


Unit 3 Business Meals


Ss are introduced to the vocational skills covered in this unit and learn how to treat clients appropriately over business meals.


重点:Language summary, Extensive listening, intensive listening

难点:Extensive listening, Intensive listening


2 periods


1.Discussing, listening, reading by the students;

2.Explanation and demonstration by the teacher.


Multimedia, blackboard


Listening 1

Task 1 Telephone Invitation

Step 1 Warming-up

Suppose you’re going to invite your friends to dinner. Make some preparations before you send an invitation by filling in the following blanks.

Step 2 Extensive Listening

New words and expressions

informal a.非正式的;日常使用的

I meant it to be an informal discussion, but it didn’t turn out as I intended. 我本想随便商量一下,结果事与愿违。

economic a.经济学的;经济的

the government’s economic policy 政府的经济政策

forum n.论坛;讨论会

The letters page serves as a useful forum for the exchange of readers’ views. 读者来信版是读者们交换意见的有益园地。

get-together n.聚会

We’re having a little get-together to celebrate David’s promotion.


pick sb. up 接人

I’ll pick you up at 7 o’clock. 7点钟我开车来接你。

●Extensive Listening ---Bill Smith invites Susan Jones to attend a dinner party. Listen to the

conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.

Step 3 Intensive Listening

Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions.

Step 4 Language Summary

Read the following sentences, paying special attention to the use of modal verbs (情态动词) to soften request.

1. ... if I could visit your company while I’m here.

2. It would be an honor to have you visit us!

3. I would like to invite you to a dinner party that evening.

4. ... that would be great!

5. Would Friday 6:00 p.m. be OK with you?

Task 2 Restaurant Reservation

Step 1 Warming-up

Different people have different eating habits or requirements. Tick (√) the proper food in the right column for the people in the left column.

Step2 Extensive Listening

●New words and expressions

Muslim a. 穆斯林的;伊斯兰教的n. 穆斯林(即伊斯兰教信徒)

Friday is a holiday in Muslim countries. 在伊斯兰教国家中星期五是假日。

taboo n. 禁忌;忌讳

Any mention of politics is taboo in his house. 在他家里一提政治就犯忌。

absolutely ad. 完全地;绝对地

I trust his discretion absolutely. 我完全相信他的判断。

vegetarian a. 吃素的;素食者的n. 素食者

Many of my friends are vegetarian. 我朋友中有不少是素食者。

cater v. 提供饮食及服务;迎合

Fifty is a lot of people to cater for! 承办50人的饮食可够多的!

buffet n. 自助餐;快餐

Dinner will be a cold buffet, not a sit-down meal.


beverage n.饮料

We do not sell alcoholic beverages. 我们不卖酒精饮料。

non-drinker n.不饮酒的人

I am a non-drinker. 我不喝酒。

mineral a.矿物的;含有矿物质的

We are digging for mineral deposits. 我们正在掘地探矿。

neat a.巧妙的;整洁的

She laid her dress on the bed to keep it neat. 她把连衣裙放在床上以保持平整。

cater for 提供饮食及服务;迎合

TV must cater for many different tastes.


in that case 若是那样的话

In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。

Extensive Listening---Alice is making a dinner reservation at Mr. Collins’ restaurant. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.

Step 3 Intensive Listening

Listen to the conversation again and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.

Step 4 Language Summary

Use the suffix “-free” to form new words and write down their Chinese meanings after the example.


Finish the rest part of corresponding exercise



Unit 3 Business Meals


Ss are introduced to the vocational skills covered in this unit and learn how to treat clients appropriately over business meals.


重点:Language summary, Extensive watching , Intensive watching

难点:Intensive watching, Extensive watching


2 periods


1. Discussing, listening, reading, presenting, and role-playing by the students.

2. Explanation and demonstration by the teacher.


Multimedia, blackboard


Watching 1

Task 1 Restaurant Reservation

Step 1 Warming-up.

Suppose you’re booking a table at a restaurant. Make sentences according to the tips g iven below. People: I’d like to book a table for me and my parents.

Time: 7 p.m. on Friday

Would you please hold the table until 7 p.m. on Friday?

Requirement: a table by the window

I would appreciate it if you can give us a quiet table by the window.

Step 2 Extensive Watching

Alice is making a reservation on the phone. Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.

New words and expressions

available a.可用的;可得到的

Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗?

bother v.打扰,烦扰;麻烦

Does my smoking bother you? 我吸烟会不会影响你?

prohibit v.禁止;阻止

Smoking is prohibited. 禁止吸烟。

confirm v.确认;证实

The announcement confirmed my suspicions.


under/in the name of... 以/用??的名字

I claim this land in the name of the king.


make sure 确保,确定

Make sure you read all the small print before signing.


make it 及时到达,赶上;办成,做到

We’ll keep on trying until we make it.


in advance 提前,预先

Before visiting him, I called him up in advance.


Step 3 Intensive Watching

Watch the video clip again and complete the reservation form taken by the receptionist.

Step 4 Language Summary

The following are some useful expressions of making a restaurant reservation. Translate them into Chinese.

1. book a table预订餐位

2. under the name of...以??之名

3. non-smoking area无烟区

4. confirm one’s reservation确认某人的订位

5. a table available有位子

Task 2 Ordering Food

Step 1 Warming-up

Match the following dishes with the names given, paying attention to different cooking methods.

Step 2 Extensive Watching

New Words & Expressions

light a.(食物)易消化的

I don’t eat much for lunch—just a light snack.


calorie n.卡(路里)(热量单位)

Her diet restricts her to 1,500 calories a day.


homemade a.自制的;家里做的

The machines here are all homemade. 这里的机器都是国产的。

be popular with... 受??欢迎

I’m not very popular with the boss at the moment. 我现在不称老板的心。

stick to 坚持

We must stick to our task till it is finished. 我们必须继续工作,直至做好为止。

for a change 为求变化起见

This year we're going to Spain for a change. 今年为了换个地方我们去西班牙。

Extensive Watching

Bill Smith and Laurent White are ordering their food. Watch the video clip and tick (√) what they order.

Step 3 Intensive Watching

Watch the video clip again and tick (√) the correct answer to each question.

Step 4 Language Summary

Review the following sentences from the video clip, paying special attention to the expressions of offering and ordering.

Offering Ordering

◆… which one would you


◆… I suggest you try the


◆I also strongly recommend

our new dish—Fried

Bamboo Shoots.

◆What would you like to

drink? ◆Well, they both sound very


◆OK, we will have the fish

and the mushroom.

◆I would love to try the

panda’s diet for a change.

◆Two glasses of rice wine,


Unit 3 Business Meals---Listening 2


Ss are introduced to the vocational skills covered in this unit and learn how to treat clients appropriately over business meals.


重点:Language summary, Extensive watching , Intensive watching

难点:Intensive watching, Extensive watching


2 periods


1. Discussing, listening, reading, presenting, and role-playing by the students.

2. Explanation and demonstration by the teacher.


Multimedia, blackboard


Task 1 Dinner Toast

Step 1 Warming-up

People propose toasts on certain occasions. What will you say on the following occasions?

Step 2 Extensive Listening

New Words & Expressions

toast n.祝酒辞;敬酒

propose a loyal toast to the Queen 提议向女王敬酒

target n.目标

The embassy is an obvious targe t for terrorist attacks. 大使馆是恐怖分子攻击的明显目标。

volume n.量;额

The volume of this container is 20 cubic meters. 这个集装箱的体积是20立方米。

propose v.提议,建议

He proposed that a change should be made. 他建议做一些改变。

Extensive Listening

Bill proposes a toast at a dinner party. Listen to the toast and tick (√) his main points.

Step 3 Intensive Listening

Listen to the toast again and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.

Step 4 Language Summary

Look at the following table and learn the basic structure of a toast.

Part: Introduction

Purpose: To welcome/introduce guests and show your gratitude.

Task 2 Paying the Bill

Step 1 Warming-up

Match the different ways of paying a bill with the corresponding pictures.

Step 2 Extensive Listening

New Words & Expressions

budget n.预算

Congress has approved the new educational budget.


charge n.费用

All goods are delivered free of charge. 一切物品免费送货。

receipt n.收据;发票

We only take goods back if customers can produce the receipt.


come to 等于,总数为

The bill came to 30. 账款共计30英镑。

go through 检查

She went through the company’s accounts, looking for evidenc e of fraud. 她仔细审核公司的帐目,查找欺骗作弊的证据。

Extensive Listening

Alice settles the bill with Mr. Collins. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.

Step3 Intensive Listening

Listen to the conversation again and complete Alice’s bill.

Step 4 Language Summary

Review the calculations in the conversation, paying special attention to how to say them in English.

3,000+300+700= 4,000

3,000 add 300 add 700 is 4,000.


5% of 4,000 is 200


Add 200 and 4,000 together, you get 4,200.


Finish the rest part of corresponding exercise



教学案例与反思 教学理念: "创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力"。教育要改革、创新,以培养和提高全民族的创新能力,这是我们肩负的光荣历史使命。 一个人的创新能力的形成要有一个过程,要从小培养其形成具有创新能力的个性品质,那么,在基础教育阶段,在英语教学中,如何有效地培养学生的创造个性,发展其创新能力,自然是我们广大英语教育工作者重要的研究课题,笔者认为,要从变革旧的教学方法、建立新的教学策略入手,努力为学生创设活动情境,诱发学生的好奇心,鼓励学生大胆尝试,丰富学生的想象力,以培养学生的创造个性。 用语篇学习理论,创设良好的英语学习语境----“人教版”《灵通少儿英语》第一册UNIT6教学意图:就英语课堂教学而言,教师讲英语时声音的大小,语调的变化,速度的快慢,节奏的变化,体态语言的表现等,对创设良好的外语学习环境,刺激学生的无意注意,引起学生学习外语的兴趣,都有很大的意义(特别是低年级学生)。 运用语篇学习理论,就是在教学中注意语音语调,讲究语言声情并茂的艺术,注意声调的抑扬顿挫,注意语言的内在连贯性,整体性,给学生以美的享受。 语言学家指出,英语篇章语调具有五个共同特征和运用规律:一是任何一类篇章的语调都有一个层次结构;二是任何一类篇章都采用重音和调式运动来突出最需要强调的内容;三是任何一类篇章都要运用调型的变化来表示话语的延续或终止;四是任何一类篇章都通过明显的语调反差来形成不同层次上的语音高潮;五是任何一类篇章都会运用上述的语调特征来表现同一语篇中各种不同功能的话语行为之间的过度与交替。 根据这样的理念,我运用自己在教学中积累的少儿英语CHANT的实践方式,引进语篇学习,对课文进行韵律性,节奏化改编,辅以肢体语言进行抑扬顿挫的语境创造性教学,使本堂课受到较好的效果。 课前准备:


周次:第周课次:第次授课时间:年月日 Unit 1 Organization 教学目标 Students are introduced to the vocational skills covered in this unit and get a general idea of the typical working situations in a company. After studying this unit, students should be able to: Describe and ask a company Describe and explain a company structure 教学重点、难点 重点:Warm-up activity, Language summary, Extensive listening, Extensive watching 难点:Intensive watching, Intensive listening 课时安排: 2 periods 教学方法 1.Discussing, listening, presenting, and role-playing by the students; 2.Explanation and demonstration by the teacher. 教具 Multimedia, blackboard 教学内容和步骤 Listening 2 Task 2 Company Operation Objective: Ss can understand an explanation of a company’s operation. Procedures: ? S tep1: Suppose you are the CEO of a company. Which department will you forward each of the following problems to? ? Step2: Ss listen to a conversation between Benjamin and Daphne and tick the correct answer to each question ? Step3: Ss listen to the conversation again and complete the related questions. Step4: Sentences review. Watching 2


初中英语小组教学案例分析及反思 随着新一轮课改的不断深入,新课标提倡的合作学习已被广泛应用于课堂教学。我把学生分成6人一小组,把全班学生分成9组。A为组长,后面跟着6个兵。目的是提高学生的合作互助精神。现在我以七年级英语上Unit 2 Is this your pencil? (Period One )为例展开说明。 教学步骤: Step1 Warming-up 这一部分可利用课堂的前5 分钟完成,这是一个free talk,学生会感到很轻松,同时对话也涉及到文具和物主代词,能够让学生较快地进入学习状态,并导入下一个活动。让每组的C组同学回答一些日常用语,看谁回答的最好。 师生在相互问候之后,教师顺势将对话深入,导入本课的话题。 T:Today we’re going to learn Unit 2. First let’s do some warming-up exercise. What’s this in English? S:It’s a pen. T:Good! This is my pen and what’s this in English? S:It’s an eraser. T:This is his eraser…… Step 2 Watch and match (1a) 目的: 让学生认识本课的生单词。 本节借用实物进行对话来展现出单词。 课前让学生准备一些实物带到教室里来,现在评价哪一组做得最好。 教师拿实物带领学生进行对话,引导学生感知生单词。 T:Look, what’s this in English? Do you know? S :Sorry, I don’t know. T:It’s a dictionary. Dictionary.(教师强调) ?让学生进行类似对话,弄清本课所有物品的英语名称。 ·让学生跟读目标词汇,并加入升降调。 Dictionary↗↘backpack↗↘pencilsharpener↗↘ ·学生观察图片,完成1a的任务,二人一组核对答案并向全班汇报。 Step 3 Listen and number the conversations (1b) 训练学生从听力材料中获取有关物品所有者的信息。


英语教学案例及反思 一、案例标题: 让活动更好的发挥效能,有效的达到相应技能的练习及知识巩固的目的。 二、案例背景: 在“小组互动,步步达标”的教学实践中,我们会设计很多活动,以便有利于小组互助,共同提高,但如何使活动更好地发挥效能是值得我们探讨的问题。有时活动结束时,如果对每个组都检查,就会感觉时间不够,否则就会感觉评价失衡;有时设计较多的活动去练习语言目标,又显得每个话题都没有很好的练透,少了面又太窄。那么如何让活动更好的发挥效能呢?这个问题一直困扰着我。通过上课后的反思及听了一节课,我感觉茅塞顿开,那就是我们可以整合活动,给学生足够的时间,并做好充分的指导,就能让活动更好的发挥效能。 三、案例描述: 片段一,在教学八年级下Unit 4 He said I was hard-working Section B 第一课时,我进行了如下的活动: (一) Now let’s describe ourselves, You can use the sentences in 1a and your partner will report what you said. Pair work & Group work. For

example, A:I am original. B: He said he was original. A: I’m hard-working. B: She said she was hard-working. (这是让学生进行自我评价的活动,并进一步练习直接引语和间接引语。由于我认为此话题较简单且又怕后面的活动时间不够,所以只给了学生1-2分钟的时间。两两一组(两两对话描述)或四人一组(接龙描述和转述各自的品质或个性特点),学生很积极参与,但太局限于书中的描述性的词。) (二)(Give time to make cards by themselves.)Now this time ,show us your cards. Let’s talk about what the teacher said. You can use the following structures. A: What did your math teacher say? B: She said I could better. How about you? A: She said I was a lazy student. (这是老师对学生的评价活动,同时练习直接引语和间接引语。学生在做此对话练习时,我怕时间不够用,就只给了学生不到两分钟的练习时间,结果学生不仅不能积极踊跃地举手发言,而且使用的语言也有限,练习不够充分,只是使用了hard-working ,could do better ,

新英语视听说教程 答案及原文unit 5

Unit 5Careers and Professions Think ahead/Warm up What kind of career would you like to follow after your graduation? /what would you like to do after your graduation? What characteristics and skills do you need to be successful in that job? /what characteristics and skills do you think are the prerequisite for a job? Part 1 Task 2 Exercise 1 1. F 2.T 3.F 4.T Exercise 2 1.find assignments on the company’s core project/ work on core project 2.build a relationship with the boss 3.Be prepared. Part 2 Task 1 Exercise 1 English level: fluent, got the certificate of the Secondary English Training Health condition: in top condition Working experience: two years of nursing experience, and now

working as a nurse in a hospital Height: one meter and sixty-eight centimeters/168cm Eyesight: never had any vision problems Strengths: friendliness, open-minded attitude, a warm personality Weak points: hard to tell others when she does n’t like what they are doing Exercise 2 flying into the blue sky working with people quite fluent make the passenger relaxed and happy in top condition any vision problem speak in another language use gestures and draw pictures

外研社 新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit3(1)

外研社新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit3教案1 授课时间 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 班 周星期第节 课次12 学时数 2 授课形式 (请打√) 纯理论□纯实践□理实一体化□习题课□其他□授课题目Unit3 Business Meals: Lead–in &Reading A: Deals over Meals 教学目的Ss learn how to arrange the table seats for an English banquet Ss Understand the main idea and structure of the text 教学重点 1. The usages of new words and expressions in reading A 2. Understanding of Reading A 教学难点 1. How to use the key words and expressions in Reading A 2. Analysis on the text structure 使用的教 具/多媒体 /仪器/仪 表/设备等 Textbook; PPT;CD 教学方法Case teaching; Pair-work; Analyzing 参考资料English for Careers (Book1)

教学基本内容及设计Unit 1. Reading A: Deals over Meals I.Warm-up (10’) Task Complete the following table seating arrangement. Principles of Seating Arrangement Guest Information II. Reading A: Secretaries (80’) 1.Lead-in 2.Global reading (1) Listen to the passage while reading and think about the main idea of each paragraph. (2) Information collection a. Skimming Task1 Read the passage. Then match the business meals with their characteristics. b. Scanning Task 2 Decide which of the fo llowing behaviors are Do’s or Don’ts for business meals according to the passage. 3.Intensive reading a. Text structure analysis Para 1: Westerners do business over all kinds of meals. Para 2: Different meals have different characteristics. Para 3: Watch your behavior during business meals. Para 4: Mastery of good table manners is of great help. Para 5: Polite dinning at the table pays. b. Language Points entertain: e.g. 1. I’ll entertain my friends over the weekend. 2. The child was entertaining himself with his toys. build up: to build; to increase, or become bigger or stronger gradually


小学英语教学反思案例 篇一:小学英语现状反思 小学英语重在真实自然,贴近学生的生活。教材中选用的单词和句式,一般差不多上社会中最常见,最基础的,但由于种种缘故,有些学生依旧不能非常好的掌握他们的语音、音调。尤其是一些较难读的单词。 学生刚开始接触英语时,就凭一时的兴趣学习。他们对课堂上动手、游戏的部分十分感兴趣,而对英语差不多技能(单词及语音的模仿、经历等)一开始还有板有眼的,时刻长了,加上有些单词比较难读,他们就感受索然无味,因此就不用心听讲。如此,他们既使在课堂上记住了一些语音知识,下了课就忘得一干二净。随着学习内容的不断增多,这部分学生学习上的咨询题更加突出。后来,既使他们认识到学习英语的重要性,但学习吃力,就自信心大减。最后甚至有不再要上英语课的办法。 有些学生由于内向,孤僻的性格。他们不愿开口,不善交往;而开口少,与他人接触少,往往模仿能力也差,这就使及他们更不愿参与各种英语练习活动,内向的性格使他们回避与不人交往,碰到咨询题常常不向同学或老师请教,在课堂上害怕表现不佳,有损自己在老师和同学心目中的形象,落低自我价值。因此,他们缺乏自我表现的习惯和勇气。就连不得不参加的one by one差不多上极低的声音,试图不引起不人的注意。具有这种性格倾向的学生,不仅学习上的困难无法解决,而且语言知识也不能达到最大限度的再现。进行pair work 时,他们总是不投入,缺乏跟同学的合作精神。 目前,大部分学生每周只有三节课能接触到英语,加之班额较大,既使在英语课堂上也只有少数优秀的、积极的学生想参与语言实践活动,一堂课上单词、对话或课文等教学内容一项接一项,关于学习能力不强的学生来讲犹如看电影似的过了一遍,全然掌握不了。 同时,课后没有非常好的语言环境,学生语音掌握更加困难。由于不明白英语的差不多音标,有些学生面对已遗忘的单音节词不知所措,对他们来讲,英语单词实在难记,这使英语课成了死记硬背的代名词。假如教师试图通过大量的练习来巩固学生所学的语言点,就会使教学机械化。使得一些学生对英语学习逐渐失去兴趣。 小学生英语学习有困难的缘故既有内因,又有外因。由于缘故的错综复杂,一味简单地进行知识到课,搞反复操练,只会使学生对英语学习产生更强烈的厌学情绪。只有摸清缘故,对症下药,才能解决困难。 针对农村小学英语教学的现状,我认为应注意以下对策: 第一:从一开始就适时的渗透一些规则的、差不多的音标知识。对其中有规律可循的音和词加以归纳学习,如此在课后,让学生在遗忘时能够有一个经历的线索,同时在课堂上,教师能够让学生依照这一知识自己去学拼简单的单词,同时对正确的学生给予鼓舞和表扬。几次成功的尝试会使得他们更有兴趣去学习,在预习和复习时能积极参与到里面去,并乐在其中。 第二:因为中西方的发音本身就存在一定的差异,而小学生辨不能力有限,使得学生对一些音不能非常好的区分,这就可利用教材配套的录音磁带进行反复跟读练习,针对一些相近的音加以区分。如:/ai/ /ei/、/u:/ /u/、/e/ / /、/ / / /等。教师也能够设计一些针对性的练习。如:听音连字母、听音圈单词等,让学生对典型的单词中的音标,做到耳熟能读,为今后的英语学习打下一个基础。 第三:作为农村小学英语教学,才刚刚起步,困难较多。没有一个象学习一般话那样的好氛围,然而,我们老师能够自创,教师能够多设计一些对话和活动,让学生进行表演,在动手的同时多动动口,使简单的句子落到实处,能够脱口而出。而且,能够要求学生在英语课


《新一代大学英语视听说教程1》习题参考答案(Unit 1) 2015年9月说明:答案以序号ABCDE依次排列,对应第二部分三段听力及第三部分两段听力。 Unit 1 Human Relations and Interpersonal Skills A.Listening and understanding: How to apologize ? Step 1: Prepare. Step 2: Approach. Step 3: Lower your voice. Step 4: Make eye contact. Step 5: Give the apology. Step 6: Take the wrap. Step 7: Finish on a positive. ? 1 eating humble pie (eat humble pie: admit that you were wrong, especially in an embarrassing situation) 2 make amends (try to make a situation better after you have done sth. wrong) 3 have a word (have a short conversation or discussion, usually without other people listening) 4 looking for an argument (look for an argument: behave in a way that looks like you expect to argue with sb.) 5 holding something back (hold sth. back: keep sth. secret) 6 make it up to (make it up to sb.: do sth. good for sb. you have upset, in order to become friends with them again) 7 clear the air (discuss a problem or difficult situation with sb. in order to make it better); face the music (accept criticism or punishment for sth. you have done wrong) 8 move on (finish or stop one activity and start doing sth. different) 9 old wounds to resurface (old wounds resurface: sb. remembers an unpleasant event or situation that happened in the past) B.Listening and understanding: Making New Friends ?1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 C ? 1 She felt anonymous and it was a devastating feeling. 2 She joined a gym and a community garden, took yoga classes and visited a teahouse. 3 She complimented her hair. 4 They both liked to work with textiles and to write. 5 She invited the woman to her house for coffee.


小学英语教学案例分析与教学反思 在上三年级名字这节一课时,我为每位学生准备了一个英文名字的卡片,教师指着自己的卡片说:“My name is Ann .”示范性地告诉学生自己的名字,接着教师又使用两只手偶对话,教师的对话里一只是机灵的小猴子,说话要用童音,而狗是一个戴眼镜的老者,教师用了老年人的说话声音。教师的设计安排是从培养学生学习兴趣出发,改变了以往的教学模式,你叫什么名字:What’s your name ?我叫------。My name is --- .一问一答式,把枯燥的形式在情景中进行,学生对两只手偶既新奇,又感到有趣,他们都竖着耳朵观看表演,更使他们不由自主的产生了要模仿的念头。教师经过2—3遍的情景表演,让手偶与学生对话,学生指着自己的卡片基本上都能回答出来,这时老师的任务只是给少数几个发音不正确的同学正正音而已,老师经过1—2次的示范很快就完成了教学任务,这一简洁又生动的案例,要说明的是教师在设计教学活动时,一定为完成教学目标而服务,克服教学的盲目性,努力探索优化课堂教学的有效途径。 案例分析和反思: 小学英语的教学应以学生活动为主要教学形式,教师是活动的组织者和指导者。课改的基本理念是学生的需要和利益为依据,就学习语言的特点应是“学习活动化”“活动交际化”的原则。老师就每个重点教学内容都设计了课堂游戏的环节,教学活动的设计体现了学习语言是为了做事情;在做事情的过程中学习语言的原则。师生共同参与,使学生体会到真正地什么叫“用英语做事情”。这样改变了过去以教师为中心

的讲授方式和学生被动的接受学习方式。努力鼓励每个学生都参与到教学活动实践中去,使学生在活动过程中逐步建构语言知识和形成语言技能。培养用语言进行交流的能力,从而也激发、调动学生学习英语的积极性和兴趣。 (1)目前我们经过培训,在理念上有了一定的认识,在教学中注重以学生活动为主,设计了大量的游戏。但上课过程中发现,我们教师的设计试只图表面上的热热闹闹,不重实效性,不重教学效果,我们要将教学的双基和课堂活动紧密结合,课堂上的各种活动是为了使教学产生更良好的效果而服务,是为课堂教学内容和目标服务的,这一本质的东西教师一定要掌握好。教参为教师提供了许多活动范例。但教师不能一一照搬,如果这样的话,根本完成不了教学任务。培养学生动手、动恼的能力,使英语课与活动课紧密结合,学生动手图画上的颜色,然后剪下图形,再让学生在小组内摆图形,小组内学生相互讨论,合作着用图形搭建自己美丽的家园。最后,同学们结合自己的作品用英语进行描述,一节课下来,学生不但学会了简单的英语会话,还陶冶了艺术情操,真正的学会了用语言做事情。 (2)英语教师应具备扎实地基本功 课改对老师的基本要求,除具有良好的语言素质,语言基本功和广博的科学知识和文化素养,同时还要在教学中充分体现:听、做、说、演、玩(游戏)的特点。课程改革与实验提出了更高的要求。老师在教学中应调动学生学习的积极性和兴趣,我们要在教师技能要不断的提高。


新视野大学英语视听说教程1[第二版]答案(标准答案,正确率100%)Unit1 Lead-in Task1这个不计入分数 Listening skills Task 1. Listening for names:1.David 2.Leigh 3.Vicky Klein https://www.360docs.net/doc/768497845.html,ura Tish Hill 5.Anthony McDonald Listening in > Task 1 1-5 BDBCA Listening in > Task 2 John选择235 Lisa 选择146 Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数 Listening in > Task 4 1-5 attention closing five checkouts leave Speaking out > Model 1这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 2这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 3这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 1这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 2这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 3这个不计入分数 Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5 new and different on his own a bit confused talk with sleep in Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5 FTTFT Further listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数 Unit Test按照顺序:BDCDB 1.all right 2. better 3.meet 4.how's 5. magir 6. what about DBCAC AACBD DCADB CCBDA



初中英语教学案例与反思 ---- 英语课堂教学的几点思考 大庆市杜蒙四中王海文 好的教法是开展好教学活动的基本保证,在教学活动中善于总结,善于应用,才能不断的推进教学活动的开展。教师要明确教学任务,熟悉教学内容,能够做到承上启下,准确授课。不仅备教材,还要备学生,为准确制定目标奠定基础。该“会运用”,就要能当堂运用,不能人为地降低或提高要求。让学生在上课时就明确学习目标,使其学习有方向,激发其学习动机,调动其学习积极性,从而促进学生在以后各个环节里主动地围绕目标探索、追求。 案例片段(一)思考的问题:在单词教学中如何变单一为多样,变死板为生动? 我在教授单词的过程中十分注重单词的使用语境, 如在教授cook和cooker这两个单词的时候,我分别出示了几张图片(一些橱具和两位橱师),让学生通过对图片的直观感知,从第一印象开始就对他们有一个清晰而明确的认识, 从而避免了对这两个词汇的混淆. 然后再通过"He is a good cook, he has a lot of cookers."这样的例句加深学生对他们的理解和运用.在教授American,America, Canada,Canadian等这样的单词时,我从网上下载了这些国家的一些标志性建筑,国旗和

民族等图片,让学生简单而明了的就掌握了他们的用法,而同时又扩展了他们的知识面. 教学反思:仁爱版的教材词汇量大,单词长,生僻词较多,自然也就增加了教学的难度,但我们又必须让学生掌握,否则难以适应新教材的要求。那么我们该采取什么方式来教学单词呢?美国学者埃克斯雷指出:"能够引起学生学习兴趣的方法就是最好的方法."实践证明,拼图法,数字游戏,单词接龙游戏,小歌诀,顺口溜等传统教学方法并不过时,教师再辅以现代化的教学手段,借助图片,幻灯片,动漫等手段,真正达到重情景,重趣味,重运用,使单词具有语言的意义,使其在特定的语境中被引出,这样既便于学生理解,印象也深刻,从而达到学以致用的效果。在英语教学中适时地加入这些美味的"作料",无疑是一种优化组合的创新,它不但能极大的激发学生的学习兴趣,更能提高学生的学习积极性. 案例片段(二)思考的问题:如何把英语对话教学引入到生活中,达到学以致用?中国学生的英语学习现状是往往学习了几年,甚至是十几年的英语,还不能开口说英语,而只能纸上谈兵.我在教学中十分注重学生对对话的理解和运用,但在实际的操作中效果并不理想.如我在教授"A:Are you free this Sunday ? B: No, I'm afraid I have no time . A: How about tomorrow? B: OK, I have time


初中英语听力教学案例分析及反思 一、案例呈现 人教版新目标初中英语在每个单元的section a 、b中都设计了听力部分,如何在这一模块落实新课标,切实培养与提高学生的听力技巧,将听与说、读、写有机结合。 go for it grade 9 when was it invented ? section A task one:1a lead-in ⅰshow some pictures of inventions and talk about them. ⅱfree talk: what can a computer/ a telephone…do ? 教师通过展示图片和问题讨论,引入本节课学习的话题——when was…invented ? task two:1bⅰshow some pictures of the inventions and the time when they were invented in a random order: 1876 1885 1927 1971 1976 listen to the tape and match the inventions with the dates task three:2a listen and number the inventions in the order that you hear them shoes with adjustable heels battery operated slippers heated ice cream scoop task four:2b listen again .match the inventions with their inventors and uses ⅰcheck the answers by playing the tape. ⅱread the listening material together ⅲlisten the tape again. 二,英语教学中存在的问题 第一,他们不注重有效的听 第二,他们用图片的时候不注意培养学生的综合语言运用能力的前提第三,学生缺乏文化意识,基础语言水平较低


英语教学案例及其反思 Unit 3 Lesson 15 学科:英语年级:五年级姓名:钟洁 Teaching goals: 知识目标:学习如何介绍自己的家庭成员的职业。 句型:I want to be a doctor. What’s your dad? He’s a doctor. What’s your mum? She’s a nurse. 扩展句型:What does your father/mother do? He/she’s a/an ---. 技能目标:1、能在模拟的采访情景中,介绍自己家庭成员的职业以及自己的 理想职业。 2、要求学生会快速阅读短文并能根据短文进行回答。 3、能在掌握句型后,模仿写出一封E-mail。 情感态度目标:通过本课学习,培养学生热爱家庭,并为实现自己的理想而努力学习。Teaching key points:能够熟练地掌握询问家庭成员的职业的句型,并能进行交际。Teaching difficult points:1、学生对未来理想职业的问与答。(普遍学生都要掌握) 2、拓展部分给Lily写封E-mail回信。(要求部分学生能 够写出并能读。) Teaching tools:ppt、words card and so on. Teaching procedure: 一、Warming-up T: Who’s on duty today? S: I am. Duty: Who’s she? S: She’s Yang Lan. Duty: She’s a hostess. S: Read. Duty: Who’s he? S: He’s Li Yong. Duty: He’s a host. S: Learn these words. T: Who want to teach some job’s words? S: Teach. 二、Presentation T: Who’s he? S: He’s Zhu Qingxuan.


初二英语教学案例与反思 好的教法是开展好教学活动的基本保证,在教学活动中善于总结,善于应用,才能不断的推进教学活动的开展。教师要明确教学任务,熟悉教学内容,能够做到承上启下,准确授课。不仅备教材,还要备学生,为准确制定目标奠定基础。该“会运用”,就要能当堂运用,不能人为地降低或提高要求。让学生在上课时就明确学习目标,使其学习有方向,激发其学习动机,调动其学习积极性,从而促进学生在以后各个环节里主动地围绕目标探索、追求。 教学案例片段思考的问题:如何把英语对话教学引入到生活中,达到学以致用?中国学生的英语学习现状是往往学习了几年,甚至是十几年的英语,还不能开口说英语,而只能纸上谈兵.我在教学中十分注重学生对对话的理解和运用,但在实际的操作中效果并不理想.如我在教授 A: What were you doing at 9 o’clock last Sunday morning? B: I was sleeping. How about you? A: I was doing my homework. B: You’re kidding ! 这个对话,在第二天提问时,学生的背诵情况很好,但当我要求他们重新组织一个对话时,效果不尽人意.要么两人一组的搭配不

合适,按照固定的座位进行操练,有的搭配过于悬殊,开展不了对话;要么只会运用近期的知识点,稍微久远的就遗忘. 教学反思:针对以上所出现的现象,我认为创设情景,营造英语氛围,充分发挥学生学习的主动性是至关重要的.从单词教学到对话独立运用,整个过程处处注意创设情景,营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围;充分发挥道具和肢体动作,进入角色对话.在操练过程中,充分注意到对不同层次的学生提出不同的要求,因材施教。改变按照固定座位进行操练的传统做法,让学生自由搭配,这样就满足了不同层次学生的需要.对于基础较差的学生,让好学生做示范,反复操练,这样就避免了会出现好学生越好,差学生越差的现象."基本上每节课堂五分钟,英语口语带回家",短短的五分钟,不但让学生张开了嘴,还让他们争先恐后的去尝试,去演练,去表演,极大地帮助他们树立了学好英语的信心,创设机会让他们去体验成功的快乐。 为此,态度决定一切。老师的态度直接影响学生的学习,学生只有以积极的态度,持之以恒的决心,才能促使他们自主的学习。只要在平常的教学中,教师能做一个有心人,努力学习新课程理念,加强对学生的学法指导,我想我们一定能教出数不胜数的不怕“艰难险阻”的学生。


“问题导学进课堂”带给我和孩子们的...... ----------- 英语教学案例及教学反思 郑坊小学:周婵娟 上午第三节课,我揣着上周精心设计的教案<>走进教室,心里想着,本节课可以完成第5单元最后一个课时的内容了。和往常一样和学生打招呼,让学生坐下,准备上课。发现学生今天极度兴奋,有几个学生竟然站起身,其中一个男同学喊出声来,“下雪了,真下雪了!”学生们开始嗡嗡讨论起来,他们仿佛全然忘记了我的存在。整个课堂几乎完全失控。我知道今天和学生们谈“职业调查”,根本不可能让孩子们收回飘到雪地里的心思了。我突然想到下个单元的主题内容,关于天气和自然,其中就包括“cloud,sun,rain,stream,vapour,snow etc.”我一个快步走到窗户边,用异常夸张的表情和兴奋的语气大声说了下面的话。“My dear boys and girl, it’s snowing heavily. Look, the snow is so nice. This is the first snow of 2010. How exciting!”学生看到我也和他们一样激动和快乐,注意力一下子转移到我的表情上来。我快速走到黑板边,用红色粉笔写下“How exciting!”(这正好是下个单元要学习到的新句型)学生看到我的兴奋劲头,也跟着大声说起英语来,“How exciting!How happy...”还有学生把Great!Cool!Pretty!这些三年级学习过的感叹词用上了。我顺势把snow,cloud, water,sun,rain,stream,vapour这七个下单元要学习的新词用彩色粉笔写到黑板上,让学生跟读。本节课的教学新内容由此展开。 一个由雪天而引发的临时教案如下: Step 1. Warm-up 站在窗户边,我接过学生讨论和最感兴趣的话题,看着窗外的雪,又转过身对学生说,“My dear boys and girl, it’s snowing heavily. Look, the snow is so nice. This is the first snow of 2010. How exciting!”用红色粉笔写下“How exciting!I love snow!”(excited正好是上个单元学习到的新词)学生看到我的兴奋劲头,也跟着大声说起英语来,“How exciting!I love snow too.How happy...”还有学生把Great!Cool!Pretty!这些三年 级学习过的感叹词用上了。我顺势把snow,cloud, water,sun,rain,stream,vapour这七个下单元要学习的新词用彩色粉笔写到黑板上,让学生跟读。(用升降调带读) Step 2. Presentation(问题导学) 看学生基本上可以听,说,认读以上单词了,我问,Where does the snow come from?有同学举手发言了,让我意外的是这位女同学竟然可以给出这么好的回答,(这是个英语学科比较好的孩子,平时就有提前预习课文的习惯)她的回答是这样的。“I think the snow comes from the ice clouds.”Wonderful!我对她的回答翘起了大拇指,还给她所在的小组加了5分(我们班本学期开学初就已经以小组合作加分为主要课堂评价方式的)。其他同学也开始积极起来,认真听我的提问,积极讨论问题的回答语。我把以下几个问题写到黑板上,如下: Where does the snow come from? It comes from the ice clouds. Where does the rain come from?.... Where does the cloud come from?....


Unit 1 Unit objectives: students are introduced to the vocational skills covered in this unit and get a general idea of the typical working situations in the workplace. Procedures: Step 1: Elicit typical workplace situations from students. Step 2: ask students to read unit objectives to get a clearer idea. Step 3: remind students to bear the objectives in mind while studying. Step 4: explain new words or expressions if necessary. Listening Task 1 Objective: students learn how to ask for leave and how to grant leave. Procedures: Step 1: students get prepared for the conversation of asking for leave by finishing warming-up. Step 2: students listen to the conversation extensively to get a global understanding. Check students’ comprehension by finishing extensive listening. Step 3: students listen to the conversation intensively to get a detailed understanding. Check students’ comprehension by finishing intensive listening. Step 4: students review expressions concerning asking for leave in language summary. Script: (Frank, a sales representative in the Sales & Marketing Department, comes to his manager, Bill Smith’s office, to ask for sick leave) Bill: Good morning, Frank. You look pale. What’s the matter? Frank: Mr. Smith, I think it’s not a good time to ask for some time off as we’re up to our eyeballs, but I really have to. I’ve got a terrible headache. Bill: have you caught a cold? Frank: No. But recently I’ve been feeling really stressed and I’ve not been sleeping well. Bill: perhaps you need to slow down a bit. Frank: That’s the reason why I’ve come to ask for leave. And on top of it all, my mother had a heart attack yesterday. She’s in hospital. Bill: I’m really sorry to hear that. Frank: I really need some personal time to spend with my mother. Could I have a week off? Bill: That’s going to be difficult as we’re so understaffed at the moment…But Frank, family comes first, so take some time off. All I ask is: could you please submit a detailed progress report before you go? Frank: Yes, of course. I can get that done this afternoon. By this way, Lisa has offered to do some work on my project while I’m away. And I’ll get back as soon as possible. Bill: Good, thanks for that. Give my best wishes to your mother. I hope she gets better soon. Frank: thank you. Key: 1.warming up fatigue concentration trouble muscle trouble headaches stomach problems restless sleep
