




Brian Greene, a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, has created an online science education platform. He tries to “build a bridge”with things you know about, and then“bring you across that bridge to the strange place of modern physics”.

Recently I had a chance to ask Greene about wormholes (a hole which some scientists think might exist, connecting parts of space and time that are not usually connected), time travel and other mysteries of the universe. I asked him a million-dollar question: What if I went through a wormhole and prevented my parents from meeting?“Most of us believe that the universe makes sense,”Greene said. Although there are several interesting theories about time travel, he added, the laws of physics would probably prevent something so illogical from taking place. The good news is that the time paradox(悖论) is open for future physicists to solve.

When asked how physics could become more exciting for kids, Greene said that books by Stephen Weinberg, Leonard Susskind, and other physicists, “make it a great time for people who want to learn about big ideas but aren’t yet ready, perhaps, to learn math”.

When I pointed out that some students still might find physics boring, Greene said that the key is to teach them about things that are strange. “The basic stuff is important, ”Greene said. “But I think it’s really important to also describe the more modern ideas, things like black holes and the Big Bang. If kids have those ideas in mind, then at least some of them will be excited to learn all the details.”

Greene has followed Albert Einstein’s lead in trying to solve the mysteries of the universe. Now he wants kids to do the same. As Greene said, physics is “not just a matter of solving proble ms in an exam”. It’s about experimenting, showing an interest in strange phenomena(现象)—and having fun!

【解题导语】物理学家Brian Greene希望更多的孩子可以对现代物理学感兴趣。1.A million-dollar question is probably very ________.

A.direct B.difficult

C.personal D.long


2.The books by Weinberg and Susskind________.

A.are boring to read

B.are mainly about math

C.are popular science books

D.are only popular among kids

C解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的books by...“make it a great time for people who want to learn about big ideas but aren’t yet ready, perhaps, to learn math”可知,Greene认为Weinberg 和Susskind等物理学家写的书浅显易懂,适合普通大众阅读,故这些书属于受欢迎的科普读物。

3.According to Paragraph 4, which of the following does Greene agree with?

A.Modern physics is a boring subject.

B.Interest plays an important role in studying.

C.It is not necessary to learn all about physics.

D.It is easy to describe black holes and the Big Bang.

B解析:推理判断题。根据第四段可知,当作者指出一些学生觉得物理无聊时,Greene 说重要的是向孩子们讲述一些稀奇古怪的事,并描述一些诸如黑洞和宇宙大爆炸的现代物理现象,如果孩子们知道了这些,他们就愿意了解更多详细的内容。因此可推知他认为兴趣在学习过程中起着非常重要的作用。

4.In the last paragraph, Greene hopes that________.

A.kids can love science and physics

B.kids can do well in physics exams

C.kids can have fun with experiments

D.kids can find more strange things in life

A解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的Greene has followed Albert Einstein’s lead in trying to solve the mysteries of the universe. Now he wants kids to do the same.可知,Greene希望孩子们可以像他一样对科学和物理感兴趣,去探索宇宙的奥秘。


Teachers have sent an emotional letter to pupils nervously waiting for exam results. They wanted the youngsters to know they __1__ their efforts—whatever the result. It __2__:“Before you open the envelope with your __3__ in it, we want you to read this first.

Inside the envelope is a score. It’s a score you’ve been waiting for but it might not be the score you’ve been __4__ for. If that is the __5__ , it’s only natural that you will feel __6__. We will be very __7__ about that and will feel disappointed ‘for you’ too—but we wo n’t feel disappointed ‘__8__ you’. We know that each one of you has worked very hard and with a great __9__ . No score can ever __10__ that away from you. In fact, we believe that your attitude and __11__ you are as a person is much more important than any mark on a __12__. You are quite simply ‘unique’ and we are very proud of you, whatever __13__ you go to next. Don’t give up

easily when the going gets __14__.Grow up to be kind, caring, generous and loving __15__ who make a positive __16__ to this world by how you live your life.

Remember, the score in the envelope is __17__ a mark for some tests. It cannot __18__ how amazing you are! So, no matter what happens in the next few minutes, today you must __19__ YOU!

With love from all the __20__.”


1.A.expected B.appreciated

C.recognized D.made


2.A.said B.wrote

C.explained D.announced


3.https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d6929593.html, B.number

C.score D.letter

C解析:根据后文Inside the envelope is a score.和Remember,the score in the envelope...可知,本句意为:在你打开带有分数(score)的信封之前,我们想让你先读这封信。

4.A.hoping B.looking

C.preparing D.struggling

A解析:它是你一直在等待的分数,但是它可能不是你一直希望(hoping)得到的分数。5.A.matter B.case

C.symptom D.situation

B解析:case意为“情况”。that is the case意思为“确实这样,果真如此”。这里是对前面情况的进一步假设。

6.A.ashamed B.frightened

C.embarrassed D.disappointed

D解析:根据上句和后文and will feel disappointed “for you” too可知,如果不是你一直希望的分数,你会感到失望(disappointed)。

7.A.concerned B.serious

C.sorry D.nervous


8.A.at B.about


永远的鹤 ①太阳渐渐地西斜了,夕阳的余晖洒遍了偌大的一片湿地保护区。水如胭脂,而一小块一小块并不相连的洲土上,萋萋芳草也被染上了一层醉人的嫣红。那些丹顶鹤,或在水边觅食,或在洲土上尽兴地起舞,或振翅高飞,发出一串串清脆的长唳。 ②年轻的谭立,一个人在瞭望竹楼上,整整守望了一天。师傅杜三早饭后,驾着船领给养去了。他要把船划出湿地,三十里水路啊,再泊船上岸,到镇上把给养和报纸挑回船上,然后又划回到这里。回来的时候,天就落黑了。 ③临走的时候,杜三对谭立说:“你给我睁大眼睛,好好地看住这些鹤,得防着那些盗鹤贼。” ④谭立说:“师傅,我都做了三年护鹤工了,你放心吧,保管一根鹤毛也掉不了。” ⑤谭立就这样守了一天,拿着望远镜看了一天,盗鹤贼连个影子也没有,却让他越看越感到孤单、寂寞。公鹤、母鹤成双成对,互相嬉戏,互相唱和,情意绵绵。而他呢,至今还 ⑥忽然,谭立听见有凄厉的鹤唳声传来,拖得很长,带着颤音。谭立大吃一惊,拿起望远镜仔细地搜索起来。他看到在三百米开外的一片浅浅的水面上,一只母鹤的细腿似乎被什么咬住了,正在拼命地抖翅挣扎;旁边的一只公鹤,焦急地胡乱扑打翅膀。是怎么回事呢? ⑦谭立操起一把木桨,顺着竹楼的梯子飞快地奔到地面,再窜到水边,解开船缆,“咚”地跳上船,然后着力地划起桨来。小船绕过一块一块的小洲,迂回着朝母鹤的方向划去。虽是暮春时分,风凉嗖嗖的,不一会儿,谭立的后背就渗出了一层热汗。 ⑧小船划到离母鹤大约十米远的地方,水浅得载不动船了。谭立停下船,把鞋、袜、长裤脱下来,跳到水里,水不深,但很清澄,看得见水底密密匝匝纠结在一起的绒绳般的丝草,像柔软的绿绒毡毯。他突然明白了,肯定是丝草缠住了母鹤的细腿。他一步步朝母鹤靠近。公鹤见有人来,“呼”地飞了起来,母鹤则拼命挣扎,惊惶地鸣叫……谭立知道,此刻母鹤越挣扎,丝草会缠得越紧。 ⑨“怕什么,真不懂事,我是来救你们的!” ⑩水渐渐深了,底下软软的,踩在厚厚的丝草上,脚板心痒痒的,好像被柔软的手指搔着,搔得他一身发软发酥。 ○11终于走到了母鹤的身边。猛地,他感到身子往下沉。水先是没到了膝关节,再往上漫,没到了大腿根,再漫到了腰部。这一切让他猝不及防。他慌了——沼泽地!他想挣挫着把身子往上抬,身子却沉重如铁,依旧往下沉去,他挥舞着双手,想抓住什么……惊骇的母鹤尖利地叫着,凄凄哀哀。他冷静下来,伸出手去抚着母鹤的细腿,从上向下伸向鹤的趾爪,果然是被丝草缠了一道又一道。他迅速地扯断那些丝草。母鹤也似乎明白了这个人是来解救它的,变得很温驯,眨巴着眼睛感激地望着他。丝草都扯断了,谭立双手托起母鹤的身子,往


小学二年级语文上册课外阅读专项强化训练 1. 阅读下文,回答问题。 神农尝百草 古代有一位帝王,他发现了稻、黍、稷、麦、豆这“五谷”,还制作了农具,教人们耕种和收割。人们尊称他为“神农”。 神农对人类还有一个很大的贡献,就是发现了治疗疾病的各种草药。他走遍山山水水,品尝各种植物的根、茎、叶、花、果,看它们是苦是甜,是寒是热。为此,他曾经一天里中毒70次,幸亏他及时吃下解毒药,才没有被毒死。神农摸清了百草的药性,配成药方,传给后人。于是,人类有了医治病痛的办法,能更健康地生活和劳动。 一次,神农尝了“断肠草”。这种草有毒,他来不及吃解药就死了!神农是为人类的健康而死的,人们永远纪念他。 (1)短文第二自然段中的两对反义词是______和______,______和______。(2)短文主要写了神农对人类的哪个贡献?() (3)最能体现神农品质的成语是() 2. 阅读下文,回答问题。 聪明的华佗 华佗是我国古代有名的医生。他七岁的时候,妈妈送他到蔡医生的药铺里做学徒。 蔡医生想考考小华佗。他叫华佗把两只打架的羊分开。 两只羊头对头,角对角,你顶过来,我顶过去,斗得很凶,谁也不肯让谁。华佗看了,心想:硬拉是不行的,我得想个办法。 华佗采来鲜嫩的青草,两手各拿一把,在两只羊面前晃动。羊看到青草,都急着去吃。这样,两只相斗的羊被华佗引开了。 蔡医生看了,很高兴,立刻收下了这个聪明的徒弟。 (1)蔡医生考华佗的问题是______。 (2)找出写华佗心里想法的句子,从中体会到他是一个______的孩子。 ①听老师话②善于观察,善于思考 (3)华佗的聪明表现在哪儿? 3. 读文段。完成练习。 小鸟飞来说,这里缺点儿树;蝴蝶飞来说,这里缺点儿花;小兔跑来说,这里还缺条路;小猴跑来说,这儿应该盖所房子;小狐狸说……每次听了小动物的话,青蛙都想:对!对!要是那样的话,泥塘准能卖出去。于是就照着他们的话去做,______了树,______了花,______了路,还在泥塘旁边盖了房子。(1)将下面的动词填入文中横线上。

6 阅读强化训练(六)

阅读强化训练(六) (建议用时:25分钟) Ⅰ阅读理解 The English language is full of phrases about the weather.Some of these phrases are easy to understand, but others are not really about the weather at all. If you say you“hit rough weather”,you may not be struck by a real storm, but you do experie nce difficulties or problems. If you don’t know what such__phrases mean, they might leave you “in a fog(雾)”! In English, you can “shoot the breeze”,or have an informal chat. But things can also be a breeze.If you take an exam and find it very easy,you’d tell your friends:“It was a breeze!”The wind can also bring information. You can “get wind of” a piece of news, and if someone “knows which way the wind blows”,they have a good idea about how things will work out.But don’t “throw caution(警惕)to the wind”—that means taking a great risk! Clouds sometimes bring rain, and in English they often represent problems or difficulties. If someone “sees a cloud on the horizon(地平线)”,there may be problems ahead. And if someone is “under a cloud”,then people think the person might have done something wrong. But clouds are not always bad; in fact, people say that “every cloud has a silver lining”. This means that there is a good side to every situation, no matter how bad it may seem. You may even end up “on cloud n ine”,which means you are very happy! But some people have their “heads in the clouds”,not paying attention to reality. No one likes to be stuck in the rain or storm, so it’s no surprise that phrases about them are generally negative. When someon e says“it never rains but it pours”,they are complaining(抱怨) that when things go wrong, they go very wrong. People who talk about“weathering a storm”just want to get through a difficult period or situation. 【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了英语中与天气有关的一些习语及其用法。 1.What does the underlined part “such phrases”in the first paragraph refer to? A.The old phrases about the weather. B.The funny phrases about the weather. C.The simple phrases about the weather. D.The confusing phrases about the weather. D解析:词义猜测题。由第一段的Some of these phrases... about the weather at all.If you say you“hit rough weather”...you do experience difficulties or problems.可知,such phrases指那些不好理解、容易产生误解的与天气有关的习语。 2.It may be dangerous when you________. A.know which way the wind blows


公共英语三级(pets3)阅读翻译强化训练2 练习: The circumstances surrounding the birth of a female infant in Kosciusko, Mississippi, on Jan.29, 1954,were not promising present was the usual mix that had so often accumulated into a burden too heavy for a single-parent household like the one Oprah Winfrey grew up in. The state in which she was born had laws in place waiting to characterize her as unwelcome, to bar her participation in otherwise accebtable social activities, to shackle her to the residue of slavery and other injustices of the past. The simple truth is that her grandmother, her great-grandmother and all the great-great-grandmothers before them never experienced one day of life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial repression. In hindsight, it appears that her birth was an uneventful one. But at age three she was reciting speeches from church pulpits. Upon discovering books, the child delved into the written word, turning out weekly book reports for her father. Even during turbulent times, not a moment was wasted. Seeds were being planted, watered, and nurtured. On April 13, 1964, nearly an adolescent and watching television from the linoleum floor of her mother’s walk-up flat in something deep the film industry’s highest honor. Sharing in that moment and all it implied she


秋季学期二年级语文上册课外阅读专项强化训练1. 阅读下文,回答问题。 厨师小山羊 小猴在树林里摘了一个黄黄的果子,咬了一口:“哎,酸死了!”原来是个柠檬.他随手一丢。 厨师小山羊看见了,摘回几个柠檬。下午吃点心的时候,小山羊给大伙儿送来甜甜的蛋糕和茶,每杯茶里还放了一片黄黄的柠檬,又酸又香,吃起来别有风味。 小兔在草丛里摘了一个红红的果子,啃了一下:“哎,辣死了!”原来是个红辣椒,他随手一抛。 厨师小山羊看见了,摘回几个红辣椒,烧了一碗麻辣豆腐,大伙儿吃得津津有味,胃口大开。 爱动脑筋的小山羊,把酸的、辣的,都变成好吃的了。 (1)“胃口”有两个意思:①指食欲;②借指对事物或活动的兴趣、欲望。在短文中的意思是______。 (2)柠檬是______(酸辣)的,可小山羊把它做成了______。 (3)短文中,小山羊______的好品质值得我们学习。 2. 阅读练习。 吃过晚饭,雨还在不停地下着,哒哒哒地打着玻璃窗,好像是敲着鼓点逗引我出去。我跑到窗前,不住地朝街上张望着。望着望着又担心起来。要是今天雨都下完了,那明天还有雨可下吗?最好还是留到明天吧。 (1)为什么说是雨点儿“逗引”我出去呢?这样写有什么好处? (2)划线的句子有什么作用? 3. 阅读下文,回答问题 半路上,文成公主在一个叫路纳的地方遇到了一条河,过不去。公主找来一段树干横在上面,搭了一座桥。后来,老百姓就把公主亲手搭的这座桥叫做“内地桥”。文成公主过河以后,一只小鸟飞来,说:“公主,公主,这儿是片沼泽地,不好走。”文成公主听了,剪了一把羊毛撒在地上,就走过去了。大家说,______文成公主撒了这把羊毛,______路纳这个地方的牛羊一直都长得又肥又壮。 (1)给下面划线的字注音。 ______ ______ ______ 横在上面沼泽撒在地上 (2)在横线上填上合适的关联词语。 大家说,______文成公主撒了这把羊毛,______路纳这个地方的牛羊一直都长得又肥又壮。


一、读懂一段话 自然段就是指在文章里提行排版空两格为标志的一段文字。在自然段中的句子间有一定的关系,有的一个或几个句子可以组成一个意思,分析段中句子间的关系,有利于理解段落的内容。 段落中句子间的关系常有以下几种形式: 1、总分关系。[⑴总叙→分叙、⑵分叙→总叙、⑶总叙→分叙→总叙],阅读时抓住了中心句就了解了段落的内容。 船夫的驾驶技术特别好。‖行船的速度极快,来往船只多,他操纵自如,毫不手忙脚乱。不管怎么拥挤,他总能左拐右拐在挤过去。遇到极窄的地方,他总能平稳在穿过,而且速度非常快,还能作急转弯。两边的建筑飞一般地往后倒退,我们的眼晴忙极了,不知看一处好。(《威尼斯的小艇》) 这段话是按“总叙→分叙”形式构成的。全段是围绕“船夫的驾驶技术特别好”这一内容[中心句]来叙述的。 2、并列关系。围绕一个内容,从几个方面进行叙述,这几个方面是相互并列的。“漓江的水真静啊,静得让你感觉不到它在流动;漓江的水真清啊,清得可以看见江底的沙石;漓江的水真绿啊,绿得仿佛那是一块无瑕的翡翠。”“桂林的山真奇啊,一座座拔地而起,各不相连。像老人,像巨象,像骆驼,奇峰罗列,形态万千;桂林的山真秀啊,像翠绿的屏障,像新生的竹笋,色彩明丽,倒映水中;桂林的山真险啊,危峰兀立,怪石嶙峋,好像一不小心就会栽倒下来。”(《桂林山水》) 这两段话分别从“静、清、绿”“奇、秀、险”写出了漓江水、桂林山的特点。 3、递进关系。段落中的句子在意思上一层更进一层,或者是在范围上由小到大;或者是在程度上由轻到重…… 泸定桥离水面有十多米高,是由13根铁链组成的:两边各有两根,算是桥栏;底下并排9根,铺上木板,就是桥面。人走在桥上摇摇晃晃,就像荡秋千似的。现在连木板也被敌人抽掉了,只剩下铁链。向桥下一看,真叫人心惊胆寒,红褐色的河水像瀑布一样,从上游山峡里直泻下来,撞击在岩石上,溅起三米多高的浪花,涛声震耳欲聋。桥对岸的泸定城背靠着山,西门正对着桥头。守城的两个团敌人早已在城墙和山坡上筑好工事,凭着天险,疯狂地向红军喊叫:“来吧,看你们飞过来吧!” 这段中分别写了“桥的险要”“河水湍急”“桥头被堵”“敌人猖狂”层层深入,为衬托展现红军大无畏的革命精神埋下了伏笔。 句子间的关系还有“因果关系”“转折关系”“顺承关系”等等,在阅读中认真去体味,去感悟,对提高我们的阅读理解能力是大有裨益的。 二、读懂一篇文章 ⑴掌握读懂一篇文章的基本方法; ⑵结合上下文理解文中的重点词语、句子,体会其感情; ⑶运用读写例话中有关阅读的重点训练项目中的知识分析文章内容,回答提出的问题。 理解词语的基本方法、体会句子的含义基本方法 1、理解词语的基本方法 ⑴词素法:先对词语中的每个词素进行理解,然后整体理解。如“置之不理”一词先分别理解每个字意“置”--放置,“之”--指它,物品,“不”--表

湖北省小升初英语 阅读理解强化训练6

阅读理解强化训练6 A Kate Works at a Bank Kate works at a bank. She begins working at eight o'clock in the morning. She stops working at five o'clock in the afternoon. At five o'clock the bank closes. Everybody goes home. Some people drive home. Some people take the train. Some people take the bus. Kate walks home. She likes to walk. She walks, and walks, and walks. Kate lives eight miles from the bank. She walks for three hours. At eight o'clock in the evening, Kate is at home. She eats dinner. At ten o'clock she goes to bed. Kate is tired. She is 82 years old. (B)41. Where does Kate work? 【详解】从"Kate Works at a Bank"一句中获得明示信息 A) In a restaurant B) At a bank C) In a hospital (C)42. When does she begin working? 【详解】从"She begins working at eight o'clock in the morning."一句中获得明示信息。 A) Six o'clock B) Seven o' clock C) Eight o'clock (C)43. How does she go home? 【详解】从"Kate walks home."一句中得出判断。 A) By train B) By bike C) On foot (B)44. How long does it take her to walk home? 【详解】从句子"She walks for three hours."中得知她花了3个小时步行回家。 A) Half an hour B) Three hours C) Two hours (A)45. How old is Kate? 【详解】从"She is 82 years old."一句中获得明示信息。 A) 82 B) 28 C) 34


小学语文四年级下册课外阅读(八)(17分) 小爬虫的道理 ①那天我正伏案写作,“丁”的一声,一枚绿豆大小的圆形从天而降,落在桌面上。 ②我停下笔,正要伸手掂(diān)量那枚“小绿豆”,不料它却突然伸展成椭(tuǒ)圆形状,十几只白色的小足在空中快速地挥舞着——这分明是一只小爬虫呀。 ③小爬虫仰躺在书桌上,一个劲儿朝空中乱踢着。我一时童心大起,拿过尺子一量:五毫米。我用尺子轻轻一拨,希望将它弄近一点,谁知刚碰到它的背壳,它立刻缩成一团。 ④我好奇地看着它小心地展开身体。它那小足不断地蹬着,聚集着力量使自己“庞 (páng)大”的身躯翻转过来。但不知是用力不当还是别的原因,它只能平躺或是侧向某一边,却无法使整个身体翻转站立。()每次老以失败而告终,()它毫不气馁(něi),一阵激烈的努力过后,稍稍停歇几分钟,便又开始使出浑身解(xia)数来实现自己的愿望。 ⑤我揉了一下发胀的眼睛,如此脆弱的生命却具有如此强大的恒心和毅力是我始料不及的。我站起来,打开窗户看看外面的蓝天白云,对这只小爬虫能够翻身站起来已经不抱任何希望了。 ⑥我返回书桌,令我惊奇的是,这只原来还仰躺在桌面上奋战的小爬虫居 然已经翻身站起,并在书桌上敏捷 ) (? 地爬着。我好奇地把它的身体又一次翻过来, 看它怎样“东山再起。” ⑦小爬虫顽强 ) (? 地挥动着小足。时间缓缓地溜走,慢慢地,它挪(nuó)近 了那把尺子,十几只小足一拥而上紧紧抓住尺子的边沿,接下来自然得像什么事也没发生过似的,沿着尺子快速地爬开去。 ⑧我将尺子翻转过来,那小虫居然也背朝下贴着尺面爬行着。 ⑨我轻轻放下尺子,不用细想也能明白,这只可爱的小生命是怎样为实现自己的愿望而坚持不懈地努力的。 ⑩一把尺子一张薄纸一片树叶甚至平面上的一个折点都可能给 它提供成功的机会它需要的只是永不放弃的努力而己为了生存它正是这样永不懈(xia)怠(dài)地奋斗着 1. 为最后一个自然段加上标点符号。(2分) 2. 为文中画“?”的词语换一个意思相近的词,写在下边的括号里。(2分) 3. 恰当地选择下面的关联词语,填在第④自然段的括号中。(3分) ①如果……就……②只要……就……③虽然……但是…… 4. 联系上下文理解下列词语。(4分)


As a high school coach, I did all I could to help my boys win their games. I ___1___ as hard for victory as they did. A dramatic incident, however, following a game in which I officiated as a referee, ___2___ my perspective on victories and defeats. I was refereeing a league championship basketball game in New Rochelle, New York, between New Rochelle and Yonkers High. New Rochelle was coached by Dan O'Brien, Yonkers by Les Beck. The gym was crowded to capacity, and the volume of noise made it impossible to hear. The game was well played and closely contested. Yonkers was leading by one point as I glanced at the clock and ___3___ there were but 30 seconds left to play. Yonkers, in possession of the ball, passed off —shot —missed. New Rochelle recovered —pushed the ball up court —shot. The ball rolled tantalizingly around the rim and off. The fans shrieked. New Rochelle, the home team, ___4___ the ball, and tapped it in for what looked like victory. The tumult was deafening. I glanced at the clock and saw that the game was over. I hadn't heard the final buzzer because of the noise. I ___5___ with the other official, but he could not help me. Still seeking help in this bedlam, I ___6___ the timekeeper, a young man of 17 or so. He said, "Mr. Covino, the buzzer went off as the ball rolled off the rim, before the final tap-in was made." I was in the unenviable position of having to tell Coach O'Brien the sad news. "Dan," I said, "time ran out before the final basket was ___7___ in. Yonkers won the game." His face clouded over. The young timekeeper came up. He said, "I'm sorry, Dad. The time ran out before the final basket." Suddenly, like the sun coming out from ___8___ a cloud, Coach O'Brien's face lit up. He said, "That's okay, Joe. You did what you had to do. I'm proud of you." Turning to me, he said, "Al, I want you to meet my son, Joe." The two of them then walked off the court together, the coach's arm ___9___ his son's shoulder. B In Britain, the old Road Traffic Act restricted speeds to 2 m.p.h. (miles per hour) in towns and 4 m.p.h. in the country. Later Parliament increased the speed limit to 14 m.p.h. But by 1903 the development of the car industry had made it necessary to raise the limit to 20 m.p.h. By 1930, however, the law was so widely ignored that speeding restrictions were done away with altogether. For five years motorists were free to drive at whatever speeds they likes. Then in 1935 the Road Traffic Act imposed a 30 m.p.h. speed limit in built-up areas, along with the introduction of driving tests and pedestrian crossing. Speeding is now the most common motoring offence in Britain. Offences for speeding fall into three classes: exceeding the limit on a restricted road, exceeding on any road the limit for the vehicle you are driving, and exceeding the 70 m.p.h. limit on any road. A restricted road is one where the street lamps are 200 yards apart, or more. The main controversy (争论) surrounding speeding laws is the extent of their safety value. The Ministry of Transport maintains that speed limits reduce accidents. It claims that when the 30 m.p.h. limit was introduced in 1935 there was a fall of 15 percent in fatal accidents. Likewise, when the 40 m.p.h. speed limit was imposed on a number of roads in London in the late fifties, there was a 28 percent reduction in serious accidents. There were also fewer casualties (伤亡) in the year after the 70 m.p.h. motorway limit was imposed in 1966. In America, however, it is thought that the reduced accident figures are due rather to the increase in traffic density. This is why it has even been suggested that the present speed limits should be done away with completely, or that a guide should be given to inexperienced drivers and the speed limits made advisory, as is done in parts of the USA. ( no more than ten words) 1. What measures were adopted in 1935 in addition to the speeding restrictions? Driving tests and pedestrian crossings 2. Speeding is a motoring offence a driver commits when he _drive too fast/exceeds the speed limits____. 3. What is the opinion of British authorities concerning speeding laws? Speed limits reduce accidents. 4. What reason do Americans give for the reduction in traffic accidents? The increase in traffic density.


阅读强化训练(六) [学生用书P162(单独成册)] (建议用时:25分钟) Ⅰ阅读理解 In this day and age, knowing exactly what and how much you’re eating is necessary. You’ve probably used calorie calculators(计算器) on your smartphones before. For example, a calculator will tell you the average number of calories in a hamburger. However, it acts only as a guide, and it can’t tell you exactly how many calories are in the hamburger at your favorite fast food joint. Now Panasonic’s new device, CaloRieco, can actually give you accurate information on exactly what is on your plate in a few seconds. Showcased at the CEATEC 2017 tech show, CaloRieco is a high-tech device that uses light reflection technology to offer accurate and expeditious calorie information so as to determine the nutritional values of any food. All you have to do is place your plate in the box-shaped device and wait between 10 and 20 seconds for it to analyze all the food there. Once it’s done analyzing the various foods in your meal, CaloRieco displays the number of calories, as well as the nutritional content on an LED display. According to Panasonic, the device is able to recognize the vast majority of foods, except soups and similar food. CaloRieco can also connect to your smartphone via an app, and send all the data about analyzed foods to your Personal Digital Assistant, so you can access it whenever you need. Panasonic said that its invention is aimed at people going on a diet and diabetes(糖尿病) sufferers, both of whom make up a sizable market. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait a bit longer to get your hands on your very own CaloRieco, as the device presented at CEATEC is just a model. It’s s cheduled to hit the market sometime in the next few years, but the price remains a mystery. 【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一款可以快速准确提供食物热量信息的最新设备。 1.What’s special about the new CaloRieco? A.It can be linked to our smartphones. B.It can act as a guide on healthy food. C.It can tell you the average calories in food.


部编版三年级语文下册课外阅读专项强化训练 1. 阅读下面的文段,然后回答问题。 水,也是大自然的音乐家。下雨的时候,他喜欢玩打击乐器。小雨滴敲敲打打,一场热闹的音乐会便开始了。滴滴答答……叮叮咚咚……所有的树林,树林里的每片树叶;所有的房子,房子的屋顶和窗户,都发出不同的声音。当小雨滴汇聚起来,他们便一起唱着歌:小溪淙淙地流向河流,河流潺潺地流向大海,大海哗啦啦地汹涌澎湃。从一首轻快的山中小曲,喝到波澜壮阔的海洋大合唱。 (1)请用联系上下文或查词典的方法理解“波澜壮阔”的意思。 波澜壮阔:______ (2)用波浪线画出文段的中心句。 (3)“音乐会”“小曲”“大合唱”在文中分别指什么? 请连一连。 音乐会______ 大海哗啦啦 小曲______ 小雨滴敲敲打打 大合唱______ 小溪淙淙 (4)分析画线句子的特点,特别注意加点词语,并仿写一句。 2. 阅读短文,回答问题。 蓝蓝的天空飘着几朵白云。山谷里有一条小溪,清清的溪水缓缓地流着。不远处,有一片绿色的竹林,竹林边开放看一朵朵粉红色的野花。这里的空气多么新鲜,这里的风景多么美丽!这是什么地方?这是我可爱的家乡。 (1)短文共有______句话。第一句写的是______,第二句写的是______,第三句写的是______。 (2)找出表示颜色的词语抄写下来。 (3)请摘抄短文中感叹句。 (4)请摘抄短文中反问句。 (5)这段话主要写:______。 (6)填上合适的词语。 ______的天空______的空气一______白云 ______的野花______的竹林一______竹林 ______的风景______的家乡一______小溪 (7)在短文中找出与下面词语意思相近的词语。 慢慢地______ 漂亮______ 3. 阅读下文,回答问题 荷花(节选) 荷花已经开了不少了。荷叶挨挨挤挤的,像一个个碧绿的大圆盘。白荷花在


2020部编版二年级语文上册课外阅读专项强化训练 1. 读一读,做一做。 老师让这几个同学回到自己的座位上,然后和颜悦色地说:“大家发现了吗?看的角度不同,杨桃的样子也就不一样。当我们看见别人把杨桃画成五角星的时候,不要忙着发笑,要看看人家是从什么角度看的。” 老师的教诲让我终生难忘。 (1)照样子用划线的词语写一句话。 不要……要…… (2)把老师说的话在文中找出来。 (3)老师的话使我懂得了一个道理:______ 2. 阅读下文,回答问题。 月亮毯 丁丁的爸爸到埃及出差,回国时,带给丁丁一块埃及的棉线毯。 这是一块多么漂亮的棉线毯啊!毯上的图案美极了:深蓝色的夜空中,挂着弯弯的月亮,周围点缀着几颗星星。神秘的金字塔边,一匹骆驼在月色中慢慢行走……丁丁给它起了个名字叫“月亮毯”。 丁丁很喜欢这块毯子。晚上睡觉时,他总是枕着那弯弯的月亮,宝石般的星星围绕在他身边,他觉得好舒服哇!有时,他还会做奇异的美梦呢!他梦见自己骑着高大的骆驼在月光下漫步,他看到了静静流淌的尼罗河,看到了一座座古老的金字塔,看到了神秘的狮身人面像……他还梦见,许多埃及小朋友正伸出双臂,欢迎他这个来自中国的小客人呢。 (1)第二自然段是围绕着哪句话来写的?请找出来。 (2)“月亮毯”上有哪些美丽的图案() (3)丁丁在梦中骑着高大的______在月光下漫步,还看到了______、______和______。通过这些景物我体会到埃及的______。 3. 读短文,完成练习。 拾贝的小女孩 辽阔的海滩上,潮水退了。 一个拾贝的渔家小女孩在寻找着彩色的贝壳。 突然,她停住了脚步。原来,沙滩上有一条银闪闪的小鱼在痛苦地挣扎着。 头上的太阳无情地晒着沙滩上的小鱼,她似乎听到了小鱼越来越响的哭声。 她愣住了,目光中充满了怜悯。 她弯下腰,小心翼翼地用双手捧起了这条小鱼。小鱼在她手里蹦跳着。 她轻舒一口气,直起腰,慢慢地、一步一个脚印地走向大海。 小鱼被送回了大海。 我看到小女孩的眸子里发出爱的光彩,她脸蛋上的那对圆圆的酒窝里盛满甜


散(记叙)文阅读 Ⅰ中考散文阅读知识点 一、散文的特点 内容上:是作者把自己对生活的感悟或至深的生活经验,通过状物、记人、写景等方式表达出来。所谓自我感悟,也就是对事物的特殊意义和美质的发现、认识。 形式上:(1)以个人抒情为主,把抒情、叙述、议论熔为一炉;(2)从细处落笔,小中见大;(3)从侧面暗示,发挥读者的想象力;(4)行文自由,结构灵活。 综合以上两点:散文的特点是“形散神不散”。阅读散文时,要透过“形”抓住“神”,体会作者所要表达的思想情感,要抓住文章的结构和线索(文脉),要注意欣赏优美的语言。 二、散文分类 记叙(叙事)散文:以记人、叙事、状物、写景为主的散文。这类散文,还有的侧重是记写一定的风物、场景。作者对它们不是纯客观的描述,而是将外物与内情融合起来,以表达一定的思想、抒发一定的感情。 抒情散文:以抒发感情为主的散文,它主要是抒发作者对现实生活的感受、激情和意愿。抒情散文抒发的是怎样的感情,如何抒发,都与文章揭示的思想意义是否深广有极大的关系。 议论散文:以议论为主的散文。它说理,往往借助于事例的简述,形象的描绘和感情的抒发来进行,文学色彩很浓。它同一般议论文一样,要求观点鲜明、概念准确、说理充分、层次明晰、以理服人。但是,它不需要逻辑推理,严密论证。常见的文学性很强的随笔、杂感等短小精悍的文章,皆属此类;作者常常借助于对古今故事、花鸟草虫等具体事物的描叙来说理,显得妙趣横生并富于感情。 三、散文的线索 散文构思的线索,一般常见的有:1.以情为线索;2.以理为线索;3.以物为线索;4.以空间为线索;5.以行为为线索;6.以文眼为线索。有的文章不但有明线,还有暗线,线索的特征有:在结构上贯穿全文,时隐时现,有明显的标志(或是标题本身,或在文中反复出现)。 四、散文的语言 散文的语言感情色彩浓厚,委婉含蓄,声调和谐,表现力强。在分析时,要特别注意它在语言环境中的特定含义,要结合上下文,结合作者的思想感情,结合文章的语言风格,甚至修辞,才能既理解词语的表层意义,又理解其深层含义。
