




1. 主谓关系中人称和数量不一致性(person/number agreement)错误


a. A number of students is going to learn a foreign language.

b. He go to school by bike every day.


a句中a number of +复数名词做主语时,其谓语动词用复数形式。b中He是第三人称单数,在一般现在时态中谓语动词go应该加es。



a. A baby can cry as soon as it was born.

b. I spend 50 yuan buying the clothes.

c. I will not come here if it will rain tomorrow.


a. A baby can cry as soon as it is born.

b. I spent 50 yuan buying the clothes.

c. I will not come here if it rains tomorrow.



动词的被动式在英语中比比皆是,学生由于汉语思维的影响,很少考虑到用被动语态(Passive Voice)。虽然中文里也有被动式的含义,但与英语里被动式表达方式完全不同。英语里的被动式要求有助动词be和一个变异的过去分词形式,其中这个助动词带有时态和人称数量信息,中文里需要使用诸如“被”、“使”、“让”等词语,不需要有不规则的动词形式。这对中国的学习者来说就有潜在的困难。例如:

a. New bicycles must keep inside.

b. The book has to return at the end of the week.

c. The food has cooke


d. Knife should take away from babies.


a. New bicycles must be kept inside.

b. The book has to be returned at the end of the week.

c. The food has been cooke


d. Knives should be taken away from babies.

很明显,这些句法结构己经被确认为未能正确使用英语中的被动式。学生还会犯一些其它方面的错误,其中之一是,常常把英语里没有被动语态的词(组),如take place, occur, happen, belong to,appear, break out, rise, die等用作被动语态。



a. He suggested to go there on his bike.

b. My teacher explained me the text very carefully.

c. My mother made me to choose the one I liked best.


a. He suggested going there on his bike.

b. My teacher explained to me the text very carefully.

c. My mother made me choose the one I liked best.



由于学生对非谓语动词的概念不清楚,对不定式、分词、动名词的用法不明白,对句子结构分析不正确,常把非谓语动词误用作谓语动词。学生不知道在英语句子中谓语动词只能有一个,如果有另外一个动词出现,这个动词有三种情况:一是并列谓语,但是这时候必须有连词,如and, but等;二是出现在从句里面;三就是以分词形式出现,现在分词和过去分词,还有不定式。现在分词有主动语态和进行时的含义,而过去区分词有被动语态和完成时的含义,不定式有将来时态的意义。例如:

a. In the museum there are a lot of interesting things look at.

b. I am looking forward to see you.


a. In the museum there are a lot of interesting things to look at.

b. I am looking forward to seeing you.

分析:a句中己有谓语动词there are,用来修饰things,此句缺的是后置定语。b句look forward to是一个固定短语,后面要接动名词。c句要用现在分词作定语,跟所修饰的名词之间是主谓关系,表示动作正在进行,因此用“sleeping”,相当于“the child who is s leeping"。


学生在翻译时常会忘了考虑冠词,或者说不重视冠词这个问题,常有多用或少用或错用的弊病。冠词考查分两个方面,一是冠词的残缺或多余,考生要注意关于含有冠词(不含冠词)的用法以及加冠词与不加冠词的.区别,如:in charge of与in the charge of, out of question与out of the question 的区别。二是冠词the, a, an(不定冠词和定冠词)之间的相互误用。

英汉名词确有许多共同点,但是也有不少不同点。英语名词有可数与不可数之分,汉语里没有,且一般情况下,名词都可受到数量词的限制。因此,英语写作中,一旦涉及到advice, news, progress, weather, information等少数常用不可数名词时,学生往往会犯错误。不过,在使用英语不可数名词时,又会出现两种情况,一种是绝不可以用a/an或数词来直接修饰,如上述提及的几个名词:另一种情况是,少数不可数名词在被形容词等修饰后,可用

a/an等来修饰。如time(时间),rain(雨)。所以我们可以说:We had a wonderful time yesterday. 例如:

a. The air is the most important thing for our existence.

b. The driver brought the car to stop. In this way, he avoided an accident.

c. When sun was setting, he still did not catch any fish.


a. Air is the most important thing for our existence.

b. The driver brought the car to a stop. In this way, he avoided an accident.

c. When the sun was setting, he still did not catch any fish.


代词主要有人称代词、物主代词、关系代词、反身代词、疑问代词、复合疑问代词、指示代词,要注意代词的各人称之间和单复数之间的误用,关系代词which, that, as之间的误用,关系代词that与疑问代词what之间的误用,关系代词which与关系副词when, where,以及what与how的误用等。例如:

a. We do not like he.

b. If you like this books, you can take them away.

c. His book is different from me.

d. The population of China is larger than those of Japan.


a. We do not like him.

b. If you like these books, you can take them away.

c. His book is different from mine.

d. The population of China is larger than that of Japan.




a. He had little to eat and a large house to live in.

b. He had no sooner arrived when he fell ill.

c. If you go this way, and you will soon see the hospital.


a. He had little to eat but a large house to live in.

b. He had no sooner arrived than he fell ill.

c.1f you go this way,you will soon see the hospital.



a. What a beautiful weather we are having today!

b. Please give my best regard to your parents.

c. I have got good marks in all my subject.


a. What beautiful weather we are having today!

b. Please give my best regards to your parents.

c. I have got good marks in all my subjects.

10. 在使用情态动词和助动词时产生的错误类型

这类错误有以下几种情况:① 情态动词后的动词使用过去时态;② 情态动词后的动词加“s”③ 情态动词后的动词加“ing”④”will”后面的“be”动词用“am、“is”或“are ”;⑤助动词“do”后面的动词用动词过去时态;⑥.助动词“do”后面的动词第三人称单数加“s";⑦ 助动词“do”后面的动词加“ing”等。例如:

a. I could did my homework.

b. He may goes to school by bike every day.


a. I could do my homework.

b. He may go to school by bike every day.


英语写作常见错误分析 一.不一致(Disagreements) 所谓不一致不光指主谓不一致,它还包括了数的不一致时态不一致及代词不一致等. 例1.When one have money ,he can do what he want to . (人一旦有了钱,他就能想干什么就干什么.) 剖析:one是单数第三人称,因而本句的have应改为has ;同理,want应改为wa nts.本句是典型的主谓不一致. 改为:Once one has money ,he can do what he wants (to do) 二.修饰语错位(Misplaced Modifiers) 英语与汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置,句子的含义可能引起变化.对于这一点中国学生往往没有引起足够的重视,因而造成了不必要的误解.例1.I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside the campus. 剖析:better位置不当,应置于句末. 三.句子不完整(Sentence Fragments) 在口语中,交际双方可借助手势语气上下文等,不完整的句子完全可以被理解.可是书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整会令意思表达不清,这种情况常常发生在主句写完以后,笔者又想加些补充说明时发生. 例1.There are many ways to know the society. For example by TV ,radio ,newspa per and so on . 剖析:本句后半部分"for example by TV ,radio ,newspaper and so on .”不是一个完整的句子,仅为一些不连贯的词语,不能独立成句. 改为:There are many ways to know society ,for example ,by TV ,radio ,and newspap er. 四.悬垂修饰语(Dangling Modifiers) 所谓悬垂修饰语是指句首的短语与后面句子的逻辑关系混乱不清.例如:At the a ge of ten, my grandfather died. 这句中"at the age of ten"只点出十岁时,但没有说明”谁”十岁时.按一般推理不可能是my grandfather, 如果我们把这个悬垂修饰语改明确一点,全句就不那么费解了. 改为: When I was ten, my grandfather died.


英语作文范文 1.(2015安徽) 某英文杂志正在举办以“Fancy yourself as an interviewer”为主题的征文活动,请你以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview”为题,写一篇英语短文。内容包括: 1.采访的对象; 2.2.采访的原因; 3.想提的问题。 注意: 1.词数120左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4.短文的标题已给出,不计入总词数。 A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview 答案: 查看解析 解析: [写作提示] 1.本文为提纲类作文,写作时主要采用第一人称,时态主要使用一般现在时和一般过去时,同时还要恰当使用虚拟语气。 2.内容要点: (1)表明采访的对象;(2)阐明采访的原因;(3)说明想提的问题。 One possible version: A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview The person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei. I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it. If I could interview him,I would ask him what made him an astronaut and


高考英语题型解析---图表作文(教案) I. 理论依据:《课程标准》八级写作目标 1、能根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要; 2、能根据文字或图表提供的信息写短文或报告; 3、能写出语意连贯且结构完整地范文,叙述事情或表达观点和态度; 4、能在写作中做到文体规范、语句通顺。 II. 教学内容:复习图标作文的写作方法和思路。 教学目标:达到《课程标准》八级写作目标 教学重点和难点:根据所给的信息,正确地审题和组织文章的结构;运用尽可能多样的句式和必要的过渡性词语完成写作任务。 III. 图表作文的几种形式: A表格形式,将统计的数据或被说明的事物直接用表格形式体现出来,即统计表。 B图形形式 C表示数据变化的曲线图; D 表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异的柱状图; E表示总体内部结构变化的扇形图 IV. Presentation 1.【例析1】请你根据下表提供的信息写一篇题为Changes in Chinese People‘s Diet 的短文。短文可分为三小节: 1) state the changes in people's diet in the past five years; 2) explain the changes and give possible reasons; 3) draw your own conclusions. 注意: 1. 尽可能少引用数据; 2. 词数120—150左右。

分析:本统计表描述中国人民从2008年至2012年饮食结构的变化。 第一步:点明主题。(开门见山,言简意赅) There have been some changes in the diet of the Chinese people. 第二步:观察图表中数据的增减总趋势,分类式阐明,并说明原因。 Grain, the main food of the most people in China, is now playing a less important role. The amount of fruit and vegetables on the average person's diet has also dropped by 1.5 percent from 2008 to 2012. The amount of milk and meat has increased. The changes in diet can be explained by several reasons. For one thing, with the development of economy, an increasing number of people can afford to buy better foods. For another, people have realized the importance of a balanced diet. Avoiding starvation is no longer the only purpose of eating. 第三步:归纳总结并得出结论。 In a word, the changes are the signs of the improvement in people's lives. There is no doubt that there will be greater changes in people's diet in the future. 2.Conclusion: 图表式作文写作分三步: 第一、开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题 经常使用的词汇有:table, chart, figure, graph, describe, tell, show, represent 等等。 第二、分析数据间的主要差异及趋势,然后描写 在描写数据间变化及总趋势特征时,可采用分类式或对比式以支持主题,并阐明必要的理由。要注意层次清楚。经常使用的词汇有:rise, drop, reduce, increase, decrease, fall, while, but, on the contrary, however, compare... to/ with..., in contrast to, as...as, the same as, similar to, different from, difference


大学英语四六级应试技巧写作篇(英语写作常见错误分析) 检查主要针对四个重点部位:1)是否切题它又分三个层面: 一是整篇文章内容是否切合文章标题要求; 二是段落主题句的内容是否与各段落提示句内容相一致; 三是段落内部的内容是否与段落主题句的表达相一致。如果发现任何一个层面不切题,应尽可能弥补,删除那些多余的或不切题的地方;增添残缺的、语义表达不足的地方。由于时间所限,删的内容一定要精,要切中要害,切忌动“大手术”。 2)是否连贯检查上下文是否连贯,句子衔接是否自然流畅,检验的标准主要是句子是否通顺,该用连接词的地方用了没有,以及所用的连接词是否合适。 3)是否有语法错误主谓是否一致,动词的时态、语态、语气的使用是否正确,词组的搭配是否合乎习惯。为避免不必要的语法错误,对把握性不大的词组、句型绝不要用。而应使用那些自己熟悉的词组、句型来表达相同或相近的意思。 4)是否有大小写、拼写、标点错误在这些细枝末节上,谨慎细心地处理,无疑会进一步提高文章的整体质量。在检查、改错的过程中,切忌乱涂乱抹。保持卷面清洁,无疑会给阅卷者留下好印象。英语写作常见错误 一、不按提纲写/ 不切题 一、不切题英汉不同的语篇思维模式是造成不切题的直接原因。一些外国人认为东方人写作善用迂回法,也就是总绕着主题的外围转,而不从主题入手展开讨论。汉语语篇的思维模式是中国历史文化的产物,人们认为这种方式含蓄、委婉,容易使人接受,而英美人则喜欢开门见山的叙述主题;所以我国学生进行英语写作时,由于受汉语语篇思维模式的影响,阐述时不从主题入手,不能紧扣主题进行写作,致使文章主题不明确,观点不够鲜明。我们来看一篇以"Trees"为题目的作文:Trees are man's friends. 1. We can see trees everywhere. 2. We plant trees every year. 3. We can make tables with trees. 4. Trees also give us fruits to eat. 5. I like to eat fruits very much. 再来看改写后的段落:Trees are man’s friends.1.They provide man with timber, fruits and seeds. With timber, man can build houses and make furniture. 2. Fruits are the food, which is necessary to us every day. 3. As for seeds, they can be used to extract oil. 这样就克服了前面所犯错误,紧紧围绕了主题句来展开,算是一篇好的作文。 二、语言表达的错误 从题目或给出的关键词中照搬,不注意单词在句中所做的成分及大小写 忽视第三人称单数 忽视被动语态的用法 三、语言表达的错误重点分析。 1.句子结构混乱,出现句子不完整或句子成分多余2.词性误用3.主谓不一致 4.根据中文逐字硬译5. 名词可数与不可数的误用 6.介词to和不定式符号的混淆7 .动宾搭配不当 8. 词组搭配错误 9.综合性语言错误: 有诸如时态,语态,标点符号,大小写等方面的错误 1.句子结构混乱,出现句子不完整或句子成分多余。句子不完整(Sentence Fragments)在口语中,交际双方可借助手势语气上下文等,不完整的句子完全可以被理解.可是书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整会令意思表达不清,这种情况常常发生在主句写完以后,笔者又想加些补充说明时发生. 例1.There are large number of people die from the disasters.


Science and Technology in Modern Life Human life cannot continue without science and technology. For many centuries, human society develops with the advance of science and technology. So the life we are living now is more civilized than that of our forefathers. The development of science and technology has brought about many changes in people's life. For example, the invention of television and the space rocket has opened a new era for mankind. Through the use of TV people can hear and see the events, which happened or, are still happening thousands of miles away. Owing to spaceship and the rocket, the dream of man's landing on the moon has now come true. Science and technology also play an important role in our social construction. We may say that our social construction is like a skyscraper that cannot be built up without the help of science and technology. Therefore, we should try our best to contribute to the development of science and technology so as to provide a more solid base to build our country. 写给姑姑的感谢信( A Note of Thanks to an Aunt) Dec. 15, 2010 Dear Aunt Mary, What a beautiful Christmas gift you sent me! A fitted bag is something I’ve wanted for a long time, but could never get for myself. Thank you so much, Aunt Mary, I’ll have the bag for years and years, and I’ll think of you with gratitude and affection every time I use it. Lovingly yours, Ruth A Letter Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you out of an urgent need for a digital camera. As I am going to travel to Tibet in one and a half months, I desperately want to have a better camera. I would like to buy a Sony 168V that will be easy to carry and more convenient to take pictures and make videos with. I am wondering how I shall pay for the camera. I wish to send money in an affordable and convenient way. Can I remit money from a post office or use a credit card?


图表写作高分绝招专项练习 李仕才 写作训练1: 近期某网站就校车安全问题进行了一次社会调查,结果见下图。请根据图示用英语写一篇短文,介绍调查结果并谈谈你的看法, 供有关部门参考。词数不少于60。Recently, a survey on school buses has been conducted on a website… 注意:1. 文章的开头已经给出。 2. 提示词: 报废车abandoned vehicles 写作训练2: 假如你是某中学学生李华。最近,你班同学就“父母有没有必要陪读?”(be accompanied by parents studying at school)话题进行了调查。结果如下列图表所示。请你根据图表所列情况给报社写一封信,客观地介绍讨论的情况。并简要说明自己的看法。 注意: 1 对所给要点,不要简单翻译,可适当发挥; 2 字数不少于100。 观点1. 让学生养成依赖的习惯,不利于将来自控能力的培养,不利于培养良好的学习习惯。 观点2. 影响了父母的工作和休息

观点1. 使学生腾出更多的时间专心学习,使学生身体更健康。 观点2. 帮助学生确立学习目标,独立解决困难,养成良好的学习习惯。

图表写作高分绝招专项练习 参考答案 写作训练1: 参考范文: Recently, a survey on school buses has been conducted on a website. As can be seen from the pie chart, only 36.13% of the interviewees trust school buses, while 40.34% of them show their distrust. 23.53% of them are not clear about it. As is shown on the bar chart, 35.29% of people, who show their disbelief, are afraid of abandoned vehicles being used and 24.37% worry that school buses are often overloaded, which can cause serious traffic accidents. About 21.35% of them worry that the school buses are not equipped with safety equipment like safety belts. Another 18.49% blame drivers for breaking the speed limit. I think effective measures should be taken to ensure the safety of students. More money should be invested to improve the quality of school buses. Meanwhile, all the school buses should be examined regularly. 写作训练2: 参考范文: Recently our class have had a survey on whether students should be accompanied by parents studying at school. Opinions are divided on the topic. 70% of students hold the view that there is no need for parents to do so. 30% of students think they may fall into the habit of dependence, which will have a negative effect on the development of their self-control ability. And the rest worry that it will affect their parents’work and rest. However, 30% of them are in favor of it. 13% of students believe that with parents accompanying them, they can spare more time to concentrate on their study and they will become more healthy. Furthermore, In the others’opinion, parents can help set their study goal and overcome difficulties on their own so that students can develop a good habit of studying. In my opinion, I prefer to do everything by myself in stead of accompanied by parents, because we will make a living independently in the future.


How to write a composition ? (高三英语写作课教案) 张家港市后塍高级中学(南校区)魏燕萍 教学目的:教会学生用英语准确表达表格中涉及的要点。 教学重点:引导学生根据表格中的中文要点,由词成句,由句成文。最后适当使用连接词,组句成篇,实现用词准确,行文流畅。 教学辅助手段:电脑(或实物投影仪) 教学方法:讨论法 教学步骤: 一、介绍书面表达六步法(Introduction) 1.仔细审题,确立主题,明确要求. 2.围绕主题,提炼要点,编拟提纲. 3.分析要点及提纲,提炼关键单词和短语 4.恰当使用句型,连词成句 5.恰当使用连接词,组句成篇 6.规范誊写 二、呈现学生得分情况(Presentation) 反映出学生得分差距,引起学生共鸣:希望在作文上获得提高。 三、讨论 (Discussion) 1.写作人称为第三人称和第一人称,词数150词左右,时态一般现在时. 2.明确要点,确定核心词、词组、句型。 (要点“你的看法”:鼓励学生畅所欲言,激起课堂高潮。) 四、呈现(Presentation) 1. 高考英语写作关键:A.学会使用较高级词汇。B.学会使用较丰富的句式。C.学会使用恰当的连接词。2.呈现学生作文中出现的典型句子。要求学生用高级词汇、高级句型进行改写,加以完善。 3. 展示挖空后的范文,要求学生填入适当的关联词,并指出范文中的精彩之处。 五、反馈 (Feedback) 1.学生修改作文,互查互改错误。 2. 教师总结。首先,针对文中学生未找出或改对的错误, 帮助学生一起改正。其次,对文中的错误之处进行分类(如:名词复数、动词时态、介词等),引起学生的重视。 六、提高书面表达建议:(Suggestions) 1.准确记忆单词 2.掌握足够的语言知识点,如构词法,语法知识等3.经常进行写作练习 4.适当背诵作文参考答案 5.大量阅读 七、作业 (Assignment) 发给学生另一篇体裁相似的书面表达材料,要求学生根据本课所学思路独力完成。 Teaching plan Topic: writing a composition Teaching Aims: According to the form, teach students how to write a composition using the effective sentences. Train the students’ writing ability. Teaching Important Points: 1.Improve the students’ writing ability. 2. Teach the students how to get the key words and how to use effective sentences to complete a coherent composition. Teaching Methods: Discussion, Presentation Teaching Aids: 1.the multimedia 2.the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step 1:Introduction of the basic elements Six steps to write a composition ①Analyzing the task ②Finding out the main points ③Thinking of key points/phrases ④Forming sentences ⑤Combining the sentences into a passage ⑥Copying normally Step 2:Showing results:


1. 成功的四个步骤 Four Steps to a Successful Four Steps to a Successful The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, casual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter how well you like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless you're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. Watch your manner. You're no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the legend. Proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by St. Loy!" after the nun in Chaucer. Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude his or her privacy on the first date. For there maybe something deeply concealed within the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with anyone but his intimacy. Finally, wish you good luck. May you get your hearts combined and start a new journey in the miracle of life and love. Stay tuned till a borderline is reached, and keep on through out the whole way. 简评 看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“Dress Properly....If you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.For businessman Orgrowmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。 2. 我的宿舍生活My Dormitory Life


英语写作常见错误与分析 英语写作常见错误与分析 下面我们对一些在英语写作中典型的病句实例逐一加以剖析. 一.不一致(Disagreements)所谓不一致不光指主谓不一致,它还包括了数的不一致时态不一致及代词不一致等.例1. When one have money ,he can do what he want to .(人一旦有了钱,他就能想干什么就干什么.)剖析:one是单数第三人称,因而本句的have应改为has ;同理,want应改为wants.本句是典型的主谓不一致.改为:Once one has money ,he can do what he wants (to do) 二.修饰语错位(Misplaced Modifiers)英语与汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置,句子的含义可能引起变化.对于这一点中国学生往往没有引起足够的重视,因而造成了不必要的误解.例1. I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside the cus. 剖析:better位置不当,应置于句末. 三.句子不完整(Sentence Fragments)在口语中,交际双方可借助手势语气上下文等,不完整的句子完全可以被理解.可是书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整会令意思表达不清,这种情况常常发生在主句写完以后,笔者又想加些补充说明时发生.例

1. There are many ways to know the society. For exle by TV ,radio ,newspaper and so on . 剖析:本句后半部分"for exle by TV ,radio ,newspaper and so on .”不是一个完整的句子,仅为一些不连贯的词语,不能独立成句.改为:There are many ways to know society ,for exle ,by TV ,radio ,and newspaper. 四.悬垂修饰语(Dangling Modifiers)所谓悬垂修饰语是指句首的短语与后面句子的逻辑关系混乱不清.例如:At the age of ten, my grandfather died. 这句中"at the age of ten"只点出十岁时,但没有说明” 谁”十岁时.按一般推理不可能是my grandfather, 如果我们把这个悬垂修饰语改明确一点,全句就不那么费解了.改为:When I was ten, my grandfather died.例1. To do well in college, good grades are essential.剖析:句中不定式短语“to do well in college” 的逻辑主语不清楚.改为:To do well in college, a student needs good grades. 五.词性误用(Mi suse of Parts of Speech)“词性误用”常表现为:介词当动词用;形容词当副词用;名词当动词用等.例1. None can negative the importance of money.剖析:negative 系形容词,误作动词。改为:None can deny the importance of money.


描写人物的英语作文_英语作文范文 篇一:描写人物的英语作文 My sister likes swimming.She always goes swimming in summer.But last summer she was very unlucky. She put her clothes in an old locker.It was hard to lock it.Then she went to swimming.And she Played happily in the swimming pool.Two hours later,she went out the water and took out the key to the locker.But soon she found she can’t open it at all.She spent about half an hour to open it but nothing happened.Of course she couldn’t wear a swimming suit and go out.She was worry about it. At last she was angry.She kicked the locker.And it opened! 篇二:描写人物的英语作文 My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties,her eyes will encourage me and help me cheer up. When I began learning to walk,mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to stand up while I fell down. As I finally threw myself into her arms,her eyes Smiled with praise. Aftei I entered the school,mother’s eyes still encouraged me. Once I failed my Chinese exam,my mother helped me find out the reasons instead of blaming me. Now I have grown up and become more independent,but whenever I come across setbacks,my mother’s eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go. 篇三:描写人物的英语作文 Hel lo! I’m He Baoyi. We have three new teachers this term. But my favourite teacher is English teacher. Who is she? Yes, she’s Linda. Do you want to know her? Linda is very beautiful. Look! She has a round face, two small black eyes, a straight nose, a big mouth and two small ears. Her hair is very long. She is not tall and not short. She likes wearing a white dress. She looks like an angle. Linda works very hard every day. And she is strict to us.() But she is kind. Her class is so much fun. Really? Yes. In class, she is our good teacher. After class, she is our good friend. Her favourite food is tofu. It ‘s very very healthy. She is not only good at pingpong, but also good at singing. She likes talking with us. We all like her.英语作文常用句子英语作文万能开头低碳生活英语作文英语观点类作文模板(一) Topic: Do you prefer study andlive in the big or small city. 读书和生活,你喜欢在大城市还是小城市? Good morning everyone . Today my topic is “Do you prefer to study and live in a big city or a small-one?”.


含有doing的常用句型 .1. have + n = do 让某人去干….(一次性动作) have + n + doing 让……持续(反复进行) have + n + done 请人干……/ 使遭受到…../ 使某事完成 he had his students translating sentences all the time in class. I’ll have the report typed by the secretary. Yesterday on the bus he had his money stolen. Don’t be worried, I’ll see to the matter and have everything prepared well in advance. 2. won’t / can’t have + n + doing / done不能容忍某行为发生 It’s rude of you to speak to mother like that and I won’t have you speaking to Mother like that in future. I can’t have you smoking like that. 3. get + n + to do 让某人去干……(一次性行为) get + n + doing使……开始……/ 使……动起来 get + n + done请人干…../使某事做完 the teacher got the student o read the news to his classmates. The boy is always keeping silent. Can you get him talking? The workers are on strike. Can you get them working? 4. catch sb doing 撞见……正在干…… The thief caught stealing was sent to the police station. Several students were caught cheating in the college entrance examination and were punished severely. Send + n + doing使…..快速….. The arrival of police sent the robbers running away quickly. Work came that his father was badly ill. The sad news sent him going home at once. 5. Comparatively/ frankly/ exactly/ generally/ honestly/ properly/ roughly speaking Speaking of / talking of 谈到/ 说道……judging from 从….来判断 Considering 考虑到……鉴于.; 就…..而论 6. It 形式主语 It + 系动词(be./seem…) + no good/ no use/ useless + doing sth It is no good reading without full understanding. He is t oo stubborn to change his mind. It’s no use arguing with him. As a student, it’s no good staying up too late. There + 系动词( be / seem….) + no doing sth = it’s impossible to do….做…..是不可能的 There is no finishing the work in such a short time. = it’s i mpossible to finish the work in such a short time. There is little time left, so there is no arriving there on time. There’s no saying what he’ll be doing next. (6) (with) + n + doing / being done (表示正在进行) / having done (动作已经完
