


Unit 1 Welcome Back to School

Listening content:新课标第一网


1. Small letter e.

2. Big letter D.

3. Small letter b.

4. Big letter A.

5. Big letter C.


1. This is my friend.

2. Oh, it's nice.

3. Let's go to school.

4. Brown, brown, touch the ground.

5. I'm from America.


1. D D D, make a “D”.

2. Look, this is a cat.

3. How many pencils? Three.

4. Draw a girl, a girl please.

5. Show me A B C.

6. This is a boy.


1. Hello, I'm Amy. I'm from America.

2. E E E, drink some tea.

3. B B B, touch your knee.

4. Smell the chicken.

5. C C C, look and see.

6. This is a duck.


1. What's your name?

2. Where are you from?

3. Good afternoon!

4. Have some juice.


1. This is my friend, Tutu.

2. Nice to meet you.

3. Where are you from?

4. I'm from Canada.

Unit 2 My Family

Listening content:


1. Show me the letter BEC.

2. Show me the letter ifg.

3. That woman is my mother.

4. I love my family.

5. Come in, please.

6. Look, I have a dog.

7. Who's that man? 8. This is Chen Jie's grandpa.

9. The apple is green. 10.We have a new friend today.


A. G H I, fly a kite.

B. Hello, I'm Mike. I'm from Canada.

C. A B C, look and see.

D. Wow, what a big fish!

E. Point to the letter H I G H.


1. C D E, draw a tree.

2. Big letter A.

3. E F G, have a seat.

4. Show me the letter F A C E.

5. This is my mother.

6. E F G H I, say “Goodbye”.


1. Who's that woman?

2. Who's this boy?

3. See you!

4. Where are you from?


A. Who's that girl?

B. He's my father.

C. I'm from Canada.

D. This is my family!

E. What a big fish!


小学英语五年级下册(2015年春)unitl 一、听音标号。 1.It's sunny and warm today. Let's climb mountains. 2.I usually watch TV at 6: 20. 3.We usually do morning exercises at 8:30. 4.I usually get up at 7:00 on Sun days ? 5.1often clean my room on Saturdays. 二、认真听,选出你所听到的单词或词组。 1.My grandparents often have dinner at 6:30 in the aftemoon. 2.I usually play ping-pong in the evening. 3.Sometimes I go for a walk on Sundays? 4.1often go shopping on the weekend. 5.When do you have English class? In the morning. 三、听一听,选择正确的答语。 1.When do you do morning exercises? 2.When do you eat dinner? 3.When do you go to bed? 4.When do you have English class? 5.When do you play sports? 四、听录音补全句子。 1.When do you get ______ ? At 6:30. 2.When do you have math class ? At 8:30. 3.What do you do on the weekend? I often go for a walk. 4.1usually go hiking on Sundays. 五、听录音,为下列句子排序。 Hello! Fm Zoom. I go to school at 7:30. At 8:30 I do morning exercises. I usually have English class at 9:30 in the morning. I play sports with my friends at 4:30 in the afternoon. At 5:30 school is over. Then I go home ?This is my day of my school. I like my school life very much. 第二单元 一、听音标号。1. It's sunny and hot in summe 匚 2.Winter is very cold and windy. 3. The trees come green in spring. 4.It's cool in fall. The leaves fall down on the ground 二、听音选择。 1?I like spring. It's warm? 2. We can plant flowers in spring. 3.Summer is very hot. I can eat ice-creams.


部编版三年级下册语文课文内容汇总 第一单元 1 古诗三首 《绝句》[唐]杜甫 迟日江山丽,春风花草香。泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。 [迟日]春季太阳落山渐晚,所以说“迟日”。 [泥融]这里指泥土湿软。 [鸳鸯]一种鸟,常在水边嬉戏,雄鸟与雌鸟常结对生活。 诗人简介: 杜甫(712-770),字子美,自号少陵野老,世称杜工部、杜少陵等,唐朝河南府巩县(河南郑州巩义市)人,唐代伟大的现实主义诗人,杜甫被世人尊为“诗圣”,其诗被称为“诗史”。杜甫与李白合称“李杜”。 释义: 江山沐浴着春光,多么秀丽,春风送来花草的芳香。燕子衔着湿泥忙筑巢,暖和的沙子上睡着成双成对的鸳鸯。 赏析: 诗一开始,就从大处着墨,描绘出在初春灿烂阳光的照耀下,浣花溪一带明净绚丽的春景,用笔简洁而色彩浓艳。“迟日”即春日,语出《诗经·豳风·七月》“春日迟迟”。这里用以突出初春的阳光,以统摄全篇。同时用一“丽”字点染“江山”,表现了春日阳光普照,四野青绿,溪水映日的秀丽景色。这虽是粗笔勾画,笔底却是春光骀荡。 第二句诗人进一步以和煦的春风,初放的百花,如茵的芳草,浓郁的芳香来展现明媚的大好春光。因为诗人把春风、花草及其散发的馨香有机地组织在一起,所以读者通过联想,可以有惠风和畅、百花竞放、风送花香的感受,收到如临其境的艺术效果。 在明丽阔远的图景之上,三、四两句转向具体而生动的初春景物描绘。 第三句诗人选择初春最常见,也是最具有特征性的动态景物来勾画。春暖花开,泥融土湿,秋去春归的燕子,正繁忙地飞来飞去,衔泥筑巢。这生动的描写,使画面更加充满勃勃生机,春意盎然,还有一种动态美。杜甫对燕子的观察十分细致,“泥融”紧扣首句,因春回大地,阳光普照才“泥融”;紫燕新归,衔泥做巢而不停地飞翔,显出一番春意闹


三年级英语上听力材料及参考答案 听力材料 Unit 1 Myself 1. Listen and match 听单词,将图片与 ap 或者 at 连线 (1)bat (2)nap (3)hat (4)hat 2.Listen and write 听句子,将表中的信息补充完整 (1)I’m Ben ,B-e-n ,Ben. I’m seven years old.I’m in class one. (2) My name’s Kim,K-i-m.I’m five years old.I’m in class three. Unit 2 My body 1.Listen and draw a monster(怪物).听下面的描述画出怪物的样子。 Hi! I’m a monster. I have a head. I have three eyes and a mouth. I have an arm. I have a hand. I have two feet. 2.Listen and choose. 听下面的对话,选出正确的句子。 (1)What’s the matter? My eye hurts. (2)What’s the matter? My hand hurts. Unit 3 Food 1.Listen and fill in the gap 听录音,根据单词的发音填字母。 hit sit fit 2.Listen and match.妈妈要给小朋友们做打卤面,听对话,将小朋友们和他们想要放到面里的食物连起来。 Mum:What do you want in your noodles,Tom? Tom:I want some chicken an vegetables. Mum:How about you Anna? Anna:I want tomatoes an eggs. Mum:Do you want tomatoes an eggs,Kitty? Kitty:Mum...I like tomatoes,but I don’t like eggs in my noodles. Mum:How about tomatoes an meat? Kitty:That’s great! Mum:your noodles are going to be ready in a minute.


Unit 1 My name’s Gina. Section A, 1b Conversation 1 A: Good morning! I’m Cindy. B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale. A: Nice to meet you. Conversation 2 A: What’s your name? B: Alan. A: Hello, Alan! I’m Ms Brown. Conversation 3 A: Hi, my name’s Gina. B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! A: Nice to meet you, too. Section A, 2a&2b Conversation1 A: Hello, what’s your name? B: My name’s Alice. A: I’m Eric. B: Nice to meet you. Conversation 2 A: What’s his name? B: His name’s Eric. A: And what’s her name? B: Her name’s Alice. Conversation 3 A: Excuse me, are you Eric? B: Yes, I am. Are you Mike? A: No, I’m not. I’m Bob. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. Conversation 4 A: Good morning, boys and girls. My name’s Ms Miller. What’s your


Module 1 [00:58.38]Using my five senses [01:02.82]unit 1 Use your eyes! [01:07.87]Look and read [01:11.42]The sun rises behind the mountain in the morning. [01:17.58]The block's shadow is long.It is behind the block. [01:26.05]The sun is hight in the sky in the afternoon. [01:32.29]The block's shadow is short.It is beside the block. [01:40.73]The sun goes down in the evening. [01:45.27]The block's shadow is long.It is in front of the block. [01:53.21]page 3 [01:56.27]Look and say [01:59.75]Where are they? [02:03.40]1.Mum,I can't see my bag.Where is it? It's behind my chair. [02:12.83]2.Mum,I can't see my books.Where are they? [02:19.60]They're inside your bag. [02:23.86]3.Mum,I can't see my umbrella.Where is it? It's outside our flat. [02:34.20]4.Ben,I can't see my glasses.Where are they? [02:41.04]They're on your head. [02:45.41]Now listen! [04:10.17]page 4 [04:13.23]Make a shadow [04:16.89]1.Draw a boy or a girl [04:24.25]2.Colour your boy/girl black. [04:32.01]3.Cut out your shadow. [04:39.07]Look and say [04:43.92]Close your eyes,children. [04:49.99]1.Can you see? No,Miss Fang. [04:56.05]2.Danny,hide your shadow. [05:02.11]3.Open your eyes.Can you see my shadow? [05:09.58]Is it on the table. No! [05:15.51]Is it behind the blackboard? Yes! [05:21.75]page 5 [05:26.43]Say and act [05:30.27]What have you got? [05:34.81]red apples big strawberries [05:43.98]black grapes oranges [05:53.23]yellow bears green grapes [06:03.78]green plums bananas [06:11.93]green apples cherries [06:19.69]small strawberries green pears [06:30.45]black plums [06:35.10]Have you got any pineapples? [06:40.38]Sorry,I haven't got any pineapples.


部编版三年级语文下册教材解读 教材解读 2019年,部编版三年级下册语文教材以《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》为依据,吸收了语文课程建设和课堂改革的重大成果,借鉴了各地课堂教学的先进理念和成功经验。注重拓展知识的宽度,提高能力的梯度,增强素养的厚度,强化情感的温度,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,加强语言文字的运用和听说读写能力的培养,全面提升学生的语文素养。 一、教材特点 1.注重培养社会主义核心价值观。 语文是一门人文性与工具性统一的学科,它在培养学生养成高尚道德情操方面具有无可替代的作用。本册教科书通过寓言故事、古典诗词、童话等多种形式向学生传递热爱祖国,实事求是,勤劳勇敢等正能量。 2.注重夯实基础。 重视识字写字,重视阅读,重视习作,重视口语交际,从多个方面培养学生听说读写的能力,使学生真正在课堂上享受学语文的过程,而不是学课文的过程。 3.注意以生为本。 中年级学段的语文学习呈现一种过渡性,本册教科书准确把握学生的认知水平和发展方向,充分认识到学生的最近发展区,采用学生感兴趣的学习方式,让学生享受学语文的乐趣。 4.重视理论联系实际。 在打好基础的同时,重视培养学生的实际操作能力,以多种多样的活动为平台,使学生在活动中学会运用新知识解决实际问题,并进一步将自己的学习收获应用到实际生活中,体现了理论联系实际。 5.关注大量阅读。 注重激发学生的阅读兴趣,不仅设计了资料袋供学生参考,还专门设计了“快乐读书吧”作为读书专题活动,学生既能将习得的学习方法运用到阅读中,又能从阅读中获得新知识。

6.重视学生学习能力的培养。 提倡自主、合作、探究的学习方法,学生在教师的引导下不断积累有效的学习方法,并将其应用到学习过程中,变被动接受为主自动获取。 二、教材单元分析 2019春期部编版三年级下册语文教材按照专题编排内容,安排了八个学习主题,分别是“感受多彩春天” “品味经典寓言” “体会传统文化” “关注精彩发现” “发挥无限想象” “追忆幸福童年” “探索自然奥秘” “遨游童话王国”。一共选编了28篇课文,其中22篇为精读课文,6篇为略读课文。课文语言规范,符合三年级学生认知特点。体裁多种多样,内容生动,趣味性强,既体现了鲜明的时代特色,也弘扬了中华优良传统,激发学生学习祖国语言文字的热情,增强学生的民族自尊心和自信心,激发热爱祖国语言文字的情感。 口语交际,从不同角度培养学生的口语表达能力,口语交际中的情境设计符合学生的心理特点和认知水平。 语文园地,围绕本单元进行整理复习,每个语文园地包括以下版块:交流平台——回顾本单元知识,加以强化。词句段运用——重视听说读写能力的培养。书写提示——重视汉字书写,强调写好汉字。日积月累——安排经典名句,集中学习传统文化。 第二单元语文园地后还有快乐读书吧,这是课内阅读与课外阅读连接的重要枢纽,以这个活动为平台,将学生引向更为广阔的课外阅读天地,享受阅读,体现了大语文观。 第三单元第12课之后有一次综合性学习,主题为“中华传统节日”,这与第三单元的学习主题相契合,考查学生的语文综合能力。 第五单元为作文单元,集中学写想象作文。 三、教学目标 (一)识字与写字 1. 对学习汉字有浓厚的兴趣,养成主动识字的习惯。 2. 认识常用汉字250个,会写250个。


三年级听力材料 一、听一听,下面的句子里缺少了哪个单词或字母,把它找出来,把编号写在括号里。 1. Hi, I'm Amy. I am a girl. 2. --- Who's that man? --- He's my father. 3. --- How many kites can you see? --- I can see twenty. 4. I like peaches. 5. I have a jeep. 6. The rabbit has long ears. 7. Show me JPG. 8. My car number is X 519. 9. --- Where is my pencil? --- It's under the desk. 10. I can say from A to G. 二、看图,听一听,这几个小朋友都在干什么呢?。用数字给他们标上序号吧。 1. P Q R S T, pour the tea. 2. Long, long, long, make your arms long. 3. K K K, kick, kick, kick. 4. E E E, drink some tea. 5. G H I, fly a kite. 三、看图,听录音,圈出正确的图片。 1. Hi, I'm Amy. I'm from America. 2. Draw a boy. 3. --- How many books do you have? --- I have 15. 4. Look, I have a car. 5. --- Do you like pears? --- No, I like peaches. 6. You see, the fox is in the box. 7. Look at my ruler, it's short. 8. Wow, the elephant is so big. 9. This is a bag. 10. Can I have some juice? 四、看图,听录音,判断录音内容与图是否相同,相同的打“√”,不相同打“×”。


第七单元(Unit 7) (A)1. How much is the red sweater? 2. —What colour do you want? —Blue. 3. How much are these pants? 4. These Tshirts are nine dollars. 5. I like the yellow bike. (B)6. A: Can I help you,sir? B: Yes,please. I want a pair of shorts. A: What about blue? B: I don't like them. I'll take the black pair. Q: What does the man buy? 7. A: Mum,where are my shirt and sweater? B: They're on your bed. A: How about my hat? B: It's on the desk. Q: What is on the desk? 8. A: My hat is red. Jack,what color is yours? B: It's black. Q: Is Jack's hat black?

9. A: How much is this bag? B: It's eight dollars. Q: How much is this bag? 10. A: How much are these black socks? B: They are four dollars. Q: What color are these socks?


第一单元 一、读准字音 1、易错字音 鸳鸯(yāng)蒌蒿(hāo)河豚(tún) 伶俐(líng) 掠过(lüè) 沾水(zhān)闲散(sǎn)纤细(xiān)莲蓬(péng) 姿势(zī) 琢磨(zuó) 衬裙(chèn) 益虫(yì) 摔晕(yūn)捏住(niē) 2、多音字 sì(似乎) qiān(光纤) sàn(散步) āi(挨挨挤挤) gū(花骨朵儿) shì(似的) xiān(纤细) sǎn(闲散) ái(挨打)gǔ(骨头) 二、认清字形 1、形近字 崇(崇高) 乏(缺乏) 减(减少) 奏(奏乐) 宗(宗旨) 泛(广泛) 喊(呼喊) 凑(凑合) 拂(吹拂) 聚(聚会) 形(形状) 掠(掠过) 佛(仿佛)骤(骤然) 型(题型)凉(冰凉) 偶(偶尔)沾(沾水) 卷(试卷)瓣(花瓣) 遇(遇到) 站(站立) 倦(疲倦)辫(辫子) 蓬(莲蓬) 资(资本) 仿(仿照)矩(规矩) 篷(篷车) 姿(姿态) 访(访问)距(距离) 绸(丝绸) 害(害怕) 约(大约) 斑(斑马) 稠(稠密) 瞎(瞎说) 药(吃药) 班(班级) 2.词语听写

融化燕子鸳鸯惠崇芦芽短小梅子小溪 泛尽减少凑成吹拂集合聚集形状掠过 偶尔沾水疲倦纤细痕迹花瓣莲蓬胀裂 姿势仿佛跟随舞蹈停止乌黑剪刀活泼 春日轻风洒落春光湖面电线荷花清香 赶紧圆盘花骨朵儿眼前画家本领了不起飘动 三、词语积累 1、近义词 俊俏—俊美轻快—轻捷活泼—活跃鲜艳—艳丽 聚拢—聚集偶尔—有时姿势—姿态仿佛—好像 朴素—朴实洁白—雪白琢磨—思考特别一非常2、反义词 轻快—沉重偶尔—经常纤细—粗壮 展开—合拢雪白—乌黑走近—远离 朴素—华丽灵敏—迟钝讨厌—喜欢 3、词语搭配 (乌黑)的羽毛(轻快有力)的翅膀 (活泼可爱)的小燕子(如毛)的细雨 (烂漫无比)的春天(波光粼粼)的湖面 (纤细)的电线(有趣)的图画 (碧绿)的大圆盘(雪白)的衣裳 4、量词


听短文,回答问题。 (1)驼鸟一般重(),是世界上()。 (2)驼鸟有两条(),一步能走(),每小时能跑()。 附:听力材料 驼鸟是沙漠中的“骏马”,它的身材高大。比一个大人还要高一头。它一般都有二百多斤重,是世界上最大的鸟。 鸵鸟有翅膀,但是不会飞。不过,它那两条粗壮有力的腿,却是其它鸟类比不上的。它的长腿跨一步就有二到三米远。在望不到边的沙漠里它能飞快地跑来跑去,每小时可以跑六七十公里,比火车还快。顺风的时候,鸵鸟把翅膀高高举起,活像扬起风帆的小船,跑起来就更快了。

听短文,回答问题。 1、短文主要写了什么? 2、短文按照从头到尾的顺序,依次写了“小花鹿”的(), (),(),(),(),()。 3、我在短文里听到一对近义词。()——() 附:听力材料 小花鹿 “小花鹿”可讨人喜欢。圆圆的脑袋上,一对粉红色的小耳朵向上竖着,仿佛在倾听周围的动静,脸上嵌着两只明亮的眼睛。一张小嘴微微撅着,好像是在跟我说话。“小花鹿”的身体是橘黄色的,上面有一个个大红色的梅花。他那条又小又短的尾巴向上翘着,显出一幅很调皮的样子。我在它的脖子上系了一条绿色的丝带打了个蝴蝶结这一下它变得更加神气更加漂亮了。

听短文,回答问题。 1、()省西南部的()瀑布是我国最大的瀑布。 2、它宽()米,高()米,激起的水花高达()米。 附:听力材料 我国最大的瀑布 我国最大的瀑布是黄果树瀑布,它在我国西南部贵州高原的白水河上。 黄果树瀑布宽二十多米,水势汹涌澎湃,瀑布从六七十米高的陡崖上直泻下来,水花激溅,就像万马奔腾;宽阔巨大水帘,拍石击水,发出轰轰巨响,好似雷劈山崩,叫人惊心动魄。 瀑布从高处泻落,成年累月,冲击成一个深潭,潭水碧绿,传说曾经有犀牛从潭中登岸,因而起名叫“犀牛潭”。瀑布直泻潭中,激起的水珠高达一百多米,仿佛云雾笼罩,在阳光照射下,云雾中便出现了美丽的彩虹,与白茫茫的瀑布交相辉映,景色无比壮丽。


英语听力材料 Stater unit 1 Good morning! 1b Listen and repeat. Conversation 1 Bob: Good morning, Helen! Helen: Hi, Bob! Conversation 2 Cindy: Good morning, Alice! Alice: Good morning, Cindy! Conversation 3 Dale: Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric! Frank/Eric: Good morning, Dale! 2a Listen and repea t. a b c d e f g h 2b Listen and number the letters your hear [1-8]. a b c d e f g h 3a Listen and number the pictures [1-3]. Conversation 1 Dale: Good morning, Helen! Helen: Good morning, Dale. Conversation 2 Frank: Good afternoon, Eric! Eric: Good afternoon, Frank! Conversation 3 Alice: Good evening, Bob! Bob: Good evening, Alice! 3c Listen to the conversation. Cindy: Good afternoon, Dale! Dale: hi, Cindy! How are you? Cindy: I'm fine, thanks. How are you? Dale: I'm OK. 4b Listen and repeat. A A, H, Dale, Grace Frank, thanks E B, C, D, E, G, evening F, Helen


英语五年级上册第六单元目标测试(2011.9) 听力材料及参考 一、听句子。判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,相符用“√”表示,不相符用“×”表示。 (1×5) Number 1. I am 43 kilograms. Number 2. I was sick at home yesterday. Number 3. The girl is taller than the boy. Number 4. It is June 1st. Number 5. In my dream, I was an astronaut. 答案:√×××√ 二、听对话。根据所听内容选择相应图画,将所选图画的字母标号填写在括号内。(1×5) Dialogue 1. --- Which season do you like? --- I like winter because I like playing in the snow. Dialogue 2. --- What did you do yesterday afternoon? --- I played football. Dialogue 3. --- What was the matter with you yesterday? --- I coughed when I had my lunch. Dialogue 4. --- Where are we going today? --- We are going to the amusement park. Dialogue 5. --- Do you often read books at home? --- No, I don’t. I often play computer games. 答案:B A B A A 三、听对话。根据听到的对话顺序,给下列图片编号,将序号填写在括号内。(1×5) Dialogue 1. --- Hello,Amy! Where did you go? --- I went to the park. --- What did you do there? --- I had a picnic with my brother. --- Great! Dialogue 2. --- What are you doing, boy? --- I am making a cake for you. --- Why? --- Today is Mothers’ Day. I want to give it to you. --- Thank you. Dialogue 3. --- Where were you this morning? --- I wasn’t at home. --- Where did you go? --- I went to the town with my friends. Dialogue 4. --- It is hot today, isn’t it?


五年级英语听力材料 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。 1、March 2、either 3、summer 4、near 5、great 6、which 7、January 8、fall 9、plant trees10、get up 二、根据录音内容,填写句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整。 1、 What do you do on the weekend? I wash my clothes. 2、When is Mike’s bir thday? It’s in July . 3、 Do you visit your grandparents on Tuesday? Yes, I do. 4、 Zhang Peng often plays the piano. 5、 I usually get up at 6:30 . 三、根据录音内容为下面的图片排序。 1、-----What’s the date today? -----Today is January 8th and it’s sunny. 2、It’s time to eat dinner. 3、----What often do you do on the weekend? ----I often watch TV on the weekend. 4、let’s go to fly kites. 5、----Which season do you like best? ----Winter. Because I can make a snowman. 四、听录音,根据录音内容,判断下列的句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“√ ”,不相符的打“ ×”。 Hi, I’m Mike. I come to school at 7:30. I have five or six classes every day. I like math. After school I do homework. Sometimes I play ping-pong. On the weekend I usually play football and go to my painting class. That’s fun!


部编版三年级下册语文生字组词1.《古诗三首》 融融化融合融洽融会贯通 燕燕子燕雀燕尔莺歌燕舞 鸳鸯 惠实惠优惠惠存贤惠 崇尊崇崇高崇尚崇拜 芦葫芦芦荟芦苇 芽发芽豆芽肉芽 梅梅花腊梅冬梅 溪溪流溪水小溪溪谷 泛泛滥泛舟广泛空泛 减减少减轻消减减负 2.《燕子》 凑凑数凑合凑效紧凑 拂吹拂飘拂春风拂面 集集体集中集会集思广益 聚聚会聚集聚焦聚沙成塔 形形状形体形态形形色色 掠掠夺掠杀掠影 偶偶然偶遇偶数无独有偶 尔偶尔尔后莞尔一笑 沾沾光沾边沾沾自喜 倦疲倦倦色倦容倦意 纤纤细纤维纤体纤弱 痕伤痕泪痕印痕裂痕 3.《荷花》 瓣花瓣豆瓣蒜瓣瓣膜 蓬莲蓬蓬松蓬乱 胀膨胀肿胀饱胀 裂分裂决裂裂痕 姿姿态姿势姿色 势势力局势势态 仿仿真模仿仿照 佛仿佛佛戾 随随意随便随心所欲 蹈舞蹈手舞足蹈赴汤蹈火 止停止阻止禁止 5.《守株待兔》 守守护把守看守守株待兔株株距株连株守 待等待对待待见以礼相待 宋宋朝仿宋宋体字 耕耕耘耕地耕种耕作 触触动触角接触触目惊心 颈颈联颈椎颈项瓶颈 释释放解释释怀释然 其其中其次其实其貌不扬 6.《陶罐和铁罐》 骄骄傲骄横骄慢骄阳似火 傲傲慢傲气傲世傲骨 谦谦让谦虚谦谦君子 虚虚心虚构虚假虚张声势 懦懦弱懦夫怯懦 弱弱小软弱柔弱虚弱 尘尘世尘土灰尘尘埃落定 捧吹捧捧场捧杀捧腹大笑 代代价代替代表代办 价价位价格价钱价值连城 7.《鹿角和鹿腿》 鹿鹿角鹿茸鹿死谁手 塘河塘池塘鱼塘塘坝 映映射投映映照上映 欣欣赏欣然欣喜欣欣向荣 赏观赏赏脸赏析赏心悦目 匀匀称均匀匀整匀速 致别致精致景致兴致勃勃 配配合搭配调配发配 传传达传统传承流传 哎哎呀哎呦 叹感叹叹气叹为观止 9.《古诗三首》 旧陈旧仍旧怀旧喜新厌旧 符符号桃符音符符合 欲欲望食欲随心所欲欲罢不能魂灵魂鬼魂魂不守舍 借借口借阅借问 酒酒家酒店美酒酒菜 何几何何苦何不何必 牧放牧牧民牧歌牧场 兄兄弟兄长父兄


五年级英语听力材料 每小题读两遍 一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。 1. Mr. Young is old. 2. I’d like some salad. 3. I often do homework. 4. Is Miss White kind? 5. They often read books. 6. What’s your favourite food? 7. What do you do on Sundays? 8. I like apples. They’re delicious. 9. What is he like? 10. Today is Thursday. 二、听录音,选择,将正确的序号写在相应人物下面的方框里。 1.—What would you like ,Chen Jie? —I’d like some green beans. ( B ) 2.—What’s your favourite fruit, Zhang Peng? —My favourite fruit is banana.( I ) 3.—What would you like for dinner, Amy? —I ‘d like some chicken and fish.( G ) 4.—How about you, John? —I ‘d like a hamburger .( A ) 5. —What would you like , Mike? —I’d like an ice cream.( C ) 三、听录音,连线。 1. We have Chinese and art class on Wednesdays . ( C D) 2. We have English and music on Tuesdays .( E G) 3. We have science and maths on Mondays .( A B) 4. We have PE and computer class on Thursdays .( F H) 5. We have English and science on Fridays.( E A ) 四、听录音,判断,与录音相符的画笑脸,不符的画哭脸。 1. Who’s that young man? He’s o ur PE teacher. He’s very strong. ( 2. What would you like? I’d like some noodles and a hamburger.( ) ) 4. What’s your favourite drink? My favourite drink is tea. (


古诗文 1.绝句 唐代 杜甫(fǔ) 迟日江山丽,春风花草香。 泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。 2.惠崇春江晚景 宋代 苏轼 竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。 蒌蒿满地芦芽短,正是河豚欲上时。 3.三衢道中 宋代 曾几 梅子黄时日日晴,小溪泛尽却山行。 绿阴不减来时路,添得黄鹂四五声。 4.忆江南 唐代 白居易 江南好,风景旧曾谙(ān)。 日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝,能不忆江南? 5.守株待兔 《韩非子?五蠹(dù)》 宋人有耕(gēn g)者。 田中有株。 兔走触株,折颈而死。 因释(shì)其耒(1ěi)而守株,冀(jì)复得兔。兔不可复得,而身为宋国笑。 6.元日 宋代 王安石 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏(túsū)。 千门万户瞳(tóng)瞳日,总把新桃换旧符。 7.清明 唐代 杜牧 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂(hún)。

借问酒(j iǔ)家何处有?牧(mù)童遥指杏花村。 8.九月九日忆山东兄弟 唐代 王维(wéi) 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。 遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸(z hūyú)少一人。 9.滁(c hú)州西涧(j iàn) 唐代 韦应物 独怜幽(yōu)草涧边生,上有黄鹂深树鸣。春潮带雨晚来急,野渡无人舟自横。 10.大林寺桃花 唐代 白居易 人间四月芳菲(fēi)尽,山寺桃花始盛开。 长恨(hèn)春归无觅处,不知转入此中来。 成语背诵归纳 1.寓言故事成语 邯郸学步滥竽充数掩耳盗铃 自相矛盾刻舟求剑画蛇添足 杞人忧天井底之蛙杯弓蛇影 2.八字成语 兵来将挡,水来土掩。 不入虎穴,焉(yān)得虎子。 眼见为实,耳听为虚。 近朱者赤(c hì),近墨者黑。 日积月累 1.文学常识 文房四宝:笔墨(mò)纸砚(yàn) 雅(yǎ)人四好:琴棋书画 花中君子:梅兰(lán)竹菊 中医四诊:望闻问切


Starter Unit 1 Conversation 1 Bob: Good morning, Helen! Helen: Hi, Bob! Conversation 2 Cindy: Good morning, Alice! Alice: Good morning, Cindy! Conversation 3 Dale: Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric! Frank/Eric: Good morning, Dale! 2a Listen and repeat. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h 2b Listen and number the letters you hear [1-8]. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h 3a Listen and number the pictures [1-3]. Conversation 1 Dale: Good morning, Helen! Helen: Good morning, Dale! Conversation 2 Frank: Good afternoon, Eric! Eric: Good afternoon, Frank! Conversation 3 Alice: Good evening, Bob! Bob: Good evening, Alice! 3c Listen to the conversation. Then practice it with your partner. Cindy: Good afternoon, Dale! Dale: Hi, Cindy! How are you? Cindy: I’m fine, t hanks. How are you? Dale: I’m OK. Starter Unit 2 1b Listen and repeat. Boy: What’s this in English? Girl: It’s an orange. Girl: What’s that in English? Boy: It’s a jacket. 2a Listen and repeat. i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r


路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索- 百度文库 11 小学五年级英语听力材料及答案 一、听音,选出听到的单词或短语。(10%) 1. clothes 2.do the dishes 3.flat 4. bridge 5. water the flowers BABAB 二、听音,填写单词,完成句子。(10%) 1.She isn’t quiet.She is very active. 2.What day is it today? It’s Wednesday. 3.I often paint on Saturdays. 4.Mike often has eggplants and tomatoes. 5. Can you clean the bedroom? 三、听音,为下列句子排序。(10%) 1.There’s a lake near our village. 2.It is very beautiful. 3.Here comes my tasty food. 4.What can you do at home? 5.I can sweep the floor and cook the meals. (24531) 四、听音,为下列图片标上1至5的序号。(10%) 1. She can sweep the floor. 2. I have a warm bedroom. 3.My favorite food is fruit. 4.There is a river in my village. 5. There are many clouds in the sky. (42315) 笔试部分(60%) 五、根据汉语,填写单词,完成对话。(10%) Mutton,tasty,grapes,healthy,vegetables. 六、根据框内所给句子,补全对话。(20%) 1.E 2.D. 3.B 4.A 5.C 七、连词成句。(10%) 1、Where is the trash bin ? https://www.360docs.net/doc/8e17959635.html,e and look at my new curtains. 3.There is a mirror on the wall. 4.Are you helpful at home? 5.What would you like for dinner? 八、阅读理解(20%) A 篇 根据课程表内容,回答下列问题:(10%) 1.There are four classes . 2.They are English, Chinese, Science and Computer. 3.No,there isn’t. 4.It begins at 9:50.
