横线上 1 pple at 3range 4ouse 5ion 6oo 二、英汉连线 vase 小提琴 violin 冬天 winter 花瓶 pencil 春天 spring 铅笔 English 英语 plane 轮船 ship 大象 train 火车 elephant 飞机 三、填所缺的词 1、I (起床) at six in the morning.

A. gut up B. play football C. go to school D. go to work 2、He _______ (足球) in the afternoon. A. play basketball B. play the flute C. plays football D. sing 3、We (去上学) by bike. A. walk to school B. go out C. go to school D. go home 4、We have (数字和语文) in the morning. A. Maths and English B. Maths and Chinese C. Music and Chinese 5、My father goes to work (骑自行车). A. by bike B. by bus C. by plane D. by train 6、They (吃午饭) at twelve. A. have breakfast B. have dinner C. have lunch D. have sweets 7、He plays the (笛子) in the classroom. A. drums B. flute C. play pingpong 8、Do you (去游泳)?Yes,I do. A. go to swimming B. go swimming B. go swim 9、We (穿毛衣) in autumn. A. wear sweaters B. wear shirts C. wear gloves D. wear hats 10、In (夏天),we wear T-shirt. A. spring B. winter C. autumn D. summer


小学二年级英语上册试卷 【三套】 【导语】如今,英语已经成为了世界语,渗透在全世界的每一个角落,政治、经济、文化、娱乐,可以说,我们每天的生活,以及生活的每个方面,都在这种语言的影响之下。所以,从小教育孩子学习英语,是为了将来更好融入社会而刻不容缓的事情!以下是WTT 整理的相关资料,希望 1. A.next toB.in front ofC.of course 2. A.motherB.summerC.winter 3. A.flyB.classC.sleep 4. A.weatherB.rainC.sun 5. A.writeB.letterC.colour 二、单选 1. I have orange. A. a B. an 2. do you see? A monkey. A. What B. Where 3. There three boys in the room. A. is B. are 4. ____ you walk on the grass in the park? A.Are B.Can

A. Go B. Come 三、阅读理解 阅读理解 I am in the park. I can see many fish in the river. I hear the bees on the flowers. I can play on the swing. But I can not walk on the grass. Look, this is my umbrella. It is pink. I can sit under my umbrella. I am happy. 1. I am in the. A. park B. zoo 2. I can see many in the river. A. ducks B. fish 3. My umbrella is A. red B. pink 4. I can play on the. A. grass B. swing 【篇二】 一、单词分类 duck shorts noddles monkeys weater draws hirt write bread drink


二年级上册英语试题 听力部分略!!! 笔试部分(60 点) 五、给单词归类(1点X 10=10点) duck shorts noddles monkey sweater draw shirt write bread drink 1. 动词--- ,--- ,-- 2 动物---,---,-- 3 食品--- ,--- ,-- 4 衣服---,---,--- 六、单项选择(2点X 10=20点) 1. A:What are you doing? B:We are making ____ cake. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2. Please _ quiet! Your father is working. A.is B.am C.be D.are 3. Children,please go __ your room! A.in B.to C.and D.for 4.It's hard ___ English people to use chopsticks. A.with B.to C.for D.of 5. _____________________ Do you use chopsticks England? A.from B.in C.for D.to 6. __________________________ Amy is a girl.She is playing flute. A.she B.her C.hers D./ 7. _____________________ My father is listening music. A.to B.for C.at D.in 8. ______________ Tom is doing homework. A.he B.his C.him D./ 9. _______ Mum watching TV now.


二年级英语期末试卷 笔试部分 一、找出下面每组里不同类的单词,将其序号写在题前的括号内。 ()1. A. thin B. tall C. boy D. fat ()2. A. Helen B. father C. Mike D. Wang Bing ( ) 3. A. a B. two C.six D. three ()4. A. milkman B. postman C.teacher D. woman ()5. A.apple B. orange C. banana D. egg 二、从B栏中选出A栏相对应的英文选项,把序号写在前面的括号里。 A B ()1. 早上好,妈妈。 A. Take off your coat. ( ) 2. 新年快乐。 B.These are my books. ( ) 3. 这些是我的书。 C. Good morning,Mum. ( ) 4. 脱下你的大衣。 D. Have some rice,Mike. ( ) 5. 吃些米饭吧,迈克。 E. Happy New Year ! 一、从B栏中选出A栏相对应的回答,把序号写在括号里。 A B ()1. Good morning . A. They are carrots. ( ) 2.Clean the desk ,please. B . Merry Christmas ! ( ) 3.What are those? C. Thank you. ( ) 4. Merry Christmas ! D.All right. ( ) 5.Here you are . E.Good afternoon. 二、根据中文意思写单词。 1. 医生() 2. 椅子() 3. 牛奶()4. 短裙() 5. 蝴蝶()6. 老师() 7.蚂蚁()8. 喜欢() 五、选择,把所选答案的序号写在前面的括号里。 ()1. The bell is you. A. for B. to ( )2. What are those? They are . A. ant B.ants ( ) 3. What you do? A. cow B. can ( ) 4. 当别人送你礼物时,你应该说。 A. Thank you . B. All right. ( ) 5. 当别人感到冷时,你应该说:。 A. Put on your coat. B. Take off your coat.


小学二年级英语测试卷 班别姓名座号得分 一、找出下列单词中含有的首字母,并将此字母写在横线上 1 pple 2 at 3 range 4 ouse 5 ion 6 oo 官方网站:哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 二、英汉连线 vase 小提琴 violin 冬天 winter 花瓶 pencil 春天 spring 铅笔 English 英语 plane 轮船 ship 大象 train 火车 elephant 飞机 三、填所缺的词 1、I (起床) at six in the morning. A. gut up B. play football C. go to school D. go to work 2、He _______ (足球) in the afternoon. A. play basketball B. play the flute C. plays football D. sing

3、We (去上学) by bike. A. walk to school B. go out C. go to school D. go home 4、We have (数字和语文) in the morning. A. Maths and English B. Maths and Chinese C. Music and Chinese 5、My father goes to work (骑自行车)。 A. by bike B. by bus C. by plane D. by train 6、They (吃午饭) at twelve. A. have breakfast B. have dinner C. have lunch D. have sweets 7、He plays the (笛子) in the classroom. A. drums B. flute C. play pingpong 8、Do you (去游泳)Yes,I do. A. go to swimming B. go swimming B. go swim 9、We (穿毛衣) in autumn. A. wear sweaters B. wear shirts C. wear gloves D. wear hats 10、In (夏天),we wear T-shirt. A. spring B. winter C. autumn D. summer 四、问答连线(10点) do you like A. Yes,we do. 2. Does he like swimming B. I like toy pandas. 3. What’s the time C. No,he doesn’t. 4. Is it 8 o’clock D. It’s half past 7. 5. Do we have Maths at school E. No,it isn’t. 五、补全单词。 1 __p 向上 9 __ay 道路 17__ce 冰 2 __weets 糖果 10__ebra 斑马 18__ead 头 3 __rain 火车 11__ellow 黄色的 19__irl 女孩 4 __ain 雨 12__ose 鼻子 20__rog 青蛙


小学二年级英语测试卷班别姓名座号得分 一、找出下列单词中含有的首字母,并将此字母写在横线上 1 pple at 3range 4ouse 5ion 6oo 官方网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/7514579818.html,/ 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 二、英汉连线 vase 小提琴 violin 冬天 winter 花瓶

pencil 春天 spring 铅笔 English 英语 plane 轮船 ship 大象 train 火车 elephant 飞机 三、填所缺的词 1、I (起床) at six in the morning. A. gut up B. play football C. go to school D. go to work 2、He _______ (足球) in the afternoon. A. play basketball B. play the flute C. plays football D. sing 3、We (去上学) by bike. A. walk to school B. go out C. go to school D. go home 4、We have (数字和语文) in the morning. A. Maths and English B. Maths and Chinese C. Music and Chinese 5、My father goes to work (骑自行车)。 A. by bike B. by bus C. by plane D. by train 6、They (吃午饭) at twelve. A. have breakfast B. have dinner C. have lunch D. have sweets


人教版小学二年级上册英语试题 一、选不同类单词 1. A. chair B. father C. mother 2. A. girl B. boy C. classroom 3. A. teacher B. engineer C. family 4. A. window B. door C. brother 5. A. ruler B. pencil case C. sister 二、补全单词 1. br_ther A. a B o C i 2. wh A. ara B ire C ere 3. t_ _ cher A. ea B ie C eo 4. f_mily A. i B e C a 5.engin_ _ _ A. a ao B u i e C eer 三、选答句 A. She is at home. B. Thank you. C. He is my teacher. D. It’s on your desk . 1. Who’s he? 2. Where is your sister? 3. Where is my ruler ? 4. An apple for you. 四、根据汉语意思,选句子。 1. 你的好朋友送你一份春天的礼物,你要说:

A. Thanks a lot. B. Here you are. 2. 告诉同学你的爸爸是位工程师,你要说: A. My father is a doctor. B. My father is an engineer. 3. 有人问你她是谁?你要回答: A. She is my sister. B. She is a policeman. 4. 向老师介绍你的爷爷,应该说: A.. This is my grandpa. B. He is a doctor. 5. 想问爸爸姐姐在哪里?你要说: A.Where is my sister? B. Where is my brother?


小学二年级上册英语期中试卷三套 【导语】英语试卷的目的不仅只是考个分数,证明我成绩多好多坏,更重要的是,在做题中,你要明白其中的题型、题意,可以举一反三。不要让试卷这些在你眼中成为一种负担,明白学习的意义。以下是WTT 整理的相关资料,希望对您有用。 1. 学校sch _ _ l A. oa B. oo C. aa 2.跳舞 d _ _ ce A. an B. en C. on 3.家庭f__ily A. im B. am C. em 4.商店sh _ p A. a B. u C. o 5.非常v _ ry A. e B. o C. a 二、单选 1.I am in - _____ . A. class one B. Class one C. ___________________ C lass One 2.I am England A. in B. from C. ___________________ a t 3.I ' m good English .

B. from C. _____________ at 4.Tom is Grade Four . A. in B. from C. ________ at 5. beautiful her dress is ! A. What B. How C. ________________ W here 6.She a happy family . A. have B. has C. _____________ is 7.Where my hot dogs . A. am B. is C. ______________________________ are 8.I am a doctor .I work in a . A. hospital B. school C. __________________ shop 9.What are ? They are pandas. A. those B. this C. __________ that 10. can you see? I can see a bird. A. Where B. What C. ________________ H ow many 11. can you see? I can see four. A. Where B. What C. _______________________ How many 12.I can see egg . A. a B. an C. ______________________________ some 13.Please come and buy . A. they B. their C. ____________________ them 14.Those are sheep .


小学英语二年级上册教学质量检测卷201801 Name_______ Class _______ Mark ________ Part One Listening (80%) I .圈出你所听到的图片。(20%) 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 听录音,给下列图片用1,2,3…排序。(16%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( )

III. 听录音,圈出你听到的单词。(20%) 1. house horse hand 2. fork forty fourteen 3. slide swing skate 4. plate plant play 5. when what where 6. brother father sister 7. towel flower shower 8. window whistle what 9. money movie monkey 10. in in front of inside IV. 听录音,在下列相应的表格内填上适当的阿拉伯数字。念两遍。(12%) V. 听录音,选出你听到的句子。把编号写在括号内。(12%)( ) 1. A. The toy shop is between the post office and the bank. B. The video shop is between the post office and the bank. C. The fire station is between the post office and the bank. ( ) 2. A. It’s next to the restaurant, what building is it ? B. It’s next to the movie theater, what building is it ?


期末测试题 班级姓名学号得分 听力部分50% 一、听音,圈出你所听到的图片的序号。(20%) 1. A. B. 2.A. B. 3. A. B. B. 4.A. B. 5.A. B. 6.A. B. 7.A. B.8.A. B. 9.A. B. 10.A. 二、听音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。(20%) ( )1. A. cousin B. cook ( ) 2. A. table B. desk ( ) 3. A. doctor B. dog ( ) 4. A. small B.short

( ) 5. A.these B. those ( ) 6. A tomato B. potato ( ) 7. A.monkey B. pumpkin ( ) 8. A. orange B.autumn. ( ) 9.A. yogurt B. yummy ( )10. A. write B. white 三、听音,给句子标序号。(10%) ( )1.Good morning, Su Hai. ( ) 2.It’s autumn. It’s cool. ( ) 3.Look! It’s so big. ( ) 4. How about you? ( ) 5. This sandwich is yummy! 笔试部分50% 四、找出不同类的单词。10% ( ) 1. A. father B. nurse C. brother ( ) 2. A. big B. small C. apple ( ) 3. A. desk B. beanie C. chair ( ) 4. A. peach B. carrot C. cherry ( ) 5. A. door B. tart C. cupcake 五、圈出划线词语的中文。10% 1.Have some juice.(果汁酸奶). 2.Clean the window.(门窗户). 3.Look at the bear.(狗熊) 4.I like tarts. (蛋糕蛋挞). 5.This is my aunt. She’s a nurse.(护士医生).


二年级英语期中测试 姓名:分数: Par tⅠListening(听力部分) 一.Listen and choose. 听音选出你所听到的单词。(10分) 1.()A. book B. friend C. dog 2.()A. man B. girl C. green 3.()A. sister B. egg C. cat 4.()A. schoolbag B. mother C. pencil 5.()A. ten B. head C. one 二.Listen and number the sentences.听音,写出句子的序号。(10分)()Who is he ? ()Good morning. ()Thank you. ()Close the door. ()What is your name ? 三、听录音,在你所听到的图片下的括号内画“√”。(15分) 1. 2. ()()()() 3. 4. ()()()() 四、选出你听到的句子.( 15分) ( ) 1. A. He is my father. B. She is my mother.

( ) 2. A. This is my grandfather. B. This is my grandmother. ( ) 3. A. Who is she? B. What can you do? ( ) 4. A. Yes, she is girl. B. Yes, she is my classmate. Part Ⅱ Writing (笔试部分) 一、根据中文选出正确的单词。(20分) ( ) 1. 我的A. my B. me C.this ( ) 2. 爸爸A. father B. mother C.grandfather ( ) 3. 爷爷A. grandmother B. grandfather C.father ( ) 4. 奶奶A. mother B. friend C.grandmother ( ) 5. 同学A. mother B. boy C.classmate ( ) 6. 你的A. me B. your C.my ( ) 7. 她 A. this B. she C.he ( ) 8. 他 A. he B. she C.who ( ) 9. 谁 A. who B. me C.she ( ) 10. 我 A. you B. my C.me 二、连线。(20分) ·father (1.) ·mother ·grandmother ·grandfather (2.) father mother grandmother grandfather 三、选出正确的单词完成句子.(10分) 1. She is my . ( father mother ) 2. Who is he? He is my .( grandmother father ) 3. 3. She is my .(朋友) ( classmate friend ) 4. He is a . ( girl man ) she he


人教版二年级上英语期末考试试题 一、Listen and circle.听一听;圈出你听到的图片。 ( 20分) 1、 A.brother B.sister 2、 A. boat B.hill 3、 A. flower B.tree 4、 A.bookshop B.hospital 5、 A. thin B.short

二、Listen and choose.听一听;选一选;将听到的图片序号填在括号内。( 20分) ()1、A. B. ()2、A. B. ()3、A. B. ()4、 A. B. ()5、 A. B. 三、Listen and number.听一听;给图片用1、2、3、3、4、5排序。( 10分) ()()()()()

四、Read and choose.为下列句子选择正确的图片;将对应的图片序号填在括号内。( 6分) A. B. C. D. E. F. ( ) 1、There is a lake in the park. ( ) 2、I’m going to the supermarket. ( ) 3、This is my brother. ( ) 4、Andy is going to school. ( ) 5、She is a girl. She is tall. ( ) 6、Merry Christmas! Here is a present for you. 五、Read and choose.选择英文单词对应的中文意思。( 10分) ()1. sister A. 姐;妹 B. 兄;弟 ()2. woman A. 小女孩 B. 女人 ()3. he A. 他 B你 ()4. mother A. 妈妈 B.祖父 ()5. family A. 同学 B. 家庭 ()6.brother A.兄弟 B.父亲 ()7. thin A. 瘦的 B. 矮的 ()8. park A. 书店 B. 公园 ()9. flower A. 花 B. 树 ()10. card A. 贺卡 B. 飞机


2019——2019学年度第一学期 二年级上册英语期中检测卷2019.11 分钟)40(时间:听力部分(70%) 一、听录音,写出相应图片的序号。(20%) B. A.1()、 . A. )2、 B. (

A.、 B. ()3 A.()4、 B.

A.5)、 B. ( B. )( 6、A. B. )7、A. (

( B. A. 、)8页 1 第 B. A. )9、( B. A.)10、( 二、听录音,根据所听顺序给下列图片或单词标上序号。(20%)

A组 pumpkin bear pear potato cousin B组 (10%)三、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。B.those )2.A.these B.oranges ( ( )1.A.apples B.uncle )4.A.aunt ( ( )3.A.tail B.tall B.mat ( )6.A.fat ( )5.A.Mrs B.Mr B.juicy ( )8.A.sweet B.long ( )7.A.short B.my mum )10.A.my dad ( B.so cool ( )9.A.so big 。“×”相符的写“√”,不相符的写四、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,)(4%

2.1. 3. 4. 五、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(6%) B.She's small. ( )1.A.He's short. B.I have a hamster. ( )2.A.I have a rabbit. B.Look at my monkey. ( )3.A.Look at my duck. B.It's white and small. ( )4.A.It's big and fat. B.It has a long neck. ( )5.A.It has a short tail. B.What are those? ( )6.A.What are these? (10%)六、听录音,选出正确应答。B.Hello,Mr.Wang. ( )1.A.Hello,Mrs Wang. B.She's small. ( )2.A.He's tall. B.They're apples. )3.A.It's an apple. ( B.It has a long neck. )4.A.It has a short tail. (
