


1.(全国1)Planning so far ahead____no sense -so many tings will have changed by next year.


B.is making


D. has made

2.(全国1)I wasn't sure if he was really interested or if he ___polite.

A. was just being

B.will just be

C.had just been

D.would just be

3.(全国1)When Alice came to herself, she did not know how long she ____there.

A.had been lying

B.has been lying

C. was lying

D.has lain

4.(全国二)If you don't like the drink you ____,just leave it and try a different one .


B.are ordering

C.will order

D.had ordered

5.(重庆)That piece of music sounds quite familiar. Who ____the piano upstairs?

A.has played



D.is playing

6.(重庆) Look at the pride on Tom's face. He ____to have been praised by the manager just now.



C.had seemed

D.is seeming

7(四川) All visitors to this village ___ with kindness.


B.are treated

C.are treating

D.had been treated

8(北京) Experiments of this kind ___ in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War.

A.have conducted

B.have been conducted

C.had conducted

D.had been conducted

9(北京) Tom ___ in the library every night over the last three months.

A. works

B. worked

C.has been working

D.had been working

10(北京)--- That must have been a long trip.

----Yeah, it ___ us a whole week to get there.


B.has taken


D.was taking

11(北京)---Bob has gone to California.

----Oh, can you tell me when he ____?

A.has left


C.is leaving

D.would leave

12(山东)When I got on the bus, I ____ I had left my wallet at home.

A.was realizing


C.have realized

D.would realize

13(山东)She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the children ____everything!

A.had been eating

B.had eaten

C.have eaten

D.have been eating

14.(江苏)---I hear you ___in a pub. What's it like?

---- Well, it's very hard work and I'm always tired ,but I don't mind.

A.are working

B.will work

C.were working

D.will be working

15.(江苏)The fact that so many people still smoke in pulic places ____ that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking .





16.(江苏)---Tommy is planning to buy a car .

----I know . By next month , he ___ enough for a used one .



C.will save

D.will have saved

17.(天津) In the last few years thousands of films ____ all over the world .

A.have produced

B.have been produced

C.are producing

D.are being


18.(浙江)The manager was worried about the press conference his assistant ___ in his place but luckily , everything was going on smoothly.

D. had given C.was giving B.gives A.gave

19.(福建)Last month , the Japanese government expressed their thanks for the aid they ____ from China.


B.are receiving

C.have received

D.had received

20(安徽) --- What do you think of store shopping in the future?

--- Personally , I think it will exist along with home shopping but ___.

A. will never replace

B. would never replace

C. will never be replaced


never be replaced

21(安徽) The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials , the rest of which ____ saved for other purposes.





22(陕西) His first novel ___ good reviews since it came out last month.


B. is receiving

C.will receive

D.has received

23.(湖南)One-third of the country ____ covered with trees and the majority of the citizens ____ black people.

A. is ;are

B.is ; is

C.are ; are

D.are ; is

24.(湖南)In 1942, Columbus ___ on one of the Balama Islands, but he mistook it for an island off India.


B. landed

C.has landed

D. had landed

25.(湖南) In the near future, more advances in the robot technology ___ by scientists.

A.are making

B.are made

C.will make

D.will be made

26(辽宁) I'll go to the library as soon as I finish what I ___.

A.was doing

B.am doing

C.have done

D.had been doing

27(辽宁) By the time Jack returned home from England ,his son ___ from college.


B.has graduated

C.had been graduating

D.had graduated

28.(江西) We ____ John's name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury.

A. will put

B.will have put

C. would put

D.would have put

29.(江西) We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody_____ into the office during the night .


B.had broken

C.has broken

D.was breaking

30(安徽)--- I didn't ask for the name list. Why ____ on my desk?

--- I put it there just now in case you needed it .

A.does it land

B.has it landed

C.will it land

D.had it landed

1-5 DAAAD 6-10BBDCC 11-15 BBBAB 16-20 DBCDC 21-25 DDABD 26-29BDDBB

1. (全国1) --- Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?

----- No, I ____ my homework all day yesterday .

A. was doing

B. would do

C. had done


2. (全国1) When you are home ,give a call to let me know you ____ safely.

A. are arriving

B. have arrived

C. had arrived

D. will arrive

3. (全国1) The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune _____.

A. is made

B. would make

C. was to be made

D. had made

4. (全国2) Barbara is easy to recognize as she's the only one of the women who ____ evening dress.

D. have worn C. has worn B. wears A. wear

5.(全国2) Linda make sure the tables ____ before the grests arrive.

A. be set

B. set

C. are set

D. are setting

6.(全国2) Excuse me , I _____ I was blocking your way .

A. didn't realize

B. don't realize

C. haven't realized

D. wasn't realizing

7.(重庆) The book has been translated into thirty languages since it ____ on the market in 1937.

A. had come

B. has come

C. came

D. comes

8.(重庆) The palace caught fire theree times in the last century , and little of the original building

____ now .

A. remains

B. is remained

C. is remaining

D. has been remained

9. (重庆) ---- Why do you want to work for our company ?

----- This is the job that I ____ for.

A. looked

B. am to look

C. had looked

D. have been looking

10. (四川) Such poets as Shakespeare ____ widely read , of whose works , however,some

____difficult to understand .

A.are; are

B. is ; is

C. are ; is

D. is ; are

11. (四川) --- When shall we restart our business ?

---- Not until we _____our plan.

A.will finish

B. are finishing

C. are to finish

D. have finished

12. (四川) You've failed to do what you ____ to and I'm afraid the teacher will blame you .

A. will expect

B. will be expected


D. were expected

13. (江西) Mother wanted to be a good provider , a role she ____ since her marriage to Father .

A. shoulders

B. shouldered

C. is shouldering

D. has been shouldering

14. (北京) In the spoken English of some areas in the US, the“r”sounds at the end of the


A. are dropped

B. drop

C. are being dropped

D. have dropped

15. (北京) --- I'm not finished with my dinner yet .

---- But our friends ____for us .

A. will wait

B. wait

C. have waited

D. are waiting

16. (北京) ---- I'm sorry , but I don't quite follow you . Did you say you wanted to return on September 20?

----- Sorry , I _____ myself clear . we want to return on October 20.

A. hadn't made

B. wouldn't make

C. don't make

D. haven't made

17. (北京) It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they _____ for me .

A. had done

B. did

C. would do

D. were doing

18.(北京) ---- The weather has been very hot and dry .

----- Yes. If it had rained even a drop ,things would be much better now ! And my vegetables


A. wouldn't die

B. didn't die

C. hadn't die

D. wouldn't have died

19. (山东) Up to now , the program ____ thousands of children who would otherwise have died .

A. would save

B. saves

C.had saved

D. has saved

20. (江苏)----Why , Jack , you look so tired !

---- Well , I ____ the house and I must finish the work tomorrow .

A. was painting

B. will be painting

C. have painted

D. have been painting where did you guys go for the summer vacation? ,) ---- Peter江苏21. (

---- We ____ busy with our work for months , so we went to the beach to relax ourselves.

A. were

B. have been

C. had been

D. will be

22. (天津) We ____ on this project for four hours . Let's have a rest .

A. are working

B. have been working

C. worked

D. had worked

23. (天津)Traditional folk arts of Tianjin like paper cutting ____ at the culture show of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo .

A. are exhibiting

B. is exhibiting

C. are being exhibited

D. is being exhibited

24. (福建) Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs they ____ before leaving their hometowns.

A. promised

B. were promised

C. have promised

D. have been promised

25.(福建)--- Guess what , we've got our visas for a short -term visit to the UK this summer.

---- How nice ! You _____ a different culture then .

A. will be experiencing

B. have experienced

C. have been experiencing

D. will have


26.(安徽) Bob would have helped us yesterday ,but he ____ .

A. was busy

B. is busy

C. had been busy

D. will be busy

27.(安徽) ---- Were you surprised by the ending of the film ?

----- No, I _____ the book , so I already knew the story .

A. was reading

B. had read

C. am read C. have read

28.(安徽) ---- We've spent too much money recently .

---- Well , it isn't surprising . Our friends and relatives ____ around all the time .

A. are coming

B. had come

C. were coming

D. have been coming

29.(辽宁) Joseph ____ to evening classes since last month , but he still can't say What's your

name ? in Russian.

A. has been going

B. went

C. goes

D. has gone

30.(辽宁) I ____ all the cooking for my family , but recently I've been too busy to do it .

A. will do

B. do

C. am doing

D. had done

31.(湖南) This coastal area_____ a national wildlife reserve last year .

A. was named

B. named

C. is named

D. names

32.(湖南) I walked slowly through the market , where people _____ all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.

A. sell

B. were selling

C. had sold

D. have sold

33.(湖南) Listening to loud music at rock concerts ____ caused hearing loss in some teenagers .

A. is

B. are

C. has

D. have

34.(湖南) I'm tired out. I _____ all afternoon and I don't seem to have finished anything .

A. shopped

B. have shopped

C. had shopped

D. have been shopping

35.(陕西) If we ____ the other road , we might have arrived here in time for the meeting .

A. take

B. had taken

C. took

D. have taken

36.(陕西) I have to see the doctor because I ____ a lot lately .

A. have been coughing

B. cough

C. coughed

D. had coughed

37.(陕西) It is reported that many a new house ____ at present in the disaster area.

A. are being built

B. were being built

C. was being built

D. is being built

38.(浙江) For many years , people ____ electric cars . However , making them has been more difficult than predicted .

A. had dreamed of

B. have dreamed of

C. dreamed of

D. dream of

39.(浙江) If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring , you ____ fresh watermelon in the fall .

A. eat

B. would eat

C. have eaten

D. will be eating


1-5 ABCBC 6-10 ACADC 11-15 DDDAD 16-20 DADDD 21-25 CBCDA 26-30 ABDAB 31-39ABCDBADBD


圆梦教育中心二项式定理历年高考试题 一、填空题( 本大题共24 题, 共计120 分) 1、(1+2x)5的展开式中x2的系数是。(用数字作答) 2、的展开式中的第5项为常数项,那么正整数的值是. 3、已知,则(的值等于。 4、(1+2x2)(1+)8的展开式中常数项为。(用数字作答) 5、展开式中含的整数次幂的项的系数之和为。(用数字作答) 6、(1+2x2)(x-)8的展开式中常数项为。(用数字作答) 7、的二项展开式中常数项是。(用数字作答). 8、(x2+)6的展开式中常数项是。(用数字作答) < 9、若的二项展开式中的系数为,则。(用数字作答) 10、若(2x3+)n的展开式中含有常数项,则最小的正整数n等于。 11、(x+)9展开式中x3的系数是。(用数字作答) 12、若展开式的各项系数之和为32,则n= 。其展开式中的常数项为。(用数字作答)

13、的展开式中的系数为。(用数字作答) 14、若(x-2)5=a5x5+a4x4+a3x3+a2x2+a1x+a0,则a1+a2+a3+a4+a5= 。 15、(1+2x)3(1-x)4展开式中x2的系数为. 16、的展开式中常数项为; 各项系数之和为.(用数字作答) 17、(x)5的二项展开式中x2的系数是____________.(用数字作答) 18、(1+x3)(x+)6展开式中的常数项为_____________. < 19、若x>0,则(2+)(2-)-4(x-)=______________. 20、已知(1+kx2)6(k是正整数)的展开式中,x8的系数小于120,则k=______________. 21、记(2x+)n的展开式中第m项的系数为b m,若b3=2b4,则n=. 22、(x+)5的二项展开式中x3的系数为_____________.(用数字作答) 23、已知(1+x+x2)(x+)n的展开式中没有常数项,n∈N*且2≤n≤8,则n=_____________. 24、展开式中x的系数为.


主谓一致测试题及答案(word) 一、主谓一致 1.----Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xi'an? ---- is OK. It’s up to you. A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.All 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:——明天你想去哪里,北京还是西安?——两个都可以。由你决定。考查不定代词辨析题。either二者择其一;neither两者都不,表否定;both两者都;all全都。both和all都需用复数动词形式,和is不搭配,可排除CD两项。根据OK,可知是肯定句,故选A。 2.There is only one position. The boss has to choose Jack Tom to be a manager. A.both; and B.neither; nor C.either; or D.not only; but also 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:只有一个位置,老板必须选择或者杰克或者汤姆作为经理。根据句意因为只有一个位置,结合选项,推测意思是老板不得不选择杰克或汤姆当经理,即固定短语either…or…,或者…或者,故答案选C。 点睛:A. both; and两者都…,连接两个不同的词语作主语时,谓语动词用复数;B. neither; nor既不…也不…;C. either; or或者…或者…;D. not only; but also不仅…而且…;B、C、D三个选项在连接两个不同的词语作主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,就是我们所说的“就近原则”。本题根据句意可知C选项符合题意,故答案选C。 3.—Why are you walking so quickly, Edward? —There_____ a talent show in ten minutes. A.will have B.will be C.is going to have D.are going to be 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 考点:考查一般将来时。 【详解】 试题分析:句意:——你为什么走那么快,爱德华?——十分钟后就有个才艺表演。根据时间状语in then minutes十分钟后,句子要用一般将来时;句型there be有……;其一般将来


(A) {1,2} (B) {0,1,2} (C){x|0 ≤x<3} (D) {x|0 ≤x ≤3} (C) { x -1≤ x ≤1} (D) { x -1≤ x < 1} 3. ( 2010辽宁文)(1)已知集合 U 1,3,5,7,9 , A 1,5,7 ,则C U A 7. ( 2010山东文)(1)已知全集 U R ,集合 M x x 2 4 0 ,则 C U M = A. x 2 x 2 B. x 2 x 2 C . x x 2或 x 2 D. x x 2或 x 2 2 8. ( 2010北京理)(1) 集合 P {x Z 0 x 3},M {x Z x 2 9},则 PI M = 第一章 集合与常用逻辑用 语 一、选择题 1. ( 2010浙江理)(1)设 P={x ︱x <4},Q={x ︱ x 2 <4},则 A ) p Q B )Q P ( C ) p CR Q (D ) Q CR P 2. (2010 陕西文) 1. 集合 A ={x -1≤ x ≤2}, B ={ x x<1},则 A ∩B =( (A){ x x< 1} B ){x -1≤ x≤2} A ) 1,3 B ) 3,7,9 C ) 3,5,9 D ) 3,9 4. ( 2010辽宁理) 1.已知 A ,B 均为集合 U={1,3,5,7,9} 的子集,且 A ∩B={3}, eu (A ){1,3} (B){3,7,9} (C){3,5,9} (D){3,9} 5. ( 2010 江 西 理 ) 2. 若 集 合 A= x| x 1, x R , A. x| 1 x 1 B. x|x 0 C. x|0 x 1 D. 6. ( 2010浙江文)(1)设 P {x|x 1}, Q {x|x 2 4},则 P Q (A) {x| 1 x 2} (B) {x| 3 x 1} (C) { x|1 x 4} (D) {x| 2 x 1}


主谓一致练习题(含答案)经典 一、主谓一致 1.The number of the volunteers in our city 2 ,000. And sixty percent of them teachers and students. A.is; is B.is; are C.are; is D.are; are 【答案】B 【解析】 句意:在我们城市志愿者的数量为2000.他们中的百分之六十是教师和学生。根据句意,结合语法知识the number of,……的数目,做主语时谓语动词使用单数形式,而percent做主语时,谓语动词的单复数需要依据of后面的单词。故答案为B. 2.Be quiet, please. There a basketball game between our class and Class 8. A.has B.is going to be C.will have D.is going to have 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:请安静,在我们班和8班之间将会有一场篮球比赛。根据句意可知,这里使用的是there be句型,表示“有……”,故A、C和D都不对;there is going to be是there be句型的将来时态。 考点:考查there be句型。 3._______ a big party in our school in two weeks. A.It is B.It will be C.There was D.There is going to be 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:在我们学校两周之后将有一个大的聚会。根据句意可知,译为“有”,用there be句型,排除A和B;且根据in two weeks可知,用一般将来时,故选D。 4.—I called you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered. —Sorry, I with my parents ________ at that time. A.was shopping B.were shopping C.are shopping D.went shopping 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:—我昨天下午五点给你打电话了,但是没人接。—对不起,那时我正陪着妈妈买东西呢。通过以上分析可知,应该用过去进行时;本句I是主语,with my parents是介词短语做定语,不是主语,所以后面用was。故选A。 考点:考查时态和主谓一致的用法。


圆学子梦想铸金字品牌 1.( 2013 ·重庆高考文科·T 1)已知全集U1,2,3,4 ,集合 A1,2 ,B2,3 ,则 C U A B() A .1,3,4 B.3,4 C.3 D.4 2、( 2013 ·四川高考文科·T 1)设集合A{1,2,3} ,集合 B {2,2} ,则A I B() A. B. {2} C. {2,2} D. {2,1,2,3} 3.(2013 ·福建高考文科·T3) 若集合A=1,2,3 ,B= 1,3,4 ,,则A∩B的子集个数为() A.2 B.3 C.4 D.16 4.( 2013 ·湖北高考文科·T 1)已知全集U{1,2,3,4,5} ,集合A{1,2} , B{2,3,4},则 B C u A ()A. {2} B . {3,4}C. {1,4,5} D . {2,3,4,5} 5.( 2013 ·新课标Ⅰ高考文科·T 1)已知集合A{1,2,3,4} , B{ x | x n2 , n A} ,则A∩B= A. {1,4} B. { 2,3} C.{ 9,16} D. {1,2} 6.( 2013 ·大纲版全国卷高考文科·T 1)设集合U1,2,3,4,5, 集合 A1,2 ,e u A() 则C U A A.1,2 B.3,4,5 C.1,2,3,4,5 D. 7.( 2013 ·湖南高考文科)已知集合 U{2,3,6,8},A{2,3}, B{2,6,8},则(C U A)B________ 8.设集合A1,2,3 , B4,5, M x | x a b, a A, b B, 则 M 中元素的个数为() A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 9. (2013 江·苏高考数学科·T4) 集合 {-1,0,1} 共有个子集 . 10.( 2013 ·四川高考理科·T 1)设集合A{ x | x20} ,集合 B { x | x240} ,则AI B() A. {2} B. {2} C. { 2,2} D. 11.(2013 浙·江高考文科·T1) 设集合 S={x|x>-2},T={x|- 4≤ x≤ 1},则 S∩ T= () A.[- 4,+ ∞) B.(- 2,+ ∞ ) C.[ -4,1] D.(-2,1] 12.( 2013 ·安徽高考文科·T2)已知A= { x|x+1>0 }, B= { -2, -1, 0, 1},则( C 错误!未找到引用源。R A )∩ B=( ) A. { -2, -1} B.{-2} C.{-2 , 0, 1} D.{0 , 1} 13.( 2013 ·北京高考文科·T1)已知集合A={ - 1, 0, 1} ,B={ x|- 1≤x< 1} ,则 A∩ B= () A.{0} B.{ - 1, 0} C.{0 , 1} D.{ - 1,0,1} 14.( 2013 ·广东高考理科)设集合M={x|x 2+2x=0,x∈R},N={x|x2-2x=0,x∈ R},则M∪ N=() A.{0} B.{0,2} C.{-2,0} D.{-2,0,2}


【英语】英语主谓一致练习题及答案 一、主谓一致 1.How your winter holiday? —It great. But I tired now A.was, was, am B.is , was, was C.is, is , am D.is, is , was 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你寒假过得怎么样?--好极了。但是我现在很累。根据语境可知,第一个空用一般过去时态,主语是单数,谓语动词用was;其答语也是用一般过去时态,第二个空是一般现在时态,主语是I,谓语动词用am。根据题意,故选A。 考点:考查be动词的用法。 2.I think _____ of the materials I listen to at the beginning of the exam _____easy. A.two thirds, is B.second three, are C.two thirds, are D.two third, are 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 分数的表达,基数词十序数词,当分子超过一时,分母用复数,作主语时,根据后接的名词的单复数,本题后接的可数名词复数形式,故选C 3.—Why are you late,Jim? —Because there________a lot of traffic when I came here. A.is B.are C.was D.were 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:“—Jim,你为什么迟到?—因为当我来这儿时,有许多车辆。”,原因发生在过去,而且traffic是不可数名词,本题应用is的过去式was。故选C。 考点:考查There be句型的时态用法。 4.Everyone in my class except Tom and Mary to Beijing. A.have been B.have gone


高考真题长难句荟萃22 长难句1:While running regularly can’t make you live forever, the review says it is more effective at lengthening life than walking, cycling or swimming. 译文:尽管经常跑步不能让你长生不老,但是这份报告指出,经常跑步在延长寿命方面比步行、骑车和游泳更有效。 点拨: while 虽然,尽管 lengthen (使)延长,(使)加长 长难句2:Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 which showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes. 译文:这份报告的两个作者在2014 年还发表过一项研究,这项研究表明每天跑步5到10 分钟,会降低因各种原因导致的心脏病和过早死亡的风险。 分析: 过去分词短语published in 2014 作后置定语修饰a study;which 引导一个定语从句,并在定语从句中作主语,修饰先行词a study。 点拨: reduce the risk of sth 减少某事物的风险 长难句3:Working out in the morning provides additional benefits beyond being physically fit. 译文:晨练不仅对身体健康有益,还能给我们带来其他好处。 分析: 现在分词短语Working out in the morning作主语。 点拨: additional 额外的,附加的 beyond 除了……之外


主谓一致的用法及专项练习题 一、主谓一致三原则 主谓一致是指谓语动词与主语在人称和数上保持一致,主谓一致必须遵循三原则:语法一致原则,意义一致原则,就近一致原则。 1. 语法一致原则:指主语是单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式,主语是复数形式,谓语也用复数形式。 Tom is a good student. 汤姆是个好学生。 They often play football on the playground. 他们经常在操场上踢足球。 2. 意义一致:指主语形式上为单数,但意义为复数,因此谓语动词用复数形式;或主语形式上为复数,但表示单数意义,这是谓语动词用单数形式。 My family is having lunch now. 我们一家人现在正吃午饭。 Twenty dollars is too expensive for the book. 这本书20美元太贵了。 3. 就近一致:指谓语动词用单数形式还是用复数形式,取决于最靠近他的主语。例如: Not only the teacher but also his students like playing football. 不仅老师喜欢踢足球,而且他的学生也喜欢踢足球。 There is a pen and some books on the desk. 课桌上有一支钢笔和一些书。 二、主谓一致常考题型 1. 单数名词(代词),不可数名词作主语时,谓语用单数形式,复数名词(代词)作主语,谓语用复数形式。 The desk is Tom’s. 这张桌子是汤姆的。 Some water is in the bottle. 一些水在瓶子里。 The students are playing football on the playground. 这些学生正在操场上踢足球。 2. many a+单数名词作主语,意义虽为“许多”,但谓语要用单数形式。 Many a student has been to Shanghai. 许多学生到过上海。 3. more than one+单数名词作主语,谓语用单数。 More than one student has ever been to Beijing. 不止一个学生曾经去过北京。 4. 表示时间,价格,重量,数目,长度,数学运算等的词或短语作主语时,这些通常作一个整体概念,谓语用单数形式。例如: Two months is a long holiday. 两个月是一个长假。 Twenty pounds isn’t so heavy. 20英镑并不太重。 Ten miles isn’t a long distance. 10英里并不是一段很长的距离。 Five minus four is one. 5减4等于1。 5. 主语是each/every+单数名词+and(each/every)+单数名词时,谓语动词用单数。 Each boy and each girl has got a seat. 每个男孩和女孩都有一个座位。


高考试题分类解析汇编:集合 一、选择题 1 ?(新课标)已知集合A {123,4,5} ,B {(x,y)x A,y A,x y A};,则B中所含元素的个数 为() A. 3 B. 6 C. D. 1 .(浙江)设集合A={x|1


中考英语主谓一致的技巧及练习题及练习题(含答案) 一、主谓一致 1.-How time flies! Three years since we came to this school, -Yes,it a good memory. A.have passed; is B.has passed: is C.pass; has been D.passed; was 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--时间飞逝。从我们来到这所学校,三年的时间已经过去。--是的,它是一个美好的回忆。时间做主语看做单数,故排除AC。since从……(到现在),是现在完成时的标志,故排除D,故选B。 考点:考查主谓一致及时态的用法。 2.In our class _____ of the students _____ girls. A.third fifths; is B.third fifth; are C.three fifth; is D.three fifths; are 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:我们班五分之三的学生是女孩。 在英语中表示分数,分子要用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母用复数形式。五分之三应该是three fifths;另外,分数+名词复数作主语的时候,后面的谓语动词应该用复数。所以选D。 3.---______ is the population of the town? ---Over 20,000. And a third of the population ____ workers of the car factory. A.What, are B.How many , are C.What , is D.How many, is 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 试题分析:在英文中,对于人口有多少通常用what来提问,population前有分数修饰,表示的是复数概念,谓语动词使用复数,故be用are,故本题选A。 考点:对人口有多少提问用what。 点评:(1)在英文中对于人口有多少用what来进行提问,而不用how many或how much,how much对不可数名词提问,如how much water,how many对可数名词提问,如how many people,而what是单独使用,注意它们的使用和区别。(2)population前有分数修饰,表示的是复数概念,谓语动词使用复数,单独使用谓语动词使用单数。 4.一Which would you prefer, orange juice or coffee? 一Either OK, but I prefer coffee milk.


代词七年高考题荟萃 2011高考题 1.(2011全国卷II,11)I got this bicycle for ______ My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing 答案:D 解析:考查复合不定代词的用法。句意为”我没花钱就得了这辆自行车;我的朋友买了一辆新车,就把这辆给了我。”根据后面“gave it to me”可判断没花钱,nothing表否定,for 表示交换。 2. (2011北京卷,34)The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase ______. A. them B. those C. it D. that 答案:C 解析:考查代词it的用法。句意为“由于当地政府的努力,大城市里的就业率持续升高。”it 代指前面交代过的“the employment rate”,是单数,而them和those是复数。 3. (2011天津卷,1)We feel ______ our duty to make our country a better place. A. it B. this C. that D. one

答案:A 解析:考查代词it的用法。句意为“我们觉得将我们的国家变得更好是我们的职责。”it在此句中充当形式宾语,代指“to make our country a better place”。 4. (2011上海春招,26)They produced two reports, ______ of which contained any useful suggestions. A. either B. all C. none D. neither 答案:D 解析:考查不定代词的用法。句意为“他们提供了两份报告,没有一份报告含有任何有用的建议。”neither两个都不;either两者之一,但后半句里的“any useful suggestions”与否定连用;all与none指三个或三个以上,与前面的“two reports”不相一致。 5. (2011山东卷,24) The two girls are so alike that strangers find ________ difficult to tell one from the other. A. it B. them C. her D. that 答案:A 解析:考查it的用法。句意为“这两个女孩长得很相似,不熟悉的人很难将她俩区分开来。”it 在此句中充当形式宾语,代指“to tell one from the other”。 6. (2011福建卷,21)We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose ____


集合专题---五年全国卷高考题 【2017全国3,理1】已知集合{}22(,)1A x y x y =+=,{}(,)B x y y x ==,则A ∩B 中元 素的个数为( ) A .3 B .2 C .1 D .0 【2017全国1,理1】已知集合A ={x |x <1},B ={x |31x <},则( ) A .{|0}A B x x =U D .A B =?I 【2017全国2,理】设集合{}1,2,4A =,{} 240x x x m B =-+=。若{}1A B =I ,则B =( ) A.{}1,3- B.{}1,0 C.{}1,3 D.{}1,5 【2016全国1,理】设集合2{|430}A x x x =-+<,{|230}B x x =->,则A B =I ( ) (A )3(3,)2--(B )3(3,)2-(C )3(1,)2(D )3(,3)2 【2016全国2,理】已知集合{1,}A =2,3,{|(1)(2)0,}B x x x x =+-<∈Z ,则A B = U ( ) (A ){1}(B ){12},(C ){0123},,,(D ){10123}-,,,, 【2016全国3,理】设集合{}{}|(2)(3)0,|0S x x x T x x =--≥=> ,则S ∩ T= ( ) (A) [2,3] (B)(-∞2]U [3,+∞) (C) [3,+∞) (D)(0,2]U [3,+∞) 【2015全国2,文】已知集合{}|12A x x =-<<,{}|03B x x =<<,则A B =U ( ) A .()1,3- B .()1,0- C .()0,2 D .()2,3 【2015全国2,理】已知集合A={-2,-1,0,1,2},B={x|(x -1)(x+2)<0},则A∩B=( ) (A ){-1,0} (B ){0,1} (C ){-1,0,1} (D ){,0,,1,2} 【2014全国2,理1】设集合M={0,1,2},N={}2|320x x x -+≤,则M N ?=( ) A.{1} B.{2} C.{0,1} D.{1,2} 【2014全国1,理1】已知集合A={x |2230x x --≥},B={}22x x -≤<,则A B ?=


初中英语主谓一致练习题及答案 ( )1.-Have you got some water to drink? -Here you are.There___ still some in the bottle. A.are B. were C. is D. was ()2._____there many American friends in the school last Friday? A.Is B.Was C. Are D. Were ()3. There ____ a great many accidents last year. A. were B. are C.is D. was ()4.-How many children ____in the picture? -Three. A.has there B. is there C.have there D.are there Part2 ()1.In 1850, about a third of U. S. A___ covered by forests. A. were B. has been C./ D. was ()2.Most of our earth____ covered by water. A.are B. is C.was D. were ()3.Sunday____the first day of the week. A.is B.are C. am D.be () 4.Neither___right. A.answers are B. answers aren't C. answer is D. answer isn't


六、本大题共1小题,共60分。海淀期中 21. 阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。 2013年10月,某省高考文科状元放弃72万元奖学金,从香港大学退学,回乡复读。她说,而当初报志愿时,大家建议她趁着年轻出去闯一闯,多考虑就业一类的现实问题,她选择了港大。但她一直认为当今时代缺失了很多东西,自己是一个古代人,所以决定明年报考北京大学中文系,圆纯粹的国学梦。 要求:根据以上材料,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章,除诗歌外,文体不限。六、本大题共2小题,共60分。 24.阅读下面的材料,按要求完成微写作。10分。 某些神同学给校长发了这样的短信,需要校长回答问题。如果你是校长,你如何来回答这些神提问。任选其一,写不少于150字的回答。 要求:针对问题,理由充分,语言幽默。 1. 校长您好,我只想问一个问题,为什么会有日出和日落呢?我不想再听地球自转这种没人情味的答案了,希望校长能给我一个更人性化的答案,谢谢! ——一文科生 2.校长,你常说有梦想就要坚持,有追求就不能放弃。最近我喜欢的电视剧已经进入白热化阶段,高潮迭起,请您理解我的心情,也支持我的爱好,批准我休假一天,以圆此梦啊! ——一电视迷25.作文(50分) 阅读下面材料,根据要求作文。 人们常说“小题大做”,比喻把小事当作大事来办,有不值得这样做或有意扩大事态的意思。这样说来,就应该“小题小做”了。 请自选角度,自定立意,自拟题目,写一篇不少于700字的文章。除诗歌外文体不限。 20.作文(50分) 阅读下面材料,根据要求作文。 【材料一】 近日,在江苏卫视《最强大脑》的首场国际PK赛——中国对阵意大利的精彩比赛中,中国少年李云龙和意大利少年安德烈给人留下了深刻的印象。 两个孩子的任务是记忆51对新人的随机站队顺序,并用摆放模型的方式展示出来。李云龙采用难度较大的逆序思维(从右向左)记忆,用了1分18秒就完成了模型的摆放,而安德烈按照从左向右的顺序记忆,用了2分41秒。按照比赛规则,安德烈先报自己的模型摆放结果,播报过程中镜头忽然切换到了李云龙,只见正在等待的李云龙突然手捂额头,痛哭失声,嘴里不断念叨着:“我记对了,可是我摆错了。”重复说了有十多遍。但最终没想到李云龙摆放的是正确的!!他跌至谷底的情绪一下弹回高潮,现场观众也随之沸腾。 【材料二】 观众发现,节目整个四组比赛中,除了杨冠新,其他选手比赛中都面无表情,意大利队员则非常放松享受这比赛。12岁的安德烈也是非常享受比赛,当李云龙失声痛哭时,安德烈也随着落泪。而当李云龙“逆袭”获胜时,安德烈非常友好地送上祝福,并表示:“我刚才很担心李云龙,他看起来很难过,我想去拥抱他。” 【材料三】 在挑战赛中有人问李云龙,如果挑战成功你最大愿望是什么?李云龙说希望爸爸给我放几天假玩,嘉宾问希望放几天时李云龙说2天,引发现场一片感叹。而在这次节目中,李永波主动问意大利的安德烈:你平时休息时间多少?安德烈说:周六周日可以玩,周一到周五下午大部分没有课,可以和伙伴们踢球。【材料四】

主谓一致用法详解及练习题 附答案

.主谓一致 主谓一致是指一个句子的主语和谓语动词保持数的一致关系。英语主谓一致一般要遵循三条原则,即:语法一致原则;意义一致原则和就近原则。 1.语法一致原则 语法一致原则是指谓语动词和它的主语在语法形式上必须取得一致,即主语是单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式,主语为复数形式,谓语动词也用复数形式,如: Tom doesn’t like swimming. 汤姆不喜欢游泳。 Jane and Mary look alike. 简和玛丽看起来很像。 2.意义一致原则 意义一致原则是指谓语动词和主语的一致,同由主语所表达的单数概念来决定,而不是根据主语的实际语法形式。 有时主语的语法形式是单数,但所表达的概念是复数意义,这时动词应采用复数形式,如: The football team are having breakfast now. 足球队员们在吃早饭。 The news was exciting. 这条消息令人振奋。 3.就近原则 就近原则指谓语动词的人称和数要在形式上与最靠近它的那个名词或代词取得一致。当一个句子有两个主语而它们又是either...or…, neither…nor…, not only…but also…, or 等连接时,谓语动词与靠近它的主语保持一致,如: Either your students or Mr Wang knows this. 你的学生们或王老师知道这件事。 Neither Jim nor his friends were interested in this film. 汤姆和他的朋友们都对这部电影不感兴趣。 主谓一致这三个原则中有很多需要注意的问题, 1.主语为集体名词 (1)某些集体名词既可表示单数也可表示复数。如果集体名词作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式,如果就其中一 个成员而言,谓语动词用复数形式,如: Our group were discussing heatedly on the subject. 我们小组成员正对这个问题进行热烈的讨论。(group 指小组成员)Our group is made up of four girls and five boys. 我们小组有4个女孩和5个男孩组成。(group 指小组整体) The population in China is very large, and one third of the population are farmers. 中国的人口很多,其中三分之一是农民。(前一个population 指整体,后一个population 指成员) (2)某些集体名词如people, police, cattle, youth 等常作复数看待,谓语动词与复数形式的谓语搭配,如: The police are searching for him. 警察正在搜寻他。 The cattle were driven away from the hill. 那些牲畜从山上被赶走了。 3.某些名词如equipment(设备),furniture(家具),jewelry(珠宝),clothing(衣服),machinery(机械),表示单数 概念,谓语动词要相应地采用单数形式,如: A lot of equipment has been replaced by the new equipment. 许多旧设备已经被新设备代替了。 All the machinery in the factory was controlled by robots. 这个厂所有的机械都由机器人来控制的。 2.主语为代词 (1).有些代词尽管意义上是多数,但谓语动词要用单数形式,这类代词有:either, neither, each, another, somebody, someone, something, anything, anyone, everyone, everything, everybody, no one, nothing, nobody 等,如: Neither likes the friends of the other. 两人都不喜欢对方的朋友。 Everything around us is matter. 我们周围所有的东西都是物质。 注意: ①在neither of 与either of 的结构中,谓语动词可用单数形式也可用复数形式,如: Neither of them was / were in good health, but both worked hard. 他们俩身体都不好,但工作却都很努力。 ②each 用于单数名词前,谓语动词用单数形式, each 用于复数主语后,谓语动词用复数形式。each of, each one of 后 接复数名词或代词,但谓语动词常用单数形式。 Each (one) of the houses was different. 每座房子都不同。 Each student has been given their own e-mail address. 每个学生都得到了一个自己的电子邮件地址。


1.(2013·重庆高考文科·T1)已知全集{ }4,3,2,1=U ,集合{}{}3,2,2,1==B A ,则()=?B A C U ( ) A . { }4,3,1 B. {}4,3 C. {}3 D. {}4 2、(2013·四川高考文科·T1)设集合{1,2,3}A =,集合{2,2}B =-,则A B =I ( ) A.? B.{2} C.{2,2}- D.{2,1,2,3}- 3.(2013·福建高考文科·T3)若集合{}{}=1,2,3=1,3,4,,A B ,则P=A∩B ,则集合P 的子集个数为 ( ) A.2 B.3 C.4 D.16 4.(2013·湖北高考文科·T1)已知全集{1,2,3,4,5}U =,集合{1,2}A =,{2,3,4}B =,则A C B U ?( ) A .{2} B .{3,4} C .{1,4,5} D .{2,3,4,5} 6.(2013·大纲版全国卷高考文科·T1)设集合{}{}1,2,3,4,5,1,2,u U A A ===集合则e 则=A C U ( ) A.{}1,2 B.{}3,4,5 C.{}1,2,3,4,5 D.? 7.(2013·湖南高考文科)已知集合{2,3,6,8},{2,3},{2,6,8}U A B ===,则=?B A C U )(________ 9. (2013·江苏高考数学科·T4) 集合{-1,0,1}共有 个子集. 10.(2013·四川高考理科·T1)设集合{|20}A x x =+=,集合2{|40}B x x =-=,则A B =I ( ) A.{2}- B.{2} C.{2,2}- D.? 11.(2013·浙江高考文科·T1)设集合S={x|x>-2},T={x|-4≤x≤1},则S∩T= ( ) A.[-4,+∞) B.(-2,+∞) C.[-4,1] D.(-2,1] 12.(2013·安徽高考文科·T2)已知A={x|x+1>0},B={-2,-1,0,1},则(C 错误!未找到引用源。R A )∩B=( ) A.{-2,-1} B.{-2} C.{-2,0,1} D.{0,1} 13.(2013·北京高考文科·T1)已知集合A={-1,0,1},B={x |-1≤ x <1},则A∩B= ( ) A.{0} B.{-1,0} C.{0,1} D.{-1,0,1} 16.(2013·新课标全国Ⅱ高考文科·T1)已知集合{|31}M x x =-<<,{3,2,1,0,1}N =---,则M N =I A.{2,1,0,1}-- B.{3,2,1,0}--- C.{2,1,0}-- D.{3,2,1}--- 23. (2013·山东高考文科·T2)已知集合A,B 均为全集U={1,2,3,4}的子集,且 (){}4=B A C U Y ,B={1,2},则B C A U I = ( ) A.{3} B.{4} C.{3,4} D.? 32.(2012·山东高考文科)已知全集{}0,1,2,3,4U =,集合{}{}1,2,3,2,4A B ==,则(U C A)B ?为( )
