


Unit 1 Module 4


1.(n.)成就,功绩2.(n.) 项目;工程3.(n.) 连接,关系4.(n.) 组织;机构5.(vi.& vt.) 举止,举动6.(adj.) 值得做的

7. (vt.) 观察;注意到,观测

8. (v.) 尊重,尊敬9.(v.) 争论;辩论10.(n.) 娱乐,款待11. (v.) 鼓舞;激发12.(v.) 支持;拥护

13. (n.) 联系;关系

14. (adj) 直言的;坦诚

15. (v.) 谈到;查阅16.(n.) 荫;阴凉处

17. (n.) 一代;一辈18.(vt.) 递送,生小孩

19. (adj.) 谦虚的;谦让的






















1. 打扮成

2. 关心





7. 获得博士学位


10. 意味着(做)某事




14. 接生






20. 查阅,参考,提到













1. He has never shown much ____________for his wife’s need.However, a husband should be _________of his wife. (consider)

2. The workers_________for the right to strike and finally they agreed without much further ________ (argue)

3. I’ve ________only half of what I’d hoped to do, so I can not celebrate the ___________ achievement of my aims. (achieve)

4. I came with every _____________to stay, but it didn’t turn out as I _________.(intend)

5. The teacher who escaped the ___________of Tom’s leaving made no comment. But John ___________how he left. (observe)

6. My father always _________ me to study English well and thanks to his __________, I become a major in English now.(encourage)

7.You must learn to _______ yourself because rude _________will somehow affect your progress in your career.(behave)


























1. One-third of the area _____ covered with green trees. About seventy percent of the trees _____ been planted.

A. are; have

B. is; has

C. is; have

D. are; has

2. The number of teachers in our college _____ greatly increased last term.A number of teachers in this school _____ from the countryside.

A. was; is

B. was; are

C. were; are

D. were; is

3. What _____ the population of China? One-third of the population _____ workers here.

A. is; are

B. are; are

C. is; is

D. are; is

4. Not only he but also we _____ right. He as well as we _____ right.

A. are; are

B. are; is

C. is; is

D. is; are

5. What h e’d like _____ a digital watch. What he’d like _____ textbooks.

A. are; are

B. is; is

C. is; are

D. are; is

6. He is one of the boys who _____ here on time. He is the only one of the boys who _____ here on time.

A. has come; have come

B. have come; has come

C. has come; has come

D. have come; have come

7. Either you or he _____ interested in playing chess. _____ you or he fond of music at present?

A. are; Are

B. is; Are

C. are; Is

D. is; Is

8. Many a professor _____ looking forward to visiting Germany now. Many scientists _____ studied animals and plants in the last two years.

A. is; have

B. is; has

C. are; have

D. is; are

9. A knife and a fork _____ on the table. A knife and fork _____ on the table.

A. is; is

B. are; are

C. are; is

D. is; are

10. Her family _____ much larger than mine four years ago. Her family _____ dancing and singing when I came in last night.

A. were; was

B. was; were

C. was; was

D. were; were

11. How and why Jack came to China _____ not known. When and where to build the new

library _____ not been decided.

A. is; has

B. are; has

C. is; have

D. are; have

12. Now Tom together with his classmates _____ football on the playground.

A. play

B. are playing

C. plays

D. is playing

13. Two hundred and fifty pounds _____ too unreasonable a price for a second-hand car.

A. is

B. are

C. were

D. be

14. All but Dick _____ in Class Three this term.

A. are

B. is

C. were

D. was

15. Soon after the earthquake, every man, woman and child _____ about it.

A. were talking

B. was talking

C. talk

D. talks

16. We each _____ strong points and each of us on the other hand _____ weak points.

A. have; have

B. has; have

C. has; has

D. have; has

17. My friend and classmate Paul _____ motorcycles in his spare time.

A. race

B. races

C. is raced

D. is racing

18. There _____ a pen, two pencils, and three books on the desk.

A. are

B. is

C. has

D. have

19. The factory, including its machines and buildings, _____ burnt last night.

A. is

B. are

C. were

D. was

20. Climbing hills _____ of great help to health.

A. is

B. are

C. were

D. be

21. Time and tide _____ for no man.

A. wait

B. waited

C. is waiting

D. has waited

22. As I have a meeting at four, ten minutes _____ all that I can spare to talk with you.

A. are

B. was

C. is

D. were

23. It is not J. K. Rowling but her works that _____ us excited.

A. makes

B. is made

C. make

D. are made

24. On the closet _____ a pair of trousers his parents bought for his birthday.

A. lying

B. lies

C. lie

D. is laid

25. Each man and each woman _____ asked to help when the fire broke out.

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. were

26. About 60 percent of the students _____ from the south; the rest of them _____ from the north and foreign countries.

A. are; is

B. is; is

C. is; are

D. are; are


1. 几天前, 我碰巧与我的一位朋友在街上偶然相遇。

2. 他过着艰苦的生活。

3. 我们谈话的时候提到了他的叔叔。

4. 他说决定下个月启程去他叔叔家。

5. 因为穷, 他怕被人瞧不起。

6. 他说只有过富裕的生活, 他才能感到一丝安慰。

7. 他叔叔死后, 他将继续他的事业。

8. 一旦接手, 他愿意将所有的精力花在他叔叔的公司上。

________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 六、语言综合运用训练(完成下面两道题中的任意一题)


Li Ming ___________in the mayor’s report is a specialist in women’s diseases.Being very famous,he never ___________ young doctors.Instead,he______________________https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d1574008.html,st week,I ___________ him in the library ___________ and saw him reading a book on how to ___________ safely and how to act properly _____________.When asked whether he wanted to earn a lot of money after he became famous,he said he _____________ money and what he desired is to ___________ as ordinary people and _______________ others. He added that only when we _____________a simple life could we become the master of money and ___________ our work.




________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________



________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________


1. Born in America, in June, 1880, Helen Keller was one of the greatest women in the 20th century.海伦·凯勒于1880年6月出生于美国, 是二十世纪杰出的女性之一。

2. Born into a poor family, she had little schooling.她出生贫穷, 只受过很少的教育。

3. Deng Yaping whose hobby is playing pingpong has devoted herself to the sports after graduation. 邓亚萍的爱好是打乒乓球,毕业后一直从事体育事业。

4. In 2002, she was admitted to Cambridge University where she majored in economics. 2002年她考取剑桥大学, 在那主修经济学。

5. As a dedicated official, Deng Yaping sets a good example to us/sets us a good example, so all of us show great respect to her. 作为一名富有献身精神的官员,邓亚萍给我们树立了一个良好的榜样,所以我们都很敬重她。

6. With great determination and perseverance, she commits to helping the blind and deaf children, which makes a great contribution to the charity.

凭着无比的决心和毅力, 她全身心帮助盲聋儿童, 为慈善事业作出了重大贡献。

7. Famous as she is, she cares little for money and fame.虽然很出名, 但她却不计名利。

8. She is honored and known as“Mother of Charity” in the world.


9. After 1955, she was engaged in charity and became a famous person at home and abroad. 1955年后, 她从事于慈善事业, 成为国内外知名人士。


A ★★★☆☆

Not many women have won the Nobel Peace Prize. Until 2004, no African woman ever had. That was when Dr. Wangari Maathai won it — for planting trees. You might ask, what do trees have to do with peace?

“Many wars are fought over resources(资源),” Dr. Maathai said as she accepted the prize. “If we conserve resources better, the fighting will stop.”

Dr. Maathai was born in Kenya in 1940. Unlike most African women, she went to school. High school woke up a hunger in her for more knowledge. She went to college in Kansas and earned a master’s degree in science from the University of Pittsburgh. She became the first Kenyan woman ever to earn a Ph.D. Later, Dr. Maathai taught animal science at Kenya’s University of Nairobi.

As an educated woman, Dr. Maathai feels responsible for leading others. Dr. Maathai started her work in 1977 by planting nine trees in her backyard in Kenya. Trees are important in Africa for several reasons. First, they keep soil from eroding (流失) into streams, thus cutting down on pollution and improving the soil. Second, trees provide firewood. So many trees have been cut down in Africa that women must walk far from home to find wood for cooking. New trees can also keep deserts from spreading.

Dr. Maathai’s Green Belt Movement pays local women for every tree they plant that is still alive three months later. In its first 15 years, the Green Belt Movement employed at least 50,000 women and planted more than 10 million trees. Following Dr. Maathai’s example, the Kenyan government increased its own tree-planting efforts. The movement has spread to 30 countries in Africa.

When the land and people’s lives have improved, Dr. Maathai says, peace will follow.

21. The underlined word “conserve” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_____”.

A. use

B. protect

C. find

D. provide

22. Dr. Wangari Maathai is the first African woman to _____.

A. win the Nobel Peace Prize

B. encourage people to plant trees

C. get a master’s degree in science

D. realize the power of knowledge

23. What’s Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. The importance of trees.

B. How trees prevent pollution.

C. How planting trees works in Africa.

D. The history of tree-planting in Africa.

24. The Green Belt Movement _____.

A. aims to provide job opportunities for women

B. attracted the world’s attention to Africa

C. pays for every newly-planted tree

D. covered a large area in Africa

B ★★★☆☆

Sam Martin, 24, from Belfast

I do all my shopping on Christmas Eve because I prefer to get it done quickly. I certainly don’t enjoy shopping. It doesn’t matter when I shop —I probably won’t buy gifts that people will want anyway. I just look at what’s f or sale and choose from whatever is there. I am never disappointed because I never have any idea what to buy anyone before I get to the shop, and I don’t care about getting it at the best price.

Lucy Collins, 34, from Liverpool

I’ve always finished al l my shopping by the middle of August. I buy when things are cheap and when I can afford to. I also enjoy trying to buy as many gifts as possible at less than the full price. This year, I’ve spent £230 and saved £695 on the prices.

I think Christmas is a magical time so I like looking for gifts throughout the year. I also like knowing I’ve bought presents that people will enjoy, rather than picking through whatever is left in the shops on Christmas Eve.

Frankie Bircham, 31, from Hertfordshire

I’ve always finished shopping by the end of September. I like the satisfaction of giving people presents they want —I don’t like “Oh, that’ll do”. I prefer to buy online so I can compare prices to make sure I’m getting the best possible deal. It’s cheaper t han travelling into London to go shopping and I can easily return anything I don’t like when it arrives. Andi Euridge, 40, from London

I start my shopping in January and have always finished it by November. I don’t like online shopping because then you have the craziness of parcels not arriving in time.

I live on a tight budget (预算) and I cannot afford to buy all my gifts with one month’s pay. So I prefer picking up a present here and there throughout the year.

25. We can learn from the text that Sam Martin _____.

A. is an organized shopper

B. hates shopping in a hurry

C. always buys presents at a discount

D. enjoys doing some last-minute shopping

26. What do Lucy Collins and Frankie Bircham have in common?

A. They do shopping when the shops are quiet.

B. They care about the receivers’ feelings.

C. They choose presents everywhere.

D. They like online shopping.

27. Why does Andi Euridge dislike online shopping?

A. It makes him run over budget.

B. It’s not much cheaper than sh ops.

C. Returning the goods troubles him.

D. It causes anxiety when parcels don’t arrive in time.

28. Who gets Christmas presents prepared first?

A. Lucy Collins.

B. Sam Martin.

C. Andi Euridge.

D. Frankie Bircham.

Unit1 Module 4英语导学案参考答案



2. project

3. Connection

4. organization

5. behave


7. observe

8. Respect

9. Argue 10. entertainment 11.inspire 12. Support 13. connection 14. outspoken 15. refer 16. shade 17. generation 18. Delivery 19. modest 20. emergency 21. 福利;幸福;福利事业22. 协会;学院23. 专家24. 运动25. 行为;习性26. 巢,窝27. 观察;监视28. 童年时期29. 论证;论据30.群众31. 观众;听众32. 比率33. 疾病34. 打算;想要35. 仁慈;好意36. 体贴的37. 考虑38. 决心;果断39. (非洲的)黑猩猩40. 灵感;鼓舞


1.dress as

2. concerned oneself with

3. fight for

4. devote ... to

5. put to death

6. say to oneself

7. gain a doctor’s degree

8. communicate with

9. in the shade of 10. mean doing 11. move off 12. it’s worthwhile to do/doing 13. observe sb doing 14. deliver a baby 15. be outspoken about 16. crowd in 17. work out

18. lead a life 19. focus on 20. refer to 21. be content with 22. be intended for 23. come across 24. carry on doing sth 25. encourage sb. to do 26. in an emergency 27. place ... second to 28. it hits sb. (that) 29. look down upon/on 30. care little for

31. lead a quiet life 32. do something beneficial to


答案:1.consideration, considerate 2.argued, argument 3.achieved, achievement






(1)1.Neither of us has seen the film.

2.There is a book and three pens on the desk.

3.Either he or I is going there.

4.Neither the students nor the teacher knows this matter.

5.Our family are spending the weekend together.

6.Many a student has been to Shanghai.

7.More than one student has ever been to Beijing.

8.Each boy and each girl has got a seat.

9. Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes.

10.Mike with his father has been to England.

11.Each of them has an English dictionary.


1-5 CBABC 6-10 BBACB 11-15 ADAAB 16-20 DBBDA 21-26 ACCBBD

1. “分数或百分数+of the+名词或代词”作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于名词或代词的单、复数形式。

2. “the number of+名词”作主语,谓语动词常用单数形式。“a number of+名词” 作主语,


3. “分数或百分数+of the population”作主语,谓语动词常用复数形式。

4. or, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also等(关联)连词连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的数按“就近原则”处理。注意:即使在疑问句中,动词的数也应与最近的主语保持一致。as well as连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的数应与前一主语保持一致。

5. what引导的名词性从句作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。但当作表语的名词为复数,或what从句是一个具有复数意义的并列结构时,谓语动词常用复数形式,如:What I say and think are no business of yours.

6. 在“one of +复数名词+定语从句”的结构中,定语从句中谓语动词常用复数;在“the (only)one of +复数名词+定语从句”的结构中,定语从句中谓语动词常用单数。8. “many a +单数名词,more than one+单数名词”作主语,尽管从意义上看是复数,但谓语常用单数形式。

9. 通常情况下,由and或both…and连接两个单数形式的名词(词组)作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。当并列主语在意义上指同一人、同一物、同一事或同一概念时,谓语动词则常用单数形式。

10. 第一句的her family应理解为“她的家庭”;第二句中的her family应理解为“她一家人”。

12. 当主语后有together with, but, rather than, including等引导的词组时,谓语动词的数由主语的数来决定。

13. 表示度量、时间等的复数名词作主语时,往往把其看作一个整体,谓语动词采用单数形式。

16. 第一空前each作同位语,不影响谓语动词的数;第二空each为主语部分的中心词,谓语动词应用单数形式。

18. There be句型中,谓语动词的数按“就近原则”处理。

20. 非谓语动词短语作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。

21. Time and tide wait(s) for no man.时不待人。

22. C 主语ten minutes表示时间,被视为一个整体,为单数形式。全句是现在时。

23. C works为复数,用work。

24. 题干为倒装结构。a pair of trousers为主语部分的中心词,谓语动词应用单数形式。

25. each...each..., every...every...或no...no...连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。

26. “the rest of +名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于of后面的名词或代词的单、复数形式。



1.The other day, I came across one of my friends on the street by chance.

2. He lived a hard life.

3. He referred to his uncle in our conversation.

4. He said he decided to move off to his uncle’s home next month.

5. Being poor, he is afraid of being looked down upon.

6. He said only by living a wealthy life can he feel a bit comfortable.

7. He will carry on his uncle’s business after his death.

8. Once he got it, he would like to devote himself to his uncle’s company.


The other day, I came across one of my friends on the street by chance, who lived a hard life. He referred to his uncle in our conversation and told me he decided to move off to his uncle’s home next month. Being poor, he is afraid of being looked down upon, so he wants to live a rich life. He said only by living a wealthy life can he feel a bit comfortable. He will carry on his uncle’s business after his death and once he got it he would like to devote himself to his uncle’s company.


Li Ming referred to in the mayor’s report is a specialist in women’s diseases.Being very famous,he never looks down on young doctors.Instead,he shows great kindness and consideration to https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d1574008.html,st week,I came across him in the library by chance and saw him reading a book on how to deliver a baby safely and how to act properly in an emergency.When asked whether he wanted to earn a lot of money after he became famous,he said he cared little for money and what he desired is to live a quiet life as ordinary people and do something beneficial to others. He added that only when we were content with a simple life could we become the master of money and focus on our work. 语篇写作

Born in Poland in 1867, Madame Curie, a French physicist, showed great interest in physics when she was young. At that time she worked very hard but women were not admitted to universities in Poland, so she was determined to go and study in Paris University where she succeeded in taking a first class degree in physics in 1893. In 1895, she married Pierre Curie with whom she worked together on the research into radioactive matter. In 1904 she and her husband received the Nobel Prize for Physics and in 1911, she received a second Nobel Prize for chemistry. In a word, Madame Curie is regarded as the great scientist who is the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel Prizes.



21-25 BAADD 26-28 BDA


高中英语黄金阅读(高一版) 习俗类 (1) In the US, people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don’t know. This means a hostess may not seat a small group until a small table is available, even if a large one is. If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know, it is impolite to light up a cigarette without asking if it will disturb them. At American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water before you order. You may find the bread and butter is free, and if you order coffee, you may get a free refill. Most cities and towns have no rules about opening and closing time for stores or restaurants, though they usually do make rules for bars. Especially in large cities, stores may be open 24 hours a day. Serving in restaurants is often large; too large for many people. If you can’t finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a “doggie bag”. It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everybody knows you’re taking the food for yourself. Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal. Some people have “Sunday dinner”. This is an especially big noon meal. Tips are not usually added to the check. They are not included in the price of the meal, either. A tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave. In some restaurants, a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there. Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change. 1. Which statement is true? A. American people like sitting with people they don’t know. B. A hostess always seats a small group at a large table. C. American people never sit with people they don’t know. D. American people would not light a cigarette if the people who sit at the same table mind their smoking. 2. What is served before you order? A. bread B. butter C. coffee D. cold water 3. What do American people always do when servings are too large for them? A. They take the food home with a doggie bag for their dogs. B. They leave the food on the table and go away. C. They take the food home with a doggie bag and enjoy the food later. D. They ask the waitress or waiter to keep the food for them. 4. Sunday dinner is_______. A. a dinner in the evening B. A big noon meal C. a big lunch on Sunday D. A supper on Sunday 【答案解析】本文介绍了美国人在外就餐时的风俗习惯。 1. D。细节题。根据第一段及关键句…it is impolite to light up a cigarette without asking if it will disturb them 可知 A、B、C 与原文不相符,同时关键句告诉我们“未


牛津高中英语必修一词汇表 Unit 1 enjoyable / enjoy/ enjoyment adj.有乐趣的/vt.喜爱,享有/n.愉快,乐趣,令人愉快事experience /experienced n.&vt经历,体验/adj.老练的,有经验的assembly n.集会,会议 headmaster n.校长 earn vt. 获得;赚,挣得 earn a/one's living 谋生 respect / respectable n. vt.尊敬,敬重/adj.值得尊敬的,体面的 show/have respect for 尊敬/敬重… with respect 尊敬地 respect sb/sth for…因…敬重/尊重某人或某物 devote /devoted vt.致力于;献身/adj.专心致志的,挚爱的 devote oneself to 献身于 devote one's time/energy to…把时间/精力奉献于… literature n.文学 average adj.一般的,普通的;平均的n.平均数,一般水平 on average 平均的 above/below average 在平均水平以上/以下 struggle vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎,n. 难事;斗争;努力struggle for 为…而斗争 struggle with/against 与…而斗争

struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来 challenging /challenge adj.具有挑战性的/n.&vt.挑战encouragement /encourage n.鼓励/vt.鼓励 an encouragement to sb 对某人来说是一个鼓励 cooking / cooker/ cook n.做饭;烹饪,烹调/n.炊具/n.厨师 for free 免费 extra adj.额外的,外加的 fond adj. 喜爱的,喜欢的 be fond of 喜爱,喜欢 Spanish n. adj.班牙语(的);西班牙人(的)sculpture n.雕像,雕塑 dessert n. 甜点 look back (on) 回忆,回顾 satisfaction / satisfy /satisfied n.满意/vt.满足,使满意/adj.满意的/adj.令人满意的/satisfactory to one's satisfaction 令人满意的是 surf vt. vi.冲浪 academic adj. 学业的,学术的 exchange n. vt. 交换;交流 in exchange for 作为…的交换 exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物 exchange sth for sth 以…交换...


Unit 1 achievement n. 成就;功绩 △Joan of Arc 圣女贞德 △Elizabeth Fry 伊丽莎白.弗赖伊 (英国慈善家) △Quaker n. 教友派信徒;贵格会会员welfare n. 福利;福利事业 project n. 项目;工程;规划 institute n. 学会;学院;协会 △China Welfare Institute 中国福利基金会specialist n. 专家;专业工作者specialize vi. 专攻;专门从事;专注于 △Jane Goodall 简.古道尔(英国动物学家) △chimp n. (非洲)黑猩猩 connection n. 连接;关系 human being 人类 △Jody Williams 乔迪.威廉斯 (美国诺贝尔和平奖得者)campaign n. 运动;战役 vi. 作战;参加运动 △landmine n. 地雷 organization n. 组织;机构;团体 △Gombe National Park 贡贝国家公园behave vt. & vi. 举动;(举止或行为)表现behaviour (=behavior) 行为;举止;习性shade n. 荫;阴凉处 vt. 遮住光线 move off 离开;起程;出发 worthwhile adj. 值得的;值得做的 nest n. 巢;窝 bond n. 联系;关系;结合;纽带observe vt. 观察;观测;遵守observation n. 观察;观测 childhood n. 童年;幼年时代 outspoken adj. 直言的;坦诚 respect vt. & n. 尊敬;尊重;敬意 argue vt. & vi. 讨论;辩论;争论 argument n. 争论;争辩;争吵 entertainment n. 款待;娱乐;娱乐表演 lead a … life 过着……的生活 crowd n. 人群;观众 vt. 挤满;使拥挤 crowd in (想法、问题等)涌上心头; 涌入脑海 inspire vt. 鼓舞;激发;启示 inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞 support n. & vt. 支持;拥护 look down upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起 refer vi. 谈到;查阅;参考 refer to查阅;参考;谈到 audience n. 观众;听众;读者 by chance碰巧;凑巧 come across (偶然)遇见;碰见 △career n. 事业;生涯 rate n. 比率;速度 sickness n. 疾病;恶心 intend vt. 计划;打算 emergency n. 突发事件;紧急情况 generation n. 一代;一辈 △determination n. 决心;果断 kindness n. 仁慈;好意 considerate adj. 考虑周到的 consideration n. 考虑;体谅 deliver vt. 递送;生(小孩儿);接生; 发表(演说等) carry on 继续;坚持 modest adj. 谦虚的;谦让的;适度的Unit 2 statistic n. (常用pl statistics)数据;统计; 统计数字;统计资料 sunburnt adj. 晒黑的 struggle vt. & vi. 斗争;拼搏;努力decade n. 十年;十年期 super adj. 特级的;超级的 △hybrid adj. 混合的;杂种的 n. 杂交种;混血儿output n. 产量;输出 △strain n.(植物的)品种;种类 crop n. 庄稼;农作物;产量 hunger n. 饥饿;欲望 vt. & vi. (使)饥饿 disturbing adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的expand vt. & vi. 使变大;伸展circulate vt. & vi. 循环;流传


[教案]_[人教新课标]高一英语必修一unit1全单元学案[教案] [人教新课标]高一英语必修一unit1全单元学案 英语, 单元, 必修 Unit1 Friendship 学习知识清单: 对于要学的知识做到心中有底,这样才能更好的安排自己的学习步骤和学习时间,愿知识清 单能够更好的帮助你进行自主学习~ 我们将要熟悉的话题: Friends and friendship; interpersonal relationships 我们将要掌握的词汇及词组: add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habit add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in 我们将要运用的语言功能: 1. 态度(attitudes) Are you afraid that …? I’ve grown so crazy about …. I di dn’t dare ….


模块一 Unit1 enjoyable adj.有趣的, 愉快的 experience n. 经历, 经验vt. 经历, 体验 assembly n. 集合, 集会, 装配 headmaster n. (中小学的)校长 earn vt. 赚得, 赢得, 生利 respect n. 尊敬, 敬重; 关系, 方面vt. 尊敬, 尊重; 关于, 涉及devote vt. 投入于,献身 literature n. 文学, 文献 average n. 平均数,平均水平 adj. 一般的,通常的,平均的 vt. &vi.平均值,达到平均水平 struggle n. 竞争,努力,奋斗v. 努力,奋斗,挣扎challenging adj.具有挑战性的;引起兴趣的;令人深思的 v.挑战,质疑(challenge的现在分词) encouragement n. 鼓励 cooking adj. 烹饪的 n. 烹饪动词(cook的现在分词) for free adj. 免费 extra adj. 额外的adv. 特别地n. 额外的事物,另外收费的Spanish adj. 西班牙的n. 西班牙语 sculpture n. 雕塑vt. 雕刻,雕塑vi. 当雕刻师 dessert n. 甜食 look back (on) 回忆,回顾 satisfaction n. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信 surf n. 海浪拍岸,冲浪 vi. 冲浪,浏览vt. 浏览 academic n. 教学人员,学术人adj. 学院的,理论的,学术性的exchange n. 交换,交换物,汇兑,交易所vt. &vi. 交换,交易,兑换former adj. 以前的,在前的, 前任的pron.&n. 前者 n. 模型,样板,构成者,创造者,起形成作用的人,[无线]线圈架 fluent adj. 流利的,流畅的 painting n. 水彩画,油画 donate vt. 捐赠,转移(电子) vi. 捐款


2020年新人教版高中英语必修一导学案全套 Welcome Unit Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking 导学案 【学习目标】 1.学会本节单词、短语。 2.掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习重难点】 掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习过程】 一、词汇学习 1. get to know 逐渐了解 2. exchange n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换 3. lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;交易;兑换 4. registration n. 讲座;注册;挂号 5. sex n.性别 6. nationality n. 国籍;民族 7. anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的 8. annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的 9. frightened adj.惊吓的,害怕的 10. senior adj.级别(或地位)高的n.较年长的人 11. outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的 12. impression n.印象;感想 13. awkward adj. 令人尴尬的;难对付的 14. junior adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年 15. explore vt.&vi. 探索,勘探 16. confident adj.自信的;有把握的

17. designer n. 设计师;构思者 二、知识运用 1. exchange 词性:________ 意思:__________ 词性:________ 意思:__________ 短语搭配: in exchange (for......)作为(与.......的)交换 exchange A for B 以A交换B;把A兑换成B exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交流/交换某物 exchange opinion/ideas/views 交流意见/想法/看法 练习:The School of Life has a large number of professional staff who are willing to meet up with you for an hour of chat in exchange ______ a small fee. 2. designer (1)词性:_________ 意思:________ (2)词性:_________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:make designs for.....为......做设计 by design(=on purpose)故意地 design sth. for.......为......设计某物 be designer to do.......旨在做.......,用于做........ 练习:Lucy was born on January 30th, 1998, when her sister got married to a fashion_____(design). 3. anxious 词性:__________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:be anxious for sb./about sth. 为某人/某事担心/担忧 be anxious for......渴望........ be anxious (for sth.) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事 be anxious that.......渴望(从句谓语用“should + 动词原形”,should 可以省略) 练习:She lost her job last month. Therefore, she is anxious_______ (find) a new job.


Unit 1 Women of achievement 1. Target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote ... to b. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. P2 Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move. P2 But the evening makes it all worthwhile. P2 ... we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. P2 2. Ability goals a. Learn Warming Up, and know how to tell the great women and the famous women. b. Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like and so on. 3. Learning ability goals Teach Ss how to describe a person. Teaching important points a. By reading A protector of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: b. Ask students to answer these questions: 1) What made her a great success? 2) What should we learn from Jane Goodall? Teaching difficult points Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall. Teaching methods Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion. Teaching aids A computer, a projector and a recorder.


教版高一数学必修一知点 【一】 一、集合及其表示 1、集合的含: “集合” 个首先我想到的是上体育或者开会老常喊的“全体集合”。数学上的“集合”和个意思是一的,只不一个是一个是名而已。 所以集合的含是:某些指定的象集在一起就成一个集合,称集,其中每一个 象叫元素。比如高一二班集合,那么所有高一二班的同学就构成了一个集合,每一个同学就称个集合的元素。 2、集合的表示 通常用大写字母表示集合,用小写字母表示元素,如集合A={a, b ,c}。 a、 b、 c 就是集合 A 中的元素,作a∈ A,相反, d 不属于集合A,作 dA 。 有一些特殊的集合需要: 非整数集 (即自然数集 )N 正整数集N* 或 N+ 整数集 Z 有理数集Q 数集 R 集合的表示方法:列法与描述法。 ①列法: {a,b,c ??} ② 描述法:将集合中的元素的公共属性描述出来。如{xR|x-3>2},{x|x-3>2} ,{(x,y)|y=x2+1} ③言描述法:例:{不是直角三角形的三角形} 例:不等式 x-3>2 的解集是 {xR|x-3>2} 或 {x|x- 3>2} :描述法表示集合注意集合的代表元素 A={(x,y)|y=x2+3x+2} 与 B={y|y=x2+3x+2} 不同。集合 A 中是数元素(x,y),集合 B 中只有元素y。 3、集合的三个特性 (1)无序性 B={2,1},集合A=B。 指集合中的元素排列没有序,如集合A={1,2},集合 例:集合A={1,2},B={a,b},若 A=B,求 a、 b 的。 解:,A=B 注意:有两解。 (2)互异性 指集合中的元素不能重复,A={2,2}只能表示{2} (3)确定性 集合的确定性是指成集合的元素的性必明确,不允有模棱两可、含混不清的情况。 二、集合的基本关系 1.子集, A 包含于 B,:,有两种可能 (1)A 是 B 的一部分, (2)A 与 B 是同一集合, A=B, A、B 两集合中元素都相同。 反之 :集合 A 不包含于集合B,作。 如:集合 A={1,2,3} ,B={1,2,3,4}, C={1,2,3,4},三个集合的关系可以表示,,B=C。A是 C 的子集,同 A 也是 C 的真子集。 2.真子集 :如果 AB, 且 AB 那就集合 A 是集合 B 的真子集,作 AB(或BA)


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 高一英语必修一导学案全集 Unit 1 friendship (1) 课标要求: 知识与技能1. Grasp the commoly used words and expressions related to “Friendship”. 2.Encourage the students to complete some opening given topics. 过程与方法Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion 情感态度与价值观 1.Get the students to realize the importance of friends and friendship. 2.Learn to evaluate friends and friendship. 预习内容: (1) 阅读词汇p92 (from “survey”to “on purpose” (2) 查阅字典----查找描绘朋友的形容词(honest ,friendly….) (3) 认真阅读Page one --- 划出你的问题 同学讨论的问题-----参考《学习指导》 Add Until Go without Get it repaired ask sb to do sth (宾语补足语) Borrow lend keep Concern Walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose. 分词做状语

Get loose get burnt get married (系表) 教师检测的内容: 《学习指导》p1 (1) 单元概览(2)要点预览 我的疑问: 魅力精释: 即时训练: 《学习指导》p1 p2 p4 (短语诠释) 教师反馈: Unit I friendship (2) 课标要求: 知识与技能1. Grasp the commoly used words and expressions related to “Friendship”. 2.Encourage the students to complete some opening given topics. 过程与方法Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion 情感态度与价值观 1.Get the students to realize the importance of friends and friendship. 2.Learn to evaluate friends and friendship. 预习内容: 朗读单词p92 ( from “in order to ”to “item” )


新人教版高中英语课文译文 必修四 第一单元卓有成就的女性 Reading 非洲野生动物研究者 清晨5点45分,太阳刚从东非的贡贝国家公园的上空升起,我们一行人准备按照简研究黑猩猩的方法去森林里拜访它们。简研究这些黑猩猩家族已经很多年了,她帮助人们了解了黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。我们当天的首相任务就是观察黑猩猩一家是如何醒来的。这意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们离开时黑猩猩睡觉的大树旁。大家坐在树荫下等待着,这时候黑猩猩睡醒了,准备离开。然后这群黑猩猩向森林深处漫步而去,我们尾随其后。在大部分时间里,黑猩猩或互相喂食,或彼此擦身,这在它们的家族里是爱的表达方式。简预先提醒我们,到下午的时候我们就会又脏又累。她说对了,但是到了傍晚时分我们就觉得这一切都是值得的。我们看到黑猩猩妈妈跟她的幼子们在树上玩耍,后来看见它们一起回窝里睡觉了。我们明白了黑猩猩家庭成员之间的联系像人类家庭一样紧密。 在简之前没有人完全了解黑猩猩的行为。她花了多年的时间来观察并记录黑猩猩的日常活动。从孩提时代起,简就想在动物生活的环境中研究它们。但是,这不是一件简单的事。当她1960年最初来到贡贝时。对女性来说,住进大森林还是很稀罕的事情。她母亲头几个月来帮过她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。她的工作改变了人们对黑猩猩的看法。比方说,她的一个重要发现是黑猩猩猎食动物。而在此之前,人们一直认为黑猩猩只吃水果和坚果。她曾经亲眼看到

过一群黑猩猩捕杀一只猴子,然后把它吃掉。她还发现了黑猩猩是如何交流的,而她对黑猩猩身势语的研究帮助她勾勒出黑猩猩的社会体系。 40年来,简·古道尔一直在呼吁世人了解并尊重这些动物的生活。她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活,而不是用于娱乐或公告。她还为黑猩猩建起了可以安全生活的专门的保护区,她的生活是忙忙碌碌的,然而,正如她所说的:“我一旦停下来,所有的一切就会涌上心头。我就会想起实验室的黑猩猩,太可怕了。每当我看着野生黑猩猩时,这个念头总是萦绕着我。我会对自己说:…难道它们不幸运吗??然后我就想起了那些没有如何过错却被关在笼子里的小 黑猩猩。一旦你看到这些,你就永远不会忘记……。” 简已经得到了她想要得到的一切:在动物的栖息地工作:获得博士学位;还向世人证明女人和男人一样也能在森林里生活。她激励着人们为妇女们的成就而喝彩。 Using Language 为什么不继承她的事业? 上学时我喜欢英语、生物和化学,但是我进大学该选哪门专业呢?直到有一天晚上坐在电脑旁研究中国的伟大女性时,我才有了答案。 很偶然地,我看到了一篇关于林稚巧大夫的文章。她是妇科专家,1901年生,1983年去世。林稚巧似乎一直都在为自己选择的事业而奔忙,去国外留学,写了很多书和文章。其中有一本书引起了我的注意。这是一本小书,介绍如何从妇女怀孕到护理婴儿的过程中降低死亡率,她提出了一些可以遵循的简单的做法,保持婴儿清洁和健康,让他们远离疾病。她为什么要写这些东西呢?林稚巧认为哪些妇女会需要这些忠告呢?我仔细地看了这篇文章,了解到那是为农村妇女写的。也许是她们在遇到紧急情况时找不到医生。


古之学者必有师。师者,所以传道受业解惑也。人非生而知之者, 古代求学的人一定有老师。老师是传授道理,教授学业,解决疑难问题的人。人不是生下来就懂孰能无惑?惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣。生乎吾前, 得道理的,谁能没有疑惑?有疑惑却不跟从老师学习,他所存在的疑惑,就始终不能解决。在我之前其闻道也固先乎吾,吾从而师之;生乎吾后,其闻道也亦先乎吾, 出生的人,他懂得道理本来就比我早,我跟从他,拜他为师;在我之后出生的人,他懂得道理如果也吾从而师之。吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎? 比我早,我也跟从他学习,把他当作老师,我学习的是道理,哪里管他的年龄比我大还是比我小呢?是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。 因此,不论地位显贵还是地位低下,不论年长年少,道理存在的地方,就是老师存在的地方。 嗟乎!师道之不传也久矣!欲人之无惑也难矣!古之圣人,其出人 唉!从师学习的风尚没有流传已经很久了,想要人们没有疑惑很难呐!古代的圣人,他们超过一也远矣,犹且从师而问焉;今之众人,其下圣人也亦远矣,而耻学于师。 般人很远了,尚且跟从老师向老师请教;现在的一般人,他们跟圣人相比相差很远了,却以向老师学是故圣益圣,愚益愚。圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其 为羞耻。所以圣人就更加圣明,愚人就更加愚昧。圣人之所以成为圣人,愚人之所以成为愚人,大概皆出于此乎!爱其子,择师而教之;于其身也,则耻师焉, 都是这个原因引起的吧!众人喜爱他们的孩子,选择老师教育孩子;他们自己呢,却以从师学习为惑矣。彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读(dòu)者,非吾所谓传其道 耻,这真是糊涂啊!那孩子的老师,教他们读书,学习书中的文句,并不是我所说的给人传授道理,解其惑者也。句读之不知,惑之不解,或师焉,或不(fǒu)焉, 给人解释疑惑的老师。不理解文句,疑惑得不到解决,有的向老师学习,有的却不向老师求教小的方小学而大遗,吾未见其明也。巫医乐师百工之人,不耻相师。 面学习,大的方面却放弃了,我看不出他们有什么明智的呢。医生,乐师及各种工匠,不以互相学习士大夫之族,曰师曰弟子云者,则群聚而笑之。问之, 为耻。士大夫这类人中,如有人称人家为老师,称自己为学生,这些人就聚集在一起嘲笑他。问那些 则曰:“彼与彼年相若也,道相似也。 嘲笑者(嘲笑他的原因),他们就说:"那个人与某人年龄相近,修养和学业也差不多,(怎么能称他位卑则足羞,官盛则近谀。”呜呼!师道 为老师呢?)以地位低的人为师,足以感到羞愧,称官位高的人为师就近于谄媚。"啊!从师学习的之不复,可知矣。巫医乐师百工之人,君子不齿, 风尚不能恢复,由此就可以知道了。医生、乐师及各种工匠,士大夫之类的人是不屑与他们为伍的,今其智乃反不能及,其可怪也欤! 现在士大夫们的智慧反而不如他们。难道值得奇怪吗? 圣人无常师。孔子师郯子(tán)、苌弘、师襄、老聃(dān)。郯子之徒,其贤 圣人没有固定的老师,孔子曾经以郯子、苌弘、师襄、老聃为师。郯子这一类人,他们的道德才不及孔子。孔子曰:三人行,则必有我师。是故弟子不必不如师, 能不如孔子。孔子说:"几个人走在一起,其中就一定有我的老师。"因此学生不一定不如老师不必贤于弟子,闻道有先后,术业有专攻,如是而已。 师,老师也不一定比弟子强,听闻道理有先有后,学问和技艺上各有各的主攻方向,像这样罢了。


Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading&Comprehending 学习目标》1.深入理解课文,掌握课文中基础知识,培养快速阅读、整体理解的能力。2.自主学习,合作探究;学会根据人物心理活动理解课文的方法。3.深刻理解拥有大自然和自由的美好;激情投入,疯狂朗读。 重点:理解人物心理活动。难点:长难句分析。 1.在预习时,要把课文通读两遍,先(第一轮)通读教材,完成表层理解题,(第二轮)再勾画出文中的疑难点。 2.完成时间30分钟。 I 背景展现 This is a true story. It took place in Amsterdam,Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied(占据)most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933,。1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If any persons known to be Jews were found,they would be sent to concentration camps(集中营)farther east, mostly in Poland. families were separates and transported in trains For many. days,they went without food,water,sanitation(卫生)or fresh air. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding,often with the help of non-Jewish friends. This diary was written during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape from being killed by Nazis. 一、一轮阅读做题目


必修4 Unit 1 A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE It is 5:45 am and the sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in East Africa. Following Jane's way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest. Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before. Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off. Then we follow as they wander into the forest. Most of the time, chimps either feed or clean each other as a way of showing love in their family. Jane warns us that our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the afternoon and she is right. However, the evening makes it all worthwhile. We watch the mother chimp and her babies play in the tree. Then we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. We realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family. Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour. She spent years observing and recording their daily activities. Since her childhood she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment. However, this was not easy. When she first arrived in Gombe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. Her work changed the way people think about chimps. For example, one important thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat. Until then everyone had thought chimps ate only fruit and nuts. She actually observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other, and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system. For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. She has helped to set up special places where they can live safely. She is leading a busy life but she says: "Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories. It's terrible. It affects me when I watch the wild chimps. I say to myself, 'Aren't they lucky?" And then I think about small chimps in cages
