





汽车实用英语(一)A卷 一、词汇题 (根据单词后的中文意思填1个字母补全单词,每空0.5分,共5分) 1.Heavy commer ial vehicle重型商务车 2.Gear ra io 传动比 3. engine bl ck 发动机汽缸体 4.Electri al system 电气系统 5.Sta ting motor 启动电动机 6. ste ring box 转向器 7. Torsional vibration bala cer 扭转振动平衡器 8.Vacu m booster 真空助力器 9.Ignition co l 点火线圈 10.Therm stat 节温器 二、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1.Swept volume: the volume TDC BDC. 2. The chassis includes the power train、、and systems. 3. Engine capacity: this is the of all the cylinders. 4.The operating strokes of a four-stroke cycle engine are Induction stroke, stroke, Power stroke, stroke. 5.Automatic Transmission (AT) have three basic systems: a , a gear system and . 6. The Planetary gear system has three parts: the sun gear, and carrier, and the internal gear or 7. Three types of braking system are Service braking system, , Additional retarding braking system. 8. Three systems that control the passenger comfort are: , And Systems. 9. The Suspension system has two subsystems- and . 10.There are two main types of sleeves: and . 三、填空题(将以下零部件词汇填在图中序号对应的空格中,每空0.5分,共 5.5分) Exhaust valve、camshaft、distributor、air filter、oil pan、crankshaft、ignition switch、intake valve、battery、connecting rod、piston


郑州交通职业学院 教案 2012-2013学年第二学期 专业: 11级汽车制造与装配 课程:汽车实用英语 教师:陈晓静

教材分析 1.教材基本信息 教材名称:汽车实用英语 出版社:中国传媒大学出版社 主编:潘天堂 出版时间:2009年10月第1版 2.章节内容及学时分配 Unit 1 Automobile Hilstory Unit 2 History of Fuel Injection System Unit 3 Benz Outlined Unit 4 Toyota Profile Unit 5 Automobile Mass Production Process Unit 6 Automobile Engines Unit 7 The Valve System Unit 8 Cooling System Unit 9 Fuel System Unit 10 Typical EFI System Unit 11 Car Suspension Unit 12 Car Steering System Unit 13 Four-wheel Drive 3.教学手段和方法

传统教学法、多媒体课件教学法、实物演示法相结合等。 4.教材分析 本教材题材广泛、内容丰富。大多同类教材内容过于偏重汽车机械结构,本书内容涉及汽车历史、服务等各方面,使学生通过本书的学习掌握汽车各专业方面的英文表达方式,为以后的就业和择业拓宽知识面。强调实用性和可操作性。文章内容选取难易适中,表达方式多样。既有专业文章的写作方法,也有新闻报道型的通俗写法,更有较口语化的表达方式。每单元后设有简答题,给教师的课堂教学和学生的思考留下更大空间,体现了应用型人才的培养目标和人才定位。内容突出前沿性和先进性。本书紧扣时代脉搏,介绍了现代汽车新技术的应用,为学生后续职业生涯的发展奠定基础。 5.参考教材 宋红英主编《汽车专业英语》北京:机械工业出版社 黄立新主编《汽车专业英语》西安:西安电子科技大学出版社 黄汽驰,黄新《新编汽车专业英语》北京:机械工业出版社 赵修强主编《汽车专业英语》济南:山东科学技术出版社 蔡安徽,崔永春主编《汽车专业英语》北京北京理工大学出版社


08586汽车实用英语(一) 江苏技术师范学院编 江苏省高等教育自学考试委员会办公室说明: 采用教材:《汽车实用英语》,韩建保编著,高等教育出版社,2009年。 参考文献:《实用汽车维修英语》,王锦俞邹军新编,机械工业出版社,2004年9月第1版。 一、考试的重点内容 Unit1 History and Basic Components of Automotives (第一单元汽车发展简史及其基本组成部件) 1.掌握汽车各总成及其主要部件的英文词汇和短语; 2.掌握描述系统的安装位置和组成部件的句型; 3.能够用简单的英文语句描述汽车各系统的基本功能和工作原理。 Unit2 Challenges for Repair Shops from Car’s Innovative Features (第二单元轿车新技术特征对检测维修工作的挑战) 1.掌握轿车新技术特征和故障诊断与维修方面的英文词汇和短语; 2.熟悉车型的命名惯例; 3.能够用简单的英文语句描述轿车新技术特征。 Unit3 Automotive Diagnostic and Test Procedures (第三单元汽车故障诊断与检测方法) 1.掌握汽车故障诊断与检测方法方面的英文词汇和短语; 2.掌握汽车故障诊断过程主要工作内容的英文语句; 3.掌握描述简单故障的英文语句。 Unit4 Years of Automotive Tools (第四单元汽车维修工具的百年发展史) 1.掌握汽车维修工具的英文词汇和短语; 2.掌握描述汽车维修工具的工作原理和进行各种调整操作的句型。 Unit5 Automobile Electrical Systems and Preventive Maintenance


Valves and Valve Train The valve gear of an internal combustion engine provides timely admission of the fresh charge into the cylinders and exhaust of spent gases from them. For this purpose the valves at definite moments open and close the intake and exhaust ports in the cylinder head, through which the cylinders communicate with the intake and exhaust manifold. The valve gear is composed of timing gears, a camshaft, tappets, valves, spring with fasteners and valve guides. The timing gears in most engines are housed in a special case fitted at the front end of the engine. These are necessary to transmit rotation from the crankshaft to the camshaft, fuel injection pump shaft, and to oil pump and other mechanisms.The gears are made of steel and use helical teeth to reduce noise. Camshaft's function is to open the engine valves positively and timely, in a definite sequence, and to control their closing against the return action of the valve springs. The shaft is made integral with its cams and bearing journals. Each cam controls a single valve, either intake or exhaust. In some automobile engines, the camshaft is made integral with fuel pump eccentric wheel and oil pump drive gear. The camshaft bearings are lubricated with oil supplied under pressure from the main gallery in the cylinder block. The tappets serve to transmit the force from the camshaft to the push rods. The tappets are small cylindrical bores receiving the push rods. They are made of cast iron or steel and located in the guides, which may be made integral with the cylinder block or removable as in the engine. When the engines operate, the tappets continuously rotate about their axes for uniform wear. The rotation is ensured by a convex surface of their bottoms and a slanted surface of the cams. The push rods transmits the force from the tappets to the rocker and are made as steel stems with hardened tips or duralumin tubes with spherical steel tips press-fitted at. both ends. The push rod tips bear against the tappet hollow at one end against the spherical surface of rocker adjusting screw at other. The rockers transmit the force from the push rod to the valve. The rockers are made from steel and are installed on a hollow fulcrum. A bronze bush is press fitted into the rocker hole to reduce friction. The hollow fulcrum is supported by standards on the cylinder head. Endplay of the rocker is prevented by a coil spring.The rocker arm is a bell crank made of steel. At the middle of the rocker arm, there is a boss with a bore into which is pressed the bushing. A hardened curved pad is provided on the end of the rocker where it contacts the valve stem tip, while a threaded hole is machined in its other end to receive the adjusting screw used to set the valve clearance, the clearance between the rocker contact pad and the valve stem tip, so that the valve will be tightly pressed against its seat when hot. The rocker arm freely oscillates about the rocker-arm shaft supported by a series of pedestals or brackets, which are bolted to the top deck of the cylinder head. An engine valve is a device designed to open a passage when moving in one direction and to close it when moving in the opposite direction. Each cylinder of a four-stroke-cycle diesel or gasoune engine is commonly equipped with an intake valve


课程名称:汽车实用英语(一)课程代码:08586 第一部分课程性质与目标 一、课程性质与特点 《汽车实用英语》是汽车检测与维修专业设置的一门专业必修课。该课程以英文较为全面地介绍了汽车的构造、工作原理以及汽车新技术。该课程实用性较强,学生通过英文课文的阅读与翻译,可学习常见的汽车专业词汇、专业术语及汽车相关结构与工作原理的英语表达,为以后阅读、翻译专业文献以及科技论文写作打下良好的基础。 二、课程目标与基本要求 结合已学的汽车构造课程,掌握常见的汽车发动机、底盘、车身及电器系统的专业英语词汇、专业术语及汽车相关结构与工作原理的英语表达;掌握汽车专业英语阅读和翻译的基本理论和技巧;能熟练阅读和翻译难度一般的汽车相关英文文献,并进行简单的科技论文写作。 三、与本专业其他课程的关系 本课程是培养汽车检测与维修专业及其它汽车相关专业人才的一门必要的专业技术课。学习本课程之前应具备《汽车构造》、《汽车理论》等课程的相关知识,可为后续多门课程打下基础,并可将所学知识应用于毕业设计中,如英文文献的阅读与翻译、以及英文摘要及科技论文的撰写等。 第二部分考核内容与考核目标 Chapter 1 Automotive Basics 一、学习目的与要求 通过本章学习,掌握汽车的四大基本组成:发动机、底盘、车身和电器系统的基本专业英语词汇;理解各部分的基本结构、原理与作用;能准确翻译原文重点段落、语句。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)重点 识记:下列专业术语与核心词汇 1. Body:Saloon, Sedan, SUV, MPV等相关术语、词汇; 2. Engine:Gasoline, Diesel等相关术语、词汇; 3. Chassis:Power train system, Steering system, Suspension system, Braking system等相关术语、词汇; 4. Electrical system:Charging, Starting, Ignition等相关术语、词汇; 理解:通过阅读,理解发动机、底盘各部分的基本组成、作用; 应用:能准确翻译部分原文重点段落、语句。 (二)次重点 识记:根据车身造型的不同,不同车型的英文表达; (三)一般 理解:通过阅读理解不同车型的车身结构特点,及电器系统各部分的组成、作用。 Chapter 2 Internal Combustion Engine 一、学习目的与要求 通过本章学习,掌握汽车发动机相关的基本英文专业术语与词汇;通过阅读理解发动机的基本组成与工作原理;能准确翻译原文重点段落、语句。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)重点 识记:下列专业术语与核心词汇 1. Engine terms: TDC, BDC, Engine capacity, Compression ratio, Swept volume, Clearance volume等相关 术语、词汇; 2. Four strokes : Induction/Intake stroke, Compression stroke, Power stroke, Exhaust stroke;


《汽车实用英语》句子翻译共分两部分,1、汉译英2、英译汉 请翻译一下句子。注意:除特别注释外,英汉都要记哦。 Unit 1 P9-10 1.汽车主要由四个部分组成,它们是:发动机、底盘、车身和电气设备。 The automobile consists of 4 parts. They are: engine, chassis, body and electrical equipment. 2.传动系由离合器、变速箱、传动轴、后桥、差速器、从动轮组成。 The transmission system consists of clutch, gearbox, propeller shaft, real axle and differential and the driving road wheels. 3.制动系统的功能之一是使汽车能在尽可能短的距离内停车。 One function of the braking system is to stop the car in as short a distance as possible. 4.内燃机,顾名思义,就是燃料在气缸内部燃烧,并且把燃烧时的膨胀力转化为驱动车辆 的旋转力。 As its name indicates, it obtains power by burning the fuel within the cylinders and converts the expanding force of the combustion into rotary forced used to propel the vehicle. Unit 2 P26 5.The following discussion broadly outlines how a basic or conventional Electronic Fuel Injection system operates. 下面对一般的电控燃油喷射系统地工作原理做基本介绍。 6.As fuel is sprayed into the intake airstreams, it mixes with the incoming air and vaporizes due to the low pressure in the intake manifold. (英译汉) 当燃油被喷射到进气空气流中时,燃油就同进来的空气混合在一起,由于进气歧管里的低气压而蒸发。 7.进气系统由空气滤清器、空气流量计、节气门、空气进气室、进气歧管和进气门组成。 The air induction system consists of the air cleaner, air flow meter, throttle valve, air intake chamber, intake manifold runner, and intake valve. 8.节气门开得时间越长,进入发动机气缸里的气体就越多。 As the trottle valve is opened further, more air is allowed to enter the engine cylinder. Unit 3 P 40-41


《汽车实用英语》accident insurance 事故保险insurance against theft 防盗保险 fully comprehensive insurance 全险third-party insurance 第三方保险 I. Match the following English and Chinese words.(单词,每小题2分,共30分) 1. automobile 汽车 2. total capacity 总排量 3. transportation 交通 4. petrol engine 汽油机 5. brake pedal 脚刹车 6. lorry 卡车 7. manufacturer 制造厂商8. generator 发电机 9. gravity 重力 10. water pump水泵 11. exhaust system 排气系统12. self-ignition 自燃 13. high-pressure pipe 高压油管 14. in-line engine直 列式发动机 15. injector 喷油器 16. pulley 皮带轮 17. thermostat 恒温 器 18. transistor 晶体 管 19. windscreen 挡 风玻璃 20. gearbox 变速 器 21. oil pump 机油 泵 22. compression ratio 压缩比 23. bearing 轴承 25. heater hose 暖 气软管 26. valve stem 气门 杆 II. Put each of the following sentences into English or Chinese, using the word given in the bracket if any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(翻译,每 小题5分,共30分) 1. Where did the name “Automobile” come from? The New York Times’ mention of the name “automobile”was the first public use of the term by the media and helped to popularize that name for motor vehicles. “汽车”这个名字 起源于哪里呢? 《纽约时报》是第 一个使用“汽车” 这个词的媒体,这 有助于这个名字的 推广,泛指所有的 机动车辆。 2. An automobile probably contains more than 15000 separate parts. The vehicle can be usually subdivided into several major categories: the body, the engine or power source, the chassis and the electrical system. 汽车大概包含 15000个零件。通常 它被细分成以下几 个主要的部分:车 身,动力系统,底 盘和电气系统。 3. Today, the automobile has become the dominant means of transportation on this planet. People all over the world quite rely on the automobile. With the development of automotive technology the automobile becomes more and more comfortable, safe, and economical. 现在,汽车已经成 为世界上最主要的 交通工具。大家都 很依赖于汽车。随


xx省高等教育自学考试大纲 08586汽车实用英语(一) xx技术师范学院编 xx省高等教育自学考试委员会办公室 说明:

采用教材:《汽车实用英语》,韩建保编著,高等教育出版社,2009年。 参考文献:《实用汽车维修英语》,王锦俞邹军新编,机械工业出版社,2004年9月第1版。 一、考试的重点内容 Unit1 History and Basic Components of Automotives (第一单元汽车发展简史及其基本组成部件) 1.掌握汽车各总成及其主要部件的英文词汇和短语; 2.掌握描述系统的安装位置和组成部件的句型; 3.能够用简单的英文语句描述汽车各系统的基本功能和工作原理。 Unit2 Challenges for Repair Shops from Car’s Innovative Features (第二单元轿车新技术特征对检测维修工作的挑战) 1.掌握轿车新技术特征和故障诊断与维修方面的英文词汇和短语; 2.熟悉车型的命名惯例; 3.能够用简单的英文语句描述轿车新技术特征。 Unit3 Automotive Diagnostic and Test Procedures (第三单元汽车故障诊断与检测方法) 1.掌握汽车故障诊断与检测方法方面的英文词汇和短语; 2.掌握汽车故障诊断过程主要工作内容的英文语句; 3.掌握描述简单故障的英文语句。 Unit4 Years of Automotive Tools (第四单元汽车维修工具的百年发展史) 1.掌握汽车维修工具的英文词汇和短语; 2.掌握描述汽车维修工具的工作原理和进行各种调整操作的句型。 Unit5 Automobile Electrical Systems and Preventive Maintenance (第五单元汽车电气系统及其预防性维护保养) 1.掌握汽车电气系统的英文名称以及故障现象和维护保养方面的英文词汇和短语; 2.能够用简单的英文语句描述电气系统的故障现象。 Unit6 Electronic Throttle Control and its noteworthy capabilities (第六单元电子节气门控制及其主要优点) 1.掌握汽车电子节气门的基本组成部件的英文词汇和短语;


汽车实用英语试卷一.写出下列简写的全称(每题1分,共计15分) 1 .4S--- 2. ABS--- 3. SUV--- 4. GPS--- 5. EFI--- 6. 4WS--- 7. 4WD--- 8. ECU--- 9. TDC--- 10. ICE--- 11.MPV--- 12.SRS--- 13.EGR--- 14.BDC--- 15.ESP--- 二.词组翻译(每题1分,共计20分) 1. internal combustion engine 2.exhaust pipe 3. instrument panel 4. brake shoe 5. ignition coil 6. knock sensor 7. shock absorber 8.front bumper 9.clutch 10.automatic transmission 11. 扭杆弹簧 12. 凸轮轴 13. 启动机 14.火花塞 15.发动机冷却系 16.汽车悬架系统 17.消声器 18.分电器 19. 电磁阀 20. 燃油泵

1. The internal combustion engine, as its name indicates, burns fuel within the cylinders and converts the expanding force of the combustion into rotary force used to propel the vehicle. 2. There are two types of cooling system: water cooling and air cooling Water cooling system consist of the engine water jacket, thermostat, water pump, radiator, fan, drive belt and necessary hoses。 3. There are several manual steering system gears in current use: the “rack and pinion” type and the “recirculating ball type”. 4.Automobile suspension system has two basic functions,to keep car’s wheels in firm contact with the road and to provide comfortable ride form the passengers. 5.No engine can work well without suitable operating temperatures. 五.短文翻译(每题6分,共计30分) 1.There are various types of engines such as electric motors, steam engines and internal combustion engines. However,the internal combustion engine seems to be the one most commonly used in the automotive field. According to the fuel energy used, internal combustion engines are further divided into gasoline engines, kerosene engines, diesel engines, etc.. 2.Camshaft’s function is to open the engine valves positively and timel, in a definite sequence,and to control their closing against the return action of the valve springs.The shaft is made integral with its cams and bearing journals. Each cam controls a single valve,engine intake or exhaust. 3.The exhaust system has one or two exhaust manifolds,and an exhaust pipe,intermediate pipe,muffler,and tail pipe.The exhaust manifold collects exhaust from the engine’s cylinders.The exhaust pipe, intermediate pipe,and tail pipe carry exhaust to the back end of the car.The muffler queiets engine noise. 4.A transmission is a speed and power changing device installed at some point


Engine Fuel System The fuel system has the job of supplying a combustible mixture of air and fuel to the engine. The fuel system must vary the proportions of air and fuel to suit different operating conditions. When the engine is cold, for example, then the mixture must be rich ( have a high proportion of fuel ). The reason for this is that the fuel does not vaporize rapidly at low temperatures. Therefore, extra fuel must be added to the mixture so that there will be enough vaporized fuel to form a combustible mixture. The fuel system consists of the fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel filter, carburetor, intake manifold, and fuel lines, or tubes, connecting the tank, pump, and carburetor. Some gasoline engines use a fuel-injection system; in this system, a fuel-injection pump replaces the carburetor. The fuel tank, in which gasoline is stored, is normally located at the rear of the vehicle.(1) It is made of sheet metal and is attached to the frame. A fuel pump delivers fuel from the tank to the carburetor. There are two general types of fuel pump, mechanical and electric. The fuel system has filters and screens to prevent dire in the fuel from entering the fuel pump or carburetor. Dirt could, of course, prevent normal operation of these units and cause poor engine performance.(2) The carburetor is essentially. a mixing device which mixes liquid gasoline with air. In this process, it throws a fine spray of gasoline into air passing through the carburetor on its way to the engine. (3) The gasoline vaporizes and mixes with the air to form a highly combustion mixture. This mixture then enters the engine combustion chambers, where it is ignited. It burns, causing the engine to produce power. (4) The mixture must be of varying degrees of richness to suit engine operating conditions. It must be rich (have a higher percentage of fuel ) for starting. Acceleration, and high-speed operation. And it should lean out (become less rich ) for operation at intermediate speed with a warm engine. The carburetor has several different circuits, or passages, through which fuel and air-fuel mixture flow under different operating conditions to produce the varying richness of the air-fuel mixture. (5)


1 A 汽车的基本结构 01虽然在风格和设计上都有很大的不同,但汽车的结构基本上是相同的。换句话说,任何汽车都由四部分组成,如发动机、底盘、车身和电气系统。 发动机 02发动机是汽车的动力来源。最常见的类型是内燃机,燃料燃烧的气瓶,将膨胀力的燃烧或爆炸成旋转力,用以推动车辆前进。 03所有发动机都有燃油、排气、冷却和润滑系统。汽油发动机也有点火系统。 04燃料系统在动力生产过程中起着至关重要的作用,因为它将汽油供应给发动机汽缸。 05排气系统是用来将燃烧的气体排放到车辆后部,进入空气中,安静的排气噪声,并且,在大多数情况下,减少废气中的污染物。 06冷却系统从发动机部件中移除过多的热量 07润滑系统是保持发动机运转平稳的重要保证。机油是系统中使用的润滑剂。 08点火系统提供所需的电火花,以点燃气缸内的空气燃料混合物,从而启动动力冲程。 底盘 09底盘是一个框架,用于组装汽车零部件在它。底盘包括动力车、悬架、转向和制动系统。 10动力传动系统包括从发动机传递扭矩的机构和单位,以及变化的

扭矩和转速的大小和方向。在这些机制和单位是变速器(变速箱),离合器,传动轴,后桥,差速器和车轮。 11悬挂系统的主要目的是支持车辆的重量。悬挂系统的基本工作是吸收由不规则路面引起的冲击,否则会被传送给车辆及其乘员,从而有助于保持车辆在控制和水平的过程中,不管道路条件。 12转向系统是用来控制车辆的行驶方向,因为它移动。构成的转向系统的关键部件是方向盘、转向轴、蜗杆、扇形齿轮、转向摇臂、拉杆、转向节臂、主销、转向臂、拉杆、前轴和转向节。 13制动系统是一种通过摩擦来阻止车辆的〖JP〗运动机械和液压平衡的装置。在结构上,汽车刹车系统包括几个主要部件如制动鼓、刹车蹄、刹车片、汽车等功能,〖JP〗制动系统可分为行车制动装置和停车制动机构。 车身 14车身为发动机、乘客和货物提供保护罩。它的目的是让居住者安全和舒适。车身一般分为四个部分-前,上部或顶部,后部和底部。这些部分可以进一步分为许多的组件和零件,如发动机罩、挡泥板、顶盖、车门、仪表板、保险杠和行李箱。 电气系统 15汽车的电气系统提供照明和驱动电源。现代汽车的电气系统由四个主电路和一个分支电路组成。 四种主要电路是产生电路、启动电路、点火电路和照明电路。所有的主要电路连接在一起,并连接到电池,这是必要的,在任何车辆上的

fuxi-zong 6113汽车实用英语

开放教育专科期末考试 《汽车实用英语》复习 题型: I. Match the following English and Chinese words.(每小题2分,共30分) II. (a) Put each of the following sentences into English or Chinese, using the word given in the bracket if any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(每小题5分,共30分) III. Multiple Choice: Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(每小题2分,共20分) IV. Below are 10 words and phrases, please use them to fill in the gaps in the each sentence. Each word or phrase can only be used once. (每小题2分,共20分) 练习 I. Match the following English and Chinese words.(每小题2分,共30分) (1) 1. top gear A. 消声器 2. magnetic field B. 驱动轮 3. ignition switch C. 干式空气滤清器 4. distributor D. 最高挡 5. air-cooling system E. 残余废气 6. propeller shaft F. 空气冷却系统 7. exhaust system G. 磁场 8. gearbox H. 直喷系统 9. drive wheel I. 点火开关 10. reverse gear J. 排气系统 11. direct injection system K. 电动燃油泵 12. electric fuel pump L. 分电器 13. residual gas M. 传动轴 14. muffler N. 倒挡 15. dry-type air filter O. 变速器 16. gallon P. 消声器


汽车实用英语》教学辅导 第一部分教学辅导说明 《汽车实用英语》是中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点汽车专业(维修方向) (开放专科)的选修课。本课程的任务是结合汽车专业的实际需求,较系统的学习专业外语知识。要求同学们以教材为主,形成性考核作业册为辅,结合实训、录像教材、直播课堂、网上资源等,全面、系统、多层次地学习文字教材。抓住重点,做到理解、领会,勿死记硬背,争取做到举一反三;注意各部分内容的融会贯通,注意归纳总结,全书共分为三十课的内容,要求同学们每学完一课的内容,自己亲自动手认真进行本节小结,学会运用所学知识进行一般现象分析;重视形成性考核作业册和文字教材中复习思考题,做好自我检查,及时复习、巩固所学知识。 第二部分各章主要内容 第 1 课History of Automobile 本课主要介绍了汽车的发展史。具体要求如下: 一、重点掌握 1 词汇: automobile, vehicle, auto, motor vehicle, MPV, engine, internal combustion engine, fuel, gasoline, petrol, diesel, wheel, crankshaft, piston, cylinder, stroke, four-stroke engine, motorcycle, carburetor, assembly line, transportation, spark plug, front, rear, body 2 句子: 1) The automobile as we know it was not invented in a single day by a single inventor. The history of the automobile reflects an evolution that took place worldwide. It is estimated that over 100,000 patents created the modern automobile. 2) An internal combustion engine is any engine that uses the explosive combustion of fuel to push a piston within a cylinder - the piston's movement turns a crankshaft that then turns the car wheels via a chain or a drive shaft. 二、一般掌握 1.课文后的词汇 2.阅读课文,基本理解。 三、一般了解 1.汽车发展史; 2.回答课文后问题。 第 2 课Introduction to Automobile 本课介绍了汽车的基本结构、各个主要部件的工作原理,以及汽车对社会的影响。具体要求如下: 一、重点掌握 1.词汇: Chassis, electrical system, shaft, driven shaft, driven wheel, gear, piston engine, compression, ignition, spark ignition(SI), compression ignition(CI),suspension system, braking system, steering system, driving system, transmission, transmit, gearbox, final drive, differential, clutch, torque, power, neutral, neutral gear, reverse gear, spring, steering wheel, ABS, battery, hood, trunk deck, charge, wear, pressure, temperature, axle, frame, speed, maintain
