

Nail in (the) coffin

An event which causes the failure of something that has already started to fail 致命一击

His extra marriage affair was his nail in the coffin of his career indeed.


Not cool, not interesting. 古板守旧的,落后于时代的Whenever he argues with his girlfriend, he always comes up with lame excuses to get over it.

In tow

Being pulled along, behind 在……后面

He walked in that old building with his shepherd in tow.

As is

With no changes 按照原来的样子,原滋原味

I want a turkey as is so that I could cut it into pieces by myself. Strew

Spread by scattering 撒

Strew salt on the street so that it could melt the snow.

Well/welling up

Growing, filling up, like a rising well 涌出来

Right in this moment, his heart is welling up with rage. Plunk

Drop steeply 重重扔下

Dudley plunked his presents on the floor to show his dissatisfaction.


Persuasive words, high flown style, excessive use of verbal ornamentation 华丽的辞藻,修饰

Using loads of rhetoric instead of telling the main story clearly might not attract the readers’ attention.


Marginal consciousness, the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally 昏迷,恍惚,麻木

He was drinking himself into a stupor every night.


Speak slowly and indistinctly, make complaining remarks or noises under one’s breath 低语,低声抱怨

Derek murmured words of love in her ears.


Do something for fun, unnecessary 无理由的

I do not want to be singled out for gratuitous punishment. Conflict


We could create more conflicts in a story to make it attracting. Rising action

The rising action of this story is obvious.


Make moist, moisten with fine drops 弄湿,变(潮)湿

Her eyes moistened with tears.

Fathomless abyss

Deep dark place, describe a crazy person 万丈深渊,疯子He’s a fathomless abyss throughout so nobody wants to approach him.


The crisis of the article makes the readers feel nervous. Resolution

We could not skip the resolution in a story or the linking of the context will be unnatural.

Falling action

The falling action of the story calms down the readers’ emotion. Twist

The twist at the end of the story is really surprising that gives us a punch.

Story arc

The story arc of the story is not plain.

X for x’s sake

We should not do shopping for do shopping’s sake.

Hands down

Certainly, for sure, totally

He’s a genius hands down for working out this scientific puzzle. Entrée

Main food on the table 主菜,前菜

Besides the entrée, the dessert of the feast is also really delicious.


高考英语作文中常用的替换词 1.individuals, characters, folks 替换( people, persons) 2.positive, favorable, rosy (美好的) ,promising(有希望的) ,perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior 替换 good 3.dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换 bad 如果 bad 做表语 ,可以有 be less impressive替换 eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation , as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive. 4.( an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of, a host of, many, if not most)替 换 many. 注:用 many, if not most 一定要小心, many 后一定要有词。 most, if not all ,Eg. Many individuals ,if not most ,harbor the idea that同理?用. 替换 most. 5.a slice of, quiet a few, several替换 some 6.harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that,it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that)替 think (因为是书面语,所以要加 that) 7.affair, business, matter替换 thing 8.shared 替换 common 9.reap huge fruits 替换 get many benefits 10.for my part, from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion 11.Increasing(ly ), growing 替换 more and more(注意没有 growingly 这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用 increasing/growing。修饰形容词,副词用 increasingly. Eg.sth has gained growing popularity. Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth. 12.little if anything, 或 little or nothing 替换 hardly 13. ?? beneficial, rewarding替换 helpful 14.shopper,client, consumer, purchaser替换 customer 15.exceedingly, extremely, intensely替换 very 16.hardly necessary, hardly inevitable替换unnecessary,??avoidable


常用英语写作词汇 1 the 2 be 3 of 4 and 5 a 6 to 7 in 8 he 9 have 10 it 11 that 12 for 13 they 14 I 15 with 16 as 17 not 18 on 19 she

20 at 21 by 22 this 23 we 24 you 25 do 26 but 27 from 28 or 29 which 30 one 31 would 32 all 33 will 34 there 35 say 36 who 37 make 38 when 39 can 40 more

41 if 42 no 43 man 44 out 45 other 46 so 47 what 48 time 49 up 50 go 51 about 52 than 53 into 54 could 55 state 56 only 57 new 58 year 59 some 60 take 61 come

63 know 64 see 65 use 66 get 67 like 68 then 69 first 70 any 71 work 72 now 73 may 74 such 75 give 76 over 77 think 78 most 79 even 80 find 81 day 82 also

84 way 85 many 86 must 87 look 88 before 89 great 90 7 back 91 through 92 long 93 where 94 much 95 should 96 well 97 people 98 down 99 own 100 just


英语作文如何恰当选用词语 性。在我国,古人写文章时常为一个词语的选用具思苦想,因而有“语不惊人死不休”的说法。 成语“一字值千金”也说明了选择词语的极端重要性。有时“一字之差”造成令人遗憾的败笔,或招致成千上万损失。这些反面的教训也告诉我们必须重视词语选用的问题。 词语选择的可能性。我们每个人的脑子里都有一个词库,只要我们肯去对比发掘,往往可以得到更好的表达方式。这是我们做好词语选用的主观条件。从客观条件,我们有各种类型的词典,只要我们平时多翻译、多阅读,写作时勤查考,就会在词语选用上不断进步。当然,一部好词典也不会毫无缺点,更难以面面俱到,因此在这里我们应牢牢记住著名英国作家、评论家和辞书编纂家Johson的话:Dictionaries are like watches: the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true. 词语选择的三项标准。关于择语标准,人们说法不一,但准确、鲜明、生动三项原则是公认的。当然,某词语用得是否符合要求,不可孤立地从词语本身的含义上着眼,还要看其具体使用场合,包括同其他词语搭配等。 1)择语的准确性。准确性,就是要根据使用场合选用确切的语言形式,正如有句英语俗语所言:Do not write so that your words may be undetstood, but write so that your words must be understood. 著名美国作家马克·吐温说:“用词准确与用词几乎准确,这两者之间的差异就如闪电与萤火虫之间的差异。为了择语准确,必须熟悉词语的多义性。例如depression对心理学家、经济学家或地质学家来说,含义各不相同。反之,也常常有几个词语可以表示类似的含义,如心理学上的“depression”也能用melancholia,the blues,the dismal in the dumps,low 等词语表示。要做到准确选择,有必要注意词语的两种意义:“基本意义”和"引申意义"。前者指该词语的本身,或客观的固有含义,后者指该词语在一定搭配或上下句中出现的其他意义,往往比较含蓄,带有词语使用者的主观态度或感情色彩。如inexpensive和cheap都表示便宜的基本意思,如顾客问营业员:“May I have some thing cheaper?”意思是希望要价钱便宜一点的,当然并不是说质量可以不好,但cheap在其他句式或使用场合可引出“低劣”、“平庸”、“吝啬”、等多种意思。选用词语的准确性还表现在区分表示大体/抽象含义的词语和表示具体/特定含义的词语上,需要根据不同的使用场合做出正确的选择。抽象含义词语和具体含义词语不是两个对立的家族,在一定的条件下可以转化,如:labor一词通常带抽象含义,但并非一成不变。试比较:A)Honest labor creates wealth for the society. B)In the GM contract dispute, labor seeks a five-cent per hour wage increase. 上述A句中labor一词为抽象含义,泛指各种社会劳动,B句中labor为具体含义,特指W AW,即美国汽车、飞机、农业机械工人联合会。 2)择语的鲜明度。准确性是鲜明度的前提,也是提高鲜明度的基础。然而,鲜明与简练相关。我们说话、写文章都要以“言简意赅”四字为目标,为此,应从两个方面加以注意: A.在可以运用较简短的常见词语表达意思时不要用复杂而少的词语,如:do something for (不用perform,accomplish),用end/finish a letter (不用terminate,conclude)。 B.多余的或转弯抹角的词语都不利于明白地表达思想的词语避免使用。多从自己的所学的词汇中选用简明易懂的词汇来表达中心。 3)择语的生动感。生动感也可以叫做优美感(gracefulness),它是建筑在准确性和鲜明度的基础上的,否则,单纯追求生动或优雅,就会出现辞藻华丽(flower 这里就作文写作给点建议。作文是要小心,按英语习惯来写句子; 认清常见错误,避免再次写错;建立错题集,不断提醒自己;多背些范文,模仿它们来写.该课通过学生错误的分类归纳,给学生以警示作用,学生能避免犯同样的错误,最后写出优美的句子。学生反映


1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) The way you and I approach today, and each day, is crucial. 我们对待今天以及每一天的方式都是至关重要的。 Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable. 无论在工作中还是在家里,目标都是从事个人重大的并且令人愉快的活动。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8211336368.html,mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) Music has been called the universal language. 人们称音乐为世界的语言. Happiness is ubiquitous, may fall short of demand. 幸福无处不在,可还是供不应求. 3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) He has received ample praise for the work he did. 他所做的工作,使他获得了广泛的赞美。 This place has plentiful material resources. 这地方的物质资源是丰富的。 4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly) We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly. 我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。 The children cling to their father for more pocket money. 孩子们粘着爸爸,要他再给些零花钱。 5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) Focus in the person who are talking with you,ignore something else. 把全身的注意力都集中在与你谈话的人身上,忽略其他。 6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent) His house is adjacent to mine. 他的寓所与我的相毗连。 It is certain that virtue adjoins pride on one side. 好的品德常会引人走向骄傲自满的一面,那是不假的。 7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL) He wooed and won her. 他向她求爱成功而结婚。 Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children. 老年人可以找自己的朋友而不会在情感上太依赖他们的子女。


托福写作必备100个意群词汇 1.持某观点: claim (contend reckon share the belief that ) 2. 支持某观点: advocate (maintain vote for side with be in favor of ) 3. 反对某观点: contradict (criticize be against cast doubts on ) 4. 合理的:justified ( sensible feasible convincing hold water bear much analysis) 5. 好处:advantage (benefit, merit, positive side) 6. 弊端:disadvantage( defect, demerit, negative side) 7. 肯定:undoubtedly (indeed undeniably there is no denying that) 8. 不确定:be likely to ( potentially presumably) 9. 重要的:essential (significant, vital, crucial, critical, fundamental, indispensable) 10. 有益的:beneficial (conducive instrumental ) 11. 有害的:detrimental (harmful virulent) 12. 有争议的:controversial (disputable, contentious) 13. 普遍的:widespread ( prevalent, universal) 14 显著地:considerably (significantly, remarkably, dramatically, tremendously, substantially) 15. 明显的:evident (apparent, manifest) 16. 增强:enhance (strengthen intensify) 17. 减少:decline (descend, collapse, relieve) 18. 大约:approximately(nearly, around, estimated, roughly) 19. 趋势:trend(tendency, inclination) 20. 预见:predict (expect, project) 21. 带来bring about (result in, lead to) 22. 引起create (spark, yield, give rise to) 23. 建立establish (found, institute) 24. 要求call for (request,demand) 25. 去除eliminate(remove, eradicate) 26. 探讨explore (examine, identify) 27. 描绘depict (portray, illustrate) 28. 后果consequence( aftermath; outcome) 29. 足够adequate(enough; sufficient) 30. 解决tackle ( resolve, address) 31. 意识awareness(consciousness) 32. 控制curb ( regulate, censor) 33. 解释:account for(be responsible for) 34. 投资finance (invest in, subsidize) 35. 缓解relieve ( ease, alleviate) 36. 压力stress ( pressure, strain) 37. 和谐harmony ( concordance) 38. 继承inherit (hand down) 39. 培养cultivate(train, foster) 40. 促进promote ( contribute to, upgrade) 41. 适应adapt to (adjust to, acclimate to) 42. 提供provide (render, afford) 43. 替代replace (substitute, take the place of) 44. 保护preserve (protect) 45. 证据evidence (proof) 46. 赢得gain (acquire, attain) 47. 国外的f oreign( alien, exotic) 48. 灾难disaster (misfortune, catastrophe) 49. 发展advance (progress) 50. 倾向于tend to ( be inclined to , be apt to)


英语写作常用词语和句子 一、常用的过渡词 1.用以解释的过渡词 now, in addition, for, in this case, furthermore, in fact… 2.表示强调的过渡词 certainly, indeed, above all, surely, most important… 3.表示限制的过渡词 but, however, although, though, yet, except for… 4.用以举例的过渡词 for example, for instance, thus, such, next… 5.表示递进或补充的过渡词 in addition, furthermore, also, moreover, yet… 6.表达顺序的过渡词 first, second, third, afterward, meanwhile, thereafter, last, finally, eventually… 7.用以表示比较的过渡词 like, in the same way, similarly, equally important, too… 8.用以表示对比的过渡词 unlike, in contrast, whereas, on the other hand, instead… 9.表示让步的过渡词 although, nevertheless, of course, after all, clearly, still, yet… 10.用以表达结果的过渡词 therefore, as a result, consequently, then, thereby, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, so, otherwise… 11.用以表示总结的过渡词 to sum up, finally, in conclusion, at last, in short, in a word, in the long run, in summary… 二、常用句子 1.比较 (1)The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. (2)The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. (3)A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that… (4)It is reasonable to maintain that…, but it would be foolish to claim that… (5)For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. (6)Like anything else, it has its faults. (7)Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects. (8)People used to think…, but things are different now. (9)the same is true of B. (10)Wondering as A is, it has its drawbacks. 2.原因 (1)A number of factors are accountable for this situation. (2)The answer to this problem involves many factors. (3)The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that… (4)The factors that contribute to this situation include…


1.词语选择的重要性 在The Right Word at the Right Time的“序言”中,编者对词语选用的重要性作了一个很好的比喻:“Using the right word at the right time is rather like wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion: it is a courtesy to others,and a favor to yourself-a matter of presenting yourself well in the eyes of the world." 显然,说话或写文章时用词适当比穿着适当难度大得多,因而也具有更大的重要性。在我国,古人写文章时常为一个词语的选用具思苦想,因而有“语不惊人死不休”的说法。 成语“一字值千金”也说明了选择词语的极端重要性。有时“一字之差”造成令人遗憾的败笔,或招致成千上万的经济损失。这些反面的教训也告诉我们必须重视词语选用的问题。 2.词语选择的可能性 实际上,我们每个人的脑子里都有了一个或大或小的词库,只要我们肯去发掘,往往可以得到更好的表达方式。这是我们做好词语选用的主观条件。 从客观条件广看,我们有各种类型的词典和参考书,只要我们平时多翻译、多阅读,写作时勤查考,就会在词语选用上不断进步。当然,一部好词典也不会毫无缺点,更难以面面俱到,因此在这里我们应牢牢记住著名英国作家、评论家和辞书编纂家Johson的话: Dictionaries are like watches: the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true. 3.词语选择的三项标准 关于择语标准,人们说法不一,但准确、鲜明、生动三项原则是公认的。当然,某词语用得是否符合要求,不可孤立地从词语本身的含义上着眼,还要看其具体使用场合,包括同其他词语搭配等。 1)择语的准确性 准确性,就是要根据使用场合选用确切的语言形式,正如有句英语俗语所言: Do not write so that your words may be undetstood, but write so that your words must be understood.


(冒号前面的是我们习惯想到的词,考试中尽量少用!一定要用后面的词去替换前面)We, everyone: any reasonable/sensitive soul/mind, talented minds, elite minds, versatile minds, personality, figures, celebrity, idiots, philosophic minds, genius More and more: increasingly, Big: enormous, tremendous, gigantic, titanic, astronomical, vast, boundless, Very: extremely, overwhelmingly, undeniably, remarkably, voluminously, excessively, exceedingly, tangibly, impressively, shockingly, Famous: renowned, celebrated, accomplished, distinguished, prominent, eminent, outstanding, preeminent, Good: spectacular, amazing, unbelievable, incredible, magnificent, adorable, fantastic, fascinating, admirable, respectable, cherishable, adorable, awesome, terrific, majestic, Bad: nightmarish, disgusting, despicable, monstrous, appalling, abhorring, repelling, repulsive, Important: significant, essential, basic, fundamental, indispensable, crucial, critical, decisive, determinant, dominant, predominant, infallible, Say, Believe,think: suppose, hold, claim, maintain, presume, assume, contend, argue, declare, I am convinced, conclude, Improve, better: further, promote, enhance, reinforce, strengthen, consolidate, cement, nurture, relieve, recover, Everyone knows: it’s a truth universally acknowledged t hat, It can never be denied, it is undeniable that,It goes without saying that,It is self evident that,It is highly advisably, imperative, remarkable that,It comforts one to know that… ◆常见替代词汇解释 1. accelerate: 后面接名词,表示“加速”,中性词,好事坏事都能用。 2. adequate: “足够的”,用来替代经常被使用的enough。 3. advance: 名词,“进步,发展”,用来替代文章开头经常使用的development,progress。 4. advisable / sensible / rational: “合理的”,都可以替代reasonable。 5. cannot afford to: “不应当做”,不是我们说的“负担不起”。 6. be alert to something: “对…保持警惕”,后面接消极概念。 7. alternative: “其他的选择或办法”,比如an alternative is that… 相当于in addition(除此之外)。 8. applicable / feasible / workable: 都表示“可行的”,用在政策、法令、手段等词前面做修饰语,既可增加字长,又可以提高词汇水平。 9. approach / channel: “方法,手段”,用来替代我们经常使用的一些简单词汇,如method 等。 10. approve of something: “批准,同意”,注意不要忘记介词of。 11. attach importance to something: 表示“重视,强调”,替代pay attention to。


考研常用英语写作词汇 1. accident n. 意外事件,事故 2. achievement n. 成就,功绩 3. activity n. 活跃,活动性,行动,行为 4. adopt vt. 采用,收养 5. advantage n. 优势,有利条件,利益 6. afford vt. [常与can,could,be able to连用]担负得起费用(损失,后果等),花费得起,经受得住;抽得出(时间) 7. ambition n. 野心,雄心 8. approach n. 接近,逼近,走进,方法,步骤,途径,通路 ①vt. 接近,动手处理②vi. 靠近 9. attract vt. 吸引 vi. 有吸引力,引起注意 10. bribe n. 贿赂 vt. 贿赂,向. . . 行贿 11. chance n. 机会,可能性,运气 12. cheat n. 欺骗,骗子 v. 欺骗,骗取 13. client n. [计]顾客,客户,委托人 14. communication n. 传达,信息,交通,通讯 15. compare v. 比较,相比,比喻 n. 比较 16. compete vi. 比赛,竞争 17. concentrate v. 集中,浓缩 18. consequently adv. 从而,所以

19. contribution n. 捐献,贡献,投稿 20. convenient adj. 便利的,方便的 21. decline vi. 下倾,下降,下垂 v. 拒绝,衰落 22. decrease n. 减少,减少之量 v. 减少 23. demand n. 要求,需求(量),需要 v. 要求,需要,要求知道,查询 24. depict vt. 描述,描写 25. duality n. 二元性


副词 常用的: actually 实际上;真实地[ Actually, it bores me stiff. ] totally 完全地[ I totally agree. 我完全同意。] eventually最后[ so that amazing progress eventually occurs in short periods.] recently 最近[ has recently come into fashion ] absolutely [是, 当然是; 正是如此Do you think so? Absolutely. 你是这样想吗? 当然是。] largely 很大程度上,大部分[largely depend on.....] basically 基本上 currently 现在,当前,普遍地,通常地 probably 大概,或许 surely 确切地[i'd surely be a hippie child] personally 就自已而言,亲自地 seriously 严肃地, 认真地, 严重地 表时间: afterwards然后后来, later稍后随后,eventually最后终于,hence 从此今后from this time/from now 从此今后 directly直接地立即, quickly很快地,shortly立刻不久,soon 不久马上 nowadays现今,presently目前不久,lately近来的, 表频率: constantly, continuously不断地经常地 repeatedly重复地再三地, frequently经常地, occasionally偶尔地, seldom很少不常, rarely很少地, yearly, monthly, weekly 表逻辑: accordingly 相应地In accordance; correspondingly. likewise同样地照样,* The food was excellent, (and) likewise the wine. 菜好极了, 酒也是. * I'm going to bed and you would be well advised to do likewise. 我要睡觉了, 你最好也睡吧. accordingly 因此, consequently因此, hence因此, thereby因此由此 merely只不过仅仅merely a flesh wound.仅仅是皮肉伤 furthermore, moreover, besides nevertheless, nonetheless; however仍然 * He is often rude to me, but I like him nevertheless.他时常对我粗鲁无礼, 但我还很喜欢他. In spite of sth;尽管, regardless 无论如何continues to work regardless.不顾后果地继续工作 表语气:


英语写作中常用的词语和句型 常用谚语(在议论文中): 1. As a popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides”. 2. As a proverb says, “Everything has two sides”. On the one hand, physical exercise is good for your health. On the other hand, if you don’t deal with it properly, it wil l do harm to your health. So we should look at the matter from two sides. 3. As a proverb says, “Where there is a will there is a way.” (有志者事竟成。) 4. As a popular saying goes, “A man is known by the company he keeps.”(观其交友,知其为人。) 5. As is known to all, “No pains, no gains”. (没有苦,就没有甜。) 6. It’s no use crying over the spilt milk. (覆水难收。) 7. More haste, less speed. (欲速则不达。) 8. Look before you leap. (三思而后行。) 9. He who laughs last laughs best. (谁最后笑,谁笑得最好。) ---关于因果关系的句型:


英语作文常用高级词汇 ★形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive ★动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为: think = assert= hold = claim = argue 8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten ★名词: 1. 影响:influence= impact 2. 危险:danger = perils =hazard 3. 污染:pollution = contamination 4. 人类:human beings= mankind = human race 5. 老人: old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens 6. 幸福:happiness = cheerfulness = well-being 7. 老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers 8. 教育:education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing 9. 青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents


英语写作中词语的选择.txt你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;你逝去的时候,你笑着,而周围的人在哭!喜欢某些人需要一小时,爱上某些人只需要一天,而忘记一个人得用一生1.词语选择的重要性 在The Right Word at the Right Time的“序言”中,编者对词语选用的重要性作了一个很好的比喻:“Using the right word at the right time is rather like wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion: it is a courtesy to others,and a favor to yourself-a matter of presenting yourself well in the eyes of the world." 显然,说话或写文章时用词适当比穿着适当难度大得多,因而也具有更大的重要性。在我国,古人写文章时常为一个词语的选用具思苦想,因而有“语不惊人死不休”的说法。 成语“一字值千金”也说明了选择词语的极端重要性。有时“一字之差”造成令人遗憾的败笔,或招致成千上万的经济损失。这些反面的教训也告诉我们必须重视词语选用的问题。 2.词语选择的可能性 实际上,我们每个人的脑子里都有了一个或大或小的词库,只要我们肯去发掘,往往可以得到更好的表达方式。这是我们做好词语选用的主观条件。 从客观条件广看,我们有各种类型的词典和参考书,只要我们平时多翻译、多阅读,写作时勤查考,就会在词语选用上不断进步。当然,一部好词典也不会毫无缺点,更难以面面俱到,因此在这里我们应牢牢记住著名英国作家、评论家和辞书编纂家Johson的话: Dictionaries are like watches: the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true. 3.词语选择的三项标准 关于择语标准,人们说法不一,但准确、鲜明、生动三项原则是公认的。当然,某词语用得是否符合要求,不可孤立地从词语本身的含义上着眼,还要看其具体使用场合,包括同其他词语搭配等。 1)择语的准确性 准确性,就是要根据使用场合选用确切的语言形式,正如有句英语俗语所言: Do not write so that your words may be undetstood, but write so that your words must be understood. 著名美国作家马克·吐温说:“用词准确与用词几乎准确,这两者之间的差异就如闪电与萤火虫之间的差异。”(The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is as great as that between lighting and the lighting bug.)
