

Collaborative task and Discussion


Your company is offering a brief training programme on team building for line managers. You have been asked to help plan the programme. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What issues should the programme focus on

●What kind of activities should be included

2.E-mail Newsletter

Your company would like to introduce an E-mail newsletter to send to all staff members regularly. You have been asked to help co-ordinate the project. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What kinds of articles and information should be included

●What the newsletter should look like and how often it should be sent

3.Introducing Shift Work

Your company would like to introduce shift work operation to optimize the production progress. You have been asked to co-ordinate the project. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●How to arrange the work schedule

●How to match staff to this new work requirement

4.Introducing New Ways to Save on Office Supplies

The company you work for has decided to introduce new ways to save on office supplies, as a part of the overheads reduction plan. You have been asked to co-ordinate the project. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What are the ways to save office supplies

●How to motivate the staff

5.Addressing the Problem of Overwork

Your company has noticed the signs that employees in your company are overburdened with heavy workloads. You have been asked to make suggestions about how to improve this situation. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What signs of overwork to do the staff show

●What measures should be taken to reduce stress at work

6.Health and Safety Precautions

Two accidents happened in your office in the past year that resulted in bodily injuries to some staff members. Your line manager is revising health and safety precautions to eliminate the causes of office injuries. You have been asked to make suggestions. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What unsafe conditions there are in the office

●What precautions should be taken

7.Solving the Food Safety Crisis

The confectionary you work for is now facing a serious safety crisis: a small kid was choked on the gel candies you have marketed to children. You have been asked to help solve the problem. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What should be done with it

●How to improve the product

8.Advertising for a Job Opening

Your company is going to fill the job vacancy of personnel manager by advertising. You have been asked to make recommendations. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What type of publication to choose

●What should be included in the advertisement

9.Planning a Formal Orientation Program

Your company are discussing about a formal orientation program for new staff.

You have been asked to make recommendations about the orientation program. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●Whether it’s necessary to organize a formal orientation

●What should be covered in the orientation program

10.Losing Managerial Staff

Some managers are leaving your company in recent years, and your company is worried about the situation. You have been asked to make recommendations about the situation. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●Why some managers are leaving your company

●How to improve the situation

11.Making a Good and Sound Promotion Policy

There is a job opening for sales manager in your company. And it is decided that the opening should be filled from within the company. You have been asked to make recommendations about the promotion policy. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●Why to have promotion-from-within instead of external recruitment

●How to make a good and sound promotion decision

12.Reducing Staff Turnover

The consultancy firm you work for has been asked to advise a client company which currently has a problem in keeping staff. You have been asked to prepare ideas to help the client company to keep staff turnover low. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●How could the client company recruit the appropriate applicants

●What sorts of benefits would encourage staff to stay

https://www.360docs.net/doc/8713245414.html,pany Gifts to Employees

Your company will soon be celebrating the 25th anniversary and has decided to

spend a sum of money on something that will benefit the staff. You have been asked to make recommendations about how to use the money. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What are the advantages and disadvantages of cash gift

●What other ways the money could be used to celebrate the event, while still

benefiting the staff

14.Managing Time Effectively

Some colleagues in your office spend their days in a frenzy of activities and feel overburdened with work, but achieve very little. You have been asked to make recommendations about how to improve the situation. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What caused the inefficiency

●How to manage time effectively

15.Managing Stress

Your line manager is concerned that some staff are in low spirits and not doing their work efficiently. You have been asked to make recommendations about how to improve this situation. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●Why staff are less efficient in their job

●How to help staff to manage their stress

16.Capturing a Large Market Share

Your company has just developed a new product of cosmetics. You are asked by your manager to help develop strategies to capture a large market share for the product. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What should be the pricing strategy

●What should be the promotional strategy

17.Packaging Designing

Your company has developed a new lipstick. You have been asked to help design the package of the new product. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What factors should be taken into account

●What should be the cost of the package

18.Increasing the Price of a Product

Your company is considering whether to increase the price of a product. You have been asked for your views about it. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●Under what market conditions can the company increase the price of the


●Which aspects of the product should be considered

19.Customer Service

Your company is deciding to monitor the quality of service provided. You have been asked to help with this. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What are the ways to monitor the quality of service

●What measures the company can take to improve the quality of service

20.Keeping Customers

The restaurant you work for has been losing customers. You have been asked by your manager to look into the situation. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What problems there may exist for your restaurant

●What measures the restaurant should take to keep customers

21.Opening a Supermarket

Your company decides to open a supermarket in your city. You have been asked to help with it. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

●What factors the company should consider for high sales volumes

●How the company can recruit employees


暑期学习阶段测试三 (基础知识与商务英语衔接卷) (总分:100分)得分:一、词汇(20) (1)按要求写词语 low(反义词)----- full(反义词)---- beautiful(比较级)------- fat(最高级)----- 304(英文)------ in the 1290s(中文)----- 第二十九(英文)------ 第五(英文)---- one to one(用数字表时间)----- Three quarters past twelve (用数字表时间)------ 10:11(英文表示时间)----- 在七月一日(英文)----- ten point 0 two(小数)----- a quarter(分数)------ (2)翻译下列短语或词语 take a message ----- place an order---- Russia ----- New Zealand------ Peru---- M oscow---- 二句子应用(2’*10=20) 中译英 1.这不是我的行李,是她的。

2.我会尽快让他知道这个消息。 3.弹钢琴对我来说是很容易的。(It's +adj. for sb. to do sth.) 4.越快越好。 5. 你知道他什么时候回来吗? 英译中 6.Do I need a reservation for the dining car? 7. Which would you prefer, a smoking seat or a non-smoking seat? 8. May I see a timetable? 9 Could you tell me my reservation number, please? 10 Will this flight leave on time? 三英语应用及常识题(30’) 中英互译1 Water boils at one hundred degrees centigrade.


BEC商务英语高级真题及答案(5) In the last few years, managers throughout industry have seen more changes than many of them could have expected to see in their entire working lives having to communicate information which often leads to feelings of insecurity has become a key activity. From being regarded as relatively unimportant in many companies , management employee communication has become a central corporate need. Concordia International provides a good example of a company that has adjusted well to the changing needs for communication . since 1995 , Concordia has been turned inside-out and upside-down, to ensure that it is a marketing –led, customer-responsive business, one that looks outwards at customers and competitors, rather than inwards at its own processes and the way things were done in the past. In the last eight years, Concordia has reduced its workforce by more than 80.000 people - or 35% -on a voluntary basis, with further downsizing anticipated. From being an engineering company, Concordia is now remaking itself as a service company. The role of employee communication in such a context is to build people’s self-confidence, to persuade them that, although it is inevitable that the changes will go ahead, they also bring with them new opportunities for employees. However, this is not an easy task. People tend to be skeptical of these claims and to feel that they are losing touch with the company they have worked for over many years. This is understandable, since many of the old certainties are being swept away , including the core activities of the company they work for. Above all , they have had to face up to the fact that they no longer have a job for life. Research indicates that people respond to this predicament in a variety of ways. The bulk of employees fall into two main categories in terms of their response to the


商务英语期末考试参考答案 说明:商务英语期末考试有五种题型: 一、中英短语互译已经全部总结,见下文 二、问答题已经提供了参考答案,仅供参考,见下文 三、案例分析题请根据题目要求自行准备 四、英语段落翻译中文已经注明,请自己翻看商务英语教程 五、写作请根据题目要求自行准备 1、中英短语互译(详见商务英语课件——每个PPT中的短语部分) PPT1: 1. individual proprietorship个体经营,独资企业 2. convertible bonds 可转换债券 3. memorandum of association 公司章程 4. monopolistic competition 垄断竞争 5. business credit 商业信用 1. 财政资源 financial resources 2. 有限责任公司 limited company 3. 销售收入 sales revenue 4. 有形商品 tangible goods 5. 流动资金 working capital PPT2: 1. flexible manufacturing system 弹性生产系统 2. fractional reserve system 部分准备金制度

3. credit instruments 信用工具,信用票据 4. bull market/bear market 牛/熊或多头/空头市场 5. manufacturing process 制造工艺 1. 厂址选择 facility location 2. 库存控制 inventory control 3. 总支出 aggregate expenditures 4. 股权证/权益证 equity instruments 5. 财务管理 financial management PPT3: 1. performance appraisal 绩效/业绩评估 2. promotion-from-within 内部提拔 3. skills inventory 技术库存 4. macroeconomic ramification 宏观经济衍生物/结果 5. closed-end fund 封闭式基金 1. 项目生命周期 project life cycle 2. 软技能和硬技能 soft skills and hard skills 3. 补偿制度 compensation system 4. 开放式基金 open-ended fund 5. 优先股 preferred stock PP4: 1. profit-oriented objective 利润导向的目标 2. marketing intermediary 营销代理商


上海应用技术学院2009-2010学年第1学期 《大学英语3A-商务英语》期(末)(A)试卷 课程代码:B11101D3 学分:2 考试时间:100 分钟 课程序号:5551\5580\5610\5639 _____________________________ 班级:____________ 学号: _______________ 姓名: _______________ 我已阅读了有关的考试规定和纪律要求,愿意在考试中遵守《考场规则》,如有违反将愿接受相应的处理。 试卷共8页,请先查看试卷有无缺页,然后答题。 Part I Term Translation (20%) Section A: Translate the following terms into Chinese. 1.career ladder 2.high staff turnover 3.Matrix Organization 4.Fortune 500 list of the worlds largest corporations 5.market share Section B: Translate the following terms into English* 6.净利润 7.前沿 8.性价比 9.库存控制 10.商誉赔偿金 Part II Reading Comprehension (40% ) Questions 11-17 Read these sentences and the three company plans below. Which company does each sentence describe ? For each sentence mark one letter (A9 B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Example To combine its operations in different parts of the world will save a lot of money for the company. Answer: B 11.The company has businesses in four continents of the world?


一、搭配题: Personnel 1.The department in an organization that recruits and trains employees and deals with their problem. Reference 2.Statement about a person’s character or abilities. Subsidiary 3.A company which is owned by another company, called a parent company or holding company. Shareholder 4.A person who owns shares in a company and is, therefore, a member of the company. Dividend 5.A sum of money paid to shareholder as their part of the company’s profit. Viability 6.Ability to succeed in operation; ability to continue to exist as a living thing. Symptom 7.Change in the body that indicates an illness; sign of the existence of something bad. Etiquette 8.The formal rules of proper behavior. Itinerary 9.A plan of a journey including places to be seen and visited. Courteous 10.Having or showing good manners; polite and kind. Rapport 11.Close relationship or understanding Reservation


商务英语试题 I.Translate the following terms into English (30%): 1) 兼并 2) 商业周期 3) 上市公司 4) 泡沫经济 5) 股份 6) 欧洲债券市场 7) 审计 8) 贸易壁垒 9) 进口(贸易中) 10)出口(贸易中) II.Translate the following terms into Chinese(30%): 1) EU 2) VC 3) promotion policy 4) marketing environment 5) bank statement 6) venture capital 7) buyer behavior 8) market segment 9) liquid investment 10) trade union

III.Read the article and choose one best answer to each of the following multiple choice questions according to the article ( 40%): New Economy As America emerges from what may be the shortest economic slump in memory, there is increasing evidence that New Economy factors---- including high productivity rates, better inventory management, more flexible labor markets, and a greater share of jobs in the service sector ---- were in fact responsible for the brevity of the slowdown. As the remarkable US expansion of the 1990s appears to be continuing, the New Economy seems to have passed the first real test of its resiliency. And the structural changes being driven by the New Economy have not receded or been impeded by the changes of the last year; rather, they are as strong as ever. As these structural changes continue to sweep through our national economy, they are restructuring and reshaping the 50 state economies. In 1999, at the height of the New Economy euphoria, PPI released its first State New Economy Index, which included 17 indicators to measure the degree to which state economies were structured and operated according to the tenets of the New Economy. In 2002, after the New Economy has proved itself and is being viewed by most with a more careful and realistic eye, PPI’s 2002 State index uses 21 economic indicators to measure these differences and ass ess states’ progress as they adapt to the new economic order. With these indicators as a frame of reference, the report then outlines a state-level public policy framework aimed at boosting the incomes of all Americans. While in 1999 many thought that the New Economy changed everything (including the need for companies to make a profit), in 2001 many scoffed at it as simply a flash in the pan or, worse, a myth spun by an over-imaginative media. Many questioned if after the superb economic performance of the 1990s we were doomed to return to the dismal days of the later 1970s and 1980s. The reality is that the New Economy was neither an epochal and dizzying transformation nor a slogan generated by some dot-com companies looking to inflate their IPO prices. Rather it was and is the kind of profound transformation of all industries that happens perhaps twice ina century. Such a change is equivalent in scope and depth to the rise of the manufacturing economy in the 1890s and the emergence of the mass-production, corporate economy in the 1940s and 1950s. As we pass through one of those groundswells that regularly but infrequently reshape the economy (and society) from top to bottom, there will be occasional bumps along the way---- like the recent economic downturn---- but these are the negative phrases within what we can expect to be a much longer growth period.


期末商务英语试题库 I 判断题 1.First impression is very important since you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Hair should be well maintained. Unshaved look does not work for others. Ties should be correctly tied. Pants should not drag on the floor. Shoes should be polished and in good condition. T 2.Basically when you see someone whose name you can't remember, just wait him or her to give their names first and then respond in kind. T 3.With the American style, you hold the fork in your right hand and the knife in your left hand to cut your meat or vegetables. F 4.There is a formal toast that the host offers at the beginning of the meal to welcome his guests. The other is more informal and comes near the end of the meal, usually during dessert. Champagne will be served. After each toast, everyone raises a glass and takes a sip of champagne. T 5.Whether you are on the phone or have someone in your cubicle, speak softly. You need to ask permission before entering someone's cubicle. T 6.When you select the suit, the shade of gray is professional looking. Blacks and browns are good choices for a business suit. T 7.If you had waited to get on the elevator, you would have been near the front and push your way through the crowd to exit. F 8.American guys do give each other a light kiss on the cheek. It's considered friendly and is not sexual in any way. T 9.In the West, discussing salary amounts or how much you paid for something is an acceptable conversation topic. F 10.It is always good to imitate the way the highest level executives dress. We Americans have a saying about business attire: "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have." T 11.Social introduction rule is that a woman is always introduced to a man. F 12.Business rule is that people of less authority are introduced to people of great authority. T 13.Clients and officials are always more important than people in your company. T 14.Punctuality is less important in American business. F 15.In business greetings, if you are unable to shake hands because of illness or injury, you are expected to apologize and explain immediately. T 16.With American table manners, you hold the folk in your right hand and the knife in your left hand. F 17.When you have finished eating, and to let others know that you have, place your


2014 春 1.What do you think globalization means What global companies can you think of What industries are they in Do global companies do more harm than good In my opinion,globalization means a company set up subsidiaries in the other countries and make them into local companies.And setting up new companies means the transferring of technology and capital.When referring to global companies ,we may easy to think of P&G,KFC,AIRBUS,NOKIA and so on.These companies are in different industries,some in instant food industries,some in heavy industries,some in aviation industries.It may difficult to say absolutely global companies do more harm or do more good.It obviously that global companies give us much cheaper and higher quality products which make us enjoy a more comfortable life.Also global companies introduced more advanced technology and management skills.But on the other hand,with the strong competition,some national companies is eliminating and our national culture is also disappear with the step of globalization. 2.Are you influenced by brands when you choose products or services (Why or why not) Would you consider buying a new brand of product newly introduced to the market (Why or why not) What do you think a company should do to create brand awareness for a new brand I think whether I influenced by the brands depend on different kinds of things.When I choose something I use everyday such as shampoo,I will firstly take brands into consideration.Because I think shampoo is a kind of chemical product,some small companies may put some unhealthy addition ,which may have a bad influence on my health.But when I choose cloths ,I think style and quality are important than brands.Generally I don’t want to have a try to a new brand of product,because I think it is not worthy for me to try a product with uncertainty.But if there are some discount or free-trying,I’d like to have a try. For a company which wants to create brand awareness,I have some suggestions.Firstly it’s necessary to make a product recognise. Secondly,the company should associate with specific quality with his brand.Thirdly,forming a customer loyalty is important for a company. 3.What is important when arranging a business trip abroad ?Type of transport ?Accommodation ?Contact person I think when arranging a business trip abroad there are three things to consider. First, you must choose the type of transport. As overseas travels involve long distances, the plane is the best choice for reaching your destination rapidly. Secondly, you should also consider what accommodation best suits your purposes. Choosing a hotel with all modern conveniences and communication facilities will help you accomplish your tasks much better. Lastly, you should have a contact person who has important local connections and up-to-date local business information. 4.Do you think that the advertising practices described below are acceptable Why ?Using children in advertisements ?Using film stars in advertisements ?Promoting alcohol on TV ?Comparing your products to your competitors’ products 孩子:When the children's minds are not fully mature, parents are keen to cultivate children's talent ,practicing courage to help them grow better. But sometimes the situation is that kids do not necessarily very keen on this, some children may not have extraordinary talent. And also in the growth process, the psychological gap can not be avoided. 名人:弊端Celebrity endorsement ads make compelling product.Celebrity endorsement advertising can deepen people's perception of the brand. Increase sales by star.好处:Star negative information affects the consumers for the product choice; celebrity endorsements make false advertising for fame and wealth; Celebrity endorsements misled consumers, make consumers los when choosing goods. 电视宣传酒精:On behalf of the Chinese splendid culture. Chinese wine has a long history of wine as a special drink which witnessed the rise and fall of a dynasty.Moderate amounts of wine is beneficial to the health of the body, but drinking too much can lead to serious consequences, such as drunk driving.


镇原职专17级商务英语班商务英语期末试题(卷)I. Choose the best answer. ( )1. September 10th is ____in China. A. Teacher's Day B. Teachers'Day C. Teacher Day D. ( )2. ____ trees have been planted in our school in the past 10 years. A.Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Two thousand o ( ) have never seen ____ interesting film. A. such B. such an C. so D. such a ( ) 4. They asked___ to do the work. A.you, he and I B. you, him and me C. I, you and he D. me, you and him ( ) 5. This book is____ that one, but____ than that one. A. as difficult as; expensive B. as more difficult as; more C. as difficult as; more expensive D. more difficult as; as ( ) 6. He speaks English___his aunt. A. as good as B. as well as C. as better as D. as best ( )7. Children get gifts ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays. ; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on ( ) 8. HecanspeakEnglish_______Chinese. B.also C.so D.and ( )9. — ______you help me carry these books —Sure. A. Should B. Could C. May D. Must ( )10. —Must I finish my homework today, —No, you you have to finish it tomorrow. ’t B. needn’t C. may not D. can’t ( ) uncle together with his two children every morning. running running to run to run ( ) 12. English ____ in Canada. A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken ( ) 13. A new house ___ at the corner of the road. A. is building B. is being built C. been built D. be building ( ) 14. Where ___ these boxes made A. Was B. were C. is D. am ( ) 15. The flowers ___ often. A. must be water B. must be watered C. must watered D. must water


★绝密·考试前严禁任何人翻阅 全国外经贸从业人员考试 国际商务英语等级考试(初级) 试题册 考试时间: 2014 年 5 月 31 日09:30-11:30 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 考生姓名: 准考证号: 考点(考区): 注意事项 (答一、考生将姓名、身份证号、考试项目、考点(考区)、准考证号填涂在试题册及答题卡 题纸)相应位置。 二、考生在规定考试时间内做完试题册上的试题,并将答案填涂在答题卡(答题纸)相应 位置,写在试题册上的答案一律无效。全部答题时间为120 分钟。 三、考生在答题卡上作答时,切忌超出答题区域。如因超出区域作答导致答题卡失效,由 考生个人负责。客观题按题号顺序进行填涂,主观题在每题左上角写清题号按顺序作 答。凡因题号不清导致考试成绩有误,由考生个人负责。 四、考生不得将试题册、答题卡(答题纸)带出考场。考试结束,监考员收卷后考生方可 离开考场。 五、考生注意对自己的答案保密。若被抄袭,一经发现,后果自负。

★ 请将答案写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。 一、客观题(本大题有60 小题,每小题 1 分,共 60 分) [1-20] Listening: 20%(听力,20分) Section A Directions: Listen to the following dialogue and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points. Each question will be read twice. Mike: It would be nice to see you again, Mary. Are you free on Sunday evening? Mary: I ’m sorry, I ’m not. I ’ve got to visit my aunt1. Mike: Oh, that s’a pity. Monday ’s difficult for me. What about Tuesday evening? Mart: Tuesday ’s bad for me as well. I ’ve got to go to a meeting. Mike: Wednesday then? Mary: No, Wednesday’s out for me, I’m afraid. I ’ve got to 2 and do some work. I really must. Mike: Oh, that ’s a shame. Well, I can’t 3Thursday. What about Friday? Mary: I ’m4sorry. I’ve got to go out for dinner on Friday. Mike: Have you got to? Can ’tyou get out of it? Mary: I ’m afraid not. I ’ve simply got to go. Mike: Well, it looks as if we’ll have to wait till next week then. Mary: Yes, I ’m sorry, Mike. Look, I must go now. I have to meet Lisa in ten minutes. Ring me next week 5 . Mike: Fine. Try and keep an evening free for me. 1. A. in the hospital B. in hospital C. in hotel D. in hostel 2. A. stay in B. staying C. stay D. sleep 3. A. make that B. make this C. make D. make it 4. A. outright B. awfully C. really D. totally 5. A. some time B. sometimes C. sometime D. some times Section B Directions: Listen to the following passage and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points. Each question will be read twice. For international investors, the decision to invest in a foreign country, whether to establish or 6 a plant or a sales network, or to purchase stocks or bonds, is a difficult one. Before they make the decision to invest abroad, international investors will have to make sure that the
