

31. M5U1. Reading (1)—Secrets and lies

Dear Annie,

I feel betrayed by my friend Hannah. We have been best friends since primary school and spend almost every day with each other. Sometimes, other children say we are no fun because we are both very academic and like to study, but we like it that way. We are both very hard-working and always get good grades at school.

On Monday, we had a surprise math quiz. I thought it was quite easy and was not worried about the results. I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz, saying how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good grade. The next day after class, my math teacher told me that I had the lowest grade in the class! I felt so ashamed; I must be really stupid to fail a simple math quiz!

Afterwards, I pretended to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong. We went to wash our hands in the girls’ washroom before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done. I begged her not to tell anyone else, and she said she would keep my secret.

However, the next day, I noticed that my classmates were staring at me as I came into math class and, when I went to sit down, I was shocked to find a piece of paper on my desk that said, “Stupid Sarah got a D!” I was so upset that I felt like crying. I thought that Hannah must have told my classmates about my grade after promising not to. Everyone must have been laughing behind my back!

I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we weren’t going to be friends any more because she couldn’t keep her word. She was really upset and swore that she hadn’t told anyone. However, the only people who see our grades are the teacher and the students that the grades belong to. She said that someone must have been spying on us in the washroom, but I didn't believe her explanation. I don’t think I can ever truly forgive her. Now I’ve lost my best friend. What shall I do?

Yours sincerely


32. M5U1. Reading (2)—A friendship in trouble

Dear Annie,

My name is Andrew. I am 17 years old and I have a problem. My best friend Matthew has stopped talking to me. We have been best friends since childhood and play together in the school

football team. Last week, we had an important match against another school. The other team was superb and we really had to focus. I was determined to win, but Matthew was playing badly. He could not keep pace with the game, and as a result of his careless playing we lost.

Afterwards, I got really angry with him, and I told him I thought he was not trying hard enough. He got annoyed, saying it wasn’t his fault if he couldn’t play as well as me, and that I shouldn’t talk to him in this manner. Then we both started shouting at each other and it turned into a horrible argument. He accused me of some really bad things just to hurt me. I feel really guilty because I made some cruel remarks too, but I dislike seeing our team lose. Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship.

Since we argued, he hasn’t spoken to me even though we sit next to each other in class. It’s really awkward. He is usually cheerful and outgoing, but he has been really quiet and looks sad. The things he said hurt me too, but he has not apologized to me.

Yesterday, I saw him talking to another boy, Peter, and I cannot help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me. I told my brother about the quarrel, but he said Matthew is just too sensitive and perhaps a little bitter because I am really athletic and good at football, and that I had better find another friend. What should I do?

Yours truly


33. M5U1. Project (1)—Teenagers’ friendships

My friend, Robert, has a twin sister named Amanda. Though they get along well, there are some things about Amanda and her friends that puzzle Robert. He can't understand how girls can talk for so long. For example, sometimes when he leaves the apartment to play football, Amanda and her friend, Sharon, are sitting on the sofa, talking. When he comes back three and a half hours later, they’re still sitting on the sofa, continuing the same conversation on the s ame topic. One day Robert was so curious that he asked Amanda what they talked about, but she replied, ‘We’re best friends. We talk about almost everything—film stars, pop songs, recipes, everything!’Boys and girls have different attitudes towards friendship. Friendships between girls are usually anchored in shared feelings and support, but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests. A boy is likely to be cautious about sharing his feelings with his close

friends. A girl’s closest friend, however, might be eager to tell her about something that has happened in her life.

Many studies worldwide show that girls have more friendships than boys. In fact, many adolescent males cannot name a single best friend. When asked, they usually hesitate before responding, ‘My best friend? I can’t think about that. I am busy with my homework, and I have so many different friends that it is hard to choose just one best friend.’

Females who have been asked can usually answer the question without pausi ng, ‘A best friend? Of course. We have a lot to share with each other. We do a lot of things together such as talking and shopping.’

We have to realize: boys share activities, while girls share feelings. The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same, regardless of the basis of these friendships. The important thing to remember is that both of them are friendships. We all need friends in our lives.

34. M5U1. Project (2)—What friendship means to me

When deciding what is most important in life, some people choose money, while others choose things like security and comfort. However, for me, the most important thing in life is friendship. I cannot imagine being without it.

Friendship means not being alone. Once I was travelling by myself through Beijing on the way to my grandparents’ house. Since my next train left in the evening, I had a day for sightseeing. At first, I didn’t mind being alone, but then I saw all the tourists having their pictures taken together, and I began feeling sad. I ended up returning to the train station and spending the rest of the day in the waiting room. Life is no fun without a companion to share it with.

Friendship means having someone I can rely on. Last year, I left my schoolbag on a trolleybus, and I lost all of my notes for the final exam. You can imagine how I panicked. Luckily for me, my best friend Jenny let me copy her notes, and I used them in my revision. Thanks to her help, I was able to pass the exam.

Friendship means being committed to others. The best way to have a friend is to be a friend. Because I am a friend, I have had to learn patience and mercy. Once I had a quarrel with Jenny, and she made some cruel comments about me. Even though I was hurt, I forgave her and she later made an apology. Through this incident, both of us have become better people. However, if I had

ended our friendship, we would have both learnt nothing.

In conclusion, when we are old and look back on our lives, what will we remember? Will we remember the things we bought or the places we have been to? No, we will remember those whom we loved and those who loved us. We will remember our friends.

35. M5U2. Reading— The economy or the environment—must we choose?

TV host: James Long

Speakers: Lin Shuiqing, a spokeswoman from the Green Society

Qian Liwei, a business development consultant

James Long: Good morning. Today’s debate question is, “The economy or the environment—must we choose?’ With me are Ms Lin Shuiqing, from the Green Society, and Mr Qian Liwei, a business development consultant. We are following our usual schedule for debates. Ms Lin Shuiqing will speak first for three minutes. Mr Qian Liwei will follow, also for three minutes. Then we will open the floor for discussion. If you have any questions or comments, you can use this time to express them.

Lin Shuiqing: Good morning, everyone. First I am talking to you today about the way vast areas of the world are damaged by chemical waste. Many places have been destroyed and many plants and animals have died. This is awful. Factories produce large numbers of harmful chemicals. The waste they create goes into the atmosphere and makes us sick. Other types of waste flow into our water, killing river and sea life.

Much sea life is being destroyed by fishing boats as well. These boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs. This will result in a smaller number of fish left for us to eat in the future.

While we damage our environment, we keep producing more and more people who need more land to live on and more food to eat! The world’s population has grown by six times what it was in 1800. The figure is now about 7 billion people!

It is our duty to try to cut back on production and reduce the number of things we make and buy. The amount of rubbish we produce is turning into a big problem; we need to think more about recycling our waste. It would be good to increase the amount of waste we recycle, and teach people ways of living that do not harm the environment. We may even create more jobs and help our country become more developed at the same time.

Thank you.

Qian Liwei: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, Ms Lin. That was an interesting speech. It is clear that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment. As a business development consultant, I’m often seen as being against the environment. When people think of factories, they think of clouds of dirty smoke or of pipes pouring chemical waste into rivers. They think of greedy businessmen hiding from their responsibilities and only worrying about money. People often have this belief that development is bad for the environment, but this does not have to be true.

What I’m here to say is that having worked with many environmental consultants, I kn ow that a healthy environment and development should be possible at the same time.

There are many factories and industries which control the amount of pollution they produce, and are very careful to spend money repairing any damage they cause. The people operating these factories are deeply concerned about the environment. We need to stop thinking of companies and businessmen as the enemy, and give them more credit!

Ms Lin suggested we should cut back on the quantity of things we produce in order to save th e environment. I don’t agree with her because then jobs will be lost. I believe that people are more important than fish and trees.

However, I do agree that we should produce more things from materials that have been recycled, and less from raw materials, the supply of which is growing smaller and smaller.

What we need are better laws to preserve the environment and still allow our country to grow. This includes controls on how many trees are cut down and how many fish are caught. This might make wood and seafood more expensive, but paying a higher price for some things is not always bad. Asking around, I find many people willing to pay a little higher price for things that are friendly to the environment.

Finally, those factories which pollute the environment should have to pay higher taxes. If you harm the environment, you should have to pay for it to be repaired.

Thank you for listening.

James Long: Now we will open the floor for discussion…

36. M5U2. Project (1)— Protecting the Yangtze River

As the third longest river in the world, the health of the Yangtze River has raised concern both in China and abroad. Rapid development and an increase in population have meant that the amount of the water taken from the river is rising, and that the waste being put back into the river has been increasing. This is not good news for the people who rely on the Yangtze River for water. Nor is it good news for the wide range of fish and wildlife that live in or along the river.

Many people have recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze River, and organizations and projects have been set up to deal with the problem. The Green River Organization, for example, educates people on the importance of protecting this great river. It also watches the river and stops the illegal hunting of animals, which has put the wild animal population in danger.

Two special government projects are also under way. The first project, a water and soil conservation project, was set up in 1989. This project resulted in farmers replacing their crops with trees or grass. It has already been a success because it has helped improve the local environment and the land around the river.

The second project includes nature reserves for white-flag dolphins, one of the rarest animals in the world. The number of white-flag dolphins in China has dropped because of pollution in the Yangtze River. The white-flag dolphin was last seen several years ago, though scientists are still hopeful that the animal has survived.

We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems in regard to the Yangtze River. However, people have finally realized that it is their responsibility to protect this great river. Because of this, the situation on the Yangtze River is improving. The efforts of the Chinese government and people to protect this much-loved river will be appreciated for years to come.

37. M5U2. Project (2)—Climate change and a low-carbon life

There is no doubt that the world climate has been changing in recent years. Many people blame this change on gases such as carbon dioxide. Animals and humans produce carbon dioxide when they breathe. However, many other human activities also let off carbon gases. Anytime something is burnt, carbon is put into the atmosphere. Cars and other vehicles burn petrol in their engines, and electrical power plants most often burn fuels such as coal and oil in order to produce

electricity. Therefore, the more petrol and electricity we consume, the more carbon we are letting off.

One thing we can all do to help solve this problem is to walk or use a bicycle when possible. Although we produce carbon when we breathe, the carbon we produce is much less than that produced by a car. Of course, there are times when we need to travel long distances. In this case, public transport such as buses and the underground is always a much better choice than a private car or a taxi. If you must drive a car, it is never good to travel alone—you should try to find other people to travel with you.

At home, you should use as little energy as possible. Turn off the lights and anything else electrical when not in use. Since factories use a lot of energy and also let off carbon gases, it is important to recycle as much as possible. In particular, metal products and paper products require a lot of energy to produce, so you should find ways to use these again without throwing them away.

Last but not least, you can plant a tree, because trees absorb the carbon dioxide in the air to produce oxygen. Planting a small tree is cheap and easy, and two decades from now, when you look at what will have become a large tree, you will find a sense of satisfaction knowing that you did your part to help solve the problem of climate change.

38. M5U3. Reading—The perfect copy

Scientists have announced that they have cloned the first human embryo. This has caused much debate round the world. On the one hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo, you can produce valuable human tissues—such as bone or lung tissue—that could be used to save human lives. On the other hand, many people, including some scientists, disagree and are afraid that, if mankind toys with nature in this way, we may be on our way to producing a real-life Frankenstein’s monster.

Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its cells. The first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. She was born in 1996 and died in early 2003, at a much younger age than normal. When she was born, many people were worried that cloning would lead to more diseases in the animal world. However, in general the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientific advance.

Ian Wilmut, the Scottish scientist who created Dolly, is shocked that some scientists are now considering cloning human beings. Although he researches cloning, his intention has never been to create copies of human. Instead, he thinks research efforts should concentrate on creating new tissues and organs that can be used to cure diseases like cancer. However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life.

Even though human cloning is causing a lot of anxiety, it is good news for Faye Wilson, a 41-year-old saleswoman who cannot have a baby. ‘I am anxious to have a child of my own,’ she says. ‘I don’t want to adopt someone else’s child—If I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby right now.

While cloning human embryos is not legal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research in order to produce a cloned human baby. Severino Antinori, an Italian physician, has declared that he wants to be the first to clone a human being.

In China, scientists have focused their efforts on cloning animals, as well as cloned tissues to be used in medical treatment. China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.

(Letter 1) Dear Editor

I believe that human cloning is wrong. If we toy with nature , we will have to deal with the consequences. Who knows what could happen? Human life would just become a crop to be harvested or a product for sale.

The human race is using up the Earth’s natural wealth. We should be having fewer babies in order to reduce the Earth’s population, not cloning more.

I feel sorry for the lady who cannot have a baby, but I would like to point out that there are many children in the world with no parents who would be delighted to have a mother.

Pauline Carter

(Letter 2) Dear Editor

I would like to comment on your arti cle, ‘The perfect copy’. I think the scientific advances mentioned in your article are fantastic! I am in complete agreement with human cloning. After all, scientists have been challenging moral ideas for centuries. Why should we stop them now?

On a personal note, cloning would totally transform my life. Seven years ago, my 10-year-old daughter died of heart failure. She was beautiful, cheerful and bright. I miss her every single day. If I had the chance, I would clone her immediately so I that I could be with her again.

Colin Jake

39. M5U3. Project (1)— Man and Nature

For a long time, our environment has been damaged because humans have been careless. People have harmed nature through agriculture, fishing, hunting and tourism. We further damage the Earth by building new channels in the sea and factories on the land, and by creating pollution with chemical waste. We will some day destroy the planet we live on if we continue in this way.

However, if we focus only on conservation, then people may suffer. Not everything that is best for nature is good for people. Would anyone say that development should be stopped in favor of nature. From the point of view of some people, we are only doing what humans have always done, using nature to meet our own needs. Other people argue that such thinking may cause a catastrophe, unless we start to look around and understand how a clean environment benefits us all.

After decades of destroying nature and using up natural resources, many developed nations are now concerned about saving nature rather than developing or destroying it. However, many poorer nations must focus on meeting the everyday needs of their people. In doing so, they are using up natural resources at a fast pace. They have not yet seen the effects of the careless use of the environment like many wealthy nations have. Often they do not realize that the choices they make are bad for the environment. Should they be blamed for destroying hundreds of thousands of acres of rainforest if it means a better income for their people? The developed and developing countries of the world need to work together to make sure that people enjoy healthy and happy lives, without the environment around them suffering.

It should not be a question of humans winning and nature losing. Humans can only really win by protecting nature. After all, food has to be produced in a healthy, natural system, and we all need clean air to breathe and pure water to drink. It is mankind’s responsibility to find answers that are good for everyone, and everything.

40. M5U3. Project (2)— GM food: hope or danger?

In recent years, there has been great progress in the study of genetics. With this progress doors have been opened up to technologies that never existed before. While many people are excited about these new technologies, these same technologies frighten others. Nowhere is this truer than with genetically modified (GM) food.

There are two ways in which a plant or an animal can be genetically modified. First, new material can be inserted into its DNA to give the plant or animal qualities which it would never have in nature. Second, material can be taken from the DNA of a plant or an animal in order to remove qualities which are not desired.

One aim of GM research is to produce food which will make us healthier. So far, this technology has been used to produce plants which are better able to defend themselves against pests and disease. Supporters of GM food argue that GM plants are healthier and have larger harvests. While there has been research in GM animals such as pigs, no GM meat is being sold at present.

Many questions have been raised about GM food. No one really knows whether it is safe for animals or humans to eat. Scientists admit that more tests should be done on GM food. Research has been limited to increasing production profits, rather than making sure that GM foods are safe. GM food could therefore be dangerous to eat.

There is also a question as to whether GM plants are safe for the environment. Since GM crops are planted outside, they are part of the food chain—insects and other animals eat them or use their products, and these insects and animals will be eaten by yet other animals. No one knows what effects the GM material might have on the food chain.

Since no one really knows whether GM food is safe, many countries have hesitated to give permission for the production of GM foods, as they would rather be cautious with this new technology.


牛津高中英语课文翻译 牛津高中英语模块1课文翻译 Unit 1 School life in the UK 英国校园生活 Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3:30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour later than usual, as school in China begin before 8 a.m. 在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历。我很满意英国的上学时间,因为那里是大约9点开始上学,下午3:30放学,这意味着我可以比平常晚起床一个小时,因为在中国8点之前就开始上课了。 On the first day, all of the new students attended an assembly in the school hall. I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana. We soon became best friends. During the assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades. This sounded like my school in China. 在第一天,所有新生在学校礼堂集合,我坐在一个叫做戴安娜的女孩旁边,我们很快就成为了好朋友。在集合期间,校长告诉我们关于学校的规章制度,他还告诉我们,在学校要想赢得别人的尊重,最好的方法就是努力学习,取得高分,这一点听起来跟中国的学校差不多。 I had many teachers in the past year. Mr Heywood, my class teacher, was very helpful. My favourite teacher was Miss Burke – I loved the lessons that she gave in English Literature. In our class there were 28 students. This is about the average size for British schools. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names. 在过去的一年里,我有很多的老师,黑伍德先生,也就是我的班主任,对我很有帮助;我最喜欢的老师是伯尔克小姐,我喜欢她教的英国文学课。在我们班有28个同学,这差不多是英国学校的平均班额。我们在不同的教室上不同的课,上某些课的时候,班上的同学也不一样,所以对我来说记住所有人的面孔和名字是一件难事。 I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school. However, it was a bit challenging for me at first, because all the homework was in English. I felt lucky, as all my teachers gave me much encouragement and I enjoyed all my subjects: English, History, English Literature, Computer Science, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Cooking and French. 我发现这里布置的家庭作业不像我以前在原来学校时那么繁重,可是一开始我还是觉得有点挑战性,因为所有的作业都是英文的。让我感到幸运的是,所有老师都给了我极大的鼓励,也喜欢所学的科目:英语、历史、英国文学,计算机,数学、科学、体育、艺术、烹饪和法语。 My English improved a lot, as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library. I usually went to the Computer Club during the lunch break, so I could send e-mails to my family and friends back home for free. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings. Cooking was really fun as I learnt how to buy, prepare and cook food. At the end of term we held a class party and we all had to cook something. I was glad that all my classmates were fond of the cake that I made. 我的英语提高了很多,因为我每天都使用英语而且我每天花一小时在图书馆看英语书,我经常在中午休息的时候去计算机俱乐部,这样我就可以免费给国内你的家人和朋友发邮件了。我还在每周二的晚上有一节法语课,烹饪课也很有趣,因为我可以学到如何购买、准备和烹饪食物,在学期末,我们有举行班级聚会,我们都需要做一些食物,让我很高兴的是我同学都很喜欢我做的蛋糕。


牛津高中英语模块一(第1讲) 【教学内容与教学要求】 一、教学内容: 牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 (上) 二、教学要求: 1.掌握和校园生活有关的常用单词、词组与句型。 2.学会描述校园生活和学校设施。 High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work!高中是探索、学习和辛勤劳动的时期Huge campus and low-rise building 学校面积大,没有高层建筑。 Twelve laboratories are available for different experiments.12个实验室可供不同试验使用。 Each room comes with its own bothroom and Internet access.每个房间都有自己的卫生间和英特网接口。 3.学习阅读技巧:skimming&scanning。 4.语法:定语从句(一) 【知识重点与学习难点】 一、重要单词: access achieve attend assembly article available average canteen club challenging context donate display experience extra graduate gym heading locker low-rise literature poster relax 二、重点词组: class teacher 班主任at ease with 和….相处不拘束school hours学校作息时间earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬sound like听起来象for free 免费get a general idea 了解大意as well as 除….以外, 也key words 关键词word by word 逐字逐句地find one’s way around 认识路develop an interest in 培养对….的兴趣surf the Internet网上冲浪 【难点讲解】 1.What is your dream school life like? 你理想中的学校生活是什么样子? 这里dream表示心目中最理想的. 如dream team (梦之队)。


Unit 1 She learnt English. 学习任务 She learnt English. Did she learn any foreign languages. He is learning English now. 功能 谈论过去并与现在做比较 运用任务 1、说说爷爷奶奶退休前的工作及语言学习情况; 2、谈论昨天一家人的活动; 教学程序 一、Warming—up(热身复习) Greeting: T: Hello, Good morning, class. S: Good morning, teacher. T: How are you today? S: We are well. T: What day is today? S: Thursday. T: Are you ready for your English class? S: Yes. We are ready. Game: Review the past tense of some verbs. 二、New teaching (课文教学) https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e2723382.html,e some pictures to learn important sentences. Did you/he /she …..? Yes, I/she/he did. No, didn’t. He is doing ……. 2.Learn new words and phrases. Teacher plays the tape and have Ss underline the new words and phrases. Teacher guides to learn by all kinds of methods. 3.Listen and repeat 4.Act out the test. (Give Ss some minutes to practise.) 三、Practice and consolidate.(练习与巩固) 1.Show two pictures and have Ss describe (use the important sentences) 2.Do activity 3. Have Ss look it , give some minutes to practise in pairs ,then act it out.


牛津高中英语模块1-5课文及译文(精校版) M1U1 SCHOOL life in the UK Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. On the first day, all of the new students attended an assembly in the school hall. I sat next to a girl whose name is Diane. We soon became best friends.During the assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote oneself to study and achieve high grades. This sounded like my school in China. I had many teachers in the past year. Mr.Heywood , my class teacher, was very helpful. My favorite teacher was Miss Burke—I loved the lessons that she gave in English Literature. In our class there were 28 students. This is about the average size for British schools. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English. I felt lucky as all my teachers gave me much encouragement and I enjoyed all my subjects: English, History, English Literature, Computer Science, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Cooking and French. My English improved a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.I usually went to the Computer Club during the lunch break, so I could send e-mails to my family and friends back home for free. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. At the end of term we held a class party and we all had to cook something. I was glad that all my classmates were fond of the cake that I made. Students at that school have to study Maths, English and Scienc e, but can stop studying some subjects if they don’t like them, for example, History and French. They can choose other subjects like Art and Computer Science or Languages such as Spanish and German. In the Art class that I took, I made a small sculpture. T hough it didn’t look very beautiful when it was finished, I still liked it very much. I missed Chinese food a lot at lunch. British food is very different. British people like eating dessert at the end of their main meal. After lunch, we usually played on the school field. Sometimes I played football with the boys. Sometimes I just relaxed under a tree or sat on the grass. I was very lucky to experience this different way of life. I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again. 在英国的学校生活 在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历。我很喜欢英国中学的 作息时间,因为学校每天上午大约9点上课,下午大约3点半放学。这意味着我每天可以比以往 晚一个小时起床,因为在中国学校每天上午8点之前就开始上课了。 开学第一天,所有的新生都去学校礼堂参加晨会。我当时坐在一个名叫黛安娜的女孩身边: 我们很快就成了最要好的朋友。在晨会上,校长向我们宣布了校规。他还告诉我们,赢得尊重 的最佳途径就是专心学习并取得好成绩。这听起来倒是像我在国内就读的学校。 过去的一年里我有过许多老师。海伍德先生,我的班主任,对我的帮助很大。我最喜欢的 老师是伯克小姐——我喜爱她教的英国文学课程。我们班上一一共有28个学生。英国中学的班级 差不多就是这么大。我们上不同的课得去不同的教室。上某些课的时候,班上的同学也不一样, 所以对我来说记住所有的人的面孔和名字可是一件难事。 我发现这里布置的家庭作业不像我以前在原来学校时那么繁重,可一开始我还是觉得有些


牛津高中英语教学设计 单元:Unit 1 School life 板块:Word Power Thoughts on the design: Word power 该板块设计的目的是引导学生通过以下两种方法学习词汇:一是让学生学习与单元话题相关的分类词汇;二是通过构词法学习单词。该板块设计了图表、对话或短文,用以拓展学生对于话题相关的词语的认识和运用。 Teaching aims: 1.to cultivate students’ ability of reading a map; 2.to develop and practice the way of asking and giving the way; 3.students are expected to gain a more general ideal of school facilities; 4.to enlarge students vocabulary and try to guide them to use correctly. Teaching procedures: Step One—Don’t tell me its name (Guessing game) [设计说明] Describe the features of the given place, but not to mention its name, let others guess)(通过此步骤使得学生充分熟悉有关school facilities的名词,为教学的下一步展开做好铺垫,同时激发学生学习热情。 e.g. (提示词) *Book stand;E-books;Abundant reading materials (library) *Pieces of equipment for specific purposes, as building up one’s body (gym) *Yummy Yummy (Picture Presentation) (students’ canteen) *Second Home (dormitory) Step Two—Drawing a map & looking for destination [设计说明] 学生按照老师口头所给路线画图,可请1-2名学生上黑板演示,充分锻炼学生“ASK AND GIVE THE WAY”的能力。 如: Now, everybody, welcome to our starting point. Try to imagine that you are right now facing the North. I’d like you to go along this road, which is called the Zhong Shan Road, and then turn left; you will find a city library on your right side … Step Three—Welcome our spokesman (Role-acting & Recommendation) [设计说明]角色扮演,学生按自我意愿在所给选择范围内挑选一名运动明星,并向大家推荐由其代言的某一运动项目。

模块五第一单元project 教案

高二(英语)(模块五Unit2 Project)第七课时导学案 编制人:王玲审核人:编制时间:8月27日学生完成所需时间35分钟 班级:姓名:第小组【学习目标】1.Help Ss learn and use English by doing a project. 2. Encourage Ss to use they have learnt to complete a project. 【学习重难点】1.Help Ss how to plan and do research for the report. 2.How to learn and use English by doing a project. 【知识链接】 A quiz 1)What are the three longest freshwater rivers in the world? 2) How much do you know about the Yangtze River ? What has happened to the Yangtze River? Do you know what’s being done to protect this river? 【学习过程】 Step1: Reading. 1. Read the report on page38, try to report the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph1 Paragraph2 Paragraph3 Paragraph4 Paragraph5 2. More understanding. Why have the environmental problems of the Yangtze River raised the concern both nationally and internationally? What does the green organization do? What problems do the two government projects focus on? What did farmers have to do under the water and soil preservation project? What is the good news for the river? 3. Analyze the structure. Divide the text into several parts according to your understanding. Part1 (paragraph ) 13


基础模块上下册第一单元及《诗经》测试题 一、给加点字注音(以下加点字选自做过的习题卷和书下注解必须个个正确) 抽屉.喟.叹印戳.冻疮.拽.断撮.土撑.住廿. 惦.念窘.迫敷衍.笨拙.(zhuō)污秽.慎.重油腻.庚.子年粗糙.凛冽.崭.新暂.时瞥.见刮痧.气氛.逮.捕漂.白踽.踽独行校.补解.甲归田(jiě)窥.探兴.奋(xing 一声)高句. 丽锲.而不舍呛.水召.唤倔强 ..矩.形龃.龊畸.形不足恃.熟稔.(ren 三声)刚愎.自用令人咋.舌(ze二声)掐.尖坍.塌惟妙惟肖.给.予嚼.舌根张牙舞爪.腼腆.捋.胡须(lv三声)强.颜欢笑朝觐.(jin四声)柏.拉图(bo二声)未雨绸缪.(mou二声)禅.宗阑.尾炎奴颜婢.膝家当.臀.燠.热券.庞蕴.抽噎.(ye 一声,同)呜咽.(ye四声)木橛.子蔫.嘟哝.(后一字轻声)乍.(翘舌 四声)绺.(liu三声)黢.黢箢篼 ..兀兀.穷年沥.尽心血.群蚁排衙. 气冲斗.牛圭臬 ..滥.用载.体里弄.哽咽.中看不中.用角.逐 (jué)埋.怨即.使驯. xùn 服参差 ..不齐 二、字形题 (一)看拼音写汉字 好xiàng像候hòu车高粱liáng欢dù度安xiáng详溃kuì烂印chuō戳暴zào躁感kǎi慨气gài概 啰luō嗦兆 zhào头侥jiǎo幸虔qián诚瘫痪tān huàn (二)选择题: 1.字形。下列词语书写全对的一组是(错的在后面改过来)(A) A.爱屋及乌博闻强识门当户对震耳欲聋 B.正襟危坐题纲挈领眼花撩乱金壁辉煌 C.穿流不息声撕力竭花团锦簇载歌载舞 D.衣衫褴褛目不遐接扣人心弦食不裹腹 2.实词。在下面各句横线处依次填入的词语,最恰当的一组是( D ) (1)若是不管那些个人的________,我们可以把各种不同的人生境界划分为四个等级。 (2)道德行为,并不单纯是_______道德规律的行为;有道德的人也不单纯是养成某些道德习惯的人。 (3)成为圣人就是达到人作为人的最高成就。这是哲学的________任务。 (4)可是人的对于________人世的渴望,必将由未来的哲学来满足。 A.差别遵循高尚超脱 B.差别遵守高尚超脱 C.差异遵守崇高超越 D.差异遵循崇高超越 三、阅读文章节选,完成下列问题。 (一)阅读《我的母亲》节选,完成后面的问题。 二十岁,我的两条腿残废了。除去给人家画彩蛋,我想我还应该再干点别的事,先后改变了几次主意,最后想学写作。母亲那时已不年轻,为了我的腿,她头上开始有了白发。医院已明确表示,我的病目前没法治。母亲的全副心思却还放在给我治病上,到处找大夫,打听偏方,花了很多钱。她倒总能找来些稀奇古怪的药,让我吃,让我喝,或是洗、敷、熏、


牛津高中英语模块三语言点 Unit 1 The world of our senses 一、Reading 1. (Page 2, Line 7) Once out in the street, she walked…… 如果从句和主句的主语一致,或者从句的主语为it,同时从句中含有be的适当形式,可以省略从句的主语和be动词,留下分词、介词短语等成分作状语,表示时间、原因、方式、让步、伴随状态等含义。从句前可以加上适当的连词,使从句的含义更加明确。 ① Once(it is)seen,it will be never forgotten. ②When (you are) in the street, you’d better be careful. ③ While (you are) reading, underline the key words. 2. this: adv.这么that much: 那么多 that: adv.那么He isn’t this / that tall. 3. observe: vt. (1) 观察,注意到(2) 遵守(3) 庆祝 observer: n.目击者,观察者,观测员,观察员 ① She observed that the pond was drying up. ② observe the speed limit. ③ observe the Christmas Day. ④ The UN sent a team of observers to the peace talks. 4. glance at sth: 瞥一眼,匆匆看,扫视 at first glance: 乍一看 ① He glanced at nervously at his watch. ② At first glance, the palace seemed deserted. 5. stare at sth: 盯着,凝视 glare at sth: 怒目而视,瞪着 ① He stared at the diamond with great amazement. ② Tom didn’t shout. He just glared at me silently. 6. nowhere: adv.无处,到处都不 n. [U] 无处 be nowhere to be seen / found / heard: 哪儿也见∕找∕听不到 nowhere else: 没有别的地方 get nowhere: 没有结果∕进展 ① Such case is nowhere to be found. ② I have nowhere else to go. ③ It’s a good idea but it will get nowhere without more financial support. ④ Nowhere else can you find a more beautiful view. 7. narrow: adj.窄的,狭隘的;勉强的;精确的 vt. & vi. (使)变窄,缩小 ◆◆narrowly: adv. 勉强地;严密地,仔细地 ① He has a narrow mind. 他度量很小。 ② a narrow escape from death: 九死一生 ③ What does the word mean in its narrowest sense? ④ In order to widen the road he had to narrow the pavement. ⑤The road narrows here. ⑥He narrowly escaped drowning.


Home alone Act one Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected. The curtains are closed and the living room is dark when Mom and Dad enter. Dad: It’s so nice to be home! Mom: Yes, I can’t wait to surprise the boys! Suddenly a door opens and a soccer ball flies through the room. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly. Eric: Mom! Dad! You’re back early! (looking around room, sounding frightened) But, but--- you weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow! The dog slowly walks to Mom and Dad. Mom: (Bending to touch dog) Eric, he’s so tired and hungry! (looking at table) The money for dog food is gone, but Spot looks like he is starving! What did you do with the cash we left? Dad: And look at this room— garbage all over the place! Where is your brother? (shouting angrily) Daniel! Daniel: (running into room) Mom, Dad, I can explain--- Dad opens the curtains and light comes into the room. The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. In the corner, there is a garbage can around which are pieces of garbage and waste paper. Mom and Dad both turn towards Daniel. Dad: (sounding very angry) listen to me, young man----we left you in charge? We thought you could act like an adult! I don’t know the reason why the house is so dirty--- Mom: Daniel, we thought you were an adult, a person from whom we could expect good decisions. Dad: How can we trust you any more? We won’t tolerate such behavior in our house! Daniel: ( shouting) Stop shou ting at me. I’m still a teenager! Why is everything always my fault? Daniel runs into his bedroom and slams the door. Mom and Dad look at each other as lights go out. Act two, scene one Daniel and Eric’s bedroom. Eric sits on his bed. Daniel has his arms c rossed and looks upset. Daniel: They never even gave me a chance to explain. I hate them! Eric: You don’t hate them. I can tell them we had an emergency. Then they won’t be mad anymore. Daniel: No, don’t tell them anything. Anyhow they didn’t trust me. They don’t deserve an explanation. Let them think what they want. Eric: But Daniel, if they knew that Spot was sick and we used the money to take him to the clinic--- Daniel: And that we spent all of yesterday waiting there for him and that is why we had no time to clean the house --- but no, Eric, why didn’t they ask me what happened instead of shouting at me? Act two, scene two Mom: Do you think we were too hard on Daniel? Perhaps there is a reason why the house is a mess… Dad: Maybe, but now that he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he


牛津高中英语教学设计 教材:牛津高中英语(模块三)高一下学期 文档内容:教学设计—教案 单元:Unit 2 Language 板块:Project(第一课时) 作者:孙小朵 教案背景:新课改背景下,素质教育的真谛:创新与合作,着重于孩子能力的培养,鼓励在创新中成长。本课时的设计为Project的第一课时,主要是侧重于文本的处理,同时也把文章的重点短语一并完成,学生在课前做好充分的预习准备。对于Project的文本,我们在实际操作中达成了这样的认识:文本是用以阅读的,但是不同于Reading的阅读,Project的文本阅读不是单单以获取信息、了解文本为目的的,它的存在是以阅读为基础,为下一课时的图册文本设计提供信息与蓝本,本文主要是讲述了中国汉字的发展历程:汉字的出现.象形字.会意字.形声字.以及简化字。 Teaching aims: 1.Let the students know the development of Chinese characters. 2.Let students know the formation of Chinese characters. 3.Learn to explain the process of the Chinese character Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in Ask students a question "Can you recognise these Chinese characters?"and Show the students some pictures about developing process of the Chinese characters and introduce the topic “The development of Chinese characters”. 【设计说明】作为文本阅读的导入,首先要找一些关于课文的图片来挑动学生的学习兴趣,激发学生的学习热情,自然而然地引至主题。 Step 2 Skimming Skim the text and think about how many parts we can divide the whole text into,then match the main idea with each part: A The origin of Chinese characters. B Simplified Chinese characters. C. Brief introduction of Chinese characters. D. Form and development of Chinese characters. para.1 C Para.2A Para.3-4 D Para.5 B 【设计说明】通过快速阅读掌握文本的结构划分,对于文本实现整体性的粗线条把握,在文本划分基础上概括每部分的总体大意。 Step 3 Reread the text and answer the following questions Part1


高中英语模块一UNIT3 一、重要单词: 1.make make up 编造;化妆make out 看出,辨认出;理解;填写,写出,拼凑 make up for 弥补be made up of(=consist of) 由……组成 make up one’s mind下定决心,打定主意 2.stay/remain stay up late 熬夜stay young/healthy 保持年轻/健康remain (to be) very weak 任然很虚弱3.exercise take more exercise 多锻炼 a good form of exercise 一个良好的训练形式 do a lot of exercises in English grammar 进行大量的英语语法练习 do morning/eye exercises 做早操/眼保健操 4.die die from……(polluted air,overwork) 死于(外因) die of……(cancer,grief,hunger,anger) 死于(内因) be dying for sth/to do sth. 渴望做某事deadly disease 致命的疾病 die happy 安乐死die out 绝种die down (风力、声音等)渐渐消失,平息,变弱5.辨析:another 同类的另一个,接可数名词单数或接数词加可数名词复数 the other 常用语one……the other…… the others (有范围的)其他的 others (无范围的)其他的 6.辨析:especially 尤其(=particularly) particularly 尤其(in particular);对……挑剔(be particularly about) 【注:particular in spring 尤其在春天(不能用especially)】specially 特别、专程(例如at a special price) 7.weigh[v.] weight[n.] weighty[adj.] put on weight 增重lose weight 减肥 weigh two kg 重达两千克(不用被动语态)have one’s luggage weighed 给行李称过重 8.agree agree to do sth. 同意做某事agree that……同意…… agree with one’s ideas/what sb. does 同意某人的观点/所做的事 agree to……(term,plan,proposal,suggestion,advice) 同意/接受 agree on……在……上达成共识 9.recover[v.] recovery[n.] recover from……从……中恢复过recover oneself 恢复神智 recover sth. from 从中找回某物;重新获得 10.match match sb. in sth. 在某方面比得过某人match……=go with 和……相配 a good match for 对……来说很得体strike a match 擦火柴 11.辨析:damage毁坏,损害,损失,不如destroy严重,且一定程度上可恢复 destroy (毁灭性的)破坏,程度很深 harm 对……有害(do harm to),暗示不良后果 ruin 破坏(美好的东西)(in ruins变成废墟)
