

Before you have the online class, please get ready for it!

I 语法复习Grammar Revision:


Complete the passages with the proper words.


One day, while I was having lunch at ___1___ restaurant, I listened to a conversation between a young boy and a man. ___2___ (obvious) they were father and son. The boy’s voice was low. The man’s voice was very loud. The boy tried to tell his father something, ___3___ no matter what the boy said, the father always said something very hurtful.

After ___4___ (hear) the father’s words, I became very angry. When I was young, my father never said anything to encourage me. Instead, he always said such words___5___ “You aren’t smart enough”, “I don’t think you can do it”, etc. How I wish he would say something encouraging!

Children should ___6__(encourage). I decided ___7___(have) a talk with the father and tell him what he was doing was wrong.

When I got close to their table, I found they were laughing. ___8___ turned out that the father was not scolding his son. They were preparing for a ___9___(perform), which aimed at teaching those ___10___ (parent) who liked discouraging their children how to get along with their children.

II 词汇积累Vocabulary :


Help others, help yourself!

Research has shown that when we volunteer – where we give ourselves and our time to help others – we actually end up benefiting too. Our happiness grows. We feel more satisfied with life. We even have more energy and creativity. Basically, we have more to give.

I’ve noticed a pattern with my friends. Sometimes, they get into the habit of gossiping

about others. They will constantly complain about their bosses or coworkers. It seems as if they get caught in this loop (闭环) of complaining, and their frustration distracts them in other parts of their life. When this happens, they become uninterested in new events or become annoyed by their colleagues or things that happen at work.

At the same time, I’ve also seen other friends go out of their way to help someone on their team or to help out on a project that had very little – or even nothing – to do with their main work. Although it seems like they won’t receive anything in return, my friends benefit from these interactions. My friends have told me about the stronger relationships they’ve built at work and the fun they’ve had working on new and interesting projects. They’ve told me about how the people they helped before have returned the favor later on. Not only that, but they have even talked about times where their boss recognized them for their work or when they were informed in advance about upcoming projects.

We often think that when we help someone else, we aren’t doing anything for ourselves.

But we actually often end up getting back just as much as we give. When we step in to help someone, we often turn out to be helping ourselves, as well. By Chatsworth Consulting Group Answer the question : What pushed the author to take guitar lessons?

A.How can we benefit from helping others according to the author?

B.Fill in the blanks. (No more than three words for each blank)

1)_____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) _________________________

4)_____________________ 5) _____________________6) _________________________

7)_____________________ 8) _____________________ 9) _________________________ 10)_____________________ 11) _____________________12) _________________________ 13) _____________________

III 能力训练Language in use

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

Six months ago my father lost his job. My parents discussed what would be best for my

family and agreed that he would be more likely to find work in his field in another city.

I was very 11 that they hadn’t asked my opinion. “What about my friends?” I

shouted. “And baseball? I’m 12 playing center field. I don’t want to move.”

“Jesse!” my mother cried out.

But Dad seemed to 13 . “It’s all right,” he told my mother. “His whole life is about to change. We’re all upset (难受) by this 14 .”

“I know you don’t believe me now,” my father said quietly, “but something good will come out of all this. I don’t know 15 . Just keep an open mind.”

The next few weeks were a blur (模糊的记忆). Dad was in a city 300 miles away, looking for work. Mom and I stayed in our house, knowing that our days there were 16 . When my father called with the news that he had a job, I felt numb(麻木).

As we 17 away from the house, my mother must have seen the sadness on my face.

“Jesse, life goes on,” she said. “A wonderful new life awaits us, but only 18 we work at it.”

I thought about those words. I tried to look on the 19 side. “I’ll try, Mom,” I

promised in a small voice. However, I was disappointed as we drove into the city.

Everything seemed so unfamiliar.

Seeing our new neighborhood helped—tall trees and quiet sidewalks welcomed us. Then I noticed our house, and it just kind of looked right to me. Dad 20 out of the front door.

“This is it,” he said. “It’s not home yet, but I think that you and your mother might make some decorations to make it look good.”

My father was trying to be lighthearted, but I could see that he was a little 21 . I said, “Actually, Dad, I think it looks kind of cool.”

Dad went on with 22 . “Believe it or not, the Little League coach lives right across the street! He told me he could use a strong arm in the outfield. I’ll take you to meet him tomorrow.”

“I’m ready, Dad,” I said. And I was.

11. A. angry B. worried C. doubtful D. surprised

12. A. mainly B. fortunately C. probably D. finally

13. A. know B. mind C. understand D. agree

14. A. disability B. possibility C. difficulty D. uncertainty

15. A. what B. which C. how D. why

16. A. lost B. numbered C. spent D. gone

17. A. ran B. broke C. pulled D. kept

18. A. if B. since C. for D. because

19. A. wrong B. funny C. bright D. far

20. A. jumped B. rushed C. looked D. moved

21. A. proud B. sad C. excited D. nervous

22. A. discoveries B. details C. instructions D. descriptions

2. 环保公益活动类词库:

* 环保类词汇:

参加植树活动______________ 宣传节约用水_______________随手关灯_______________购物时自备购物袋___________________ 乘坐公共交通工具出行_____________________垃圾分类________________ 循环使用废物______________ 捡拾垃圾_________________我相信每一个小小的努力都会产生巨大的影响。

_____________________________________________________________________________ *公益类词汇:

参加社区义务劳动______________________ 帮助孤寡老人_________________________探望孤儿院里的孩子___________________ 帮助他们打扫房间______________________给他们讲故事________________ 给他们表演节目__________________ 捐赠书籍_______在整个活动中,我不仅是一个给予者同时我也是一个接受者,我同样收获了温暖和爱。






2019北京四中高一(上)期中英语试题 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分) 第一节 语法填空 1. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just _______(have )a look at the sports stars. 2. I didn't mean ___________(eat)anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldn’t help trying it. 3. I live next door to a couple ________ children often make a lot of noise. 4. Please send us all the information _________ you have about the candidate for the position. 5. The boy _________is leaning against the door is our monitor. 6. Nowadays, swimming_________ (consider) to be one of the best all-round forms of exercise. 7. The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts _________(reward) with success in the coming exam. 8. Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement _________(reach) so far by the two sides. 9. Last night, I _________(choose) from hundreds of students to attend the opening ceremony. 10. My washing machine _________(repair) this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand. 【答案】1. to have 2. to eat 3. whose 4. that 5. who/that 6. is considered 7. will be rewarded 8. has been reached 9. chose10. is being repaired 【分析】 考查单句语法填空。 【1题详解】


2019中考英语北京四中易错题总结118道题(解析) 1.---Who’s taken away my English book? ---_________. A. I have B. Him C. She did D. He took it 2. ---This kind of rice tastes nice. ---Yes. It ________in northeast of China. A. was grown B. has grown C. is grown D. is growing 3. It’s known that the paper for books and magazines ______from wood. A. are made B. is made C. has been made D. is being made 4. Can you tell me__________?A. when did it happen B. when it happened C. when was it happened D. when it was happened 5. Two manned spacecraft __________into space in China in the past few years. A. was sent B. has been sent C. are sent D. have been sent 6. She’s not asleep; her eyes are _______. A. opened B. open C. close D. closed 7 Would you mind calling me back tomorrow again?-_________. A. Not at all B. You're welcome C. You're right D. Nice to meet you 8._____is most important in life isn’t money. A. That B. What C. Which D. Who 9. Please look after my plants _________I am away. A. while B. as C. before D. as soon as 10. Each year lots of visitors come to China because she is_________ country. A. so a beautiful B. very a beautiful C. such beautiful a D. so beautiful a 11. If the homework _______, you can go home. A. did B. has done C. will be done D. is done 12. It was raining heavily outside, the children were made _____ in the classroom. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed 13. The monkey was seen _________ off the tree. A. jump B. jumps C. jumped D. to jump 14._______my instructions, if you want to operate a machine properly. A. Obey B. Do C. Follow D. Agree 15. ______fun it is to visit Disneyland! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a 16. Things made abroad are not always better than__________ produced locally. A. that B. those C. the one D. it 17. They ___ play football every day when they were at college. But now they have no time. A. used to B. were fond of C. lived on D. were used to 18. The man stood there and didn’t ________to my question. A. reply B. answer C. reply to D. answer to 19. Japan lies ________the east of our country. A. to B. on C. in D. at 20. Look at the photo. The man ________me is my uncle. A. next B. beside C. besides D. close 21. Can you tell me_________? A. what does he like B. what he does like C. what he likes D. what he like


阅读理解 Mr Black has two cats. One is big and the other is small. He likes them very much. One day,his good friend,Mr Green,comes to see him. He is very surprised(感到惊奇的) to find there are two holes(洞) in the door,a big one and a small one. “My dear frien d,why are there two holes in your door?” “To let them in and out,”Mr Black answers. “But why are there two holes?”asks his friend. “How can the big cat go through the small one?”he says. “I'm sorry. I don't think too much. I just think the big hole is for the big cat and the small one is for the small cat,”answers Mr Black. “OK. A big hole is enough(足够的). Is that so?”asks his friend. “I think so,”says Mr Black. 1. Mr Black has _____ cats. A. two B. three C. one D. five 2. Mr Green comes to see _________.


报告会主持词的开场白 报告会主持词开场白 同学们: 今天是6月11日。09年的高考刚刚过去。高考那两天,我走进学校大门的时候,看到咱们学校的高三的学生三五成群地走出校门,赶往考场,准备去实现自己十几年来的理想,去实现父母亲人的梦想。那时,我突然想到你们在座的高一高二的学子们。明年或后年的这个时候,也将是你们奔赴战场的时候。你们准备得怎么样了呢?除了有高涨的学习热情之外,你们是否有一套适合自己的高效的学习方法?你们是否有自己的学习技巧?你们是否能在学习中取得事半功倍的效果?当你们奔赴高考考场的时候,你们是否能胸有成竹,充满信心? 今天,咱们漯河实验高中和北京四中网校漯河分校,共同邀请中国科协教育专家委员会基础教育部首席讲师、著名教育专家、中高考升学考试复习应对策略及心理调节专家为同学们做报告,他就是肖宇赫老师。(掌声)我们还要感谢为我们今天这场报告提供支持的民建漯河市委,坐在我旁边的这位漂亮的女士就是民建漯河市委邓丽娜秘书长!(掌声)今天报告的主题就是《从高一高二学习看高考》,当然,肖老师还有自己的标题。说起肖老师,我还是忍不住要隆重介绍一下。肖老师是著名家庭教育专家,对升学考试及中学生学习方法很有研究,近年来指导数以万计的学生应用科学的学习

方法取得了考试成功。他独创的升学考试应对策略被广大学生和家长誉为现代升学考试领域的孙子兵法。相信肖老师的报告能给大家带来启迪,能给大家留下深刻美好的印象。 还有一个小秘密要透露给大家。会前,北京四中网校漯河分校的老师再三跟我交代,说开会前一定要强调一下考试纪律。我就再三地跟网校的老师说:漯河实验高中的学生是素质最好的学生!你就放心吧!同学们,你们说,我说得对不对?(对!)我觉得,跟同学们强调大会纪律,好像有点多余,对吗?(对!)(掌声)肖老师闯南走北,在全国各地做过n的平方次演讲,见过无数的学生和家长。我希望,今天同学们能够战线出漯河实验高中学生的风采,展现出漯河学子的精神风貌,为实验高中争光,为漯河争光。大家说,好不好?(好!) 肖老师前天在北京演讲,昨天在石家庄演讲,今天早晨6点刚刚达到我们美丽的漯河。大家是否能从肖老师脸上看到一点点倦容呢?(笑,是!)。但是,我看肖老师,仍然是神采奕奕,精神焕发!我相信肖老师能以最大的热情为同学们做好这场报告,我也相信同学们能以最大的热情听好这场报告!好,下面,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎肖宇赫老师做报告。 结语 同学们,我问大家一个问题:肖宇赫老师的报告好不好?(好!)肖老师的报告精彩不精彩?(精彩!)其实,我从大家的掌声里我能听得出来!但是,我想说,让我们先把掌声献给我们在座的实验高中


北京四中网校初中英语综合卷 本试卷总分100分,标准答题时间30分钟 一单选题(本题共19小题,共计39分) 1:How many_______ are there in the boat? (2.0分) A. childs B. children C. childen D. child 2:-What’s your favourite fruit? -________ (2.0分) 南宁中考题 A. Cakes. B. Tea. C. Noodles. D. Apples. 3:They are four ________. ( ) (2.0分) A. bike

C. a bike D. the bike 4:His little brother is only three______. (2.0分) A. old year B. year old C. years old D. old years 5:-__________students have brown shoes? -Nine. (2.0分) A. How many B. How much C. Which D. Whose 6:The students are doing their______now. (2.0分) A. homework

C. homeworks D. works 7:They are __________. (2.0分) A. woman teacher B. woman teachers C. women teachers D. women teacher 8:Have you found__________ here now, Mr Li? (2.0分) A. a work B. works C. a job D. jobs 9:My favorite food is____. (2.0分) A. noodle


一句话英语教学感言 此次在北京外国语大学参加的歆语工程10天培训学习,让我一生受益无穷! 17号一整天是邱耀德教授带给我们的精彩授课。邱老师诙谐幽默的语言,充满童真的表情和行动让我第一次真正理解了什么是蹲下来和学生说话,也使我对英语课堂的理解有了极大的改变:英语课堂真的可以以玩来学,玩中求学!从邱老师身上,我嚼透了此次北京学习第三枚果实的滋味:好动是孩子的天性,游戏是孩子的生命! 学习10天,受用xx年、20年,甚至一生&& 河北省平山中学范国树 在今年的歆语工程中小学英语教师高级研修班上,多位专家从现阶段中学英语教学实际水平入手,就新的教学理念、教学思想,进行了详实而又耐心的讲解。在谈到课堂教学时,专家们告诫我们一定要克服四个现象:一讲到底,满堂灌。一练到底,满堂练。一看到底,满堂看。一问到底,满堂问。 我作为一名常年教授毕业班的教师,深深折服于北京四中李俊和老师对高考相关内容的讲解。李老师用幽默,朴实的语言,结合四中的具体情况和他本人几十年的教学实践经验,讲述了如何运用多种方法让不同层次的学生在较短的时间内提高成绩等内容。这对于来自英语教学基础相对薄弱的山区教师来说,帮助良多,相比之下,我也感到了自身的不足和需要改进的方面。 学而知不足,做而知不能,通过此次北外之行,我深感自己知识面的狭窄,但愿将来有更多的机会向专家们讨教,祝愿歆语工程越办越好。 河北省平山两河中学冀文会 今年7月9日至18日,作为革命老区平山的一名教师,我有幸参加了歆语工程中小学英语教师培训班。这次在享有中国外交官摇篮美誉的北外学习的机会弥足珍贵。 在短短的10天内,专家们从不同方面和角度给了我们很多启发与思考。培训内容充实,理论和实践相结合,案例讲评也生动有趣、实效性强。特别是袁昌寰教授的课堂活动设计课,该课程从理论到实践,都让我的教学思路大开。她把亲自设计好的活动带到课堂上,让我们一起参与、一起体验。她敬业的教学态度和智慧的语言令我折服。此外,屠蓓和陈琳教授身上体现出的活到老,学到老的精神也深深地激励了我。 歆语工程像一缕阳光,照亮了我前行的路程,更像一场春雨,播撒在教育这片希望的田野上。这次培训让我的教育理念得到了一次洗礼和升华。培训虽然结束了,但学无止境,我将把培训中学到的新的教学理念运用到今后的工作实践中去,为山区孩子的英语学习水平的提高尽最大的努力! 北京市密云县太师庄中学李海静 今年暑假我有幸参加了在北京外国语大学举办的歆语工程培训,传播美妙语言,架设沟通桥梁是她的宗旨,在培训期间我也深刻地体会到这一点。培训期间,我们有幸聆听了知名教授专家的讲座,观看了珍贵的课堂实录,欣赏著名的英语原声电影和讲解,体验了英语作为一种交流工具的美妙感受。 培训间隙,我漫步在北外绿树鲜花装扮的林荫道上,夏天的燥热也仿佛被隔绝在了校园之外。我享受着黄昏时的宁静,听着黎明时的鸟鸣,看着三三两两坐在长椅上学习的莘莘学子,这里也曾经是我的一个梦,终于借此机会实现了自己的梦想! 短暂的半个月培训虽然过去了,但仍然回味无穷。在这里有一线教学经验丰富的专家带给我们的理论讲座,如袁昌寰老师的资源整合课堂教学设计,程晓堂老师的英语课堂教学的


北京第二学期期中测试 初一年级英语试卷 (考试时间为100分钟,试卷满分为100分) 第一部分听力理解(共16分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话朗读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白朗读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 听下面这段对话,回答第五小题。 5. They will go to Yanqing by ___________.

A. bus B. train C. car 听下面这段对话,回答第六小题。 6. The man can smoke _____________ in the school building. A. anywhere B. nowhere C. outside the building 听下面这段对话,回答第七至第八小题。 7. Why wasn't the man at school yesterday? A. He went to France. B. He went to meet his sister. C. He went to see his eye doctor. 8. When will the woman's sister go back to France? A. In a few days. B. In two weeks. C. In two months. 听下面这段对话,回答第九至第十小题。 9. Why does the girl want to go to the countryside? Because ___________. A. she doesn't like city B. she wants to leave her mother at home C. she hasn't gone to the countryside for a long time 10. What has the father decided at last? A. He can't decide anything. B. He has decided that all the family will go. C. He has decided that they should go without the mother. 听下面这段对话,回答第十一至第十三小题。 11. Where is the Children's Fun Club? It's in ___________. A. India B. Great Britain C. the United States 12. What's the club about? They want _________. A. to help with reading and writing B. to make children enjoy themselves C. to make fun of young boys and girls 13. If Paul wants to join the club, he must __________. A. pay 5 pounds a year B. be over fifteen years old C. buy the magazine and the red pen 听下面这段独白,回答第十四至第十六小题。 14. How many topics did the speaker talk about learning English? A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. 15. Why does the speaker suggest singing English songs? A. Because singing is easy. B. Because he learned English through songs. C. Because it's one way to learn English words. 16. What does the speaker think of the idea of reciting(背诵)English words? A. Clever. B. It doesn't help much. C. One must recite at least(至少)20 words every day.


报告会议程 第一项:主持人致欢迎辞、嘉宾介绍: 尊敬的的各位领导、老师、家长们大家好!欢迎各位在紧张的工作和学习过程中参加此次家庭教育和学习方法研讨活动,我被大家这种学习精神深深地打动。首先,让我们给自己一个鼓励的掌声好吗!由XX中学和北京四中网校XX 分校联合主办的“北京四中助您成才报告会――中学XX高分突破”,即将开始!大家的时间都非常宝贵,为了达到最佳的学习效果首先我宣布一下会场纪律:第一:请将手机,BB机置于震动状态; 第二:请不要在场内吸烟、大声喧哗、来回走动; 第三、有疑问的朋友请会后单独沟通,课堂上请勿交头接耳。 由XX中学、北京四中网校XXX分校联合主办的“北京四中助您成材”报告会,现在开始! 嘉宾介绍: 主持人:首先,请让我为大家介绍今天与会的嘉宾: 今天与会的领导有: XX中学校长:XXX XX中学主任:xxx 北京四中网校XX分校校长:XXX 让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的光临! 现在我很荣幸为大家介绍不远千里从北京赶来为我们做报告的北京特级教师、北京XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX老师。让我们用热烈的掌声表示欢迎及衷心的感谢! 今天到会的还有:各中学的领导和老师、同学们,多家媒体的朋友们,欢迎你们的到来! 在这里,我谨代表北京四中网校XX分校的全体教职工向在座的领导和朋友们表示最热烈的欢迎和最诚挚的谢意! 第二项:活动目的介绍 又一个新的学期开始了,初一、初二是整个初中的基础和关键,学好初一、初二在整个初中三年中是非常重要的。进入初中以后,同学们进入了一个全新的环境。大家也都发现老师的教学方式变了,学习的知识更深、更广、更抽象了。大家都知道,百米赛跑起跑很重要。如果比赛的前半段落在了后面,后面想追赶就难了。更重要的是,在初一、初二阶段你如果没有办法快速调整好自己的学习方式,没有掌握学习新知识的新方法,将这些问题积累到初二甚至初三,就会在心态上出现问题。所以,在现阶段,同学们要完成两个任务:一方面扎扎实实地学好老师教的每个知识点,不要放过每个小错误,稳扎稳打,脚踏实地;另一方面,在学习的过程中它对每一个知识点都挖掘得比较深,在弄懂基础上要求能够熟练应用,进行综合、拓展甚至创新。 对中学生活适应得如何,有没有进步,进步了多少,还有哪些需要改善和提高的地方,我们都需要及时进行总结,以便能查缺补漏和进一步提高。那么,怎样掌握初中的学习特点和规律,进行合理的安排和计划,最终形成适合自己的学习方法,是我们在座的每个家长和同学都应该去思考和探索的。 因此为了让同学们掌握初中的教学特点和学习策略,帮助家长了解正确的家庭教育理念和指导方法,配合孩子顺利渡过初中学习的关键时期,我们学校联合

北京四中高一英语单元测试 (1)

北京四中2009—2010学年度第一学期高一英语第五次单元测验 (本卷满分90分,考试时间60分钟) 撰稿:赵克险审稿:庄崴责编:白雪雁 第一部分:听力(略) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分) 第一节单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow, the last book in the Potter series, will be made into a two-part film. The first chapter will _____ in November 2010. A. come over B. come up C. come out D. come in 2. Life is beautiful. That’s the memory most people want to impress _____ their children. A. on B. over C. by D. to 3. My teacher often tells us that life is like a _____ concert and we can enjoy it and have fun. A. alive B. live C. liveliness D. living 4. Some American employees are facing a hard choice. They have been told to either quit _____ or find another job. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked 5. The mother told her daughter to _____ herself in her nicest dress. A. wear B. put on C. have on D. dress 6. Your performance on the exam did not reach the required level; _____ you failed. A. in other words B. in your own words C. without a word D. word for word

北京四中高中英语 Unit 5 定语从句巩固练习 新人教版必修1

定语从句(Ⅱ) 巩固练习 一、根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ________________(他能求助). (turn) 2. The Yellow Crane Tower, ____________________(位于) Wuhan, attracts a lot of tourists every year. 3. These students will graduate from the university next summer, __________(到那时)they will have studied here for four years. (time) 4. There were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs _________________(他们俩都引以为豪). (take) 5. “Is this temple ______________(你参观过的)a few weeks ago?” He asked me. (pa y) 6. He is unlikely to find the place _______________(他居住过的地方)forty years ago. (live) 7. The reason ____________________(你的信已被退回)is that I don’t live there any more. (return) 二、句子改错 1. I’m using the pen which he bought it yesterday. 2. Is that factory which your father once worked in? 3. The man whom I spoke is from Canada. 4. July 1, 1999 is the day when we’ll never forget. 5. I still remember the holidays I stayed with them. 6. I’m going to work in the hospital where needs me. 7. Those that haven’t been to the West Lake will gather at the school gate. 8. I don’t like the way which you talked to your friend. 9. This is the last time when I’ve given you lessons. 10. Soon they came to a farm house, and in front of which sat a small boy. 11. We heard the news which our team won the game. 12. The reason which he explained it sounds reasonable. 13. Those at the desk want to buy tickets write down your names. 14. That was the reason because she looked old. 15. Miss Chen is the only one of the few teachers who give us wonderful English lessons in our school. 三、选择填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.a. I’ll never forget the days ___ we studied together. b. I’ll never forget the days ___ we spent together. A. that B. / C. when D. on which E. A and B 2. a. This is one of the most interesting films ___ shown last week. b. This is the only/very one of the most interesting films ___ shown last week. A. which was B. that was C. which were D. that were 3.a. This is the only way ___ you can find.


巩固练习 Ⅰ. 单项选择。 1. How _____ orange _____ there in the bottle? A. many; is B. many; are C. much; are D. much; is 2. Don’t listen _____ the music in the classroom _____ in the hallways. A. /; and B. /; or C. to; / D. to; or 3. -Can you cook fish? -________ . It’s easy. A. No, I can’t B. Yes, I can C. Sorry, I can’t D. Yes, I need 4. — How are you going to the train station to meet your uncle? —I am going there _____ my car. A. at B. on C. by D. in 5. ______ your homework now. You must see the doctor first. A. Do B. Don’t do C. Don’t D. Can’t 6. I can’t go out ____ school nights. A. at B. in C. on D. by 7. It’s raining all day, so my brother ______ stay at home. A. must B. have to C. must to D. has to 8. We have ______ rules in our school. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too


【篇一】 尊敬的各位领导,各位老师: 下午好! 这两天的冷空气,让我们感受到了春寒料峭,但是我们现在的会场却春意盎然,我们满怀热情地聚在一起为自己的个人素质提升,专业成长汲取必须的养分。 在我们每一个教师的心中或多或少地一直存在着这样几个问号:怎样做人,怎样做事,如何做学问?这三者又怎样去协调?怎样互融共通,实现我们完美的教育人生? 当我们满怀这些困惑的时候,我们非常幸运地邀请到了江苏省特级教师、某某市教科室张主任来为我们答疑解惑,指点迷津。让我们用掌声来代替我们的心声,欢迎张主任的到来! 秦主任近年来积极倡导并努力践行“老老实实做人、勤勤恳恳做事、认认真真做学问”的做人标准和做事、做学问的要求,我们相信,秦主任的讲座,一定会拨开我们心头的疑云,让我们更加明朗地大步前行!闲言少叙,下面,我们就以热烈的掌声欢迎张主任为我们做精彩讲座! 时间飞快,就这么不经意地过去了,我相信大家都还意犹未尽呢。刚才秦主任用富有哲理的寓言,发人深省的故事,鲜活生动的案例,深入浅出的为我们诠释了做人、做事、做学问的真谛,这激情澎湃,诗意盎然,字字珠玑的演讲,让我们如沐春风,犹如醍醐贯顶,豁然开朗啊!让我们以热烈的掌声感谢张主任真挚教诲! 我相信,我们在场的每一位老师听了讲座后,不仅仅是豁然开朗,更会紧跟秦主任的身后,努力去践行“老老实实做人、勤勤恳恳做事、认认真真做学问”,追寻终极目标,实现自己的人生价值! 最后,让我们再次以热烈的掌声,感谢张主任在百忙之中抽出时间为我们带来了这一席丰盛的精神大餐,同时我们也把掌声送给我们自己,为我们自己取得真经,得以提升而高兴!今天的活动到此结束! 【篇二】 各位家长、同学们大家上午好。 欢迎大家在百忙之中抽出时间来参加我们启迪巨人管庄校区举办的《中考专家讲座》。我是今天的主持人*。你们的到来让我们感受到你们对孩子的关心及对我校教育教学工作的信任、理解和支持,正是因为有了你们的理解和支持,我们的工作才能做的越来越好。 我看在坐的各位家长绝大部分都是我们管庄校区的老朋友,当然也有部分家长第一次光临,对巨人学校不是特别了解。我给大家简单的介绍一下启迪巨人学校。启迪巨人学校成立于94年,今年是第21


北京四中 英语语法知识难点(三) (十)情态动词与助动词 I.要点 助动词本身无意义,在句中帮助主要动词构成一定的时态,语态、语气,或是帮助构成否定句和疑问句,常用的助动词有be, do, have, shall(should), will(would). 情态动词表一定的词义,本身并不表示动作或状态,而仅仅表达说话人的态度,它在句中须和主要动词一起构成谓语,主要的情态动词有can(could), may (might), must, have to, ought to, need, dare, shall, should, will, would. 1、can 能,可以,表说话人同意,许可还可表客观条件许可,如:You can go now. 提建议或请求时可用can I, can you表客气,如Can I buy you a drink? can和be able to表能力时的区别。 can表一般具有的能力,be able to表在特定条件下的能力,如:Although the driver was badly hurt, he was able to explain what had happened. 2、may (1)、可以,表说话人同意,许可或请求对方许可。You may go. (2)、(现在和将来)可能,也许,只用于肯定句和否定句中,如He may not be right. 3、must, have to must表主观上的必须,have to表客观上的必须,如:It's getting late. I have to go. -Must I go now. -Yes, you must. (No, you needn't./ No, you don't have to.) 4、need, dare这二词有实意动词和情态动词两种词性,如用作实意动词后接动词不定式to do,如用作情态动词后接动词原形。Need I go now? --Yes, you must./No, you needn't.) 5、shall用于第一人称疑问句中表说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请求,如,Shall we begin our lesson? 用于二、三人称陈述句,表说话人命令、警告、允诺、威胁等口吻,如: You shall fail if you don't work harder. 6、should表应该,意为有责任,有义务。如:We should try our best to make our country more beautiful. 7、will表有做某事的意志、意愿、安心、打算,如 "Will you lend me your book?" "Yes, I will.", 8、should have done表应该做而未做 must have done表对过去事实的肯定推测


北京四中英语试卷 (试卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟) 第一部分 听力测试(共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分) (略) 第二部分语言知识 一、单项填空(共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21. Between the two roads _____ the high school building. A. stands B. standing C. which stands D. stand 22. It was______ a nearby hospital _____ Ann Peter’s husband rushed her last night. A. to, that B. in, that C. to, where D. in, where 23. The path in the park looked beautiful, _______ with _______ leaves. A. covered; falling B. covered; fallen C. covering; falling D. covering; fallen 24. I won’t go to the party even if_______. A. inviting B. having invited C. invited D. being invited 25. The_______ look on his face suggested that he had passed the exam. A. exciting B. tired C. tiring D. excited 26. As a student, I’m looking forward to holidays ____I am _____to do as I like. A. which; curious B. during which; free C. which; patient D. during which; reliable 27. ---You are not so strong as he. --- _________. However, he isn’t my ________ in intelligence. A. So I am; citizen B. So am I; comparison C. So I am; equal D. So am I; characteristic 28. ______ the fact ______ she deserted him, he still loved her heart and soul. A. Despite; that B. What if; what C. Even if; that D. Despite; what 29. Arms are ______ the body _____ branches are to the tree. A. of; what B. to; that C. on; that D. to; what 30. When our eyes move across an empty wall they will for a few moments _____ on a painting or other kind of work _______ there. A. switch; hanged B. fix; hanged C. rest; hanging D. act; hung 31. ---What’s up there? ---I’m designing a road sign. Can you tell me how I can make the words ___ well? A. call up B. get through C. use up D. stand out 32. ________ metals, for example, plastics has both advantages and disadvantages. A. In comparison with B. In the absence of C. In charge of D. In the case of 33. _____ winter ______ on, it’s time to buy warm clothes.
