



饼干类Biscuits 零嘴Snack 各式洋芋片Crisps 宠物食品Pet.Food 糖业类Confectionery 厕所用品Toiletries 谷类食品Cereals 家禽类 Poultry 各式腌菜 Pickles 以下将常用的食品的中英对照作整理, 以方便大家采购: A.肉品类(鸡, 猪, 牛)B.海产类 C.蔬果类 D.其它

A.肉品类(鸡, 猪, 牛)鸡以身体部位分:

大鸡腿Fresh Grade Legs 鸡胸肉Fresh Grade Breast 小鸡腿Chicken Drumsticks 鸡翅膀 Chicken Wings 其它部位及内藏,英国人都不吃,或给猫、狗吃的。猪肉则分:

绞肉Minced Steak 猪肝Pigs Liver 猪脚Pigs feet 猪腰Pigs Kidney 猪心 Pigs Hearts 猪肚 Pig bag 没骨头的猪排 Pork Steak 连骨头的猪排 Pork Chops 卷好的腰部瘦肉 Rolled Pork loin 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮 Rolled Pork Belly 做香肠的绞肉 Pork sausage meat 醺肉 Smoked Bacon 小里肌肉 Pork Fillet 带骨的瘦肉 Spare Rib Pork chops 小排骨肉 Spare Rib of Pork 肋骨 Pork ribs(ps 可煮汤食用)汉堡肉 Pork Burgers 一块块的?C肉 Pork-pieces 猪油滴 Pork Dripping 猪油 Lard 蹄膀 Hock 中间带骨的腿肉 Casserole Pork 有骨的大块肉Joint 牛肉

小块的瘦肉 Stewing Beef 牛肉块加牛腰 Steak & Kidney 可煎食的大片牛排 Frying steak / 5


牛绞肉 Minced Beef 大块牛排 Rump Steak 牛键肉 Leg Beef 牛尾OX-Tail 牛心OX-heart 牛舌OX-T ongues 带骨的腿肉Barnsley Chops 肩肉 Shoulder Chops 腰上的牛排肉 Porter House Steak 头肩肉筋、油较多 Chuck Steak 拍打过的牛排 Tenderized Steak [注]牛杂类在传统摊位市场才可买到,超级市场则不贩卖。有:牛肠 Roll, 牛

筋 Cowhells, 蜂窝牛肚 Honeycomb Tripe 牛肚块 Tripe Pieces, 白牛肚 Best thick seam B.海产类鱼:

鲱Herring 鲑Salmon 鳕Cod 鲔鱼Tuna 比目鱼Plaice 鱆鱼Octopus 乌贼 Squid 花枝 Dressed squid 鲭 Mackerel 北大西洋产的鳕鱼Haddock 鳟鱼Trout(ps适合蒸来吃)鲤鱼Carp 鳕鱼块Cod Fillets(可做鱼羹,或炸酥鱼片都很好吃)海鳗Conger(Eel)海鲤Sea Bream 鳕鱼类Hake 红鲣Red Mullet(可煎或红烧来吃)熏鲑* Smoked Salmon 带有黑胡椒粒的熏鲭* Smoked mackerel with crushed pepper corn 鲱鱼子 Herring roes 鳕鱼子 Boiled Cod roes *以上两种鱼只需烤好手放柠檬汁就十分美味了海鲜则有:牡_?Oyster 蚌Mussel(黑色、椭圆形、没壳的即为淡菜)螃蟹Crab 虾Prawn 蟹肉条 Crab stick 虾仁 Peeled Prawns 大虾 King Prawns 田螺 Winkles 小螺肉 Whelks Tops 小虾米 Shrimps

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小贝肉 Cockles 龙虾 Lobster------------------蔬菜可买到的有:马铃薯Potato 红萝卜Carrot 洋葱Onion 茄子Aubergine 芹菜Celery 包心菜White Cabbage 紫色包心菜Red cabbage 大黄瓜Cucumber 蕃茄T omato 小红萝卜Radish 白萝卜Mooli 西洋菜Watercress 玉米尖 Baby corn 玉米 Sweet corn 白花菜 Cauliflower 葱 Spring onions 大蒜 Garlic 姜 Ginger 大白菜 Chinese leaves 大葱Leeks 芥菜苗 Mustard & cress 青椒 Green Pepper 红椒 Red pepper 黄椒 Yellow pepper 洋菇 Mushroom 绿花菜 Broccoli florets 绿皮南瓜Courgettes(形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食)香菜Coriander 四季豆Dwarf Bean 长形平豆 Flat Beans 透明包心菜 Iceberg 莴苣菜 Lettuce 芜菁 Swede or Turnip 秋葵 Okra 辣椒 Chillies 小芋头 Eddoes 大芋头 Taro 蕃薯 Sweet potato 菠菜 Spinach 绿豆芽 Beansprots 碗豆Peas 玉米粒 Corn 高丽小菜心 Sprot 水果类有:柠檬 Lemon / 5 超市物品英文名称

梨子 Pear 香蕉 Banana 葡萄 Grape 黄绿苹果 Golden apple(脆

甜)绿苹果 Granny smith(较酸)可煮食的苹果 Bramleys 桃子 Peach 橙Orange 草莓 Strawberry 芒果 Mango 菠萝 Pine apple 奇异果 Kiwi 杨桃 Starfruit 蜜瓜 Honeydew-melon 樱桃 Cherry 枣子Date 荔枝lychee 葡萄柚 Grape fruit 椰子 Coconut 无花果 Fig D.其它米则有:长米 Long rice(较硬,煮前最好先泡一个小时)短米 Pudding rice or short rice(较软)糙米 Brown rice 泰国香米* THAI Fragrant rice 糯米* Glutinous rice *可在中国商店买到。英国面粉

高筋面粉Strong flour 中筋面粉Plain flour 低筋面粉Self-raising flour 小麦面粉 Whole meal flour 糖

砂糖 Brown sugar(泡奶茶、咖啡适用)

红糖dark Brown Sugar(感冒时可煮姜汤时用)白砂糖Custer sugar(适用于做糕点)

糖粉Icing Sugar(可用在打鲜奶油及装饰蛋糕外层)冰糖Rock Sugar------------------面条 Noodles 方便面Instant noodles 酱油Soy sauce(分生抽浅色及老抽深色两种)醋Vinegar 太白粉Cornstarch 麦芽糖 Maltose 芝麻 Sesame Seeds 麻油 Sesame oil 蚝油 Oyster sauce

/ 5


胡椒 Pepper 辣椒粉 Red chilli powder 芝麻酱 Sesame paste 腐皮 Beancurd sheet 豆腐 T ofu 西贾米 Sago 椰油 Creamed Coconut 味精Monosidum glutamate 花椒Chinese red pepper 豆鼓Salt black bean 鱼干 Dried fish 海带 Sea vegetable or Sea weed 绿豆Green bean 红豆Red Bean 黑豆Black bean 大红豆Red kidney bean 冬菇 Dried black mushroom 酸菜 Pickled mustard-green 粉丝Silk noodles 燕菜Agar-agar 米粉Rice-noodle 竹笋罐头Bamboo shoots 八角 Star anise 馄饨皮 Wantun skin 干粟子 Dried chestuts 金针Tiger lily buds 红枣Red date 荸荠罐头Water chestnuts 木耳 Fungus(an edible fungus)虾米 Dried shrimps 腰果Cashewnuts

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妈妈说:“那你就算算这些好吃的大约要多少钱吧?” 于是我把所有商品的价格和数量都查看了一下:呀!土豆

























9:30——10:10幼儿自主购物的时间教师分组带着幼儿进行购物.10:10——10:20幼儿门口合影集合 10:20——10:30返程




























去超市购物英语作文3篇 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 去超市购物英语作文一:doing shopping in a supermarket在超市购物(991字)a new supermarket in our neighbourhood has started business recently.it is only five minutes’ walk from our college.ding h ua asked me to go shopping with her,or rather,to see what the new supermarket was like.we went there yesterday.it was spacious,clean,tidy and brightly lit.there were row upon row of goods shelves filled with various kinds of goods.two girl shop-assistants sat at two check-outs.some other assistants were replenishing the shelves.but there were some who were just chatting with each other or just keeping watch on the customers.we moved

about,looking at the attractive things on the shelves.but we only bought a few articles,ding hua chose a pair of slippers,and i picked up a bag of washing powder and a bottle of pickle.it is easy and convenient shoppiing in a supermarket.the first of those supermarkets were introduced into our cities from the developed countries only a couple of years ago,which shows that our economics are developing rapidly.but we think the quality of the staff members is to be raised.as far as we know,no shop assistants are chatting with each other or keeping watch on the customers in the supermarkets in developed countries.去超市购物英语作文二:陪妈妈逛超市购物(英文)(739字)there is a new market near my house. my mother often goes there and buys what we need for our meals. but i had never been there before.在我家附近新开一个超市。我妈妈经常去那里买为我们做饭需要的


超市购物大全-英文名称[共五篇] 第一篇:超市购物大全-英文名称 超市物品英文名称 饼干类Biscuits 零嘴Snack 各式洋芋片Crisps 宠物食品Pet.Food 糖业类Confectionery 厕所用品Toiletries 谷类食品Cereals 家禽类 Poultry 各式腌菜 Pickles 以下将常用的食品的中英对照作整理, 以方便大家采购: A.肉品类(鸡, 猪, 牛)B.海产类 C.蔬果类 D.其它 A.肉品类(鸡, 猪, 牛)鸡以身体部位分: 大鸡腿Fresh Grade Legs 鸡胸肉Fresh Grade Breast 小鸡腿Chicken Drumsticks 鸡翅膀 Chicken Wings 其它部位及内藏,英国人都不吃,或给猫、狗吃的。猪肉则分: 绞肉Minced Steak 猪肝Pigs Liver 猪脚Pigs feet 猪腰Pigs Kidney 猪心 Pigs Hearts 猪肚 Pig bag 没骨头的猪排 Pork Steak 连骨头的猪排 Pork Chops 卷好的腰部瘦肉 Rolled Pork loin 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮 Rolled Pork Belly 做香肠的绞肉 Pork sausage meat 醺肉 Smoked Bacon 小里肌肉 Pork Fillet 带骨的瘦肉 Spare Rib Pork chops 小排骨肉 Spare Rib of Pork 肋骨 Pork ribs(ps 可煮汤食用)汉堡肉 Pork Burgers 一块块的?C肉 Pork-pieces 猪油滴 Pork Dripping 猪油 Lard 蹄膀 Hock 中间带骨的腿肉 Casserole Pork 有骨的大块肉Joint 牛肉 小块的瘦肉 Stewing Beef 牛肉块加牛腰 Steak & Kidney 可煎食的大片牛排 Frying steak / 5 超市物品英文名称 牛绞肉 Minced Beef 大块牛排 Rump Steak 牛键肉 Leg Beef 牛尾OX-Tail 牛心OX-heart 牛舌OX-T ongues 带骨的腿肉Barnsley Chops 肩肉 Shoulder Chops 腰上的牛排肉 Porter House Steak 头肩肉筋、油较多 Chuck Steak 拍打过的牛排 Tenderized Steak [注]牛杂类在传统摊位市场才可买到,超级市场则不贩卖。有:牛肠 Roll, 牛


优惠:Price off 便利:Convenient 百货区:Non-Food 家居天地:House care Products 欢乐:Happy 生鲜市场:Fresh Market 清美区:Personal Care & Makeup 美食天地:Food Court 糖饼零食:Sweet Food/Biscuits/Snacks 停车场:Parking 厨用调理:Seasoning 成衣纺织:Clothes & Textile 电器世界:Electrical Appliances 寄包处:Baggage Storage 冷冻食品:Frozen Food 电视机:Television Set 家电区:Electrical Appliance 调理粉:Seasoning Powder 罐头食品:Canned Food 调味酱:Seasoning Sauce 奶粉:Milk Powder 咖啡:Coffee

冲调食品:Instant Food Mix 健康食品;Health Food 茶叶:Tea 加工肉品:Processed Meat 饮料:Beverage 可乐:Cola 新鲜市场:Fresh Market 诚信:Honesty 创新:Innovation 务实:Practicality 试衣间:Fitting Room 办公文具:Office Supplies 收银点:Check Out 服饰修改:Tailoring 电梯:Elevator 入口:Entrance 出口:Exit 女休闲鞋:Women’s Shoes 男休闲鞋:Men’s Shoes 清洁用品/用具:Cleaning Products 童鞋:Children’s Shoes 运动鞋:Sports Shoes


各类商店英文名称集锦Department Store 百货商店Confectioner’s Shop, Candy Shop 糖果店Grocery 食品杂货店 Supermarket 超级市场 Shopping Center 购物中心 Book Store 书店 Grain Store 粮店 Food Store 食品店 Food and Drink Shop 饮食店 Eating House 小吃店

Snack Bar 快餐店 Cold Drink Shop 冷饮店Sauced Meat Shop 卤味店Cured Meat Shop 腊味店 Roast Meat Shop 烤肉店Beancurd Shop 豆腐店 Aquatic Products Shop 水产店Meat Shop, Butcher’s Shop 肉店Vegetables Shop 蔬菜店 Green Grocery 蔬菜水果店Fowl Shop 家禽店

Coal Shop 煤店 Clothing Store 服装店 Ready-made Clothes Shop 成衣店 Drug Store, Pharmacy 药店 Watch and Clock Shop 钟表店 Children’s (Women’s) Shop 儿童(妇女)商店Stationer’s Shop 文具店 Daily-use Sundry Goods shop 日用杂货店Cooking Utensils Store 炊具店 Furniture Shop 家具店 Eyeglasses Store 眼镜店


超市购物英语大全 在超市购物时,使用英语进行交流是很重要的。以下是一份超市购物英语大全,包括一些常见的用语和表达,涵盖了购物过程中可能用到的各个方面:1、购物准备 Shopping List(购物清单): I need to make a shopping list. Do you have a shopping list for today? Budget(预算): have a budget for groceries this week. Let's stick to the budget. 2、在超市寻找商品 Where can I find [product]? Excuse me, where is the [product] aisle? Can you help me find [product]? 3、询问价格 How much does this cost? What's the price of [product]? Is there a discount on this item? 4、购物车和购物篮 I need a shopping cart/basket. Excuse me, where can I get a shopping cart? Is there a limit on the number of items I can put in the basket?

5、支付 Where is the checkout counter? Can I pay with a credit card? Do you accept cash? 交流礼貌用语 Excuse me, can I reach that item? Thank you, have a nice day! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you. 6、购物体验 This store is well-organized. The staff here is very helpful. I like the layout of this supermarket. 7、退换货 Can I return this item? This product is damaged; can I exchange it? What is the store's return policy? 8、购物促销 Are there any sales or discounts today? Do you have a loyalty program? Is there a sale on fresh produce? 9、结账用语 I'd like to check out, please.


超市的英文单词 超级市场,是指以顾客自选方式经营食品、家庭日用品、食物为主的大型综合性零售商场。它出现于20世纪30年代。首先从食品店开始,将各类食品分门别类地标明货架上,任顾客自行挑选,然后出门一次付款。那么,你知道超市的的英文是什么吗? 超市的英文释义: supermarket 超市的英文例句: 所有货品都摆放在超市外面或超市入口处销售。 All the products were sold outside the store or just inside its entrance area. 超市购物的好处和坏处 What are the pros and cons of shopping in the super markets? 他们开车经过一家大超市。 They drove past a big supermarket. 我们一周去一次超市买食物。 We go to the supermarket to buy our provisions once a week. 在去超市之前列好购物清单。 Write down a shopping list before you go to the supermarket. 我叔叔去年夏天在超市卖菜。 My uncle used to sell vegetables in the supermarket. 它在超市和银行中间。 It is between the super market and the bank. Ann下班后常常去超市购物。 Ann often goes shopping in the supermarket after getting off of work. 他每个周末都去超市购物。 He goes shopping in the supermarket every weekend. 这种外来水果现在大多数超市均有售。


英语中关于购物的表达 购物是我们生活中常见的活动,下面是一些英语中关于购物的常用表达: 1. 购物地点: - 商场:shopping mall - 超市:supermarket - 网上商店:online store - 市场:market 2. 购物方式: - 购物:shopping - 逛街:go shopping - 网购:online shopping - 试衣服:try on clothes - 试鞋子:try on shoes - 退货:return goods 3. 商品种类:

- 服装:clothing - 鞋子:shoes - 化妆品:cosmetics - 食物:food - 电子产品:electronics 4. 购物活动: - 打折:sale - 特价:special offer - 促销:promotion - 赠品:free gift - 优惠券:coupon - 购物车:shopping cart 5. 交易方式: - 现金:cash - 信用卡:credit card - 借记卡:debit card - 支付宝:Alipay - 微信支付:WeChat Pay

6. 对话场景: - 顾客:Excuse me, where can I find the shoes department?(请问,鞋子部在哪里?) - 销售员:It's on the second floor.(在二楼。) - 顾客:How much is this T-shirt?(这件T恤多少钱?) - 销售员:It's 50 dollars.(50美元。) - 顾客:Where can I pay?(我在哪里付款?) - 销售员:You can pay at the cash register.(你可以在收银台付款。) 以上是关于购物的一些常用表达,希望对你有帮助!


超市的英文作文(优秀7篇) 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是书包范文为大家整理的超市的英文作文(优秀7篇),希望能够对您的写作有一点启发。 篇一:超市英文作文篇一 Today, the supermarket is being popular, people like to go there shopping, before, people would choose to go shopping in the open market, now things have changed. The reasons why people like to go shopping in the supermarket are various. First, supermarket has all kinds of things. People can buy what they want, like the food and clothes, different zones sell different stuffs. People can go to the zone as they want. Second, supermarket is very convenient. As the things are so focused, people can find what they need quickly. Nowadays, people are living in fast pace, so they are very busy with their work, they don’t have much time to go shopping. While the supermarket can save them a lot of time. Shopping in the supermarket is the trend. 篇二:超市英文作文篇二


超市的英文作文(优秀7篇) 超市英文作文篇一 Today, the supermarket is being popular, people like to go there shopping, before, people would choose to go shopping in the open market, now things have changed. The reasons why people like to go shopping in the supermarket are various. First, supermarket has all kinds of things. People can buy what they want, like the food and clothes, different zones sell different stuffs. People can go to the zone as they want. Second, supermarket is very convenient. As the things are so focused, people can find what they need quickly. Nowadays, people are living in fast pace, so they are very busy with their work, they don’t have much time to go shopping. While the supermarket can save them a lot of time. Shopping in the supermarket is the trend. 超市英文作文篇二 This is a supermarket 。It is big and new. Its name is Wanjia 。You can buy many things in the supermarket 。 You can buy food like milk,bread ,vegetables,chocolate…… ,You can buy school things like books,rubber,pencil……,You can buy clothes like shorts,trousers,shirt.you can buy cupboard,computer,robot,fun,desk,too. This is a big supermarket ,It is open for 12 hours a day. There are many people here. The shop worker is very hard working. 超市英文作文篇三 Since the first supermarket emerged fifty years ago, it has become the most popular shopping center in many large cities around


关于超市购物作文汇总五篇 关于超市购物作文汇总五篇 超市购物作文篇1 今天我和妈妈去爱家超市买东西,我高高兴兴地穿着滑冰鞋来到了超市。超市里非常热闹,人很多。 我们在三楼买了郁美净和小浣熊的儿童面霜,还有护手霜。我们又在学习用品那里买了本子和铅笔,我非常喜欢“泡沫猪”的学生日记本,我要用它好好写日记。 超市购物作文篇2 这天中午吃饭时,妈妈突然发现家里的白糖没了,我自告奋勇地说我自己去买,妈妈便给了我10元钱,让我吃完饭后去超市买一包。因为我以前没有自己单独买过东西,真让我去心里还是有点紧张,但是我还是拍着胸脯说:“没问题!”临走前,妈妈叮嘱我:“路上要小心,别忘了找零钱。”我紧紧握着钱,自信地走出了家门。 虽然爸爸妈妈经常带我逛超市,但我一个人到超市购物还是第一次,走在路上的我还是有些紧张,到了马路边,我看着来来往往的车辆,心里顿时紧张了起来。好像有两个小人在吵架。一个说:“还是回去吧,让妈妈带我去超市。”另一个人说:“平时爸爸教过呀,不就是过马路嘛,小心点就是了。”这时绿灯亮了,我

跟着人流顺利地穿过了马路。到了马路对面,我心里的石头才算落地了。 刚进超市,发现今天的超市格外热闹,到处是过节的气氛,人流量很大,我眼中看到的'除了人还是人,幸亏我对这个超市比较熟悉。我乘坐电梯上了二楼,货架上的商品琳琅满目,有文具区、玩具区、卫浴区等等,多种多样。我转了一大圈才发现这一层没有食品,平时还真没有留意呢。我鼓起勇气问了下超市阿姨,她说食品在三层,我又匆匆跑上三楼,三楼的人更多了,因为超市在搞促销活动,前来参与活动的人特别多,我费了九牛二虎之力找到了调味品区,可映入眼帘的全是酱油。好不容易才从酱油的世界中逃脱,终于,我看到了白糖,感觉好亲切!蹲下来仔细一查看,我发现有单价5.2元的,也有单价10.8元的,差距很大。但我手上只有10元,我就选好了5。2元一包的白糖。 拿好白糖,我直奔收银台,收银台一字排开有十几个,妈妈教过我要挑了一个人少的等待收银。终于轮到我了,我将手中的白糖交给了收银阿姨,收银阿姨亲切地问了一句:“就这一个吗?”我点了点头。阿姨拿机器扫了一下商标,机器发出了“嘀”的声音,阿姨笑眯眯地对我说:“5.2元。”我把紧紧攥住的10元钱交给阿姨,只见她在键盘上按了几下,下面的小抽屉就自动打开了,她把钱放进去后,阿姨找了我几枚硬币,说:“找你4.8元,你数数对不对?”我认真地数着:4枚1元的,3枚1角的,1枚5角的,正好!收银阿姨都笑了,我小心翼翼地将零钱放进口袋,兴高采


超市英文作文 超市英文作文篇一 Today, the supermarket is being popular, people like to go there shopping, before, people would choose to go shopping in the open market, now things have changed. The reasons why people like to go shopping in the supermarket are various. First, supermarket has all kinds of things. People can buy what they want, like the food and clothes, different zones sell different stuffs. People can go to the zone as they want. Second, supermarket is very convenient. As the things are so focused, people can find what they need quickly. Nowadays, people are living in fast pace, so they are very busy with their work, they don’t have much time to go shopping. While the supermarket can save them a lot of time. Shopping in the supermarket is the trend. 今天,超市是如此的受欢迎,人们喜欢去超市购物,以前,人们会选择在开放的市场购物,现在事情已经改变了。人们喜欢逛超市的原因是很多的。第一,超市有各种各样的东西。人们可以买到他们想要的,比如食物和衣服,不同的区域卖不同的东西。人们可以起走到他们想要去的区域。第二,超市很方便。由于东西如此集中,人们可以快速找到自己所需要的。现在,人们的生活节奏很快,因此他们忙于工作,他们没有很多时间购物。然而超市可以节省很多时间。超市购物是一种时尚。 超市英文作文篇二 This is a supermarket 。It is big and new. Its name is Wanjia 。You can buy many things in the supermarket 。 You can buy food like milk,bread ,vegetables,chocolate…… ,You can buy school things like books,rubber,pencil……,You can buy clothes like


去超市购物的英文_关于超市购物英文口语Doyouhaveahoppinglit你有购物清单吗到了超市,首先要拿到装东东的购物车、购物篮——Wherearethehoppingcart购物车在哪儿WherecanIfindahoppingbaket在哪儿拿购物篮如果你有购物目标且超市uper大,最好还是问一下工作人员——Whereithefruitection水果区在哪儿WherecanIfindmilk在哪儿可以找到牛奶Whereithetoothpate牙膏在哪里Doyouelleafoodhere这里卖海鲜吗Doyouhaveabakeryection你们有面包吗I"mlookingforpickle.Canyouhelpmefindthem我想买泡菜。你能帮我找一下吗Canyoupointmetothemedicinearea可以告诉我药品区在哪儿吗如果你有如下这些问题,也可以问工作人员——CanyoutellmethedifferencebetweenAandB可以告诉我A和B有什么差别吗Canyouhelpmereachthat可以帮我拿一下那个吗Doyouhaveanymoreofthiinthebackroom库房还有这个吗要付钱了,优惠券、会员卡什么的赶紧拿出来——Ihaveomecoupon.Letmegetthem.我有一些优惠券,等我拿出来哦。 Ihaveamemberhipcard.Hereiti.我有会员卡,给你。 在这个塑料袋收费的年代,你可以自备环保袋或永远忘记带出来——Ibroughtmyownbagtoue.Hereyougo.我自己带了袋子,在这儿。 Iwouldlikeplaticbagpleae.我需要塑料袋。 关于超市购物英文口语3john:whatithatinyourhand你手上拿的是什么ally:anadtheupermarketputinourmailbo某.我们信箱里塞的超市广告。


超市的英文作文优秀8篇 超市英文作文篇五 Today, my mother and I went to the fruit store to buy fruit. Among the fruits, I like kiwifruit best, because it is rich in vitamins and nutrients, so I like kiwifruit best. We took all kinds of fruits home. I peeled the kiwifruit and bit it gently. Kiwifruit is sour and sweet. It's delicious. There are all kinds of fruits in the supermarket. As long as you want it, it exists; as long as you don't want it, it doesn't exist. 超市英文作文篇六 放学后,妈妈带我去超市买零食。进了超市我们来到零食柜前,那儿摆放着各种各样的食品,有果冻、饮料、蜜饯、饼干等等,令我看得眼花缭乱。最后,我挑选了几样喜欢吃的零食。 After school, my mother took me to the supermarket to buy snacks. After entering the supermarket, we came to the snack counter, where there were all kinds of food, including jelly, drinks, preserves, biscuits, etc., which dazzled me. At last, I chose some snacks I like to eat. 超市英文作文篇七 I went shopping on Sunday with some bags. There're so many people in the shop. As quickly as I can, I got the stuffs I need and planed to pay for these. Luckily, I didn't wait too long. Finally, I carried my things home with pleasure. 超市英文作文篇八 This is a supermarket 。It is big and new. Its name is Wanjia 。You can buy many things in the supermarket 。 You can buy food like milk,bread ,vegetables,chocolate…… ,You can buy s chool things like books,rubber,pencil……,You can buy


买东西的英文(共9篇) 买东西的英文(一): 初一买东西的英语作文带翻译50个单词 买东西(shopping) Last Sunday,I went to the bookstore to buy some books.It had a lot of books such as history books,kung-fu novels,and comic books.I bought two science fiction books because they are my favorite books.After that,I went to a café near the bookstore.I had a glass of orange juice and a humburger. I really enjoyed the shopping. 上周日我去书店买书.书店有很多书,比如历史书、功夫小说和漫画书等,我买了两本科幻小说书,因为它们是我喜欢的书.买好书后,我到附近咖啡店,喝了一杯橘子汁吃了一个汉堡. 这次买东西的经历很愉快! 买东西的英文(二): 我要买东西的英语怎么写啊 I want to buy something. I would like to buy something. I want to do some shopping. I would like to do some shopping. 买东西的英文(三): 买东西一类的英语怎么说. 比如这里卖不卖裤子.卖什么的在哪里.哪里卖什么东西.付钱的方式英语.反正是在美国买东西一类的.至少回答我前3个问题


关于超市购物英文口语精选 购物是一种生活所需,有些人是纯属是乐趣,有钱人都那样…精心收集了关于超市购物英文口语,供大家欣赏学习! 关于超市购物英文口语1太贵了! That's expensive! This one is six hundred dollars. (这个600美元。) That's expensive! (太贵了!) How expensive! (怎么这么贵!) That's too much! (太贵了!) 真便宜! That's cheap! How cheap! (怎么这么便宜!) 这种衬衫有小号的吗? Do you have this shirt in a small? (这种衬衫有小号的吗?) Let me check. (我给你找找。) Do you have this shirt in a smaller size? 这种毛衣有红色的吗? Do you have this sweater in red? 我可以试穿吗? May I try it on? *try on 表示“试穿、戴(衣服、帽子、眼镜)”。

May I try it on? (我可以试试吗?) Sure. Let me help you. (当然,我来帮你。) 试衣间在哪儿? Where is the fitting room? Where is the fitting room? (试衣间在哪儿?) Right this way, ma'am. (请往这边,女士。) Where is the dressing room. 我穿着太小。 It's too small for me. *其反意为It's too big for me.(我穿着太大。) It's a little bit tight. (有点儿紧。) It's loose.(有点儿松。) It's long. (长了。) It's short. (短了。) 这套衣服正合适。 This suit fits perfectly. This suit is perfect for me. 这个真不错。 This is nice. This is good. 这个比较好。 This is better. *用于进行各种各样的比较之后,还是这个比较好


英文简短淘宝店铺名字大全 1. 英文店名有哪些 1.意丝特(Italy Nest); 2.威尔克(Wilk); 3.玛格丽特(Margot); 4.遇(meet); 5.醉饮枫林(Fenglin-joy); 6.紫韵亭(Cozyroom); 7.翠迎坡(pure-zone); 8.邂逅(Encounter); 9.尤米拉(you my love); 10.米修(Miss you)。 店名是指店铺名称,即商店酒店等商业性场所的名称。店名分类 1、食品类店名(餐饮店名、咖啡店名、烧烤店名等); 2、服务类店名(理发店名、美容美甲店名等); 3、休闲类店名(消遣场店名等); 4、其它产品类店名(汽车店名、服装店名、化妆品店名、手机店名、电脑店名等); 5、零售店名(超市店名)。 店名选用店名是一个店铺的招牌,合理选用店名对于店铺的进展非常重要。首先,店名要和店铺所处行业相协调;其次,店名要有肯定的文化内涵。 第三,店名要有本人的特点,或高雅,或通俗,或新奇;最终,一个好的店名还要朗朗上口,简单记忆,便于流传。取店名的方法公司依据:符合法人命理喜用神、符合行业特点、符合数理要求、易读、易记、简约、大气、寓意深刻、书写美观、利于传播、立意新奇、反读及谐音吉利、兼顾传统与时髦、充分考虑受众心理、充分考虑企业文化、充分考虑品牌与营销。 公司方法: 1、以产权产权名,表示产权归属。任何一个公司、单位都有产权归属问题,即它总归属于详细的法人或个人、或者国家。

但并不是每一个公司、单位的字,都要标出产权。对于以产权,一般都以产权归属高一级的单位而字。 可由于历史的进展,用此方法越来越不顺应现在的形势了。 2、以地名地名,表示企业的所在地。 由于历史、经济、文化、民族、宗教等缘由,各地地名在公众心目中的地位是不一样的。对于经济发达的地区的企业来说,若企业字带有地名,则其牌子往往能沾上地名的光。 当然,对于地名不洪亮的地方,时应避开。 3、以产品、行业一般的公司、单位的名字,都有其产品名及行业名,以使别人晓得其运营的范围。 如生产童鞋的,可以直接以某某鞋厂命名。 4、以类属词在人们看来,类属词有大小之分。 所以现在在以类属词时都使用规模较大的词,如能用总厂的,就不用厂和分厂,能用总公司、集团的,不用公司、分公司等。 5、以商标权、字号等目前,商标越来越遭到人们的注重,因而以商标权可以在较短时间内,扩大公司名字的知名度,使其产品遭到人们的注重。 以字号来为公司,在目前更是遭到人们广泛好评,也是公司的重要方法之一。


超级市场专业用语的中英对照表 1.Accessories 饰品 2.Advertised Item 广告商品 3.Aggressive Hospitality 充分热情 4.Agricultural Product 农副产品 5.Apparel 服装 6.Associate 员工 7.Automotive 汽车用品 8.Auto-Replenishment 自动补货 9.Baby Accessories 婴儿用品 10.Back Room/ Stock 后仓 11.Bakery-Product 面包自烤 12.Baking Needs 烹饪制品 13.Barcode/UPC 条形码 14.Basket Divider 篮隔架 15.Bath 卫浴用品 16.Bedding 床上用品 17.Beverage 饮料 18.Boy’s Ware 男童装 19.Bulk Merchandise 大件商品 20.Business Philosophy 经营哲学

21.Canned Food 罐头食物 22.Check-Out Stand 收银台 23.Chinese Dessert 中国甜点 24.Chinese Health Supplement 中国营养品 25.Claim Section 索赔小组 26.Clearance 清仓 27.Club Pack 大包装 28.Consignment 联销 29.Container 货柜 30.Cooking Needs 调味品 31.Cosmetics 化妆品 32.Coupon 购物券 33.Cross Check 交叉检查 34.Dairy & Daily 奶制品 35.DC (Distribution Center) 配货中心 36.Deleted Item 已注销商品 37.Delicatessen 熟食 38.Demo (Demonstration) 展示 39.Display 陈列 40.Dock 收货台 41.Download (数据)下载 42.Dried Vegetable & Fruit 干果


一次有趣的购物经历英语作文【精选7篇】 For one thing, it is hard to tell whether the thing one search go before Christmas, buying presents is a high priority for a lot of people.? Obviously, it has a number of rewards/advantages. In the first place, its a convenient way to purchase. People can buy things without going out. In the second place, goods online are usually sold at prices lower than in conventional stores, so we are more likely to buy bargains on the Internet. Last but not least, online shopping offers us a lot more choices of goods since we can browse online stores without the limit of time and location. Nevertheless, as every coin has two sides, shopping online also has demerits/disadvantages. For one thing, it is hard to tell whether the thing one search in an online shop is fake or not. For another, people can not check or try on the thing they buy until they receive it. An added risk lies with online payment, which hasn’t proved to be secure enough. One’s password may be stolen. From my point of view, the advantages of online shopping outweigh its disadvantages. We may take advantage of it but we need also take measures to ensure that its disadvantages are reduced to the minimum so that it can serve us in a better way. 难忘的一次经历作文450字 错误是不可避免的,但孔子说过:“知错就改,善莫大焉”。只要敢于承认错而不是找借口掩饰那就是好的。 那是在小学四年级的时候发生的事了。我和同桌杨婷产生了矛盾。因为她向老师打小报告,害得我被老师教训了一番。所以我决定报复她一下,让她尝尝我的厉害。我了解到她很害怕小昆虫,哼!这下可让我抓到把柄了!于是我在学校的花坛里捉了一只小蜜蜂,趁她中午吃饭的时候,我悄悄地把小蜜蜂放在她的文具盒里,想象她打开文具盒后的惊讶和恐惧。嘿嘿,果然不出我所料,中午她打开文具盒准备写作业的时候,突然打叫起来,而我在一旁偷着乐。她看了看我接
