


1. Analyze - 分析

2. Approach - 方法,途径

3. Argue - 争论,辩论

4. Assess - 评估,评定

5. Conclude - 结论

6. Contrast - 对比,对照

7. Define - 定义

8. Demonstrate - 证明,展示

9. Evaluate - 评估,评价

10. Evidence - 证据

11. Explain - 解释

12. Focus - 焦点,重点

13. Identify - 辨认,确认

14. Implication - 含义,影响

15. Integrate - 整合,结合

16. Interpret - 解释,理解

17. Justify - 证明合理,为...辩护

18. Observe - 观察,注意到

19. Suggest - 暗示,建议

20. Synthesize - 综合



场景一租房场景 房子状况与类型: real estate agency/house agency房产代理公司 house agent房产代理人 landlord房东 landlady女房东 tenant/lodger/renter/roomer租客 property财产,房产,性能 surroundings周边环境 city centre / downtown市中心 urban area市区 suburb / outskirts城市近郊 rural area / countryside农村 lease租约 unfurnished未配备有家具的 roommate室友 have a home stay / a host family在当地居民家居住 vegetarian素食主义者 flat / apartment公寓 dormitory / dorm宿舍 halls of residence集体宿舍 student hostel学生公寓,学生宿舍 studio apartment单身公寓 bedsitter / bedsitting room / bedsit卧室兼起居室 detached house独立式房屋 semi-detached house半独立式房屋 cottage平房 single room单人房 double room / twin room双人房 triple room三人房 租客姓名 在雅思听力考试中,人名是常考的。要注意的是,一些常见的简单的名有时候不给拼,难一些的会给拼。所以要求大家要会写常见的人名。总结如下,希望对大家有所帮助。Male’s first name Adam Allan Andrew Anthony Austin Bill Bob Brian Charles


2009年1月17日雅思阅读机经及参考答案Passage 1 文章标 题 Tickling and laughter 文章大意是说抚摸和笑之间的关系什么的,人们对痒的敏感度不同,痒的身体部位不同,原因还不得而知。 题目类型Matching(段落信息配对)Summary Matching(人物观点配对) 参考答案Matching: 第一大题是写得段落包含信息 这一大题中的, 第一小题和最后一小题我记得都选择E, Summary: 最后的两个填空很简单,就是文中的原词:cortex(类似),第二个记不得了 Matching: 当一个人被告知要被tickle的时候,脑子里会产生一个什么东西不让你笑 有讲几个人其中有达尔文和几个科学家的观点 matching Passage 2 文 章 标 题 A Famous Management scholar 彼得德鲁克 文章大意讲一个人,他是管理学的开创者(pioneer of the business management),第一个把管理学从经济领域扩大到其他行业的。文中大篇幅的讲了管理者应该转变观念,视员工为knowledge source 而不是work machine。管理者和员工不仅仅是老板和雇员的关系,而是更介于其中的一种,有一个词不会翻译, 还有提到管理者应该来制定长远计划,而员工应该有自由来决定用什么方法去实现 题目类Heading Y/N/NG (3) 多选

型 参考答案List of headings: 答案一: 第一段总述了一下他的成就,写过n本书,影响遍布各个角落 第二段他早期的三本书及大致内容,其中有一本现在还在印刷 第三段写此人的几个重要思想, 其中有好多他的经典理论 第四段一些人的针对性批评 第五段这些批评有的对有的不对,举了例子来辩护 后面还有一段/2段,不太记得了 答案二: 第一个是选择他的著作流行和对世界的广泛影响;第二个是他早期的publishing;第三个是写BLALANCED MANAGEMENT;第四个是PRO AND CON;第五个是find fault with DRUKER;第六个是the changing role of the employee.(不太肯定的有一个) Y/N/NG: 1. 此人认为员工和老板应该有一样的地位 (yes/ NG 不详) 2. 第二题:政府能决定经济(NG) 3. 政治家无法控制经济发展这一项选择NG 多选: 1,哪两项是他的观点 貌似是CD 选项是他认为管理学应该超出管理的范围;员工管理要平衡(大意,记不清了) 2,别人批评他哪两点 貌似是AD 选项是批评者认为他的研究领域太广泛了,不专;另外一个记不清了 Passage 3 文章 标题 Tortoise and turtles 文章大意有点难,是说动物从海里---陆地----海里的过程。重点说海龟。 大致讲了一下整个过程,还提到有些生物应为一些不适应,到陆地后又回到了海洋,举例是wahles有一到问答的细节题,问你wahles缺什么所以又回到海洋了 题目类型T/F/NG Summary (4 steps流程图) 多选 简答 参考答案多选: 问你文中发现的海龟两项最惊人的事实是什么?


SECTION 1+2 开PARTY 1. decorations, snacks, drinks, transport, map, common room, each classroom 2.. College Dining Room, office staff, students, coffee break, a good dictionary, music, photos, speech 3.$25.5 per child, chicken, fish cakes, vegetable burger, playground, special party hat, sports hall, two adults, safety regulation 4. 40 people, 3 long tables, drinks and flowers, Smith Brothers, cake 5. standard, traditional, drinks, band, flowers, name 6. Bridge Road, conference, drinks 7. deposit, invitations, transport, present 购物,退换及索赔 1.Reading Ahead, computer sound card, Shop Manager, Chapter 10 2.胶卷损坏索赔wedding photographs, refund 3.电影票预定the front circle, Master Card, mailing list, headphones 4.International Student Card, museum, accommodation, entertainment 5.寄包裹parcel, packing, loss, contract 6.搬家东西损坏索赔bicycle, garden tools, hands broken, curtain, torn, videos 7.订购家具natural, night table, glass, drawer, morning, garage 8.two pockets, leather jacket, notebook, by the door 9.买旧家具queen size, River of View, mirror, fridge, church, bus stop 10.订机票weekly return, wheelchair, legroom, no nuts, bank transfer 11.电话购物a friend, bed sheet, cream, desk lamp, by cheque 12.买轮椅Greenwood Garden, Sports Centre, stair lift, wall wheel, armchair, personal alarm 13.clean, sign 14.蒸气锅退换City Centre Branch, steam, refund, once a month 15.0.8p, every three months, Internet, line, contract, password 16.Goods, Bargain, printer, excellent 17.clothes, sports equipment, pay, letter 18.cream, long strap, nylon, jeans, rack 19.买烤架cover, shelf, double grill, select, heat, 15 kilograms, forest, traditional industry 20.in cash, elevator 21.International, photographs, ID code 22.this weekend, running facilities, less than a week, sports shoes 23.department stores, public transport, finding lost children, beach, dance show, teenagers, wallet, discount 24.noisy, door, fan, by cheque, new customer, neighbor 25.婴儿床move around, brake, finger, too wide, satisfactory, wheel, dangerous, sharp

雅思G类阅读答案机经 文档

第一篇:收音机Radio Automation Today they are everywhere. Production lines controlled by computers and operated by robots. There's no chatter of assembly workers, just the whirr and click of machines. In the mid-1940s, the workerless factory was still the stuff of science fiction. There were no computers to speak of and electronics was primitive. Yet hidden away in the English countryside was a highly automated production line called ECME, which could turn out 1500 radio receivers a day with almost no help from human hands. A John Sargrove, the visionary engineer who developed the technology, was way ahead of his time. For more than a decade, Sargrove had been trying to figure out how to make cheaper radios. Automating the manufacturing process would help. But radios didn't lend themselves to such methods: there were too many parts to fit together and too many wires to solder. Even a simple receiver might have 30 separate components and 80 hand-soldered connections. At every stage, things had to be tested and inspected. Making radios required highly skilled labor-and lots of it. B In 1944, Sargrove came up with the answer. His solution was to dispense with most of the fiddly bits by inventing a primitive chip-a slab of Bakelite with all the receiver's electrical components and connections embedded in it. This was something that could be made by machines, and he designed those too. At the end of the war, Sargrove built an automatic production line, which he called ECME (electronic circuit-making equipment), in a small factory in Effingham, Surrey. ECME Line C An operator sat at one end of each ECME line, feeding in the plates. She didn't need much skill, only quick hands. From now on, everything was controlled by electronic switches and relays. First stop was the sandbluster, which roughened the surface of the plastic so that molten metal would stick to it. The plates were then cleaned to remove any traces of grit. The machine automatically checked that the surface was rough enough before sending the plate to the spraying section. There, eight nozzles rotated into position and sprayed molten zinc over both sides of the plate. Again, the nozzles only began to spray when a plate was in place. The plate whizzed on. The next stop was the milling machine, which ground away the surface layer of metal to leave the circuit and other components in the grooves and recesses. Now the plate was a composite of metal and plastic. It sped on to be lacquered and have its circuits tested. By the time it emerged from the end of the line, robot hands had fitted it with sockets to attach components such as valves and loudspeakers. When ECME was working flat out, the whole process took 20 seconds. D ECME was astonishingly advanced. Electronic eyes, photocells that generated a small current when a panel arrived, triggered each step in the operation, so avoiding excessive wear and tear on the machinery The plates were automatically tested at each stage as they moved along the conveyor. And if more than two plates in succession


2月14日雅思机经:阅读(新东方版) 2015年2月14日雅思机经:阅读(新东方版) Passage 1 旧题 题材:考古类 题目:Ahead of its time 文章大意:一个小男孩在河边发现一个骨头,开始以为是动物的,后来确定是人 的。然后调查是否这个人是被害的,后来科学家鉴定是古人的头骨。 题型:判断题(4),流程图(4),摘要(5), Passage 2 旧题:09207 题材:教育类 题目:Parental involvement in education: literature 文章大意: A 段:全世界很多国家都觉得parental involvement 很重要。 B 段:加拿大虽然没有明确的法律规定,但是parental involvement 还是在增多了,因为科技发展了。 C 段:在美国,parental involvement 变得很popular, Epstein 学者说parental involvement 有助于提高成绩。 D 段:在美国和UK,社会底层的家长比其他的家长参与孩子教

育的机会少,并分析了原因。 E 段:有一个学者提出parental involvement 意义的评估系统不完全科学, 没有显示出真正的作用。 F 段:如此少的证据不能说明parental involvement in education is the causal improvement in student’s performance. Passage 3 新题 题材:心理学 题目:Group behaviour 主要内容:个人努力以及其在集体工作中获得的成就进行对比。做了一个实验, 把人分成两组(出现了summary 考题),一组人被告知是自己在做任务,第二组人被告知尽管自己在房间里,但是是和一个团队在工作。结果是第二组人比第一组人成绩好。除此之外还有其他的实验。 题型:人名配对(10);摘要填空(4) 相关推荐:2015年雅思机经(全年) 相关推荐:2015雅思机经预测(全年) 相关推荐:2015雅思成绩查询(全年)


800篇雅思阅读机经 【原创实用版】 目录 1.雅思阅读机经的背景和意义 2.雅思阅读机经的内容和分类 3.雅思阅读机经的作用和价值 4.如何有效地利用雅思阅读机经 5.结论 正文 一、雅思阅读机经的背景和意义 雅思阅读机经是指在雅思考试中出现的阅读题目及答案的汇总,它是由历年雅思考试真题及答案整理而来。雅思阅读机经的出现,为考生提供了一种有效的备考方法,帮助考生熟悉考试题型、了解出题规律,从而提高考试成绩。 二、雅思阅读机经的内容和分类 雅思阅读机经的内容主要包括以下几类: 1.题型分类:雅思阅读题目主要分为事实细节题、推理判断题、主旨大意题和文章结构题等。每种题型都有其独特的解题方法,考生需要通过练习机经来熟悉各种题型的特点,掌握解题技巧。 2.文章题材分类:雅思阅读文章主要涉及自然科学、社会科学、人文科学和学术论文等。不同题材的文章有不同的写作风格和表达方式,考生需要通过阅读机经来积累各类题材的词汇和表达,以便在考试中迅速理解文章。 3.题目难度分类:雅思阅读题目按照难度分为容易题、中等题和难题。

考生需要根据自己的水平选择合适的题目进行练习,逐步提高自己的解题能力。 三、雅思阅读机经的作用和价值 雅思阅读机经具有以下作用和价值: 1.熟悉考试题型:通过练习机经,考生可以熟悉雅思阅读考试的各种题型,了解题目要求和解题方法,为考试做好充分的准备。 2.提高解题速度:机经中的题目都是历年真题,考生可以通过大量练习提高解题速度,提高考试时的答题效率。 3.积累词汇和表达:机经中的文章涉及各类学科和题材,考生可以通过阅读积累词汇和表达,为考试中的阅读理解打下坚实的基础。 4.提高阅读理解能力:通过练习机经,考生可以提高自己的阅读理解能力,更好地把握文章的主旨和结构,提高答题的准确率。 四、如何有效地利用雅思阅读机经 要想有效地利用雅思阅读机经,考生需要做到以下几点: 1.选择适合自己的机经:考生要根据自己的水平和需求选择合适的机经,避免过于简单或过于困难,以免影响备考效果。 2.制定合理的学习计划:考生要根据自己的时间安排制定合理的学习计划,保证每天有一定的练习时间,避免临时抱佛脚。 3.勤于练习和总结:考生要充分利用机经中的题目,进行大量的练习。同时,要对做过的题目进行总结,分析自己的错误原因,找出解题技巧,不断提高自己的解题能力。 4.多样化的学习方法:考生可以采用多种学习方法,如听、说、读、写等,提高自己的英语综合能力,为雅思考试做好充分的准备。 五、结论 雅思阅读机经是考生备考雅思阅读理解的重要工具,通过练习机经,


10月雅思阅读预测机经 2016年10月雅思阅读预测机经 雅思成绩被越来越多的外国驻华企业所认可。英语水平是外企招聘中国雇员的.重要标准之一,而雅思成绩则被外企作为客观、全面反应应聘者英语水平的硬件指标。yjbys网店铺为大家整理提供2016年10月雅思阅读预测机经,祝顺利通过雅思考试! 以下为本次预测题目: 一级重点 1.第四册P102 Rainwater Harvesting 2.第五册P54 Alfred Nobel 3.第七册P135 Bird Migration 4.第一册P12 The Secret of the Yawn 5.第五册P20 Making of Olympic Torch 6.第二册P124 The Adolescents 7.第八册P62 Lose Your Weight 8.第三册P36 Foot Pedal Irrigation 9.第二册P56 Mungo Man 10.第二册P74 The “Extinct” Grass i n Britain 11.第二册P118 The Mozart Effect 12.第一册P52 Eco-Resort Management Practices 13.第三册P52 California’s Age of Megafires 14.第五册P36 Biomimetic Design 15.第六册P129 The British Bittern 16.第七册P12 Beyond the Blue Line 17.第二册P108 Coral Reefs 18.第一册P7 Artists’ Fingerprints 19.第二册P38 Koalas 20.第八册P75 Exploring the British Village 二级重点


一、考试概述: 本次考试的文章是两篇旧题一篇新题,这次考试第一篇文章依旧是比较简单的判断题和填空题。但第二篇文章和第三篇文章出现了大量的令考生很头疼的配对题,特别是第三篇文章内容本身是较难理解的说明文,再加上出现了配对题和对全篇理解的多项选择题,题目完成起来难度较大,考试中需要大家合理安排时间。 二、具体题目分析 Passage 1: 题目:Ancient hooks of Maori people in New Zealand 题型:判断题8+填空题5 新旧程度:旧题 文章大意:主要讲新西兰毛利人的鱼钩的背景和发展 参考文章: 暂无 参考答案: 判断题: 1. Purpose of the Maori hooks was 2. Fishing in New Zealand was harder than GIVEN 3. After moving to New Zealand, Maori changed hook 4. Shape of Maori hooks was restricted by 5. Quality of European hooks is same with Maori E 6. Early European hooks were gifts given by GIVEN 7. European hooks and Maori ones worked in similar E 8. After Anderson arriving, Maori already began 填空题: 9. valued hooks kept as jewelry


2021年8月7日雅思口纸笔考试口机考 阅读机经 一、考试概述: 本场考试三篇,都是新题,难度中等。第一篇心理学不算很常见,但是比拟简单,应该可以正常拿分。第二篇医疗系统改革,难度适中。第三篇语言的起源比拟难,但凡涉及语言类的文章一般难度都比拟高,考生可以在平时有意识地进行训练,掌握相关词汇。 二、具体题目分析: Passage One : ■文章题材:说明文(心理学)文章题目:选择太多 ■文章难度:★★★题型及数量:待补充 ■题目及答案:待补充可参考真题:剑桥16TEST2 Passages How to make wise decisions Passage Two : ■文章题材:说明文(社会学)文章题目:新西兰医疗系统改革 ■文章难度:★★★题型及数量:待补充 ■题目及答案:待补充

可参考真题:剑桥 14TESTI Passages Motivational Factors and the HospitalityIndustry ■ Passage Three : ■ 文章题材:说明文(语言艺术)文章题目:语言的起源 ■ 文章难度:★★★★题型及数量:待补充 ■ 题目及答案:待补充可参考真题:佥师乔 11TEST4 Passage3 'This Marvellous Invention' 三、补充词汇: ■ 话题词: 与语言相关的词汇Origin 起源 1. Linguistic 语言的Bilingual 双语的 2. Monolingual 单语的Grammar 语法 3. Speech 口语Verbal 语言的 9. Disorder 紊乱 Spectrum 波谱■同义替换词: 每期10组经典雅思阅读经典同义替换积累General public 二 communities 广大群众;社区群众 1. Adapt to 二 works reliably 适应;可靠地工作Unforeseen = fail to take into account 未预料到;没能考虑到 2. Transport = the ways we travelIdentify = pinpoint 识别,确认 3. Live = survive 生存Minimize = reduce 减少 4. Vegetation = forest 森林;植被Insufficient = not enough 不够的 5. A group setting = a social situation 一个团队情境,一个社会情境 8. Autism 自闭症 10. 10.


2022年1月8日雅思口纸笔考试口机考 阅读机经 一、考试概述: 本场考试三篇,全部是新题,难度中高。第一篇说明文,毛利人,难度低,难得的偷着乐的主题; 第二篇跨学科,音乐和科技结合,难度高,剑13TestlPassage3有非常类似的文章,人工智能艺术家,考生们可以尝试一下这篇真题;第三篇思维导图,涉及比拟抽象的词汇,难度高。 二、具体题目分析: Passage One : ■文章题材:说明文(文化)文章题目:毛利人 ■文章难度:★★★题型及数量:判断+填空 ■题目及答案: Questions 1-6FALSE 1.FALSENOT GIVEN 2.TRUETRUE 3.FALSEQuestions 7-13 4.rulesriver 5.confidenceschools 6.statisticsclinics https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d19145620.html,nguage可参考真题:佥晰13TEST3 Passage3 Whatever Happened to the Harappan

Civilisation? Passage Two : ■文章题材:说明文(跨学科)文章题目:古典音乐和科技 ■文章难度:★★★★题型及数量:待补充 ■题目及答案:待补充可参考真题:剑桥 13——TESTI Passages Artificial Artists ■Passage Three : ■文章题材:议论文(管理学)文章题目:思维导图 ■文章难度:★★★★题型及数量:待补充 ■题目及答案:待补充可参考真题:剑桥 16TEST2 Passage3 How to make wise decisions 话题词: 与装饰相关的词汇 1. insulation隔离;绝缘;隔音 2. refurnish重新装修 3. decorate 装饰 4. interior 内部的 5. transparent 透明的 6. concrete 混凝土 7. cement 水泥 8. lime石灰 9. gravel砂砾,碎石 10. seal 密封 同义替换词:


2021年5月29雅思口纸笔考试口机考 阅读机经 一、考试概述: 本场考试三篇,均为新题,难度算是最近比拟简单的。涉及题材广泛,包括动物,气味和文明,其中动物几乎隔一场就会考一次,考生一定要重点准备。 二、具体题目分析: Passage One : ■文章题材:说明文(科学)文章题目:气味研究 ■文章难度:★★★题型及数量:匹配+填空+单项选择 ■题目及答案:待补充可参考真题:剑桥8TEST2 Passage3 The Meaning and Power of Smell Passage Two : ■文章题材:说明文(动物)文章题目:灭绝动物复活 ■文章难度:★★★★题型及数量:段落配对+填空+人名配对 ■题目及答案:待补充可参考真题:剑桥15TEST2 Passage2 Should We Try to Bring Extinct Species Back to Life? ■Passage Three : ■文章题材:议论文(文化)文章题目:文明衰败 ■文章难度:★★★★题型及数量:匹配+单项选择+判断 ■题目及答案:待补充可参考真题:剑桥13TEST3 Passages Whatever Happened to the Harappan Civilisation?

三、补充词汇: ■话题词: 与文明相关的词汇civilization 文明 1.collapse崩溃,崩塌ancestor 祖先 2.descendant 后代inhabitant 居民,住户 3.populate 居住于indigenous 土著的,原生的 4.native原生的prosperous 繁荣的 sustainable可持续的 10.


雅思阅读机经:GeneralTrainingBPterosaurs 为了帮助大家在备考雅思的时候能够练习到更多的真题材料,下面小编给大家带来雅思阅读机经:General Training B Pterosaurs,望喜欢! 雅思阅读机经:General Training B Pterosaurs A Pterosaurs stand out as one of nature's great success stories. They first appeared during the Triassic period, 215 million years ago, and thrived for 150 million years before becoming extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period. Uncontested in the air, pterosaurs colonized all continents and evolved into a vast array of shapes and sizes. B Until recently, most scientists would not have put pterosaurs in the same class as birds in terms of flying ability. Because pterosaurs were reptiles, generations of researchers imagined that those creatures must have boon cold-blooded, like modern snakes and lizards. This would have made flying awkward, as they would have lacked the endurance to power their muscles for long periods of time. C In the past three decades, however, a number of fossil discoveries have prompted researchers to re-examine their views. The new picture of pterosaurs reveals that they were unlike any modern reptile. From a fossil discovered in Kazakhstan, scientists suspect that pterosaurs had a covering resembling fur. If so, this detail provides evidence of a warm-blooded body that could maintain the kind of effort needed to stay in the air. Indeed, scientists now believe that many pterosaurs were gifted air?borne predators, built to feed while in flight. And, in fact, such controversy has surrounded pterosaurs since the first discovery of one in the early 1700s.


8月10日雅思阅读机经预测整理 雅思阅读考试前,大家可以参考下机经猜测,缓和一下我们紧急的心情。今日我就为大家带来8月10日雅思阅读机经猜测,在本套机经猜测中,大家可以重点复习一下机经中的题型和一些重点词汇。 8月10日雅思阅读机经猜测1 (文章)题目We have star performers 重复年份20230114 20231124 题材商业管理 题型段落细节(配对)4+推断4+填空5 文章大意人才与天赋,争论人才和选人标准之间的论证。讲公司考核员工主要的依据,talents, 文章批判了传统的观点(才能是与生俱来的,是不变的,是需要公司去发觉的)。文章先用一段确定了有才能的人的存在,然后分段讲到,才能是随时间变化的,是不能被精确度量的,是可以凭努力换来的。 参考答案: 段落细节配对: 28 One example from non-commerce/business settings that better system wins bigger stars F 29 One failed company that believes stars rather than system B

30 One suggestion that author made to acquire employees then to win the competition nowadays G 31 One metaphor to human medical anatomy that illustrates the problems of hiring stars. C 推断: 32 McKinsey who wrote The War for Talent had not expected the huge influence made by this book. NG 33 Economic condition becomes one of the factors which decide whether or not a country would prefer to hire foreign employees. YES 34 The collapse of Enron is caused totally by a unfortunate incident instead of company’s management mistake. NO 35 Football clubs that focus making stars in YES 填空: An investigation carried out on 1000 36 analysts of a survey by Harvard Business Review found a company hire a 37 star has negative effects. For instance, they behave considerably worse in a new team than in the 38 working environment that they used to be. They move faster than wall street and increase their 39 salary. Secondly, they faced rejections or refuse from those 40 rivals within the team. Lastly, the one who made mistakes had been punished by selling his/her stock share. 8月10日雅思阅读机经猜测2

空窗期资料 雅思强化机经词汇 (强化)(1)

雅思听力机经词汇(强化) 9 liters 9升 a clear argument 清晰的论据 A College Tour 学院游 A Plus 学习成绩A+ a printed list 一个印刷好的清单 A sheet of paper 一张纸 abuse 弊端,恶习 Academic circle 学术圈子 academic record 学习成绩 academic scholarship 学术奖学金 Accidents 事故 accountant 会计 achievement n.成就,成绩 action plan 行动计划 action point 行动要点 activity 活动 add panic 增加恐慌 administration n.实施, 管理, 行政, 行政部门Administration Office 行政办公室administration officer 办公室管理人员administrator 行政人员;

admission 准许进(加)入;入场费(卷);advertisement 广告 advertising leaflet 广告传单 advice 建议; advisor 顾问,导师 Against birds 抵御鸟类攻击agricultural:adj. 农业的 air conditioning 中央空调 air pollution 空气污染 alarm system:报警系统 Alaska 阿拉斯加 alternative energy 替代能源 American history美国历史 an application form 申请表 analysis 分析 Angle 角度 Animals’behavior动物行 为 antibiotics 抗生素 ape hours观赏猿的时间 application 申请,应用 approach 研究方法
