





1. What are they going to do next?

A. Watch a movie.

B. Have a drink.

C. Do some shopping.

2. Where is the girl’s father now?

A. In a hospital.

B. In his office.

C. At home.

3. What does the boy think of the lecture?

A. Surprising.

B. Exciting.

C. Boring.

4. What will the boy do before going to the dance party?

A. Have a piano lesson.

B. Do his homework.

C. Visit the girl.

5. What’s the weather like today?

A. Cloudy.

B. Rainy.

C. Sunny.



6. How many countries will the man visit?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

7. Who will go on a trip with the man?

A. His son.

B. His parents.

C. His wife.


8. Where will Michael go his afternoon?

A. To the concert.

B. To Jane’s home.

C. To a dance party.

9. What will they do together?

A. Have dinner.

B. Watch a drama.

C. Do their homework.

10. How long is the drama?

A. For two hours.

B. For one hour and a half.

C. For one hour.


11.What did the girl buy from the restaurant?

A. Salad and fried chicken.

B. Pizza and fried chicken.

C. Cheese cakes and pizza.

12. Why doesn’t t he boy have the cheese cake now?

A. It was made by his mother.

B. It is not delicious.

C. He is almost full.

13. Where are they now probably?

A. In their office.

B. At the girl’s home.

C. In a restaurant.


14. What will the woman plant in her balcony probably?

A. Tomatoes.

B. Carrots.

C. Lettuce.

15. Why doesn’t the man plant fruits?

A. He doesn’t have the seeds.

B. He doesn’t have enough time.

C. He dislikes eating them.

16. Who helps the man with his gardening?

A. His friends.

B. The woman.

C. Nobody.


17. What do we know about the company?

A. It is vey small.

B. It is about marketing.

C. Its center is in New York.

18. What does the speaker’s aunt do?

A. An IT engineer.

B. A manager.

C. A secretary.

19. What is the most important in her aunt’s opinion?

A. Introducing advantages.

B. Being respectful.

C. Communicating with others.

20. How many pieces of advice did the speaker get from her aunt?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.


21.—Jones! Roy has broken the glass.

— ______ Such things happen.

A. Doesn’t matter.

B. How come?

C. What a pity!

D. What has become of him?

22. Different peoples _______ at different festivals in different ways because of their cultural or

religious _____.

A. dress up; beliefs

B. put on; believes

C. wear; belief

D. dress up; believes

23. On April Fools’ Day, people in Western countries play tricks on each other. However, there

is one rule for the jokes they ________ be fun and _______ hurt anyone’s feelings.

A. should; oughtn’t

B. can; cannot

C. must; shouldn’t

D. need; mustn’t

24. This book _____ ten units, ______ three mainly revision.

A. contains; including

B. includes; containing

C. contains; containing D .includes; including

25. ______his arrival at the classroom on his first day at school, the teacher _______.

A. At; was played a trick on

B. On; played a trick at his students

C. At; played a trick on his students

D. On; was played a trick on

26. I would appreciate ________, to be honest, if goods bought on TaoBao could be delivered

much sooner.

A. you

B. this

C. that

D. it

27. As the global econ omy doesn’t have a good time, graduates nowadays have to fight for jobs in

a _______ competitive market.

A. logically

B. fiercely

C. magically

D. confidently

28. The boy was caught cheating in the exam and _________ by his head teacher at the moment.

A. was questioned

B. has questioned

C. is being questioned

D. had been questioning

29. More attention should be _______ equipment in our factory so that we can increase our


A. paid to improve

B. paid to improving

C. taken to improve

D. taken to improving

30. The moment Hans finished his driving test perfectly, he got out of the car_______, for this was

the third time he had taken the test.

A. in a hurry

B. in relief

C. in peace

D. in shock


It is a usual sunny afternoon in the village of Midwich, England. It seems not 31 any afternoon in the village, but all of a sudden, 32 and animals lose consciousness. 33 they awake, all of the women of child--bearing age have become pregnant (怀孕的).


期中数学试卷 题号一二三总分 得分 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共30.0分) 1.设全集U={1,2,3,4,5,6},A={1,2},B={2,3,4},则A∩(?U B)=() A. {1,2,5,6} B. {1} C. {2} D. {1,2,3,4} 2.与命题“若a∈M,则b?M”的逆否命题是() A. 若a?M,则b?M B. 若b∈M,则a?M C. 若a?M,则b∈M D. 若b?M,则a∈M 3.已知平面α,直线m,n满足m?α,n?α,则“m∥n”是“m∥α”的() A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件 C. 充分必要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 4.若变量x,y满足约束条件,且z=3x+y的最大值为() A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 5.已知函数f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,当x>0时,f(x)=x(x+1),那么f(-1) 等于() A. -2 B. -1 C. 0 D. 2 6.函数y=x ln|x|的大致图象是() A. B. C. D. 7.在△ABC中,内角A,B,C的对边分别是a,b,c,若a2-b2=bc,sin C=sin B, 则A=(). A. 30° B. 60° C. 90° D. 120° 8.已知函数,若对任意两个不相等的正数x1、x2,都有 恒成立,则a的取值范围为() A. [2,+∞) B. (4,+∞) C. (-∞,4] D. (-∞,4) 9.如图,在底面为正三角形的棱台ABC-A1B1C1中,记 锐二面角A1-AB-C的大小为α,锐二面角B1-BC-A的 大小为β,锐二面角C1-AC-B的大小为γ,若α>β>γ, 则() A. B.


2020学年高三第一学期英语学科十一月月考(期中)试题卷 杭州求是高级中学 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分) 第一节(共10个小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, A A math and physics teacher from rural Kenya, who gives away 80% of his monthly income to help the poor, has won a $1 million prize. Peter Tabichi was awarded the Global Teacher Prize on Sunday. He teaches at a rural Kenyan schooi in Pwani Village, with only one computer, poor Internet and a student-teacher ratio(比率)of 58:1. Nearly all his students are from poor families, and almost a third of them have no parents or only one parent alive. Tabichi gets online educational content by visiting Internet cafes and uses it offline in class.He gui ded the school's science club, in which students now compete in national and international competitions. The mathematical science team qualified to compete in the INTEL International Science and Engineering Fair this year in Arizona. His students also won an award from the Royal Society of Chemistry after using local plant life to produce electricity. This prize does not recognize me but recognizes this great continent's young people,"Tabichi said. His students face many challenges, including food shortage, drug abuse, teenage pregnancies and young marriages. Yet at the Keriko Mixed Day Secondary School where Tabichi teaches, the number of students has doubled over three years and more of the students are going on to college. Tabichi was chosen from 10,000 applicants in 180 countries. He accepted the award from actor Hugh Jackman. The annual Global Teacher Prize was first launched in 2014 by Sunny Varkey, founder and chairman of GEMS Education. Now in its fifth year, the Global Teacher Prize is the largest of its kind. The $1 million award is presented to an exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to their profession. 21.What do we know about Peter Tabichi? A. He enjoys a high enough income to help the poor. B. He makes a difference to many of his students' life.

浙江省高一英语(必修一)训练案:unit1 过关(含答案)

一、单词拼写 1. I understand how (心烦意乱的)you must be feeling. 2.I said hello to her, but she (不理睬)me. 3. This is a great event that (关系到)the future of our company. 4. Farm workers spend most of their time (在户外). 5.The dark,rainy evening,the wind,the thundering clouds held me (完全地)in their power. 6. I am only able to look at nature through dirty (窗帘). 7. This room is rather (满是灰尘的),I'm afraid. 8. Margot had difficulty (安家)and found it hard to adapt to the hiding place. 9. I'm slowly (恢复my strength. 10. Margot asked her what else she had hidden under her (大衣). 二、短语坟空 1. (把……加起来)all the money I owe you. 2 .Tell your friend that you (挂念)his absence from class. 3 .He is amazingly cheerful considering all that he’s (经历). 4. I stayed awake (故意)until 11:30 in order to look at the moon by myself. 5. She (遭受)loneliness,but she had to learn to like it there.


2019-2020学年浙江省杭州高中高一(上)期末数学试卷一.选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分) 1. 已知集合P={?1,?0,?1},Q={x|?1≤x<1},则P∩Q=() A.{0} B.[?1,?0] C.{?1,?0} D.[?1,?1) 2. 若一个幂函数的图象经过点(2,1 4 ),则它的单调增区间是() A.(?∞,?1) B.(0,?+∞) C.(?∞,?0) D.R 3. 下列函数既是奇函数,又在区间[?1,?1]上单调递减的是() A.f(x)=sin x B.f(x)=?|x+1| C.f(x)=1 2(a x+a?x) D.f(x)=ln2?x 2+x 4. 函数y=ln x+2x?6零点的个数为() A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 5. 已知函数f(x)是奇函数,且当x>0时,f(x)=x2+1 x ,则f(?1)=( ) A.?2 B.0 C.1 D.2 6. 已知θ∈[π 2,π],则√1+2sin(π+θ)sin(π 2 ?θ)=() A.sinθ?cosθ B.cosθ?sinθ C.±(sinθ?cosθ) D.sinθ+cosθ 7. 在下列函数①y=sin(2x+π 6)②y=|sin(x+π 4 )|③y=cos|2x|④y=tan(2x? π 4 )⑤y=|tan x|⑥y=sin|x|中周期为π的函数的个数为() A.3个 B.4个 C.5个 D.6个 8. 函数f(x)=2x2+3x 2e x 的大致图象是()

A. B. C. D. 9. 已知函数f(x)=2sin ωx (其中ω>0),若对任意x 1∈[?3π4 ,0),存在x 2∈(0,π 3 ],使 得f(x 1)=f(x 2),则ω的取值范围为( ) A.ω≥3 B.0<ω≤3 C.ω≥9 2 D.0<ω≤9 2 10. 已知函数f(x)是R 上的增函数,且f(sin ω)+f(?cos ω)>f(?sin ω)+f(cos ω),其中ω是锐角,并且使得g(x)=sin (ωx +π 4 )在(π 2 ,?π)上单调递减,则ω的取值范围是( ) A.(π4,?5 4] B.[54,?π 2) C.[12,?π 4) D.[12,?5 4] 二.填空题(本大题共7小题,多空题每题6分,单空题每题4分,共36分) sin π 6=________;cos α≥√2 2 ,则α∈________. 函数y =(1 4)?|x|+1的单调增区间为________;奇偶性为________(填奇函数、偶函数或者非奇非偶函数). 若lg x =m ,lg y =n ,则lg √x ?lg (y 10)2=________;若a m =2,a n =6(a >0,?m,?n ∈R),则a 3m?n 2 = 2√3 3 . 函数y =cos x ?sin 2x ?cos 2x +7 4的值域为________?1 4,2] ;函数f(x)=3?sin x 2+sin x 的值域为________2 3,4] .


杭州求是高级中学2014学年第一学期 高一年级数学期末复习模拟卷(一) 一.选择题(本题共10小题,每题3分) 1. 已知集合}{2 2<<-=x x M , }{1<=x x N ,则M ∩N 等于( ) A .(1,2) B .(-2,1) C .? D .(-∞,2) 2.已知角θ的始边与x 轴非负半轴重合,终边在直线2y x =上,则=-θθ2 2 sin cos ( ) .A 45- B.54 3.5 C D.53 - 3. 函数y =的定义域为( ) A .[4,1]- B .[4,0)- C .[4,0)(0,1]- D .(0,1] 4. 下列各式正确的是 A. 2(log )2log a a x x = B. log ()log log a a a x y x y +=+ C. log log log a a a x x y y = D. log log a a x n =5. 函数f(x)=log 2x+2x-1的零点必落在区间( ) A.?? ? ??41,81 B. ?? ? ??1,21 C. ?? ? ??21,41 D.(1,2) 6.定义在),0(+∞上的函数()f x 满足对任意的))(,0(,2121x x x x ≠+∞∈,有 2121 ()(() ())0x x f x f x -->.则满足(21)f x -<1 ()3 f 的x 取值范围是( ) (A )(12,23) B.[13,23) C. (13,23) D.[12,23 ) 7. 设c b a ,,均为正数,且a a 2 1log 2=,b b 21log 21=??? ??,c c 2log 21=??? ??.则( ) A.b a c << B.a b c << C. c b a << D.c a b << 8. 定义在R 上的函数f(x)满足f(x)= ? ? ?>---≤-0),2()1(0), 4(log 2x x f x f x x ,则f (3)的值为( ) A.-1 B. -2 C.1 D. 2 9.将函数 ()sin 26f x x π? ? =+ ?? ? 的图像向右平移 6 π 个单位后,所得的图像对应的解析式为 ( ) A .y =sin 2x B .y =cos 2x


杭州市公办重点小学: 第一位:学军小学 地址:浙江省杭州市文二路求智巷6号(求智校区)/杭州西湖区古墩路,耀江文鼎苑旁(紫金港校区) 对口中学:13中 学区房小区:文二新村求智巷西溪河东下宁巷崇文公寓中大文锦苑求智社区日晖新村(马塍路以西)下马塍居民区 第二位:天长小学 地址:浙江省杭州市上城区孝女路4号 对口中学:杭六中、杭十中、惠兴中学 招生范围:湖滨街道所辖的东坡路社区、吴山路社区、岳王路社区。 第三位:胜利小学 地址:浙江省杭州市近江住宅区(滨江四区)富春江路199号 对口中学:开元中学(原杭州第五中学) 钱塘学区:望江街道所辖的耀华社区、在水一方社区 杭州市胜利小学(赞成校区) 地址:浙江省杭州市上城区钱江路与望江路路口 赞成学区:望江街道所辖的近江东园社区、近江西园社区,紫阳街道所属的海潮社区中赞成林风楼盘一期、二期、三期、春江名苑 第四位:求是小学 地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区浙大路8号 对口中学:浙大附属初中 招生范围:1、东至玉古路(含玉古路东侧的求是南村、青石桥、玉古路139号和外东山弄61、62幢),南至玉泉景区收票处至“山外山”主干道,西至石虎山、青芝坞,北至西溪路(浙大玉泉校区北围墙止)。 2. 东至曙光路,南至浙大路,西至玉古路,北至求是路。 杭州市求是(星洲)小学 地址:浙江省杭州西湖区紫荆花路288号 对口中学:翠苑中学文华校区 招生范围:东至古墩路,南至文二西路,西至紫金港河,北至余杭塘河。 杭州市求是(竞舟)小学 地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区竞舟路221号 对口中学:西溪中学 招生范围:东至丰潭路,南至文二西路,西至古墩路,北至文一西路。 杭州市求是(和家园)小学 地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区和家园小区 【学区范围】和家园小区、西穆坞社区。 第五所:文三街小学 地址:浙江省杭州市文三路上宁巷3号 对口中学:杭十三中教育集团十三中 学区房: 沈塘新村邮电新村武林巷马塍路小区文三新村上宁新村武林门新村文三路103号院文天社区世贸丽晶城宝石苑世贸丽晶城初阳苑世贸丽晶城栖霞苑世贸丽晶城望湖苑世贸丽晶城玉泉苑世贸丽晶城 第六位:安吉路小学(九年一贯制) 地址:杭州市下城区安吉路19号 招生范围:安吉社区、环西社区、戒坛社区及灯芯巷社区的武林路210号—264号双号、灯芯巷32号、狮虎桥路38号、狮


必修1 第一单元 Reading 阅读 ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so the had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide away for two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now r ead how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15, June, 1944 Dear kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here.…For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time some months ago, I happened to be upstairs one evening when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face… …Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Yours, Anne Using Language 语言运用 Reading and listening 读与听 1 Read the letter that Lisa wrote to Miss Wang of Radio for Teenagers and predict what Miss Wang will say. After listening, check and discuss her advice. Dear Miss Wang, I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment. I’m getting along well with a boy in my class. We often do homework together and we enjoy helping each other. We have become really good friends. But other students have started gossiping. They say that this boy and I have fallen in love. This has made me angry. I don’t want to end the friendship, but I hate other s gossiping. What should I do? Yours, Lisa Reading and writing 读与写 Miss Wang has received a letter from Xiaodong. He is also asking for some advice. Read the letter on the right carefully and help Miss Wang answer it. Dear Miss Wang,


第1组:代替important的高级词汇 〔简单〕Education is very important. 〔高级〕Education is of much/vital/great importance. 〔简单〕The work he does is very important. 〔高级〕The work he does is absolutely vital. 〔简单〕A balanced diet is very important for us. 〔高级〕A balanced diet is absolutely essential for everyone. 〔简单〕Money is the only thing that’s important to him. 〔高级〕Money is the only thing that matters to him. 〔简单〕First impressions are very important. 〔高级〕First impressions really do count. 〔简单〕Parents are important in chi ldren’s learning. 〔高级〕Parents play an important role/part in children’s learning. 〔简单〕Children’s education is very important for Chinese parents. 〔高级〕Chinese parents attach much importance to children’s education. 〔简单〕It’s very important for parents to b e honest with their children. 〔高级〕It’s very vital/essential for parents to be honest with their children. 第2组:代替good的高级词汇 〔简单〕He is a good football player. 〔高级〕He is an amazing football player.


2018年浙江省杭州高中高考英语最后一卷 副标题 一、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共25.0分) A One day your pocket might power your smart phone.Soon you may never have to worry about your smart phone running out of juice.Your clothing will simply power it back up for you.That's the word from scientists at China's Chongqing and Jinan Universities in a study just published in the journal ACS Nano. Researchers have been hard at work during the last few years trying to create wearable energy,or clothes that can charge things.The assumption is simple.People today rely heavily upon devices such as smart phones and tablets.And they're looking for ways to recharge these devices on the go.So if you could design clothing fabric that could make use of solar power -one of the most widely available and inexhaustible renewable energy sources - you'd be able to charge your various devices with ease. Scientists have had some past success creating energy-harvesting fibers.But there was always one problem when they tried to fashion these threads into self-powered smart clothes:The fibers they designed got damaged during the clothing manufacturing process,namely during the weaving and cutting.The Chongqing and Jinan University scientists say they've solved this problem because the energy-collecting and energy-storing threads they created are highly flexible - each individual thread is easily bendable,and not simply the fabric as a whole.The team's sample textile can be fully charged to 1.2 volts in 17 seconds by exposure to sunlight - enough voltage that your future smart T or smart dress might be able to power small electronics.It's durable,too;their research showed there was no descent in the fabric after 60 days.But don't worry that this means the fabric is similar to rough cloth.The scientists note their textile can be fashioned into numerous different patterns,and tailored into any designed shape,without affecting performance. 1.What does the underlined phrase "running out of juice" in paragraph 1mean?______ A. Being lacking in energy. B. Wanting to have some juice. C. Being picked out of a drink. D. Having some water running out. 2.Why could smart dress charge a phone?______ A. A solar cell is attached to the dress. B. The fabric of the textile contains current. C. The fabric of the textile is easily bendable. D. The fabric of the textile could collect and store the solar energy. 3.What is the scientists' attitude towards the scientific technology?______ A. Optimistic. B. Pessimistic. C. Neutral. D. Doubtful. 【答案】 【小题1】A 【小题2】D 【小题3】A 第1页,共13页


德清求是高级中学简介 2004年12月18日,德清县求是高级中学正式揭牌成立。学校占地面积65亩,现有在校学生1519人,教职员工128名,其中专任教师85名。学校凭借超前的教育理念、现代化的教育手段、严谨科学的管理机制、富含特色的教育教学、精细周到的后勤服务赢得了良好的社会声誉。求是高级中学已初步形成了“团结进取,求实创新”的校风,“敬业爱生,严教善导”的教风和“乐学多思,勤学多练”的学风。虽然我们的学校非常好,但是我们必须事先声明,我们的学校需要接受较高的学费,如果经济有困难的家庭请另寻他处。 学校有着雄厚的集团背景,是湖州求是教育集团下属的分支学校之一。湖州求是教育集团成立于2005年12月18日,董事长沈法初先生在杭州、德清等地已成功开办杭州求实专修学校、德清县莫干山外国语小学,德清县千秋外国语学校、德清县求是业余学校,湖州市求是业余学校,办学层次从小学、初中、高中、高复到自考形成了一个完整的体系。 开设“创新承诺班”,助学生考生大专 2010年,学校首次开设特色创新承诺班,敢于承诺让上不了普高分数线的学生,通过三年的高中学习,考上高职分数线,甚至三本大学分数线,今年,学校创新承诺班的生源范围将面向全省。 学校招收的创新承诺班,教师全程全方位指导学生。班里给学生配备一对一的导师,比如单科成绩差的就补单科,几科成绩都差的就全部补。导师还为承诺班学生做全程的心理调节工作,为学生疏导压力过大等问题。 水平的师资队伍,名师执教 对一所民办学校来说,师资是学校生存的生命线。只有高水平的师资,才能教育培养出符合时代要求的新型人才。学校以高瞻远瞩的战略眼光,将重点放在对学生的“关爱”,高薪聘请了杭州求是高复以及全国各大教育强省的名优教师担任我校教学工作,学校共有20名普通教师,10名中级教师,这在德清县在新开设的创新承诺班里,杭州求是高复的名师和德清求是高级中学的优秀教师将联合执教,精心培养。学校还将定期邀请优秀毕业生来作讲座,给学生加油、鼓劲,交流学习心得。 信心教育,让“丑小鸭”变成“白天鹅” 当初这些孩子进校,很少有灿烂的笑容。中考失败的阴影,让这些学生缺乏信心。在求是高级中学,各个班主任新学期所要做的第一项工作,就是对学生进行人格歧视教育。学校通过各种办法树立学生的逆反心理,比如,邀请优秀校友现身说法,邀请励志专家作讲座,组织各种活动让学生充分展示自己的优点,班主任召开主题班会及时发现信心不足的学生,任课老师使用规范语言鼓励学生,给学生创造成功的体验等。(我们不保证学生能考进理想的大学) “静”、“严”、“和”三要素管理,培养良好行为习惯 通过几年摸索,求是高中提炼出了学校的管理理念,那就是三个字“静、严、和”。“静”就是要让学生静下心来好好学习;“严”就是军事化管理,禁止学生抽烟、谈恋爱、上网吧等,要让学生按照学校的规章制度学习生活;“和”就是要让学生生活在一个和谐的环境中学习,老师像对待自己的孩子一样用心去关爱学生。 经过“静、严、和”管理要素的渗透,原来很多让老师头痛的学生自觉遵守学校规章制度了。如果一个学生自私、蛮横,那么即便他成绩再出色,也是一种教育上的失败。从进校门开始,学生就得像个学生样。在“求是”,学生的举止行为都被量化打分,所以你在校园是看不到奇装异服或吐字带脏的学生。新生进校的第一周,学生上午接受军事训练,下午学习学校规章制度,而且要进行考试,让学生深刻理解哪些是可以做的,哪些是学校严令禁止的。


Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading&Comprehending 学习目标》1.深入理解课文,掌握课文中基础知识,培养快速阅读、整体理解的能力。2.自主学习,合作探究;学会根据人物心理活动理解课文的方法。3.深刻理解拥有大自然和自由的美好;激情投入,疯狂朗读。 重点:理解人物心理活动。难点:长难句分析。 1.在预习时,要把课文通读两遍,先(第一轮)通读教材,完成表层理解题,(第二轮)再勾画出文中的疑难点。 2.完成时间30分钟。 I 背景展现 This is a true story. It took place in Amsterdam,Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied(占据)most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933,。1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If any persons known to be Jews were found,they would be sent to concentration camps(集中营)farther east, mostly in Poland. families were separates and transported in trains For many. days,they went without food,water,sanitation(卫生)or fresh air. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding,often with the help of non-Jewish friends. This diary was written during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape from being killed by Nazis. 一、一轮阅读做题目


浙江省一二三级重点中学名单(杭州) 一、省一级重点中学 杭州市: 杭州高级中学杭州第二中学浙江大学附属中学杭州学军中学 杭州第四中学杭州第十四中学杭师院附属三墩高级中学杭州长河高级中学 杭州外国语学校萧山中学萧山区第二高级中学萧山区第三高级中学 萧山区第五高级中学余杭高级中学余杭第二高级中学富阳中学 富阳市第二高级中学富阳市新登中学桐庐中学临安中学 临安昌化中学临安市於潜中学淳安中学严州中学 二、省二级重点中学 杭州市: 杭州市源清中学杭州西湖高级中学杭州市第二中学分校杭州市第四中学分校 杭州第七中学杭州第九中学杭州第十一中学萧山区第八高级中学 建德市新安江中学 三、省三级重点中学 杭州市: 杭州余杭中学杭州市塘栖中学建德市寿昌中学萧山区第六高级中学 杭州市绿城育华学校(民办)余杭区瓶窑中学淳安县威坪中学桐庐分水高级中学(原桐二高) 临安市天目外国语学校(民办)杭州市长征中学杭州市第十中学富阳市大源中学 富阳市场口中学萧山区第十高级中学杭州市夏衍中学萧山区第十一高级中学 桐庐富春高级中学(桐三高、四高合并)淳安县汾口中学

浙江省一级普通高中特色示范学校名单(面向杭州城区招生) 1.杭州外国语学校 2.杭州高级中学 3.杭州第二中学 4.杭州第十四中学 5.杭州师范大学附属中学 6.杭州第七中学 7.杭州绿城育华学校 8.杭州市萧山区第五高级中学 9、余杭高级中学 10、富阳中学 包含: 杭二中东河校区, 杭高钱江校区, 杭四中吴山校区, 杭十四中康桥校区, 学军紫金港校区, 浙大附中丁兰校区 11.浙江大学附属中学 12.杭州学军中学 13.杭州市长河高级中学 14.杭州第四中学 15.杭州市源清中学 16.浙江省萧山中学 17.杭州市余杭第二高级中学 18.杭州市富阳区第二中学


杭州市求是教育集团合同制职工工资标准及考核发放办法 一、总则 为加强对集团合同制职工的管理,进一步严肃工作纪律,明确工资待遇,提高工作效率,提升服务质量,特制定本制度。 二、工资标准 (一)合同制职工工资待遇包括基本工资、奖金、工龄工资、加班费和社会保险等。除这些外,不再享受其他现金及实物等福利与各种补贴。奖金根据月考核计发,社会保险按国家要求由单位和职工个人分别承担。 (二)各类岗位的月基本工资、奖金标准 (三)各类岗位的工作职责 1.食堂操作工的工作职责 (1)食材清洗。蔬菜按“一拣、二洗、三切”的顺序操作,荤素食品应分池清洗,保证食品无毒,无菌,无虫,无霉烂,无杂质。 (2)器皿卫生。存放食品的器皿做到干净、卫生,并做到荤素分开专用,生熟分开专用,器皿不准落地存放。加工结束,及时将地面清扫干净,将水池、砧板、刀具、器皿等洗刷干净。

(3)餐具消毒。餐具清洗后,利用蒸汽或紫外线进行消毒,消毒后的餐具必须无污垢,无油渍,无食物残渣,无异味,达到卫生标准。已消毒餐具和未消毒的餐具必须分开存放,防止交叉污染。 (4)安全操作。注意用电、用火的安全,严格按规范进行各项操作。下班前仔细检查,关闭所有电源开关及各种阀门。 (5)言行举止。在工作时间必须做到言行文明,穿着工作服戴口罩上岗。 (6)其他工作。按要求做好节假日的值班工作。保质保量地完成学校安排的其它工作,如搬运桶装水,搬运桌椅和办公柜,清除校园杂草,做好绿化养护,做好校园保洁等临时性工作。 2. 厨师的工作职责 (1)食品质量。根据菜单和用餐人数每天验查食材质和量,并严格按照规范操作顺序认真加工烹调制作,做到烧熟煮透。每天按时开饭供应,保证师生的饭菜质量。 (2)食品卫生。刀具、砧板、容器、抹布都必须生熟分开,存放熟菜应用专用器具,并经严格清洗消毒。 (3)操作安全。注意用电、用火的安全,定期检查烟道,严格按规范进行各项操作。下班前仔细检查,关闭所有电源开关及各种阀门。 (4)言行举止。在工作时间必须做到言行文明,穿着工作服戴口罩上岗。 (5)其他工作。按要求做好节假日的值班工作。保质保量地完成学校安排的其它工作,如搬运桶装水,搬运桌椅和办公柜,清除校园杂草,做好绿化养护,做好校园保洁等临时性工作。 3.勤杂工的工作职责 (1)卫生保洁。做到操场和走廊内无纸屑、杂物,厕所无臭味,地面无积水,台面、墙面无污渍,走廊天花板无蜘蛛网,窗明几净,每天清理校内垃圾箱。 (2)言行举止。在工作时间必须做到言行文明,穿着工作服上岗。 (3)其他工作。按要求做好节假日的值班工作,保质保量地完成学校安排的其它工作。 4.司机的工作职责 (1)驾驶安全。严格遵守交通法规,保证行车安全,不出任何事故,服从


必修1第一单元Reading 阅读 ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so the had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide away for two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now r ead how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15, June, 1944 Dear kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here.…For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time some months ago, I happened to be upstairs one evening when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face… …Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Yours, Anne Using Language 语言运用 Reading and listening 读与听 1 Read the letter that Lisa wrote to Miss Wang of Radio for Teenagers and predict what Miss Wang will say. After listening, check and discuss her advice. Dear Miss Wang, I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment. I’m getting along well with a boy in my class. We often do homework together and we enjoy helping each other. We have become really good friends. But other students have started gossiping. They say that this boy and I have fallen in love. This has made me angry. I don’t want to end the friendship, but I hate other s gossiping. What should I do? Yours, Lisa Reading and writing 读与写 Miss Wang has received a letter from Xiaodong. He is also asking for some advice. Read the letter on the right carefully and help Miss Wang answer it.
