

词类转换法(Chapt. 4)

By conversion it means that in translation a word of a certain type in the SL text is not necessarily to be turned into a word of the same type in the TL text. A part of speech of a word often has to be converted into another different part of speech of the word so as to conform to the idiomatic usage of the TL due to differences in syntactic structures and idiomatic expressions of the two languages.

Practice before class









1) 交易增加,要求流通的货币量也增加。


3) 中国成功地爆炸原子弹第一颗在全世界引起了巨大的反响。


Practice in class

1) 林则徐认为,要成功地制止鸦片买卖,就得首先把鸦片销毁。

2) 邓小平在“十一大”上说:“一定要少说空话,多做工作”。


4) 他在讲话中特别强调提高产品质量。






Practice in class

1) 获息贵国遭受海啸,我们极为关切。

2) 他们怀疑他是否能负担得起。

3) 他们不满足于现有的成就。

4) 我们相信,在两市的共同努力下,我们两市的合作必定进一步







Practice in class

1) 我们全体赞成他的建议。

2) 孩子们都上同一个学堂。

3) 他们不顾一切困难、挫折,坚持战斗。

4) 我们对待世界大战这个问题的态度是,第一,反对;第二,不






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1) 贵国人民的友好给我留下了很深的影响。

2) 杀人的动机是刻骨的仇恨。

Practice in class…

1) 他的演讲给听众的印象很深。

2) 该厂产品的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。

3) 地球的形状像个大球。





Practice in class



Practice in class



2) 我们觉得解决这个问题并不难。

3) 我们深信这个政策是正确的,并且有坚定的信心来奉行它。













3 )生产稳步增长。








(Chinese nouns such as 印象、态度、特点、地位etc. into English verbs. )

1) 该厂产品的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。

2) 了解过去有助于了解现在,了解现在有助于预知未来。

IV. Appreciation

1. 行路难,但人生之路谁都要走。

A. It is difficult to walk, but everyone has to walk on the road of the


B. No matter how difficult the road of life is, everyone has to walk

through it for himself.

C. To go on a journey is often full of hardships, but so long as one

lives he proceeds on his life’s journey.

2. 有的人在赶路,心急切切,步急匆匆。眼中只有目标却忽略了风景。可路迢迢不知哪儿是终点。有的人如游客,不急不慌,走走停停,看花开花落,看云卷云舒,有时也在风中走,雨中行,心却像张开的


A. They only have the goal in their eyes, neglecting the scenery on the way. However, the road seems endless and they have no idea of where the end is. Others, like the travelers, walk without haste or worry. They take a break from time to time, appreciating the blossoms and the floating clouds. Although sometimes they also have to walk against the wind or in the rain, their hearts, like a stretched net, let the worries and pains go.

B. Some walk in such a hurry that they only see destinations before them and ignore the beautiful scenery. However, they do not know where the terminal is on the long long road. Some walk as tourists without any haste. They stop occasionally to appreciate the blooming and withering of flowers, the rolling and extension of clouds. Although there times of heavy storms, their hearts are always like an open net which lets go distresses.

C. Different people go along differently. Some take hasty steps in anxiety. Obsessed with reaching the next goal in time, they spare no time for sightseeing along the way, nor do they have a clear view of where their long roads end. Others travel leisurely like tourists. They would take time off now and then for a look at blooming flowers or fallen petals. They would stop to admire clouds gathering and dispersing. Even when they go against the wind or are caught in the rain, they never get annoyed, for worries slip off their minds as from an open net.

3. 有的人却总是怡然自得,随遇而安。

A. However, others are always happy with what they have and where they are.

B. Others, however, can always satisfy themselves with the confined surroundings.

C. But others are always contented and happy for he can adapt himself to different circumstances.

Assignment (Practice after class)

I. Translate the following pssage


我不但常常感念我的父母,我也常常警惕我们应当怎样做父母。II.. Translate the following sentences by means of conversion where necessary.

1. 使用计算机可以大大提高劳动生产率。

2. 我们要确保更有效地利用外资。

3. 广州历来盛情招待来自全世界的游客和客商。

④. 有人建议减少政府开支,提高工人的工资。


⑥. 我们立志忠心耿耿地报效自己的祖国和人民。



9) 我们的教育方针,应该使受教育者在德育、智育体育几方面都得到发展,成为有社会主义觉悟、文化的劳动者

10) 该厂产品的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。


初三词性转换汇总 A开头的 1. able ability enable unable *disabled 2. accurate accurately *accuracy 3. achieve achievement 4. act actor/actress action / activity active actively 5. add addition 6. advantage disadvantage 7. advertisement *advertise 8. advice advise 9. Africa African 10. age aged 11. agent agency 12. agree disagree *agreement / disagreement 13. aim v. / n. 14. air-conditioner air-conditioned 15. alive living lively 16. amazing amazed *amaze 17. ambition *ambitious 18. America American 19. amusing amused amusement *amuse 20. angry angrily anger 21. answer n. / v. 22. apologize apology 23. appear disappear *appearance / disappearance 24. argue argument 25. arrange *arrangement 26. arrive arrival 27. art artist 28. Asia Asian 29. assist assistant 30. attack n. / v. 31. attend *attentive attentively 32. attract attractive attraction 33. Australia Australian 34. automatic automatically 35. average n. / a. 36. award n. / v. 37. awful awfully B开头的 38. bad badly worse / worst 39. balance n. / v.


词类转换分类记忆I.形容词——副词 1、加ly quiet安静的 quick快速的 slow慢的 beautiful美丽的 bright明亮的 careful仔细的 2、去y加ilycertain一定 clear清楚 loud大声 sad难过的 wide广泛 serious严重的usual通常 final最后 safe安全 real真的 recent最近的 main主要 easy容易的heavy大量

angry生气的hungry饥饿的happy快乐的lucky幸运的 3、le结尾的,去e变y possible可能gentle轻柔的 4、不变 hard难的;努力地,猛烈地fast快early早late晚 enough足够straight笔直 II.动词——名词 1、加er、or、ress 加er farm耕种—农民 drive驾驶—驾驶员司机 更多精品文档teach教—老师work工作—工人 write写—作家 report报道—记者 win赢(winner)—获胜者 own拥有—owner拥有者 加or act--actor男演员

visit—visitor观光者 invent--inventor发明家calculate—calculator计算器 加ress wait—waitress女服务员 2、加ion结尾 add—addition加collect—collection收集discuss—discussion讨论decide—decision决定invent—invention发明物invite—invitation邀请operate—operation手术 3、加ing begin—beginning开始build—building大楼 say—saying谚语 4、其他 serve—service服务 更多精品文档paint画、粉刷---画家manage经营—经理


词类转换翻译法练习 转译成动词 1. Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 2. In China, there is a lot of emphasis on politeness. 3. A careful study of the original text will give you a better translation. 4. The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 5. He is a good singer. 6. Those small factories are also lavish consumer and waster of raw materials. 7. You must be tired. Why don’t you take a rest? 8. I am anxious about his health. 9. Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life. 10. Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible. 11. She opened the window to let fresh air in. 12. After careful investigation they found the design behind. 转译成名词 13. This kind of behavior characterizes the criminal mind. 14. To them, he personified the absolute power. 15. Our age is witnessing a profound political change. 16. Most U.S. spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth’s atmosphere after completing their missions. 17. He was treated very shabbily by the press during this period. 18. I was encouraged by our president. 19. They did their best to help the sick and the wounded. 20. Both compounds are acids, the former is strong and the latter is weak. 21. He was eloquent and elegant—but soft. 22. His whole family were religious. 转译成形容词 23. This issue is of vital importance. 24. The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment. 25. Our performance was a success. 26. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 其它词类转译 形容词与副词的互相转译 27. We must make full use of existing technical equipment.



动词变名词 1. v+ ment 结尾achieve---achievement 成就advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree—agreement appoint ----------- appointment disappoint --- disappointment disagree --- disagreement 2.V+ tion/sion 结尾admit —admission 承认attract —attraction 有吸引力的事或人;conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛consider---consideration discuss—discussion 讨论decide--- decision describe—description 描写,描绘direct---direction determine---determination educate education explain --- explanation express --- expression graduate —graduation hesitate---hesitation invite —invitation imagine —imagination 想象力introduce —introduction 介绍instruct —instruction 指导,介绍3.V+ ance /ence 结尾allow —allowance 允许appear —appearance 外貌,出现disappear---disappearance 消失4.V+ ing 结尾bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束e nding 结尾,结局train 训练---training 5.V+ 其他able---ability---disable assist assisitant analyze---analysis arrive-- arrival 到达beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐 amuse --- a musement 娱乐 argue---argument 争吵commit —commitment 奉献develop---development equip ---equipment 装备,器材govern 统治一government 政府manage---management 经营管理 invent—inventor / invention illustrate --illustration inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的impress—impression operate—operation organize --- o rganization permit---permission pollute --- pollution predict---prediction prepare---preparation pronounce ---pronunciation resolve resolution 决心suggest --suggestion solve ---- solution satisfy --- satisfaction perform ---- p erformance --performer exist—existence 存在 mean --- meaning 意义 say ---- saying 谚语 believe—belief 信仰 behave ---- b ehavior die---dead --- death employ--employer 雇主--employee 雇员 常见词形变化


词法翻译1——词性转换的运用 1.事实胜于雄辩。 Facts speak louder than words. 2.眼见为实。 Seeing is believing. 3.不要怕犯错误。 Don't be afraid of making mistakes. 4.在中国,人们非常注重讲礼貌。 In China,people emphasize politeness much. 5.赞成还是反对我们的建议,请大家畅所欲言,表明立场。 Please everyone speaks up freely on whether you agree on our suggestion or not and states your stand. 6.独立思考对学习是绝对必需的。 Indendent thinking is absolutely needed for learning. 7.决不允许违反这个原则。 It is definitely not allowed to be contrary to this principle. 8.人口一直在不断增长。 The population increase continually all the time. 9.你赞成还是反对这项计划? Do you agree on this plan or not? 10.官方宣布,中国已经成功的实现了载人航天。 Declaring by the official,China has already accomplished the project of manned space flight. 11.就业形势不可避免地受金融危机的影响。 The situation of employment is unavoidably impacted by the financial crisis. 12.科学家对政治并不陌生。 Scientists are not unfamiliar with politics. 13.亚洲仍然是世界上最具经济活力的地区。 Economically,Asia is still the most dynamic region in the world 14.大幅削减税收有利于增加投资。 Slash tax in favor of investment promotion. 15.要想保护自然界,就要从根本上改变目前的生活方式。 Intending to protect the nature,changing the way of living fundamentally is needed.


词类转换翻译法 在英译汉的过程中,有些句子可以逐词对译,有些句子则由于英汉两种语言的表达式不同,就不能逐词对译。原文中有些词在译文中需要转换词类,才能使汉语译文通顺自然。 一、名词的转译 1.英语名词转译成动词 由动词派生的名词,具有动词意思的名词,以结尾表示身份或职业的名词等,这些名词都可以转译成动词。 【例1】The remembrance of these will add zest to his life. ×对于这些事情的回想将会增添他生活的乐趣。 【译文】回想起这些事情,会给他的生活增添乐趣。 【例2】He looked on the Convention as a fair and faithful representation of the people. ×他认为这次大会是人民的公正忠实的代表。 【译文】他认为这次大会公正忠实地代表了人民。 【例3】Other governmental activities are the responsibilities of the individual states, which have their own constitutions and laws. ×其他政府活动则是各个州的责任,各州都有自己的宪法和法律。 【译文】其他政府职能则由各个州来承担,各州都有自己的宪法和法律。 【例4】The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 【译文】看到我们的喷气式飞机,听到隆隆的机声,我感到特别神往。 【例5】To my knowledge, some computers have gone missing. 【译文】据我所知,有几台计算机失踪了。 【例6】He was a good listener and they would like to talk with him. ×他是个好听众,所以他们喜欢同他谈话。 【译文】他善于听取别人意见,所以他们喜欢同他谈心。 1)由动词派生的名词转译成动词,在政论文体中出现比较多。 ·The government called for the establishment of more technical schools. 政府号召建立更多的技术学校。 ·Until 1972, all efforts by the two nations to curb the nuclear arms race had founded on one point: U.S. insistence on the right to make on-site inspections of the Soviet strategic arsenal and Russia’s refusal. 到一九七二年为止,美苏之间关于限制核军备竞赛的一切努力都在这一点上失败了:美国坚持有权视察苏方战略武器现场,而苏联则拒绝这样做。 ·Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经被用来探索宇宙。 2) 含有动作意味的名词(在记叙、描写文体中出现较多)往往可以转译成动词。 ·Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources. 越南战争不断消耗着美国的资源。 ·A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument

第一章 词类和词类转换 概念

第一章词类和词类转换 1.1词的分类 英语中的词根据其形式特征和在句子中的作用可以分为16大类,列表如下: 名词、代词、形容词、数词、动词和副词能在句中独立充当成分,称为实词。冠词、介词、连词和感叹词不能在句中独立充当成分,称为虚词。 1.2词类转换 词类之间通过一定的构词方法可以相互转换。词类的转换通常有三种形式: 1.派生词 由词根加词缀构成的新词称为派生词。词缀分为前缀和后缀。前缀加于词根前,后缀加于词根后。例如: Happy adj. 高兴的 加前缀:un- + happy = unhappy adj. 不高兴的 加后缀:happy + -ly = happily adv. 高兴地 (1)前缀 前缀一般不改变词类,多改变词义。 1)表示否定含义的前缀 dis- disagree 不同意disappear 消失 im- impossible 不可能的 in- inconvenient 不方便的incorrect 不正确的 un- uncorrected 未改正的unknown 未知的uncomfortable 不舒服的 2)表示其他意义的前缀 re- 重新,再rebuild 重建rewrite 重写 super- 超级supermarket 超级市场 auto- 自动automatically 自动地 inter- 相互international 国际的 kilo- 千kilometer 千米kilogram 千克

tele- 运距离telephone 电话television 电视 (2)后缀 后缀一般用来改变词类 1)表示人或器具 -er foreigner 外国人traveler 旅行者 waiter 男侍者footballer 足球运动员 winner 获胜者runner 跑步的人 swimmer 游泳者 flyer 飞行物locker 柜子 -or inventor 发明家actor 男演员 calculator 计算器 -ess waitress 女服务员actress 女演员 -ist artist 艺术家scientist 科学家 说明: [1] 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾是单个辅音字母的动词如swim, win, run, begin等,构成名词时先将结尾辅音字母双写,再加后缀-er。 [2] 以-an, -ese后缀结尾有关国家名称的派生词见1.2中1 (3)。 2)构成抽象名词 -ness kindness 好意happiness 高兴 -tion invention 发明pollution 污染 -ation invitation 邀请information 信息 -sion discussion 讨论television 电视 -ing building 建筑物painting 画 beginning 开始shopping 购物 -y difficulty 困难honesty 诚实 -ment development 发展government 政府 -sure pleasure 愉快 -ance performance 表演 -hood childhood 童年neighbourhood 街坊 -ence convenience 方便difference 不同 -age postage 邮资 说明: [1]explain(解释),pronounce (发音),repeat(重复)构成名词时,词形发生变化:explain - explanation repeat - repetition pronounce – pronunciation [2] begin, shop 等动词结尾音节为重读闭音节,且词尾为单个辅音字母,构成名词时,应先将词尾辅音字母双写,再加后缀-ing。 3)构成形容词 -ful useful 有用的helpful 有帮助的 -ly lovely 可爱的friendly 友好的 -al medical 医药的traditional 传统的 -en wooden 木制的 -y lucky 侥幸的healthy 健康的 -ive expensive 昂贵的active 积极的


1 高中英语写作词汇词性转换 第一组: 1. ability (n. )能力;才能---able (a.)---unable (a..) —disability (n. ) —disabled (a.) be able to do…= be capable of doing 2. absence (n. ) 缺席;不 在 --- absent (a.) ---present (a..) – presence (n.) be absent from; be present at 3. absolute (a.) 绝对的;完全的---absolutely (adv.) 4. abundant (a.) 丰富的;充裕的 ---abundance (n.) be abundant in 5. academic (a.) 学院的,理论的 (n.) 大学教师 --- academy (n.) 学院 6. accept (v.) 接受---acceptable (a.)可接受的 - –refuse (opp.) 拒绝 7. access (n.) 通路,入门;(v.)接近;存取 ---accessible (a.) have access to(to为介词)可以使用;可以接触 8. accurate (a.) 正确的,精确的 --- accuracy (n.) –accurately (adv.)-- (opp.)inaccurate 不准确 9. achieve (v.) 取得,达到 --- achievement (n.) 10. acquire (v.) 获得,学到 --- acquisition (n.) 11. act (n. ) 法令,条例;(v.)表演;行动---action (n.) –active (a.) 主动的—inactive (a.) —actively (adv.) —activity (n. ) 活动 --passive (a.) 被动的 ---actor (n.) –actress (n.) 12. actual (a.) 实际的;现实的–actually (adv.) = as a matter of fact 13. adapt (v.) 使适应;改编 ---adaptation (n.) 适应,顺应;改编,改编本 ---adaptable (a.) 有适应能力的adapt oneself to 适应于; adapt…(for sth.) from sth. 改编14. add (v.) 添加,增加;补充说- --addition (n.) ---additional (a.) –additionally (adv.) add…to 将…(添)加到… add to 增加,加强 add up加起来 add up to共计达 in addition (to) 另外,除此之外 15. addict (n.) 成瘾的人 ---addicted (a.) –addition (n.) ---addictive (a.) 使成瘾的;上瘾的;易令人沉溺的 be addicted to (to为介词)对…上瘾 16. adjust (v.) 调整,使适应 ---adjustment (n.) --- adjustable (a.) 17. admire (v.) 钦佩,羡慕 ---admiration (n.) --- admirable (a.) 18. admit (v.) 承认,准许 ( admitted, admitted) --- admission (n.) 19. adopt (v.) 收养,采用 ---adoption (n.) --- adopted (a.) 20. advance (v.) 推进,促进;前进(n.)前进,提升—advanced (a.) 先进的;高等的 21. advantage (n.) 有点;好处 ---disadvantage (n.) take advantage of利用;欺骗,占…的便宜 22. adventure (n.) 冒险,奇遇 --- adventurous (a.) 23. advertise (v.) 为…做广告---advertisement (n.) 24. advise (v.) 建议,劝告----adviser (n.) 顾问,忠告者 --- advice (n.) a piece of advice 25. affect (v.) 影响 --- affection (n.) 影响,感情 = have an effect on 26. Africa (n.) 非洲 --- African (a.) (n.) 27. age (n.) 年纪 --- aged (a.)老年的—elderly (a.) 28. agree (v.) 同意--- agreement (n.) --- disagree (opp)—disagreement (n.) 29. agriculture (n.) 农业– agricultural (a.) 30. allow (v.) 准许,允许---allowance (n.) 允许;紧贴,补助


英语词性转换类型 (1).动词转化为名词, post-postage mail-mail weigh-weight advise-advice (2)动词转化成名词-形容词 act-actor / actress-active change-change-changeable (3) 动词转化成形容词,副词,名词 fill-full,need-necessary-necessarily interest(v. / n.) interested /interesting (4)n. a. n. a.名词转化为形容词 person personal ( 个人的; 私人的 ) fun funny (5)n. pl. n. pl.名词转化为名词复数 gentleman gentlemen human humans (6)a. ad. a. ad.形容词转化为副词 possible possibly probable probably (7)a. ad. n.形容词转化为副词,名词 true truly truth lucky luckily luck (8)原级比较级最高级 far farther / further farthest / furthest little less least 英语词性转换方法 一、名词变为形容词的方法 1. 在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词)。 例如:rain—rainy, cloud—cloudy, wind—windy, snow—snowy, health—healthy, luck—lucky等。 注意:1)如果名词以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,这时应双写词尾的辅音字母再加-y。如:sun—sunny, fun—funny等。 2)少数以不发音的e结尾的名词变为形容词时,应去掉e再加-y。例如:noise—noisy, ice—icy 等。 2. 一些抽象名词在词尾加-ful可以变为形容词。 例如:care—careful, thank—thankful, help—helpful, use—useful, beauty—beautiful等。 3. 一些表示国家的名词可以在词尾加-ese, -ish或-n构成表示国籍、语言的形容词。 例如:China—Chinese, Japan—Japanese, England—English, America—American, India—Indian, Australia —Australian(注意Canada—Canadian)。 4.在名词后加-ous变为形容词。 例如:danger—dangerous等。 5. 在名词后加-ly变为形容词。 例如:friend—friendly, love—lovely等。 6.在名词后加-less构成含有否定意义的形容词。 例如:care—careless(粗心的),use—useless(无用的),hope—hopeless(没希望的),home—homeless(无家可归的)等。 7. 一些以-ence结尾的名词,把ence改为ent变成形容词。 例如:difference—different, silence—silent等。 二、动词变为名词的方法 1.词形不变,词性改变。 例如:work, study, water, plant等可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。 2. 一些动词在词尾加上-er或-or之后就变成了表示“某一类人”的名词。 例如:work—worker, teach—teacher, sing—singer, jump—jumper, play—player, learn—learner, visit—visitor, invent—inventor等。


学号: 2009097311 哈尔滨师范大学 学士学位论文 题目词类转译法之名词转译成动词在英汉翻 译中的应用 学生刘婷婷 指导教师苏跃(副教授) 年级2007级 专业英语教育 系别英语教育系 学院西语学院

哈尔滨师范大学 学士学位论文开题报告 论文题目词类转译法之名词转译成动词在英汉翻 译中的应用 学生姓名刘婷婷 指导教师苏跃(副教授) 年级 2007级 15班 专业英语教育 2011年3 月

说明 本表需在指导教师和有关领导审查批准的情况下,要求学生认真填写。 说明课题的来源(自拟题目或指导教师承担的科研任务)、课题研究的目的和意义、课题在国内外研究现状和发展趋势。 若课题因故变动时,应向指导教师提出申请,提交题目变动论证报告。

课题来源: 教师指导下自拟题目 课题研究的目的和意义: 目的: 英汉两种语言在词汇和语法方面有一定的共同点,但差异也是明显的。例如,英语和汉语比较起来,汉语中动词用得比较多。英语中的许多词,如名词、介词、形容词和副词在汉译时,往往可以译成动词。英语的词汇量很大,它吸收了大量的其他语言中的词汇,如法语、拉丁语、希腊语等。英语中的同义词和近义词很多,一词多义的现象非常普遍。同样,汉语中的同义词和近义词也十分丰富。汉语的词汇没有形态的变化,它主要靠词语、词序以及内在的逻辑关系来表达句子的含义。英语则通过词汇的各种形态变化来表达句子丰富多彩的语言关系和逻辑关系。由于英语和汉语在语法和表达习惯上存在很多差异,因此在翻译过程中有时必须改变原文中某些词句的词类或句子成分才能准确传达原文的意思。词类转译法就是实现这一目的的翻译方法。 意义: 翻译是一种跨文化的交流活动。翻译不仅是把一种文字用另外一种文字表达出来,而且还将两种不同的文化进行融合。英语和汉语在语法和词汇表达习惯上存在诸多差异,因此 在翻译过程中有时必须改变原文某些词句的词类或句子成分才能准确传达原文的意思。词类转译法就是实现这一目的的翻译方法之一,是翻译技巧中一个重要的组成部分。它的运用会直接影响到译文的质量。掌握了这种翻译技巧,会使译文更自然、更流畅、更符合汉语的表达习惯。只要我们不断学习,不断实践,注意观察,及时总结,我们就会在翻译的实践中逐步学会并掌握好词类转译法。 国内外同类课题研究现状及发展趋势: 国外: 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整的重新表达出来的语言活动。语言是思维的外壳,人类的思维是由存在决定的,而客观存在是可以认识的,因此一种语言所表达的思维内容,用另一种语言重新表达出来也是完全可能的。早在1959年,雅各布森从符号学的观点出发,将翻译分为:语内翻译,语际翻译,符际翻译。但国外对此课题的研究不是特别的多,在词类转译法方面的研究还不充足。A.F. Tytler 曾在 E ssay on principles of traslation中,对词类转译法进行了透彻的分析。 国内: 翻译不仅是把一种文字用另一种文字表达出来, 而且还是两种不同的文化的融合。因此在英译汉时务必要注意一些翻译技巧, 来使两种不同的文化进行交融, 其中较为重要的是词类的转译,国内通过大量的例句说明了在英译汉时词类的转译法的一些技巧运用, 特别是不同词类转译成动词的用法, 强调了词类的转译法在翻译中的重要性。我国的翻译事业有约两千年的光辉灿烂历史,早在西汉哀帝时代,有个名叫伊存的人到中国口传一些简短的佛经经句,但谈不上佛经的翻译。约两千年的翻译历史已为我们积累了一份宝贵的文化遗产。我们应当认真总结前人的翻译经验,批判地吸收前人从实践中总结出来的理论、方法,以便继续提高我们的翻译水平,发展我们的翻译事业。


词性转换 1.absence n. absent a. 2.add v. addition n. additional a. 3.agriculture n. agricultural a. 4.able a. enable v. disable a. 残疾的ability n. 5.amaze v. 使吃惊amazing a. amazement n. 6.advise v. advice n. 7.art n. artist n 8.act v. actor actress action activity n. active a. actors actresses activities (pl.) actual a. (实际的) actually ad. 9. apologize v. apology n. 10. attend v. attentive adj. attentively adv. attention n . 11. America n. American a. 12. Australia n. Australian ( n. a.) 13. Africa n. African a. 14. alive a. live v. lively a. living a. life n. 15. asleep a. sleepy a. sleep (v, n.) sleepless a.失眠的不眠的 16. allow v. allowable a. allowance n. (津贴) 17. announce v. announcement announcer n. 18. Asia n. Asian a. 19. attend v. attentive a. attention n. attentively ad.聚精会神地 20. attract v.吸引attractive a. attraction n. (区别attack 进攻) 21. achieve v. 得到achievement n. achievable a. 22. auto v. automatic a. automatically ad. 23. arrive v. arrival n. 24. appear v. disappear v. (dis)appearance n. 25. advertise v. advertisement n. 26. amuse v. amusement 娱乐n. amusing a. 27. argue v. argument n. 28. anger n. angry a. angrily ad. 29. ambition n. ambitious a. 30. (dis) agree v. agreement n. 31. arrange v. arrangement n. 32. age n. aged adj. 33. awful a. awfully adv. 34. accept v. acceptable a.可以接受的accepted a.公认的acceptance n. 35. adopt v. adoption n. adopted a. adoption n. 36. advantage n. disadvantage n. 37. agent n. agency n. 38. assist v. assistant n. 39. available a. availability n. 40. bank n. banker n. 41. begin v. beginner beginning n. 42. busy a. busily ad. business n. 43. bore v. bored boring a.


一用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1. ___________computer games is a very popular way for people to relax: (play) 2. A lot of fish ___________when the lake is polluted. (appear) 3. Make a plan for your future study, and you will _______ _in the end. (successful) 4. It is common___________ that the sun sets down in the west. ( know ) 5. My father often___________ that piece of music alone at home. ( joy ) 6. If you want to __________ in the future, you must work hard from now on. (success) 7. You should be green consumers and enjoy ___ ___(live) a better life on the earth! 8. With the _____________ of the new technology, these computers become popular.(develop) 9. It is predicted that Japan can hardly as many cars this year as last year .(product) 10. I'm afraid we cannot ____________ the work in such a short time, (completely) 11. Which one would you like to _ for your friend as the birthday gift, a CD or a pen? (choice) 12. The little girl was so clever that you hardly __________ her easily. (foolish) 13. Our class teacher often __________ how we should fill in the form. (explanation) 14. We all ____________ to go to the zoo tomorrow because it will rain heavily.(agree) 15. Tony suggested we __________ Joyce to be the editor. (choose) 16. The government decided to __________ the old building. (build) 17. There are many students going abroad to their studies every year. (far) 18. Joyce that we should think about the name of the newspaper a bit longer. (suggestion) 19. Mr. Black (manager) a large company in Shanghai. 20. It was amazing that the performance given by the children (attraction) so many adults. 21. The English Channel (able) you to travel by train from France to Britain. 22. We’ve build special passages to______ disabled people to travel freely. (able) 23. Tom went to Australia in order to ___________ his study. (far) 24. It's helpful to ___________ this kind of activity once a week. (organization) 25. Young people like to go to America or Britain to __________ their studies.(far) 26. I tried to __________ the feeling to my doctor, but she didn’t understand. (description) 27. Charlie was clever enough to ________ John's life. (safety) 28. Dolphins can ___________ with each other by producing a great variety of noise. (communication) 29. Internet can us to get lots of information we want in our life. 30. Levi's invited many famous__________to show its new design of jeans. (model) 31. Because of the heavy traffic jam, I missed the__________of the film. (begin) 32. It is necessary for everyone to brush his ________ after each meal. (tooth) 33. We received Peter's _____ __and went to his birthday party happily. (invite) 34. The ___________of Jin Mao Building is 340 meters, (high) 35. I have several ___________ to answer this evening, (letter) 36. David went to Canada several yeas ago. Now he is a ___ ___.(city) 37. Tom has great _________in collecting stamps and travelling around the world.(interesting) 38. Liverpool is one of the most wonderful ______________ in Britain.(city) 39. It's a good habit for us to keep writing ___ _ every day. (diary) 40. Jimmy works as a TV . He likes to speak for the public .(report) 41. Zhang Ziyi is one of the most famous actresses in China. (actress) 42. Brush your ____________ (tooth) twice a day. It's good for your health. 43. His ____________ sounds all right, (explain) 44. Please give me some ___________ on this problem. (suggest) 45.lease think it over before you make a ___________ (decide). 46. The Expo Site (世博园区) will certainly be a special __________ in Shanghai. (attract) 47. Finally, they found a good ___________ for the building. (locate) 48. June 1st is ____________ Day. (child) 49. Taxi ____________ are developing quickly 'm Shanghai. (servant) 50. Everyone should follow the rules and never break them. (safe) 51. Shanghai is one of the most important in economy and culture. (lead) 52. The English Channel divides English form_____(French) 53. Julie will study (medical) for five years. She wants to be a doctor. 54. Reading detective novels is always a special ___________ for me. (attract) 55.Can you speak very good ___________? (France) 56. Mr. Smith solved the problem personally. He is really a man of great ___________. (able) 57. Together they went to the _______ desk. (receive) 58. Farmers often add some_______ to their vegetables. (chemistry) 59. Look at these ______________ I took in the park.. (photo) 60. Next, add some _____________ (chemistry) to the water. 61. Thank you for your ______________.(suggest) 62. you know the _________of the fire exit?(locate) 63. They couldn’t find the __________ of the fire exit during the big fire.(locate) 64. The cinema in our town has two_________.(enter) 65. If you lose one of your_________, you’ll feel uncomfortable.(sensible) 66. I thought hard before making the __________ to be an actor .(decide) 67. When we got to the hotel, we come to the __________ (receive) desk at first. 68. It’s the _________duty to put out fire.(fire) 69. The Euro Disney offers many of the same _________ as the Disney Parks in the USA.(attract) 70. We were struggling to keep our __________ as the boat rolled. (balanced) 71. The Expo Site(世博园区) is certainly a special _______ in Shanghai . (attract) 72. My pen friend enclosed some _____of himself in his last letter. (photo) 73. He is a clever boy. He can do the _______within seconds. (calculate) 74. I had two ________ of bread for breakfast yesterday. (loaf) 75. We'll have a new ________ next week and we all hope he will be kind to us. (manage
