

风: Hello,东.What a fine day!


东: I think so.Today is SUNday.Let's go visit the Great Wall.


风: Why go to visit the Great Wall?


东: China is a country with a long history.The Great Wall is its landmark building.We went to China so long.How can we not visit it?


风: Oh,I see.Do you like China?


东:Of course. I very like the ancient chinese. I especially like Chinese places of historic interest and scenic beauty. For example: the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace.


风: Oh,really?But I prefer Chinese food,such as:Hunan Food,Sichuan Food

and so on.


东: Yes,chinese food is delicious.And it is popular in the world.


风: Ah, has eleven o'clock. Let us first go to restaurants for lunch and we

can still chat. After lunch, we go to the Great Wall, please?


东: I think only the case.


风: Ok.Let's go.


东: Hurry up.


东This is lovely. I think it's one of my favourite restaurants in Beijing. 这里很可爱.我想这是我最喜欢的北京餐馆之一。

风: Yes, it's good. Sichuan cuisine is really nice.


东: It's so different from Beijing cuisine and Cantonese cuisine.


风: Sichuan cuisine is really spicy.


东: I think I prefer it to other cuisines. I love chillies!

我想跟其他菜比起来我更喜欢川菜。我喜欢红辣椒!Mapo beancurd, in my opinion, is one of the most popular dishes among us students. As it is relatively cheap and rather delicious. It matches rice well. I recommend you can have a try when you have time. 麻婆豆腐,在我看来,是一个最受欢


风;Oh yeah? I now have the time, may I have you had dinner yet?哦,是吗?


东:Of course, I'll introduce you several distinctive cuisine.当然,我先为你


Sichuan Province as traditional cuisine.. Features are: shape the whole but not rotten, has a strong spicy flavor, beef crispy delicious. Renowned at home and abroad.麻婆豆腐:


风:You are too good, I also introduce you to a dish.


Twice-cooked pork.

Red contrast, salty in the sweet, spicy fresh, rich and fragrant alcohol, is the traditional dishes of sichuan. Shredded pork: red meat, fish flavor highlight. By imitation of folk and cooking fish sauce and method for making, named saut.




中国饮食文化英文介绍 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:中国饮食文化——英文版 China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China’s local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。当然,

还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。山东菜系注重


中餐八大菜系 四川菜系,简称川菜 特色:以麻辣、鱼香、家常、怪味、酸辣、椒麻、醋椒为主要特点 代表菜品:鱼香肉丝、麻婆豆腐、宫保鸡丁、樟茶鸭子等 广东菜系,简称粤菜 主要由广东菜、潮州菜、东江菜组成 特色:以选料广泛,讲究鲜、嫩、爽、滑、浓为主要特点。 代表菜品:龙虎斗、脆皮乳猪、咕噜肉、大良炒鲜奶、潮州火筒炖鲍翅、耗油牛柳、冬瓜盅、文昌鸡等。 山东菜系,简称鲁菜 特色:选料精细,刀法细腻,注重实惠,花色多样,善用葱姜。 代表菜品:糖醋鱼、锅烧肘子、葱爆羊肉、葱扒海参、锅塌豆腐、红烧海螺、炸牡黄等。 江苏菜系,简称苏菜 主要由淮扬菜、苏州菜、南京菜等组成 特色:制作精细、应才施艺、四季有别、浓而不腻、味感新鲜、讲究造型。 代表菜品:烤方、淮阳狮子头、叫化鸡、火烧马鞍桥、松鼠桂鱼、盐水鸭等。 浙江菜系,简称浙菜 由杭州、宁波、绍兴三种地方风味发展而成 特色:讲究刀工、制作精细、变化较多、富有乡土气息。 代表菜品:西湖醋鱼、龙井虾仁、干炸响铃、油焖春笋、西湖蒓菜汤等。 福建菜系,简称闽菜 以福州和厦门菜为主要代表 特色:制作精巧、色调美观、调味清鲜 代表菜品:佛跳墙、太极明虾、闽生果、烧生糟鸭、梅开二度、雪花鸡等。 安徽菜系,简称徽菜 特色:以烹制山珍野味著称,擅长烧、炖、蒸而少爆炒,其烹饪芡大、油重、色浓、朴素实惠。 代表菜品:红烧果子狸、火腿炖甲鱼、雪冬烧山鸡、符离集烧鸡、蜂窝豆腐、无为熏鸭等。 湖南菜系,简称湘菜 特色:以熏、蒸、干炒为主,口味重于酸、辣,酸辣菜和烟熏腊肠是湘菜的独特风味。 代表菜品:麻辣子鸡、辣味合蒸、东安子鸡、洞庭野鸡、霸王别姬、冰糖湘莲、金钱鱼等。

美食当前 中国八大菜系英文介绍

美食当前中国八大菜系英文介绍 China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China's local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。当然,还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。山东菜系注重汤品。清汤清澈新鲜,而油汤外观厚重,味道浓重。济南菜系擅长炸,烤,煎,炒,而胶东菜系则以其烹饪海鲜的鲜淡而闻名。 Shandong is the birthplace of many famous ancient scholars such as Confucious and Mencius. And much of Shandong cuisine's history is as old as Confucious himself, making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China. But don't expect to gain more wisdom from a fortune cookie at a Shandong restaurant in the West since fortune cookies aren't even indigenous to China. 山东是许多著名学者的故乡,例如孔夫子和孟子。许多山东菜的历史和孔夫子一样悠久,使得山东菜系成为中国现存的最古老的主要菜系之一。但是不要期望在西方国家的山东菜馆里从签饼(中国餐馆的折叠形小饼,内藏有预测运气话 语的纸条)获得更多的好运气,因为签饼在中国也不是本土的。


一、四川菜系,简称川菜。 特色:它以麻辣、鱼香、家常、怪味、酸辣、椒麻、醋椒为主要特点。代表菜品:鱼香肉丝,麻婆豆腐,宫保鸡丁,樟茶鸭子等。 二、广东菜系,简称粤菜。 特色:它以选料广泛,讲究鲜、嫩、爽、滑、浓为主要特点。它主要由广东菜、潮州菜和东江菜组成。 代表菜品:龙虎斗、脆皮乳猪、咕噜肉、大良炒鲜奶、潮州火筒炖鲍翅、蚝油牛柳、冬瓜盅、文昌鸡等。 三、山东菜系,简称鲁菜。 特色:选料精细、刀法细腻,注重实惠,花色多样,善用葱姜。 代表菜品:糖醋鱼、锅烧肘子、葱爆羊肉、葱扒海参、锅塌豆腐、红烧海螺、炸蛎黄等。 四、江苏菜系,简称苏菜。由淮阳菜、苏州菜、南京菜等组成。 特色:制作精细,因材施艺、四季有别,浓而不腻,味感清鲜,讲究造型。 代表菜品:烤方、淮扬狮子头、叫花鸡、火烧马鞍桥、松鼠桂鱼、盐水鸭等。 五、浙江菜系,简称浙菜。由杭州、宁波、绍兴三种地方风味发展而成。 特色:讲究刀工、制作精细、变化较多、富有乡土气息。 代表菜品:西湖醋鱼、龙井虾仁、干炸响铃、油焖春笋、西湖莼菜汤等。

六、福建菜系,简称闽菜。以福州和厦门菜为主要代表。 特色:制作细巧、色调美观、调味清鲜 代表菜品:佛跳墙、太极明虾、闽生果、烧生糟鸭、梅开二度、雪花鸡等。 七、安徽菜系,简称徽菜。 特色:它以烹制山珍野味著称,擅长烧、炖、蒸,而少爆炒。其烹饪芡大、油重、色浓、朴素实惠。 代表菜品:红烧果子狸、火腿炖甲鱼、雪冬烧山鸡、符离集烧鸡、蜂窝豆腐、无为熏鸭等。 八、湖南菜系,简称湘菜。 特色:以熏、蒸、干炒为主,口味重于酸、辣,辣味菜和烟熏腊肉是湘菜的独特风味。 代表菜品:麻辣子鸡、辣味合蒸、东安子鸡、洞庭野鸭、霸王别姬、冰糖湘莲、金钱鱼等


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 春节美食英语介绍 篇一:中国各地美食英文介绍 1.beijing:Kaoya(pekingroastduck,烤鸭) 北京:烤鸭 Thecuisine:generationsofemperorsandblue-bloodedresi dentshavesetthestandardforhigh-endchinesecuisine.Th ecityisfamousforimperialcuisine,orguancai(官 菜),whichusesonlypremiumqualityingredientsandiscook edwithcomplextechniques. 烹饪风格:历代皇帝和贵族早已为高端的中式烹饪设定了标准。北京这座城市因其皇家菜肴或是官菜闻名遐迩,这种菜肴仅选用上等食材佐料,并运用复杂的技巧烹饪而成。 Thedish:Aperfectkaoyaisroastedtoareddishcolor;itssk inremainscrispyandthemeatafruityflavor. 菜肴:最棒的烤鸭烤至淡红色,表皮酥脆,鸭肉口感圆

润。 Awholeroastedduckistypicallyservedintwoways:thejuic ymeatandcrispyskinarewrappedinmandarinpancakeswiths callion,cucumberandhoisinsauce;andthebonesareslow-c ookedintoatastysoup. 一整只烤鸭有两种特色吃法:拿薄饼卷着肥美的鸭肉和酥脆的鸭皮,再搭配些青葱丝,黄瓜丝和海鲜酱;鸭骨架经慢火炖成美味的汤。 2.chongqing:Laziji(chili-friedchickencubes,辣子鸡) 重庆:辣子鸡 Thecuisine:evencomparedwithfoodfromsichuan,china’smeccaofspicydishes,chongqingcuisinescoreshighinspi cinessandnumb-inducingingredients.烹饪风格:即使常常拿来和川菜作对比,重庆仍旧是当之无愧的中国辣菜圣城,在麻辣程度上重庆菜首屈一指。 Thedish:Lazijicombinescrispychickenbreastcubeswitha fireplaceof peppercorn,toastedanddriedbird’

中国八大菜系 中英文介绍

中国八大菜系中英文介绍 China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China's local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. Shandong Cuisine Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. Shandong is the birthplace of many famous ancient scholars such as Confucious and Mencius. And much of Shandong cuisine's history is as old as Confucious himself, making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China. But don't expect to gain more wisdom from a fortune cookie at a Shandong restaurant in the West since fortune cookies aren't even indigenous to China. Shandong is a large peninsula surrounded by the sea to the East and the Yellow River meandering through the center. As a result, seafood is a major component of Shandong cuisine. Shandong's most famous dish is the Sweat and Sour Carp. A truly authentic Sweet and Sour Carp must come from the Yellow River. But with the current amount of pollution in the Yellow River, you would be better off if the carp was from elsewhere. Shandong dishes are mainly quick-fried, roasted, stir-fried or deep-fried. The dishes are mainly clear, fresh and fatty, perfect with Shandong's own famous beer, Qingdao Beer Sichuan Cuisine Sichuan Cuisine, known often in the West as Szechuan Cuisine, is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, Sichuan cuisine, prolific of tastes, emphasizes on the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash also never fail to accompany, producing typical exciting tastes. Besides, garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and animals are usually chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are applied as basic cooking techniques. It cannot be said that one who does not experience Sichuan food ever reaches China. If you eat Sichuan cuisine and find it too bland, then you are probably not eating authentic Sichuan cuisine. Chili peppers and prickly ash are used in many dishes, giving it a distinctively spicy taste, called ma in Chinese. It often leaves a slight numb sensation in the mouth. However, most peppers were brought to China from the Americas in the 18th century so you can thank global trade for much of Sichuan cuisine's excellence. Sichuan hot pots are perhaps the most famous hotpots in the


China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China's local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。当然,还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。山东菜系注重汤品。清汤清澈新鲜,而油汤外观厚重,味道浓重。济南菜系擅长炸,烤,煎,炒,而胶东菜系则以其烹饪海鲜的鲜淡而闻名。 Shandong is the birthplace of many famous ancient scholars such as Confucious and Mencius. And much of Shandong cuisine's history is as old as Confucious himself, making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China. But don't expect to gain more wisdom from a fortune cookie at a Shandong restaurant in the West since fortune cookies aren't even indigenous to China. 山东是许多著名学者的故乡,例如孔夫子和孟子。许多山东菜的历史和孔夫子一样悠久,使得山东菜系成为中国现存的最古老的主要菜系之一。但是不要期望在西方国家的山东菜馆里从签饼(中国餐馆的折叠形小饼,内藏有预测运气话语的纸条)获得更多的好运气,因为签饼在中国也不是本土的。 Shandong is a large peninsula surrounded by the sea to the East and the Y ellow River meandering through the center. As a result, seafood is a major component of Shandong cuisine. Shandong's most famous dish is the Sweat and Sour Carp. A truly authentic Sweet and Sour Carp must come from the Y ellow River. But with the current amount of pollution in the Y ellow River, you would be better off if the carp was from elsewhere. Shandong dishes are mainly quick-fried, roasted, stir-fried or deep-fried. The dishes are mainly clear, fresh and fatty, perfect with Shandong's own famous beer, Qingdao Beer


中国菜 中餐被公认为全球最佳美食之一,其种类之丰富,工艺之繁复,使其理所当然地成为游客大快朵颐的乐事之一。 中国美食 1中国美食是中国文化一道绚烂的风景线,这点从世界各地随处可见的中餐馆可以窥见。当今,烹饪业正以前所未有的速度在发展。10年前,北京只有几千家餐馆,而今天却有10万多家大小不等的餐馆遍布市内。 2地方美食 众所周知,明朝以来出现了八大菜系,分别是山东菜、四川菜、广东菜、福建菜、江苏菜、浙江菜、湖南菜和安徽菜。除了这些传统菜系,中国的烹饪业也经历了巨大的变化:每个地方都形成了自己的特色菜,不同菜系汇集于诸如北京这样的大城市。 3被誉为“天府之国”的四川也是个美食之都。在那里的任何一家餐馆都能找到既可口又经济实惠的美食。川菜的原料虽简单,但调料却大有讲究。川菜以口味辣著称,但仅是口味辣还不能使川菜区别于其他辣口味的菜系,比如湖南菜和贵州菜。川菜的特别之处在于花椒的使用。尝过花椒之后,人们的舌头和嘴巴会留下酥麻的感觉。除了花椒之外,川菜还常用辣椒粉之类的调料。因使用豆豉作配料,再加上一套独特的烹饪方式,如今川菜在全世界都十分有名和受欢迎。近几年涌现了一大批著名的专做川菜的餐馆,比如谭鱼头。 4广东省在中国南部,全年气候温和,物产丰富。它还是最早对外开放的通商口岸之一。广东的餐饮文化独具特色,对中国其他地方乃至全世界产生了深远的影响。广东菜以其好生猛海鲜、追求新奇、细致考究的烹饪方法而著称。广东菜中的各式煲汤如今已深受全国各地人民喜爱。 5浙江菜口味清淡,精致玲珑,是长江下游区域菜肴的代表。西湖醋鱼是其中的一道名菜。这道菜鲜美,酥嫩,带着自然的清香。中国乃至世界各地的中餐馆大都能找得到这道菜,但口味往往不及在浙江杭州吃得那般纯正。因为只有杭州拥有来自西湖的鱼和水。 6每道菜都有一段故事 中国菜名五花八门,而每道名菜都有一段有趣的故事,说明它如何博得人们的喜爱。一个好名字能使这道菜更有意思;但有些菜名太怪异了,听起来让人一头雾水,不要说外国人难以理解,就是中国人往往也不是很清楚。你要是望文生义,准得闹出笑话来。 7拿天津“狗不理”包子来说吧。“狗不理”纯手工制作,大小均等,深受欢迎。这些包子整整齐齐地放在托盘上时,看上去就像是含苞欲放的菊花。皮儿很薄,馅儿饱蘸肉汁,口感柔软,香而不腻。可为什么叫“狗不理”呢? 8“狗不理”的背后有一段有趣的故事。大约150年前,“狗不理”包子在天津初次亮相。当地有个小伙子,名叫狗子,在一家包子店当学徒。三年后,自己单独开了一家包子店。他做的包子味道鲜美,因此生意十分红火,吸引了越来越多的顾客。狗子工作十分卖力,可他还是满足不了大家的需要,顾客们只得等很长时间。有些顾客等得不耐烦了,就在外面嚷嚷着催他快点,可狗子忙着做包子呢,哪有时间搭理。后来人们就把他做的包子称作“狗不理”,意思是“狗子不搭理他们”。可就是这个有点怪里怪气的名字,反倒起了很好的广告作用,这个名字一直沿用到了今天。如今“狗不理”已经成为天津的老字号。 9浙江菜里有一道深受欢迎的菜,叫东坡肉。这道菜是把五花肉切成大块,配上青葱,在锅底放些生姜,然后加料酒、酱油和糖用慢火做出来的。这道菜色泽红亮,酥嫩多汁,如“狗不理”一样毫无肥腻之感。它以北宋时代大诗人苏东坡的名字命名。苏东坡在杭州做官时发明了这道菜。据说,他当时负责西湖的排污工程,经常拿红烧肉犒劳工人。后来为了纪念这位才华横溢、慷慨大方的诗人,人们就把它称作东坡肉。 10佛跳墙是福建莱里的一道名菜,亦被称作福建第一菜。这道莱的主料不下20种,有鸡肉、鸭肉、海参、干贝、蹄筋、鱼唇、鱼肚、火腿配料10多种,有蘑菇、冬笋、鸽蛋等。所有的原


1、Beijing: Kaoya (Peking roast duck, 烤鸭) 北京:烤鸭 The cuis ine: Gen erati ons of emperors and blueblooded reside nts have set the sta ndard for highe nd Chin ese cuis ine 、The city is famous for imperial cuis ine, or gua n cai ( 官菜),which uses only premium quality in gredie nts and is cooked with plex tech niq ues 、 烹饪风格:历代皇帝与贵族早已为高端得中式烹饪设定了标准。北京这座城市因其皇家菜肴或就是官菜闻名遐迩,这种菜肴仅选用上等食材佐料,并运用复杂得技巧烹饪而成。 The dish: A perfect kaoya is roasted to a reddish color; its skin remains crispy and the meat oozes a fruity flavor 、 菜肴:最棒得烤鸭烤至淡红色,表皮酥脆,鸭肉口感圆润。 A whole roasted duck is typically served in two ways: the juicy meat and crispy skin are wrapped in man dari n pan cakes with scalli on, cucumber and hois in sauce; and the bones are slowcooked into a tasty soup 、 一整只烤鸭有两种特色吃法:拿薄饼卷着肥美得鸭肉与酥脆得鸭皮,再搭配些青葱丝,黄瓜丝 与海鲜酱;鸭骨架经慢火炖成美味得汤。 2、Chongqing: La zi ji (chilifried chicken cubes, 辣子鸡) 重庆:辣子鸡 The cuisine: Even pared with food from Sichuan, China ' s mecca of spicy dishes, Chongqing cuis ine scores high in spic in ess and numbin duci ng in gredie nts 、 烹饪风格:即使常常拿来与川菜作对比,重庆仍旧就是当之无愧得中国辣菜圣城,在麻辣程度上重庆菜首屈一指。 The dish: La zi ji bines crispy chicke n breast cubes with a fireplace of peppercor n, toasted sesame and dried bird ' seye chilis to create a plate of hot, red delicious ness 、 菜肴:辣子鸡就是将酥脆得鸡胸脯块与干胡椒、芝麻与干辣椒一同翻炒,从而做出一盘子火辣 辣红彤彤得美味。 3、Fujian provinee: Fo tiao qiang (Buddha jumps over the wall, 佛跳墙) 福建省:佛跳墙 The cuis ine: Located along the southeaster n coast of China, Fujia n is famous for fresh seafood, but its flavorful shrimp o il and shrimp paste make the region ' s cuis ine sta nd proud 、 烹饪风格:坐落于中国东南沿海得福建省以其新鲜得海产而闻名,不过福建有名得虾油与虾


中国八大菜系代表作(英文翻译) No.1 Sichuan Cuisine Pockmarked bean curd Chicken cubes with peanuts Pork shreds with fishy flavour Translucent beef slices No. 2 Guangdong cuisine Roasted sucking pig Fricassee three kinds of snakes and cat Steamed turtle with chives sauce King snake with bamboo slices Gourd cups No. 3 Shandong Cuisine Dezhou grilled chicken Bird’s nest in a clear soup Quick-boiled clam Lotus flower and shrimp No. 4 Huaiyang Cuisine (also known as Weiyang Cuisine) Yincai vegetalbes cooked with chicken slices Crab meat & minced pork ball in casserole Chicken mousse broth with fresh corn Squid with crispy rice crust 川菜 麻婆豆腐 宫保鸡丁 鱼香肉丝 灯影牛肉 粤菜 烤乳猪 龙虎烩 清蒸甲鱼 笋片烧蛇 葫芦盅 鲁菜 德州扒鸡 清汤燕窝羹 油爆大蛤 荷花大虾 淮阳菜 蔬菜炒鸡片 砂锅蟹肉丸 奶油鸡丝玉米汤鱿鱼锅巴


毛血旺Chongqing Style Boiled Blood Curd/Duck Blooding Chili Sauce soy sauce 酱油 vinegar 醋 cornstarch 淀粉 sesame oil 麻油 oyster sauce 蚝油 pepper 胡椒 red chili powder 辣椒粉 sesame paste 芝麻酱 monosodium glutamate 味精 Chinese red pepper 花椒 salt black bean 豆豉 star anise 八角 brown sugar 砂糖 dark brown sugar 红糖 custer sugar 白砂糖 rock sugar 冰糖 Allspice 香辣椒,多香果,牙买加胡椒 Anise (star anise) 大茴香,八角,大料 Aniseed 大茴香子 Basil 罗勒,紫苏,九层塔 Bay leaf 香叶,月桂树叶

Caper 马槟榔 Caraway 藏茴香果,葛缕子,页蒿Cardamom 小豆蔻 Cayenne pepper 辣椒,牛角椒Chive 细香葱,虾夷葱Cinnamon 肉桂 Clove 丁香 Coriander 芫荽,香菜,胡芫Cumin 孜然,小茴香,枯茗 Dill 莳萝 Fennel 茴香 Fenugreek 胡芦巴 Hop 忽布,啤酒花 Horseradish 山葵,辣根 Laurel 月桂 Mint 薄荷 Mustard 芥末 Nutmeg 肉豆蔻 Oregano 牛至 Paprika 红辣椒粉 Parsley 欧芹,洋芫荽洋香菜Poppy seed 罂粟种子


1. Beijing: Kaoya (Peking roast duck, 烤鸭) 北京:烤鸭 The cuisine: Generations of emperors and blue-blooded residents have set the standard for high-end Chinese cuisine. The city is famous for imperial cuisine, or guan cai (官菜), which uses only premium quality ingredients and is cooked with complex techniques. 烹饪风格:历代皇帝和贵族早已为高端的中式烹饪设定了标准。北京这座城市因其皇家菜肴或是官菜闻名遐迩,这种菜肴仅选用上等食材佐料,并运用复杂的技巧烹饪而成。 The dish: A perfect kaoya is roasted to a reddish color; its skin remains crispy and the meat oozes a fruity flavor. 菜肴:最棒的烤鸭烤至淡红色,表皮酥脆,鸭肉口感圆润。 A whole roasted duck is typically served in two ways: the juicy meat and crispy skin are wrapped in mandarin pancakes with scallion, cucumber and hoisin sauce; and the bones are slow-cooked into a tasty soup. 一整只烤鸭有两种特色吃法:拿薄饼卷着肥美的鸭肉和酥脆的鸭皮,再搭配些青葱丝,黄瓜丝和海鲜酱;鸭骨架经慢火炖成美味的汤。 2. Chongqing: La zi ji (chili-fried chicken cubes, 辣子鸡) 重庆:辣子鸡 The cuisine: Even compared with food from Sichuan, China’s mecca of spicy dishes, Chongqing cuisine scores high in spiciness and numb-inducing ingredients. 烹饪风格:即使常常拿来和川菜作对比,重庆仍旧是当之无愧的中国辣菜圣城,在麻辣程度上重庆菜首屈一指。 The dish: La zi ji combines crispy chicken breast cubes with a fireplace of peppercorn, toasted sesame and dried bird’s-eye chilis to create a plate of hot, red deliciousness. 菜肴:辣子鸡是将酥脆的鸡胸脯块与干胡椒、芝麻和干辣椒一同翻炒,从而做出一盘子火辣辣红彤彤的美味。 3. Fujian province: Fo tiao qiang (Buddha jumps over the wall, 佛跳墙)福建省:佛跳墙 The cuisine: Located along the southeastern coast of China, Fujian is famous for fresh seafood, but its flavorful shrimp oil and shrimp paste make the region’s cuisine stand proud. 烹饪风格:坐落于中国东南沿海的福建省以其新鲜的海产而闻名,不过福建有名的虾油和虾酱也让当地引以为傲的烹饪手法。


著名川菜英文菜单 1.宫保鸡球Kung Pao Chicken 2.四川牛肉Szechuan Beef 3.四川虾Szechuan Prawns 4. 鱼香茄子Braised Egg plant 5.麻婆豆腐Bean Sauce Tofu 头盘餐前小品Appetizers 1.各式刺身拼Sashimi Platter 2.锅贴Pot Sticker 3.辣汁脆炸鸡腿Fried Chicken Legs (Spicy Hot) 4.鸡沙律Chicken Salad 5.酥炸大虾Fried Prawns 6. 酥炸生豪Fried Oysters 7.酥炸鲜鱿Fried Squid 8.海哲分蹄Smoked Jelly Fish 9. 五香牛展Special Beef 10.白云凤爪Chicken Leg 11.琥珀合桃House Special Honey Walnuts 12.脆皮春卷Spring Rolls 13.蜜汁叉烧B.B.Q. Pork 汤羹类Soup 1. 花胶鲍鱼火鸭丝羹Congee Pike Maw With Roast Duck 2.红烧鸡丝翅Chicken Shark's Fin Soup 3.竹笙烩生翅Bamboo Shark Fin Soup 4.粟米瑶柱羹Corn with Dry Scallops Soup 5.竹笙海皇羹Bamboo Seafood Soup 6.鸡蓉粟米羹Corn & Chicken Soup 7. 酸辣汤Hot & Sour Soup 8.法国海鲜汤French Style Seafood Soup 9.法国杂菜汤French Style Vegetable Soup 10.杂锦云吞汤Combination Won Ton Soup 11. 芥菜肉片咸蛋汤Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup 12.火鸭咸蛋芥菜汤Roast Duck Salt Egg / Mustard Green 13.西葫牛肉羹West Lake Beef Soup 14.三丝烩鱼肚Fish Soup 15. 蝴蝶海参羹Sea Cucumber Soup 16.四宝豆腐羹Steam Tofu Soup 龙虾蟹类Seafood (Lobster, Shrimp, Crab) 1.法式咖喱焗龙虾French Curry Lobster 2.法式芝士牛油焗龙虾Cheese Lobster 3.上汤焗龙虾Special Style Lobster 4.蒜茸蒸龙虾Garlic Style Lobster 5.豉椒炒肉蟹Crab 6.上汤姜葱焗蟹Green Onion Crab 7.椒盐蟹Spicy Salt Crab 8.粉丝咖喱蟹煲Rice Noodle Curry Crab 虾鲜鱿贝类Seafood 1.菜远虾球Shrimp with Tender Green 2.白灼中虾Boil Shrimp 3.点桃虾球Walnut Shrimp 4. 油泡虾球Crystal Prawn 5.柠檬虾球Lemon Prawn 6.咕噜虾Sweet & Sour Prawn 7. 蒜茸蒸虾Steam Prawn w/ Garlic Sauce
