




A Meaningful Visit





这是一篇记叙文。应该先陈述参观的时间和地点,因为是一次有意义的参观,因此,参观的地点应该有所选择,比如纪念馆、博物馆或者现代科技馆等,通过参观,了解历史达到以史鉴今,了解现代科技以感悟科技是第一生产力;然后叙述参观的全过程或者主要过程。因为这是记叙过去发生的事情,时态应该使用过去时。参考范文中,习语in salute意为“表示敬意”;not only…but also…意为“不但……而且……”;devote one’s life to意为“献身于……”,相当于devote oneself to。


On March 5, 2006, under the leadership of our teacher, my classmates and I visited Lei Feng Memorial Hall. We stood before the statue of Lei Feng in silent salute for three minutes after getting off the bus. Then we arrived at the exhibition hall. The guide told us that Lei Feng was not only economical but also worked hard and devoted his whole life to serving the people. All of us were deeply impressed by his deeds and made up our mind to carry forward “Lei Feng Spirit”! (89 words)



My First Day in the University




这是一篇记叙文。根据提纲要求,应该先陈述在大学里第一天的具体时间,我国大学新生入学时间一般都在9月份,因此,大学第一天的时间应确定为9月份的某一天;然后叙述在大学的第一天里发生的事情的全过程或者主要过程,事情内容应该与学校相关,且是积极、向上的事情。因为这是记叙过去发生的事情,时态应该使用过去时。参考范文中短语arrive at意思是“到达”,可以用reach, get to等代替;crowds of的意思是“许多”,相当于many, a lot of, lots of, plenty of等。


My university life started on September 1, 2006. When I arrived at the campus, there were already crowds of new faces waiting in a long line. With the help of two volunteers, I quickly completed the registration and was led to the dormitory. In the late afternoon, my new roommates and I held a small party and introduced each other in the bedroom. We made up our mind to study hard in the coming years. In the evening, the university had a welcome party for the freshmen and offered us a free movie. (93 words)



An Unhappy Event




这是一篇记叙文。根据提纲要求,应该先陈述伤心事发生的时间和地点,然后叙述事情发生的全过程或者主要过程。因为这是记叙过去发生的事情,时态应该使用过去时。参考范文中,happen的意思是“发生”,可以用take place, occur等代替;短语set out表示“出发”,相当于set off, start off, depart等。stare at表示“凝视”,相关短语有gaze at, peer at等;have no choice but to do sth.表示“不得不做……”。


This unhappy event happened on a Sunday. At nine o’clock in the morning, after getting the essentials in the supermarket, my friends and I set out for a picnic. One hour later, we arrived at Natural Picnic Zone. We chose an open field and took the food out of the car. When we set everything down and were about to have food, it began to rain and then poured down. We hurriedly got into the car without the food. Staring at the rain from the car window, we felt depressed and had no choice but to get back. (98 words)



My Last New Year






I spent my last new year in the countryside with my grandparents. Heavy snow began to fall soon after I arrived. I was very excited since it didn’t snow quite often in that area. I invited some friends to an open field. First, we took many beautiful pictures together on the snow; then we made a big snow man and fought with snow balls. Many people in the village also came out to enjoy the pretty scenery and some of them joined us. We did not go home until it was dark. (92 words)



A Rainy Day





这是一篇记叙文。根据提纲要求,应该先陈述这下雨天的时间,然后叙述事情发生的全过程或者主要过程。因为这是记叙过去发生的事情,时态应该使用过去时,有些地方也可以用过去完成时。表示在具体的某一天(如日期、生日、节日或星期几)或者某一天的上午、下午或晚上时,常用on, 如:on May 4th, 1919; on Monday, on Teachers’Day, on my birthday, on that day, on the morning of July 2, on Sunday afternoon, on a cold winter evening等。


It was on a rainy morning in March. When I woke up, it was nearly half past seven and my class began at 8 o’clock.

I hurriedly got dressed and rushed outside. After waiting for ten minutes in the rain, I finally got on a crowded bus. The bus moved on slowly for several stops and suddenly it broke down. I had to run to school since the time was limited. When I arrived at school, I was soaking wet and the class had already begun. What a terrible rainy day!

(91 words)



A Wonderful Time




该命题作文的文体为记叙文。根据提纲要求记叙一段美好的时光并进行细节描述,文章应开头点题,将笼统的一段美好时光具体化,如国庆节、同学聚会等,然后进行具体的描述。具体描述时可按事件本身的发展顺序进行。写作时态以一般过去时为主,叙事性文章也通常采用Last Saturday/The other day/Some weeks ago, I did sth.的方式开头;写作主体部分注意文章的连贯性,恰当运用连接词承上启下,如first, then, after that, in the end等;围绕作文主题的句子可以采用:I had a good/nice/happy time with sb., what a wonderful time it was,we enjoyed doing sth.等。


It was indeed a wonderful time on National Day. I met one of my former classmates and we had a very happy time together. It had been a long period since we met last time, so we valued the meeting so much. First, we had a delicious dinner in a downtown restaurant. After that we had a very pleasant chatting. We talked about the time we spent in the college and the teachers we still remembered. We also exchanged news on life and work and agreed to keep in touch. What a wonderful time it was! (96 words)


1. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Tutoring Private tutoring is “in”. A recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of pupils have private tutors. While private tutoring has both advantages and disadvantages, I feel that we should give more thoughts to its negative effects. Such a popular practice clearly indicates that people are attaching greater importance to education. Many parents either missed the chance of obtaining a good education themselves or have been too busy with their own business. When their children meet with difficulties in study, they are helpless. Private tutoring seems to be the only solution. As private tutoring is usually given on the one-to-one basis, the teacher knows the strong points as well as the weak points of the pupil; and teaching is, in most cases, directly to the point. Private tutoring benefits a lot of pupils, indeed. While on the other hand, private tutoring has its own disadvantages. For one thing, it takes up so much of the pupil’s time that they can hardly find enough time for rest or entertainment, which is essential for kids’ physical and mental health. Besides, some teachers, busy “shuttling” from one family to another, tend to neglect their regular teaching duties. What is more, some teachers are eager to help pupils do well on the test, offering the so-called tips for test-taking instead of helping them acquire


开放参考作文 1. City and Country Life【都市生活与乡村生活】 Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the in dividual. Sometimes this feeli ng seems to be one of in differe nee, but it is a conven ti on of city life to curb on e's curiosity about the pers onal affairs of stra ngers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of in terest in all their n eighbors. Opport un ities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has bee n a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolita n areas. 2. (Health and Life),健康和生命 As the say ing goes, you don ' t know what happ in ess is un til you lose it ' you don ' t know what health is ur is of vital importa nee to life ” sounds like a cliche to every one, but it is absolutely true. The n eglige nee of the delicate bala nee of your body and soul, the harmful habits such as smok ing, excessive drinking and bur ning mid-ni ght oil will catch up with you someday. How many big pla ns are in terrupted by bad health! Even a no rmal life is uni mag in able without the guara ntee of health. How to keep fit is an eter nal topic of diversity and con troversy. Regardless of all the differe nt suggesti ons poured from all kinds of sources, one should do at least two things for him/herself. First, hold an active and optimistic attitude toward life and maintain a men tal well-be ing. Secon d, live a regular life and keep a bala need diet. Any way, a healthy life is with in reach when you begi n to adjust your mind and body. 3. The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life (集体生活的利与弊) For most university students, dormitory life is a new experienee. Most students have never lived far away from their pare nts before coming to uni versity. They have always had their pare nts to depe nd on for advice and guida nee, and whe n they become uni versity stude nts, their lives begi n to cha nge. There are strik ing differe nee betwee n home life and dormitory life. Stude nt must begi n to be resp on sible for their own action. They must depe nd on themselves to get up in the morning on, time for class, to eat properly, to keep their clothes and themselves clea n ,and to set aside an appropriate amount of time for study and relaxati on. They must also lear n to take care of their mon ey, making sure to preserve eno ugh for both n ecessities and for fun. In gen eral, there are both good and bad points about life in stude nt dormitory. Often, dormitory rooms are small and other hand, in a dormitory, stude nt have a great deal more freedom tha n they might have at home. They can act accord ing to their own will and desire tha n to that of pare nts. crowded. This lack of space can limit one s privacy atiffi rtstude nts to concen trate on their studies. On the 4. The advantages and disadvantages of city life 城市生活的禾U与弊 Livi ng in a city has both adva ntages and disadva ntages. It is ofte n easier to find work. There are always many choices of public tran sport. Besides, there are a lot of in teresti ng things to do and places to see. You can eat in good restaura nts, visit museums, go to cin emas and go to parks whe never you want to relax. However, livi ng in a city is often very expe nsive. You must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do. What's more, the city is always crowded, no isy and dirty. It is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the coun tryside. 5. The Internet and Our Life(互联网与我们的生活) We know the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. On the Internet, we can get as much in formatio n as we can. We can send e-mails to our friends and talk to them as well. Besides, on the Internet we can read books, enjoy music and watch ball games. We can also do shopp ing without leav ing our homes. But many stude nts spe nd too much time play ing Internet games. They waste a lot of time. We must make good use of the Intern et. 6. Campus Life校园生活 Early in senior high school, we Ion ged to be en rolled in a uni versity. Now the dream has come true. But how do we college stude nts like our campus life? Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and reward ing. Besides study, they spe nd con siderable amount of time improvi ng themselves in various aspect. Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not ben efit as much. In their eyes, the uni versity is just a bigger high school. The only differe nee is that they have more time at their disposal without pare nts look ing over their shoulder. As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me compa ny, a couple of con scie ntious professors to in struct me, and an easy access to the Intern et. 7. How to Be Popular如何才能受人欢迎 Most people would like to be popular with others, but not every one can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? In fact, it is very simple. The first step is to improve our appeara nee. We should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. Whe n we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. I n additi on, we should smile and appear



附录一:英语满分作文必背20句 1.According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to s moking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with ho mework. 最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。 3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with gradu ation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。 5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation. 越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。 6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime s tudy. 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。 7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person’s physical fitness. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great eff orts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of in ternational tourism. 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响。 9. An increasing number ;of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on con struction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city resi dents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution. 越来越多的专家相信移民对城市的建设起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,像犯罪和**。 10. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spen d much mor e time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number o f pass engers.


2012大学英语四级考试写作辅导 记叙文的思路与练习 记叙文是以叙述人物的经历和事物的发展变化过程为主要表现形式的一种文体。记叙文既可以以写人为主,又可以以写事为主。写记叙文要注意记叙文的“六大要素”即: 时间(When)——何时发生,有没有具体时间? 地点(Where)——何地发生,有没有地点变化? 人物(Who)——何人参与,谁是主角? 事件(What)——发生了什么,有何特点? 原因(Why)——事件的起因? 结果(How)——事件的经过及结局? 一般说来,在一篇记叙文中这六大要素是缺一不可的。 记叙文的思路就围绕这六大要素充分展开。 【例】四级考试中,只出现过一次专门的记叙文体裁的写作,即“An Early Morning Walk”(1988.6.),2003年6月出现过包含记叙文的作文,即“An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident”。 对于“An Early Morning Walk”,知道命题要求后,我们就要开始构思了。 When:题目已规定了是“清晨”,在这个时候,“我”去散步。 Where:到哪儿散步?去公园?在校园里?在街上(街上空气不好,还是不去!)。 Who:在公园里看到晨练的人:中老年人、年轻人、小孩子;在校园里看到读书背单词的学生。 What:人们热火朝天地做操,随音乐跳舞,打球,等等。 Why:清晨空气清新,适合锻炼;一日之际在于晨,背背书,读读单词。 当然,由这个题目可以令人想到很多东西,因篇幅所限,我们做了删减。

An Early Morning Walk One morning I got up very early,and everything around was very quiet. The sun had just risen,shining brilliantly and everything seemed to be covered with a layer of golden silk. There were only some birds singing occasionally in the tall trees. I strolled along the street toward the park,breathing the fresh air and feeling extremely happy. When I arrived at the park,I found,to my surprise,that there were so many people there. Men and women,boys and girls,all were enjoying themselves in their various activities. Some were doing morning exercises,some were playing badminton and some old people were having their tea while talking to each other cheerfully. I wandered around the park. To my delight,I found a few middle-school students talking to each other in English in one corner of the park. I went up and spoke to them in English. We soon became friends. I was very glad to find another opportunity to practice my spoken English. On the way home,I realized that an early morning walk really was good and healthful. Taking early morning walks makes one healthy and wise. 【点评】文章按照时间顺序(in chronological order),第一句话点明时间(One morning)、人物(第一人称“I”),并简要描述了早晨的特点(What was the setting),接着第二段第一句话交代地点(in the park),然后介绍公园里人们及作者的活动(What was happening),最后在文章结尾点题,即,归纳中心思想——Taking early morning walks makes one healthy and wise. 仅仅189个单词既满足了记叙文的“六大要素”,又有明确的中心思想和生动的细节,行文方式符合要求。 1. 以“A Most Unlucky Day”为题,想想该怎么写。注意:题目的中心词是“unlucky”。 When: Where: Who: What: Why: How: 参考思路


范例一 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做 Attend Your Classes Regularly Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it. 点评:2008年元月三日,中山大学博士发帖称遭导师虐待;2008年元月四日,中国政法大学爆“杨帆门”事件;近几年,中小学老师或打学生或猥亵学生、体罚学生等各类新闻不断曝光,进而引发了师生关系的大讨论。本范例题为四级考试传统的问题解决型的写作,与校园生活密切相关。 范例二 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Students’ Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍 2. 人们对其持不同态度 3. 我的看法 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.. This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend the teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion


在开始完成考核册之前应认真阅读使用说明和记录单(1 -2页) 学前记录卡(第3页) 学习资源: 学生按照实际情况进行选项,在是\否处画“√” 回顾与终结 学习内容: 1. 学习过多少时态? ①一般现在时②一般过去时③现在完成时④过去完成时⑤现在进行时⑥过去进行时⑦一般将来时 I often get up early. He went to the cinema last evening. They are waiting for a bus. The children will have a race tomorrow. The Arctic Subrise will be visiting the Philippines and Thailand . Will Chinese become the predominant Internet language by 2025? The government has been suffering from problems caused by the envirnment. 2. 你现在的词汇量: 1800 3. 英语I中最难学习的: 新的词汇太多记单词最困难 4. 还有那些没有掌握: 虚拟条件句, 进行时的被动语态 5. 你认为…哪些是优势\哪些有待改进 自己在阅读方面还可以,但是挺立和口语需要提高 学习方法: 1. 每周5~7小时不足 2. 有计划不能坚持工作原因 3. 一部分 4. 网上学习资源(教材磁带上网教材) 5. 问老师,自己查资料 本学期学习目标和计划 学习目标: 1. 听力方面: 听懂日常会话 2. 口语方面: 用简单的词汇表达 3. 阅读方面: 读懂课文 4. 写作方面:按照老师的要求写短文 学习计划:(略) 学习记录卡1(Units 19—24) 学习过程: 1. A√B√C√ 2. A√B√C√ 3. A√B√C√


1、网络游戏 2、考证热 3、节俭 4、社会实践 5、挫折 6、报考公务员 7、电视选秀 8、出国留学 9、就业 10、互联网 1、网络游戏 1)现在有些大学生沉迷于网络游戏,家长和学校对此忧心忡忡,2)但有人认为网络游戏并非一无是处,3)你的看法。 Online Games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. A great many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly. From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them. 2、考证热 1)近几年大学校园内出现“考证热”,2)产生这一现象的原因,3)你的看法。 Certificate Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear? There are mainly two reasons behind this phenomenon. To begin with, it is the employment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. How can one make himself more competitive? More certificates at hand, maybe. Furthermore, diploma and certificates are still vital standards by which a good many employers measure a person’s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another. From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability. Being crazy in getting certificates blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做 Attend Your Classes Regularly Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it. 点评:2008年元月三日,中山大学博士发帖称遭导师虐待;2008年元月四日,中国政法大学爆“杨帆门”事件;近几年,中小学老师或打学生或猥亵学生、体罚学生等各类新闻不断曝光,进而引发了师生关系的大讨论。本范例题为四级考试传统的问题解决型的写作,与校园生活密切相关。 范例二 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Students’Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍 2. 人们对其持不同态度 3. 我的看法 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.. This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend t he teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion about their teachers’ effectiveness. Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it. They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students’ rating forms. Students sh ould not be expected to judge whether the materials they use are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject. These judgments require professional knowledge, which is best left for the teachers’ colleagues. I think students’ rating of their teachers is necessary, but it should be conducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers’ performance. Instead of rating the teachers’ knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimate what they have learned in a course, an d to report on such things as a teacher’s ability to communicate with students, his or her relationship with students, and his or her ability to arouse students’ interest in the subject. 点评:越来越多的高校采取让学生给老师打分的形式来了解教学反馈,并以此作为促进教学质量的有效手段。对此做法,管理部门及教学双方褒贬不一,看法迥异。本范例题为校园生活热议话题,值得关注。
