

说明:表中“Raw Score”一列表示卷面原始得分(卷面原始分数批改的计分规则如上所说:每做对一题得1分,做错一题扣1/4分,放弃得0分。)


例如:学生词汇部分卷面原始得分37.5分,首先进行四舍五入得38分,38分位于raw score35—40区间,对应的换算后得分区间为698-725,设:该学生通过成绩换算表换算之后的词汇部分得分为X,然后运用下列公式计算出最终的换算后得分:

38—35 X—698

40—35 725—698

X = 714.2(算出的结果如果为小数分,则四舍五入到最近整数)



SSAT类比词汇关系总结 (一)组成关系 1. tile: mosaic :: stitch: sampler ( 二重对应:皆有图案感) 2. wire: filigree :: thread : lace ( 二重对应:皆有图案感) 3. groove: striated :: strand : braided ( groove 条形槽, striated 刻有条纹的; strand 绳子的一股,braided 编成的) 4. symbols: rebus :: notes: score (notes音符,score 乐谱) 5. clay: porcelain :: flax: linen (flax亚麻,linen纱布) 6. ceramic: mosaic :: cloth: patchwork(拼接物) :: wood:parquetry 7. flowers : bouquet :: logs: woodpile (皆有一根一根集成一束的感觉) 8.reports(files) : dossier :: teachers : faculty ::customers: clientele (注意都是后者是前者的总称,且前者可数复数,后者不可数) 9. word : charade(字谜):: story: mime(滑稽喜剧) 10. pillar: colonnade:: person: queue:: tone(note): chord (chord: three or more musical tones sounded simultaneously) 11. tree: forestry :: flower: horticulture 12. intimates: clique:: sheep:flock (二)种属关系 1. alcove: recess(缺陷的总称):: dome/thatch: roof :: turret: tower 2. subsidy: support :: debt : obligation (前者范畴小,后者范畴大,且均为财政范畴,二重对应) 3. lullaby: song :: diatribe: discourse 4. four-poster: bed :: convertible: automobile 5. portrait: painting :: biography: history (且都是对人的描写) 6. mercenary(雇佣兵):soldier :: hack(雇佣文人): writer 7. discography(唱片目录): list(目录):: hoe: tool 8. trumpet(小号): horn(号角):: tambourine(架子鼓):drum 9. limerick : poem :: lampoon: satire 10. salt: seasoning(调味品) 11. flint(打火石): stone 12. tulip: bulb(块茎植物) 13. tourquoise: gem :: violet : flower (三)动宾关系 1. nurture: child :: cultivate: crop 2. accelerate: speed :: prolong: duration 3. equivocate: commitment:: procrastinate:action 4. carve: turkey :: slice: cake 5. revise(润色、修改): manuscript :: retouch(装饰、润色): picture 6. disseminate: information:: foment : discontentment


SSAT备考刷单词和刷题,从量变到质变 经常会碰到同学提出这样的问题,到底如何才能考出理想的SSAT成绩,今天三立在线教育给大家带来SSAT备考刷单词和刷题,从量变到质变一文,希望能帮到大家。 What is SSAT? SSAT,全称Secondary School Admission Test, 无论美国当地学生还是中国学生,都需要这个标化成绩,才能完成申请程序。SSAT分为3个考试难度——lower level(针对4-5年级学生),middle level(针对6-7年级学生)以及申请美高同学要考的upper level(针对8-11年级学生)总分也相对不同,对于upper level来说,满分是2400,且考察的能力程度也相对lower和middle level提高。 词汇部分Verbal 在正式学习SSAT之前,应适当背一些基础词汇再继续刷题,才能达到更好的效果。买一本词汇书,可以稍作预习。 SSAT考试的词汇部分也分为两类:Synonyms同义题和Analogies类比题。

第一部分Synonyms要求的是极广的词汇量,以及同义词的储备量,第二部分Analogies则要求的是理解两词之间的关系,常见的主要分为几种:并列、上升、下降以及词性的转换。 于是可以总结出SSAT词汇部分的两大关键点:刷题&刷单词 背单词的方法 也许你会觉得害怕,觉得不想再考SSAT了,但这是一个美高申请者不可逃避的过程,而且以一个过来人的身份,我不得不说,这种最简单粗暴的训练方式其实最有效。从一开始的每天600单词逐渐加到每天800单词,到复习的阶段甚至每天1000个单词都是有的。即使每天这样起早贪黑、无时不刻的背单词,我们还是会有生疏忘记的单词,所以最重要的背单词方法就是——温故而知新——不停地反复你背过的单词,把它们背熟到能够第一眼就能反应出意思,就算成功了。 在我第一次的SSAT成绩取消之后,再次复习SSAT词汇时就出现了不少忘记的单词,于是我计划每天复习50个list(相当于500单词左右),记下所有我忘记的这些单词,写好中文,在每天背另50个list之前,再把之前忘记的那些单词重新过一遍,标出那些过了几次却还是没有记住的单词,不断反复这些单词直到熟悉为止。这种反复性的背单词,至少对于我来说,是非常有效的,这样既不会减慢背单词的速度,也能加深对单词的印象。 当然,如果你觉得你自己没有那么自觉,你可以利用背单词软件帮助你。在这里推荐一款软件,个人觉得用着还不错:扇贝


ssat考试词汇部分介绍 SSAT考试针对不同年级的考试分为初级考试,中级考试和高级考试,其中初级考试的考试时间和形式基本一致,而中级和高级考试基本类似,下面小编为大家介绍的是初级考试和中高级考试中的词汇部分的介绍,希望对大家有帮助。 一、SSAT初级词汇 SSAT考试的词汇部分分为两部分,第一部分是对同义词汇的考察,第二部分是类比关系的考察。 考察能力:这部分测试的是考生的语言理解,词汇关系以及同义词。 下面主要为大家详细介绍一下同义词和类比。 (1) Synonyms同义词 同义词指的就意义相似的词汇,这类词汇不一定是意思上完全相同,学习这类词汇主要是为了能够让学生区别词汇意义之间语义色彩,帮助考生在写作和讲话选择精确,也能够体会他人话语中的细微差别。 我们在日常中会见到很多类似的词汇,比如:large- big,beautiful- pretty。在写作中利用同义词表达相同的描述会增加读者的趣味性。 考试中同义词选取的范围在三年级的范围之内,包含科学,技术,社会研究等领域等的词汇。 (2)Analogies 类比 Analogies are a comparison between two things that are usually seen as different from each other, but have some similarities. 类比词汇就是两种表面上不同,但是有某种逻辑关系的词汇。对这类词汇的考察主要是为了帮助考生利用已掌握的知识建立两种事物之间的联系。 这种联系可以培养学生解决问题的能力,决策能力,理解,记忆,交流,逻辑推理以及阅读和词汇激烈。 这类问题要求考生掌握词汇意义的细微差别和词汇之间的联系。 SSAT考试中常见的几种类比关系:


加add plus sum和 减subtract minus difference差 乘multiply / times 乘积product 除divide , quotient 自然数natural number Integer 除0以外的数 分数fraction 分子numerator 分母denominator 真分数proper fraction 三分之二 带分数complex fraction 一又三分之二假分数improper fraction 三分之七 小数decimal number 小数点decimal number point 有理数rational number 无理数irrational number

加法交换commutative 加法结合associative 乘法分配律distributive 特殊运算 乘方power 阶乘factorial 百分比percent 比率ratio 1 to 2 1:2 1/2 比例等式proportion 等式equation 1:3=2:6 近似round 算术平均数arithmetic average 加权平均数weighed average 几何平均数geometric average Geometric 跟乘法有关 等比数列geometric sequence 后项和前项之比是不变的

Arithmetic 跟加法有关 等差数列arithmetic sequence 后项与前项之差是不变的 Sequence 数列 按照一定规律组成的一组数叫做数列 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21…菲波拉契数列Fibonacci Sequence Length Yard 英码 Foot 英尺 Inch 英寸 1 yard = 3 feet 1 foot = 1 2 inches Ft = foot/feet In=inch Median 中位数


学科(及其研究对象) Mathematics aftermath n.后果,余波Physics *Doctor physician n.内科医生 surgeon n.外科医生 dentist n.牙医 pediatrician n.儿科医生 “真-伪” chemistry alchemy n.炼金术astronomy n.天文学astrology n.占星术meteor n.流星 astral a.星的= stellar biology bio-生命 biography n.传记 autobiography n.自传 biotechnology bioengineering geometry n.几何 meter-测量altimeter n.高度计 speedometer n.速度计geography n.地理 geology n.地质学 algebra n.代数 calculus n.微积分;结石 calculate v.计算calculator n.计算器calc- 计算/石头 calcify v.石化=petrify=ossify calcium n.钙Ca petr-石头 petrol n.汽油petroleum n.石油 fossil n.化石 学科研究对象botany n.植物学plants=vegetation flora n.植物的总称fauna n.动物的全体zoology n.动物学animals sociology n.社会学behavior n.行为pathology n.病理学disease n.疾病psychology n.心理学mind n.心智psycho 神经病! Meteorology n.气象学weather


2017SSAT 题型内容 SSAT(Secondary School Admission Test)考试是美国、加拿大等国私立中学的非常重要的入学考试,即为美国中学入学考试。下面是小编分 享的SSAT 题型内容,欢迎大家阅读! SSAT 题型内容SSAT 分为写作和选择题两种题型。选择题 均为5 选1,答题方式为填写答题卡(考试时一定要记得带铅笔和橡 皮)。 写作写作为第一部分,考试时间为25 分钟。这部分要求考生通 过例子来支持或反驳一个观点。所举的例子可以来自个人经历、历史、 文学等等。这部分内容不计入总分,但会随其他部分的成绩寄送到所申 请的学校。校方会根据需要,对之进行评估,并作为录取的参考依据之一。 选择题接下来的四个部分均为选择题,包括数学两个部分(各30 分钟,各25 题)、语文(30 分钟,60 题)、阅读(40 分钟,40 题)。 1、数学。无论是SSAT 的低级还是高级,其数学部分的考查内 容均不超出国内初中教学的知识点范围,其难点在于:由于采用全英文 命题,在理解应用题的题意时,一定要熟悉最常见的表达方式。题目中 不会有复杂的精确计算,但是考查估算能力,所以计算器是不允许带入 考场的。数学两个部分的难度和范围完全一样,SSAT 会在数学两个部 分之间插入一个非数学的部分,以便让考生科学用脑。 2、语文。语文部分是对词汇的直接考查,对于英语非母语的中 学生难度很大。这部分共60 道题,具体又分为:30 道同义题、30 个类 比题。 同义题,题干为一个单词,要求考生从5 个选项中选出一个和题 干中单词意义相同的选项。这部分考查的词汇量,在高级SSAT 中达到


SSAT考试阅读真题 AlthoughwitnessesvouchedthatallthemembersoftheCzar?sfamilyhadbeenexecuted,therewereru morssuggestingthatAnastasiahadsurvived.Overtheyears,anumberofwomenclaimedtobeGrandDu adtriedtodrownherself. Duringthenextfewyears,scoresoftheCzar?srelatives,ex-servants,andacquaintancesinterviewedher .ManyofthesepeoplesaidthatherlooksandmannerismswereevocativeoftheAnastasiathattheyhadk nown.HergrandmotherandotherrelativesdeniedthatshewastherealAnastasia,however.

Triedofbeingaccusedoffraud,AnastasiaimmigratedtotheUnitedStatesin1928andtookthenameAnn aAnderson.ShestillwishedtoprovethatshewasAnastasia,though,andreturnedtoGermanyin1933to bringsuitagainsthermother?sfamily.Thereshedeclaimedtothecourt,assertingthatshewasindeedAn astasiaanddeservedherinheritance. SSAT。 A.gaveassurance B.thought C.hoped D.convincedsome


读书破万卷下笔如有神 ssat 考试词汇部分介绍 SSAT考试针对不同年级的考试分为初级考试,中级考试和高级考试,其中初级考试的考试时间和形式基本一致,而中级和高级考试基本类似,下面小编为大家介绍的是初级考试和中高级考试中的词汇部分的介绍,希望对大家有帮助。 初级词汇中高级词汇 题量30 道60 道 时长20 分钟30 分钟 是否计分是是 考察内容同义,类比同义,类比 一、 SSAT初级词汇 SSAT考试的词汇部分分为两部分,第一部分是对同义词汇的考察,第二部分是类比关系的考察。 考察能力:这部分测试的是考生的语言理解,词汇关系以及同义词。 下面主要为大家详细介绍一下同义词和类比。 (1) Synonyms 同义词 同义词指的就意义相似的词汇,这类词汇不一定是意思上完全相同,学习这类词汇主要是为了能够让学生区别词汇意义之间语义色彩,帮助考生在写作和讲话选择精确,也能够体会他人话语中的细微差别。 我们在日常中会见到很多类似的词汇,比如:large- big,beautiful- pretty。在写作中利用同义词表达相同的描述会增加读者的趣味性。 考试中同义词选取的范围在三年级的范围之内,包含科学,技术,社会研究等领域等的词汇。 (2)Analogies类比 Analogies are a comparison between two things that are usually seen as different from each other, but have some similarities. 类比词汇就是两种表面上不同,但是有某种逻辑关系的词汇。对这类词汇的考察主要是为了帮助考生利用已掌握的知识建立两种事物之间的联系。 这种联系可以培养学生解决问题的能力,决策能力,理解,记忆,交流,逻辑推理以及阅读和词汇激烈。 这类问题要求考生掌握词汇意义的细微差别和词汇之间的联系。 SSAT考试中常见的几种类比关系:


读书破万卷下笔如有神 SSAT 考试同义词汇总(A ) abacus:calculate=balance:weight 算盘 :计算 = 天平 :称量(工具及其作用)abacus:calculate=sextant:navigate 算盘 :计算 = 六分仪 :航海(工具及其作用)abandon:inhibition=conscious:numbness 放任 :禁制 = 有意识的 :麻木(反义关系)abandon:inhibition=despair:hope 放任 :禁制 = 绝望 :希望(反义关系) abandon:inhibition=tranquility:agitation 放任 :禁制 = 宁静 :兴奋(反义关系)abandon:inhibition=voluble:terse 放纵 :抑制=多话 :简洁(反义关系) abase:length=alliviate:power 降低 :长度 = 减少 :力量(动宾关系) abase:prestige=damp:ardor 降低地位 :特权,声望 = 抑制 :热情(动宾关系) abase:status=shorten:length 降低地位 :地位 = 缩短 :长度(动宾关系) abate:degree=discount:price 降低程度 :程度 = 打折扣 :价格(减少关系) abate:force=attenuate:thickness 减轻 :力量 = 使薄:厚度(动宾关系) abate:force=shrink:size 减轻 :力量 = (使)皱缩 :尺寸(动宾关系) abate:intensity=fade:loudness=taper:width 减轻 :强度 = 减弱 :声音 = 逐渐变细 :宽(动宾关系) abate:tax=alleviate:distress 降低 :税= 减轻 :压力(动宾关系) abatement:intensity=deceleration:speed 降低 :亮度 = 减速 :速度(动宾关系)abbreviation:sentence=abridgment:essay 缩短 :句子 = 删节 :文章(动宾关系)abbreviation:sentence=synopsis:narrative 缩写 :句子 = 大纲 :叙述(动宾关系)abdicate:throne=resign:office 退位,放弃(权力) :王权 = 辞职 :职位(动词及其作用对象) aberrant:standard=digress:topic 异常的 :标准 = 离题的 :主题(偏离关系)


【杭州启德教育】SSAT词汇类比 VIP课程专用:第一周标准化练习题1 编辑者:杭州启德学府 协作者:SSAT项目词汇组 使用方法:寻找出选项中与题干逻辑关系统一的一组选项 周日:做完两份练习题。 周一:查一份错误的单词,边查边记忆,记录不懂的题目 周二:查另一份错误的单词,边查边记忆,记录不懂的题目 周三:再做一遍两份、将还是错误的单词记到单词本上。 周四:告诉老师不懂的题目,老师进行分析 举例:FISH :CAT A apple : orange B cow : dog C happy : sad D house : horse E rice : rat 题目() 1. STOMACH :DIGESTION A. heart : pulsation B. eye : recognition C. muscle : exertion D. skin : irritation E. lung : respiration 2. DEHYDRATE : WATER A. melt : liquid B. wither : vitality C. anchor : stability D. emote : enthusiasm E. shrivel : winkle

3. RAVENOUS: HUNGRY A. congenial : friendly B. mean : wild C. obsessed : absorbed D. inept : clumsy E. sated : savory 4. ELEGY : LAMENT A. epic : idolize B. comely : please C. parody : ridicule D. sonnet : court E. tragedy : pity 5. ANECDOTE : NARRATIVE A. acronym : letter B. summary : excerpt C. simile : comparison D. metaphor : fantasy E. pseudonym : signature 6. TRUNATE : LENGTH A. separate : substance B. ventilate : circulation C. vaccinate : immunity D. transfer : location E. cool : temperature 7. GENERATION: INDIVIDUAL A. conference : speaker B. shift : laborer C. city : official D. tree : limb E. river : stream 8. RERERTOIRE : PERFORMANCE A. agenda : meeting B. catalog : library C. manifest : cargo D. invoice : receipt E. inventory : sale 9. BLANDISHMENT : COAX A. equivocation : dispute B. assessment : infer C. augmentation : complicate D. persuasion : coerce E. explanation : enlighten


SSAT词汇真题 同义词 1. admonition gentle warning discouragement monition 2. alleviate release cushion slacken 3. animate make a life invigorate enliven 4. annotation explanatory comment 5. aqueduct channel 6. badger harass annoy pester 7. belligerent hostile 8. clique sect faction clan 9. collateral secondary parallel security 10. concede yield 11. constrict tighten compact squeeze 12. denigrate minimize belittle derogate 13. destitution poverty indigence impoverishment 14. divulge reveal unwrap bring out 15. doleful joyless 16. elude escape 17. eminent famous 18. epilogue concluding paragraph continuation appendix 19. facet side aspect smooth surface 20. frugal thrifty submissive complaisance 21. hyperbole exaggerated word 22. implicate involve 23. impoverished poor 24. innuendo sly suggestion insinuation hint 25. jaunt short journey trip travel 26. judicious wise heady prudent 27. laudatory 28. literal actual genuine real 29. meditation thought contemplation speculation 30. motif thesis 31. natal referring to birth innate inherent 32. nebulous vague cloudy unclear 33. ominous threatening baleful sinister 34. onslaught assault assail attack 35. paltry worthless trivial trifling 36. paramount supreme uppermost primary 37. potency strength effectiveness authority 38. prevail triumph predominate reign 39. purloin steal pilfer appropriate 40. replenish refill make full renew 41. stipulate order 42. swivel turn around pivot rotate


SSAT考试的必备核心词汇 SSAT考试的必备核心词汇:SSAT考试词汇量要求对于中国初中学生来说着实不轻松,如果想顺利通过考试,就必须不断拓展自己的词汇量累积,本文为大家整理的SSAT考试的必备核心词汇。 SSAT考试时美国的中学入学考试,是中国考生进入美国中学必须参加的考试。如果你对SSAT考试词汇掌握不够,就很难通过考试。想要顺利达成考试目标,最起码要掌握8000以上的词汇量。下面是考试中经常出现或者常用到的词汇资料。作为SSAT必备核心词汇,是考前一定要牢记的。下面我们一起看一下。 SSAT考试词汇量要求对于中国初中学生来说着实不轻松,如果想顺利通过考试,就必须不断拓展自己的词汇量累积。SSAT必备核心词汇总结如下:1adverse adj. 不利的,有害的 2adversity n. 逆境,灾难 3adversary n 对手,敌手 4agreeable adj. 令人愉悦的,适宜的 5disagreeable adj. 不愉快,乖戾的 6alloy n. 合金v 铸成合金 7anachronistic adj. 与时间逻辑不符的

8anachronism n. 被置错时代的人或物9antagonize v. 对抗,对立 10antagonist n. 敌对,对手 11antagonistic adj. 敌对的 12antagonism n. 敌对,对立 13anthology n. 选集 14antic adj. 古怪的,笨拙的 15array n.展示,排列 16arrogant adj. 傲慢的 17arrogance n. 傲慢 18artisan n. 工匠 19artistry n. 工艺 20artful adj.狡猾的, 有技巧的, 巧妙的21atrocity n. 残暴,暴行 22attorney n. 律师,代理人


1.Scribble is to write an (A)inform is to supply (B)mutter is to listen (C)nuzzle is to feel (D)ramble is to play (E)Stagger is to walk 2.Grain is to silo as (A)pilot is to plane (B)judge is to courtroom (C)water is to reservoir (D)clock is to time (E)automobile is to highway 3.Enormous is to huge as muddy is to (A)unclear (B)clean (C)rocky (D)roguish 4.Good is to evil as (A)suave is to blunt (B)north is to climate (C)angel is to devil (D)sorrow is to happiness 5.Snake is to reptile is (A)patch is to thread (B)hand is to clock (C)hand is to finger (D)struggle is to fight 6.Steak is to broil as (A)food is to sell (B)wine is to pour (C)bread is to bake (D)sugar is to spill 7.Ice is to glacier as (A)train is to trestle (B)sand is to dune (C)path is to forest (D)feather is to bird (E)ocean is to ship 8.Young is to lamb as (A)ram is to ewe (B)old is to mutton (C)lamb is to chop (D)wool is to shear 9.Inveigle is to flattery as (A)cozen is to encouragement. (B)browbeat is to intimidation. (C)reassure is to censure. (D)cajole is to criticism. (E)whine is to mourn. 10.Mule is to stubborn as (A)pig is to idleness. (B)horse is to iconoclastic (C)fox is to maladroit. (D)elephant is to oblivious. (E)turkey is to gullible 11.Fraud is to cheater as (A)infatuation is to love. (B)obsession is to interest. (C)impostor is to impersonator. (D)ignominy is to disloyalty. (E)castigation is to praise. 12.Bacon is to pound as (A)gun is to lead. (B)dime is to silver. (C)ceiling is to chandelier. (D)eggs are to dozen. (E)puppet show is to puppet maker. 13.Impeach is to dismiss as (A)arraign is to convict. (B)accuse is to charge. (C)imprison is to jail. (D)plant is to sow. (E)absent is to present.


SSAT考试内容详解 因为在中国大陆地区只设有中级和高级考试,所有这里主要介绍这两种级别的考试科目。下面我们就一起从SSAT考试内容详解中来看看详细介绍吧。 SSAT的中/高级考试主要有由五部分组成,包括词汇,数学,阅读理解,写作以及实验性问题。其中词汇,数学和阅读都是计分项,而写作部分不计入总分,但文章会递交给学生所申请的学校作为参考,根据考试的不同等级,所要求的范文写作形式也不同。此外不计分的还有16个试验性问题,也是考察学生能力的重要参考依据。 1. 写作 写作为第一部分,考试时间为25分钟。这部分要求考生通过例子来支持或反驳一个观点。所举的例子可以来自个人经历、历史、文学等等。从2012-2013年度开始,中/高级考试的范文写作部分有了比较大的变化。在中级考试中,学生需要从给到的2个短语提示中选择一个答题。在高级考试中,学生也会被给到两个提示(一个短语,一个作文题),选择其一答题。学生答题时间不变,仍为25分钟。 2. 数学 时间形式:数学有两个部分,包括数学I,数学II,分别30分钟,每部分25道题目。 考察范围:无论是中高级考试,数学部分的考查内容均不超出国内初中教学的知识点范围, 考点:数学题考察学生解决实际问题的能力,涉及计算、基础代数、几何和数学的基本概念。 难点:对于中国考生来说,由于采用全英文命题,在理解应用题的题意时,一定要熟悉最常见的表达方式。 注意事项:不允许使用计算器,因为数学考试中没有复杂的运算,所以也是没必要使用计算器的。 3. 词汇 时间形式:30分钟,共60道题,包括30道同义题和30个类比题。 考点:词汇题考察学生的词汇、推理和逻辑思维能力。

ssat middle level 数学 1

In the practice questions, fractions may be written in a “number –slash –number”format. For example, the fraction “two-thirds”may be written as 2/3. 1. Which of the following is the number: Seven-hundred nine and thirty-four thousandths ? (A) 709.34 (B) 709.034 (C) 709.0034 (D) 7,009.34 (E) 7,009.034 2. If 76 + D8 = 134, then the missing digit D is equal to what number? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6 3. If 12 / x = 3 / 7, then x = (A) 20 (B) 21 (C) 28 (D) 29 (E) 35 4. Jack ran for 1/2 hour. Hank ran for 1/3 hour more than Jack. How many hours did Hank run? (A) 3/4 (B) 4/5 (C) 5/6 (D) 6/7 (E) 7/8 5. Amy has n more books than Bob, and Bob has 2 less books than Cathy. If Cathy has 5 books, how many books does Amy have? (A) n –3 (B) n + 3 (C) n –7 (D) n + 7 (E) n –10 6. Craig is at school. If he walks 7 miles north, then 4 miles east, then 7 miles south, how far away will he be from school? (A) 19 miles (B) 15 miles (C) 11 miles (D) 7 miles (E) 4 miles 7. N is an even number between 10 and 30. N is also a multiple of 7 between 20 and 40. Which is N ? (A) 14 (B) 21


SSAT考试阅读真题 Although witnesses vouched that all the members of the Czar?s family had been executed, there were rumors suggesting that Anastasia had survived. Over the years, a number of women claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia. Perhaps the best ?nown claimant was Anastasia Tschaikovsky, who was also known as Anna Anderson. In 1920, eighteen months after the Czar?s execution, this terrified young woman was rescued from drowning in a Berlin river. She spent two years in a hospital, where she attempted to reclaim her health and shattered mind. The doctors and nurses thought that she resembled Anastasia and questioned heer about her background. She disclaimed any connection with the Czar?s family. Eight years later, though, she claimed that she was Anastasia. She said that she had been rescued by two Russian soldiers after the Czar and the rest of her family had been killed. Two brothers named Tschaikovsky had carried her into Romania. She had married one of the brothers, who had taken her to Berlin and left her there, penniless and without a vocation. Unable to invoke the aid of her mother?s family in Germany, she had tried to drown herself. During the next few years, scores of the Czar?s relatives, ex-servants, and acquaintances interviewed her. Many of these people said that her looks and mannerisms were evocative of the Anastasia that they had known. Her grandmother and other relatives denied that she was the real Anastasia, however.


SSAT真题同义词题 1. FEASIBLE A. combustible B. classical C. accidental D. possible E. visible 2. TEMPO A. tone B. pace C. clarity D. design E. texture 3. IMPLY A. accuse B. gossip C. flatter D. apologize E. hint 4. ANALYSIS A. diagnosis B. perception C. expansion D. confusion E. suffering 5. PROVOKE A. steal B. stop C. catch D. annoy E. reduce 6. CONFER A. sharpen B. object C. consult D. exchange E. forecast 类比题 1. descent is to nadir as (A) ascent is to pinnacle (B) apogee is to perigee (C) elevate is to abyss (D) fall is to fallen (E) downside is to medium 2. Articulate is to orator as (A) frugal is to spendthrift (B) strong is to lawyer (C) agile is to acrobat (D) ardent is to judge (E) mischievous is to money 3. Bland is to taste as (A) boring is to experience (B) tender is to mind (C) exciting is to movie (D) outrageous is to logic (E) unreasonable is to choice 4. Bottleneck is to traffic as (A) obstacle is to river (B) landslide is to pebble (C) straw is to rug (D) impasse is to negotiation (E) cease is to war
