
General Introduction

标准:It's not what you say. It's how you say it.




1. 注意一些小短语:

work out

let sb. down

pile up

liven up

polish up =improve

crack sb. up =make sb. laugh

hand down from

wind down =relax

2. 不要使用过于口语化的表达

eg. wanna; ain't; gal; yucky

3. 如果没有听懂考官问的问题

Could you please rephrase the question

Well; my best guess would be......

Part 1: Chat;确保每道题平均能回答3句话左右

Topics: Studies; Work; Buildings; People

Entertainment; Weather & Seasons; Hometown; Reading & Writing

Food; Age; Arts; Colours

Nature; Collection; Clothing; Traveling

Sports & Outdoor activities; Pets; Festivals & Holidays & Parties; Shopping



Part 2: Description;会有适当的思考和停顿;需要有规划和秩序;句式会有一些变化


Topics: Objects; Events; Places; Abstracts; People

Part 3: Discussion;多数时候与Part 2所考卡片的话题有关;但也有可能离开卡片的话题;会用到很多表示逻辑关系的连接词;比Part 1和Part 2更正式;但没有工作面试正式;要论述好自己的观点

Topics: Buildings

Language; Weather & Season; Cities & Countryside; Reading & Writing

Food & Health; Media & Celebrities; Arts

Nature; Collection; Clothing; Traveling

Sports & Games; Animals; Festivals & Parties; Shopping

Volunteers & Charities; Employment




Part 1/3可以用到的解题技巧:六字诀

Time; Cost; Mood; Health; Safety; Knowledge



Words in the speaking test P49-P71

1. Colloquial words and phrases P49-P52

stuff 不能加复数; folks; pretty; fun =interesting; adore; shortly; spot; eye-opening; decent 不错的; hang out 后面不能直接接宾语; kind of/sort of; like; in a row =one after another; entire; as well; is a piece of cake/is a snap/is a breeze 小菜一碟; during; know ... inside and outside/backwards and forwards 精通; I'm all for 我完全支持; is no picnic/is a pain in the neck 很折磨人; really bothers me/is getting on my nerves; kick back and relax/let one's hair down 放松; a couple of; a bunch of 一些; dozens of; loads of/piles of/tons of/a multitude of; make sense 合理;you name it/and the list goes on and on 应有尽有; By doing that; I kill two birds with one stone; is the best + noun; hands down ...绝对是最...的; would be the last thing I want to do; That's the way the ball bounces 命中注定就是

这样了; get the hang of 基本了解; get ... down pat 完全掌握了; What

a shame; is nonexistent; end up doing; suit ... well/suit ...'s needs

2. Slang words and phrases P53-P54

buff/freak/mania 对事物;对人用fan/admirer; nerd/geek; freak out =be so surprised; let off steam =release pressure; feel under the weather =feel sick; pricey; beats; not up to par =not satisfactory; is a drag =is boring; the daily grind =the boring thing you have to do everyday; is totally gross; is over my head =is hard to understand; drive me up the wall =drive me crazy; have a ball/blast =have a good time; funky; outfit; flashy =attention-getting; snazzy =beautiful and expensive; weird/odd; corny =old and uninteresting;

a gamer/vid-kid =a peron who likes playing video games

3. Alternatives to some excessively-used words P55-P60












4. Magical nouns P61-P62

leisure; mood; ambience; efficiency; smog; necessity; incentive; the pace of life; competition; encouragement; enjoyment; gallery; artworks; pastime; preference; an approach; nutrition; cuisine; status symbol; fragrance; family bonds; potential; employment; blockbuster 大片儿; satisfaction/fulfillment; traffic congestion; rules and regulations; the hustle and bustle 喧闹拥挤; the daily grind; tourist attractions

5. Phrasal verbs P63-P65

check out; figure out =understand; bring about; carry out; go about 从事; come up with; face up to 承担; pay off 有回报; take up 开始; think of; work out; rip sb. off 买东西被骗了; take ... into account; get rid of; sleep in 睡懒觉; get so worked up 很紧张; adapt to; participate in; cope with; get stuck; stick to; brush up on 突击复习; burn out 累垮了; wind down =relax; let down; liven up expand our knowledge/outlook/enlarge out vision; can never hurt/won't hurt 不会有坏处的; ease your mind; release pressure

6. Super-cool adjectives and adverbs P65-P70



3Antonymys for pros

100 words in Part 2 P72-P77

1. 按感官分类







2. 按话题分类


2Natural beauty





287 words in Part 3 P343-P355


1. 尽量少用长、难、怪的句子..

2. 不要频繁地使用Firstly; ... Secondly; ... Furthermore; ...和Moreover; ...替换为First off; ... /To start with; ... /To begin with; ...; also/as well; and等..


1. 因果

so/so that/therefore 在地道口语中用得并不算多


2. 让步

even though

even if


as long as

3. 转折

...; though



4. 递进

apart from


5. 修饰



6. 对比


in/by contrast表示两种人或物之间的对比

on the other hand

7. 举例和泛指


such as

and stuff/things like that

or something like that

take...for example

in some/most cases属于泛指;不必具体说明例子8. 其他

as well

as well as

in terms of

instead of/rather than

in particular

as far as ... is concerned/goes

9. 不是连词却胜似连词的表达

tend to




Essential words and phrases

1. Words

As I see it; .../I guess .../I suppose ...

As for .../When it comes to .../Talking about ...英式/Speaking of ...美式

tons of/loads of/piles of/a multitude of

a wealth of + 积极的事物

... and the like/... and stuff like that/... and what not

2. Phrases

tend to/for the most part代替most of

I think of ... as .../I regard ... as ...代替should

be supposed to

be more likely to

not necessarily 不一定;未必

There's no sense in .../It doesn't make any sense./It's pointless to ... 没道理

make sense/be reasonable

used to

get used to doing sth./get accustomed to doing sth.

take some getting used to 指某事要有一个适应过程

is the norm 是最普遍、最常见的做法

It's not uncommon for sb. to do sth.

is a luxury 是一种奢望

won't hurt

enable sb. to do sth.

have a hard time doing sth. 很难去做

sth. is approaching/just around the corner 特殊的句子

1. 虚拟语气

2. 倒装句

not only/only放在句首

3. 强调句

It is ... that ...

雅思口语的段落Part 1 & Part 3

1. “起—承—合”结构



Yes/Yep/Yeah Sure.

You bet. Absolutely. Certainly Clearly; ...

Obviously; ...

Apparently; ...

I'm pretty sure.

To be honest; ... /Frankly; ...


The first thing I should mention is ... /To begin with; ... /For starters/openers 非正式/For one thing; ... For another; ... /... primarily because ... 首先是因为

Also/beside ... /... plus ;;; 而且/What's more; .../Another point I could add is .../...; too/... as well/... as well as .../In addition to that; .../In other words; .../That is to say; .../...

i.e. .../By the way; ...

Most importantly; .../especially .../particularly (i)



All in all; .../In a nutshell写作不宜使用/In short; .../So it's no exaggeration to say that .../That's pretty much it./That's all I can think of now.

注意:结尾句不可说“In a word”;它后面只能跟一个单词;而不能跟一个句子..

2. “起—承—转—合”结构





On the other hand; ...

In/By contrast; ...

Even so; ...

Still; ... 尽管这样

Despite that; ...

Although that's basically true; I would say ...

Otherwise; ...


Anyway; ...

Anyhow; ...

After all; ...

On the whole; I guess ...

注意:By and large; .../Generally speaking; .../In general; ...直接陈述一个事实;比较少会放在一组句子的结尾去做总结..

Part 2


in terms of/regarding/concerning/when it comes to

and what I need to emphasize/stress/highlight here is that ... Specifically; ...经常用来进一步深入说明

By the way; ...经常用在接近描述结束的部分

In other words; .../... that is; .../By that I mean ...


1. “更具体地说”

Specifically; ...

In particular; ...

To be more exact/specific/precise; ...

2. 举例

For example/instance ...

like/such as ...

This is best illustrated with the example of ...

3. 转述

In other words; ...

By that I mean ...

... that is to say; ...

Part 1 P116-P158

Part 2 P161-P332 & P365-P398

People a most polite person you know

a person who became your good intimate friend at the first


a person who has an important job

a good parent you know

a person who visited your home

a person who taught you a useful skill

an interesting person you met recently

an old person you know and respect/admire

a music group/band/singer in your country

a good teacher you had

a person you enjoy talking with

a teenager you know

a good neighbor of yours

sb. who made a wrong decision

Part 3 P336-P360



There are quite a few/a variety of/a couple of differences between them.

It seems to me like they are just totally different.

I would say there are a whole lot of distinctions.

The main differences I can think of now are ...

The most fundamental/significant/essential/obvious one is ... Unlike/Compared with/ ...; ...

Also/Besides/Apart from that/By contrast/In contrast/While/Whereas/On the other hand; ...

A second difference would be ...

So; you see; they are totally different.

Those are the main differences between them.

There are other differences as well; but basically these are the main ones.

I guess that's it.


In the past/Traditionally/Historically/In the previous centuries; ...

People used to ...

These days/Today/Now/Currently/At present; ...

In the future/In years to come/... years from now/Hopefully; ... It's very likely that in the future ...


That's like comparing apples and oranges; but basically; ... Actually; they have a lot in common.

Well; it seems they are very similar.


慎小嶷:十天突破雅思写作范文大赏 精研优秀范文而后反复练习反复修改是雅思写作提升的不二之途。下面小编给大家带来慎小嶷雅思写作范文赏析,烤鸭加油。 【慎小嶷——十天突破雅思写作】政府类真题7分范文 政府类真题 【Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their ideas. To what extent do you agree?】 第四类真题政府类真题来啦~ On the contrary, sometimes these artists tend to be unscrupulous. They convert rumors into facts and present them before us. This might impair the reputation of some illustrious people in today's society. On such occasions, certain restrictions are understandable. Nevertheless, we all do know what is right or wrong. Rules and regulations not always are the solution to how artists present their own ideas. Hence it is wrong-headed to be impetuous and the government should enforce alternative ways to control the media. Respect for one's ideas is not only hypothetical, but must be practised. It is through respect that each one of us can be recognised as a unique person in the world. This can be achieved by looking at the bright side of what the media display for us. Not a day can go by when we don't look out for colorful dreams and a beautiful life when we can find either through music, poetry, films, pictures everything that the creative artists offer us. 有些情况下这些艺术家会有些违反道德,他们把流言当做事实来呈现到我们面前。这样做就会导致损害一些著名公众人物的名誉。在这种情况下,对艺术家们的行为施加一些规定和准则也是无可厚非的。尽管如此,我们其实都能分辨是非,规定和准则也不一定总是控制艺术家们言行的好方法。因为如此直接的管理是有些愚蠢的。政府应该


慎小嶷范文部分总结 1、Life was better when technology was simpler. To what extent do you agree of disagree? Modern technology has revolutionized life in three main fields: work, transport and communication. Although modern technology is often blamed for stress and alienation, I doubt that many people would want to turn back the clock to the pre-technological age. Despite the fact that life was simpler in former times, I would prefer not to return to that lifestyle, because that simplicity was due to a lack of choice. Before large jet airliners came in in the 1960s, for example, air travel was beyond the reach of most people. Before electronic cash registers, people had to spend a lot of time on math calculations to carry out transactions. Furthermore, our knowledge o f the world around us, especially foreign countries, was sketchy before television brought us the vivid images of documentaries. Modern technology has brought liberation from the exhausting and boring labor and has set us free to enjoy more interesting work and leisure. It is nor even always true that modern technology is more complex to use than it was to perform household chores. Caring for a horse was a far more complicated and time-consuming matter than starting up a car and taking it to the petrol station for its 5,000-mile household chores. Caring for a horse was a far more complicated and time-consuming matter than starting up a car and taking it to the petrol station for its 5,000-mile service. One has to read the novel from past times to realize the anxiety and frustration that result from transport systems limited to the speed of the horses. The example I have given are just a few of that can illustrate the case that modern technology makes life more convenient. Probably what can may the people yearn for the good old past simple ways I forces us to speed up our pace of life. But sometimes this change can be resisted, when we set ourselves simple priorities and stick to them. 2、Some people think intelligent students should be educated together with other students. Do you agree or disagree? It is not uncommon for talented students to get admitted to gift programs today. Letting talented students take special courses make sense to some extent. They need a more challenging curriculum as they are fast learners and their learning process requires little repetition of the information that has been taught by the teacher. If they find the too easy form them to handle, these intelligent children will end up learning little or nothing ar all. As a matter of fact, many students who are inattentive in class are intelligent ones. Regular courses simply fail to attract their attention. Then form a purely psychological point of view, intelligent students also feel more comfortable if there are separate classes for them. They would feel isolated and become oversensitive if they spent all their class time with their ordinary peers. This is often true because smart children not only have different learning pattern, their communication patterns tend to be different from those of the ordinary students as well. Still, it should be pointed out that segregating intelligent student from their peers is nor without its own downside. Some educators believe such classes will be drained of student leaders and role models. Segregation on the basis of IQ may even send a message to those who take regular courses that their work is not as valued as the intelligent students’, which will lower the average students’ self-esteem. Overall, I would suggest that gifted students spend their class time with their peers. But in addition to that, they should be encouraged to take electives that challenge them mentally. 3、Some people think citizens should be totally responsible for their own health costs. Others think it is better to have a health care system which provides free health services for all. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. A much debated issue these days is whether citizens should take out private health insurance of not. In this essay, I will argue that people who can afford it should be privately insured, but free medical care must be made available for those too poor to do so. The most important reason for encouraging people to take out private health insurance is the cost to the

慎小嶷 十天突破雅思口语总结

General Introduction 标准:It's not what you say.It's how you say it. 流利度、语法、发音、词汇量 (7分是快速思考后较为连贯地说出来的,但中间会有呼吸和短暂思考需要的自然停顿。和考官的交流比较充分而且已经有一定的层次关系,但允许出现不导致严重误解的语法、用词或发音错误) 注意事项: 1. 注意一些小短语: work out let sb. down pile up liven up polish up (=improve) crack sb. up (=make sb. laugh) hand down from wind down (=relax) 2. 不要使用过于口语化的表达 eg. wanna, ain't, gal, yucky 3. 如果没有听懂考官问的问题 Could you please rephrase the question? Well, my best guess would be...... Part 1: Chat;确保每道题平均能回答3句话左右 Topics: Studies, Work, Buildings, People Entertainment, Weather & Seasons, Hometown, Reading & Writing Food, Age, Arts, Colours Nature, Collection, Clothing, Traveling Sports & Outdoor activities, Pets, Festivals & Holidays & Parties,


雅思高分心得 青岛大学曹润佳 其实从自己真正开始学习雅思到考雅思只有从三月到五月两个多月的时间,第一次就考到7.5分也是我没料到的,虽然对于一个大学生来说这个分数也没什么可骄傲的,但也应该说自己算比较幸运的吧。当时在寒假的时候报过新东方6.5分雅思强化班,听说读写四位老师给我们介绍了很多很实用的的应试技巧和方法,最关键的是让我第一次清晰全面地了解了考试的流程和内容,而这对于一个刚刚接触雅思的烤鸭来说是至关重要的。虽然个人的英语功底是决定成绩的第一要素,但是考试技巧与方法的好坏却是能够决定你能不能正常发挥甚至超常发挥,下面我就从听说读写四个方面分别来讲一讲我这次考试的心得体会。 首先是听,这是雅思考试的第一个项目。如果你有足够长的准备时间,精听绝对是提升听力的最佳方式,所谓精听就是每天早上晚上都抽时间听你听过的听力材料并且跟读模仿,在精听的过程中你不仅能锻炼听力还学会了很多词汇和地道表达,会对我们的阅读和口语有一定的促进作用,可谓一举多得。但是,如果时间很紧就像我的情况这样,那就需要好好的找到真正会考的高频词汇以及场景内容去熟悉,这就是我在新东方上课的时候学习到并受益的地方,因为听力老师当时为我们总结了各种不同场景下的高频词汇,或者也可以利用听力考点词和和真经抓住重点复习。最后在考试之前尤其在考试前那天早上进考场前,我建议大家多听一听以前听过的section1部分的听力材料,因为可能很多人发现如果一进考场突然开始听可能第一部分有点回不过神,本身送分的题却拿不到分导致分数不理想,所以这个方法还是提倡大家用的~ 下面说说阅读。阅读可以说是中国大部分学生的强项,因为毕竟从小到大的英语考试中阅读都是重头戏,而且这部分其实掌握了方法还是容易拿到高分的。很多人都推荐真经,但我没试过,因为一共就学了雅思两个多月没那么多时间,我就只是把寒假老师课上讲的每个题型的方法技巧运用到做题中把剑桥系列里面的阅读都做完了,个人觉得所有材料中应该还是剑桥系列是最经典的,大家不要贪吃嚼不烂到处找很多题做还不如好好研究完一套题再做下一套。还有我每次做阅读都会卡时间同时把答案写在答题纸上的,卡着时间做题很重要。但其实考试那天阅读并没答完,但没答完的几个题都蒙上了,能得到八分可能也是因为都蒙对了吧,所以说明不管会不会至少保证不要空题,这样有可能会赚到更多分数而且蒙错了不会扣分。 下面一项就是写作了。可以说前面三项都可以为写作奠定基础。我这次考试写作的分数并不理想所以我没有太多发言权,但我觉得我作文分数相对低有两个原因。一来是我自己练的少,写了也没人给我批改所以不想写,我唯一写了一次就是考前在新东方考模考那次。二来受到应试教育的长期“残害”,我们在critical thinking上比较弱,很容易写出一些套话,跟外国人的思维方式不一样所以无法把作文写活。我觉得解决的方法就是要多练,小作文关键是考查总结信息的能力和句式变换,大作文考查逻辑和语言实力。我觉得大作文中多举例子是个好方法,因为外国人的思维本来就直,你说一句话不解释他们就不理解,所以应当适当举一些例子来支撑论点,当然注意例子不能用自己为例,要用名人的事例或者是数据。个人觉得除了练剑桥里面的范文大家还可以看看慎小嶷的《十天突破雅思写作》也挺有用。只有我们真正掌握了英语写作的精髓,脱离模板我们才能写出精彩的文章。 最后一项就是口语。口语确实应该天天练,我口语练的不是很多而且因为碰上换新题所以也没有刷题,但是我仍然一次就考了7.5分。我感觉如果你时间充足而且你的发音和口语水平本身不是太好的话要想口语考好第一一定要天天开口说,一个月左右便可见效。其次对于像我这样没怎么有时间练的除了本身发音还可以,我觉得得到好的分数很重要的一点就是考试时一定要试着和考官交流起来,并且尽量多说。口语考试并不是要你什么方面都懂但是需


十天突破雅思写作 10天突雅思写作破如何备考?十天突破雅思写作不是不可能。要对大作文和小作文都得重视。 如何10天突破雅思写作 小编认为考官在评卷的时候应该是先看小作文再看大作文,这也符合一般规律。如果小作文写的很一般,考官会先入为主的对你的英语写作水平有一个很低的评价,大作文通常不会的高分。反之,如果你的小作文写到了7分的水平,大作文只要没有上面所说的低级错误,至少6分起评。 其次,虽然说小作文占总分的三分之一分数,但是如果你的小作文能够拿到7分,7/3=2.333333。这样即使你的大作文只有5.5分,你的总分也是2.33333+5.5/3_=5.99999999=6分。 最后,小作文只有150字,而且所使用的句型和词汇真的十分有限,是能够在短期内突破到7分或更高的。(150字而已,四六级要求呀!) 所以,短期内集中攻破小作文获得7分以上的能力+大作文不跑题无低级错误=6分的保证 在考试的时候小作文能写多快就写多快,为了尽可能的给大作文留时间。其实正如前面所说的,不能保证质量的小作文大大增加了考官先入为主降低对你英语写作能力印象的危险。所以,与其花时间看范文背句型,不如把时间多花在思考怎么写好小作文上,一篇高质量的小作文+一篇中规中矩的大作文和一篇满是单复数错误的小作文+一篇华丽的大作文,哪个更能保证6分相信大家都清楚了。 雅思小作文指导:三分钟提升1分的诀窍 我一直主张雅思写作准备的东西要“少”。我的这种观点,是通过长期跟踪考生的实战经验和大量批改学生作文(3年前至今,批改数量应该在2万篇左右)得出的结论。 1 背词汇要少:备考应该一切以考场实战为准。很多考生考前收集一大堆词汇,那只是一厢情愿的事情,你可以试一试紧张的写作考


雅思I E L T S写作136个必备词汇(十天突破雅思写作-第四版-慎 小嶷) -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

1家长给小孩的教育parenting n. 2学校对学生的教育schooling n. 3培养cultivate vt. 4意识awareness = sense = recognition n. 5有创造力的creative / original adj. 6身体的physical adj. 7心理的psychological adj. 8同龄人peer n. 9动力motivation n. (形容词motivated, 有动力的)10适应...adapt to 提供….afford sth. v. 11纪律discipline n. 12记忆memorise(英式拼写) vt. 13获得acquire vt. (后面经常加knowledge / skills)14有趣的stimulating adj. (在教育类作文中经常可以替 代interesting) Media 15形容词“无处不在的”prevalent adj. 经常可以代替everywhere 16客观的objective adj. 17不客观的biased adj. 18名人celebrity n. 19记者journalists n. 20新闻界the press 21报道coverage n. (动词是cover) 22有误导性的misleading adj. 23可靠的dependable adj. 24非常及时的up-to-the-minute adj. sway vt. 25媒体影响公众经常用 sway后面加宾语的表达 26信息量大的informative adj. 27娱乐性强的entertaining adj. Technology 28改变transform vt. 代替change 29突破breakthrough n. 30发展advance v. & n. 31惊人的速度 a staggering rate 32信息爆炸information overload 33提高,增强enhance = boost vt. 34创新,发明innovations n. 35远程通讯telecommunications n. 36高生产率的(它的名词 productive adj. productivity生产率在科 技类话题也很常用)

慎小嶷 《十天突破雅思写作》总结

慎小嶷《十天突破雅思写作》总结 注意: 1、作文要有实质内容。 2、6分:260~270个词左右; 6、5分:280个词以上。 3、没有必要一定写长难句,但要提高句子的准确度和多样性。必须在对英语造句知识准确理解和把握的基础上流畅地写出复杂的长句子,而不是刻意、机械地拉长句子。(准确、严密、多样、清晰) 4、对于零星出现的少量拼写错误,只要不引起歧义,是不会导致严重扣分的,但要努力减少作文里出现拼写错误的可能。 5、考场里没有时间打草稿,但可以在印考题的试题纸上把看到题目后头脑里闪现出的ideas、考前准备的相关加分词汇和句型大致记录一下。 6、当考官要求停笔时即使还没有写完也一定要停下来,否则会被判为违纪行为。 7、考前练习一定要尽可能模拟实战:下载标准格式的答题纸;用铅笔写作,每行10~12个单词;严格控制时间,Task1不应超过25 min,Task2不应超过45 min。备考初期,可将Task1和Task2分开练习,但在考前一周内,必须演练完整的写作考试全程,严格控制时间,写完后再核对或请有经验的老师批改。

8、Task1 图表题Task2 议论题Task achievement针对题目所给的图形详细介绍信息Coherence and cohensionLexical resourceGrammatical range and accuracyTask response论证要扣题且强有力Coherence and cohensionLexical resourceGrammatical range and accuracy客观、准确、详尽主观性使用的词汇有限,句式要求不高词汇量要求较高,句式灵活多变最高境界:让考官即使不看图表,只看考生作文也能够准确地想象出图表的内容在观点上没有标准答案,重点在于是否可以用英文比较准确地表达并且强有力地支持这种观点;不用纠结怎样的观点才是“正确的”,而应考虑这道题持怎样的论点才能写起来最顺手,最能充分利用自己考前准备的内容。20 min40 min 如果Task2准备得较为充分,有信心在40min写出一篇自己满意的议论文,那么就先完成Task2。反之,就先写Task1。 9、齐头式:每段开头顶格写,每两段之间空一行缩入式:每段开头后退3~4个字母的距离,每个段落之间不空行 10、可使用I/we、被动语态,但不宜滥用;可将But/So放在句首 11、7分或以上的作文对于用词的要求是准确,而不是冗长Topics文明类野蛮类TourismEducationGovernmentWomen and FamiliesLanguage and CultureTechnology and the MediaDevelopment and GlobalisationCrimeAnimalsEnvironment Problems 学术类写作的特殊要求


慎小嶷雅思写作范文思路 建议大家在参考别人的范文的时候要进行思路解析,学习别人的思路,才能写出高分文章,下面小编给大家分享一下慎小嶷雅思写作范文思路,希望对大家有所帮助。 【慎小嶷——十天突破雅思写作】家庭类真题7分范文 家庭类真题 【People in the same family are not as close as before. Some people think we should return to traditional family values but others think this would lead to many problems. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.】 Most of us are busy with our own pursuits every day. As a result, we are not as closely connected with our family members as before. Are traditional family values the right solution to this problem? It is a well-known fact that society should develop to a more progressive level, which means returning to traditional values may not be the right direction. To start with, many concepts representing the traditional family values are no longer compatible with the modern lifestyle. People in traditional families tend to obey rules blindly and lack individuality, which are regarded as the basic requirements for survival in the age of change. Consequently, they may find themselves incompetent when they look for jobs as no employers wants robots without an active mind today. 大多数人每天都在为自己所追求的梦想而忙碌。结果,我们和家庭的联系就不再如从前那样紧密了。那么,传统的家庭价值观是否是解决这个问题的正确方法呢?众所周知,社会是应发展到更加进步的水平的,这就是说,恢复传统价值观可能并不是社会发展的正确方向。首先,许多代表传统家庭价值观的想法已不再与现代生活方式相协调。传统家庭成员盲目遵从规矩,缺乏个性,而这正是变革时代生存的基


十天突破小作文经典 第一篇:十天突破小作文经典 剑六Test4小作文(十天突破雅思写作 P217) 范文: The first bar chart shows data about American marriage and divorce rates between 1970 and 2000 while the second bar chart describes information about the married status of adult Americans in 1970 and 2000.According to the first bar chart, the marriage rate was consistently higher than the divorce rate over the thirty-year period.More precisely, in 1970 the number of marriages stood at 2.5 millions whilst the number of divorces was 1 million.Then, the number of marriages remained stable at this level over the next decade whereas the number of divorces increased to 1.1 millions over the same period.After that, the number of marriages gradually declined to 2 millions in the next twenty years.The number of divorces also experienced a downward trend(1.4 millions and 1 million in 1990 and 2000, respectively).The second bar clearly shows that married people accounted for the greatest proportion of the adult American population in both 1970 and 2000(70% and 59%, respectively).As for other categories, the percentage of American adults who were never married was 14% in 1970 and 20% in 2000.By contrast, people who were widowed represented 8% of the population in 1970 and 6% in 2000.Divorced couples constituted only 2% of the entire population in 1970 but in 2000, this figure amounted to 9%.Therefore, it can be clearly seen from the charts that the USA marriage rates were substantially higher than the divorce rates over the three decades and married population made up the largest proportion of the whole population in both 1970 and


雅思考试复习资料 1.《十天突破雅思口语》,在十天内分别讲述雅思口语测试要点和应试策略。依据不同的测试内容,提供了百宝箱、素材库等多种应试工具。考生可以依据自己的实际状况,有选择性地使用,不仅方便,而且特别个性。 2.《剑桥雅思口语词汇及真题素材大全》第一部分是核心词汇。第二部分是核心素材和短语。核心词汇词汇主要提供雅思口语基本,常用的词汇,考生必备。在核心词下面有拓展词汇,均系核心词的派生词,考生可以通过词根词缀达到举一反三的目的。 3.《雅思王口语真题语料库》它是一本全的语音语料库,囊获亚洲地区所有考官的典型口音,充分克服在口语考试过程中对口音的不适应; 2雅思索试复习资料-写作 1.《十天突破雅思作文》比较容易上手,操作性强。 2.《雅思八分通用作文》里面语言地道出色,因为是考官写的,跟中国人写的是不一样的。但!他是9分,是native,speaker,完全没有任何模板,思路太好,语言太好,模仿起来非常非常难,抓不住精髓,所以我建议,这本书只看小作文部分,大作文参照

3.《write right 9分写作》洲老师写的,语言简洁清楚地道,这种才是正常的英语,中国人写的那种范文,根本老外是不会这么写的,思路清楚,框架明确, 3雅思索试复习资料-听力 1.《雅思双向听力法》包括了所有关于雅思听力的问题和解答。书中还有全部听力真题场景词汇又是国内有名的听力专家 2.《无忧雅思听力机经超详解》整理归纳了历年雅思听力考试所涉及的全部版本,是市面上全的雅思听力机经。 3.《雅思听力高分全攻略》是一本完整的听力考试复习攻略,从常见问题到复习方法应有尽有。 4雅思索试复习资料-阅读 1.《九分达人系列》 本书结合题目与原文对每一道阅读题目进行了具体的解读。内容清楚明了,通俗易懂。可帮助"烤鸭'们既知其然又知其所以然。其次,解析中还汇聚了有效的解题思路、方法和技巧,有助于"烤鸭'们从技术层面把握好考试节奏。相信"烤鸭'们在掌握好这些方法、技巧后能更从容地应对雅思阅读考试。总之,"烤鸭'们须细心揣摩,读透吃透,如此才干将书本上的知识化为己用。 2.《雅思阅读真经总纲》


这个是我的一个朋友写的雅思备考经验;挺细致的;分享给大家.. 首先;谈到雅思;它的英语名字叫IELTSInternational English Language Testing System 我在参加雅思之前都不知道它的那个缩略词怎么读;就读的I-E-L-T-S读的是字母音;后来知道了其实应该读IELTS aielts;囧......雅思考试是很有信度的一个全球化标准考试;不管是出国留学、移民;还是检测自己的英语水平;这个考试都是值得选择的;个人感觉雅思并不刁难人和我经历 过的国内英语考试比起来.. 好;废话少说;直接切入备考的内容 ★雅思备考用过的书: 雅思真题剑4-9某宝上买的;40元;纸质超好;不逊于正版;送一张超级大礼包光盘;里面有某东方的网课我听过部分阅读和听力课程;还是有些收获的;具体下面再说; 慎小嶷十天突破雅思写作剑8版; 慎小嶷十天突破雅思口语剑9版; 二战时加用:a.慎小嶷十天突破IELTS写作完整真题库与6-9分范文全解; b.汤儒涵讲雅思写作机经及高分范文点评; c. A类雅思图表作文高分攻略; 备考BEC时自己整理的小作文写作和口语的笔记本

首先;雅思我考了两次;多烧了RMB1680其实这只是报名费;前后算下来一场大概2000;说实话;这是我目前为止参加的考试中最贵的了;BEC高级报名费接近RMB600;相比之下;国内的考试真是太便宜了一次雅思都可以考N 次四六级了~;所以;真心希望大家能够一次考到理想的分数;这样不仅钱少花点;精神上也少受点摧残.. 第一次13年08月24日;第二次13年10月19日.. 惯例报分:第一次:听8;读6.5;写5.5;说7;总7.. 第二次:听8;读7.5;写6.5;说7;总7.5.. 雅思的分数构成我就不多说了;相信大家或多或少有了解;这里我要吐槽一下的是雅思的单项分;也就是我们俗称的小分;申请国外院校;有很多不仅对总分做出要求;还要求小分达到某个分数;比如香港某大学的某专业的雅思要求是听力阅读高于7;写作口语高于6.5;雅思达不到它的这个要求的话;一般就很难进了..所以;大家备考雅思时要根据目标院校的要求去准备;不能忽视小分要求.. 前言:我很早就知道雅思考试;只是听说雅思成绩有效期是两年;当时没有出国打算;再加上考一次要一千多;就一直没考..身边考了雅思的朋友不多;我当时不知道雅思考多高才算高;有个厉害学姐考了7.5;一个非英专但英语很好的朋友也是7.5;身边这一届出国的朋友很多是7分;因此在我


House&Flat I currently liveina three-bedroom, seventy square-meter apartmentlocatedin the city center of Beijing. My flat is situated onthe tenthfloor of a twenty-story building, surrounded by a supermarket, bank and primary school. There are various rooms including a living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom, not to mentiona balcony. 同义词的转换: be located in 和 be situated on ;过去分词、现在分词的灵活运用:located in the city … .,surrounded by,including a living room; 副词 currently 为加分词汇 My apartment is very warmand gives my family members and me a homely feeling. It is fairly spacious and allows me to have freedomto do anythingthat I wanttodo. For instance, I canwatchTV inthe livingroom, relax inmy bedroomor have a nice warm shower in the bathroom. fairly 放在形容词前加强语气, “非常”相“当”的意思; spacious 甩 big 这样的单词几条街;


雅思备考经验分享 雅思备考经验分享 这是我自己提出的问题,现在又来回答自己的问题。这是我去年首考雅思的成绩单,没有想到一次可以实现7.5,准备时间不长, 前前后后差不多一个半月,准备的过程是真的非常痛苦,因为考过 的人都知道,雅思的出题思路和我们中国学生从小到大接触的英语 考试不一样。考察项目多,细致,考察思路也是西方风格的。刚做 剑桥真题的时候,因为把握不好每次都错很多,考虑到临近考试了,心慌意乱,茶不思饭不想的。 这是我去年首考雅思的成绩单,没有想到一次可以实现7.5,准 备时间不长,前前后后差不多一个半月,准备的过程是真的非常痛苦,因为考过的人都知道,雅思的出题思路和我们中国学生从小到 大接触的英语考试不一样。考察项目多,细致,考察思路也是西方 风格的。刚做剑桥真题的时候,因为把握不好每次都错很多,考虑 到临近考试了,心慌意乱,茶不思饭不想的。 一共申请了6个学校,幸运的是6个offer都拿到了,thankeverything~ 最后决定去爱丁堡大学,还有几天就要动身走了。 接下来我就把具体的听说读写准备部分写出来: 听力部分: 资料:雅思真题4-10+《雅思21天》+《王陆语料库》(最后一 本没有怎么用) Tips:每天听,要求自己听写,听一句写一句,听不懂再听,直到听懂为止,最好就是放完一整句暂停,不要半句半句地听,逼自己

认真听下去,至少每天要听写一个section,听完之后和原文对照,找到自己没有听出来的部分,找到不认识的单词,做好单词总结分类。 分类的话,可以依据听力常见的几类话题,比如,学术类,旅游类,等等。 听不懂就多听几遍,不重数量重质量。听完一本书之后,不代表这本书就没有利用价值了,可以把一套书听完之后,从头再听一遍,如果时间允许的话。 听写确实很耗时间,但是回报很丰厚,我听力7,虽然不高,但 是肯定比我平时自己练习做的好,你能想象我考试一个月以前前两 个section都能错13,14个吗?后来我下定决心每天都听写,所以这 个成绩我还是很满意的。 《雅思21天》这本书我非常喜欢的原因就是,它从基础抓起, 把常考的单词和词组,或者容易写错的单词进行多次训练,让人形 成深刻的记忆,从单词过渡到词组,断句,长句,最后还有几份模 拟卷,可以好好利用。 除了做题练听力以外,那我还会看点英剧,努力让自己适应英式发音,我之前接触的更多的是美国人,英式发音很不习惯,连读什 么的常常傻眼,看的剧《神探夏洛克》,《皮囊》,这个是真的闪 瞎眼,不太喜欢。。。 听力我也是平时注意的,我喜欢看美剧,绯闻女孩,绝望的`主妇,我都是看了一遍又一遍,我刚开始是主要看剧情,但是后来我 就会把字幕遮住,主要听对话,看自己能不能听懂。 另外我还喜欢听广播。 用iPhone的同学可以听podcast播客,订阅英语频道,每天都 可以听到世界上的最新新闻。 听歌我也是喜欢听英语歌,中文歌没有几首。
