

A well-paid job 待遇优厚的工作

Absent father 缺席父亲

Absent mother 缺席母亲

Active choice 主动选择

Actuary 精算师

Additional pension 附加养老金

Administration 行政管理

Adopting Institutions 收养机构

Adoption 收养

Adult literacy rate 成人识字率

Adverse selection 逆向选择

Ageing 老龄化

Ageism 年龄歧视

Aging of population 人口老龄化

Aging Population 老龄人口

Almshouse 贫民院,救济所

Annuities 年金,养老金

Assessment 评估

Assimilation 同化

Assistance program for medical care医疗救助

Association 协会

Asymmetry 不对称

Baby boom 婴儿潮、生育高峰

Balance of trade 贸易平衡

Basic medical insurance 基本医疗保险

Basic old-age insurance 基本养老保险

Beneficiary 受益人、受惠者

Benefits 福利待遇

Birth rate 人口出生率

Blaming the victim 谴责受害者

Bond 债券

Build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 全面建设小康社会Capital Construction 基本建设

Capital Market 资本市场

Capitalization process 货币化进程

Case services 个案服务




Charity organization society慈善组织协会

Charity programs慈善事业

Civil Affairs民政事务

Civil society 公民社会

Class 阶级

Clinical social work 临床社会工作

Closed system 封闭系统

Code of ethics 伦理宣言

Comfort and compensation 抚恤

Commercial insurance 商业保险

Common human needs 共同人类需求

Community Development 社区建设、社区发展Community participation 社区参与

Community service 社区服务

Community Services Centers 社区服务中心Community 社区

Community-based organization (CBO )社区基层组织Compulsory education 义务教育

Compulsory savings model 强制储蓄

Contribution 缴费

Created environment 人造文化

Cross-cultural perspective 跨文化视角

Cultural pluralism 文化多元主义

Cultural relativism 文化相对主义

Culture of poverty 贫困文化

Decentralization 分权


Deficit 赤字

Defined benefit (DB) 确定给付型

Defined contribution (DC) 确定缴费型

Democratic socialism 民主社会主义

Disabled Children 残疾儿童

Disabled Staff 残疾职工

Disadvantaged groups 弱势群体

Disaster prevention 防灾

Disaster reduction 减灾

Disaster relief 救灾

Discrimination 歧视

Distort 歪曲、不正常

Divorce Rate 离婚率

Domestic violence 家庭暴力

Economic depression 经济萧条

Economic recession 经济衰退

Economic effect 经济效应

Efficiency 效率

Elderly welfare 老年福利

Eligibility requirements 资格要求

Eliminate illiteracy 扫除文盲

Elizabethan Poor Law 济贫法

Employee welfare design 职工福利设计Employee 雇员

Employee welfare 职工福利

Employer 雇主

Employment 就业

Endemic diseases 地方病

Enrollment rate 入学率

Enterprise Annuity 企业年金

Entrustment 信托

Equality 公平

Equity of access 机会均等

Ethics of profession 职业道德

Evaluation 评价

Extend coverage 拓宽覆盖面

Externalities 外部性

Extreme ( absolute ) poverty 绝对贫困

Family insurance 家庭保障

Family planning 计划生育

Famine 饥荒

Finance 筹措资金

Financial market 金融市场

Fiscal Policy 财政政策

Fixed employment 固定就业

Formal social welfare program 正式社会福利计划Free-riding 搭便车

Full employment 充分就业

Fully funding personal accounts 做实个人账户Fund actuarial 基金精算

Fund oversight 基金监管

Gender inequality 性别不平等

Gender order 性别秩序

Gender socialization 性别社会化

Gender Studies 社会性别研究

General assistance (GA) 普遍救助Gerontological social work 老年社会工作Gerontology 老年学

Globalization 全球化

Govern 统治、管理

Government Intervene 政府参与

Government-affiliated institutions 事业单位Government-sponsored programs 政府主导计划Great Society 大社会

Guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises 国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障

Health care 卫生保健

Health insurance 健康保险

Holistic approach 整体论方法

Life insurance 人寿保险

Homeless people 无家可归者

Hope project 希望工程

Households with Livelihood Guaranteed in Five Aspects 五保户

Human resource manager 人力资源经理

Human resources 人力资源

Humanism 人道主义、人本主义

Identity 认同

Imigrant worker 农民工

In kind 实物

Income distribution system 收入分配制度

Income maintenance programs 收入维持计划

Income redistribution 收入再分配

Income Tax 所得税

Income 收入

Indexation 指数化

Individual account 个人账户

Industrialization 工业化

Infant mortality rate 婴儿死亡率

Inflation rate 通货膨胀率

Informal (or natural) helping networks 非正式救助网络

Informal organization 非正式组织

Institutional discrimination 制度化歧视

Insurance funds 保险基金

Insurance 保险

Internationalization 国际化

Investment funds 投资基金

Investment 投资

Involuntary unemployment 非自愿失业

Job insecurity 工作无保障

Job seeker 待业人员、找工作者

Labor market 劳动力市场

Labor relations 劳动关系

Labor union 工会

Labor protection 劳动保护

Legitimacy 合法性

Life expectancy 预期寿命

Life span 寿命

Lift off poverty; cast off poverty 脱贫

Low- and middle-income families 中低收入家庭

Low-rent housing system /cheap-rent housing system 廉租住房制度Macromanagement 宏观管理

Male breadwinner 男性养家糊口者

Management system 管理体制

Market failure 市场失灵

Marketization 市场化

Marriage Rate 结婚率

Marriage 婚姻

Marxism 马克思主义

Maternity insurance 生育保险

Medicare 医疗

Methods for social investigation 社会调查方法

Micromanagement 微观管理

Minors 未成年人

Moral hazard 道德风险

Motivation 刺激、激励

Municipal bond 政府债券

National system for basic drugs 国家基本药物制度

Natural Disaster Relief 自然灾害救助

Natural growth rate 自然增长率

Needs 需求

Negative income tax 负所得税

New Deal 新经济政策

New type of rural cooperative medical care system 新型农村合作医疗Nominal Account System 名义账户制

Nongovernmental and Noncommercial Enterprises 民办非企业单位Non-governmental organizations ( NGO )非政府组织

Nuclear family 核心家庭

Number of Beds 床位数

Nursing insurance 护理保险

Occupational diseases 职业病

Official development assistance ( ODA )政府开发援助

On-job training 岗位培训

Orphan 孤儿

Pareto Efficiency 帕累托效率

Participant observation 参与性观察

Pay-as-you-go program 现收现付制

Payroll taxes 工薪税

Pension 养老金

People with physical and mental disabilities 残疾人

Personal employee retirement accounts 个人退休账户

Personal social services 个人社会服务

Philosophy 哲学

Politics 政治

Post-payment 后付制

Poverty alleviation 扶贫

Poverty line 贫困线

Poverty trap 贫困陷阱

Poverty 贫困

Preferential Treatment 优抚

Prejudice 偏见

Premium 保险费

Primary education 初等教育

Private social welfare programs 私人社会福利计划

Privatization 私有化、民营化

Profession 职业

Public assistance 官方 [政府 ]援助

Public finance 公共财政

Public goods 公共物品

Public health service system 公共卫生服务体系

Public health 公共卫生

Public hospitals 公立医院

Public housing 公共住房

Public opinion 公众舆论

Public pension 公共养老金

Public sector 公共部门

Public social programs 公共社会计划

Public Debt 公债

Public Goods 公共产品

Race 种族

Rate of unemployment 失业率

Real estate industry 房地产业

Real estate market 房地产市场

Reduce poverty 减贫

Re-employment 再就业

Reform of social security system 社会保障制度改革

Reform of the system of pharmaceuticals and health care 医药卫生体制改革Registered Marriages 婚姻登记

Rehabilitation Services 康复服务

Relative poverty 相对贫困

Religion 宗教

Replacement rate 替代率

Resettlement 安置

Residential Committees 居委会

Retire 退休

Retiree 退休人员

Right to employment 就业权

Risk management风险管理

Risk select风险选择

Risk society风险社会


Routine surveillance日常监管

Rural migrant workers in cities进城农民工Rural 农村的

Saving 储蓄

School-age children 学龄儿童

Security for education 教育保障Service for elderly 老年服务

Services Facilities 服务设施

Single parent family 单亲家庭

Skimming 撇沫、撇取(奶油)

Social Administration 社会行政

Social assistance programs 社会救助计划Social assistance system 社会救助制度Social cases work 个案社会工作

Social change 社会变革

Social community work 社区社会工作Social Donations 社会捐赠

Social effects 社会效应

Social environment 社会环境

Social exclusion 社会排斥

Social fact 社会事实

Social group work 团体社会工作

Social inequality 社会不平等

Social inquiry 社会调查

Social Insurance Base 社会保险缴费基数Social insurance model 社会保险模式Social insurance 社会保险

Social integration 社会融合

Social justice 社会正义

Social mobility 社会流动

Social Mutual Aid 社会互助

Social order 社会秩序

Social Organizations 社会团体

Social policy 社会政策

Social pooling 社会统筹

Social problem 社会问题

Social protection 社会保护

Social reform 社会改革

Social Relief 社会救助

Social Relief 社会救助

Social role社会角色

Social safety net社会安全网

Social security benefits社会保障津贴

Social security system of“ three guarantees” 社会保障“三条保障线”制度Social security system 社会保障制度

Social security tax 社会保障税

Social services 社会服务

Social stratification 社会分层

Social structure 社会结构

Social Support 社会支持

Social survey 社会调查

Social veterans special treatment 社会优抚

Social welfare agency 社会福利组织

Social Welfare Enterprises社会福利企业

Social welfare fund 社会保障基金

Social welfare program/ work/service 社会福利事业

Social problem 社会问题

Social research 社会调查

Social resources/capital 社会资本

Social security level 社会保障水平

Social security management 社会保障管理

Social welfare legislation 社会福利法制

Social welfare policy 社会福利政策

Social worker 社会工作者

Socialization 社会化

Special education 特殊教育

Special treatment 优待

Standard of need 需求标准

Standard 标准

State welfare model 国家福利模式

Status 社会地位

Stock 股票

Street Communities 街道办事处

Subsidize 补贴、资助

Subsidy 补助

Supervision by public opinion 舆论监督

Supplemental pension insurance 补充养老保险

Surplus labor 剩余劳动力

Survival of the fittest 适者生存

Surviving spouse 未亡配偶

Sustainable development 可持续发展

The minimum livelihood guarantee system最低生活保障制度

Target 目标定位、受益对象识别

Temporary assistance system 临时救助制度

The elderly 老人

The housing accumulation fund system 住房公积金制度

The old-age insurance system 养老保险制度

The social security system in urban areas 城镇社会保障体系

The system of medical insurance for urban workers 城镇职工医疗保险制度

The well-being of the people 民生

Third way politics 第三条道路政治

Total accumulation system 完全积累制

Towns 乡

Townships 镇

Trade union 工会

Traditional Chinese medicine 中药

Transferring social security accounts 转移社会保障账户

Tuition 学费

Underclass 下层阶级

Underfinance 资金短缺的、财力不足的

Under-insure 不完全保险

Unemployed 失业者

Unemployment insurance失业保险

Universal benefits 普遍补助

Unworthy poor 穷人不配

Upper class 上层阶级

Urban community-based medical and health service system 城市社区医疗服务体系Urban ecology 城市生态学




Villagers' Committees 村委会

Vocational rehabilitation 职业康复

Vocational training 在职培训

Voluntary private plans 个人自愿计划

Voluntary unemployment 自愿失业

Volunteerism 志愿精神

Wage 工资

War on Poverty 消除贫困战争

Welfare dependency 福利依赖

Welfare Lottery 福利彩票

Welfare state model 福利国家模式

Welfare State 福利国家

Work welfare 职业福利

Workers' compensation 工伤保险

Worthy poor 值得穷人

Collective consumption集体消费

Bureaucracy Democracy Demography




Division of labour劳动分工


Human resource management人力资源管理


1.低保 城市居民最低生活保障制度scheme of guaranteeing minimum living standards for urban residents/guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents/the minimum living standard security system 贫困线the poverty line 救助站social relief station 2.住房 公积金public accumulation fund 安居工程housing project for low-income families 3.就业 残疾人就业保障金employment security fund for the disabled 充分就业full employment 促进就业employment promotion 定向培训designated training 工会trade union 工会组织trade union organization 公共就业服务public employment service 保障妇女就业权力guarantee women’s right to employment 合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure 建立市场导向的就业机制to establish a market-oriented employment mechanism 建立新型的劳动关系to establish a new type of labor relations 扩大就业和再就业to expand employment and reemployment 实施积极促进就业的政策to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment 实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式to adopt elastic,flexible,diversified forms of employment 提高劳动者素质to enhance workers’quality 统筹兼顾城乡就业to make overall plans for urban and rural system 推动就业服务向社区延伸,形成多层次的就业服务网络to encourage the formation of community-run agencies as a part of the multi-level employment service network 完善和落实再就业优惠政策to improve and implement preferential reemployment 优化就业结构to optimize employment structure 职业培训V ocational Training 4.灾害 灾害救助制度the natural disaster relief system


发动机分类 1 往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine 2 化油器式发动机carburetor engine 3 转子发动机rotary engine 4 旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine 5 二冲程发动机two-stroke engine 6 四冲程发动机four-stroke engine 7 增压式发动机supercharged engine 8 风冷式发动机air-cooled engine 9 油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine 10 水冷式发动机water-cooled engine 11 自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine 12 煤气机gas engine 13 液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine 14 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine 15 多种燃料发动机multifuel engine 16 石油发动机hydrocarbon engine 17 双燃料发动机duel fuel engine 18 热球式发动机hot bulb engine 19 多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine 20 对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine 21 对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine 22 十字头型发动机cross head engine 23 直列式发动机in-line engine 24 星型发动机radial engine 25 筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine 26 斯特林发动机stirling engine 27 套阀式发动机knight engine 28 气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine 29 倾斜式发动机slant engine 30 前置式发动机front-engine 31 后置式发动机rear-engine 32 中置式发动机central engine 33 左侧发动机left-hand engine 34 右侧发动机right-hand engine 35 短冲程发动机oversquare engine 36 长冲程发动机undersquare engine 37 等径程发动机square engine 38 顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine 39 双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine 40 V形发动机V-engine 41 顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine 42 侧置气门发动机side valve engine 43 无气门发动机valveless engine


网易电力专业英语词汇(较全) 1)元件设备 三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor 并联电容器:shunt capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 母线:Busbar 输电线:TransmissionLine 发电厂:power plant 断路器:Breaker 刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator 分接头:tap 电动机:motor 2)状态参数 有功:active power 无功:reactive power 电流:current 容量:capacity 电压:voltage 档位:tap position 有功损耗:reactive loss 无功损耗:active loss 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper loss 空载电流:no-load current 阻抗:impedance 正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance 无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad 有功负载: active load PLoad 遥测:YC(telemetering) 遥信:YX 励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current 定子:stator 功角:power-angle

上限:upper limit 下限:lower limit 并列的:apposable 高压: high voltage 低压:low voltage 中压:middle voltage 电力系统 power system 发电机 generator 励磁 excitation 励磁器 excitor 电压 voltage 电流 current 母线 bus 变压器 transformer 升压变压器 step-up transformer 高压侧 high side 输电系统 power transmission system 输电线 transmission line 固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定 stability 电压稳定 voltage stability 功角稳定 angle stability 暂态稳定 transient stability 电厂 power plant 能量输送 power transfer 交流 AC 装机容量 installed capacity 电网 power system 落点 drop point 开关站 switch station 双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站 transformer substation 补偿度 degree of compensation 高抗 high voltage shunt reactor 无功补偿 reactive power compensation 故障 fault 调节 regulation 裕度 magin 三相故障 three phase fault 故障切除时间 fault clearing time 极限切除时间 critical clearing time 切机 generator triping


Insurance English A.常用句子 1、I’m looking for insurance from your company. 我是到贵公司来投保的。 2、Mr. Zhang met Mr. William in the office of the People’ Insurance Company of China.张先生在中国人民保险公司的办公室接待了威廉先生。 3、After loading the goods on board the ship, I go to the insurance company to have them insured. 装船后,我到保险公司去投保。 4、When should I go and have the tea insured? 我什么时候将这批茶叶投保? 5、All center. Let’s leave insurance now. 好吧,保险问题就谈到这里。 6、I have come to explain that unfortunate affair about the insurance. 我是来解释这件保险的不幸事件的。 7、I must say that you’ve corrected my ideas about the insurance. 我该说你们已经纠正了我对保险的看法。 8、This information office provides clients with information on cargo insurance. 这个问讯处为顾客提供大量关于货物投保方面的信息。 9、The underwriters are responsible for the claim as far as it is within the scope of cover. 只要是在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应负责赔偿。 10、The loss in question was beyond the coverage granted by us. 损失不包括在我方承保的范围内。 11、The extent of insurance is stipulated in the basic policy form and in the various risk clause. 保险的范围写在基本保险单和各种险别的条款里。 12、Please fill in the application form. 请填写一下投保单。 13、What risks is the People’s Insurance Company of China able to cover? 中国人民保险公司承保的险别有哪些? 14、What risks should be covered?


劳动与社会保障专业英 语 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

劳动与社会保障专业英语 A 按劳分配 distribution according to work 按比例就业 employment by ratio B 罢工 strike 保障水平 level of security 保值增值 maintenance and appreciation of values 备案 putting on record 变更劳动合同 alternation of labor contract 病假工资 sick leave pay 补充保险 supplementary insurance 补充养老保险 supplementary old-age insurance 补充医疗保险 supplementary medical insurance 补助金 subsidy 哺乳期 lactation period 不在岗职工 off-duty workers 部分积累模式 partial accumulation model C 财政补贴 financial subsidy 财政投入 financial input 参保 participation in social insurance scheme 参保人 the insured

残疾人就业保障金 employment security fund for the disabled 差额缴拨 partial payment and allocation 产假 maternity leave 产期 puerperal period 产业关系 industrial relations 常规监督 regular supervision 城市居民最低生活保障制度 scheme of guaranteeing minimum living standards for urban residents 城乡二元结构 dual economic structure of urban and rural areas 城镇登记失业率 urban registered unemployment rate 城镇失业率 urban unemployment rate 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度 basic medical insurance system for urban employees 持证上岗 employment with certificates 充分就业 full employment 非全日制劳动人员 part-time workers 促进就业 employment promotion D 大病统筹 social pooling for catastrophic disease 大额医疗费用补助 subsidy for big amount of medical expenditure 代扣代缴 withhold and remit 带薪年休假 paid annual leave 待遇给付 payment of benefit 当期结余 current surplus 地方财政补贴 local financial subsidy 地方性法规 local laws and regulations 第三人 third party


电力电子-专业词汇中英文对照(一) AbsorberCircuit 吸收电路 AC/ACFrequencyConverter 交交变频电路ACpowercontrol交流电力控制ACPowerController交流调功电路ACPowerElectronicSwitch交流电力电子开关AcVoltageController交流调压电路AsynchronousModulation异步调制BakerClampingCircuit贝克箝位电路 Bi-directionalTriodeThyristor双向晶闸管BipolarJunctionTransistor--BJT双极结型晶体管Boost-BuckChopper升降压斩波电路Boost Chopper升压斩波电路BoostConverter升压变换器BridgeReversibleChopper桥式可逆斩波电路BuckChopper降压斩波电路BuckConverter降压变换器Commutation 换流 Conduction Angle 导通角ConstantVoltageConstantFrequency--CVCF 恒压恒频

ContinuousConduction--CCM (电流)连续模式ControlCircuit 控制电路 CukCircuit CUK斩波电路CurrentReversible Chopper 电流可逆斩波电路CurrentSourceTypeInverter--CSTI 电流(源)型逆变电路Cycloconvertor 周波变流器 DC-AC-DC Converter 直交直电路 DCChopping 直流斩波 DCChoppingCircuit 直流斩波电路 DC-DCConverter 直流-直流变换器DeviceCommutation 器件换流DirectCurrentControl 直接电流控制DiscontinuousConductionmode (电流)断续模式displacementfactor 位移因数 distortionpower 畸变功率 doubleendconverter 双端电路 drivingcircuit 驱动电路 electricalisolation 电气隔离 fastactingfuse 快速熔断器 fastrecoverydiode 快恢复二极管fastrevcoveryepitaxialdiodes 快恢复外延二极管


保险英语,保险词汇共享: acceptance policy 英文翻译:核保政策accounting period 英文翻译:结算期aggregate limit 英文翻译:累积限额aggregated loss 英文翻译:累积损失antiselection 英文翻译:逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer)英文翻译:新型风险转移 balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 catastrophe risk 巨灾风险 ceiding company 分出公司 cession limit 分保限额 claim-prone 容易出险 claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式 coinsurance 共保 commencement and termination 起讫cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费 destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋 EPA event limit 事件限额 ex gratia payments 通融赔款 excess loss 超额赔款 exclusion 除外责任 exposed areas 风险承受区域 facultative reinsurance 临时分保fault zone 断层区 finite risk 有限制的风险 flash floods 骤发洪水 flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥 frame structure 框架结构 full coverage 全额承保 full insurance value 足额保险价值 full liability 全部责任 Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所GNPI 总净保费收入 hailstorm 雹暴 heavy damage 严重破坏4保险英语词汇翻译 险种及险别 险种 health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险 sickness insurance 疾病保险 insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险insurance for medical care 医疗保险 "major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险 life insurance 人寿保险 endowment insurance 养老保险 insurance on last survivor 长寿保险 social insurance 社会保险 personal property insurance 个人财产保险 insurance of contents 家庭财产保险 险别 Free from Particular Average(F.P.A.)平安险 With Particular Average (W.P.A.)水渍险 All Risks 一切险 risk of breakage 破碎险 risk of clashing 碰损险 risk of rust 生锈险 risk of hook damage 钩损险 risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险 insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险 risk of deterioration 变质险 risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险 risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险 risk of normal loss (natural loss) 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险 risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险 insurance against war risk 战争险 Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险 insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险 insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险 risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TPND) 盗窃提货不着险 risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险 risk of leakage 渗漏险 risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险


劳动与社会保障专业词汇汇总劳动经济学Labour Economics/ Industrial Relation Studies 劳动心理学Labor Psychology 福利经济学Welfare Economics 社会政策Social Policy 公共管理Public Management 社会保护Social Protection 劳动法Labour Law 劳动关系Labour Relations 劳动合同Labour Contract 劳资谈判Collective Bargaining 劳资纠纷labor Dispute 劳动统计Labour Statistics 劳动指标Labour Indicators 就业指标Employment Indicators 社会保障指标Social Security Indicators 就业Employment 劳动力labor force 经济活动人口Economically Active Population 就业人口Employment Population 在业人口Working Population 劳动力参与率Labor Force Participation Rate 就业登记Employment Registration 再就业Re-employment 非正规就业Informal Employment 灵活就业Flexible Employment 自雇者Self-employment 失业Unemployment / Jobless 失业率Unemployment Rate / Jobless Rate


电力电子专业英语 1、元件设备 三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrCln Trans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblCl mnTrans 电容器:Capacitor 并联电容器:shunt capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 母线:Bus bar 输电线:Transmission Line 发电厂:power plant 断路器:Breaker 刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator

功角:power-angle 电压等级:voltage grade 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper loss 空载电流:no-load current 阻抗:impedance 正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance 电阻:resistance 电抗:reactance 电导:conductance 电纳:susceptance 导纳:admittance

无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad 有功负载: active load PLoad 遥测:YC(telemetering) 遥信:YX 励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current 定子:stator 功角:power-angle 上限:upper limit 下限:lower limit 并列的:apposable 高压: high voltage 低压:low voltage 中压:middle voltage 电力系统 power system 发电机 generator



保险英语,保险词汇共享: acceptance policy 英文翻译:核保政策accounting period 英文翻译:结算期aggregate limit 英文翻译:累积限额aggregated loss 英文翻译:累积损失antiselection 英文翻译:逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer)英文翻译:新型风险转移 balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 catastrophe risk 巨灾风险 ceiding company 分出公司 cession limit 分保限额 claim-prone 容易出险 claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式 coinsurance 共保 commencement and termination 起讫cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费 destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋 EPA event limit 事件限额 ex gratia payments 通融赔款 excess loss 超额赔款 exclusion 除外责任 exposed areas 风险承受区域facultative reinsurance 临时分保fault zone 断层区 finite risk 有限制的风险 flash floods 骤发洪水 flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥 frame structure 框架结构 full coverage 全额承保 full insurance value 足额保险价值 full liability 全部责任 Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所GNPI 总净保费收入 hailstorm 雹暴 heavy damage 严重破坏4保险英语词汇翻译 险种及险别 险种 health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险 sickness insurance 疾病保险 insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险insurance for medical care 医疗保险 "major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险 life insurance 人寿保险 endowment insurance 养老保险 insurance on last survivor 长寿保险 social insurance 社会保险 personal property insurance 个人财产保险 insurance of contents 家庭财产保险 险别 Free from Particular Average(F.P.A.)平安险 With Particular Average (W.P.A.)水渍险 All Risks 一切险 risk of breakage 破碎险 risk of clashing 碰损险 risk of rust 生锈险 risk of hook damage 钩损险 risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险 insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险 risk of deterioration 变质险 risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险 risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险 risk of normal loss (natural loss) 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险 risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险 insurance against war risk 战争险 Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险 insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险 insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险 risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TPND) 盗窃提货不着险 risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险 risk of leakage 渗漏险 risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险


社会保障Social Security 社会保险Social Insurance ?参保participation in social insurance scheme ?参保人the insured ?个人缴费比例ratio of individual contribution ?个人账户individual account ?个人账户储存额deposit amount of individual accounts ?个人账户基金fund for individual accounts ?个人账户基金结余surplus in fund for individual accounts ?个人账户计息利率interest rate for calculation of interest of individual accounts ?社会保险机构Social security institution ?社会保险业务经办Social Insurance Operation ?在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas. 1.养老 ?养老保险retirement insurance ?养老保险制度the old-age insurance system ?基本养老金basic pensions ?农村养老保险Old-age Insurance in Rural Area ?法定退休年龄statutory retirement age ?个人储蓄性养老保险old-age insurance by personal savings


第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语Specialty English 3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程Civil Engineering 5 地下工程Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程Port Engineering 13 安全性safety 17木结构timber structure 18 砌体结构masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋rebar 25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure 29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure 30 近海工程offshore engineering 31 静力学statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁simply supported beam 35 固定支座fixed bearing 36弹性力学elasticity 37 塑性力学plasticity 38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics 40 土力学soil mechanics 41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力concentrated force 45 压力pressure 46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 47 均布压力uniform pressure 48 体力body force 49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load 51 弯矩bending moment 52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress 54 应变stain 55 正应力normal stress 56 剪应力shearing stress 57 主应力principal stress 58 变形deformation 59 内力internal force 60 偏移量挠度deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳buckle 63 轴力axial force 64 允许应力allowable stress 65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis 66 梁beam 67 壳shell 68 板plate 69 桥bridge 70 桩pile 71 主动土压力active earth pressure 72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity 74 水位water Height 75 位移displacement 76 结构力学structural mechanics 77 材料力学material mechanics 78 经纬仪altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科discipline 81 子学科sub-discipline 82 期刊journal ,periodical 83文献literature 84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号 85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号 86 卷volume 87 期number 88 专着monograph 89 会议论文集Proceeding 90 学位论文thesis, dissertation 91 专利patent 92 档案档案室archive 93 国际学术会议conference 94 导师advisor 95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis 96 博士研究生doctorate student 97 研究生postgraduate 98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引 99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目title 102 摘要abstract 103 全文full-text 104 参考文献reference 105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词Subject 107 关键字keyword 108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会 109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署


保险英语,保险词汇共享: acceptance policy 英文翻译:核保政策 accounting period 英文翻 译:结算期 aggregate limit 英文翻译: 累积限额 aggregated loss 英文翻译: 累积损失 antiselection 英文翻译:逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer)英文翻译: 新型风 险转移 balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 4保险英语词汇翻译 险种及险别 险种 health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险 sickness insurance 疾病保险 insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险 insurance for medical care 医疗保险 "major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险 life insurance 人寿保险 endowment insurance 养老保险 insurance on last survivor 长寿保险 social insurance 社会保险 personal property insurance 个人财 产保险

catastrophe risk 巨灾风险ceiding company 分出公司cession limit 分保限额claim-prone 容易出险claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式coinsurance 共保commencement and termination 起讫 cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋insurance of contents 家庭财产保险险别 All Risks 一切险 risk of breakage 破碎险 risk of clashing 碰损险 risk of rust 生锈险 risk of hook damage 钩损险 risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险 insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险 risk of deterioration 变质险 risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险

中国社会保障英文关键词(keywords on social security)

社会保障制度: Social security system 社会保障体系: Social security system 商业保险:Commercial insurance 慈善事业:Charity 补充保障:Supplemental Security 养老保险: Old age insurance 社会排斥:Social exclusion 社会对抗: Social resistance 医疗保障: Health security 医疗卫生:Medical treatment and public health 医疗保险: Health insurance 公费医疗: Public medical services 社会救助: Social assistance 社会福利: Social welfare services 社会服务: Social services 失业保险: Unemployment insurance 工伤保险: Work injury insurance 生育保险:Maternity insurance 军人保障:Military personnel security 军人保险: Military personnel insurance 军人抚恤: Military Personnel preferential treatment 军人安置: Military Personnel placement 老年人福利:Welfare for the elderly 残疾人福利:welfare for the disabled 妇女福利:Women welfare 儿童福利:Child welfare 职业福利:Occupational welfare 其他保障:Other security 专项救助:Special Assistance 社会救济:Social relief 护理保险:Long-term care insurance 社会保险项目: Social insurance programs 住房福利:Housing welfare services 住房公积金:Housing provident fund 教育福利: Education welfare services 灾害救济:Disaster relief 最低生活保障制度:The minimum living standard guarantee system 社会统筹:Social pooling 个人账户:Individual accounts 单位:Work unit 机关:State organs 事业单位:Public institutions 企业:enterprise 五保(供养)制度: The five guarantees system 国家—单位保障制:State-work unit security system 国家-社会保障制:State-social security system 国有企业改革: the reform of state-owned enterprises 覆盖面:Coverage 劳动合同制度: Labor contract system 市场经济体制: The market economy system 待业保险: Job-waiting subsidy 计划经济: The planned economy 分配: Distribution 收入分配: Income distribution 劳资双方: employee and employer 改革开放: Reform and opening-up 经济社会转型期: Economic and social transition period 下岗:Lay-off 下岗职工: Laid-off workers 社会化:Socialization 多元化:Diversification 合同制工人: Contract workers 离退休人员:Retirees 农民工: Migrant workers 城镇户口: Urban hukou 公益事业:Public welfare programs 文化大革命: Cultural Revolution 扶贫开发poverty alleviation and development 传统社会救济traditional social relief 灾害救助disaster assistance 医疗救助medical assistance 教育救助education assistance
