


爱国卫生运动patriotic sanitation campaign


保健食品health food

病从口入illness enters via the mouth

病历medical/clinical records; case history

肠胃病gastro-intestinal trouble

常用和急救用药drugs for daily and emergency use

城市社区卫生服务中心community health service centers in urban areas

城镇职工基本医疗保险制度basic medical insurance system for urban employees 传染病contagious diseases

创建卫生城市build an advanced clean city

低脂饮食low-fat diet

碘缺乏症iodine deficiency disease

多发病frequently occurring diseases

防疫站epidemic prevention station

放射科X-ray department

放松疗法relaxation therapy

风湿性关节炎rheumatic arthritis

服药take medicine

妇产科department of obstetrics and gynecology

妇产医院obstetrics and gynecology hospital

妇科病gynecological diseases

高空缺氧altitude anoxia

高危人群high-risk group

个人卫生personal hygiene

公费医疗free medical service; public health service

公共卫生设施public health utilities

骨科department of orthopedics

挂号处registration office

国际红十字会International Red Cross (IRC)

国家级卫生城市state-level hygienic city

国家食品药品监督管理局State Food and Drug Administration

国家中医药管理局State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

呼吸系统疾病respiratory diseases

护士长head nurse

HIV携带者HIV carrier

环境卫生environmental sanitation

换药change dressings

患眼疾have trouble in one’s eyesight

基本医疗卫生服务basic medicare and health service

急救中心first-aid center

急/慢性病acute/chronic disease

急诊医疗emergency medical treatment

加工食品processed food

甲乙肝Hepatitis A/B

假劣药品事件incidents of counterfeit and low-quality drugs

煎药dedoct herbal medicine

健康证明书health certificate

救死扶伤heal the wounded and rescue the dying

开药prescribe a medicine

劳保医疗制度labor medicare system

良/恶性肿瘤benign/malignant tumor

良药苦口good medicine tastes bitter; bitter pills have good effects

劣质食品inferior foodstuff

母婴传播mother-to-child transmission

脑外科department of cranial

内科department of internal medicine


seven internal causes (joy, anger, worry, thought, grief, fear and suprise)

农村合作医疗rural cooperative medical service

配药make up a prescription

皮肤科department of dermatology

普通医生general practitioner

浅层睡眠light sleep

情商emotion quotient (EQ)

全国公共卫生体系national public health system

全身/局部麻醉general/local anesthesia

人工呼吸pulmonary resuscitation; artificial breathing

三级医疗防病体系three-tiered medical and prevention network

上药apply ointment to

深层睡眠deep sleep

食品卫生法Food Hygiene Law

食物搭配food combination

世界精神卫生日World Meental Health Day

世界睡眠日World Sleep Day

世界卫生组织World Health Organization (WHO)

睡眠不足lack of deep; sleep deprivation

四诊(望、闻、问、切)four methods of diagnosis (observation, listening and smelling, inquiring, pulse feeling and palpation)

突发公共卫生事件医疗救治体系medical treatment system for public health emergencies

推进医院后勤服务的社会化commercialize logistic service in medical institutions 外感六淫(风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火)

the six external causes (wind, cold, dryness, wetness, heat and fire)

外科department of surgery

网上诊疗online clinic

卫生部Ministry of Health

卫生防疫站sanitation and anti-epidemic station

卫生突发事件unexpected public health incidents

无偿义务献血non-remunerated/voluntary blood donation

乡镇卫生院health clinics in towns and townships

消化系统digestive system

心理健康mental health

性传染疾病sexuality transmitted diseases

胸外科thoracic surgery

血库blood bank

牙科department of dentistry

亚健康状态sub-health problem

养生之道follow a careful regimen in health care; a way to stay healthy

药补improve o ne’s health by taking tonics

药品生产和流通企业drug manufacturers and distributors

药品生产流通体制pharmaceutical production and distribution system 《药品生产质量管理规范》Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

药品中毒drug poisoning

药物过敏drug allergy

医德医风medical ethics and practices

医疗报销medical reimbursement

医疗制度改革reform of the medicine system

医托儿a shill for a doctor; medical trickster’s assistant

医药费medical cost

遗传性老年痴呆症Alzheimer’s disease

疑难病例difficult and complicated cases

易感人群more easily infected group

针灸acupuncture and moxibustion

镇静剂控制narcotics contol

政府公共卫生管理职能government’s role in public health administration 职业病occupational diseases

智商intelligence quotient (IQ)

中国传统的保健方法traditional Chinese health care methods

中国红十字会Red Cross of China

中华医学会Chinese Medical Association

中西医结合combine traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine 肿瘤医院tumor hospital

主治医生doctor in charge

住院医生resident doctor

综合医院general hospital


汉译英短文翻译——清华在线 1 近年来,中国城市化进人加速阶段,取得了极大的成就,同时也出现了种种错综复杂的问题。今天的城乡建设速度之快、规模之大、耗资之巨、涉及面之广、尺度之大等已远非生产力低下时期所能及,建筑已成为一种重大的经济活动。(102字) 难点注释: 1)城市化urbanization 2)加速阶段an accelerating phase 3)错综复杂的问题some complicated problems 4)远非…所能及surpass 5)重大的经济活动a major economic pursuit 2 世界各地有3,600万人染上了艾滋病—这比整个澳大利亚的人口还多。目前,艾滋病是全球第4大死因,而在非洲则是头号罪魁。在非洲,艾滋病使工人丧失工作,使家庭丧失经济来源,使父母丧失孩子。在7个非洲国家中,巧岁至49岁的人口中艾滋病病毒感染者占到20%以上。(119字) 难点注释: 1)染上艾滋病suffer from AIDS 2)头号罪魁the chief culprit 3)使……丧失deprive of 4)艾滋病病毒感染者people infected with HIV 3 当今中国,对传真机的使用已十分普及,并成为现代重要的通讯终端设备。据一项调查显示,2002年,中国市场对传真机的需求量约为200万台,国内产量仅满足了约30%的需求,进口机占据市场的主导地位。(89字) 难点注释: 1)传真机fax machines 2)通讯终端设备telecommunications terminal equipment 3)占主导地位dominate 4 2000年,美国数码相机的销量达到惊人的510万台,而1999年只有310万台。数码相机的流行其原因非常简单:成像质量好且花费少。此外,使用数码相机还能省去不少麻烦。你不用买胶卷,所有的照片都被存在可反复使用的存储卡上。一按快门,就可以马上在液晶显示屏上观察照片的效果。(124字) 难点注释: 1)数码相机digital camera 2)可反复使用的存储卡reusable memo叮cards


常用会计分录和会计词汇中英文对照表 一、短期借款: 1、借入短期借款: 借:银行存款 贷:短期借款 2、按月计提利息: 借:财务费用 贷:应付利息 3、季末支付银行存款利息: 借:财务费用 应付利息 贷:银行存 款 4、到期偿还短期借款本金: 借:短期借款 贷:银行存款 二、应付票据: 1、开出应付票据: 借:材料采购/库存商品 应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)贷:应付票据 银行承兑汇票手续费: 借:财务费用

2、应付票据到期支付票款: 借:应付票据 贷:银行存款 3、转销无力支付的银行承兑汇票票款: 借:应付票据 贷:短期借款 三、应付账款: 1、发生应付账款: 借:材料采购/库存商品/在途物资/生产成本/管理费用/制造费用 应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额) 贷:应付账款 2、偿还应付账款: 借:应付账款 贷:银行存款/应付票据 3、因在折扣期内付款获得的现金折扣偿付应付账款时冲减财务费用:借:应付账款 财务费用 贷:银行存款 4、转销确实无法支付的应付账款: 借:应付账款 贷:营业外收入——其他 四、预收账款: 1、收到预收账款: 借:银行存款

2、收到剩余货款: 借:预收账款 贷:主营业务收入 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 借:银行存款 贷:预收账款 3、预收账款不多的企业,将预收款项记入“应收账款”贷方收到预付款项: 借:银行存款 贷:应收账款 收到剩余货款: 借:应收账款 贷:主营业务收入 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 借:银行存款 贷:应收账款 五、应付职工薪酬: 1、确认职工薪酬: (1)货币性职工薪酬: 借:生产成本——基本生产车间成本(产品生产人员工资)制造费用(车间管理人员工资) 劳务成本(生产部门人员工资) 管理费用(管理人员工资) 销售费用(销售人员工资)


2014年11月份三级笔译实务(汉译英)真题 【译之灵笔译培训】2014年CATTI三级笔译汉译英真题出自《第67届联合国大会中方立场文件》中关于能源安全方面的内容: Section2:Translate Chinese into English 外交部:2012年第67届联合国大会中方立场文件 (五)能源安全 5. Energy Security 能源安全同世界经济的稳定发展和各国人民的福祉息息相关。在当前国际金融危机背景下,维护全球能源安全对有效应对国际金融危机冲击、推动世界经济全面复苏和长远发展具有重要意义。 Energy security has a close bearing on the stability and growth of the world economy and the well-being of people in all countries. Against the backdrop of the global financial crisis,ensuring energy security is vital to effectively tackling the impact of the crisis and promoting the full recovery and long-term development of the world economy. 国际社会应树立互利合作、多元发展、协同保障的新能源安全观,共同稳定能源等大宗商品价格、防止过度投机和炒作,保障各国特别是发展中国家能源需求,维护能源市场正常秩序。同时,各国应改善能源结构,加强先进能源技术的研发和推广,大力发展清洁和可再生能源,在相关领域积极开展国际合作。 To this end,the international community should foster a new energy security outlook featuring mutually beneficial cooperation,diversified development and coordinated supply. Joint efforts must be made to stabilize the prices of energy and other commodities and prevent excessive speculation and market hype,so as to meet the energy demands of all countries,particularly the developing countries,and maintain order in the energy market. Meanwhile,countries should improve their own energy mix,promote the research,development and diffusion of advanced technologies,vigorously develop clean and renewable energies,and actively advance international cooperation in relevant fields. 中国政府高度重视能源和能源安全问题。在解决中国的能源问题上,始终坚持节约优先、立足国内、多元发展、保护环境的原则,加强国际互利合作,大力改善和调整能源结构,努力构筑稳定、经济、清洁、安全的能源供应体系,(加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会。哥本哈根会议前夕,中国宣布了到2020年非化石能源占一次能源消费比重15%,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%-45%的目标。这一部分试题删节了)中国愿与世界各国一道共同努力,建立起能源合作长效机制,为保障全球能源安全、应对气候变化做出应有的贡献。 The Chinese government attaches great importance to issues of energy and energy security.


1.一双(条)…. 45.一个橘子 2.一双鞋子46.一只钢笔 3.一双袜子47.一只铅笔 4.一条长裤48.一只杯子 5.一条短裤49.什么颜色 6.一条裙子50.黑白相间 7.一套,一串,一副,一组51.请拼写它 8.一串钥匙52.我的名字 9.请求,恳求(给予)52.你的名字 10.我能帮你吗?53.他的名字 11.快点儿54.她的名字 12.劳驾,请原谅55。认识你很高兴 13.名字56.你好! 14.无疑,肯定57.我的朋友 15.早上好!58.在中国 16.下午好!59.两张漂亮的照片 17.晚上好!60.在第一张照片中 18.从……到……61.在下一张照片中 19.生日快乐!62.我的狗的名字 20.(表示祝愿)过得愉快!2 63.一张…的照片 21.给你64.失物招领处 22.(询问消息或提出建议)…怎么样?…好吗?2 23.你好吗?65.电脑游戏(机)

24.(购物时)…多少钱?66.玩电脑游戏 25.…多大年纪?…几岁了?67.玩游戏 26.学生卡,身份证68.和…玩游戏 27.用英语69.和…..玩….. 28.用汉语70.学校图书馆 29.姓氏2 71.给……打电话 30.中学,初中72.给……发电子邮件 31.飞机模型73.在沙发上 32.铅笔盒,文具盒74.在椅子下 33.再见75.在桌子下 34.磁带播放机76.打篮球 35.电话号码2 77.那听起来不错 36.为…而感谢你(们)78.通过电视,在电视上 37.思考,思索,考虑79.下课后 38.看电视80.晚饭后 39.别客气,不用谢81.然(随)后,在那之后 40.一把尺子81.同一所学校 41.一副地图82.去同一所学校上学 42.一件夹克衫83.体育明星 43.一把钥匙84.运动鞋 44.一床被子85.做运动 86.饮食习惯


中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会,是在我国改革发展关键阶段召开的一次十分重要的大会。大会的主题是:高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,推动科学发展,促进社会和谐,为夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利而奋斗。 The Seventeenth Congress is one of vital importance being held at a crucial stage of China's reform and development. The theme of the congress is to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development, continue to emancipate the mind, persist in reform and opening up, pursue development in a scientific way,

promote social harmony, and strive for new victories in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. 中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,是当代中国发展进步的旗帜,是全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的旗帜。解放思想是发展中国特色社会主义的一大法宝,改革开放是发展中国特色社会主义的强大动力,科学发展、社会和谐是发展中国特色社会主义的基本要求,全面建设小康社会是党和国家到二0二0年的奋斗目标,是全国各族人民的根本利益所在。 The great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the banner guiding development and progress in contemporary China and rallying the whole


常用会计英语词汇 基本词汇 A (1)account 账户,报表 A (2)accounting postulate 会计假设 A (3)accounting valuation 会计计价 A (4)accountability concept 经营责任概念 A (5)accountancy 会计职业 A (6)accountant 会计师 A (7)accounting 会计 A (8)agency cost 代理成本 A (9)accounting bases 会计基础 A (10)accounting manual 会计手册 A (11)accounting period 会计期间 A (12)accounting policies 会计方针 A (13)accounting rate of return 会计报酬率 A (14)accounting reference date 会计参照日 A (15)accounting reference period 会计参照期间 A (16)accrual concept 应计概念 A (17)accrual expenses 应计费用 A (18)acid test ratio 速动比率(酸性测试比率) A (19)acquisition 收购 A (20)acquisition accounting 收购会计 A (21)adjusting events 调整事项 A (22)administrative expenses 行政管理费 A (23)amortization 摊销 A (24)analytical review 分析性复核 A (25)annual equivalent cost 年度等量成本法 A (26)annual report and accounts 年度报告和报表 A (27)appraisal cost 检验成本 A (28)appropriation account 盈余分配账户 A (29)articles of association 公司章程细则 A (30)assets 资产 A (31)assets cover 资产担保 A (32)asset value per share 每股资产价值 A (33)associated company 联营公司 A (34)attainable standard 可达标准 A (35)attributable profit 可归属利润 A (36)audit 审计 A (37)audit report 审计报告 A (38)auditing standards 审计准则 A (39)authorized share capital 额定股本 A (40)available hours 可用小时 A (41)avoidable costs 可避免成本 B (42)back-to-back loan 易币贷款


2010年5月三级笔译汉译英真题回顾! 2010年5月初级英翻汉译英(试题从中节选) 携手应对气候变化挑战 ——在联合国气候变化峰会开幕式上的讲话 2009年9月22日,美国纽约 中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛 Join Hands to Address Climate Challenge Statement by H.E. Hu Jintao President of the People's Republic of China At the Opening Plenary Session of The United Nations Summit on Climate Change New York, 22 September 2009 潘基文秘书长,各位同事: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Dear Colleagues, 今天,各国领导人汇聚联合国,共商应对气候变化大计,这对推动国际社会有力应对气候变化这一全球性挑战具有十分重要的意义。 Today, world leaders are gathered at the United Nations to discuss ways to tackle climate change. This is of great significance for catalyzing strong action by the international community to meet this global challenge. 全球气候变化深刻影响着人类生存和发展,是各国共同面临的重大挑战。37年来,从斯德哥尔摩到里约热内卢,从京都到巴厘岛,我们为保护全球环境、应对气候变化共同努力,取得显著成就。这是世界各国不断加深认知、不断凝聚共识、不断应对挑战的历史进程。《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《京都议定书》已成为各方公认的应对气候变化主渠道,共同但有区别的责任原则已成为各方加强合作的基础,走可持续发展道路、实现人与自然相和谐已成为各方共同追求的目标。 Global climate change has a profound impact on the existence and development of


汉译英时事政经用语 1.深化亚太合作共创和谐未来 Enhancing Asia-Pacific Cooperation to Create a Harmonious Future Excerpts from the Speech Delivered by Hu Jintao At the 13th APEC Economic Leaders’Meeting, Busan, RO, 18 November 2005 2.世界上还存在着不少不稳定不确定因素,地区冲突和摩擦此起彼伏,恐怖主义活动猖獗,南北差距拉大,非传统安全威胁上升,人类面临着许多严峻挑战,国际社会实现持久和平、共同繁荣任重而道远。 In today’s world, there are still quite some factors of instability and uncertainty. Frequent regional frictions and conflicts, rampant terrorist activities, the widening North-South gap and rising nontraditional security threats all pose severe challenges to mankind. The international community is currently facing an uphill struggle to achieve lasting peace and common prosperity. 3.在经济全球化进程中,相当一部分发展中国家面临着被边缘化的危险,发展经济困难加剧,同发达国家的发展差距继续拉大。 In the process of economic globalization, a considerable number of developing countries, which are faced with the danger of being marginalized, have found growing difficulties in their economic development and a widening gap between themselves and the developed countries. 4.我们应该按照公认的国际规则,本着互谅互让的精神,通过对话协商,共同寻求解决分歧之道。 We should work together to explore ways to resolve disagreements through dialogue and consultation in accordance with internationally recognized principles and in the spirit of mutual understanding and accommodation. 5.我们应该显示诚意,采取灵活务实的态度,扩大共识,兑现承诺,弥合分歧,使即将在中国香港举行的第六届世界贸易组织部长级会议取得成果,并推动谈判早日成功结束。 We should, in all sincerity, take a down-to-earth and flexible attitude to explore our common ground, fulfill our commitments and bridge our differences so that we will make a success of the forthcoming 6th WTO Ministerial Meeting in Hong Kong, China, bringing the negotiations to a successful conclusion in the shortest possible time. 6.国际油价持续攀高给世界经济特别是发展中国家经济的发展带来不利影响;海啸、飓风等自然灾害频仍给受灾国家造成巨大损失;禽流感疫情不断暴发给本地区有关国家造成严重危害;等等。 The surging international oil price has had a negative impact on the world economy, and the economies of the developing countries in particular. The frequent occurrences of natural disasters such as tsunami and hurricane have inflicted heavy losses on disaster-stricken countries. The continued outbreak of avian flue has seriously affected


11月英语翻译资格三级笔译真题(网友版) 三级笔译: 《三级笔译实务》 1. 英译汉:文章来源为美国国务院网站,原文标题为:Beaverton: Oregon’s Most Diverse City Stroll through the farmers’market and you will hear a plethora of languages and see a rainbow of faces. Drive down Canyon Road and stop for halal meat or Filipino pork belly at adjacent markets. Along the highway, browse the aisles of a giant Asian supermarket stocking fresh napa cabbage and mizuna or fresh kimchi. Head toward downtown and you’ll see loncheras —taco trucks —on street corners and hear Spanish bandamusic. On the city’s northern edge, you can sample Indian chaat. Welcome to Beaverton, a Portland suburb that is home to Oregon’s fastest growing immigrant population. Once a rural community, Beaverton, population 87,000, is now the sixth largest city in Oregon — with immigration rates higher than those of Portland, Oregon’s largest city. Best known as the world headquarters for athletic shoe company Nike, Beaverton has changed dramatically over the past 40 years. Settled by immigrants from northern Europe in the 19th century, today it is a place where 80 languages from Albanian to Urdu are spoken in the public schools and about 30 percent of students speak a language besides English, according to English as a Second Language program director Wei Wei Lou. Beaverton’s wave of new residents began arriving in the 1960s, with Koreans and Tejanos (Texans of Mexican origin), who were the first permanent Latinos. In 1960, Beaverton’s population of Latinos and Asians was less than 0.3 percent. By 2000,

新视野大学英语第三版第二册6-7单元词汇,短语 ,汉译英英译汉

Unit5 1. 2.A strong police force has been placed between the two (rival) groups in the village to prevent fighting and killing. 3. Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance, its potential role in (motivating) innovative acts cannot be ignored. 4. 5. Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21st century and their(fluctuating) birth rates have also posed problems. 6. 7. The president is in trouble and will have to work hard to (restore) his credibility after people discovered that he was not telling the truth. 8. To study a number of subjects in the humanities has been both enjoyable and (enlightening) , providing me with a new and different perspective on the world in which we live. 9. People are concerned about the environment issue because air and water pollution not only affects everyone's health but also makes it difficult for businesses to (profit) . 10. 1. 2. The support our volunteers provide to the community as well as society cannot 3. (be measured in) purely practical terms, and their continuing contribution is vital. Please don't forget the Tourist Guide, which should(come in handy) when you travel to different places in Asia and Europe for the next few weeks. 4.


摘要:本文以20 00至20 05 年共6 界《政府工作报告》为语料, 在奈达等效翻译理论的基础上, 从词汇层面和语篇层面入手, 结合汉英语言文化差异以及对外宣传的特珠禽要对其中出现的有中国特色的政治经济用语的时等翻译进行探讨和总结。 关键词:奈达; 等效翻译; 词汇层面; 语篇层面; 有中国特色的政治经济用语 一、引言 《政府工作报告》是中国政府向其人民代表所做的工作总结和工作部署, 总结过去尸年建设有中国特色社会主义事业的新成就, 部署针对中国国情的大政方针、基本国策, 对党和国家事业的发展具有重大而深远的意义. 随着改革开放与对外交流的日益频繁, 以及中国在世政治经济生活中的影响日益扩大, 一年一度的《政府工作报告》更是倍受世界瞩目。但是《政府工作报告》的翻译却很有难度. 首先, 它的政治性和政策性极强, 对译文准确性的要求极高, 稍有差错就可能影响到国家的政治经济利益、形象声誉甚至国际关系, 造成无可挽回的损失。其次, 不少中国特有的新提法、新概念不断涌现, 很难在英文中找到完全对等的译语。第三, 行文结构和用词极具中国特色, 也给翻译工作带来困难川。美国著名翻译理论家奈达, 从现代语言学角度出发, 结合交际理论、读者反应论和信息论在6 0 一70 年代提出了“ 动态对等” 翻译理论. “ 所谓动态对等翻译, 是指从语义到语体, 在接受语中用最贴近的自然对等语再现源发语的信息。’心] 以’奈达主张译者应着眼于读者来考虑原文的意义和精神, 以译文信息内容和交际效果对等为目的, 不拘泥于原文的语言结构, 改变原文形式, 重组信息, 重建形式和语义结构, 使译文读者能以与原文读者基本相同的方式理解和欣赏译文.80年代他又将其修正为“功能对等’, , 其实两者实质上是相同的, 重点都在“ 对等” 上。等效翻译理论在跨文化翻译中应用相当广泛。《政府工作报告》译语接受者是外籍人士, 其语言、文化背景、民族心理、历史、生活习惯等都与我们不同。因此, 译者必须从外国读者的角度出发, 灵活运用奈达的等效翻译理论, 使他们看懂、听崔, 最大程度地领会原作的精神和风格, 达到交际与对外宜传的目的。本文以最近六届《政府工作报告》为语料, 在等效翻译理论的基础上, 从词汇层面和语篇层面入手, 结合汉英语言文化差异以及对外宣传的需要对其中出现的有中国特色的政治经济用语的对等翻译进行探讨。 二、词汇层面对等处理的五个方面 (一) 准确是政治翻译的基本要求. 《政府工作报告》事关国家大事, 每一句话、每一个词都是经过字斟句酌、反复修改后定稿的, 均有准确定义。其中有不少有政治含义的词汇. 特别是涉及到方针政策和国家主权的, 必须吃透原文, 多从政治方面进行深人解读, 掌握好翻译的分寸川。 1. “ 物质文明和精神文明” 这一提法早期被翻译为“material and spiritual civilization” 。但是, “精神” 被翻译为“ sp ir itual” 是不妥的。中国人理解“ 精神” 是相对于“物质” 而言, 是指思想素质、道德规范; 而“ spiri t ”在英文中的意思是幽灵、鬼魂、精灵等, 宗教意味也很浓。若用“ eth ic ” 则比较妥当, 因为“ethic ” 是指“principles of right conduct or a system of moral values ” 。所以, “ 物质文明和精神文明” 可译为“ material and ethical progress” 。 2 . “廉正建设” “ 廉政建设” 曾被译为“construct clean politics ” (十三届五中全会词汇, 《中国翻译》, 1 9 90 年第2 期) , 但这种译法很有问题。首先, “co ns t ru ct ” 多指工程建设, 用在这里显然不当。其次, “p o lit ie s ” 往往含有贬义, 如“ o ffie e p o lit ie s ” 是“ 办公室里的明争暗斗” 。因此在十六大《政府工作报告》中已把“ 廉正建设”改译为“build a clean and honest government ” 。 3 . “能上能下”


一、企业财务会计报表封面 FINANCIAL REPORT COVER 报表所属期间之期末时间点 Period Ended 所属月份 Reporting Period 报出日期 Submit Date 记账本位币币种 Local Reporting Currency 审核人 Verifier 填表人 Preparer 二、资产负债表 Balance Sheet 资产 Assets 流动资产 Current Assets 货币资金 Bank and Cash 短期投资 Current Investment 一年内到期委托贷款 Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减:一年内到期委托贷款减值准备 Less: Impairment for Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减:短期投资跌价准备 Less: Impairment for current investment 短期投资净额 Net bal of current investment 应收票据 Notes receivable 应收股利 Dividend receivable 应收利息 Interest receivable 应收账款 Account receivable 减:应收账款坏账准备 Less: Bad debt provision for Account receivable 应收账款净额 Net bal of Account receivable 其他应收款 Other receivable 减:其他应收款坏账准备 Less: Bad debt provision for Other receivable 其他应收款净额 Net bal of Other receivable 预付账款 Prepayment 应收补贴款 Subsidy receivable 存货 Inventory 减:存货跌价准备 Less: Provision for Inventory 存货净额 Net bal of Inventory 已完工尚未结算款 Amount due from customer for contract work 待摊费用 Deferred Expense 一年内到期的长期债权投资 Long-term debt investment due within one year 一年内到期的应收融资租赁款 Finance lease receivables due within


2006年11月翻译资格考试三级笔译真题 第一部分:英译汉 Faced with growing evidence that avian influenza is spreading in birds, the World Health Organization on Wednesday signed an agreement with the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche Holding to build up its stockpile of medicines in case of a pandemic in humans. Under the agreement, Roche will reserve three million treatments of its Tamiflu antiviral medicine for use by the UN agency in case of a worldwide human pandemic of avian flu. "It's just enough to deal with an initial outbreak," said Jong-Wook Lee, director-general of the WHO. "But clearly this is not enough to deal with a full pandemic." The agency says only 57 people in Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia have died, mainly from contact with infected birds. The virus has killed millions of chickens and led to preventive culling across Asia since late 2003. Sustained human-to-human infection has not yet been recorded. But the World Health Organization warns that bird flu, which first appeared in Hong Kong in 1997, could mutate genetically, making it easier for humans to catch and transmit the disease among themselves. Signs the disease has spread recently to birds in Siberia and Kazakhstan are adding to concerns, the WHO says. A panel of European


汉译英常用句型和短语 1.It is said / reported / predicated (断定)/ believed / asserted (宣称)/ supposed / well-known / generally considered… that… 据… It must be admitted / pointed out… that… 预计中国打算在近期购买私车的人数将达到三百万。 It is predicted that the car purchasers in China will amount to 3 million in the near future. 到2008年第四季度,国民经济年均增长率预计将达到10%。 The annual average growth rate of national economy is estimated to reach 10% by the last quarter of 2008. 必须指出,这样的错误不能再犯。 It must be pointed out that mistakes of this kind should not be repeated. 看来这两个科学分支是相互依存,相互作用的 It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting. 已经证明,感应电压使电流的方向与产生电流的磁场力方向相反。 It has been proved that induced voltage causes a current


汉译英政治经济词汇 [雅健] 2011-08-29 14:55:39 A 安排城市新增劳动力就业Jobs have been created for the increased workforce in cities. 安排人民生活to ensure that the daily needs of the people are met 按比例on pro rata basis; in proportion to 按净产值计算的工业全员劳动率the productivity of the entire workforce in industrial enterprise, calculate on the basis of net output value 按劳分配制度Distribution according to work; the principle of “to each according to his work” 按面值全部缴清的股票Shares paid fully at face value 肮脏工业(污染环境的工业,赌博业等)“sin” industry B 八国联军the Eight-Power Allied Forces 巴黎俱乐部the Paris Club 巴塞尔委员会the Basle Committee 把按劳动分配和按生产要素分配结合起来to combine remuneration according to work with remuneration according to factors of production 把二者割裂,对立起来separating the two and then setting them against each other 把改革的力度、发展的速度和社会可以承受的程度统一起来give full consideration to the intensity of reform, pace of development and people’s ability to sustain them 把各方面的积极性引导好,保护好,发挥好to guide, protect and tap the initiative of all quarters of society properly 把企业推向市场to expose enterprises to market; increase the responsiveness of enterprises to market forces 把握正确的舆论导向to properly guide the public opinion 把眼光放远一些to subordinate immediate interests to the long-term ones; to be farsighted; have a broad view 把已经确定的方针政策措施落到实处to get the set principles, policies and measures implemented 白条an IOU 百花齐放、百家争鸣let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend 百年不遇once-in-a-century 百业待举Much remains to be done. 摆门面to put up an impressive front 摆脱思想上和体制上的禁锢to shake off ideological and structural shackles 摆脱债务问题Extricate oneself from debt problems; free oneself from debt problems 拜金主义money worship 版权收入Royalties 办事高效、运转协调、行为规范的行政管理体系a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized administrative system 帮助企业分离社会职能to help enterprises divest themselves of social functions 包干Contract for; on a contract basis 包干体制the contract responsibity system under which an enterprise turns over a fixed amount of tax and profits to the state
