


一、Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)








B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)









9.A.At 3:00

B.At 6:00

C.At 9:00

D.At 10:00

10.A.By taxi

B.By motorcycle

C.By underground

D.By bus

11.A.At the beach

B.At the airport

C.At the theatre

D.At the hotel

12.A.Because he was upset.

B.Because he didn't work hard.

C.Because he was ill.

D.Because he was careless.

13.A.She wants the man to see a doctor.

B.She wants the man to get up immediately.

C.She wants the man to have a good sleep.

D.She wants the man to find a new job.





C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)

3.(6分)15.Robby began to have a piano lesson at the age of eleven.


2018年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 英语试卷 考生注意 本卷有7大题,共94小题 2.试卷满分150分。考试时间100分钟。 全部试题均采用连续编号。请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不给分。 Part I Listening(第一部分听力) 1. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1、________ 2、_________ 3、__________ 4、__________ 5、__________ 6、__________ 上海市教育考试院保留版权 初中学业考试(2018)英语试卷第1页(共10页)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 7. A)Apple. B)Banana. C) Orange . D)Pear. 8.A)At8:45. B)At 9:00. C)At9:15. D)At 9:30. 9. A)By bus. B)By bike. C) By car. D)By underground. 10. A)Rainy. B) Cloudy. C)Sunny. D )Windy. 11. A)Visit his uncle. B)Visit his classmates. C) Go to London. D) Go to a language camp. 12. A)In a store. B)At home. C) At the cinema. D)In a restaurant. 13.A) Husband and wife. B) Doctor and patient. C)Shop assistant and customer. D)Teacher and student. 14. A) Talk to Lucy. B)Go to the supermarket. C) Eat more. D)Lose some weight. C. Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false TF 列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15. Mary has just become a college student. 16. Simon doesn’t enjoy classroom discussions. 17. Mary has nothing interesting to do after class. 18. Simon will volunteer for an international exhibition in Shanghai. 19. Mary and Simon will go to Shanghai together in five months. 20. Simon gives Mary some suggestions about how to choose a job in China. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(10分) 21. Kitty wanted to plant a _____ ______with beautiful flowers for Mum's birthday. 22. Dad found that the flowers were _______ ______. They were plastic. 23. Dad went to Mr. White _______ _______some flower seeds. 24. Kitty and Dad worked for _______ ______ before Mum came back. 25. After Mum heard the ________ ________ she was moved to tears. 初中学业考试(2018)英语试卷第2页(共10页)


2018年上海市静安区中考数学一模试卷 一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分)【下列各题的四个选项中,有且只有一个是正确的,选择正确项的代号并填涂在答题纸的相应位置上】 1.(4分)化简(﹣a2)?a5所得的结果是() A.a7B.﹣a7 C.a10D.﹣a10 2.(4分)下列方程中,有实数根的是() A.B.C.2x4+3=0 D. 3.(4分)如图,比例规是一种画图工具,它由长度相等的两脚AC和BD交叉构成,利用它可以把线段按一定的比例伸长或缩短.如果把比例规的两脚合上,使螺丝钉固定在刻度3的地方(即同时使OA=3OC,OB=3OD),然后张开两脚,使A,B两个尖端分别在线段a的两个端点上,当CD=1.8cm时,则AB的长为() A.7.2 cm B.5.4 cm C.3.6 cm D.0.6 cm 4.(4分)下列判断错误的是() A.如果k=0或,那么 B.设m为实数,则 C.如果,那么 D.在平行四边形ABCD中, 5.(4分)在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,如果sinA=,那么sinB的值是()A.B.C.D.3 6.(4分)将抛物线y1=x2﹣2x﹣3先向左平移1个单位,再向上平移4个单位后,与抛物线y2=ax2+bx+c重合,现有一直线y3=2x+3与抛物线y2=ax2+bx+c相交,当y2≤y3时,利用图象写出此时x的取值范围是()

A.x≤﹣1 B.x≥3 C.﹣1≤x≤3 D.x≥0 二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7.(4分)已知,则的值是. 8.(4分)已知线段AB长是2厘米,P是线段AB上的一点,且满足AP2=AB?BP,那么AP长为厘米. 9.(4分)已知△ABC的三边长是、、2,△DEF的两边长分别是1和,如果△ABC与△DEF相似,那么△DEF的第三边长应该是. 10.(4分)如果一个反比例函数图象与正比例函数y=2x图象有一个公共点A(1,a),那么这个反比例函数的解析式是. 11.(4分)如果抛物线y=ax2+bx+c(其中a、b、c是常数,且a≠0)在对称轴左侧的部分是上升的,那么a0.(填“<”或“>”) 12.(4分)将抛物线y=(x+m)2向右平移2个单位后,对称轴是y轴,那么m 的值是. 13.(4分)如图,斜坡AB的坡度是1:4,如果从点B测得离地面的铅垂线高度BC是6米,那么斜坡AB′的长度是米. 14.(4分)在等腰△ABC中,已知AB=AC=5,BC=8,点G是重心,联结BG,那么∠CBG的余切值是. 15.(4分)如图,△ABC中,点D在边AC上,∠ABD=∠C,AD=9,DC=7,那么AB=. 16.(4分)已知梯形ABCD,AD∥BC,点E和点F分别在两腰AB和DC上,且EF是梯形的中位线,AD=3,BC=4.设,那么向量=.(用向量表示)


2017宝山区中考一模英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) (本卷有七大题,试题均采用连续编号。所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。) Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力) I.Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1._ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear ((根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案)(8分) 7.A) His parents.B)His cousin.C)His friends.D)His teacher. 8.A) At the restaurant.B)At home.C)At the bus stop.D)At school. 9.A) By taxi.B)By car.C)By underground.D)By bus. 10.A) Amazing.B)Boring.C)Exciting.D)Lovely. 11.A) Italy.B)Australia.C)America.D)Japan. 12.A) French fries.B)Cookies.C)Oranges.D)Bread. 13.A) At a quarter past eight.B)At ten to eight. C)At twenty-five past eight.D)At half past eight. 14.A) The railway station. B) A friend.C)A film.D)The cinema.


精品文档 2018年上海市浦东新区中考数学一模试卷 一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分)【下列各题的四个选项中,有且只有一个选项是正确的,选择正确项的代号并填涂在答题纸的相应位置上】1.(4分)如果把一个锐角三角形三边的长都扩大为原来的两倍,那么锐角A的 余切值() .缩小为原来的B.扩大为原来的两倍A C.不变D.不能确定 2.(4分)下列函数中,二次函数是() 22y=Dx.(x+4)﹣﹣4x+5 B.y=x(2x﹣3)C.y=A.y= 3.(4分)已知在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,AB=7,BC=5,那么下列式子中正确的 是() cotA=.tanA= cosA= C.A.DsinA= B. 与向量分)已知非零向量平行的,,下列条件中,不能判定向量,4.(4是() =C=2.=AD.,.,B.||=3 || 2+bx+c的图象全部在x5.(4分)如果二次函数y=ax轴的下方,那么下列判断中正确的是() A.a<0,b<0 B.a>0,b<0 C.a<0,c>0 D.a<0,c<0 6.(4分)如图,已知点D、F在△ABC的边AB上,点E在边AC上,且DE∥BC,要使得EF∥CD,还需添加一个条件,这个条件可以是() .B.A.C.D 精品文档. 精品文档

二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) ,则== 7.(4分)知. 8.(4分)已知线段MN的长是4cm,点P是线段MN的黄金分割点,则较长线 段MP的长是cm. 的周长的比值是C,ABC的周长与△AB4分)已知△ABC∽△ABC,△9.(111111BE、BE分别是它们对应边上的中线,且BE=6,则BE=.1111 ()=+2 .10(4分)计算:.3 11.(4分)计算:3tan30°+sin45°=. 2﹣4的最低点坐标是y=3x .12.(4分)抛物线 2向下平移3个单位,所得的抛物线的表达式是13.(4分)将抛物线 y=2x. 14.(4分)如图,已知直线l、l、l分别交直线l于点A、B、C,交直线l于51432点D、E、F,且l∥l∥l,AB=4,AC=6,DF=9,则DE=.312 15.(4分)如图,用长为10米的篱笆,一面靠墙(墙的长度超过10米),围成一个矩形花圃,设矩形垂直于墙的一边长为x米,花圃面积为S平方米,则S关 于x的函数解析式是(不写定义域). 16.(4分)如图,湖心岛上有一凉亭B,在凉亭B的正东湖边有一棵大树A,在湖边的C处测得B在北偏西45°方向上,测得A在北偏东30°方向上,又测得A、C之间的距离为100米,则A、B之间的距离是米(结果保留根号形式). 精品文档.


2017届上海中考英语模拟试卷三 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上 完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (6分) A B C D E F G H 1. ________ 2. _______ 3. _________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. _________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (8分) 7. A) By bus. B) By underground. C) By car. D) By taxi. 8. A) Lovely. B) Sunny. C) Rainy. D) Cloudy. 9. A) Bread and juice. B) Newspapers. C) Tomatoes. D) Salad. 10. A) 6:45. B) 7:15. C) 7:30. D) 7:45. 11. A) On the hall table. B) In the car. C) In his coat pocket. D) In the kitchen. 12. A) She has got a bad headache. B) She is suffering from back pain. C) She has got a stomachache. D) She has pain all over body. 13. A) Weekend plans. B) TV programs. C) School subjects. D) Museums and exhibitions.


第 份2018届中考模拟试卷讲义 黄浦区二模 年月日

黄浦区2017学年度第二学期初三年级学业质量调研 英语学科试卷 2018年4月 (满分150分,考试时间:100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分) 1.Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(6分) 1________2_________3.____________4.__________5.__________6___________ B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hea r(根据你听的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分) 7. A) 10:00 B)9:20. C)9:40. D)10:40 8. A)By underground. B)By bus . C)By taxi D).By bicycle 9.A)In a hotel B)In a library C)In a bookstore D)In a large room 10. .A) Stay for dinner B)wait for Helen C)Meet his parent D)Hurry home 11. A)Exciting B)Interesting. C) Frightening D)Disappointing. 12. A)Learning French B)Looking after his aunt C)Travelling around. D)Teaching a language 13. A)Teacher and student. B)Husband and wife C)Brother and sister. D) customer and shop assistant 14. A)Making cakes B)Ordering drinks C)Shopping online. D) Preparing fora party. C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“”表示):(6分) 15.Michelle began to love skating at the age of seven. 16.In fact,Michelle was too young to start learning skating 17.To pay for the professional training,her parents had to sell their house. 18.In 1992.Michelle won the game in the U.S Skating Contest. 19.Michelle became one of the best skaters in the word in 1996 20.In 1998,Michelle won first place in the Winter Olympics in Japan. D.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容,每空


静安区2017学年度第一学期初三质量调研 语文试卷 (满分:150分完成时间:100分钟,在答题纸上完成) 2018·1· 一、文言文(40分) (一)默写(15分) 1、去年今日此门中,。(《题都城南庄》) 2、,心忧炭贱愿天寒。(《卖炭翁》) 3、衣带渐宽终不悔,。(《蝶恋花·伫倚危楼风细细》) 4、复行数十步,。(《桃花源记》) 5、,锦鳞游泳。(《岳阳楼记》) (二)阅读下面的词,完成第6-7题。(4分) 题破山寺后禅院 【唐】常建 清晨入古寺,初日照高林。 曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。 山光悦鸟性,潭影空人心。 万籁此都寂,但余钟磬音。 6、“万籁此俱寂”的“此”指(2分) 7、下列理解不正确的一项是()(2分) A、首联写景使人感到古寺之静穆。 B、颔联描写了禅房的美妙幽寂。 C、颈联以鸟儿之乐反衬诗人之苦。 D、尾联以有声衬无声突出禅院的幽静。 (三)阅读下文,完成第8-10题(9分) 捕蛇者说(节选) 柳宗元 蒋氏大戚,汪然出涕,曰:“君将哀而生之乎?则吾斯役之不幸,未若复吾赋不幸之甚也。向吾不为斯役,则久已病矣。自吾氏三世居是乡,积于今六十岁矣。而乡邻之生日蹙,殚其地之出,竭其庐之入。号呼而转徙,饿渴而顿踣。触风雨,犯寒暑,呼嘘毒疠,往往而死者,相藉也。曩与吾祖居者,今其室十无一焉。与吾父居者,今其室十无二三焉。与吾居十二年者,今其室十无四五焉。非死即徙尔,而吾以捕蛇独存。悍吏之来吾乡,叫嚣乎东西,隳突乎南北;哗然而骇者,虽鸡狗不得宁焉。吾恂恂而起,视其缶,而吾蛇尚存,则弛然而卧。谨食之,时而献焉。退而甘食其土之有,以尽吾齿。盖一岁之犯死者二焉,其余则熙熙而乐,岂若吾乡邻之旦旦有是哉。今虽死乎此,比吾乡邻之死则已后矣,又安敢毒耶?” 8、初中阶段,我们还学过柳宗元的文章《》、《》。(2分) 9、翻译文中的画线句。(3分) 君将哀而生之乎?


2018年一模综合运用汇总 宝山区 三、综合运用(10分) 阅读下面材料,完成第25——26题 【材料一】对联是汉语特有的一种艺术形式,起源于古代悬挂“桃符”的习俗。相传古代到了春节前一日,人们用“桃木板”写上“神荼”、“郁垒”二神的名字悬挂或张贴于大门两旁,以压邪驱鬼。王安石有诗:“千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。”随着社会的进步和文化的发展,桃符上书写的文字由二神变为祛祸祈福的吉祥话,进而发展为两句对偶句。 对联是根据汉字的音、形、义的特点构成。一般要求对联上下联字数相等、句法一致、词性相同、词义相关、平仄(阴平、阳平为平声,上声、去声为仄声)相对,传统习惯是“仄起平落”,上联末句尾字用仄声,下联末句尾字用平声。对联以凝练著称,被誉为“浓缩的诗”。 ——摘自《〈语文〉九年义务教育课本九年级第一学期P140页》【材料二】临近春节,佳慧同学书写了四副对联: A.户纳春风人气高,门迎红日财源广。B.比肩齐迈求知路,同窗共研修身经。 C.国泰民安人增寿,风调雨顺福临门。D.教学相长育新秀,德才兼备泽后昆。 25.【材料一】依次介绍了对联的起源、、发展 和。(4分) 26.(1)【材料二】所列四副对联中,适合送给家中老一辈人和同学的对联分别依次是、 (2分) (2)没有送出的两副对联中,需要调整上下联位置的一副对联是,理由是, 应改为(4分) 三.综合运用(10分) 25.(4分,每空2分)作用(用途)结构要求(特点) 26.(1)(2分)C B (2)(4分)A 上联尾字应该用仄声,却用了平声;下联尾字应该用平声,却用了仄声,不符合“仄起平落”的要求,所以上下联应该对调门迎红日财源广,户纳春风人气高 崇明县 三、综合运用(11分) 大型文化探索类节目《国家宝藏》在央视三套首播,该节目一经播出即获好评无数。根据下面材料,完成25-27题(11分) (1)作为一档文化类综艺节目,《国家宝藏》旨在展示国宝的背景故事,将各种艺术形式融入到室内综艺节目、纪录片和戏剧中。每个博物馆推荐的镇馆之宝将交予民众甄选,最终节目组将以《国家宝藏》为主题在故宫举办一场特展,展品即为最终甄选出的9件国宝。 (2)节目组为这些国宝选择了27位明星“护宝人”包括王刚、梁家辉、王凯、段奕宏、李晨、易烊千玺等!


2017年上海市中考英语试卷 I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) 1. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7.A.Pink. B.Blue. C.White. D.Brown. 8.A.For one week. B.For one year. C.For two weeks. D.For two years. 9.A.By making a call.B.By sending an email.C.By writing a letter.D.By leaving a message.

10.A.On Monday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Thursday.D.On Friday. 11.A.To visit China. B.To try something new. C.To make friends. D.To learn something easy. 12.A.Work on her project. B.Go to the school dance. C.Take a physics exam. D.Meet her dance teacher. 13.A.In a hotel. B.In a bookshop. C.In a cinema. D.In a classroom. 14.A.The food. B.Their car. C.The supermarket. D.Their house. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false 15.判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用“F“表示 15.Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast food restaurant. 16.Once,Peter delivered 30 sets of hamburger meals to a school with his partner.17.The students were waiting at the school gate when Peter arrived. 18.There would be a sports meeting for the student the next day. 19.The teacher ordered the hamburger meals to encourage the students.20.Peter loves his job as he gains happiness from his working experiences.


2018年上海市普陀区中考英语一模试卷 一、Part 1 Listening(第一部分:听力)(共30分) 1.(6分)Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出最恰当的答案) 2.(1分)A.To the park. B.To the Bund. C.To the museum. D.To the library. 3.(1分)A.At 10:30. B.At 11:30. C.At 12:30. D.At 13:30. 4.(1分)A.coins. B.pens. C.Stamps. D.stones. 5.(1分)A.Teacher and students. B.Brother and sister. C.Mum and son. D.Customer and clerk. 6.(1分)A.By bike.

B.By bus. C.By underground. D.By car. 7.(1分)A.At a supermarket. B.At a restaurant. C.Write a library. D.At a cinema. 8.(1分)A.Write reports. B.Play computer games. C.Learn languages. D.Draw pictures. 9.(1分)A.Alice looks sad today. B.Alice's favourite subject is PE. C.John is poor at PE. D.John will take an easy test. 10.(6分)Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示) 15.Kitty started her first job to look after three little boys in a family. 16.After having too many late nights and early morning with the children,she felt very tired. 17.Kitty's friend Megan suggested that she should go to work for a better family 18.Kitty managed to get some training at a college and passed the test finally.19.Kitty likes her job because she thinks it's fun and easy to work with small children. 20.According to Kitty everyone could have his dream if he is not a top student at school. 11.(10分)Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词) 21.You can hear the voice of a or a popular actress giving instructions on a taxi.


2018年上海各区中考一模卷说明文汇编(附答案) 【闵行区】 阅读下文,完成第14—18题(18分) 悲伤的裁缝 ①她做的是服装定制生意,近十年来真的不错,购大套房,开“大奔”,通过自己的手艺跻身于较高的社会阶层。 ②她的业务流程是这样的:在店里展示最流行的款式,然后根据客户需要“依葫芦画瓢”,复制服装卖给客户。她有15年的裁缝经验,对各种体形的客户有自己的“心传”。 ③但是去了一趟上海科技馆后,她觉得“整个人都不好了”。她说她在上海科技馆里看到了服装业的未来,也许时间不需太久,像她这样的裁缝会被一种新技术取而代之。 ④她很悲伤。 ⑤这种让裁缝悲伤的新技术叫“全息测量”。一个人站在测量仪前,几秒钟后可以精准地测量身材,并且可以精准计算出衣服、裤子每个部件的大小。更为令人感叹的是,这台人工智能机器积累了海量的大数据,它可以在几秒钟内给你“制订”出最佳的着装方案,并可以在几个小时内就给你生产出服装来。 ⑥本来,一位出色的裁缝最引以为傲的东西就是“经验”和“手艺”。但“经验”在强大的计算机面前显得太渺小了,一个人积累经验,需要十年甚至二三十年历练,“阅人无数”。但是机器不需要,只要输入累积下来的数据,几秒钟后,这台机器就具备了人类需要几十年积累的“经验”,而且机器的“经验”可以比人类多出成千上万倍。 ⑦再来说手艺。除了文学、书画等以人脑的主观能动性为主的行业外,在非常广阔的领域内,人工智能机器已经远远超过了人类。我看到一段让人惊讶的小视频,拍摄于离我居住的地方只有30公里的一个名叫“云栖小镇”的地方。在一座厂房内,几十个通信基站构成了一个5G 网,里面高速行驶着各种无人驾驶汽车,它们在里面超车、变道、避让等,可以做到精确无误。当我们还在为“特斯拉”汽车无人驾驶技术频出事故而吐槽时,还应该想到,只要等待信号技术、物联网技术升级到位,无人驾驶必然会超过人工驾驶,“特斯拉”偶发性事故将越来越少。 ⑧美国作家库兹韦尔被盖茨称为“预测人工智能未来最权威的人”,在美国他拥有13项荣誉博士头衔。他提出了一个奇点理论:大多数人对未来技术的预测,都低估了未来发展的力量。20世纪人类所取得的成就,等同于过去2000年发展所得到的成就。人类从狩猎时代到农业时代用了十几万年的时间,从农业到工业时代用了几千年,而从工业时代 1.0机器


崇明区2017学年第一学期教学质量调研试卷 九年级语文 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意: 1.本卷共27题。 2.请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不计分。 一、文言诗文(39分) (一)默写(15分) 1.草枯鹰眼疾,。(王维《观猎》) 2.竹径通幽处,。(常建《题破山寺后禅院》) 3.,尚思为国戍轮台。(陆游《十一月四日风雨大作》) 4.无丝竹之乱耳,。(刘禹锡《陋室铭》) 5.,佳木秀而繁阴。(欧阳修《醉翁亭记》) (二)古诗理解(4分) 江城子·密州出猎 老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍。锦帽貂裘,千骑卷平冈。为报倾城随太守,亲射虎,看孙郎。 酒酣胸胆尚开张,鬓微霜,又何妨?持节云中,何日遣冯唐?会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。6.词中“”字贯穿全文,统摄全词。(2分) 7.下列对这首词的理解,不正确 ...的一项是(2分) A.“老夫”一句意在表现词人虽然已年迈体衰,但雄心犹在。 B.“千骑卷平冈”的雄壮场面,表现了猎者威武豪迈的气概。 C.“酒酣”一句承接上文,引出词人想抗敌戍边的豪情壮志。 D.“何日遣冯唐”写出词人渴望得到朝廷的重用,立功疆场。 (三)阅读甲乙两文,完成8-10题(8分) (甲文) 嗟夫!予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何哉?不以物喜,不以己悲;居庙堂之高则忧其民;处江湖之远则忧其君。是进亦忧,退亦忧。然则何时而乐耶?其必曰“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”乎。噫!微斯人,吾谁与归? (乙文) 已而夕阳在山,人影散乱,太守归而宾客从也。树林阴翳,鸣声上下,游人去而禽鸟乐也。然而禽鸟知山林之乐,而不知人之乐;人知从太守游而乐,而不知太守之乐其乐也。醉能同其乐,醒能述以文者,太守也。太守谓谁?庐陵欧阳修也。 8.甲乙两文的作者同属于(朝代),两篇文章的内容都与背景有关。(2分) 9.用现代汉语解释下面句子(3分)


2018年上海中考数学模拟试卷(一) 一. 选择题 1.下列实数中,无理数是() A .0 B . C .﹣2 D . 2数据5,7,5,8,6,13,5 的中位数是( ) .5; .6; .7 ; .8. 3. 如果将抛物线2 2y x 向下平移1个单位,那么所得新抛物线的表达式是() A. 2 (1) 2 y x B. 2 (1) 2y x C. 2 1y x D. 2 3 y x 4. 某校调查了20名男生某一周参加篮球运动的次数,调查结果如表所示,那么 这20名男 生该周参加篮球运动次数的平均数是( ) 次数 2 3 4 5 人数 2 2 10 6 A. 3次 B. 3.5次 C. 4次 D.4.5次 5、下列各统计量中,表示一组数据波动程度的量是……………………………………()A 、平均数;B 、众数;C 、方差;D 、频率. 6、如图,已知在⊙O 中,AB 是弦,半径OC ⊥AB ,垂足为点D ,要使四边形OACB 为菱形,还需要添加一个条件,这个条件可以是………………………………………………()A 、AD =BD ;B 、OD =CD ;C 、∠CAD =∠CBD ;D 、∠OCA =∠OCB . A. 1 4r B. 24 r C. 18 r D.2 8 r A B C D D C B A O

7、计算:_______. 8、方程 22 3x 的解是_______________ .9、如果分式 3 2x x 有意义,那么x 的取值范围是____________. 10. 如果12 a ,3 b ,那么代数式2a b 的值为 11. 不等式组 25 10 x x 的解集是 12. 如果关于x 的方程2 30x x k 有两个相等的实数根,那么实数k 的值是 13. 已知反比例函数k y x (0k ),如果在这个函数图像所在的每一个象限内, y 的值 随着x 的值增大而减小,那么k 的取值范围是 14. 有一枚材质均匀的正方体骰子,它的六个面上分别有 1点、2点、、6点 的标记,掷 一次骰子,向上的一面出现的点数是 3的倍数的概率是 15. 在ABC 中,点D 、E 分别是AB 、AC 的中点,那么ADE 的面积与 ABC 的面积的比是 16. 今年5月份有关部门对计划去上海迪士尼乐园的部分市民的前往方式进行调查,图1和图2是收集数据后绘制的两幅不完整统计图,根据图中提供的信息,那么本次调查的对象中选择公交前往的人数是


2018年上海市闵行区中考英语一模试卷 一. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到地内容,选出相应地图片)(6分) 1.(6分)分)A.France B.Australia C.Germany D.America. 8.(1分)A.Sunny B.Fine C.Cloudy D.Rainy. 9.(1分)A.Alice B.Jason C.Simon D.Amy. 10.(1分)A.He started late. B.His father's car broke down.

C.The weather was terrible. D.He got up late. 11.(1分)A.At a travel agency. B.In a library. C.At a cinema. D.In a bookstore. 12.(1分)A.Shop assistant and customer. B.Doctor and patient. C.Teacher and student. D.Boss and secretary. 13.(1分)A.At 4:00. B.At 4:15. C.At 4:30. D.At 4:50. 14.(1分)A.There was a singing contest on the radio last night. B.Betty enjoyed the contest and wanted to watch it again. C.Betty can watch the singing contest on the Internet. D.Ben doesn't think it is necessary to watch the contest. 二. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到地短文内容,符合地用“T”表示,不符合地用“F”表示)(6分) 15.(6分)15.A traveler was looking for a place to rest in the forest on a hot day.16.The first wish he made was to have something to eat as he was hungry.17.After the traveler ate some delicious food,he wished for a nice bed. 18.A monster jumped at the traveler with its mouth open when he was sleeping.19.The traveler managed to escape from the monster and went on with his journey.20.The traveler was under a magic wishing tree which would help realize all his wishes.


普陀区2017 学年度第一学期初三质量调研英语试卷 Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) 20 分 26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.Put your hand on my shoulder B.Mother is so proud of me C.Tom drew a mouse just now D.Can the kid count numbers 27.In order to keep fit ,Simon goes for swim after work every day. A./ B.a C.an D.the 28.the toy attracted many people’ s attention, it didnhave many’buyerst. A.If B.Though C.As D.Because 29.Stephen learned skating several months when he lived in German. A.on B.in C.at D.for 30.At last I saw the wild lions and elephants in Africa with own eyes! A.I B.me C.my D.mine 31.All the seats in the library are empty now. You may take of them. A.either B.neither C.any D.both 32.The parents haven ’t heard their kid in Europe for a long time. A.at B.to C.with D.from 33.The brave fire fighters saved the people in the building one after. A.another B.the other C.others D.the others 34.Jane ’twins brothers are making much progress this term than last term. A.great B.greater C.greatest D.the greatest 35.The search for the missing old man continued he was found. A.until B.while C.after D.since 36.We saw a huge rainbow on our way home., I had my camera with me. A.Luck B.Lucky C.Luckier D.Luckily 37.Look! Someone up the hall already and we can just relax! A.cleans B.will clean C.cleaned D.has cleaned 38.Mr,Drake called 5 minutes ago. He’liked your nephew his fence. A.fix B.fixes C.to fix D.fixed 39.Yesterday the funny short play made every audience in the theater. https://www.360docs.net/doc/7911353832.html,ugh B.to laugh C.would laugh https://www.360docs.net/doc/7911353832.html,ughed 40.When he retired at 65,he painting in over 20 cities in Europe and Asia. A.teaches B.has taught C.had taught D.would teach 41.Don’ t worry!Our boss iscoming and you there in five minutes. A.will meet B.meet C.met D.has met 42.--did the winner of the bicycle race ride? --At the speed of 40km/h. A.How long B.How fast C.How much D.How far 43. Dustin has been warned that he lose at least 10 pounds if he wants to stay healthy. A.may B.can C.would D.should 44.--It’ s so kind of you to hold the doorfor me.
