Oscar wilde quotes

Oscar wilde quotes
Oscar wilde quotes

Oscar wilde quotes


We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.



No great artist ever see things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist.


When a love comes to an end, weaklings cry, efficient ones instantly find another love, and wise already had one in reserve.


On can always be kind to people one cares nothing about.


Woman are meant to be loved, not to be understand.


The marriage is the misunderstanding result, the men and women because of misunderstands unifies, because of understood that separates.


The woman is with the ear love, but the man is actually with the eye.


The man more will only change older, more will not change better.


The full mouth morals' man, usually is hypocritical; But the full mouth morals' woman, certain facial expression is mediocre.


It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.


The heart was made to broken.


The only way to get ri d of temptation is to yield to it…… I can resist

everything but temptation.


I like persons better than principles, and I like persons with on principles better than anything else in the world


There're 2 tragedies in life, one is not getting what one wants and the other is getting it.


When one is in love, one always begins by deceiveing one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what would calls a romance.


To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.


chief cause of divorce? Marriage.


A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction.


All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.


A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.


The beautiful appearance is the biggest talent, because it has gone beyond all limits nearly, the most vulgar person can also distinguish the sensation.


The present is such age, reads too many, but does not have the time appreciation, writes too many, but does not have the time thought.


In the past the book wrote by the writer, is read by the populace; Now the book writes by the populace, nobody reading.


We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


历届奥斯卡获奖影片(1971-2013年) 来自: F小星?(低姿态张扬的自由主张) 2008-10-26 11:33:16 p.s偶觉得有的提名的比获奖好看... 2013年(85届) 获奖:《逃离德黑兰》/ Argo 提名: 《爱》/ Amour 《南国野兽》/ Beasts of the Southern Wild 《乌云背后的幸福线》/ Silver Linings Playbook 《逃离德黑兰》/ Argo 《少年派的奇幻漂流》/ Life of Pi 《猎杀本·拉登》/ Zero Dark Thirty 《林肯》/ Lincoln 《被解放的姜戈》/ Django Unchained 《悲惨世界》/ Les Misérables 2012年(84届) 获奖:《艺术家》TheArtist 提名: 《艺术家》TheArtist,韦恩斯坦 《后裔》The Descendants,福斯探照灯 《咫尺浩劫》ExtremelyLoud and Incredibly Close,华纳兄弟 《相助》The Help,迪士尼梦工厂 《雨果的秘密》Hugo,派拉蒙 《午夜巴黎》Midnight in Paris,索尼经典 《点球成金》Moneyball,索尼哥伦比亚 《生命之树》TheTree of Life,福斯探照灯 《战马》War Horse,迪士尼梦工厂 2011年(83届) 获奖:《国王的演讲》 提名:

《黑天鹅》Black Swan 《斗士》The Fighter 《盗梦空间》Inception 《孩子们都很好》The Kids Are All Right 《国王的演讲》The King's Speech 《127小时》127 Hours 《社交网络》The Social Network 《玩具总动员3》Toy Story 3 《冬天的骨头》Winter's Bone 2010年(82届) 获奖:《拆弹部队》 提名:(从这届开始提名影片翻倍鸟) 拆弹部队(The Hurt Locker) 无耻混蛋(Inglourious Basterds) 直上云霄(Up in the Air) 珍爱(Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire) 阿凡达(Avatar) 第九区(District 9) 飞屋环游记(Up) 成长教育(An Education) 正经人(A Serious Man) 弱点(The Blind Side) 2009年(81届) 获奖:《贫民窟的百万富翁》 提名: 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button),派拉蒙《福斯特对话尼克松》(Frost/Nixon),环球

名家资料英文介绍:奥斯卡·王尔德 Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish poet and dramatist whose reputation rests on his comic masterpieces Lady Windermere's Fan温夫人的扇子(1892) and The Importance of Being Earnest认真的重要性(1895). Among Wilde's other best-known works are his only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray多利安?格雷的画像(1891) and his fairy tales especially "The Happy Prince." Wilde was born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin to unconventional parents - his mother Lady Jane Francesca Wilde (1820-96), was a poet and journalist. His father was Sir William Wilde, an Irish antiquarian古物研究者,收集古物者(antiques), gifted writer, and specialist in diseases of the eye and ear. Wilde studied at Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh (1864-71), Trinity College, Dublin (1871-74) and Magdalen College, Oxford (1874-78). In 1878 Wilde received his B.A. and in the same year he moved to London. His lifestyle and humorous wit soon made him the spokesman for

Oscar Wilde - The Nightingale and the Rose

The Nightingale and the Rose Wilde, Oscar Published:1888 Categorie(s):Fiction, Short Stories, Juvenile Source:Wikisource

About Wilde: Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde(October16,1854–November30, 1900)was an Irish playwright,novelist,poet,and short story writer. Known for his barbed wit,he was one of the most successful playwrights of late Victorian London,and one of the greatest celebrities of his day.As the result of a famous trial,he suffered a dramatic downfall and was im-prisoned for two years of hard labour after being convicted of the offence of"gross indecency".The scholar H.Montgomery Hyde suggests this term implies homosexual acts not amounting to buggery in British legis-lation of the time. Source: Wikipedia Also available on Feedbooks for Wilde: ?The Picture of Dorian Gray(1891) ?The Importance of Being Earnest(1895) ?The Canterville Ghost(1887) ? A House of Pomegranates(1892) Note:This book is brought to you by Feedbooks https://www.360docs.net/doc/7a8232656.html, Strictly for personal use, do not use this file for commercial purposes.

奥斯卡金像奖的由来 奥斯卡是什么意思

[键入文字] 奥斯卡金像奖的由来奥斯卡是什么意思 “奥斯卡金像奖”的正式名称是“电影艺术与科学学院奖”,1927 年设立,1929 年开 始评选。它的标志是一个高13.5 英寸的镀金塑像,在一块电影胶片的底座上,屹立着 一个身材魁伟的男性,他的双手紧握着一柄长剑。凡是从事电影工作的,不论是编 剧、导演、演员,还是摄影、录制、美工人员等,只要有新的贡献和成就,就可以得 到这份荣誉。 “奥斯卡”这个名称的来历说法不一。 1927 年5 月,“好莱坞之王”——米高梅公司总经理梅耶(LouisB.Mayer)在一次晚宴上,向在座的同行提出了一个设想:“应该把好莱坞的精英分子们都集中起来,组成一 个团体。它包括演员、导演、编剧、摄影师,当然还有制片人。使他们成为好莱坞的 支柱,让他们调解纠纷,或者在制片厂里起疏导作用。”一周之后,梅耶草拟了一份关 于成立“美国电影艺术与科学学院”(AmericanAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences,简称AMPAS)的提案,学院的首任主席是米高梅旗下的当红影星道格拉斯·范朋克(DouglasFairbanks) 。 按照梅耶的初衷,该学院的创办是“提高电影艺术和科学的质量;发展文化、教育与艺 术而加强各部门的协作;表彰成绩显著者促进技术研究的技术方法、设备的改善;听取电 影界人士的呼声,推进大众和电影企业的教育活动”。然而没过多久,学院发现仅凭他 们的力量,协调错综复杂的好莱坞矛盾实在是无能为力。 于是,他们把工作的重心侧重到了用颁奖的方式来嘉奖在电影摄制方面有显著成就 的人士,后来被俗称为“奥斯卡奖”的“学院奖”(AcademyAward)由此应运而生。1929 年 五月十六日第一届奥斯卡奖举办一直到今天,奥斯卡奖就成为美国影艺学院的“主营业务”和该机构的代名词。 名字来历:“奥斯卡”这个名称的来历说法不一,较为可信的是,1931 年电影艺术与 1

oscar wilde 的名言

王尔德名言 Oscar Wilde quotes( When a love comes to an end, weaklings cry, efficient ones instantly find anoth er love and wise already had one in reserve. 当爱到了终点,软弱者哭泣,精明者马上去发现另外一个,聪明的早就预备了一个. No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did he would cease t o be an artist. 没有伟大的艺术家是看事物真实的样子,如果他这样那他就不再是艺术家 I represent to you all the sins you have never had the courage to commit 我提供给你们的是你们没勇气去犯的罪 One can always be kind to people one cares nothing about 总是善待别人的人对什么都不在意 We Irish are too poetical to be poets; we are a nation of brilliant failures, b ut we are the greatest talkers since the Greeks. 我们爱尔兰人太诗意以至不能做诗人,我们是才华横溢的失败者的国度,可我们是自希腊人以来最伟大的讲演者 What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise 痛苦的审判是那些虚伪的祝福 The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray. 情感的好处就是让我们误入歧途 Please do not shoot the pianist. He is doing his best. 请不要射击钢琴师,他已经尽力了. The heart was made to be broken 心是用来碎的 The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius. 公众是惊人地宽容,可以原谅一切除了天才 Religions die when they are proved to be true. Science is the record of dead re ligions. 宗教会死亡,当他们需要证实是真的时候,科学是死亡宗教的记录 Why was I born with such contemporaries 为什么我会和这么多同代人一块出生呢? A poet can survive everything but a misprint. 诗歌可以拯救一切除了印刷错误 Only the shallow know themselves. 只有影子才懂他们自己


奥斯卡获奖影片赏析 众所周知,“奥斯卡奖”是世界上最享盛名的电影奖。它由美国电影艺术与科学学院颁发,又称为“学院奖”。 第一届“奥斯卡奖”在1929年5月16日颁发,其宗旨就是提高电影的艺术质量。 《为奴十二年》 每一年的奥斯卡奖都是从秋季开始,今年的最佳影片无疑最为出众。影片根据所罗门·诺瑟普所写纪传体小说《为奴十二年》改编。其来自作者的亲身经历,他原来是生活在纽约的自由黑人,受过教育而且有一男一女两个孩子,生活也是很幸福。因遇到两个骗子相信他们会帮他在华盛顿找到一份好工作被诱拐绑架,从此开始他的为奴生涯。经历种种辛酸最终靠一个好心的加拿大木匠帮忙送信才得以解脱。 他从最开始的反抗到后来慢慢顺从,从最开始的锋芒毕露到后来的小心翼翼,都表达了对黑人制度的一种批判。 白人自以为非常尊贵非常优越的种族,认为黑人生来就是低等野蛮的存在。却不想暴露出来的是比黑人更加丑陋更加恶劣的行径,他们以各种卑鄙的手段折磨黑人贩卖黑人获取自己的利益。在黑人母亲和两个孩子分离哭的悲痛欲绝的时候白人表现出来的厌恶与黑人同胞表现出来的息事宁人和无奈形成对比。 黑人身处这样的世界,对于所受的苦难更多的是无奈,面对同胞的受苦更多的也只是麻木。他们救不了自己更何况别人,他们只能顺从和接受。 尽管如此,所罗门一定还是在心里存在一点希望的。不然他不会想要写信,不然他不会想要逃跑,不然他更不会信任木匠并求他的帮助......他的勇气和信念让他重获新生。

《贫民窟的百万富翁》 “辉煌”的定义,每一个人的答案都是不一样的,当人老了,即将走完生命的全程,会躺在床榻上回忆自己曾经有过的辉煌过去,或许带点遗憾,或许是心满意足,至少会帮助他们重新明白生活的意义…… 贾马尔?马里克参加了印度一档“谁想成为百万富翁”的电视节目。这一天是他过关斩将来到的最后一关。过了这一关他就能得到一大笔做梦才有的奖金——2千万卢比。 影片采用倒叙的方式,通过贾马尔回答问题来回忆以前的事,也反映了印度底层社会的贫穷和暴力。它以大仲马的《三个火枪手》为线索讲述了三个孩子之间的亲情、友情和爱情。 影片一开始就是一群贫民窟的孩子在打棒球遭到警卫的驱逐。他们是社会最底层的人。 他们为生计发愁,他们的子女永远低人一等,不管在哪里都会受到欺凌。 在这个残酷的世界里,贾马尔和哥哥舍利姆相依为命,并遇见了女主拉提卡。三个孩子被利用儿童乞讨的犯罪集团带走。他们残忍的弄瞎孩子的眼睛。亲眼目睹这一幕的舍利姆带着弟弟贾马尔跳上火车逃跑。拉提卡因为哥哥的放手成为贾马尔最大的遗憾。 贾马尔参加这个节目并不是为了钱,他只是想重新找到真心相爱的拉提卡。他说,因为我认为她在看这个节目,她是我的宿命。 最终他们真的在一起。无论什么也不能阻挡他们,这是他们的宿命。 《阿甘正传》


一、引言 (一)背景 中国是全球第二大电影市场,同时也是增长最快的市场之一。纵观改革开放后的30多年,中国电影行业可以说先后经历了“高峰—低谷—上升”的发展历程。自2003年电影产业化改革启动以来的十余年间,中国电影的市场规模便一直保持着每年30%左右的增长。2005年,中国电影在度过百年华诞之后,迎来了蓬勃发展的“新元年”,电影产业在国内经济高速发展、综合国力不断增强、电影产业化改革和市场需求的拉动下,焕发出旺盛的生命力和可持续发展的巨大潜力。2010年,中国电影全年票房首次突破百亿元大关。进入21世纪以来,中国电影的产量也一直保持着快速增长的态势。2001年,全国各电影制片厂和制作公司出品的故事片电影总和只有88部,但根据国家新闻出版广电总局电影局公布的数据,2013年各大电影制片方共生产故事片电影638部,相比于2001年提升了625%。 虽然国内电影发展速度很快,但与国际影视业相比还是有很大差距。特别是在奥斯卡奖项获得方面更是少之又少,只有台湾导演李安获得过最佳导演奖。因此,我们需要对国际影视业进行研究,从而得出启示,找到我国影视业发展的方向,争取让更多的中国影视走出国门,走向世界,获得更多引人注目的国际大奖。 (二)文献回顾 1.中国人对奥斯卡金像奖的看法 在中国电影大力;中击各著名国际电影节之中,恐怕让中国电影人最割舍不下的就要算奥斯卡金像奖了,因为其他著名的国际电影节的大奖中国电影早已拿过,独独奥斯卡金像奖,国内电影人没有一个获此殊荣,特别是大陆电影人,这在一定程度上就增加了奥斯卡金像奖的神秘性。 著名摄影师顾长卫说得:“奥斯卡是美国的奖,就象内地的金鸡百花,香港的金像,台湾的金马之类,是一个本地的电影奖,它不同于国际电影节,敞开大门,各国都来。奥斯卡奖评的是美国自己的电影,外语片也要求在美国上映过,它看重的是市场,不象电影节注重影片的艺术价值和内容。”因此,中国电影人不用太在意奥斯卡,毕竟它也不是衡量电影的唯一标准(虽然奥斯卡的权威性和影响力很大)。得奖也并非衡量一个导演或演员甚至一部影片的唯一标准。 西南大学宣传部代碧峰在《电影评介》杂志中认为作为中国电影人,为中国电影长远发展诩当然个人发展除外),更应该脚踏实地,做好内功,少些“冲奖”情结。理性对待“奥斯卡”,立足于本民族,借鉴国外特别是美国等电影发达国家的先进经验和技术,结合我国电影自身的优势和百年来的优良传统,做自己的民族电影,把它做大做强。一位哲人说过“越是民族的,越是世界的。”近几年崛起的韩国日本电影就是最好的明证。 2.奥斯卡电影与美国社会的联系 由美国电影艺术与科学学院颁发的奥斯卡奖,凭借其影响力和专业水平起到了当今电影界的风向标作用。以好莱坞为主的电影产业是美国“文化软实力”的重要组成部分,除了其电影的创意元素、营销模式、高新技术的应用,剖析影片的主题可以看出美国电影大多以美国精神和价值取向为主题,体现了一种在文化和意识形态层面的吸引力与张力。 美国人罗伯特·贝拉在《心灵的习性》一书中提到了奥斯卡电影主题随着时代发展的变化,说明了美国主流价值观的一些转型:第一,个人主义与集体主义的平衡。当奥斯卡反战影片中主人公表现出无奈与内心的折磨,当人们逐渐感受到了社会中人人为自己而独立奋斗

Oscar wilde quotes

Oscar wilde quotes 我们皆深陷泥潭,但我们之中的某些人会仰望星空。 We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. 伟大的艺术家所看到的,从来都不是世界的本来面目, 一旦他看到了真实,他将不再是艺术家。 No great artist ever see things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist. 当一段爱走到末路时,弱者哭泣,能者另觅,而智者,早已“狡兔三穴”。 When a love comes to an end, weaklings cry, efficient ones instantly find another love, and wise already had one in reserve. 对于那些我们漠不关心的人,我们总能做到温文尔雅。 On can always be kind to people one cares nothing about. 女人是用来爱的,而不是理解。 Woman are meant to be loved, not to be understand. 结婚是误解的结果,男女因误会而结合,因了解而分开。 The marriage is the misunderstanding result, the men and women because of misunderstands unifies, because of understood that separates. 女人是用耳朵恋爱的,而男人却是用眼睛。 The woman is with the ear love, but the man is actually with the eye. 男人只会越变越老,绝不会越变越好。 The man more will only change older, more will not change better. 满口道德的男人,通常都是伪善的;而满口道德的女人,一定相貌平庸。 The full mouth morals' man, usually is hypocritical; But the full mouth morals' woman, certain facial expression is mediocre. 用好坏来群分人是愚蠢荒谬的,人只有两种——迷人,或者乏味。 It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. 心就是用来碎的。 The heart was made to broken. 摆脱诱惑的唯一途径就是屈从于诱惑……除了诱惑,我什么都能抵御。 The only way to get ri d of temptation is to yield to it…… I can resist


第85届奥斯卡金像奖获奖名单完整版(双语) List of the 85th annual Academy Award winners announced Sunday in Los Angeles: 1. Best Picture: "Argo." 最佳影片《逃离德黑兰》Argo 2. Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, "Lincoln." 最佳男主角丹尼尔-戴-刘易斯Daniel Day-Lewis (《林肯》Lincoln) 3. Actress: Jennifer Lawrence, "Silver Linings Playbook." 最佳女主角詹妮弗-劳伦斯Jennifer Lawrence (《乌云背后的幸福线》Silver Linings Playbook) 4. Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz, "Django Unchained." 最佳男配角克里斯托弗-瓦尔兹Christoph Waltz(《被解放的迪亚哥》Django Unchained)5. Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway, "Les Miserables." 最佳女配角安妮-海瑟薇Anne Hathaway (《悲惨世界》Les Miserables) 6. Directing: Ang Lee, "Life of Pi." 最佳导演李安Ang Lee (《少年派的奇幻漂流》Life of Pi) 7. Foreign Language Film: "Amour." 最佳外语片《爱》Amour 8. Adapted Screenplay: Chris Terrio, "Argo." 最佳改编剧本《逃离德黑兰》Argo 9. Original Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino, "Django Unchained."


奥斯卡·王尔德诗歌:玫瑰和云香 玫瑰和云香听起来不错,以下是小编给大家整理的英文诗歌——奥斯卡·王尔德诗歌:玫瑰和云香。希望可以帮到大家 Roses And Rue By Oscar Wilde. 奥斯卡·王尔德:玫瑰和云香 Edvard Hagerup Grieg - Peer Gynt Orchestral Suite No 1 Op 46, Aase's Death 背景音乐:格里格-管弦乐组曲《培尔·金特》第一组曲Op.46-《奥塞之死》Rupert Penry Jones 朗读:鲁伯特·彭利·琼斯 Could we dig up this long-buried treasure, 是否我们还能掘出这掩埋已久的珍宝 Were it worth the pleasure, 它的珍贵是否值得 We never could learn love's song, 我们永远无法学会爱之歌 We are parted too long. 因为我们分开太久 Could the passionate past that is fled 是否这已然消逝的激情往昔 Call back its dead, 还能召回它的亡者 Could we live it all over again, 我们能否重新经历 Were it worth the pain! 那痛苦是否值得 I remember we used to meet 我记得我们常常相见

By an ivied seat, 在攀著长春藤的座椅 And you warbled each pretty word 你婉转颂唱每个美丽的字句 With the air of a bird; 如小鸟般圆润清丽 And your voice had a quaver in it, 而你的声音中有一种颤音 Just like a linnet, 一如朱雀,并且抖动 And shook, as the blackbird's throat 如山鸟的喉咙 With its last big note; 发出它最后的洪亮音符 And your eyes, they were green and grey 而你的眼睛,绿色和灰色 Like an April day, 有如四月天 But lit into amethyst 当我弯下腰亲吻时 When I stooped and kissed; 却发亮如紫水晶 And your mouth, it would never smile 而你的嘴,并不微笑 For a long, long while, 持续很长,很久一阵子 Then it rippled all over with laughter 然后笑声才如涟漪向四处波动 Five minutes after.


奥斯卡金像奖介绍及历届奥斯卡最佳影片 名称由来 奥斯卡金像奖(Oscar Awards)的正式名称叫“电影艺术与科学学院奖”(Academy Awards),奥斯卡只是一个名,这个名称的来历说法不一,较为可信的是,一九三一年,电影艺术与科学学院图书馆的女管理员玛格丽特·赫里奇在仔细端详了金像奖座之后,惊呼道:“啊!他看上去真像我的叔叔奥斯卡”!隔壁的新闻记者听后写道:“艺术与科学院的工作人员深情地称呼他们的金塑像为奥斯卡。”从此,这一别名不胫而走。 奥斯卡奖杯 奥斯卡奖杯的主体为一座13.5英寸重3.9千克的镀金男像,由美国著名的雕塑家乔治·斯坦利设计。按照奥斯卡奖有关的评选规则,一项奖的获得者只能领取一个金像奖座,如果一项奖有两个人共获,则应分别授予他们每人一个金像奖座。 金像奖的样子是裸体男子,双手交*于胸前,握着一把长剑,站在一个五环片盘上,每一个环代表影艺学院的一项重要工作部门:制片、导演、编剧、演员、技术人员,最初的奖座由梅耶拨出五百美金交给乔治·史丹利制作,奖座高十三寸半,重六又四分之三磅,内里是合金,外表银上一层金色薄片,看起来闪闪发光,所以称为金像奖。金像奖图样的设计是出自赛赘克·吉朋斯,当时在米高梅公司担任美术师,上司梅耶指定由他担任这项工作,而吉朋斯是影史上最杰出的美术设计之一,他不仅设计了金像奖,日后更得到了金像奖,从第二届开始到第廿九届为止,28年间级共获得了三十九次提名,其个人独得了十一次金像奖,由米高梅公司出品的优秀影

片,吉朋斯几乎都参加美术设计工作。 奥斯卡金像奖的评选 奥斯卡金像奖从一九二九年开始,每年评选、颁发一次,从未间断过。凡上一年一月一日至十二月三十一日上演的影片均可参加评选。金像奖的评选经过两轮投票,第一轮是提名投票,先由学院下属各部门负责提名(采用记名方式),获得提名的影片,将在学院本部轮流放映,观后学院的所有会员再进行第二轮投票(采用不记名方式),最后以得票的多少决定影片的获奖。 获奖名单是高度保密的。学院会员投票后,选票全交美国的普莱斯一沃特豪斯会计事务所加以统计。选票放在保险箱内,荷枪实弹的警卫人员日夜守护。统计后的用纸则全部烧毁,绝对保密。各项获奖名单,分别装入密封的各个信袋,直到颁奖当日当刻,由司仪当众拆封宣布。 奥斯卡设置的奖项 首届奥斯卡颁奖的项目跟现在不同,只有七项:①最佳影片②最佳男演员③最佳女演员④最佳导演⑤最佳编剧⑥最佳摄影⑦最佳美术设计。以及另外两项特别奖:艺术品质奖及技术效果奖,但这两项只颁了一次,第二届就取消了。首届的金像奖得主在一九二九年二月十八日产生,于五月十六日在好莱坞罗斯福大饭店颁奖,出席人数约二百五十位。 奥斯卡奖可分成就奖和特别奖及科学技术奖三大类。成就奖主要包括最佳影片、最佳剧本、最佳导演、最佳表演(男女主、配角)、最佳摄影、最佳美工、最佳音乐、最佳剪辑、最佳服装设计、最佳化妆、最佳短片、


奥斯卡金像奖是美国电影艺术学院每年颁发给最佳影片、演员、导演等的奖项。获奖者对自 己的亲人、朋友或合作伙伴表达感谢,是奥斯卡颁奖典礼中的一项重要内容。获奖者的感言, 也是最佳的语言学习材料。下面是一位奥斯卡获奖者的一篇致谢辞,堪称“表达感谢”之典范。 i’m very grateful to receive this award for “best actress”. i can’t begin to tell you how much i appreciate this great honor. 能够获此“最佳女主角”奖,我非常感激。我现在无法表达我是多么珍惜这个伟大的奖项。 there are many people i’d like to thank. first of all, i want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. i also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher, jim jones, who taught me everything i know. i also want to thank my husband, for his understanding and kindness. and finally, i want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to martin miller, for being there when i needed him. 我想感谢的人很多。首先,我想感谢我的父母把我带到这个世界上。另外,我还想对这 么多年来教过我的老师们表达谢意,尤其要感谢我的表演老师吉姆·琼斯,他教会了我所知 道的一切。我还要感谢我的丈夫对我的理解与关怀。最后,我想感谢我所有的朋友们,感谢 他们对我的支持,特别要感谢马丁·米勒,每当我需要他时,他总在我身边。 this award means a great deal to me. words can’t express how honored i feel at this moment. i will remember this night for the rest of my life! thank you very much! 这个奖项对我来说意义重大。我感到万分荣幸,任何言辞都不能表达我此刻的心情。这 一晚我将永生难忘!非常感谢! -篇二:深度解读81届奥斯卡典礼颁奖词 深度解读81届奥斯卡典礼颁奖词 每年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼都是电影界的盛事,号称“the biggest movie event of the year”。观众对这一盛典的期待,其实抱有各自不同的目的。有的人是真诚地想在第一时间获知最终 的结果,有的人是为了追星追潮流看服饰看珠宝甚至看走光,而我在老罗培训做了英语教师, 对今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼,我特别注意了主持人、颁奖嘉宾的语言和被肯定的电影工作者的 获奖感言。 在红地毯(red carpet)阶段,每次有嘉宾到了采访区,主持人就会热情洋溢地说“you look great”或“you look gorgeous”。“gorgeous”这个词贯穿了整个红地毯和颁奖典礼,实打实成为一个高频词汇。我们很容易从这里学会如何赞美别人。当电影《slumdog millionaire (贫民窟的百万富翁)》的一众小演员获得了主持人的赞美,并需要他们谈一下 现场的感受时,主演dev patel谦虚地讲“honestly, we are not big stars. we are just kids. (坦白讲,我们并不是大明星,我们只是无名小卒。)” 正式颁奖典礼的主持人hugh jackman是我非常熟悉并喜爱的演员。我在老罗培训开设的“看电影学英语”课程的电影资料中,就有一部由他主演的《kate and leopold》。这次他的 主持,无论是talking,还是开场的musical number(歌舞表演)都精彩绝伦(gorgeous!)。 一开始他在全球金融危机的大环境下以自我调侃的方式介绍自己并带入musical number的部分。他说“the academy loves to salute range… robert downey j in tropic thunder. robert, whos an american, played an australian playing an african-american. nominated. whereas me, im an australian who played an australian in a movie called australia. hosting.”之后他接着说因为金融危机的影响,他去年拍摄的是《australia(澳大利亚)》,来年就只好参与拍摄“《new zealand (新西兰)》”了。并且,因为拍摄经费需要一再缩减,

王尔德 The Young King Oscar Wilde

The Young King Oscar Wilde IT was the night before the day fixed for his coronation, and the young King was sitting alone in his beautiful chamber. His courtiers had all taken their leave of him, bowing their heads to the ground, according to the ceremonious usage of the day, and had retired to the Great Hall of the Palace, to receive a few last lessons from the Professor of Etiquette; there being some of them who had still quite natural manners, which in a courtier is, I need hardly say, a very grave offence. The lad - for he was only a lad, being but sixteen years of age - was not sorry at their departure, and had flung himself back with a deep sigh of relief on the soft cushions of his embroidered couch, lying there, wild-eyed and open-mouthed, like a brown woodland Faun, or some young animal of the forest newly snared by the hunters. And, indeed, it was the hunters who had found him, coming upon him almost by chance as, bare-limbed and pipe in hand, he was following the flock of the poor goatherd who had brought him up, and whose son he had always fancied himself to be. The child of the old King's only daughter by a secret marriage with one much beneath her in station - a stranger, some said, who, by the wonderful magic of his lute-playing, had made the young Princess love him; while others spoke of an artist from Rimini, to whom the Princess had shown much, perhaps too much honour, and who had suddenly disappeared from the city, leaving his work in the Cathedral unfinished - he had been, when but a week old, stolen away from his mother's side, as she slept, and given into the charge of a common peasant and his wife, who were without children of their own, and lived in a remote part of the forest, more than a day's ride from the town. Grief, or the plague, as the court physician stated, or, as some suggested, a swift Italian poison administered in a cup of spiced wine, slew, within an hour of her wakening, the white girl who had given him birth, and as the trusty messenger who bare the child across his saddle-bow, stooped from his weary horse and knocked at the rude door of the goatherd's hut, the body of the Princess was being lowered into an open grave that had been dug in a deserted churchyard, beyond the city gates, a grave where, it was said, that another body was also lying, that of a young man of marvellous and foreign beauty, whose hands were tied behind him with a knotted cord, and whose breast was stabbed with many red wounds. Such, at least, was the story that men whispered to each other. Certain it was that the old King, when on his death-bed, whether moved by remorse for his great sin, or merely desiring that the kingdom should not pass away from his line, had had the lad sent for, and, in the presence of the Council, had acknowledged him as his heir. And it seems that from the very first moment of his recognition he had shown signs of that strange passion for beauty that was destined to have so great an influence over his life. Those who accompanied him to the suite of rooms set apart for his service, often spoke of the cry of pleasure that broke from his lips when he saw the delicate raiment and rich jewels that had been prepared for him, and of the almost fierce joy with which he flung aside his rough leathern tunic and coarse sheepskin cloak. He missed, indeed, at times the fine freedom of his forest life, and was always apt to chafe at the tedious Court ceremonies that occupied so much of each day, but the wonderful palace - Joyeuse, as they called it - of which he now found himself lord, seemed to him to be a
