(全英文)《飘》 读后感

(全英文)《飘》 读后感
(全英文)《飘》 读后感

Gone with the Wind is a moving novel whose story evokes my sympathy a thousand and one times and leads me to think profoundly about love and life in a realistic manner.

Among all the characters, Scarlett and Rhett impress me most. On one hand, they both are people with unique personalities; on the other, their romance which has come a long way does not have a happy ending.

My impression of Scarlett is ambivalent. She is much too na?ve, even silly, and too vain in early years. Being a daughter of a rich family and extraordinarily charming, she is always surrounded by pursuers, which makes her vain and proud. Her love for Ashley, I think, is more the love for conquering a man who “does not lose heart to so beautiful and elegant a woman as her”, than the pure love for Ashley himself. Perhaps she was simply driven by her vanity and pride to do so; perhaps she just cannot bear it that there should be a man who does not love her. But i sn’t that childish and silly? Also, she impulsively marries Charles, a man who she does not love, only out of the purpose to “take revenge”. She is much more like a na?ve little girl than a mature woman. While her perception of love dismays me, yet her persistence does touch me. Few women who are confronted with the same wretched situations as hers can live with them, let alone make a way out. But Scarlett makes it. When she finds Tara Manor burnt to the ground, her mother dead and her father mad, she does not break down; instead, she determines to regain the glorious happy old days, and she works really hard on the manor, which she has never done before. And when she comes across a Yankee soldier on her manor, she bravely kills him instead of screaming and running away, which in the past she would be very likely to do. To make a living, she establishes her own wood business, and runs it quite well. Despite her egoism, she is undoubtedly a strong-hearted woman who will never give in to fate and who actually has a kind heart and savvy mind. Those are merits difficult to be found in women of her time. As a matter of fact, I am not sure whether I like or dislike her. I admire her frankness, bravery and persistence, but I despise her perception of love.

Another key role, Rhett Butler, gains my favor more. He is just as perseverant in pursuing love, but much more mature than Scarlett. Unlike Scarlett, he knows his love well, and knows how to love the other. He knows Scarlett is childish and vain, but he tolerates it, rather than get furious with it or try to change it. For example, on the ball in Atlantic, when he knows Scarlett loves dancing but is not supposed to dance because she is in her widowhood, he invites her to dance with him in the name of fundraising for the Southern army, which satisfies her desire and at the same time avoids getting her into blame or gossip. And whenever Scarlett is in need, he just gives her whatever he can, regardless of what he may get from her. Deep in his heart, he likes to see Scarlett happy. That is what I believe love is: to love to see your beloved one happy. Besides R’s perception of love, his bravery and resourcefulness also

impress me. He must have a strong love for his mother land; otherwise he will not bother to join the Southern army even though he himself knows very well that the South will soon end in failure. And he is so resourceful a man that he manages to transport munitions from North to South and make a large sum of money out of the trade. But what I see in him is not just about merits, after all. I also see in him a flighty heart and a selfish mind, which, although, might not be what he himself likes but the result of the times. Throughout his life I dare say he may well have loved and kept in relationship with not a few women. And despite his gentleness, he is also kind of selfish. For instance, he misappropriates the fund of the Southern army. Anyway, I like Rhett. He is in general a respectable good man.

All in all, the story was very realistic, and the characters very close to life. Perhaps that’s why this novel is so famous and popular ever since it came out. For my own part, I like the novel, for it not only presents me an affecting story, but makes me think about much: about love, and about life.


小说飘的英文读后感 【篇一:英文小说读后感之飘】 gone with the wind飘(又名:傲慢与偏见) 简介: gone with the wind is a romantic drama and the novel written by margaret mitchell, which sets the american civil war as the background. the novels protagonist, scarlett ohara is the daughter of a planter, who is rich and standing in georgia usa. father gerald is an irish immigrant. arriving in georgia, gerald is penniless but he wins the ownership of the manor of tarot by gambling. after that, he began the venture in this red land, weaving his american dream. until 43 years old, he is married with the daughter named ellen of a french immigrant in east coast knot. gerald is good-natured, but bad-tempered and the young wife has a good family education and strict moral values. she manages the day-to-day affairs of the estate as a whole on her own, even sets the black slaves to the doctor. because of these, the couples get the respects from the white manor and won the love of the black slaves. their daughter scarlett is grown up in this environment. 《飘》所讲述的是一个以美国南北战争为背景的爱情故事。小说的 主人公斯卡雷特?奥哈拉是美国佐治亚州一位富足且颇有地位的种 植园主的女儿。父亲杰拉尔德是爱尔兰的移民。刚到佐治 亚州时,杰拉尔德身无分文,靠赌博赢得了塔罗庄园的所有权。于 是就开始在这块红色的土地上创业,编织着他的美国之梦。直到43 岁的时候,他才和芳龄15的埃伦——一个东海岸法国移民的女儿结 了婚。杰拉尔德心地善良,但脾气暴躁,而年轻的妻子则有着良好 的家庭教育和严格的道德观念。她亲手操持着整个庄园的日常事务,甚至还为庄园里的黑奴看病,接生。因此,夫妇俩受到周围白人庄 园主的尊敬,也深得黑人奴隶的爱戴。女儿斯卡雷特在这种环境中 慢慢长大了。 经典语句摘录: 1. after all, tomorrow is another day.--scarlett. 毕竟,明天又是另外的一天呢。 2. a glamour to it --a perfection, a symmetry like grecian art.--ashley


飘读书笔记_飘读书心得1000字5篇 飘读书心得1000字(一) 记得上一次读《飘》,应该是一年以前的事了。那时,我偶然地在一本杂志上看到了一篇关于《飘》的文章,内容不记得了,但读后却记住了“飘”这个好听了名字。于是很快,我就到书店把它买了回来。怀着一股好奇,在几天的时间里一口气将它看完了。我想,这应该是我所读过的最能吸引我的一书了吧。 《飘》是作家玛格丽特米切尔的遗世之作,自问世以来,便靡全球,并且畅销全球,而主人公斯佳丽与瑞特巴特勒在美国南北战争及重建的背景下展开的爱情故事也成为历久不衰的爱情经典。 当我第一次读的时候,我深深地被其跌宕起伏的故事情节所吸引着,而这一次,更能吸引我的,则是小说中作者所塑造的'一个个鲜活的人物。勇敢无畏、为生存用尽手段的斯佳丽;英俊优雅颇具绅士风度的韦尔克斯阿希礼;善解人意的玫兰妮;投机倒卖,“国难财”却又机智幽默不乏绅士风度的巴特勒……这些个性鲜明的平凡小人物身上,都散发出一种独特气息与魅力,吸引着我。 而在这些人物中,给我留下最深刻的印象的,是斯佳丽。 这位从小深受南方文化传统熏陶而血液里却流淌着叛逆因子的女子,在战争前一心只想着如何凭借自己的美貌吸引全县所有青年才俊特别是阿希礼的目光,而战后,为了生存,为了她所视为生命的土地,她用她那稚嫩的肩膀承担起了一切,包括养活她情人和她情敌在内的一大家人。

为了生存,她开枪打死了闯入塔拉庄园企图抢劫的北佬军官;为了保住塔拉庄园,她可不择手段,抢走自己亲妹妹的未婚夫;为了三百美元,她也可以下嫁给“流氓”巴特勒…… 在她以前所熟悉和生存的世界被战争彻底颠覆后,她并没有因此而倒下,而勇敢地站了出来,“以自己的豪侠气概去征服世界”。 尽管斯佳丽的手段卑劣,爱钱如命,但这一切都只是生存,为了挑起整个奥哈拉家族的重担,尽管她有时会怨天尤人,垂头丧气,但她却永远不会丧失对生活的勇气与希望,无论处境多么艰难,她都不会放弃。 “afterall,tomorrow is another day.” 说得真好!毕竟,明天是新的一天了,这是故事结尾斯佳丽面对深爱自己的巴特勒最终离去时说的一句话。“明天,我一定有办法留住他!”看,这就是斯佳丽的信心与勇气,无论怎样,永不言弃。如同梁静茹在《勇气》中所唱的那样:“我是宇宙无数超级勇气美少女。”这,就是斯佳丽的豪侠本色,无所畏惧,一往无前。 《飘》所带给我的,是一种信心,更是一种勇气。很多时候,我们都是一个人在战斗,就像斯佳丽那样需要独力去撑起塔拉庄园。但《飘》让我懂得,即使一个人,只有你的勇气还在,就一定能够走出困境,只要你的信心不垮,就必定会到达理想的彼岸。 读《飘》,让我懂得。 飘读书心得1000字(二) 人生一世,如草木一秋,常言道浮生若梦,似乎生活就是一出悲剧。

飘 观后感 英文版

A great woman in Gone with the wind 专业:工商管理姓名:袁莲霞学号:1200701120 成绩"Gone with the wind" is a love story which background of the social reality in the American civil war. The story happens in Atlanta and a nearby plantation .It describes the people's life before and after the civil war in United States and a few love entanglement of youth .Scarlett is the main line in the film. After watching the film, a lot of people may hate the heroine because of her self-will, hypocrisy, greed, selfishness, behavior to marry sis ter’s boyfriend, ignorance of Rhett’s love. But as for me, her self-confidence, tough , brave, perseverance to revitalize possessions let me admire wholeheartedly. The film gives me a lot of inspirations and ideas that mainly divided into the following several aspects: Scarlett is really a stubborn woman. she is confused by love in her most life and do a lot of mistakes. At last, she finds that Ashley she has been loved didn't love her and also do n’t as good as her thought. Precisely, because of her mistakes, she lost her real love beside her. In fact, we can’t avoid to making the same mistakes in the face of love .We always require others should to be perfect but actually ourselves can’t do as we supposed to be in most situations. We claim to pursuit what we call love, but repeatedly ignore those around us again and again. We also often think


英语读后感--英文读后感范文3篇 《飘》 Scarlett , a very personality figures ,the two mans she love ,neither does she know about.To her, I was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .She is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . I appreciated most , it is this " Tomorrow is another day of hers. " . Promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate. I think I'm moved by her.So, whenever I meet difficulty, the mood is not good, I will tell oneself : " Tomorrow is another day. " 'Gone with the Wind' is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and unconstrainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the appraisal on U.S.A.'s Civil War is not objective and overall, but as to angle of literature, this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely, worth visiting. Title: The Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: The little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc. Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. The tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.


乱世佳人英语读后感 乱世佳人是根据小说家玛格丽特·米切尔的小说《飘》改编的一部美国电影。由维克多·弗莱明、乔治·库克、山姆·伍德导演,费雯·丽、克拉克·盖博等主演。影片讲述美国南北战争期间郝思嘉与白瑞德的爱情故事。 英文读后感:Taking advantage of the examination week has not arrived, I borrowed a month of gone with the wind, finally finished. After reading the feeling was sad, in order to every protagonist in the book, in addition to Mei ni. Do women Scarlett beautiful and attractive, but it also makes her the greatest tragedy, she is also the last reason - impossible to acquire a peaceful end too arrogant. She inherited all the admirable qualities of her father, OHara, brave, bold and aggressive. Scarlett has been able to attract the attention of a pile of men since he was young, and has always been a lover of seduction and pursuit of life. Scarlett always thought that love is Ashley, and in order to get to him step by step efforts to finally find that their love is the one wearing the beautiful coat she thought of ashley. But she always thought of myself and felt no dislike the so-called Melanie dead, she discovered the truth, and find yourself in a dream have been seeking and looking for something -- and R


飘读书笔记英语 篇一:《飘》读后感 Love, Friendship and Family of Gone with the wind A war swallowed a beautiful woman, a perfect family and a love. Everything seemed to be a dream, going with the wind. Scarlet, a gifted nobleman,should have tasted sweetness of love, but she bore tragedy of her love, crush of her family love and falling of her friendship in the trouble times. So without dependence, she learnt to be more independent and stronger than before. To my sadness, she didn’tobtain what she wanted throughout. For her love, Ashley was a pure dream. Scarlet loved only his bright appearance in fact, as elegant poems sank Scarlet into dubious , she realized her true

love wasn’t Ashley who was perfect in her, but the contrary, Butler was ambitious, not like won his own love finally, Scarlet, expressing his power. Although Butler didn’t integrate intoswelldom really, he was fit for Scarlet. However, when Scarlet poured her love to Butler, he refused her, even abandoned her because his heart was filled with scars. Their crystal of love went with the wind, their love gone with the wind. For her friendship, not only Scarlet depended upon Melanie, but envied her, getting Ashley’s love. In fact, it was not until Melanie died that Scarlet realized she relied on Melanie. Melanie was alike an angel from heaven, kindhearted and virtuous. She was core of reality, Scarlet liked what Ashley was, was Ashley who was protected by Melanie. So in the opposite of envying Melanie, Scarlet loved her. Their friendship was subtle.


外国小说英文读后感 篇一:英文小说读后感 gonewiththewind飘(又名:傲慢与偏见)简介:gonewiththewindisaromanticdramaandthenovelwrittenbymargaret mitchell, whichsetstheamericancivilwarasthebackground.thenovelsprotag onist,scarlett oharaisthedaughterofaplanter,whoisrichandstandingingeorgiau sa.father geraldisanirishimmigrant.arrivingingeorgia,geraldispenniles sbuthewins

theownershipofthemanoroftarotbygambling.afterthat,hebeganth eventure inthisredland,weavinghisamericandream.until43yearsold,heism arriedwith thedaughternamedellenofafrenchimmigrantineastcoastknot.gera ldis good-natured,butbad-temperedandtheyoungwifehasagoodfamilyed ucationand strictmoralvalues.shemanagestheday-to-dayaffairsoftheestate asawholeon

herown,evensetstheblackslavestothedoctor.becauseofthese,the couplesget therespectsfromthewhitemanorandwontheloveoftheblackslaves.t heirdaughter scarlettisgrownupinthisenvironment.《飘》所讲述的是一个以美国南北战争为背景的爱情故事。小说的主人公斯卡雷特?奥哈拉是美国佐治亚州一位富足且颇有地位的种植园主的女儿。父亲杰拉尔德是爱尔兰的移民。 刚到佐治经典语句摘录: 1.afterall,tomorrowisanotherday.--scarlett.毕竟,明天又是另外的一天呢。 2.aglamourtoit--aperfection,asymmetrylikegrecianart.--ashle

飘 · 乱世佳人 ·外国文学名著读后感·读书笔记

《飘》后感 当岁月在不停的流逝,当生活的残忍面逐渐显现,我总是会回想到《飘》中斯佳丽说的一句话,“好好睡一觉吧,明天又是新的一天”。于是,就更有勇气和信心来面对生活的一切挑战。 读玛丽扎特的《飘》还是在高中时期。那个时候,正忙着应付高考,时间就是金钱。然而,无意中发现了妈妈的一本书《飘》。刚开始,只是被它的封面的浪漫而吸引,就随手翻了几页,之后就一发不可收拾,环环相扣的,引人入胜的情节,就这样轻而易举的把我征服。看完之后,我曾经写过这样一句话,“书的女主角斯佳丽的命运就像一根稻草,在战争的背景之下,随风飘去,难怪它的英文名叫’Gong with the wind’”. 一开始,我很羡慕斯佳丽的生活:有一个美满的家庭,有两个可爱妹妹,有着美丽的面孔,还有一大群的追求着。。。可以不去上学,可以去参加各种各样的舞会,可以骑马开枪。。。总之,不是无忧无虑四个字可以形容的。 斯佳丽在整个故事中,都是个充满生气、充满斗志的人。我想我们每一个人都会有自己的希望,每一个人都在追求自己的幸福。希望会成为我们的一种动力。这种希望会促成文化、技术的发展,在失望的时候,就会告诉自己,明天是新的一天,明天一切都会好了,我最欣赏的,便是她的这句“Tomorrow is another day.”。永远充满了希望,充满斗志,永远不会放弃,永远不会绝望。这份精神,是最值得我学习的。所以,每当我遇到困难、心情不佳时,我会想起这句话。虽然

会遇到很多的困难和纠纷,但我们不应该放弃自己的欲望和追求。正像斯佳丽所说的:“今天我累了,不能想了。明天再想吧!”我们可以休息,但我们决不能放弃。 斯佳丽的大半生又是为爱所迷惑的。因为迷惑而做了很多错事。知道最后她才发现,原来她一直钟爱的艾希礼并不爱她,也不曾象她所想的那般优秀。其实她爱的并不是艾希礼,而是自己内心的一个完美形象。艾希礼越是拒绝她,她心中的那个形象就越完善——这正应了中国的一句老话:得不到的就是最好的——而恰恰因为她错误的迷恋,才使她错了身边真正的幸福。这也给了我一个启示:人要学会明辨是非,不要让幸福从自己的指间溜走。 小说中的另一个人,也是我最喜爱的人——白瑞特.白瑞特有着良好的家世,却并不以此为荣.他有着锐利的眼睛,有着聪明的头脑,他能很快在乱世找到自己的处身之道.他的勇敢,执着,他的机智果断,都成为让人喜欢的因素,还有他放荡的外表下那颗专一的心也使人喜欢.他爱斯佳丽,保护斯佳丽,宠爱斯佳丽,照顾斯佳丽,他希望让她事事称心,可这些却被斯佳丽拒绝了,于是他一直耐心地等待,等待他爱的斯佳丽也能同样爱上他,可是再永恒的爱也会有磨光的时候.就这样,当他的女儿离开他时,他的心死了,再也回不来了.于是,他选择了离开. 读《飘》时,对斯佳丽面对困难所表现出来的大无畏精神佩服;对她有时为达目的而不择手段而反感;对她对艾希礼迟迟不肯放手的愚蠢固执而气愤;对白瑞特对斯佳丽的默默付出而倍感愉悦;对白瑞特最后的离开表示惋惜……


Gone with the wind, displays a pretty woman chasing true love, describes a cruel war and depicts a subtle friendship. In the story, selflessness of Scarlett, avarice of Butler, goodness of Melanie and recreance of Ashley appears before our eyes. Not only gone with the wind is a novel, but an encyclopedia about characters. It is worth mentioning that Scarlett leaves me the deepest impression in this book. “gone with the wind”is a book full of love and courage ,I just can’t help but repeat the brilliant words that Scarlett says---Tomorrow is another day !Promising forever, full of fighting will , never give up, never desperate. I think I'm moved by her. So, whenever I meet difficulty, I will tell myself : " Tomorrow is another day. " As readers, in my opinio n, we don’t browse it, but peruse mind of it and apperceive it. To learn the spirit of the books deliver is what we should do after perusing it.


飘英语读后感内容 《飘》是美国著名作家玛格丽特·米切尔的长篇小说,1937因本书获得普利策奖,1949年,她在车祸中罹难。她短暂的一生并未留下太多的作品本文是小编精心编辑的,飘英语读后感内容希望能帮助到你! 飘英语读后感内容篇一Scarlett , a very personality figures ,the two mans she love ,neither does she know about.To her, I was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .She is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . I appreciated most , it is this " Tomorrow is another day of hers. " . Promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate. I think I'm moved by her.So, whenever I meet difficulty, the mood is not good, I will tell oneself : " Tomorrow is another day. " 'Gone with the Wind' is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and unconstrainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the


飘英文读后感 篇一:英文小说读后感之飘 GonewiththeWind飘(又名:傲慢与偏见) 简介: GonewiththeWindisaromanticdramaandthenovelwrittenbyMargaret Mitchell,whichsetstheAmericanCivilWarasthebackground.Thenov el'sprotagonist,ScarlettO'Haraisthedaughterofaplanter,whois richandstandinginGeorgiaUSA.FatherGeraldisanIrishimmigrant. ArrivinginGeorgia,Geraldispennilessbuthewinstheownershipoft hemanorofTarotbygambling.Afterthat,hebegantheventureinthisr edland,weavinghisAmericanDream.Until43yearsold,heismarriedw iththedaughternamedEllenofaFrenchimmigrantinEastCoastknot.G eraldisgood-natured,butbad-temperedandtheyoungwifehasagoodf

amilyeducationandstrictmoralvalues.Shemanagestheday-to-daya ffairsoftheestateasawholeonherown,evensetstheblackslavestot hedoctor.Becauseofthese,thecouplesgettherespectsfromthewhit emanorandwontheloveoftheblackslaves.TheirdaughterScarlettis grownupinthisenvironment. 《飘》所讲述的是一个以美国南北战争为背景的爱情故事。小说的主人公斯卡雷特?奥哈拉是美国佐治亚州一位富足且颇有地位的 种植园主的女儿。父亲杰拉尔德是爱尔兰的移民。刚到佐治亚州时,杰拉尔德身无分文,靠赌博赢得了塔罗庄园的所有权。于是就开始在这块红色的土地上创业,编织着他的美国之梦。直到43岁的时候,他才和芳龄15的埃伦——一个东海岸法国移民的女儿结了婚。杰拉尔德心地善良,但脾气暴躁,而年轻的妻子则有着良好的家庭教育和严格的道德观念。她亲手操持着整个庄园的日常事务,甚至还为庄园里的黑奴看病,接生。因此,夫妇俩受到周围白人庄园主的尊敬,也深得黑人奴隶的爱戴。女儿斯卡雷特在这种环境中慢慢

【精品文档】《飘》英文读后感100字-精选word文档 (3页)

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(全英文)《飘》 读后感

Gone with the Wind is a moving novel whose story evokes my sympathy a thousand and one times and leads me to think profoundly about love and life in a realistic manner. Among all the characters, Scarlett and Rhett impress me most. On one hand, they both are people with unique personalities; on the other, their romance which has come a long way does not have a happy ending. My impression of Scarlett is ambivalent. She is much too na?ve, even silly, and too vain in early years. Being a daughter of a rich family and extraordinarily charming, she is always surrounded by pursuers, which makes her vain and proud. Her love for Ashley, I think, is more the love for conquering a man who “does not lose heart to so beautiful and elegant a woman as her”, than the pure love for Ashley himself. Perhaps she was simply driven by her vanity and pride to do so; perhaps she just cannot bear it that there should be a man who does not love her. But i sn’t that childish and silly? Also, she impulsively marries Charles, a man who she does not love, only out of the purpose to “take revenge”. She is much more like a na?ve little girl than a mature woman. While her perception of love dismays me, yet her persistence does touch me. Few women who are confronted with the same wretched situations as hers can live with them, let alone make a way out. But Scarlett makes it. When she finds Tara Manor burnt to the ground, her mother dead and her father mad, she does not break down; instead, she determines to regain the glorious happy old days, and she works really hard on the manor, which she has never done before. And when she comes across a Yankee soldier on her manor, she bravely kills him instead of screaming and running away, which in the past she would be very likely to do. To make a living, she establishes her own wood business, and runs it quite well. Despite her egoism, she is undoubtedly a strong-hearted woman who will never give in to fate and who actually has a kind heart and savvy mind. Those are merits difficult to be found in women of her time. As a matter of fact, I am not sure whether I like or dislike her. I admire her frankness, bravery and persistence, but I despise her perception of love. Another key role, Rhett Butler, gains my favor more. He is just as perseverant in pursuing love, but much more mature than Scarlett. Unlike Scarlett, he knows his love well, and knows how to love the other. He knows Scarlett is childish and vain, but he tolerates it, rather than get furious with it or try to change it. For example, on the ball in Atlantic, when he knows Scarlett loves dancing but is not supposed to dance because she is in her widowhood, he invites her to dance with him in the name of fundraising for the Southern army, which satisfies her desire and at the same time avoids getting her into blame or gossip. And whenever Scarlett is in need, he just gives her whatever he can, regardless of what he may get from her. Deep in his heart, he likes to see Scarlett happy. That is what I believe love is: to love to see your beloved one happy. Besides R’s perception of love, his bravery and resourcefulness also
