

第二篇原文: Noisy Neighbours 1Mr Flinch In a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man. It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man. Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours. On one side of Mr Flinch’s grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars. Carl loved cars – and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise. ] On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive. Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! His whole house shook and shivered. He put his fingers in his ears. He rapped on the wall … but his neighbours did not hear. They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work.

典范英语7《noisy neighours》重点词组背诵版

典范英语《吵闹的邻居》重点词组默写版1.在一个冷酷、灰色的房子里in a grim, grey house 2.守财奴miser 3.捐出一便士give away a penny. 4.给了一个微笑give away a smile 5.卑鄙又可悲的人a mean and miserable man 6.因为…because of … 7.在。。。的一边on one side of sth 8.在另一边on the other side 9.它属于那个在修理汽车的人。 It belonged to him who mended cars. 10.小汽车,摩托车,面包车和卡车 cars, motorbikes, vans and lorries 11.醒来wake up 12.锤子,扳手和引擎hammers, spanners and engines 13.摇动shake过去时shook过去分词shaken 14.在一个快乐的红房子in a jolly red one 15.在一个明亮的蓝房子in a bright blue house 16.在她的钢琴上弹奏宏伟的曲调 played grand tunes on her grand piano

17.小提琴violins 18.鼓drums 19.关窗户shut his window 20.噪声穿过墙the noise came through the wall 21.他把手指放在耳朵里。He put his fingers in his ears. 22.他们太开心了They were far too happy. 23.修车mend cars 24.制作音乐make music 25.在壁纸上凿个孔made holes in the wallpaper 26.没起作用。(2种)It did no good.=Itdidn’t work. 27.把自己锁在橱柜里locked himself in a cupboard 28.缠绕wind过去时wound过去分词wound 29.把旧毛巾绕在他头上wind old towels round his head 30.把某物撕了tore sth all up 31.防止噪声keep out the noise 32.三明治sandwich(复数)sandwiches 33.自言自语think to himself 34.偷溜进去sneak into 35.撞倒(2种)bump into=knock into 36.进入go into 37.把某物塞进。。。put sth into


-- -- 典范英语《吵闹的邻居》重点词组默写版 1.在一个冷酷、灰色的房子里in a grim, grey house 2. 守财奴miser 3. 捐出一便士give away a penny. 4. 给了一个微笑give away a smile 5. 卑鄙又可悲的人a mean and miserable man 6. 因为…because of … 7. 在。。。的一边on one side of sth 8. 在另一边on the other side 9. 它属于那个在修理汽车的人。 It belonged to him who mended cars. 10.小汽车,摩托车,面包车和卡车 cars, motorbikes, vans and lorries 11.醒来wake up 12.锤子,扳手和引擎hammers, spanners and engines 13.摇动 shake 过去时 shook 过去分词shaken 14. 在一个快乐的红房子in a jolly red one 15. 在一个明亮的蓝房子in a bright blue house 16. 在她的钢琴上弹奏宏伟的曲调 played grand tunes on her grand piano 17.小提琴violins 18.鼓drums 19.关窗户shut his window 20.噪声穿过墙the noise came through the wall 21.他把手指放在耳朵里。He put his fingers in his ears. 22.他们太开心了They were far too happy. 23.修车mend cars 24.制作音乐make music 25.在壁纸上凿个孔made holes in the wallpaper 26.没起作用。(2种)It did no good.=It didn’t work. 27.把自己锁在橱柜里locked himself in a cupboard 28.缠绕 wind 过去时 wound 过去分词wound 29.把旧毛巾绕在他头上wind old towels round his head 30.把某物撕了tore sth all up 31.防止噪声keep out the noise 32.三明治 sandwich (复数) sandwiches 33.自言自语think to himself 34.偷溜进去sneak into 35.撞倒(2种)bump into=knock into 36.进入go into 37.把某物塞进。。。put sth into 38.偷溜sneak 39.蛇snake 40.零食snack 41.厨房kitchen 42.把一只死老鼠放进冰箱里的put a dead rat in the fridge 43. 死 die 过去时 died 过去分词died 44.死(进行时)dying 45.摆脱某事get rid of sth 46.在午夜at midnight 47.爬到屋顶上climb on to the roof 48.在瓦上爬crawled across the tiles 49.烟囱chimney 50.望向窗外look out of his window 51.水壶kettle 52.一条面包a loaf of bread 53.几条面包some loaves of bread 54.一瓶番茄酱a bottle of tomato sauce 55.打扫干净clean up 56.有这个好主意get this great idea 57.外带食物take – away food 58.放弃give up 59.天使angle 60.承诺去做某事promise to do sth 61.皱眉frown 62.一大把的钱a fistful of money 63.头;主要负责人 chief 64. 在抹布上擦他的脏手wipe his dirty hands on a rag 65只要我能修汽车,我就可以在任何地方快乐。 As long as I c an mend cars, I’ll be happy anywhere. 66、我可以马上搬出去,我可以把房子卖掉! I’ll move out as soon as I can sell the house! 67.提供某人某物(2种) offer sb sth =offer sth to sb 68一帽子的钱a hatful of money 69.卖完sell up 70.拥有宁静have peace 71.在空荡荡的地下室抓scratch in the empty cellar 72.搬家move out 73.同情某人pity sb 74.在窗口向。。。挥手wave up at the window 75.同意做某事agreed to do sth 76.不同意做某事disagree to do sth 77. 同意某人agree with sb 78. 同意某事agree about sth 79.带两大工具盒carry two heavy tool boxes 80.和一个竖琴斗争struggle with a harp 81.举办一个乔迁之喜聚会had a house-warming party 82.没有地方像家一样There’s no place like home


<典范英语7-2>7-2Noisy Neighbours 吵闹的邻居 美文读一读 3Mr. Flinch has a plan 图1 Mr. Flinch went next door to Carl’shouse He showed Carl a fistful of money.“the day you move house, all this is yours!”he side. “Anything you say,chief” said Carl,wiping his dirty hands on a rag. “As long as I can mend cars,I’ll be happy anywhere.” Carl went on, “I’ll move outas soon as I can sell the house!” Next, Mr. Flinch went to Poppy’s house and offered her a hatful of money. “ The day you move house, all this is yours!”he said. 图2 图3 “Of course!If that is what you want, dear heart!” cried Poppy. Shehad never seen so much money in her life. “As long as Ihave my music, I canbe happy anywhere! I will move out just as soon as I can sell my little House!” Mr. Flinch went home a happy man—well, as happy as a man like Mr. Flinch can neverbe. He felt in his empty pockets and gulped. “All that money gone! Ah, but soon those noisy neighbours will be gone ,too!” 图4 图5 In a few days, Mr. Flinch’s neighbourshad sold up their houses. Now, at last, he would have peace and quiet-nothing but the noise of mice scratching in the empty cellar. 新词学一学 1.a fistful of:一捧 ;A hatful of一帽子的 Mandy handed him a handful of coins Lily comes back with a hatful of candy 2.Anything you say 怎么说都行 If you are happy, anything you say! 3.Offered:主动给予


典范英语《吵闹的邻居》vNoisy Neighbour^点词组默写版1.在一个冷酷、灰色的房子里in a grim, grey house 2. 守财奴miser 3. 捐出一便士give away a penny. 4. 给了一个微笑give away a smile 5. 卑鄙又可悲的人a mean and miserable man 6. 因为…because of … 7. 在。。。的一边on one side of sth 8 .在另一边on the other side 9. 它属于那个在修理汽车的人。 It belonged to him who mended cars. 10. 小汽车,摩托车,面包车和卡车 cars, motorbikes, vans and lorries 11. 醒来wake up 12. 锤子,扳手和引擎hammers, spanners and engines 13. 摇动shake过去时shook过去分词shaken 14. 在一个快乐的红房子in a jolly red one 15. 在一个明亮的蓝房子in a bright blue house 16. 在她的钢琴上弹奏宏伟的曲调 played grand tunes on her grand piano

17. 小提琴violins 18. 鼓drums 19. 关窗户shut his window 20. 噪声穿过墙the noise came through the wall 21. 他把手指放在耳朵里。He put his fingers in his ears. 22. 他们太开心了They were far too happy. 23. 修车mend cars 24. 制作音乐make music 25. 在壁纸上凿个孔made holes in the wallpaper 26. 没起作用。(2 种)lt did no good.=ltdidn ' t work. 27. 把自己锁在橱柜里locked himself in a cupboard 28. 缠绕wind 过去时wound 过去分词wound 29. 把旧毛巾绕在他头上wind old towels round his head 30. 把某物撕了tore sth all up 31. 防止噪声keep out the noise 32. 三明治sandwich(复数)sandwiches 33. 自言自语think to himself 34. 偷溜进去sneak into 35. 撞倒(2 种)bump into=knock into 36. 进入go into

7_02 吵闹的邻居

《典范英语》(7_02)教学参考 Noisy Neighbours 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1.语言目标:学生能够听懂并理解故事的内容;能够有感情地朗读;能够复述故事的主要情节;能够完成与故事相关的写作任务。 2.非语言目标:培养学生的兴趣和自信心,引导学生看到故事中的幽默;结合自己的生活经历理解快乐的源泉和吝啬的后果,培养学生宽容待人的心态。 说明:语言目标由教师负责检查,确保学生完成任务,达到要求。非语言目标具有开放性, 需要教师围绕有意义的话题与学生进行真诚交流,激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情,让学 生在有思想、有内容的开放性语言实践活动中习得语言,树立正确的价值观。 二、课时安排 要求学生每周完成一部作品,每周安排一节或两节实验课,课时放在学生读完该部作品之后。 三、课前任务 要求学生每天朗读15-20分钟,辅以默读。做到听读结合,认真把握和体会故事的内容,并适当积累好词好句。 四、课堂教学基本步骤 1.导入(Lead-in):启发学生思考 教师让学生在读完作品,理解了故事的基础上描述封面插图,可提出问题引导,如:Who are the people on the front cover?(Mr Flinch, Carl, a mechanic and Poppy, possibly a musician.) What are they doing?(Poppy is playing the violin, Carl is painting and the old man puts his fingers in his ears. He tries to keep out the noise.) What is their relationship?(They live next to each other. They are neighbours.) This old man, Mr Flinch has a big problem. What is it? What did he do to try to solve the problem? Let’s find it out and retell the story.

《典范英语6》中文教学参考6_02 吵闹的邻居

《典范英语》(6_02)教学参考 Noisy Neighbours 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1.语言目标:学生能够听懂并理解故事的内容;能够有感情地朗读;能够复述故事的主要情节;能够完成与故事相关的写作任务。 2.非语言目标:培养学生的兴趣和自信心,引导学生看到故事中的幽默,结合自己的生活经历理解快乐的源泉和吝啬的后果,培养学生宽容待人的心态。 说明:语言目标由教师负责检查,确保学生完成任务,达到要求。非语言目标具有开放性, 需要教师围绕有意义的话题与学生进行真诚交流,激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情,让学 生在有思想、有内容的开放性语言实践活动中习得语言,树立正确的价值观。 二、课时安排 要求学生每周完成一部作品,每周安排一节或两节实验课,课时放在学生读完该部作品之后。 三、课前任务 要求学生每天朗读15-20分钟,辅以默读。做到听读结合,认真把握和体会故事的内容,并适当积累好词好句。 四、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in):启发学生思考 教师让学生在读完作品,理解了故事的基础上描述封面插图,可提出问题引导,如:Who are the people on the front cover?(Mr Flinch, Carl, a mechanic and Poppy, possibly a musician.) What are they doing?(Poppy is playing the violin, Carl is painting and the old man puts his fingers in his ears. He tries to keep out the noise.) What is their relationship?(They live next to each other. They are neighbours.) This old man, Mr Flinch has a big problem. What is it? What did he do to try to solve the problem? Let’s find it out and retell the story.


----------------------- Page 1----------------------- 全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题——《中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法》教学参考 《典范英语》(6_02)教学参考 Noisy Neighbours 《教学参考》的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题 理念。希望实验教师结合学生实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色,上出成果。 一、教学目标 1. 语言目标:学生能够听懂并理解故事的内容;能够有感情地、绘声绘色地朗读;能够复述故 事的主要情节;能够完成与故事相关的写作任务。 2. 非语言目标:培养学生的兴趣和自信心,引导学生看到故事中的幽默,结合自己的生活经历 理解快乐的源泉和吝啬的后果,培养学生宽容待人的心态。 说明:语言目标由教师负责检查,确保学生完成任务,达到要求。非语言目标具有开放性,需要教师

围绕有意义的话题与学生进行真诚交流,激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情,让学生在有思想、有内容的开 放性语言实践活动中习得语言。 二、课时安排 要求学生每周完成一部作品,每周安排一节实验课,课时放在学生读完部作品之后。 三、课前任务 要求学生每天朗读15-20 分钟,辅以默读。做到听读结合,并适当积累好词好句。 四、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in ) 教师让学生描述封面插图,可提出问题进行引导,如: Who are the people on the front cover? What are they doing? What is their relationship? 教师将学生引入故事情景:
