















如果标题是名词性的,则相对比较简单。例如:2006年12月六级新题型作文题目:The Importance of Reading Classics,题目中的关键词是importance 和reading classics,在首段就应该根据写作提示——阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要,重点谈论阅读名着的重要性。如:Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that reading the classics is both important and beneficial to the character development and personal growth of the young people.

如果标题是谈论某一社会问题,在首段通常要简单介绍现象或其严重性或紧迫性,例如:1995年1月的作文题目:My View on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements,其首段就可以写成: Nowadays every one of us may come across some false advertisements now and then, which are most harmful to the whole society. 再如:1998年1月的作文My View on Fake Commodities和2005年6月的作文My View on Piracy,一个是谈论假冒伪劣商品,一个是谈论盗版,这两个题目有其雷同之出,首段当然也就是相似

的:Nowadays, the problem of fake commodities / piracy has become more and more serious. 例如2003年12月的作文:Reduce Waste on Campus 对首段的写作要求是:有些大学校园浪费现象日益严重,考生就可以这样写首段:As is known to all, waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem.

如果标题是式的,如Should … Is … Do… Can…以及A or B,这基本上都属于观点类写作,其标题形式相当于My view on …。写作要求也是大同小异,要求从正反两个方面来论证某一问题,因此,首段的展开方式基本上是一致的。在首段可以使用一句套话:Various people have various answers / opinions.例如:

1995年1月的作文题目:Can Money Buy Happiness首段内容:Can money buy happiness Various people have various answers.

2000年6月的作文题目:Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary开头段落可以写成:A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the CET. Is it necessary to hold or take such a test People differ in their answers.

2007年6月的作文题目:Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed 文章可以以这种形式开始:When asked about whether or not one should expect a reward when doing a good deed, different people hold different views.

1999年6月的作文题目:Reading Selectively or Extensively文章开篇如下:When it comes to reading, some people think that reading

selectively is a good way, but some others hold opposite opinion.

如果是图表式作文,在首段应该概要描述图表所揭示的某种社会现象或社会问题的变化发展情况,因此,通常要引用图表数据。例如:2002年6月作文Student Use of Computers 的首段写作:From the chart we can see clearly that the average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week has increased from less than 2 hours in 1990 to nearly 4 hours in 1995, and then to 20 hours in 2000.

如果是书信,在首段要进行简洁的自我介绍并说明写信的目——是表示感谢、投诉还是邀请或求助等。例如:2002年1月的作文要求给校长写一封信反映本校食堂的状况:A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus ,首段开篇如下:I am Li Ming, a junior student from the Department of Computer Science and Technology. I am writing this letter to complain about the poor canteen service on campus.






扩展句 扩展句 扩展句 结论句

作用,要阐明或论证主题句。此外,扩展句之间要使用正确的过渡性词语(如First, …Second, …Finally, …或To begin with, …What’s more, …In addition, …等),从而使段落浑然一体,而不是支离破碎的句子的组合。






There are many reasons for this social phenomenon, but in general, they come down to three major ones.

In my opinion, three reasons can explain this social phenomenon.

There are at least two reasons, I think, for the phenomenon.

Why does this phenomenon appear I think there are several possible reasons for this.

There are a variety of factors contributing to this trend.

例如:2006年12月作文The Celebration of Western Festivals要求分析国内不少人喜欢过西方的一些节日的原因。段落的主题句可以选择There are many causes for this social phenomenon, but in general, they come down to three major ones.扩展句则要紧紧围绕主题句展开,还要注

意过渡性词语的使用。例如:There are many causes for this social phenomenon, but in general, they come down to three major ones. First, more and more young people are exposed to western culture and lifestyles through learning English. And festivals are regarded as the highlight of western culture. For example, Valentine's Day provides a vehicle for the youth to show their love. Second, the advancement of economy enables Chinese people to possess increased purchasing power. They are heavily targeted by businessmen, who view foreign festivals as golden opportunities to make money. So they desperately try to boost the atmosphere of foreign festivals.


1992年12月作文Motorcycles and City Traffic要求列举摩托车的优点。在列举优点时,段落的主题句可以采用以下模板句式:

There are some advantages of sth..

sth has a lot of advantages / favorable aspects.

Generally speaking, the positive aspects can be listed as follows. 等。

扩展句则只要列举出某一事物的优点即可,一般是2~3个。例如: On the one hand, motorcycles have many advantages. To begin with, they are much cheaper but as fast when compared with cars. In addition, they are much more convenient when traffic congestion arises. Finally, they take up very limited parking space.


同样是1992年12月作文Motorcycles and City Traffic,还要求列举摩托车的缺点。由于是利与弊进行了对比对照,因此,在写主题句之前最好用过渡词语,使段落衔接更加紧凑。例如:

Apart from the advantages, the disadvantages / the negative effects are also very obvious.

But on the contrary, there are also many disadvantages of sth.

However, just as the sword has two edges, sth. is not absolutely good.

But on the other hand, sth, also has many unfavorable aspects.

Just as a coin has two sides, sth. also has some disadvantages.等

在列举摩托车的缺点时,段落就可以这样展开:Apart from the advantages, the disadvantages of motorcycles are also very obvious. First of all, it is much more dangerous to ride a motorcycle, which is small on the one hand and runs at a high speed on the other hand. Moreover, the tail gas given off by motorcycles will lead to more serious environmental pollution.


2005年6月作文My View on Piracy要求列举盗版现象的危害。

Piracy does a lot of harm to society in many ways.(主题句)To start with, the pirated products often cost much less than the

genuine ones so that they enjoy a better trading position in spite of their relatively poor quality. The genuine products, on the contrary, sell poorly. What's worse,in the case of the pirated edition s of books, there are so many misprints that they not only cause confusion to the readers but also bring dishonor to their authors.


如果是书信类中的感谢信或投诉信,则通常采用记叙文的写作模式,按时间顺序展开段落。例如2004年6月A Letter to Editor of a Newspaper 的写作提纲:你买了一本字典,有质量问题,售后服务不好。你将该情况反映给报社的编辑。要求:1.事情的起因;2.与书店交涉的过程;3.呼吁服务行业服务质量的提高。在这一提纲中,我们不难发现提纲1和2就是典型的记叙文形式。因此,考生要注意时间、地点、事件、人物的介绍。如:

A week ago, I bought a Chinese-English dictionary in XX bookstore.

I found out there were several serious spelling mistakes and missing pages as well. I went to the bookstore to claim for refund. However, I was told that the bookstore would not take this responsibility. Firstly, the bookstore manager denied the possibility of having spelling mistakes and missing pages. Secondly, he said the bookstore was only responsible for the sale instead of the content of the dictionary. During the negotiation the manager’s bad manner was unbearable.



1. 要有恰当的主题句。英语段落展开通常是直线形的,而主题句则引领了整个段落的主旨,明确表述了一个确定的段落语言环境,使段落中其他句子都能围绕它展开并形成一个紧密相关的整体。一般来说,英语是一个段落只能有一个中心思想,全段各句都要围绕这一中心思想展开,凡是与中心思想无关的句子都不能出现在段落中。在考试中,主题句最好写在段首,即段落展开采取总-分结构,因为这样一是比较简单,容易掌握写作技巧;二是清晰明了;三是能使阅卷老师迅速了解段落展开的脉络。

2. 扩展句应紧紧围绕主题,不要写与主题句不相关的句子。段落的每个句子都必须紧紧围绕主题句展开,任何一句偏离主题的句子都将大大破坏段落的统一性和完整性。在六级写作中,扩展句通常不少于两个,但也不多于三个。

3. 正确使用过渡性词语,使段落的各扩展句之间、扩展句与主题句之间具有逻辑上的连贯性,使一个本来结构松散凌乱的段落变得通顺、连贯和紧凑。



1. 综合概括全文


尾段就可以与首段遥相呼应,进一步综合概括全文。例如:1990年1月作文How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic的写作提纲是:1.当前交通拥挤的现象很严重;2. 解决这一问题的办法有……。根据提纲要求,在首段可以谈论这一现象的严峻性:With more and more people flooding into cities and more and more cars and buses running on the road, the problem of heavy traffic has been more and more serious.在第二段列举解决措施之后,就应该在结尾段落进一步深化主题:The traffic problem is of great importance to anybody at any time and place. If a person refuses to learn cooperation and discipline, how can he enjoy the privilege of higher living quality

2. 陈述个人观点


例如:2007年6月的作文Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed要求在结尾段陈述个人看法。考生可以明确表明自己的支持态度:As for me, I hold that a reward does more good than harm, if we get it legally.

也可以明确表明自己持反对态度:I don’t think it’s right to expect a reward when doing a good deed. If we expect a return for the good deed we have done, then what can we expect for if we make mistakes 还可以采取折中的观点: As far as I am concerned, it’s neither good

nor bad to expect a reward when doing a good deed. What really matters is that we should, first of all, take the initiative to help each other, instead of clinging to the principle that “no reward, no offer”.

3. 提出建议措施

有些作文提纲要求考生针对某一社会现象或社会问题提出相应的对策或解决办法。在运用这一方法结尾时,用列举法列举措施、建议、方法,采用扩展段落的写作技巧,即主题句+扩展句, 同时注意使用过渡词。


Generally speaking, there are three ways to solve the problem.

If we ever want to solve this problem, the careful planning of the government and the cooperation of all the citizens are both needed.

To solve the problem, in my humble opinion, the following measures should be taken.

We must take some effective measures to solve the problem.

There are many ways to tackle the problem, but the following ones may be effective.

例如:2005年6月作文Say No to Pirated Products写作提纲要求在最后一段谈谈我们应该怎么做来杜绝盗版现象。In my humble opinion, it is high time that everyone started the battle against piracy. First, customers should develop their consciousness to resist the pirated products. Second, the government should take effective measures to put an end to piracy. Finally, laws must be strictly enforced to

completely ban piracy. Only in this way can we wipe the pirated products out of our life.

再如:2006年12月六级新题型作文要求在最后一段表明作为大学生,你应该怎么做(阅读名着):As the salt of this world, we college students should be fully aware of the important role the classics play in broadening our vision. Therefore, we should start reading and studying the treasuries our ancestors left and absorbing the essence of those classical works. We should also advocate to the public the importance of classics so that an increasing number of general people can enjoy the pleasure of reading.

4. 分析发展趋势

有时,考生可以针对某一社会现象或社会问题的发展变化进行合理的推测。例如:1996年6月的图表式作文Health Gains in Developing Countries,就可以根据图表所显示的发展中国家的life expectancy和infant morality的变化情况合理地预测未来的发展趋势,如:We can imagine that people will live longer and the infant mortality will again fall.





Should Smoking Be Forbidden in Public Places

Should College Students Take Part-time Jobs

Developing Economy or Protecting Environment

My View on Rush for Postgraduate Study

Education Online

Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Cars

Develop Western Regions

How to Eliminate Cheating on Campus

Volunteers Needed


英语六级作文常考大类型 题 This manuscript was revised by the office on December 10, 2020.

2015英语六级作文常考5大类型题(1):经济1. 购买力 purchasing power 造句练习:经济的发展使国民的购买力大幅提升,从而有更多的钱于教育、旅游、日常开销等。 参考答案:Economic growth brings citizens greater purchasing power which makes it available for them to cover education, travel,daily expenses and so forth. 2. 消费 v. consume ;n. consumption 造句练习:在人们生活水平大幅提高的今天,更要倡导理性消费。参考练习:Today while living level are greatly advanced, rational consumption should be advocated even more. 3. 电子商务 electronic commerce 造句练习:在数字时代,电子商务在经济领域扮演着越来越重要的作用。 参考答案:In digital era, electronic commerce plays an increasing role in the field of economy. 4. 投资 investment 造句练习:按照国际惯例,在一个国家教育投资应该占其国民生产总值的4%。 参考答案:In line with international convention, education investment in a country should account for 40 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP for short).


市场调查报告格式及写作技巧文档Market Research Report Format and writing skills 编订:JinTai College

市场调查报告格式及写作技巧文档 小泰温馨提示:调查报告是反映对某个问题、某个事件或某方面情况调查研究所获得的成果的文章。调查报告是宣传唯物论和辩证法、坚持实事求是思想路线的有力武器,历来被无产阶级革命家所重视。本文档根据调查报告内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 一、市场调查报告的特征 市场调查报告是经济调查报告的一个重要种类,它是以科学的方法对市场的供求关系、购销状况以及消费情况等进行深入细致地调查研究后所写成的书面报告。其作用在于帮助企业了解掌握市场的现状和趋势,增强企业在市场经济大潮中的应变能力和竞争能力,从而有效地促进经营管理水平的提高。 市场调查报告可以从不同角度进行分类。按其所涉及内容含量的多少,可以分为综合性市场调查报告和专题性市场调查报告;按调查对象的不同,有关于市场供求情况的市场调查报告、关于产品情况的市场调查报告、关于消费者情况的市场调查报告、关于销售情况的市场调查报告以及有关市场竞争情况的市场调查报告;按表述手法的不同,可分为陈述型市场调查报告和分析型市场调查报告。

与普通调查报告相比,市场调查报告无论从材料的形成还是结构布局方面都存在着明显的共性特征,但它比普通调查报告在内容上更为集中,也更具专门性。 二、市场调查报告的格式与写法 市场调查报告的内容结构一般由如下几部分组成: (一)市场调查报告的标题 标题是市场调查报告的题目,一般有两种构成形式:市场调查报告标题——公文式标题,即由调查对象和内容、文种名称组成,例如《关于XX年全省农村服装销售情况的调查报告》。值得注意的是,实践中常将市场调查报告简化为“调查”,也是可以的; 市场调查报告标题——文章式标题,即用概括的语言形式直接交待调查的内容或主题,例如《全省城镇居民潜在购买力动向》。实践中,这种类型市场调查报告的标题多采用双题(正副题)的结构形式,更为引人注目,富有吸引力。例如《竞争在今天,希望在明天——全国洗衣机用户问卷调查分析报告》、《市场在哪里——天津地区三峰轻型客车用户调查》等。


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/876782717.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) Obligations We all encounter obligations in life, from spending time with family and friends to being present at important functions in the lives of the people who form our community. Many times, the obligations are actually fun and fulfilling, and we want to be there. At the same time, we all sometimes experience resistance to meeting these obligations, especially when they pile up all at once and we begin to feel exhausted, longing for nothing so much as a quiet evening at home. At times like these, we may want to say no but feel too guilty at the idea of not being there. Still, our primary obligation is to take care of ourselves, and if saying no to someone else is what we have to do, then we do not need to feel bad about it. There is a skill to balancing our obligations, and it starts with simply becoming aware of our schedule. We may notice that three invitations have arisen in one weekend, and we know that we will pay energetically if we attempt to fulfill all three. At this point, we can take the time to weigh the repercussions of not going to each event, considering how we will feel if we miss it and how our absence might affect other people. Most of the time, it will be clear which obligation we can most easily let go and which one we simply can’t miss. Sometimes we have to miss something really important to us, and that can be painful for everyone concerned. At times like this, reaching out with a phone call, a thoughtful card, or a gift lets people know that you are there in spirit and that your absence is by no means a result of you not caring. Meeting our obligations to others is an important part of being human and not one to take lightly. At the same time, we cannot meet every obligation without neglecting our primary duty to take care of ourselves. We can navigate this quandary by being conscious of what we choose to do and not do and by finding concrete ways to extend our caring when we are not able to be there in person.YouTheme Recreational Activities In the era of information and technology, there are all kinds of recreational activities. Some people think those recreational activities are great and necessary, because they can help people relax from the hard work and study. Some of the activities, such as hiking, jogging, can help people relax physically; while some of them, such as surfing the Internet, can help people relax mentally. However, some people think that so many kinds of recreational activities may have a bad effect on our lives. Some people may not resist some temptations from those activities, and indulge themselves in those activities. At last they are lured away from their study or their work. In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the advantages of various recreational activities and make the most of them. Meanwhile, we should learn how to use those activities positively, and make them a helpful tool for our development. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Internet. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline


2014年6月英语六级作文真题及参考范文 第一套 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. You can give explain to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 These days there is a general discussion about the issue of judging a person by their appearance. People’s opinions differ greatly concerning this phenomenon. Is it wise to judge a person by their appearance? It is definitely not. There are numerous reasons explaining this phenomenon. First and foremost, although good appearance is helpful to leave others a good impression in the first meeting, kindness and inner thought are the most important to make friends for all life time. Secondly, many facts reflect that some people with charming appearance make no successful events, while others without handsome appearance achieve a lot. Last but not the least, with the development of science and technology, plastic surgery can change ones appearance, so maybe the people with sourness only alter their appearance but not develop their virtue. Admittedly, it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. So people should have more communication with others to find the beauty of their inner thought. 第二套 For this part , your are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to judge aperson by their appearance. You can give explain to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 There is an old saying that people never judge a book from its cover. From my point of view,this saying also applies to our attitudes towards others: never judge a person from their appearance. Because you never know one person’s true merits if only judging from their appearance. It is true that an attractive appearance is of great significance not only for daily life but also for the job. However, it is unwise to judge one person by the appearance for the following reasons. On the one hand, with the advancement of science technology and medical level, people can transform their surface by all means. On the other hand, the appearance should not be the merely criteria for judging an individual, considering that are more important factors, including Courteous, kind-hearted, honest and so on. In conclusion, it is unadvisable to judge a person by their appearance. That’s why I assert that we should pay more attention to one's inward and place high value on inner cultivation. 第三套 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwi se to judge a person by their appearance. You can give explain to illustrate your point . You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【六级作文范文】 There is a Chinese saying goes like this: men cannot be judged by their looks. I canno t agree with this point of view any more.


调查报告撰写说明 一、撰写调查分析报告的意义 调查分析报告是调查人员对某种事物或某个问题进行深入细致的调查后,经过认真分析研究而写成的一种书面报告。调查分析报告的意义体现在以下两点: (一)调查分析报告是调查工作的最终成果。 调查活动是一个有始有终的活动,它从制定调查方案、搜集资料、加工整理和分析研究,到撰写并提交调查报告,是一个完整的工作程序,所以调查报告是调查成果的集中体现。 (二)调查报告是感性认识到理性认识飞跃的反映。 调查报告比起调查资料来,更便于阅读和理解,它能把死数字变成活情况,起到透过现象看本质的作用,使感性认识上升为理性认识,更好地指导实践活动。 要撰写好调查报告,必须了解调查报告的特点,掌握调查报告撰写的步骤,撰写报告的方法,使调查报告在实际工作和理论研究中发挥应有的作用。 二、调查报告写作的特点 (一)调查报告的针对性。 针对性是调查报告的灵魂,它是指撰写的调查报告必须有明确的调查目的。任何调查报告都是目的性很强的,撰写报告时必须做到目的明确,有的放矢,围绕主题展开论述。(二)调查报告的时效性。 对于调查报告的写作者来说,必须讲求时间效益,及时捕捉各种信息,并做到及时反馈。只有这样,才能发挥调查报告的作用。 (三)调查报告的新颖性。 调查报告应紧紧抓住实践活动中的新动向、新问题,引用一些人们未知的通过调查研究得到的新发现,提出新观点,形成新结论。 三、调查分析报告的结构 调查分析报告一般由标题、概要、正文、结尾、附件等几部分构成。 (一)标题 1、标题的要求。标题就是调查报告的题目,由报告内容来决定,标题是画龙点睛之笔。(1)它必须准确揭示调查报告的主题思想,做到题文相符。(2)高度概括,具有较强的吸引力。 2、标题的写法。标题的写法灵活多样,一般有两种:单标题与双标题。 单标题就是调查报告只有一行的标题,一般是通过标题把被调查单位和调查内容明确而具体的表现出来。 双标题就是调查报告有两行标题,采用正、副标题形式,一般正标题表达调查主题,副标题用于补充说明调查对象和主要内容。由于这种标题形式优点很多,正标题突出主题,副标题交代形势、背景,有时还可以烘托气氛,二者互相补充,因此成为调查分析报告中最常用的形式之一。 3、标题的形式。 (1)"直叙式"的标题,即反映调查意向或调查项目、或是地点的标题。这种标题简明、客观,一般调查报告多采用这种标题。 (2)"表明观点式"的标题。直接阐明作者的观点、看法,或对事物进行判断,评价。 (3)"提出问题式",即以设问、反问等形式,突出问题的焦点和尖锐性,吸引读者,促使读者思考。例如,《中学生早恋问题说明了什么》等。


大学英语六级写作专项训练及参考范文 Directions: Write a composition entitled Fast Food. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映; 2. 快餐受欢迎有两条原因。然而,从营养角度来讲,快餐却差强人意; 3. 对快餐还是以偶尔品尝为宜。 【范文】 Fast Food Fast food is becoming more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today、it’s certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that mirrors the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food. There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal —saving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food. However From the nutritional point of view. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. Therefore, fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while. (157 words)

英语六级作文写作技巧(doc 13页)

英语六级作文写作技巧(doc 13页)

2011 12月六级考试必备2009年英语六级写作要诀:王长喜十二句作文法 第一节:六级作文试题分析 一. 六级作文试题分类 六级作文从试题角度可以分为现象解释型、对比选择型、问题解决型、观点论证型与应用文五种类型。 (一) 现象解释型 此类作文在六级考试作文中最为常见。命题主要要求考生对某一社会现象进行解释并加以评论,其基本结构是:首先说明现状;其次阐述这种现状产生或存在的原因;最后做出分析,提出建议或总结观点。例如:1.现象解释六级真题(2003年6月) (二) 对比选择型 此类作文同样是六级考试中常见的类型,它的标志十分明显。作文题目要求较明确,富有针对性,即直接要求考试比较两种观点或做法,进而表明自己对问题或事务的态度或观点,也就是做出选择。例如:(2000年6月,1999年6月) (三) 问题解决型 此类作文要求考生从提示性文字或图表、图画入手,解

释提示性文字、图表、图画反映出的问题,提出问题的危害性或解决这一问题的紧迫性;然后对问题展开分析,提出解决问题的方案或应对措施;最后一段要求考生表明自己的态度、做法等。如2000年1月真题。 (四) 观点论证型 此类作文往往要求考生根据题目给出论点,按照提纲的结构要求对其下论证,然后表明自己的立场和看法。通过摆事实、讲道理的方式剖析事物,论述事理,发表意见,确立或否认某一主张。如:1999年1月六级真题。 (五) 应用文 应用文中的信函,也是六级作文设计的试题之一。在这类题型中,考生会读到一个特定的场景,试题要求考生按照这个场景给相关人士写一封短信,并在信中明确表达自己写信的原因、动机、目的和愿望等。文章所设及的内容多种多样,但大部分都与日常生活比较贴近。书信的类型可能变化万千,如邀请信、申请信、感谢信、道歉信等,但是万变不离其宗,只要掌握了英语书信的格式,并应用恰当的句式和语句,就一定能够写出好的文章来。 二. 解决方案 1. 建议考生分解作文观点,扩充内容。 2. 建议考生在写作时只选择自己能够驾奴的句式和词语。 3. 建议考生在文章中长短句搭配使用,用短句表达观点,长句推理分析。


2016年12月英语六级真题写作解析及范文 【真题再现】 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on innovation. Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 The importance of innovation is self-evident. Innovation has accelerated the development of the world; innovation has liberated human labor from monotonous jobs; innovation has made us see this world in different angles. Evidently, if there were no innovation, there would be no scientific and technological progress. In short, innovation has made our life more colorful and more enjoyable.


工作报告写作技巧 1、减少主动性 无论是报喜还是报忧,只要不是直接指定必须由你来作答,你就应该少说为佳,不说最佳。在这种情况下减少主动性,从实施效果上看,往往并不被动。 因为,议论喜与忧本身就是一个是非问题。而爱说是非的人,不管是说公,还是说私,是议喜,还是论忧,其在企业内、单位内,往往是不受众人欢迎的人物。更何况那些素质低下的老板常常混淆黑白,是非难辨,弄不好给你个恩将仇报,让你得不偿失。 2、受宠不必惊 假如老板有兴趣和你一道议论工作的成绩与失误,这时,你切莫受宠若惊、忘乎所以、纵横议论,把你所有看到的、听到的、估计的、猜测的各种有关企业的、老板的喜与忧、信口开河倒了出来。这是一种不谨慎的表现。 要知道,人在受到上司和老板的宠爱时,往往有夜郎自大的情绪产生,似乎觉得这个企业就是自己和老板的了,因而会放开嘴巴评说企业与老板的功过是非。其实不少上司和老板有时故意宠爱某个员工或下属,他们要的就是这种效果。因为老板需要掌握员工和下属的心理活动。 我们常见一些老板和上司,往往在各种场合与员工和下属套近乎,比如,员工生病老板亲自看望,员工生日老板亲

自到场等类似的行为,都会使员工产生受宠若惊的效应。当然,从现代企业管理的立场来看,这种行为是必不可少的,因为它有利于造成一种同舟共济的团结局面。 但是,做为一名员工不能因为自己与老板同舟共济,就可以放肆地议论企业的功过是非。因为,你的见识和水平往往与老板的见识和水平存在着差距,假如议论得不合宜或不合老板的胃口,那么你就有可能因此而获罪于老板。 所以,只有那些在获宠时能够保持冷静和理智的员工、不信口雌黄的员工,才能被称为受宠不惊、聪明的员工。 事实证明,那些有较大作为、有较大功绩的人,大都是一些受宠不惊、谨言慎行的杰出人物。 3、顾此失于彼 假如一定要向老板报喜或者报忧,原则上应注意只谈自己,不谈别人,顾此,失于彼。 因为,实事求是地讲,一个人只能是对自己的所作所为最有发言权。不管是忧,还是喜,是成绩,还是失误,只要是自己的经历,谈起来你往往能切中要害。 所以,在向老板汇报工作时,你对自己在本职工作上的喜与忧,尽可以向老板陈述。但必须注意,尽量不要连带他人。


英语六级作文开头句型介绍 开头篇 1-1 对立法 : 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法, 适用于有争议性的主题. [1]. When asked about....., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that ....... But I think/view a bit differently. 在谈到.....,广大/绝大多数人的要求说.......但我觉得/观点有点不同。 [2]. When it comes to .... , some people believe that ....... Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true . There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements , but (I tend to the previous/latter ) 当涉及到....有些人认为.......一些人则认为/声称,相反/恰恰相反。可能有一些在两个参数真理/报表,但(我更倾向于前/后 [3]. Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that .... They claim/ believe/argue that ... But I wonder/doubt whether...... 现在,它通常是/一般/普遍认为/月/承认,....他们声称/相信/认为...不过,我怀疑/怀疑..... 1-2 现象法引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论 . [1]. Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of) ... has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern. 最近上升的问题/(现象)...已造成/引起公众/流行/宽/举世关注 [2]. Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of ...has been brought into focus. ( has been brouth to public attention) 最近,问题的问题/ ...的现象已成为注意的焦点。 (已经被brouth公众的注意) [3].Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality ... is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly. ----- To be continued !! 通货膨胀/贪污/社会不平等...又是新的和痛苦的真理,我们必须学会面对的/不断另一个。 1-3 观点法 ----开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法. : [1]. Never history has the change of .. been as evident as ... Nowhere in the world/China has the issue/id dea of .. be more visible/popular than... 历史上从未有改变的..被明显的,因为...在世界任何地方/中国有问题/思想的..更可见/受欢迎的程度... [2]. Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginning/coming to realize/accept/(be aware) that... 现在越来越多的人/大量开始/来实现/接受/(知道)的...


历年六级写作真题(1990.1-2004.6) 2004年6月 Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the poor service of a bookstore. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 设想你买了一本英文字典,发现有这样那样的质量问题,书店的服务态度又不好, 因此给报社编辑写信。信中必须包含以下内容: 1.事情的起因 2.与书店交涉的经过 3.呼吁服务行业必须提高服务质量 2003年12月 Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled Reduce Waste on Campus. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1.有些大学校园浪费的现象日益严重 2.浪费的危害 3.杜绝浪费,从我做起 2003年9月 Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled Reading Preferences. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: Reading preferences of students in an American university in 2002 1.根据上表,简要叙述美国某大学学生借阅图书的分布情况; 2.你对于这些学生阅读偏爱的评论 3.你通常喜欢阅读哪一类书籍?说明理由。 2003年6月 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic


研究报告的写作方法和格式 一:引言 1.规划。 ⑴突出重点,推动全局。有所为,有所不为。塑造地区和学校个性,体现深度和高度。 ⑵需要与可能相结合。克服盲目性和随意性。 2.规范。其涵义是运用教育科研方法论开展教育科研,以提高教育科研的效率和水平。教育科研的规范化按时间要求包括: ⑴前期研究规范化 ①选题和陈述假设规范化 ②制定研究方案、论证研究方案和填写申报、评审书规范化 ⑵中期研究规范化

③实施研究规范化 ④整理和分析资料规范化 ⑶后期研究规范化 ⑤解释结果(撰写研究报告)规范化 二、课题研究方案设计的意义 (一)保证课题研究具有明确的方向和目标。 (二)保证课题研究步骤有序化。 (三)有利于课题论证、评价与管理 三、课题研究方案的主要内容及其要求。 (一)课题名称。要求: 1.简明、贴切、清晰。

2.常用陈述式句型表述。 (二)课题界定。要求回答什么是的问题,说明课题名称及其关键词和重要要领的定义、涵义及来源。方案设计的许多内容将由此发出去。科学的课题界定有利于使研究内容和活动切题,防止研究目标和方向的转移或使研究范围任意扩大或缩小。 (三)研究背景与意义。要求回答为什么要进行该课题研究的问题。可说明: 1.研究原因。具体说明: (1)时代背景。用以说明研究者选用的新的社会参照标准。 (2)针对问题。说明根据新的社会参照标准的要求,本课题试图解决的教育中的主要问题。问题表述要求: ①一定的维度说明,并使彼此边界清晰,不致混淆。 ②同一方案中旨在解决的问题前后一致,防止互相矛盾。 ③彼此逻辑关系正确,母概念与子概念关系清晰。 ④总课题所列问题要包容子课题旨在解决的问题,防止各说各的互相矛盾。子课题要根据总课题所列的某些问题作具体说明。


大学英语六级英语作文评分方法 大学英语六级考试作文的目的旨在考核学生英语书面表达的能力。作文考试时间为30分钟,要求写出不少于120个词的短文。六级考试作文的出题方式有:命题作文,看图画或图表作文,根据所给文章(英文或中文)写出文章摘要或大意,给出关键词作文章。考试的作文内容为社会、文化或日常生活的一般常识,不涉及知识面过广、专业性太强的内容。对作文的要求是:切题,文理通顺,表达正确,意思连贯,无重大语言错误。下面介绍六级考试作文的评分原则和标准,并通过五份样卷作一个详细说明。 (一)、作文评分原则 1.CET是检查考生是否达到大学英语教学大纲规定的六级教学要求,对作文的评判应以此要求为准则。 2.CET作文题采用总体评分方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分,而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。 3.从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。内容和语言是一个统一体,作文应表达题目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,也要考虑是否用英语清楚而确切地表达思想,也就

是要考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍。 4.避免趋中倾向。该给高分的给高分,包括满分;该给低分的给低分,包括0分,一名阅卷人员在所阅的全部作文卷中不应只给中间的几种分数。 (二)、作文评分标准 1.本题满分为15分。 2.阅卷标准共分五等:2分、5分、8分、11分及14分。各有标准样卷一至二份。 3.阅卷人员根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一份数(如8分)相似,即定为该分数(即8分);若认为稍优或稍劣于该分数,即可加一分(即9分)或减一分(即7分),但不得加或减半分。 4.评分标准:2分……条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或在部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。5分……基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。8分……基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。11分……切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。14分……切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错误。[注:白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给0 分。] 累记字数CET6 100-119


命题作文 Title-Given Composition ?英语六级写作技巧 ?技巧: ?1 、多用长句,少用短句,适当加入几句结构较复杂的句子。 ?2 、写好第一句话。这样容易给阅卷者留下一个好印象,最好能用上一个复句,里面要用上2-3 个难的 单词或词组。 ?3、结构要清晰。建议使用四段式, 第一段综述,第二、三段分述,第四段做总结,二、三段是重点。 ?4、多用连接性的词组或单词。如“first, second, moreover, for one thing...., for another, on the one hand...., on the other”等等。可以把它们置于段首或文中比较显著的位置,这样会使文章更具条理性。 ?5、注意结尾的时候要点题,把自己的观点明确说出来。 ?6、文章不要写得太长,这样容易引起阅卷者的反感。 ?7、词汇的使用上请多用六级词汇,以区别于四级。 ?8、如有可能,适当加上一两句名言或是谚语,以显示你见识的广博。 ?以下从历年的六级真题练起 ?A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 A bad workman always blames his tools. 不会撑船怪河弯。 You never know what you can till you try. 是驴子是马,拉出来遛遛。 A bully is always a coward. 色厉内荏 A burden of one‘s choice is not felt.爱挑的担子不嫌重。 A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人毁灭了自己。 ?There is no royal road to learning. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。 ?When asked about the ongoing uproar involving U.S. President Bill Clinton , most people say the affair involves a purely private matter . But many other people regard his actions as deplorable . I personally think the president committed impeachable offences .
